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My twin sister finds more ways to show her.
My Sister gets me to Show Her

by Vanessa Evans

Part 5

The Monday and Tuesday were spent with Alice and I shopping for everything that we needed, and of course marathon sex sessions with no fear of mum or day coming home. Alice also managed to attract the attention of some people in the buildings opposite as she stood in her window looking out, naked of course. We even went up onto the roof again for Alice to try to work out the best place for her to do some nude sunbathing when the weather was warm enough and she told me that she liked walking around up there whilst she was naked, that it gave her a better feeling of being naked outdoors.

Anyway, during the day on the Wednesday we both went out and made two trips to the nearest supermarket to get load of booze and snacks and when it was time to go down to the party Alice put on one of her G-strings and a loose fitting summer dress, nothing else, not even shoes, and down we went.

Most of the people were already there and also a couple of mates of the guys. I guessed that they had told their mates that a girl would possibly be flashing her goodies again. If only they knew what Alice and I had planned.

The party started just like the majority of parties with people circulating, talking and drinking. I noticed Imogen bend over one time and I swear that she was knickerless again, and a couple of times I saw Alice bend right over, one time I was behind her and I saw a hint of her bare butt and a little triangle of fabric covering her pussy, and the other time I was in front of her and I saw her tits down the top of her dress. If I had noticed then there was a very good chance that some other guys had see as well but it was only those two occasions, the other times that she bent over she would hold the front of her dress against her chest or bent a lot more ladylike.

When it started to get late Logan came over to me and whispered,

“So are you going to do it then Archie?”

“Do you really want me to do this Logan?” I asked.

“Don’t be stupid Archie, what guy wouldn’t want to see your sister naked?”

“Okay then, but you’ve got to promise to go round everyone and remind them not to tell anyone about what happens here, you know what will happen to me if she ever finds out.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll take care of it.” Logan replied.

I walked over to Alice who was sat on one of the sofas with Imogen on one side of her and Ruby on the other and I was pleased to see that she didn’t have a drink in her hands.

“Alice Simple Simon Says Pineapple.” I said.

Alice stared straight ahead.

“LISTEN EVERYONE,” I shouted, “Some of you may have noticed that my gorgeous, amazing sister is a bit anti-boy at the moment. She never used to be, she had a boyfriend until a few months ago and she used to come home and tell me everything that they’d got up to, and I mean everything. Then something went wrong, I never saw the boy again and she will not talk about it. Well I’ve decided to do something about it, I want my real sister back.

In a minute I’m going to tell her to take her clothes off and let you all get your hands on her body. I’m not going to tell you what to do or what not to do but in a few minutes there will be a box of condoms down here. She will be acting like a rag doll and may I suggest that you move her limbs about a lot and bend her over a lot, she used to do gymnastics so she should be very flexible.

One or two of you may be thinking that I’m using my hypnotism skills just to get her gang-banged but that is far from the truth. As you know, I’m here to study psychology and I’ve read that in cases like this a good few large doses of what the patient used to enjoy can make them overcome the psychological barrier that their mind has erected.

So, if none of you have any objections we will begin.”

I paused for a minute just to see if anyone said anything then I turned to Alice and was about to issue a command when Grace said,

“I thought that brothers were supposed to like their sisters Archie.”

“I do, I love her dearly but she needs help to get over whatever it was that happened to her and I believe that this is the best way forward.”

“So you’re going to let us fuck her?” Caleb asked.

“Yes, and if any of the girls want to do anything to her then they can. It may have been another girl that did something to her.”

I waited to see if anyone else had anything to say then said,

“Alice, Simple Simon Says when I stop talking you are to stand up and go to your room. You will then take off all your clothes and leave them on your bed and then go to my room where you will find a box of condoms near my computer. Finally you will bring the condoms down here then lay on one of the sofas. Go.”

Alice stood up and walked out of the room.

“You’re actually going to do this?” Owen said.

“No, you people are. As I said, I believe that this is the best treatment for her condition. Remember, her conscious side will not remember a thing about what happens but her sub conscious will be working away in the background and hopefully fight whatever the mental block is. Oh, and please remember, this all depends upon her never finding out anything about what is about to happen here. It will surface eventually but any early knowledge may do irreparable damage.”

