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"This is the story of a man forced from his old comfortable life and finds comfort in becoming a nudist with his adult children. The story skirts the edge of taboo, but stops short of crossing boundaries between family. I hope you enjoy the imagination of this four chapter novelette. It will be published one chapter a week."
Have you ever gotten to that point in life where you just had to ask yourself, how the hell did I get from there to here? Divorce, twenty-two years of my life, and that day as I signed my final divorce papers, I just couldn’t understand how I ended up at that point. I was Jeff Dixon, a forty-two-year-old divorced electrical engineer with little to show for it.

Oh, I know how the divorce happened. Mr. Five-forty-five, as my wife, now ex-wife so affectionately referred to me, came home one day at three-twenty-six and caught her being ass fucked by our twenty-eight-year-old yardman. I was unlucky enough to walk in just the guy pulled his massive cock out of Amy’s ass, giving me the porn view of her gaping hole, and watched him spin her around as spew his seed all over her face. The look on her face was priceless as she caught view of me just as the first spurt flew across her cheek.

After the last couple of years, I can look back at that moment and chuckle. Amy wouldn’t so much as allow me to run a pinky over her taint. Yet there she had been, letting some young guy fuck her in the ass like there was no tomorrow.

I met Amy during our Junior year of college. I was on my way to becoming an electrical engineer and had dreams of one day working for NASA. I had not been a bad student, but the fact of the matter was, I just never stood out. I sent resumes to NASA, and any company the worked with NASA. I didn’t get one interview.

Amy got pregnant a couple of months before we graduated. I would have a family to support, so I lowered my expectations and sent more resume’s to any engineering firm I could find. I ended up working for a company that designs electrical systems for logistic centers. In a nutshell, I help get your package from a warehouse shelf onto the back of a truck somewhere. It wasn’t NASA, but it does pay well.

Yeah, I know, it sounds depressing, but it’s necessary work, and it pays well. Well, it was good pay until I divorced my no-good cheating wife. My lawyer sucked, and even though my wife cheated on me in the bed we shared, the judge awarded her forty percent of my paycheck for ten years or until she remarried. I’m rooting for some unlucky bastard to marry her quick.

The most significant benefit at that time was with Amy gone and my kids away at college; I finally got to be the nudist I had always wanted to be. Except for weekends when my kids were home, I was naked the minute I walked in the door until I left for work the next day.

I had planned to start dating after the divorce was final, but the timing of our divorce couldn’t have been worse; January 14th, 2020. I’ve got one word for you, COVID. Two weeks after my divorce was finalized, the world blew up with the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1918. So now, not only was I alone, there weren’t any prospects either. Everything was shut down except the grocery stores. And even if there were women there, they all had a mask covering most of their faces and looked at me like I was the Grim Reaper if I dared come closer than six feet.

For all my ex-wife’s faults, including being a no-good cheating slut. She at least had sex with me once or twice a week until I caught her in June of 2019.

The only thing that kept me sane were my two adult children. Cory, my twenty-one-year-old son, and Christy, my twenty-year-old daughter. They were both college sophomores when the pandemic struck. The college shut down and sent them home in March of 2020, but it was only going to be for a couple of weeks, they said. Hah! A year later, they were still living and attending classes at home.

Now, as I said, they kept me sane, and we really did get along. At the very least, I had someone outside of work I could talk to. However, I still wigged out on them about six months into our imprisonment. They were in my space arguing over something trivial when I just exploded at them. I yelled something about them always being in my space and not being able to walk around naked like I wanted to. They both just stared at me, then at each other for a moment. Then Christy surprised the hell out of me; she quickly stripped naked, she gave Cory a look, he shrugged his shoulders and promptly stripped as well.

I sat in my chair flabbergasted and just stared at my two naked children. Christy looked at me a moment, then let out an impatient sigh before she finally spoke. “Well, strip daddy, you want to be a nudist, don’t let us stop you. I love being naked, and so does Cory.”

