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Max stops to help a lady move a wheelbarrow and his life is forever changed.
My name is Max. I came along late in my parents' lives. They were in their forties when I was born so I was definitely a surprise baby. Their other children, my brother and sister, were already grown up. The other surprise they got was their discovery that I was not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I struggled through school even with having tutors. I guess almost all of the brains had already been passed out by the time it was my turn. That was a great disappointment to my family. Everyone else had college degrees and good jobs. By the time I graduated high school I knew I wasn't going to college. My family knew it too.

They were worried about me becoming independent and being able to support myself, but I was determined to do just that. My parents had retired by then and I didn't want to become a burden to them. I told them I was going to get a job and get my own place. Easier said than done.

I wasn't being picky about the jobs I was willing to take either. I was willing to do anything for a paycheck, but every place I went there were plenty of others wanting the same position even if it was a dish washing or a busboy position in a restaurant. All the other people wanting the jobs always had more experience than me. I didn't have any. It was quite discouraging. I thought about enlisting in the Army, but I wasn't sure if even they would want me.

I used a bicycle to get around since it was a lot cheaper than driving a car and it was the only form of transportation I could afford anyway. I was pedaling home from some more job hunting when I saw this old lady pushing a wheelbarrow up a long sloping driveway and it looked like she was having a hard time doing it. I stopped at the end of her driveway.

"May I help you move that, ma'am?"

"You most certainly may, young man." I got off my bike and pushed the barrow up the driveway while the lady walked the bike beside me.

"My name's Max."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Max. My name is Rose. It was certainly kind of you to help me. I do have a few more chores. Can you spare a couple of hours? I can pay you."

"I can't right now because I have my good clothes on, but I can come back tomorrow whenever you say."

"Nine o'clock will be fine."

I was real happy to finally get a job even if it was just for a couple of hours. I got up bright and early the next day and arrived at Rose's house right on time. She had me raking leaves, loading trash barrels and turning mulch piles for the rest of the morning.

"I like to do my own gardening," said Rose. "The so-called gardeners today mow the lawn and blow some leaves around. Then they think they're done. That's not gardening." She also hated the racket the power tools made and just used hand tools. Even her lawnmower was the old push type.

It was a warm morning and I was all hot and sweaty. Rose left to do something else. I was out of sight behind the garage so I decided to take off my t-shirt. I felt a lot better. I'd just started raking again when I heard someone gasp. I looked up and saw Rose staring at me. She looked surprised. It took me a moment to realize she was probably upset with me being half naked.

"I'm sorry!" I blurted and rushed to put my t-shirt back on. She finally smiled.

"Don't worry about it, Max. Sometimes I wish I could get away with doing that myself. I just came to tell you lunch is ready if you're hungry." Well, I'd completely forgotten about packing a lunch and suddenly I was starving.

"Is it all right?"

"Of course it's all right." Rose led me inside the house and showed me where to clean up. When I came out she introduced me to Priscilla and Mary Lou. The two ladies looked as old as Rose. We sat down and had sandwiches and lemonade for lunch.

"Tell us a little about yourself, Max," said Mary Lou.

"There isn't much to tell. I'm 18 years old. I just graduated from high school and I'm out job hunting."

"What about college?"

"I'm afraid I'm not smart enough for college. I got through high school by the skin of my teeth. What about you three?" I was told Rose was 78 years old. Priscilla was 80 and Mary Lou was 82. They were sisters and they were widows. They had done pretty well for themselves and were enjoying their retirement, but still keeping active. They decided to live together because they still enjoyed each others company. They each had children and grandchildren.

"Well, I have to get back to work," I said. "Thank you for the sandwich and the lemonade."

"Wait a minute," said Priscilla. "What about the beefcake? I want to see some beefcake."

"I wouldn't mind dessert," I said. Priscilla and Mary Lou laughed. Rose looked embarrassed.

"She means you, dear."

"I'm beefcake?"

"I told my sisters how handsome you look bare-chested." I grinned when I realized what Rose meant. I'm not a muscle man but I do like to keep myself in good physical shape.

"So what about it," Priscilla asked.


"Why not?"

"Only if you don't mind," Rose added.

"I don't mind." I stood up and took off my shirt.

"Nice!" Priscilla exclaimed. I started posing like the body builders do.

