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Ch. 2 to Evie and the Mark of Divella. Enjoy.
Ch. 2 – The Tightly Tied Tease

Syn – Liu Yang’s client is late to the meeting. A rogue mage and his fighter companion come across Evie in her plight.

Tags/Warnings: Fantasy, NC, Bondage, humiliation, Exhibitionism, Voyeur, cum

It had been an hour since Liu Yang had left his would-be assassin Evie tied humiliatingly on display in the run-down hunter’s cabin while he left to meet his client. His client was late.

‘The stone should last another or hour...’ Liu Yang thought to himself, thinking about the magical stone dildo he had left pumping inside of Evie. The thought of it made him hard. All Liu Yang wanted to do was to leave the meeting spot and head back to the cabin so that he could drive his cock into the elf’s little pussy. The crossroads that Liu Yang was at was not far from the cabin.

Unfortunately for the thief’s lustful desires, two hooded men on horseback arrived right as Liu had convinced himself to just leave.

“Evening.” One of the men on horseback greeted. Liu recognized this man as his client, Tavior Savant, a Kadysian High Council Member.

“Evening.” Liu replied, tipping his head

“A little cold for crows ain’t it?” Tavior asked

“Not for true crows.” Liu answered

“Sorry we’re late.” The other man on horseback said, “We came across more Kratian patrols than we thought we would.” he explained, referring to the illegitimate nation of Krate growing presence within the continent. Liu did not recognize this man.

Krate was the result of sentient monster races such as Goblins, Orcs, Imps, and everything in between getting wary of the growing presence and control of humans and elves in the once wild continent. The nation was mostly isolated from the rest of the other nations on the continent, that was, until recently.

“It is no problem.” Liu said. The thief was lying, since he wanted nothing more than to be back at the cabin balls deep in the hot little dark elf he had tied up there. He had hoped to be finished with this meeting half an hour ago.

“Any troubles for you?” Tavior asked.

“Nothing significant, but you should have told me that a Protectorate Assassin would be sent after me.” Liu said.

“I tried to kill the matter, but I was overruled. You did steal a little more than was asked.” Tavior explained, “Plus, I see you’re still standing, so my tip did pay off.”

“Would have made little difference if you gave me one or not.” Liu stated, confident in his own skills and how handedly he took down Evie.

“I hope she’s alive. The dark elf whore is something of a hero in Kadaysia. For now.” Tavior said.

“She’s alive.” Liu said. He wanted to add that she was quite the little whore but refrained for the sake of appearing professional and the desire to keep her to himself.

“The great heroine of Kadaysia, Evie Zinyra, taken down by some common thief?” Tavior’s companion scoffed. Liu turned his attention to him. “I know she’s nothing actually great, but you don’t look too much either.” the other high elf added.

“I assure you. I am no common thief.” Liu replied with a glint in his eyes. Much like the cabin, Liu had rigged the area around the crossroads with various spells and traps.

“Where are my manners, Liu, this is Aegis Blackburn, leader of the True Borns. Aegis, this is the infamous Master Thief, Liu Yang. Master Liu was generous enough to provide certain services to secure the future of Kadaysia.” Tavior made introductions before tensions could escalate any further.

The True Borns were a fanatical group of High Elves who believed themselves to be the true inheritors of Kadaysia, believing that the Elven Nation lost its way when it began a more egalitarian approach to all elves 500 years ago. One extreme belief they held was a disgust of dark elves, believing them to be tainted by the Dark God Suluange.

“If Tavior vouches for you, then you must be worthy.” Aegis said. The True Borns did not look too highly upon humans either. But the true born leader raised out his hand towards Liu for a handshake. Liu reached back out and shook the man’s hand.

“Okay then. Let’s get down to business.” Liu said, eager to get this meeting over with.

Meanwhile, while Liu was away at his meeting, the dark elf assassin he had left freshly facefucked and tightly tied up in the cabin with a magic stone dildo pumping inside of her was lost in a constant stream of never-ending pleasure.

“Aaaammmpphh...” Evie moaned into her the panties shoved into her mouth. They were hers, and now they were drenched not only from her own juices but also her saliva now. The once proud Protectorate Assassin had no idea how much time had passed since Liu Yang had left, and she had long lost count of the number of orgasms she had been forced to have. “Aaammmmmphh...” She whined, squirming a bit in her binds.

The magic stone dildo that was pumping inside of her was dying, Evie could feel the intensity of it slowly wane, and with that, her consciousness and judgement began to clear up.