Nothing seemed to be registering in my brain except the vision of my beautiful children standing naked before me. Cory is very fit; he stands six feet one inch of lean muscle, a six-pack, and made me a very proud father. Christy is also very fit; she stands five feet eight inches of lean muscle, she also has a six-pack and a beautiful pair of C-cup breasts like her mothers. And, both of them were utterly devoid of body hair.

My tongue still couldn’t seem to find the words. Being generally an impatient person, Christy finally walked over to me, grabbed the bottom of my tee-shirt, and started pulling it up.

“Lift,” she commanded.

I lifted my arms up, and she pulled my shirt off. Then she dropped to her knees and hooked her thumbs in my shorts, and started to pull them down.

“Wait,” I started to protest as I finally found my voice.

“Shut up, and lift daddy,” she commanded again.

I lifted my butt up, and she removed my shorts and underwear in one swift motion. To my embarrassment my cock was hard and slapped against my stomach as it was released from the confines of my shorts.

Christy giggled at my predicament as she stood up. “Nice daddy, but I took care of your naked issue; you’ll have to take care of your hard cock by yourself.”

I finally came to my senses and spoke up. “I’m sorry, guys, I didn’t mean to blow up at you. I’ve just been under a lot of stress, and being cooped up at home for the past six months isn’t helping. I love you guys and would not want you to be uncomfortable in your own home. You don’t need to be naked if you don’t want to be. I just… I… I don’t know what I was saying. Just forgive me, and forget I said anything.”

“Daddy, Cory, and I have been going to the nude beach since we were fifteen. We’ve both been despondent since the beach closed down. We both love being naked, so if you really want to be a naturist, it solves our problem as well. Just…” Christy giggles, “Don’t make the same mistake Cory made last month.”

“You’re never going to let me live that down,” Cory spoke up.

“No, bro, it was epic; what was there, like fifty people on that’s zoom call?” Christy said. Christy looked over at me and explained, “Cory stood up to get something in the middle of our biology class last month; he forgot he wasn’t wearing anything except his shirt.”

“Wait!” I exclaimed, “you two have been going naked around each other since you were fifteen. Do you have…”

Christy cut me off, “Oooh, no, daddy, we don’t have sex. That would be gross.”

“We’re just naturists, Dad,” Cory injected. “And we kind of taught each other to kiss when we were younger,” said Cory. “But, yeah, I’m with Christy; sex would be gross.”

“And anyway, Cory has Jade now, and I have Ron and Jessie to play with, so sex isn’t an issue for us.”

“Wait!” I exclaimed, “you and your best friend Jessie have sex?”

Christy giggled, “Yes, daddy, your little girl is bi.”

“Oh… well, that’s fine, I guess… I mean, it doesn’t bother me. I just didn’t know, is all,” I retorted.

“Oh no, daddy, I just thought of something. You haven’t had anyone over since mom left. No wonder you got a hard-on seeing me naked. You know Jessie would have sex with you if you want.”

“What, no, why would she want to have sex with an old man. And, I’ve known Jessie since she was two years old. She’s like another daughter to me. Anyway, wouldn’t that be weird having sex with the same person as your dad?”

“Daddy, you’re not old, and anyway, Jessie is kind of a slut, and anyway, she likes older men. AAAND, don’t tell her I told you, but she’s kind of had a crush on you for years. Jessie was so excited when you and mom divorced. She even asked me if I thought she had a chance with you. She teases me all the time about how she’s going to come in here one night and jump you.” Christy giggled.

“You should go for it, dad,” Cory said. “Jessie really loves sex, and maybe if you have sex with her, she’ll stop teasing me every time she’s over.”

“I have a class in a few minutes,” Christy said as she turned and left the room. “Let me know, daddy; I know Jessie will jump at the chance,” she yelled over her shoulder.

The next few days took me a bit of getting used to. Cory and Christy pranced around the house naked except during their online classes. While I had always enjoyed sex, I had been fine without it after my wife left. I had needed to masturbate on occasion over my past year of celibacy; it really wasn’t that often.