"May I touch you, Max," Mary Lou asked. I started playing some music in my head and strutted over to her. She caressed my biceps and then moved her cool dry hands to my chest. I felt two more pairs of hands on my back and butt. I was getting excited and didn't much care how old these women were compared to me. Someone's hand brushed my crotch.

"Holy shit! He's got a boner!" Priscilla cried. "Do you wanna get lucky, Max?"

"Priscilla, you shameless slut! You can't ask him that."

"Why the hell not? He's of age, isn't he?"

"Because I found him first."

"And I asked first. You lose."

"Damn you! You're always trying to steal my boyfriends."

"And succeeding mostly."

"Only because you spread your legs for every boy with a nickel to offer."

"That's a dirty lie! I never did anything for less than a half dollar and that only got a boy a hand job. Anyway, I don't recall you introducing Max as your boyfriend. Bitch!"


"Cock sleeve!"

"Calm down you two," said Mary Lou. "I'm sure you're not making a very good impression on this young man. I'm also sure if he had the slightest interest in either one of you old crones, it has since disappeared based on the way you're both behaving. Besides, I'm sure he already has a girlfriend, likely more than one."

"I don't have a girlfriend," I said. "In fact, I've never had a girlfriend or even a date for that matter."

"A virgin!" Priscilla gasped. I blushed. She was right. I was always shy around women or girls of any age and it didn't help when I was turned down by the girls I did ask out. I gave up asking after a while. By the time I turned 18 I was sure I was going to be a virgin for the rest of my life.

"In that case," said Mary Lou, "I hereby volunteer my services to rid you of your cherry, Max."

"Hold on there," Priscilla protested. "This is between me and Rose. Where do you get off butting in on our business?"

"And what makes you think Max would prefer either of you two tramps over a lady like me?"

"Lady? Ha! Go fuck yourself," Rose exclaimed.

"For once, I agree with Rose," said Priscilla. "Go fuck yourself."

"Let's let Max decide which of us he wants," Mary Lou responded. All three looked at me and I suddenly felt like I was completely naked. I knew I had to say something.

"I like all three of you," I said.

"Well, that was diplomatic," said Priscilla, "but it doesn't solve anything, honey." I guessed she was right. I wasn't being helpful.

"Can't I do all three of you?" All three of the ladies gasped. I guessed I said the wrong thing again.

"Max IS a teenager," said Rose.

"That's true," said Mary Lou.

"That means he can probably get it up more than once a day," said Priscilla.

"I can get it up ten times a day," I declared, "and cum each time besides." I wasn't just making that up. I've kept count. Still, I was embarrassed by my outburst. I was going to have to learn to keep my mouth shut. Rose grabbed me by the hand and started pulling me toward a door.

"Where are you going with him," Priscilla asked. She sounded annoyed. "He hasn't decided."

"I've decided for him."

"That's cheating!"

"So I'm a cheater. Sue me."

"I hope you like saggy tits, Max."

"I'm next," Mary Lou called.

"What? I asked first and suddenly I'm last?" Priscilla complained. "Let's play rock paper scissors for the number two spot."

"You know I can't play rock paper scissors with my arthritis. Besides, you always cheat and have since you were a little girl."

"We can draw straws."

"Forget it!" They continued bickering, but I was already out of earshot of the two sisters so I couldn't hear what they were saying.

"All three of us have saggy tits, Max," said Rose as she led me into a bedroom and closed the door.

"I don't care," I responded. "I'm glad you're the first." Rose hugged me.

"It's sweet of you to say that, darling. I am too."

"I just hope Mary Lou and Priscilla don't stay mad at you."

"The only thing they're mad about is that neither of them thought of grabbing you before I did. We've always been fiercely competitive with each other so don't worry."

"I suppose I should clean up first. I've been sweating."

"No, don't do that. You smell wonderful just as you are, very masculine." Rose sat me down on the edge of the bed and knelt in front of me. The next thing I knew she was pulling down my zipper and hauling out my prick. It got all stiff right away. "It's very pretty," she said. I never thought of my prick as being pretty but I wasn't going to tell Rose she was wrong. I was going let her take the lead because she knew what she was doing and I sure didn't. She sat there admiring my prick for a while and I got to thinking that was all we were going to do. I just about jumped out of my skin when she licked the head.

"You like that?"