“Jeez mate,” Logan said, “you’re sounding like a shrink already and you haven’t even started your course.”

“Sorry about that but if any of you girls want a private consultation I will be happy to oblige.”

“I might just take you up on that Archie.” Imogen said.

Seconds later the very naked Alice walked into the room, gave me the box of condoms and went to the nearest sofa. Ruby jumped up letting Alice lay along it, one foot remaining on the floor.

“Alice, Simple Simon Says you are to relax your body and until I say otherwise you are to remain relaxed while all these nice people move your limbs, bend your body and insert objects into your vagina, do you understand?”

“Yes Master.”

“Oh, got her to act like a Sub did you Archie, what else have you been doing to her?”

“Nothing, I don’t know where she got that ‘Master’ thing from. I didn’t think that she was submissive but maybe that trait has been hiding away all these years.”

“Maybe you’re submissive as well Archie, you are her twin.” Imogen said.

“I don’t think so but you never know, twins often share a lot of traits. Who wants to go first?”

Unsurprisingly, Logan stepped forward and we all watched as he put his arms under her back and lifted her into the sitting position. He spread her legs wide open then turned to look at me.

“Stretch her muscles and joints Logan, she used to do gymnastics so you should easily get her legs behind her head and stretched wide like in the splits.”

Before he started doing that he put his hand in a pocket and took out his phone. Giving it to me he said,

“Would you take some photos please Archie?”

“Wanking material.” I thought but said, “Sure, no problem, but they are for your eyes only.”

“Good name for a movie that,” Logan replied, “can you video it as well?”


Logan got started and Alice was being the perfect rag doll, her arms and legs were going everywhere that Logan put them, often leaving her pussy spread wide open allowing everyone to see, and the cameras, right inside her. I’m not an expert on female anatomy but I was sure that I could see her cervix at one point. What I definitely could see was her juices making her whole vulva nice and shiny. I just knew that she was loving every second of it.

After about ten minutes Logan stopped and turned to me.

“Are you sure that I can fuck her Archie?”

“With a condom on yes, go for it.”

“You guys can watch if you like?” Logan said to the good dozen or so people watching.

I moved slightly so that Logan’s phone would capture his cock entering Alice, and some of his thrusting in and out until he filled the end of the condom. I was watching Alice’s eyes all the time and I saw a slight movement round her wide open eyes and I guessed that that was when she was having an orgasm.

“Who’s next?” Logan asked when he finally pulled out of Alice’s vagina.

Henry stepped forward and immediately god his cock out, put a condom on and started fucking Alice.

“No stretching of her limbs Henry?” I asked just after he grunted and shook telling us all that he’d just cum.

“Suppleness of the limbs could well be where the saying ‘Use it or loose it.’ came from mate.”

Henry got hold of Alice’s ankles and pushed them so far apart that the angle of each leg to her torso was less than ninety degrees. I looked at Alice’s face for a hint of pain but saw none.

Jacob went next almost copying what Logan had done. Then so did all the other guys that were there. I was sure that Alice would be shattered by then but she just lay there and took everything that they could give including Ethan, Julian and Carter who decided to fuck her mouth instead.

Two girls, Imogen and Amelia, gave Alice’s limbs a good workout and they had good pussy eating sessions as well. Both of which got lots of cheers from the guys but no reaction from Alice.

When the last one who wanted to use Alice’s body had finished doing so, everyone decided that because it was 3 a.m. they were going to bed. Logan said,

“Are you going to leave her like that? Because if you are can I come back in the morning and giver her another one?”

“No Logan, I’m going to carry her to her bed then in the morning I’m going to tell her to get dressed then bring her out of it.”

“Shame, never mind, there may be other times.”

“You never know. Hey everyone, I’m thinking of keeping Alice in this, shall we sat ‘compliant’ mode for a while. It you see us out and about and she’s wearing slutty clothes then there is a good chance that she is in her hypnotic state but acting normally. If I give you the thumbs up then that is the case. If I give you the thumbs down then I might just have solved her condition and she’s back to where she was a year ago.”

Everyone seemed to accept that and I led Alice, still naked, up to her room.

By the time that I had fucked her, Alice had been fucked by thirteen guys and she told me that she’d had six orgasms. She fell asleep within seconds of me lowering her legs to the bed.