While I tried not to think about my daughter that way, she is a beautiful young woman, and she was causing the lack of sex in my life to, let’s say, have a biological effect on me. I would occasionally have to make a quick exit to take care of my needs before returning.

Then on Friday evening, Christy was sitting next to me watching TV; she snuggled up and put her head on my shoulder like she has done hundreds of times. It wasn’t lost on me that this was the first time she had done it when both of us were naked, and my body reacted instantly. I went from entirely soft to completely hard in two or three seconds.

I began to get up, but the movement at my crotch had already caught Christy’s eye. She placed a hand on my chest to stop me and looked up at me.

“Daddy, it’s okay, you don’t have to leave. It used to happen to both Cory and me when we first started getting naked in front of each other. If you just ignore it will go down in a few minutes.”

“But, baby, I shouldn’t be getting hard when you’re around,” I replied.

“Daddy, if were to lay back on this couch right now, spread my legs, and ask you to have sex with me, would you?”

“What! Good heavens no!” I exclaimed.

Christy laid back on the couch, spread her legs, and started running her fingers over her sex. “Come on, daddy, don’t you love me? No one will know; let me take care of you.”

“Baby, no, I can’t do that. I love you more than life. I can’t do that to you; it could destroy our relationship.”

Christy sat back up. “Look at your cock, dad.”

I looked down, and my cock was flaccid again.

“See, your arousal comes from your senses at the base of your brain. It tells our body there is a fertile young woman next to you, prepare to make babies. But your higher brain says, wait, this is my beautiful daughter; I need to protect her, not breed her,” she admonished me.

“How’d you get to be so smart?” I asked.

“Well, if you had asked me yesterday, I would have said, from my dad, but now you’ve got me wondering,” she retorted with a giggle.

I pulled her into a hug, she went back to her cuddle position, and we finished watching our movie.

On Saturday morning, I came down to make breakfast, and Christy was already there standing at the stove in nothing but an apron. She turned and looked at me; I was wearing a pair of shorts; with raised eyebrows, she pointed the spatula at my shorts and motioned them down.

“What,” I protested, “You and Cory typically have your friends here Saturday morning, and I don’t want to gross anyone out.”

“You’re not going to gross anyone out, and you don’t have to worry about our friends. Now off with those or no breakfast,” she responded.

I let out a sigh and just pulled my shorts down and tossed them in the laundry room. “Happy!” Christy just smiled and returned to her cooking. I had just sat down at the counter with my cup of coffee. I started to read some sports news on my tablet when the familiar voice of Jessie piped up behind me.

“Good Morning Chris, Goooood morning, Jeff.”

I spit the coffee in my mouth across the counter. Looked over my shoulder to see Jessie standing there in all her glory. “Jesus, Christy, I thought you said your friends weren’t here.”

“I never said that; I told you you didn’t have to worry about our friends. As you can see, Jessie is a nudist too. So… no worries.”

I look back over my shoulder, and Jessie throws her arms in the air and saunters over to me.

“See anything you like, Jeff? I bet I can find something I like on you,” Jessie says in a very sultry voice.

Jessie embraced me and planted a sensual kiss on my lips while her hands roamed down my chest. I was awestruck at the feeling of her soft hands as she caressed my chest and abdomen. I hadn’t been touched by a woman in over a year. I loved Jessie like she was one of my own children, but she was quickly breaking down my resolve.

Jessie’s hand reached my now-steal-hard cock and ran her fingers lightly over its length. She broke the kiss and whispered, “Ooh, I know I’m gonna like this.” As she now began to stroke my cock.

My trance was momentarily broken by Christy. “Alright, you two take it to the bedroom. I do not want to see my dad fucked in the kitchen.”

“Would you rather come watch us fuck in the bedroom?” came Jessie’s snide retort.

“That’s not what I meant, Jessie, and you know it. Now take it upstairs,” Christy replied.

The trance had been broken, and while the girls played their little game, I was coming to my senses. “Jessie, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I really can’t take advantage of you like this.”