"I love it." She had to have known I just pissed out of that thing but that didn't seem to bother the woman. Rose continued licking and sucking my dick and I was going crazy in no time at all. Jacking off was wonderful, but having a woman sucking on it was fabulous. I warned Rose off when I knew I was about to shoot, but she just shook her head and kept sucking. I expected her to pull away when I started spurting, but she just swallowed and swallowed until there was nothing left to swallow. Rose smiled wickedly as she licked my prick head. Oh my! I never knew it could get that sensitive. I leaned down to kiss Rose to show just to show my appreciation, but she pulled away.

"I don't mind having sex with a young stud like you, Max, but I would feel kind of weird kissing you with me being so old," Rose said. "I hope you're not offended."

"I'm not offended," I said. "And you're the boss so whatever you say is okay with me." I was the newbie around here so I was going to do whatever Rose and the others wanted. I was just glad she didn't change her mind about the sex.

"Fine," Rose responded with a smile. "The boss says get the rest of your clothes off and lie down on the bed." I did exactly that. I felt kind of shy undressing in front of a woman for the first time ever, but that didn't stop my prick from getting hard again. When I was butt naked I lay down on the bed on top of the covers.

"Like this?"

"Exactly like that," Rose said. "Don't move. I'll be right back." I didn't budge as much as an inch while Rose was gone. She came in a few minutes later wearing a robe and carrying a tube of lotion or oil. She put some of it on my prick and then climbed on top of me.

"Let me do all the work, Max. My bones are fairly brittle at my age and if you get too enthusiastic with your thrusting something could break, okay?"

"I'll remember that, Rose," I responded. "I'll be sure to remember that for Priscilla and Mary Lou, too."

"They'll appreciate it." The woman propped up my prick and lowered herself down on it. She called it the cowgirl position. I felt my prick being enveloped by moist, warm flesh and I realized I was no longer a virgin. Hallelujah! I was prepared to just relax and enjoy my first fuck, but Rose gasped and I was afraid she had hurt herself.

"Are you all right?"

Rose grinned and said, "I'm better than all right. I'm fantastic. My pussy is happy, too. It's been ever so long since she's had a man's prick inside her, she's given me a celebratory cum already." That made me laugh.

"You need a boyfriend," I said.

"I've had plenty of men wanting to be my boyfriend or my husband even," Rose responded. "All three of us have. But the men showing interest in us these days seem to have one thing in common; a desire to get a hold of our money." I guessed Rose and her sisters had to be rich living in a big old house in a fancy older neighborhood, but they just seemed to be regular folks to me. That was sad. I was never going to chase a woman just for her money no matter how desperate I got.

"I can't believe they were not attracted to you just for your beauty," I said.

"Ho ho! That's a line of bull I've not heard in a long while. I used to be beautiful, but not any more. Time has taken its toll."

"Well, I don't know how you looked when you were younger, but you look beautiful to me right now. All three of you for that matter."

"We were quite beautiful in our day. We inherited our looks from our mother who was a Broadway chorus girl. Our father was a successful financier who taught us how to make and invest money. With looks and money, we were in the sights of every eligible bachelor we met. Quite a few men who were not eligible also sought our favors. Fortunately, I married for love. So did Mary Lou. Priscilla went through three husbands. Also for love, of course," she said and giggled.

Rose continued rocking back and forth on my dick and gasping every minute or so. I finally figured out she was having little cums each time she gasped. I got kind of daring reaching up and caressing Rose's breasts. The nipples perked up and stiffened under her robe.

"I like your gentle touch," the older woman said.

"Can I see them?"

"I'm not sure," Rose responded. "I'm afraid you might lose your boner if you get a look at them."

"I won't," I assured her. She pulled her robe open and shrugged it off her shoulders. I did like the looks of my friend's breasts and my dick showed its appreciation by stiffening a little bit more inside her pussy. Rose must have felt it because she gave me a big grin.

"You really do like them, don't you."

I nodded and said, "I could look at them all day."

"You're certainly welcome to." Someone pounded on the door just then.

"Hurry it up in there," I heard Mary Lou say. "I want my turn, too."

"Oh, it's all about you, huh?" That was Priscilla.

"As a matter of fact, it is." More low level bickering continued that I couldn't hear.

Rose sighed and and sped up her pace a bit. Watching her breasts bounce and jiggle put me over the edge. I grunted and spewed my cum inside the woman's pussy followed by a louder gasp from my bed partner. She leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

"Oh gosh," Rose said. "I made the rule against kissing and I broke it right away."

"I don't mind."

"You're sweet," she said and kissed me again. Rose climbed off me. "I'll tell Mary Lou and Priscilla to give you some time to recover."