Alice was happy when she woke, so happy and aroused that she woke me by riding my morning woody. After breakfast we went down to the communal lounge, with her still naked, to clean up. Our plan being that if anyone else was there I would tell then that she was still in her hypnotic state. Unfortunately for her we didn’t see anyone else.

As we were eating some breakfast Alice asked me what we were going to do if anyone wanted a repeat of the previous night’s fun.

“Do you want any of them to do that again Alice?”

“Silly question bro, of course I do.”

“Okay I’ll see what I can organise. Where do you want it to happen?”


“In the main entrance to the university?” I joked.

“Now that would be fun but being realistic it’s probably best to do it, or should I say do me, up here, your apartment would be best I think, you can get one of the guys, or girls, up there then call me over.”

“Okay, I can live with that but we’ll have to make my apartment look more lived in.”

“Yeah, scatter some of your dirty clothes around the place, half use toothpaste, half a bar of soap, that sort of thing.”

“That’s easy, we can use the shower over there a few times and not clean it.”

“Do you even clean the shower Archie?”

“Hey, I clean it just as much as you do Alice.”

“Yeah, okay.”

We spent the next couple of days getting ourselves organised and whenever we went out Alice wore a knee length skirt or dress and made sure that her nipples weren’t trying to poke their way through her tops.

We bumped into a few of the other residents, Imogen being one and she said that it was a shame that Alice couldn’t have stayed to the end of the party.

“Yes, I was so tired,” Alice replied, “Archie told me that I didn’t miss much, that is right isn’t it Imogen, I wouldn’t put it passed him to not tell me everything that happened.”

Imogen looked at me, I smiled and she replied,

“No Alice, nothing worth mentioning happened although it would be nice to continue where we left off Archie.”

I immediately got an image of Imogen eating Alice’s pussy at the party in my head so I said,

“Yeah, come on up to my place, top floor on the left, this evening around seven and I’ll arrange it.”

“Okay, I’ll look forward to it.” Imogen replied.

“Am I missing something here?” Alice asked. “Is there something that I should know about you two?”

“No Alice, there’s nothing, it’s just that we were talking about the latest GTA game which you say is boring.”

“It is.”

“Well you’re entitled to your opinion Alice.” I said, then turning to Imogen I said,

“See you about seven.”

As we were walking away Alice said,

We’d better check your place when we get back. How are we going to do this?”

“You wait in your place, all dressed prim and proper, then when Imogen comes to my place I’ll call you over then I’ll Pineapple you.”

“That would work bro.”

When we got back we moved all me electronic games over to my apartment and set them up, Alice saying that my apartment would be my games room from then on in.

“In more ways than one.” I replied.

“Yes, and we should get some concealed cameras in there to record all the fun.”

“You’re not thinking about blackmailing anyone are you Alice?”

“Hell no, the videos will be for our enjoyment only, we’re not short of money.”

At 7 p.m. I was sat in my room in front of the huge monitor that was linked to one of my games when I heard the lift ping.

“IN HERE IMOGEN.” I shouted.

Seconds later Imogen walked through my open door and said,

“Wow, this is much bigger than my room, I’m jealous.”

“Daddy’s money.” I replied.

“Hey, this fun is okay isn’t it, you don’t mind hypnotising your sister again, do you? I know that it would be very embarrassing for her if she ever found out.”

“Hey, relax, it’s all good. She will never know, the stretching will be good for her and it’s all ammunition for when I slowly start to bring her out of it and finally get her over that pratt of an ex.”

“He sounds like a nasty piece of work.”

“He was. Now are you ready?”

“I am.”


Second later a prim and proper dressed Alice walked in and said,

“What do you want Archie, Oh hi Imogen.”

“Simple Simon Says Pineapple.”

Alice just stared in front of herself.

“Alice, Simple Simon Says that you will pretend to be a rag doll, a Flexi-Doll, and you will let Imogen do whatever she likes with your body.”

Alice just stood there.

“Do you mind if I video you two Imogen?”

“Only if you promise to send me a copy Archie.”

“No problem.”

“Do you want me to leave you two alone?”

“You can’t if you’re going to video us Archie.”

“Good point.”

I picked up my phone and said,

“She’s all yours Imogen.”