“Take advantage of me,” Jessie responded with mock rage, “I’ve only been dreaming of this moment for years.”

“Daddy, you have been walking around the house for months looking like a man on the edge. You snap at Cory and me for the tiniest little things. Now, take her upstairs and fuck her senseless, or I’m going to do her on the counter right in front of you!”

I was so stunned by the force of Christy’s statement that I didn’t even realize Jessie was pulling me out of the kitchen until my eye contact with Christy was broken. Jessie continued to pull me up the stairs and down the hall to my bedroom. We had just made it to the bathroom door as Cory came out and looked at us.

“Way to go, dad!” exclaimed Cory.

I forced myself to stop. I wanted to explain myself to Cory, but Jessie was having none of it. I opened my mouth to speak, and it was suddenly filled with Jessie’s tongue. After a moment of making out in front of Cory, Jessie stopped and looked at him. “You shut up,” she then looked at me, “You come with me.” She pulled me into my bedroom without further ado.

Jessie was not gentle; as soon as the door closed, she spun us around and shoved me onto the bed. She was built like Christy. A very tight, athletic body, but maybe an inch taller and smaller boobs than Christy. Still close enough that they often shared clothing. But she was fit and strong, and no one was going to manhandle her if she didn’t want them to.

I was still reluctant to let this happen. I had watched this young woman grow up next to my daughter. She probably had spent as much time at our house growing up as she did her own. Even teasingly calling me daddy whenever she and Christy wanted something. The only problem was, I didn’t seem to have the willpower to stop it.

The question was answered for me before I had time to think. Jessie hopped from the floor to the bed and planted a passionate, wet, tongue-filled kiss on me. Her hand slid between our bodies and slid my now throbbing cock into her very wet, very hot, and very tight pussy. We both cried out at the same time, “Oh my GODDDD!” as my cock bottomed out.

Jessie had a look of pure ecstasy on her beautiful young face. It was a look any man dreamed of seeing on their lover’s face. With that one look, all my reluctance faded. I realized this woman wanted me, and I was damn sure going to give her my best.

As she pleasured herself on my cock, her breasts bounced and jiggled. Her tits weren’t as large as Christy’s or my ex-wife’s, but they were perky and topped with large nipples that stuck out an inch. I reached up and grabbed both nipples and rolled them between my thumb and forefinger. Jessie moaned loudly, then looked down at me with a huge smile. I was putty in her hand now, and she knew it.

We had only been at it for maybe a couple of minutes, and I was already close. “Jessie, honey, I’m sorry, but I’m really close.”

“It’s okay, lover, try and hold on another minute; I’m almost there too,” she responded.

It was everything I could do to hold on, and it didn’t help when she even started pumping faster. I lasted about thirty more seconds before I felt her tight pussy get even tighter as she began to orgasm. I immediately followed and tried to pull out, but she sensed it and cried out, “NOO!” and sank me in as far as it could go. I let loose with a torrent of my seed directly into her womb. I spasmed five or six jets into her. I can’t remember the last time I came that much or that hard. I may have been reluctant, but my body had no reluctance at all to breed this beautiful young woman.

Jessie laid panting on my chest as my cock quickly deflated and slipped from her warm embrace. Her breathing and mine slowly returned to normal after a couple of minutes of basking in the glow.

Jessie finally spoke, “Oh… My… God, Jeff… that was so much better than I dreamed it would be.”

“Jessie, I’m sorry, I…,” I started to say before Jessie cut me off.

“SORRY!” Jessie exclaimed, “Jeff, honey, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for. I know it was short… for both of us, but It was so intense, I came just as fast as you did. And I never cum that fast.” Jessie pressed her lips to mine to push her point. She broke the kiss, pressed her forehead against mine as she looked deep into my eyes. “Never, ever, be sorry when you’ve given a woman an orgasm.”

Jessie kissed the tip of my nose and then rolled off of me to the floor. She held out her hand, “Come on, lover, let’s go get a shower.”