"Thanks," I said. "I think I'll be fine and ready to go again if you give me about five minutes." Rose gave me another one of those strange looks like I said something wrong again, but I sure couldn't guess what it was and I thought it would be impolite to ask.

I thought Rose was going to send in one of her sisters, but she told me I was in her bedroom and she didn't want either one on her bed. I nodded and started to dress.

"Don't bother," Rose said. "You'll just have to get undressed again." I nodded again. It didn't feel right marching out the door all naked, but I wasn't going to argue. The two sisters were waiting for me. They were both dressed in robes just like Rose. Mary Lou grabbed my hand as soon as I was out the door.

"It's my turn no matter what Priscilla tells you," she said.

"Only because you cheated."

"I did not cheat. I won fair and square."

"It was supposed to be best of three."

"You offered best of three only after you lost the first time."

"Did not."

"Did so."

"Don't worry about it, Priscilla," Rose said. "I guarantee Mary Lou won't be able to wear out Max before it's your turn."

"I'm just afraid he'll go permanently limp when the poor boy gets a look at her pussy."

"I could live for another 20 years and my pussy would still look better than yours does right now."

"Oh yeah? Put up or shut up." Priscilla opened her robe. She was naked underneath. Her pussy didn't look half bad to me. I felt my prick stiffening again. I half expected for Mary Rose to copy her younger sister. Instead, she ignored Priscilla and led me through another door across the hall from Rose's bedroom.

"Low-life cocksucker!" I heard Priscilla yell as Mary Lou closed the door and locked it.

"So," I said for something to say. "What game did you two play for second place?"

"I arm wrestled her," the woman responded.

"Arm wrestling? Isn't that kind of hard on you with your arthritis?"

"My arthritis isn't as bad as I claim. I kind of overplay it. Don't tell anyone," the older woman whispered with a grin.

"I won't." Mary Lou dropped her robe. I thought her pussy looked just fine.

Having sex with Mary Lou or Priscilla wasn't really very much different from having sex with Rose. I would lay down flat on my back with my dick all stiff and oiled up. My partner would then straddle me and guide it into her pussy. The only difference was how each woman reacted when she had her cum. Rose gasped. Mary Lou grunted. And Priscilla squeaked.

But no matter what, I did my darndest to satisfy these ladies. They certainly did not have any problem satisfying me.

I finally looked at my watch. Half the afternoon was gone!

"Gosh, I wasted a whole bunch of time with me playing around."

"I wouldn't call your playing around a waste of time," Rose said.

"But I haven't gotten any of the chores you wanted done," I protested.

"You can always come back tomorrow," Mary Lou.

"And the day after that," Priscilla added with a wink that made me laugh.

"As much as I'd like to keep coming back, I need to find a permanent job so I can move out from my parents and get my own place."

"We've been discussing that," Rose said. "It has been decided that we need a permanent groundskeeper. We would like to offer you that position."

"I'll take it!" Finally. A job. A real job. "Uh, what does a groundskeeper do?"

"A groundskeeper keeps the grounds," Priscilla said.

"It's sort of like what you were already doing in the yard," Rose said. "Five days a week."

"And anything else we ask you to do," Mary Lou said.

"Like fucking our brains out," Priscilla added.

"What? I can't do that."

"Oh, so you finally get laid and you're now going all moral on us?"

"It's not that, Priscilla," I responded. "I am doing that for fun. I'd feel guilty knowing I am getting paid for something I'd want to do for free."

"That's the trouble with people," Rose said. "They feel they're not earning their pay unless it's for working at jobs they hate. That's a sure sign of mental illness." Mary Lou and Priscilla nodded their heads and looked sad.

"I didn't think of it that way," I admitted. "If that's part of the job, of course I'll do whatever you tell me to do to the best of my ability," I declared. "I'll just have to keep quiet about some things with my family."

"They won't hear anything from us," Rose said.

"As soon as I earn enough money I'll start looking for a place of my own. That'll please my parents for sure."

"There's an entire second floor that's not being used any more," said Mary Lou. "We got tired of using the stairs so we converted some unused rooms on the ground floor into bedrooms."

"Of course, you'll have kitchen privileges," Rose said, "and there's a private entrance and staircase you can use without walking through the house."

"That's for when you want to spend some private time with your girlfriends," Mary Lou said.