Imogen snapped her fingers in front of Alice’s face and shouted at her. Getting no response she lifted Alice’s right arm up and let go of it. It stayed where it was.

“Okay, I’m convinced, this is going to be fun.”

Imogen started manipulating Alice’s body, stood up then on the bed.

“Have you seen any of those Flexi-Doll porn videos Imogen?

“Yeah, such a turn-on, you don’t mind me doing this to her do you Archie?”

“Hell no, go for it Imogen, it will do her muscles good.”

And she did, slowly undressing Alice and teasing her tits and pussy on the way. After around thirty minutes Imogen started to get serious with Alice’s pussy, finger fucking her and rubbing her clit. I was watching Alice’s face and I saw one orgasm arrive then fade away. Then Imogen started eating Alice’s pussy. How the hell Alice kept a straight face I shall never know. When I eat her pussy she is always quite vocal and animated.

What I haven’t talked about so far is what Imogen was and wasn’t wearing. She was wearing a short miniskirt and it soon became apparent that she wore no knickers. I got quite a few good looks at her wet pussy as she bent over doing things to Alice and I made sure that those views were caught by my camera.

As Imogen was eating Alice’s pussy I was sure that Imogen orgasmed. The tell-tale signs of shudders, shakes and contracting pussy were visible to me, all things that I had seen Alice do when she orgasms.

Finally Imogen stood up leaving Alice flat on her back with her legs spread wide on my bed.

“That was fun Archie, you should try it sometime.”

“She’s my sister Imogen.”

“So what Archie, she’s got one hell of a hot body so why shouldn’t you enjoy it, it’s not like you’re going to get her pregnant and she certainly wasn’t a virgin when I started on her. Hey, can we do this again sometime?”

“I don’t see why not, it’s all memories in her subconscious.”

“Can I bring some dildos and vibrators, her subconscious will like those and you’ll enjoy watching. I might even let you watch me using them on me.”

“That sounds good Imogen I’ll look forward to that, you look like you’ve got a hot body under those clothes.”

“Thanks Archie, do you want me to clean her up a bit before I go?”

“That’s good idea, I’ll get some tissues.”

I did, and Imogen did, then she left. As soon as I heard the lift doors close I dropped my jeans and pounced on Alice.

“I take it that Imogen has gone bro?”

“Yes, did you hear that she wants to use dildos and vibrators on you?”

“I did and it worries me a bit, I don’t know if I’d be able to keep quiet and still.”

”In that case we’d better get some and practice.”

“Hmm, that sounds like fun, we’ve got that Pinnacle thing and we passed an adult shop when we were walking around town, when can we go there?”

“Tomorrow afternoon, I doubt that places like that will be open on a morning.”

When we went out the following afternoon we bumped into Jacob. I sensed what he wanted to ask me something so I told Alice to that I’d meet her outside. I was right, he wanted another go at manipulating and fucking Alice.

As it was going to be our first week of lessons I told him to come to my apartment on the Friday evening at 7 p.m. When I caught up with Alice and told her she said that she couldn’t wait.


The next day was our first day of lessons and Alice wore a knee length dress, in fact she wore knee knee length skirts and dresses, and tops that hid all of her tits all week. If she hadn’t been naked all the time that we were in her apartment I would have had withdrawal symptoms. We bumped into a few of our fellow residents as the week went on, one of them being Caleb in the uni’s cafe and he said that he was happy that we’d met. He, like Jacob, was making small talk and I sensed what he was after so I asked Alice if she’d go and get me another cup of coffee.

“You want to play with Alice’s naked body again don’t you Caleb?”

“Err, yes, is that asking too much Archie?”

“Not for you Caleb, but you’ll owe me one.”

“Thanks mate, I won’t forget it.”

As I told him to come to my apartment on the Saturday at 7 p.m. something registered in my brain, he’d used the word ‘forget’. Alice and I had been talking about the whole hypnotism thing and her dressing very prim and proper and we had decided that we’d got ourselves into a bit of a hole and Alice wanted out and to be her natural self.

“Slutty you mean?” I asked.

“Yes, I don’t like wearing these knee length skirts and dresses, I much prefer to wear microskirts and accidentally and deliberately flash my pussy.”