I grabbed her hand, and she pulled me to my feet. We walked into the master bath when she told me to wait a minute and went out into the hall. I heard her go into Christy’s room. I figured she needed her stuff. But then I heard Jessie and Christy talking, and then Christy yelled, “I AM NOT EATING MY DAD’s CUM OUT OF YOUR PUSSY, YOU SLUT! Now Go Shower.”

Jessie reentered the hall and yelled back, “Spoilsport!”

Jessie came back to where I was standing and pushed me into the bathroom.

“Did you really just ask Christy to eat my cum out of you?” I asked.

“Oh, you heard that. Yeah, I figured since she liked eating Ron’s cream pie out of me, she might like yours too,” she said with a wicked smile on her face.

“That dear girl is more information than I wanted to know about my daughter.”

Jessie just giggled, threw her arms around me, and kissed me hard on the lips. “Come on, hon, let’s get our shower.”

Jessie and I tenderly washed each other. It was the first time I had ever showered or bathed with a woman. My Ex-wife had always had a quirk about the bathroom; she never let me watch her so much as wash her face. My Ex didn’t have a problem changing or being naked in front of me; it was just her bathroom habits that were off-limits.

As I watched the hot water cascade over Jessie’s lean naked body, it finally dawned on me that this wasn’t the child I had watched grow up from a toddler. Jessie was now a beautiful woman that was so far out of my league; my world could explode, but she wouldn’t hear about it for three days. I just stood there in stunned silence.

My reverie was broken by her sweet voice. “Babe, you with me? Wash my back.”

“Oh, sorry, Jess, I was lost in thought,” I replied.

Jessie just smiled as I took the soap from her. I began washing her shoulders and down her back. Her skin felt so soft and supple under my touch. She has a flawless complexion. She didn’t have so much as a pimple or even a shave bump anywhere. I washed all the way down to her ankles, probably taking a lot more time than I needed.

Jessie turned to face me as I kneeled in front of her. “You know, I don’t think I got my front good enough; help a girl out?” she asked.

I know I must have been grinning like a fool as I just shook my head yes. Jessie smiled and lifted her foot, and slid it along my throbbing cock.

“This looks really dirty; once you finish with me, I’ll have to give it my extra special cleaning services,” She said.

I began washing her feet and up her legs; again, her skin was flawless. I couldn’t detect even a hint of stubble; her skin was baby smooth. Her vagina looked perfect, thick outer lips devoid of a single hair, and her dark inner lips pushed through just a bit. She let out a slight gasp as I ran my soapy fingers over her smooth mound.

Jessie had a six-pack, a perfectly flat stomach from years of gymnastics and cheerleading, just like my daughter. Her breasts were probably B-cups, not too small and not too large. They were topped with large nipples and dark pink areolas and looked perfectly symmetrical. She moaned lightly as I ran my hands over and squeezed both of her breasts.

She had her eyes closed with a dreamy look on her face as I finished. I couldn’t help myself but lean down and gently kiss her. When I broke the kiss, Jessie still had a dreamy look and now a wide smile. She opened her eyes and looked deep into mine.

“You have wonderful hands, Jeff; I bet you give great massages. I might have to use your bathing services often.”

“Well, you were a pleasure to bathe,” I responded. “I’ve never seen such perfect skin. How do you keep it so smooth?”

“I’ve been waxing my legs since I was ten, and I get laser treatments on my VJ and underarms. Oh, and lots of lotion and coconut oil.”

“Well, whatever you’re doing, it works well,” I said with a smile.

Jessie washed my body slow and sensually. Her hands were as soft as the rest of her. I reveled in the feeling of those soft hands running over my body. I couldn’t believe she was there with me; it seemed like a dream. She finished washing my body much quicker than I had her but had left my nether regions for last.

“You know, this thing still looks pretty dirty,” she said as she stroked my cock. “I think I’ll need to use a special oral technique to get it clean.”