"I don't need girlfriends when I already have you three for girlfriends, right?" I thought I was complimenting them, but all three women shook their heads.

"A young man like yourself needs young women in his life, too," Rose said. "It's only natural. Besides that, a man who's seen with an attractive woman attracts other attractive women."

"I don't think you'll have to worry about me having women over here. Attractive or otherwise. I don't want to take a chance of being turned down again."

Nothing much else was said. When I got home I told my parents about the job offer I had which included a place to stay. They were excited for me. They were also curious about Rose and her sisters. They started asking all kinds of questions about my new bosses. I told my folks I didn't know anything about them because well, I just met them.

I told Rose that my parents were plenty happy for me, but plenty curious about them. She got on the telephone to my folks and invited them to tea.

"I don't think my folks are tea drinkers," I said, "unless it's ice tea."

"There will be plenty of other things to drink," Rose responded. "And plenty to eat, too."

Rose was right about that. There was a whole table full of goodies served by a maid and I didn't see a teapot anywhere. Rose and her sisters were just three elegant old ladies needing the help of a strong young man and thought I could provide that service. No need to be concerned about my welfare. My folks were impressed and told me later how lucky I was. I already knew that, but I made sure to tell the ladies that I wasn't on welfare.

"You won't need to punch a time clock," Mary Lou said. "You're going to be a full time salaried employee with life and health insurance, social security. The whole nine yards. We will have it all set up with our attorney and accountant by this time next week. Your official title will be Groundskeeper."

"Your unofficial title will be Stud Muffin," Priscilla said and caressed my butt.

"I can't believe you guys are doing this all for me."

"Pure selfishness on our part," said Rose.

My official job as Groundskeeper started the very next day and I was moved into an upstairs bedroom by the next weekend. That didn't take much doing, just my clothes and some personal items. The bedroom was over twice as large as my one at home and even had its own bathroom. The whole upstairs was almost as large as my parents' house not counting the kitchen and the garage. It could actually feel lonely up there.

I was prepared to work my butt off for Rose, Priscilla and Mary Lou to earn my wages and make them glad they hired me. I got up before sunrise to do exactly that. I figured that I could get a couple of hours of work in before anyone else was up. They would be so proud of me.

"Good morning," Rose said when I got downstairs. Priscilla and Mary Lou added their greetings. I greeted them in return and wondered how long they had been up. Maybe I didn't want to know. It looked like they already had their breakfast.

"Go tell Mrs. Rodriguez what you want for breakfast and then come back and sit down," Mary Lou instructed.

I said, "I'll just get some cereal I brought from home and then I can get started on my chores."

"You don't want Mrs. Rodriguez thinking you prefer Cocoa Krispies to her cooking," Rose said.

"That's for sure," Priscilla added. "She's got a set of knives that are wicked sharp. Any one of them can carve your guts out in nothing flat if she feels insulted."

It didn't seem worth pointing out that the cereal I brought was Count Chocula and not Cocoa Krispies. I just nodded and walked into the kitchen. Mrs. Rodriguez had 30 years experience as a short order cook and whipped out bacon, eggs, hash browns and pancakes in no time at all. It was all delicious. I didn't even care that she had already tossed out my Count Chocula. She told me she came in every morning and prepared meals for the entire day. Her sister was the housekeeper who dressed like a maid when they had guests. The ladies seemed happy to talk to each other while I ate. When I finished I announced my intention to start my chores.

"Stay here and talk for a while," Rose said.

"But I want to get some chores done. Earn my pay, you know?"

"You're not punching a time clock, remember? You're earning your pay by just sitting there and keeping us company."

"I don't know what to talk about. You three already know all there is to know about me."

"That's bullshit," Priscilla said.

"Exactly," Mary Lou added. "My sisters and I grew up together, stayed in contact with each other during our married lives and have lived together again for almost the past five years or so. We can still have decent conversations together. Even indecent ones."

"All we really know about you is that you're a high school graduate and that you're good in bed." That was Priscilla.

"Isn't being good in bed enough?" The ladies giggled and shook their heads.

"It's a good start," said Rose. "C'mon, Max. It's not that hard. We're here to help."

Maybe easy for them, but not for me. After a moment of panic I started telling them about video games I liked to play and why I liked them. I stretched that out for half an hour. That seemed to satisfy the ladies. They finally let me go out and do some chores. After lunch they all wanted to have sex with me again. I loved that part, but I couldn't help feeling I wasn't earning my pay with a three hour work day in my way of thinking.