I can’t believe that bastard left me like this! Evie thought to herself as her pleasure-riddled mind began to level out. The first thing her clearer head came to was how humiliating a position she was left tied in with magic ropes by Liu Yang. How he had used her mouth and throat like some hole to fuck. How hot thinking back about it made her... No! Focus! Evie admonished herself as her thoughts drifted.

Okay...okay... Evie began to ruminate about her predicament, Well... now that I can finally start to think straight, I can come up with some way to get out of this... Augh, this is bad... How did I ever let that bastard get the jump on me!?! She brooded twisting her wrists behind her back in futile frustration.

“Aaammmph!” Evie squealed, feeling the ropes all over her begin to tighten. She was reminded that the ropes were magic and tightened all over her body if she struggled too much. She mostly noticed the ropes running around and between her perky c-cup tits tighten as well as the rope around her neck.

Oh yeah... Magic Ropes... What a load of bullshit... Evie thought to herself. Well it can’t get much worse than this... She considered. She did not know she was being watched.

“Aaaaaaaammpphh!” Evie moaned as the magic dildo inside of her almost seemingly sprang back alive, ramming hard inside of her.

Unfortunately for the helpless assassin girl, two outlaws, Cael and Roman, had noticed the little skirmish that Evie and Liu Yang had earlier. Roman, an Adept Mage who was on the run from the nation of Kalfi, was close enough to feel the amount of magic being used. Cael, a mercenary swordsman, suggested they check it out, hoping to find an easy, exhausted mage to steal from, maybe two.

To the two outlaws surprise, they found a sexy petite little dark-elf girl tightly tied up almost on display in the center of a run-down hunter’s cabin. Evie’s pleasure clouded mind could not sense the presence of the two outlaws slowly approaching in disbelief.

The men watched in awe from afar as Evie, unsuspecting of their presence due to being cum-drunk and blindfolded, moaned hard from the stone dildo inside her pussy pumped harder and harder.

“Aaaaammpgrhh...” Evie let out a long sigh, feeling the phallic stone pumping inside of her pull out for the last time. Her pussy was throbbing from overstimulation and soreness. “aammpgrh....” She whimpered, breathing hard, her body shaking in exhaustion and pleasure. Evie could feel how wet her dress had been made from how much she was sweating from having been made to cum over and over again.

“Holy shit...” Cael commented, revealing his presence to the girl. He had to say something about the amazing sight he was seeing. He had just watched Evie moan in pleasure as her tight pale body shuddered with an orgasm a phallic stone had forced in her.

“Cael!” Roman admonished his companion for giving away their presence.

“What? Oh no... I’ve given away our presence,” Cael mocked, “Now she’s going to get away.” He added, motioning to the girl who was tightly tied up in the cabin. The two outlaws were now standing only a few paces away from the doorway that Evie was tied facing.

Evie was quite the lewd display, and she felt it too. From the drool that was dripping out of her mouth from the panties shoved in her mouth being drenched from her own saliva. How it dripped down from her chin onto her tits. She could feel the soaked the fabric of her dress around her tits were from her drool dripping out of her mouth and her sweating from being made to cum again and again. She knew the fabric was see through at this point and did little to cover her dark perky nipples. Her legs forcefully tied apart so that her bare throbbing pussy was on full display to the two outlaws, having just been thoroughly fucked by the stone dildo that her juices were still dripping out of her pussy and onto the floor of the cabin where a small pool of her cum-juices had formed.

Evie hated it, yet a primal part of her and the mark made her crave more.

“Aaaaammpgrh!” Evie groaned loudly into the panties shoved in her mouth to let out some frustration.

This is bad! These idiots are seeing everything and I’m helpless to do anything about it! Evie ruminated on her situation. As her mind cleared of pleasure, her feelings of shame and humiliation began to overwhelm her. She felt so exposed to these two strangers who were gawking and commenting about her. Despite having just been made to cum again and again from the stone, Evie felt herself get hot and wet at the idea of the men staring at her, wanting her.

“Damn.. Look at the little slut.” Cael commented, “Her little magic toy there died, and she already looks like she’s aching for something else to stuff it.”

“Yeah... A dark elf whore in her natural habitat.” Roman added.

“We have a little time don’t we?” Cael asked, “The little lady looks a little cold.” the rugged man said, staring at her perky little nipples and preparing to take a step into the Cabin.

“Graammgrh!” Evie protested.

“Wait!” Roman said, stopping his friend from walking into the cabin. “There’s a magical barrier around the cabin.” the mage explained, “Watch.” He said and threw a rock into the doorway. The rock was vaporized.

“Oh fuck!” Cael blurted.

Oh thank the Goddess... Evie thought to herself in relief, ironically thankful for a barrier that Liu Yang had casted as a secondary precaution to keep her trapped.