Jessie fondled my cock and balls, making sure to rinse all the soap off. Then she looked straight into my soul with her big brown eyes and engulfed half of my length in her warm mouth. My Ex was never fond of blow jobs; she would usually need a few drinks in her to even consider it. On the other hand, I always needed to ‘warm her up’ orally if I wanted sex. Now here I was with someone that seemed to really be enjoying giving me head.

Jessie would lick up and down my shaft, twirl her tongue around the head a few times before engulfing it back in her mouth. She would bob my cock in and out a few times, hitting the back of her throat without gagging. All the while, she was massaging my balls and rubbing a finger across my taint. It was officially the best blow job I had received in my forty-two years.

I didn’t think it could get any better, but then she took it to another dimension. All at the same time, she pushed my cock into her throat. Then sank her finger into my taint and started massaging my prostate. It lasted about thirty seconds before I began to unload down her throat. After four or five squirts down her throat, she pulled the head out of her throat, and I sent another five more jets into her mouth. She pulled off of my cock, looked in my eyes, and opened her mouth. She had so much that some spilled onto her chin.

It was the sexiest thing I had ever witnessed. Not thinking about it, I pulled Jessie to her feet and kissed her with as much passion as I could muster. The taste of my cum soon invaded my mouth as she hadn’t swallowed yet. I couldn’t care less as our tongues wrestled for dominance in each of our mouths.

My cock was still hard as we pressed against each other in our passionate embrace. Jessie jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. She reached between us and guided me into her. I had thought her pussy had felt hot during our earlier tryst, but now, she felt like an oven.

All reason was now out the window as I pushed Jessie against the shower wall and fucked her with animalistic abandon. With the kiss and the fucking, our lips had still not parted. Our mouths were swimming in our shared spit and my cum. I continued to pound her pussy until she screamed into my mouth. Her pussy pulsed and spasmed and massaged my cock to another orgasm. I emptied another load against her cervix.

I tried to pull away, but she held my lips to hers for another few minutes. My cock slipped out of her, and we heard a large plop of what I supposed was my cum. Jessie finally broke our kiss and giggled.

“Babe, You were really locked and loaded. I’ve never seen anyone cum that much or that many times.”

“Well, that was the best sex I’ve ever had, so it was all you, Jess.”

Jessie and I washed again and dried each other. My cock was numb, my balls ached slightly, but I had never been more satisfied in my life. I felt like going back to bed for a week, but Jessie pulled me out of the bedroom. We went down to the kitchen, where we were greeted with hoots and hollers. To my utter embarrassment, Jade and Ron were also there and were also devoid of clothing.

Jade cried out, “Way to go, Mr. Dixon.”

“Yeah, Mr. Dixon, way to get it done,” Ron commented.

“You two could have been quieter. I’ll be scared for life now with the sounds and mental image of my father and my best friend rutting like wild animals upstairs,” Christy commented.

“He was an animal,” Jessie replied.

Everyone was laughing and giggling at our predicament.

Then, have you ever had words appear in your mind, and even though you knew it was the wrong thing to say, you say it anyway. “Well, Jessie just brought out the animal in me; I just appreciate her taking pity on this old guy.”

You could have heard a pin drop at that moment. Jessie spun on her heels and laid a slap across my face that could have been heard in the next town.

“You Bastard!” Jessie screamed, “That was not a pity fuck! I thought you understood.”

Jessie ran out of the room and up the stairs crying as I stood there in shock. I knew in my heart that the passion Jessie had shown in our lovemaking was not pity. However, I just couldn’t get past my own self-doubts as to why this beautiful young woman would want me.

“Daddy, that was mean,” Christy extolled, “I told you Jessie has a crush on you; she cares about you for real.”

“Yeah, Dad, you need to go up there and apologize,” Cory added.

I lowered my head, shaking it to the affirmative, turned, and walked to the stairs. Before I got out of the kitchen, Christy commented, “And I suggest you make that apology on your knees.”

When I got up the stairs, I noted that all the doors were open except the Master Bedroom, my room. I would have to face her where we began.

I could hear her sniffling on the other side of the door, so I gently tapped. “Go away,” she screamed.