We previously discussed how we could end the hypnotism game but not really came to any conclusion, but when Caleb said that he wouldn’t forget that he owes me one that gave me an idea, a simple one that both Alice and I should have thought of before. Alice could become the person she wanted to be and if anyone asked me about her change then I would tell them that I’d put her into her hypnotic trance and told her to forget everything about the make believe ex boyfriend who had done nasty things to her, erase everything about him from her mind and to go back to being the happy girl who loved wearing slutty clothes that our mother hadn’t been too impressed with.

If anyone said anything to her about her change of wardrobe she would just tell them that she wasn’t back home now so she could experiment wearing all sorts of outfits to find what she was comfortable with.

Alice was kicking herself as well and we agreed that she would not change until after Jacob’s and Caleb’s visits that weekend as she was really looking forward to them doing all sorts with her body.

Both those visits went great from everyone’s point of view, very much like Imogen’s except that it was a man’s hands moving her about, seeing every minute detail of her pussy, and a man’s cock that was fucking her, albeit with a condom on it. Both Caleb and Jacob had had their turn at manipulating her body at the last party and this time they were more confident and Alice’s legs spent most of the hour or so spread as wide as they could go.

After each of them Alice was almost desperate for me to fuck her without a condom and for her to let me know that she was really enjoying our sex.

The Sunday night’s fuck was even more enjoyable for Alice because it was going to be the end of prim and proper Alice and the start of slutty Alice and I wasn’t complaining as it meant that I got to see her pussy and tits in some very public places. I also meant that we could start acting out the first of many, staged exhibitionistic incidents took place.

I’ve written about as many adventures that I can remember and they are not listed in any particular order, just as I remembered them.

Oh, just to clarify things, Imogen, Logan and Mason did mention to me that Alice had changed, that her dress was a little less conservative. I told them that I had managed to use hypnotism to erase the bad memories and that she was now back to her old self.

Imogen asked if it meant that she wouldn’t be able to have fun with Alice’s body again I assured her that I could still ‘switch on’ her hypnotic state whenever I wanted and that all she (Imogen) had to do was to let me know when she wanted to enjoy a couple of hour’s fun again.



One evening we went to a bar that had high stools at the bar and Alice went in first and sat on one of the stools. She had to climb up onto the stool and her short skirt wasn’t long enough for her to sit on any of it, in fact if she leant over the bar even a little bit her skirt rode up at the back leaving a strip of bare butt visible to anyone behind her and she knew it so she leant forward over the bar quite often.

A couple of times Alice swivelled the stool so that she was facing me and I could clearly see her slit and clit sticking out of it.

It wasn’t only me that she faced, I watched as she sat facing other men with her drink in her hand and slowly sipping from it while the guys looked at her slit and clit.

She wasn’t there to pick-up a cock, she was there to tease and she certainly did that. A couple of times that a guy tried to hit on her she swivelled the stool to the side where the guy was standing and I could see that her knees were open wide enough for the guy to get between them. All that guy had to do to get a great look at her slit was to look down and I noticed that the eyes of both guys spent more time looking down than at her face.

Whilst all that was going on I was also looking around the pub to see how many people were watching her and I was pleased, for her, that there were a good half dozen.

After about an hour I went and pretended to hit on her and after a few minutes talking she slid off the stool and left with me, her hoping that some of the guys there were jealous of me.


Another thing that we did a few times was if we were walking somewhere that wasn’t busy and one or more guys were walking towards us, Alice would stop and lift either her skirt or dress up to show them her pussy (no knickers), or pull her top down below her tits and then ask the guy(s) what they thought of her. Only once did she get derogatory comments, the rest of the time they were all complimentary.

After the good comments Alice sometimes asked the guys if they wanted to take some photographs of her and she would pose for them with her goodies still on display.


We did visit the adult shopping to buy some dildos and vibrators and while we were there we saw some naughty outfits, you know the type, French Maid, naughty Nurse, Policewoman, that sort of thing, well Alice thought that it would be a good idea to get one saying that there was bound to be a party coming up, maybe even Halloween, where she’d want to go in fancy dress. So she wanted to try on some of the outfits that they had in the shop. Alice took a couple off the rack and went to the man behind the counter and asked where she could try them on.