The next morning started out the same way except the ladies wanted to hear about something different and they were not happy with just half an hour. They wanted a longer discussion although they did help me out by asking a lot of questions. They also taught me how to ask questions that promoted more conversation and to sound interested in what the other person was saying even if I didn't have a clue about what he or she was saying. I learned a lot over the following weeks and I actually started to enjoy having conversations. They also told me more about themselves and I got to see pictures of them from their younger days. They were definitely beauties.

The ladies used taxis and Uber to get around town since they didn't drive any more. I still rode my bike, but when I told Rose I had my drivers license and knew how to drive a car I became their driver to all their appointments like to the doctor or the hairdresser or to their lunches out with friends at fancy restaurants. They had a big, old Cadillac that was built like a tank. It looked like it was from the 1950s, you know? But it still looked like it just came off the showroom floor. It became my job to keep the car looking that way. They gave me a smart phone with some games I liked and I would hang around a nearby mall or something like that until I got a call when it was time to pick them up.

Sometimes they would just want to eat lunch at a fast food restaurant and that's when I would join them. This one time it was at an In-N-Out. I was bringing back our order when I saw a young woman talking to the ladies. She was an attractive brunette around my age. I nodded to her after I set down our meal.

Rose said, "This gentleman is our groundskeeper Max. Rachael works for the physician the three of us go to."

"A pleasure to meet you," I said.

"I remember you," Rachael responded. "From Roosevelt High, right?"

"That's right." I knew she looked familiar.

"Hey, Rachael," Priscilla said. "Are the girls at that high school you went to a bunch of lesbians?"

"Of course not. The majority of us were straight as far as I know. Why do you ask a question like that?"

"Well, it seems that Max couldn't get a date with a girl at that school on a dare." I could feel my face heat up with embarrassment. I felt like running away, but I stayed. I figured it couldn't get any worse than it already was.

"Max never asked me out, but from what I was told he could have gotten a date if he had spent a little time talking to the girl and letting her get to know him. He stopped asking after a while so we all assumed he finally had a girlfriend."

"Too bad for them," said Mary Lou. "They missed out. He's really great in bed." Now I was wishing I could just die right there.

Rachael giggled. "And how would you know something like that?"

The ladies didn't say anything. They just smiled.

"Oh my god! All three of you? That's wonderful!"

"One right after another non-stop practically," Priscilla said. "You should try him out if you don't believe us."

"Oh, I do believe you." Rachael responded. She turned to me with a smile. "Maybe we can get together for coffee some time. That is, if you're interested."

I couldn't believe this pretty woman was suddenly interested in me. All I could do was nod my head. Rachael picked up my phone off the table and typed in her name and phone number.

"I'm free this weekend. Give me a call." Rachael said she had to get back to work and left soon after that.

"Well, if that's not a green light I don't know what is," Rose said.

"It looks like you're gonna get laid by a young, pretty thing," Priscilla said.

"Rachael didn't say that at all," I protested. "She just said we ought to get together for coffee. That's a big difference from what you're saying." I was sure the ladies were just teasing me.

"That is exactly what she said," Mary Lou stated. "As long as you don't blow it."

"And how do I avoid blowing it?"

"Make small talk just like we make you do with us," said Rose. "It's not so difficult any more, is it?"

"I suppose not." I'd still be nervous as heck though.

"Then invite her upstairs to your room and fuck the hell out of the bitch," Priscilla added. "Just be sure to have plenty of condoms handy … unless you want to make a baby with her. An unplanned baby on the way is how I got married to my first husband. Fortunately he was rich. He he he."

Babies! Condoms! I had completely forgotten about that. I didn't want to become a father at my age. Not that I really expected to get laid. Rachael was probably going to change her mind about getting together with me anyway. But it was best to be prepared just in case.

I probably would not have called Rachael except for a bit of nagging from the ladies. I finally did call although I was all prepared to be turned down. I got a heck of a surprise when the pretty lady immediately agreed to a coffee date on Saturday afternoon. I was able to borrow the Cadillac and we met at a coffee kiosk we both liked. We had a pleasant conversation. Rachael told me she was 21, got married right out of high school and got divorced soon after their daughter was born. She and her daughter were living with her mother, had trouble getting child support from her ex and was trying to pay off some student loan debt working the physicians' back office and maintaining their website. Rose was right. I didn't have any trouble carrying my end of the talking, but I definitely avoided any talk about sex or inviting Rachael up to my room. Instead, she brought it up.