I looked to my left, and Christy was standing at the top of the stairs. She pointed at my door and mouthed, “Get in there.”

I shook my head and turned the knob. The door opened. Jessie was lying face down on the bed, crying into my pillow. I closed the door behind me and walked to the bed, and knelt down next to her.

“Jessie, I am so sorry; I honestly didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I really loved what we shared. Can you please forgive me?” Jessie stopped crying but still didn’t say anything. So I added, “I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”

She finally turned her head to look at me. “You mean it, anything?”

“Yes, anything,” I responded.

“I want you to give me a chance?” she asked.

“A chance at what, sweetie?”

“A chance to make you happy. A chance to have a relationship,” she responded.

I was utterly stunned at that moment. Jessie was less than half my age. She was beautiful, intelligent, and had such a passion for life.

“Jess, I… You… I mean… w…why would you. I mean, you are young and so beautiful. You could… could have any man you wanted. Why would you want me?” I asked.

“I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. When I look back, every good memory I have, you’re there. I know Christy and I were always together, but you came to every recital, gymnastics tournament, and cheerleading event. My parents were hardly ever there, but you were always there. You always cheered for me just as hard as you did for Christy. Amy didn’t deserve you, Jeff; you were always too good for her.”

“Jess, I couldn’t love you any more even if you were one of my own children. I wasn’t doing anything special; I was just trying to be a good dad. And well, I did notice your parents weren’t around much, so I never wanted you to feel left out.”

“You see, that’s what I mean. You didn’t have to be a good dad, and you certainly didn’t have to do anything for me, but you did. Not because you had to, but because that was your vision of being a good dad and a good man… Please, Jeff, I will make you the happiest man in the world if you let me!”

“Jess… Well, I guess I did say I would do anything, didn’t I,” I answered.

“Yes, you did,” she replied with a little grin, “and you have never gone back on a promise to Christy or me.”

At that moment, we heard some urgent whispering at the door, followed by a scream and four naked bodies falling through the door. Christy was at the bottom of the pile; she just smiled up at us and said, “Breakfast is ready.”

“We’re good,” Jessie responded. “We’ll be down in a few.”

Cory, Ron, Jade, and Christy all scrambled up and out the door. Christy gave me a smile and a wink as she closed the door. Jessie grabbed my hand and pulled for me to join her on the bed. I got on the bed and melted into my young lover’s embrace.

We lay there for a few minutes, just cuddling close until she spoke. “Jeff, you know Christy and I do things together, right?”

“If you mean sexually, yes, I know.”

“Does it bother you… what I mean is would it bother you if we still did? Even if you and I are together too.” She didn’t give me a chance to respond before she continued. “I mean, I know it might seem strange for me to want to still have sex with both of you, but I really love you both. If you want me to choose, I’ll choose to only have sex with you, but I do really love sex with Christy. We’ve just been besties for so long; we know every little spot and every little tease. I just have so much fun when I’m with her. Oh, but don’t worry, I won’t ever cheat on you. I mean, I had sex with her and Ron a few times, but It would only be with Christy from now on. I mean, if she even wants to be with me anymore. I don’t know. Do you think she would still want to be with me when I’m sleeping with her dad? I mean, she has had fantasies about you, and we’ve role-played a few times, but outside of that, she really seems to be grossed out by any type of incest. And earlier, I thought she would smack me for suggesting she suck your cum out of me.”

I finally stuck a finger over her lips to stop her. “I’m sorry, I babble when I’m nervous,” came her muffled response.

“Okay, so no, you being bi doesn’t bother me, and you being with Christy however you need to be doesn’t bother me. If you want a relationship with me, I only ask that you be absolutely and totally upfront with me. If you want or need something different, just talk to me. We will find our solutions together. Can you promise me that?”'

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she shook her head yes, then melted back into my embrace.


2022-01-07 14:14:46
Just a note: The actual incest happens in the last chapter of this story. Chapter 4, but there is taboo throughout.

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