“Sorry love, we don’t have any changing rooms but you can bring them back if they don’t fit.”

“I don’t really want to do that,” Alice replied, “can I try them on out here?”

“I guess so.” The man replied.

I looked round the shop and saw two other customers, both middle-aged men, one looking at video and one at magazines, but not for long. Alice put the outfits on the sales counter then unfastened her dress. By the time it was unfastened and off she had four men looking at her naked body, and all four of us stared as she tried on not only the two outfits that she’d ***********ed but she also walked back to the clothing section, still naked, and tried on another outfit as well.

In the end she decided to buy a babydoll nightie that was totally see-through saying,

“I’ll wear this to the party without the knickers.”

All four of us men had just been staring at her all the time and it wasn’t until she was putting her dress back on that the sales guy said,

“Yes, it will be okay to try them on right there.”

“I smiled to myself knowing that Alice had made those three guys day.

We left that shop with that nightie, two dildos and two remote controlled vibrators, both of which I could control from my phone in the same way as the Pinnacle vibrator that she already has, me deciding that when the situation was right I was going to make Alice cum over and over in front of people who she knew but didn’t really want to cum in front of them. The type of people that I was thinking of were professors or tutors.

“See what the physc ‘experts’ think of that.” I thought.


Not far from our apartments there is a huge park and that was a place where Alice had quite a few ‘adventures’, one was after we had found a quiet part of the park that had a bench for people to sit, relax and look out over part of the city. After a couple of scouting trips we decided that the footfall was little enough for a bit of fun on that bench.

By fun what I mean was that Alice wore just a dress and I took with us four lengths of some soft, cotton rope that we had bought. At the bench we waited until no one else was around then Alice took the dress off and sat on the middle of the bench. I then quickly tied her wrists to the ends of the back of the bench and her ankles to the ends of the seat part. I then retreat to behind a bush where I could watch unobserved.

With her spread eagle and getting wetter by the second we then waited for someone to walk or cycle along the path directly in front of her.

Altogether during the four times that we have done that I remember eleven people or groups of people coming along and seeing her.

We were amazed that twice people just walked passed her without even looking at her, it was as if they were blind. Two middle-aged couple both stopped and asked her if she was okay and what she was doing there. Both times Alice told them our pre-planned story of her loosing a bet and that someone would be back to release her in five minutes.

One of the couples wasn’t really happy to leave her there and it took Alice a couple of minutes to convince them that she’d be okay. Unsurprisingly, both the men didn’t do any talking, just lots of looking.

It was the younger people that Alice really enjoyed appearing in front of her even though there was the risk that some of them would get close enough to grope her, which some did. We’d agreed on a word ‘Pineapple’ that she would shout if she got in any distress but she never shouted it even when I saw a young man groping both her tits and pussy before she managed to convince him to take a hike.


Another time in that park we saw two middle-aged men walking towards us in the distance and when Alice told me that she was going to have a bit of fun she told me to disappear, then as the men got closer she took some selfies with her phone camera. When the men were within earshot she said,

“Excuse me gentlemen, I need some photographs to send to my boyfriend who is in the army on deployment overseas and I was wondering if you would take a couple of photos of me please. I’ve tried taking selfies but they’re just not good enough.

What self respecting middle-aged man who was out without his wife could refuse a request like that from an attractive young woman and when Alice handed her phone over she backed up to the edge of the rose garden the quickly pulled her dress up and off leaving her posing naked in front of the men.

After the initial shock and Alice saying that her boyfriend needed nude photos so that he could swap them with his mates she kept changing her poses and asking the men to take more photos. She only stopped when she was two couples walking towards them.

Then she thanked the two men kissed them on their cheeks, put her dress back on and walked off towards where she knew I was.


The wildest thing that Alice did was on one sunny Sunday afternoon. In the large open park were quite a few people scattered around sat or laying down doing a variety of things and Alice decided that she was going to dance all around the huge open area naked. Talking off her dress and sandals off she went, dancing, skipping, doing cartwheels, forward rolls, throwing her arms in the air, all over the park. In and out, round and what looked like from where I was, jumping over people. She looked like a crazy woman.

I quickly got my phone out and recorded most of it but I missed the first part because I was a bit shocked.