“Powerful mage conjured it up.” Roman continued to explain what he was able to sense.

“Good taste in women...” Cael chirped while staring at Evie.

“Grrmpgrh!” Evie cursed through the soaked panties in her mouth. Although the girl was blindfolded, she could swear she could feel his eyes slowly moving up and down her body. Evie hated that she was helpless to stop these two random cretins from looking at her, gazing at her, leering at her.

“Look Roman, she’s trying to say hello” the mercenary jested with his friend.

“I think she’s asking for us to fuck her, no?” Roman replied and chuckled at his own joke.

“I wouldn’t know, I don’t speak whore.” Cael answered

“Grampgrh!” Evie swore. Evie wanted nothing more than to break out of her binds and cut their heads off. “Gra-agr-aampgrh!” she choked as the ropes around her neck tightened, she had attempted to break out. Unfortunately her efforts only served to put on a little show for the two perverts watching her.

“God damn, can you do anything to break this damn barrier?” Cael asked his friend, his cock had gotten rock hard from he watching the petite girl writhe and squirm in her tight binds. How the ropes squeezed against her soft, pale, glistening, white skin. How the rope breast harness tightened around her tits and made her firm perky c-cup tits pop out even more.

“I’ll be damned if I don’t try.” Roman replied to his friend, his mouth gaped open at the sight.

“Aaarmmgrphh…” Evie groaned.

Augh I can’t believe this is happening to me! Evie lamented her situation. She weakly writhed in her binds, she did not want the ropes to tighten any more.

Roman spent the next few minutes walking around the cabin studying the magical barrier. He instructed Cael that he needed complete silence. Evie whined and groaned helplessly, her muffled whines and groans turning the men on even more.

“Got it.” Roman said, much to his friend’s delight but to Evie’s distress and irritation.

“Hell yeah. Guess your powerful mage wasn’t that powerful.” Cael commented. The mercenary was eager to have his fun with the helpless dark elf girl.

“Gavella Kal-du, Katum!” Roman chanted, casting the necessary spell, like a magic combo for a magic lock. The barrier slowly faded away.

“Grammpgrh!” Evie protested. She couldn’t believe it. Though she couldn’t access her own mana pool, she could sense how powerful the barrier had been. She did not sense anything remarkable from this rogue mage.

Roman wasn’t anything remarkable. Roman was a competent mage in his own right. At that moment he was a horny competent mage. Also, the barrier, though powerful, was conventional magic. Perfect for unremarkable yet competent and horny mage.

“I’ll be damned.” Cael said. He was no in hurry for the doorway though, Roman’s earlier demonstration with the little rock still fresh in his mind.

Roman saw the hesitation in his companion’s face and took the first step into the cabin. Cael followed suit. The two vagrants walked up to the bound girl. She could

“Gramppgrh…” Evie demurred but only muffled whimpers come out. Her muffled whimpers sounded so cute and sexy to the two men.

“Fuck man, she’s even hotter up close!” Cael commented, nudging his friend.

“She is very pretty… For a dark elf…” Roman replied.

“Wait a minute….”


“I recognize this helpless little bitch.” Cael stated

“Graampgrh! Grrammgprh!” Evie grumble through her panty-gag, her heart sinking.

That’s not great… Evie thought to herself

“Who is it?” Roman inquired.

“Come on man. Look at the necklace.” Cael pointed out. The necklace was a simple silver chain with a black rose pendant made of obsidian. Roman’s eyes widened as he realized who the girl was.

“By the Gods… Kadaysia’s own Black Rose, the legendary Protectorate Assassin” Roman said his realization out loud much to Evie’s chagrin. Cael and Roman had both heard of Evie while they were in service of Kalfi, a small human City-State south of Kadaysia. Kalfi had lost its fair share of men to her blades.

“Looks like the Black Rose isn’t so great after all?”

“Ha! Yeah. Wait until the bards hear about this story!”

“The Ballad of the Black Rose slut! Caught and tied up oh so helplessly by a bad man, for bad men!” Cael sang in jest

“Aaarmpph!” Evie groaned. Evie grew red and filled with frustration, anger, humiliation, and shame as the men taunted her.

“Aww, did we hurt your feelings bitch?” Cael asked as he grabbed her firm perky tits in his hands, squeezing them hard.

“Aaaammphhh!” Evie squealed a mixture of irritated cries and reluctant moans. She felt her body ignite with pleasure from her tits being fondled hard, the mark of Divella and her own natural sensitive body made it easy for her to get closer and closer to cumming from just having her tits groped. Evie hated that she was enjoying it this much.