"Mary Lou and the others were sure bragging on your bedroom skills. Any truth to it?" Rachael's remark made me laugh.

"They're being very kind. You're probably a lot more experienced than I am. I was a complete virgin before I met the ladies. In fact, Rose was the one who broke my cherry. Anything I know about sex came from them over the past three months and that isn't much because they're afraid of me getting too enthusiastic due to their ages. I do appreciate what they have taught me and I enjoy having sex with all three of them. I guess the only talent I might have is the ability to get it up quickly and I don't have any trouble recovering after I cum. I'm just average sized. So no, I don't have anything to shout about."

"I'd say the ability to get it up and keep it up is plenty to shout about," Rachael said. "My ex could get it up twice a day and he fancied himself a stud."

"Yeah, I can do lots better than that. Maybe ten times a day." The ladies always gave me the weekend off so I was fresh. Of course, I no longer had the need to jack off either.

"Care to back up that claim with a little demonstration?"

"Anytime and anywhere," was my response. I was sure she was just teasing me, but now I felt comfortable teasing her right back.

"Do you have your own place?"

"They let me stay in an upstairs bedroom and I have the entire floor to myself because they don't like to climb the stairs anymore."

"Will they mind?"

"Not at all. In fact, the ladies have been encouraging me to bring girls up there ever since I moved in. You'll be the first if you're serious."

"How can I not be serious when you have ringing endorsements from three elegant women. Those aren't handed out lightly, you know." I felt my face warming up from embarrassment, but I felt proud too. Rachael agreed to meet me back at the house later that afternoon. As soon as we parted I drove to the store and bought a box of condoms. I thought two dozen should last me for a while. I returned home to clean up my room and make it half way presentable and then went downstairs to tell the ladies I was expecting a guest. Rachael was already here talking to them.

"My mom is able to watch my daughter for the rest of the day so here I am."

"We were just asking Rachael here to please be gentle with you," said Rose.

"She says she wants you begging for mercy, but you aren't going to get any," Mary Lou added.

"We'll be down here praying for you, Max." That was Priscilla.

"Don't listen to them, Max. Trust me. I'll be gentle with you."

"Hey, isn't that my line?"

"No," the women chorused and started giggling. I just shook my head. 'Let them have their fun and I'll have mine,' I thought. I reached out my hand to Rachael. She took it and we headed upstairs.

As soon as we walked through the bedroom door our clothes started coming off. I was naked in no time at all and I just stood there for a few moments admiring my new friend's body as she finished undressing. She was impatient though and pushed me down on the bed, straddled me cowgirl style and sank down on my stiff prick except Rachael was plenty wet already and didn't need any lotion. I lay there just like I did with the ladies and let her do her thing, but Rachael wasn't having any of that.

"Move!" she demanded. "Damn you!" I finally realized my mistake. Rachael wasn't afraid of me breaking anything like the ladies were and I started thrusting back into her. I knew exactly what to do because I had seen plenty of that on the porn sites. After that we did missionary position, reverse cowgirl, doggy and some positions I wasn't even sure had a name. I think the only thing we didn't try was hanging upside down from the doorway. I think I set a personal record for cums.


"We weren't bullshitting you," said Priscilla. "Were we."

"Let me put it this way," Rachael responded. "Where do I sign up to be a member of Max's harem?"

"Harem? I don't have any harem," I protested.

"I kind of like the sound of being a harem girl," said Mary Lou.

"I do too," said Rose.

"That makes three of us," Priscilla added. "And Rachael makes four."

"I want to have Max's babies," Rachael said.

"Uh, I don't think I'm ready to be a father."

"It might already be too late. I'm not on birth control and you didn't use condoms."

"Oops." Dang! I knew I was forgetting something.

"No playing favorites," said Rose. "If you give Rachael babies, then you have to give the rest of us babies, too." Mary Lou and Priscilla smiled and nodded. I wasn't sure if they were just teasing me so I just smiled.

"I'll do my best," I said.

Rachael and her daughter moved into the upstairs with me. The ladies hired my new harem girl to help run their web businesses and she is making good progress in paying off her student debt. The only one who has announced a pregnancy is Rachael, but not for lack of trying with the others. I am still doing my groundskeeper duties and life has been good. I feel pretty good about how things are going, but I'm not about to tempt fate by trying to add to the harem.
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