No! Not again! I have to remain focused! Evie despaired as she felt herself fill with erotic energy and pleasure.

“Gods, look at the little slut, moaning like a whore by just having her tits touched!” Cael taunted

“Aaa-eermpgrh! Aaaa-eeemgrph!” Evie grumbled at the insult but her grumbles quickly turned to moans as the vagrant groped her harder. Evie could barely believe how close the stranger was making her to cumming by just groping her. “Aaaaammmgpgrhh!” Evie whimpered loudly as she felt the man rip the fabric of her dress around her tits.

“Look at how hard the little slut’s nipples are!” Cael pointed out, “And how wet her little pussy is!”

“She’s wetter than most whore’s I’ve seen.” Roman added to demean the proud dark elf even further.

“Aaagrmphh!” Evie swore.

Augh! I swear I’ll kill these fools! Evie promised herself. Her body however wanted the swordsman to grope her harder and for someone to stick something into her wanton wet pussy.

Cael crouched down by the girl to cut the binds.

“What the fuck…” The mercenary muttered.

“What?” Roman inquired.

“The ropes… I can’t cut them.” Cael explained, “I think they’re fucking magic ropes.”

“Magic Ropes?” Roman asked in disbelief, “You gotta be fucking kidding me!” Roman said, frustrated that it would be even longer until he could shove his cock into the famous assassin girl. “How about the rope around her mouth that’s keeping those cute little panties in her mouth.”

“Aaaaaaammmgprh!” Evie protested at what the one traveling pervert said.

Just try it you assholes! Evie thought to herself. Her fiery pride was undeterred by the fact that she was helplessly bound with her magic sealed. She had no real way to stop the men from shoving their cocks into her mouth if they could successfully remove the gag. At that moment Evie both hated her panty gag and appreciated it for the protection it provided her mouth.

“Don’t move too much girly.” Cael said as he brought the dagger up to her face to cut the thin rope around her mouth. “Wouldn’t want to cut your pretty little face.” He added. Roman chuckled.

“Aampgrh…” Evie whimpered but did as the mercenary said.

“Damn it.” Cael said, defeated as the rope didn’t cut.

“Fucking magic rope…” Roman said. Cael stood up.

The two men pondered what to do for a small moment while looking down at the helpless girl. Although Evie was tied so tightly and helpless, the way she was tied to the beam made it impossible for them to slide under or lift her to get either of their cocks inside of either her pussy or asshole. Try as they might.

Liu Yang had left the girl tied up and helpless as the ultimate tease to anyone who might be passing by. The thief had no interest in his captive escaping, nor did he have any interest in sharing.

“Eitun sepor!” Roman casted.

Nothing. It was his third spell attempt.

“What a fucking tease! Aren’t you just the greatest fucking little tease you little slut!” Cael insulted the girl in frustration. He grabs her nipples and pulls them hard.

“AAAahmmmppph!!!” Evie squealed from the burst of pain and pleasure. Her poor nipples throbbed in pain.

“I say we just tit fuck the bitch and be on our way.” Cael suggested. The mercenary swordsman wanted to . Roman didn’t reply at first, his attention elsewhere.

“We may have to.” Roman stated, his tone serious

“How do you mean?” Cael questioned.

“He’s on his way back.” Roman answered, “Whatever perverted mage left this little slut here to tease us.” He expanded.

“Fuck, how long?”

“Fifteen… Maybe twenty?” Roman said.

“Our fucking luck.” Cael grumbled, “We find the hottest little trollop, but she’s all tied like a tease.”

“Fuckin magic rope…” Roman muttered, disappointed in himself that the magic rope had him stumped.

Oh my Goddess…Just leave you imbeciles! Evie thought to herself. She was frustrated as she could only give muffled groans and grumbles while the men pondered what they were going to do before Liu Yang came back. Given her circumstances, Evie was content with how this situation was turning out. Of course, she still would like to kill the two men, given the chance.

Roman made the first move and popped his cock out of his pants.

“Aaaampgrh!” Evie whined as she felt the rogue mage’s rough hands grab the back of her head to pull himself in and press the tip of his cock against her soft cheek.

These bastards are unbelievable! How much of this indignation must I suffer Evie lamented. She squirmed and writhed hard in her binds, forgetting that there was an enchantment on the ropes for a brief second. She braced for the ropes to tighten but they didn’t. Only Roman’s cock rubbing against her face. Evie continued her struggling.

“Ha, looks like the little slut doesn’t like your cock Rom. Got a stinky cock?” Cael teased.

“Maybe, haven’t taken a bath since we crossed the Thane.” Roman replied as he rubbed the shaft of his cock across her face.

“Aaaaammmpppph!” she whined as she continued to struggle in her binds. Although her struggling appeared to be random squirming and writhing that the two men enjoyed watching, the trained assassin was meticulous in her struggling. She was making progress.

Unfortunately for Evie, progress wouldn’t be fast enough to allow her to prevent these two random men from using her like some object to cum to. Evie hated this. It was humiliating yet teasing as the cock rubbed against her face. The mark and her natural desire craved for the cock to be inside of her. A part of Evie wished the magic stone hadn’t died and left her pussy unfilled.

“Oi, you better get in on this soon. Ain’t got too long. Plus her skin is as soft as it looks.” Roman commented much to Evie’s chagrin as the mage’s cock continued to rub all over her face.

“Fuck. You’re right.” Cael conceded. The merc pull his cock out and began to fulfill what he had said earlier, setting his cock in between the dark-elf’s firm perky c-cup tits. He grabbed her tits with his hands and pressed them together, careful to not let his cock rub against the rope of her breast harness.

You’ve got to be kidding… She thought to herself in disbelief.

“Aaaaaammmmmph!” Evie groaned as the mercenary began to pump his cock in between her tits. The wanton needing side of her was grateful that the merc at least squeezed and groped her tits. She could at least get some enjoyment from the ordeal as the two men used her like an object.

It was quite the sight. A petite dark-elf assassin girl tightly tied up against a pillar, helpless to stop the rugged rogue mage from rubbing his cock all over her pretty face or the mercenary swordsman from tit-fucking her.

“Mmmm! You do have some nice tits! It’s too bad we won’t get to feel your pristine little elf pussy!” Cael taunted

“Give it a few days and I’m sure this pretty little thing is bound to show up on the market.” Roman added.

“Might have been bought already!” Cael replied and chuckled.

“Aaaampgrh!” Evie protested what they were saying while struggling, unfortunately having made little progress on her binds. She was helpless to do anything as she felt both men’s cock begin to throb and pulsate against her face and in between her tits.

“Ughh! Yeaah! Well here’s a little parting gift!” Roman groaned as he began to spray his warm thick cum all over the girl’s face.

“Aaammgrmpph…” Evie whimpered as she felt her face get thoroughly coated in the mage’s thick cum. The potent cum filled her nose and she gagged. “Aaaamgpph!” She squealed as her face is coated with another layer. It had been a while for Roman. Evie felt the blindfold around her eyes get drenched in cum.

Augh… I can’t believe this… This is so humiliating… Evie thought to herself as she filled with shame, feeling the thick cum slowly drip down her face. Evie hated it, but shame wasn’t the only feeling she was filling with, she felt herself get hot and her pussy get wetter. Why! Why is this turning me on so much! It’s this damned mark! Evie rationalized as she squirmed in her binds, frustrated and very turned on now. The perverted pleasure that Evie felt from her face getting covered in cum compounded with the pleasure she was getting from Cael’s tit-fucking and groping put her very close to cumming very hard.

Unluckily for the horny assassin, Cael came hard but too early. The mercenaries seed covered her tits in thick layers while also giving her face another layer of cum. Evie was quite the sight. Tightly tied up, her face and tits covered and dripping in cum. Her lustful body betrayed her as it began to grind against the air in needy pleasure.

“Aaaammmapgrh…” Evie whined and protested. The only thing she wanted now more than killing these men was for them to stuff their cocks inside of her.

“Look at the little slut! She really wants something in her!” Cael taunted as he pulled his cock out from between the girl’s tits.

“Sorry Black Rose, would love to help alleviate your need but you’re master or whatever is coming back.” Roman added, using his cock to smear his cum against her face to further humiliate the girl.

“Hah. The boys will never fuckin believe this.” Cael said as he tucked his cock back into his pants.

“Legendary little Black Rose is just a wanton little slut. Loves being covered in cum.” Roman taunted the girl while cock slapping the girl a few times. Evie let out whimpers mixed with moans as the cock slapped her rosy, cum covered cheeks. Roman cock slapped the girl’s face a few more times for good measure before tucking his away.

“Aaammmmphh….” Evie whimpered and moaned, her body wanting to be touched more and for someone to shove anything into her wet little pussy. The men only watched as she squirmed and writhed about in her binds, hips grinding, cum dripping down her face and tits.

Once the men were satisfied with enough mental images of the helpless dark elf girl, they left.

Up until then, although no cocks had roughly penetrated her or fucked her against her will, Evie had never felt so utterly just objectified and used than in that moment. Even then, humiliated and covered in cum, against her own rationale, all Evie wanted was someone or something to just fuck her wanton little pussy.

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