After a good few minutes she headed back towards me so I headed towards a path that went into the wooded area. Alice went skipping and throwing her arms in the air passed me and round a corner. When I got there she pulled me into the bushes and got me to fuck her.


Alice’s escapades in the park weren’t just restricted to the daytime, three times, so far, Alice has asked me to take her to the park at night and each time as soon as we’ve got there she’d stripped naked and given me her clothes to keep for her while we have walked along a lot of the paths hand in hand. We’ve seen quite a few people on our night time walks and the only people who have said anything are the groups of young men who can’t resist a few comments. They’ve all been quite complimentary, that’s if you ignore the crude way that they put things and there’s only been one time when I had to tell Alice to walk quicker to get away from a drunk young man who wanted to put his hands on her tits.

If Alice can see some young men walking towards us in the distance she either speeds up or slows down her walking so that she times it that our paths are crossing under a street light.


Another, less dramatic adventure was to the university’s library where Alice sat reading a book at a table next to a busy walkway. Nothing special with that but the table had no modesty boards and she sat with her knees wide open. I was sat at a different table where I could watch the people walking by to see how many of them looked at Alice and saw what she was displaying. I was, Alice also, disappointed that only three guys looked. Two did a double take and slowed down whilst the third stopped and stared for about twenty seconds before moving on.


Art Life Model. Alice phoned the Art teachers at both universities and offered her services. I was next to her when she did this and it sounded very much like she was begging to model for the students. I didn’t go to any of the four sessions that she went to but after each one she repeated the poses for me and she was more energetic and adventurous when we went to bed those nights.

What she did tell me after going to a few sessions was that it wasn’t that exciting, that the novelty had worn off quite quickly.


Quite a few times that we go to crowded places Alice takes her burner phone on which she has loaded lots of photos of her naked body (all with her head cropped off) and she has also set that phone so that it has a name of ‘Nude Pics Girl’ and was electronically visible to all phones nearby. At each event she keeps looking at her phone to see what other phones are nearby then she shares the images to those phones.

We’ve noticed a few people looking at their phones then looking around, presumably to see which girls there has a body the same shape as in the photos of Alice’s but there are always a few girls there that are the same shape as Alice.

She also carries her own, proper mobile with her just in case she needs to show it to prove that Nude Pics Girl wasn’t her but so far she has never been accused of being that girl.


One day when we were out shopping Alice decided to buy some T-shirts, long T-shirts that she could wear as a short dress. Nothing special in that except that when we got back to the apartment she got some scissors and cut the arms off, right back to nearly the neck band and right down to her waist. The end result is that when she is wearing one she shows her side boobs to nearly her areolae. It doesn’t take much for her nipples to escape.

After she’d cut the first one she decided that she wanted to go for a walk in the park wearing just one of those T-shirts and shoes. When she is just walking she just looks like any girl wearing a sleeveless T-shirt dress, albeit a quite short one, but when she bends forwards even a little bit or moves her arms away from her sides one hell of a lot of her tits are on display, and when she sits she is displaying her legs right up to her stomach.

Each time that we go out with her wearing just one of those T-shirts she sits on benches sideways with her legs and knees up on the bench thus having her pussy on display. You’d be surprised how many people don’t notice and how many who do notice stop to have good look at her pussy, all while she is either looking elsewhere or doing something on her phone.

We’ve even gone on buses with her wearing only one of those T-shirts and we are sure that her slit and probably her clit were visible to people walking down the aisle.

We’ve also gone clothes and shoe shopping when she’s been dressed like that and she finds it even easier to ‘accidentally’ flash someone when she’s trying something on.


One day Alice decided that she wanted some professional photographs of herself and she looked up nearby professional photographers. She phoned a couple of them explaining that she wanted some good photos of herself to send to her boyfriend who was in the army overseas. Then she added that she wanted some of the photos to be very explicit photographs of her. When she got a positive response she stopped looking for other photographers and booked an appointment.

It was a bit like the photos that she’s got unsuspecting tourists to take of her but of a much better quality.

Alice went to the photographer’s studio on her own, taking a couple of dresses and underwear. Not that she has much underwear but what she has is minimal and see -through.

Afterwards she told me that the studio and the man, who looked to be in his thirties, was very professional, even having a screen that she could change clothes behind. Apparently the man wanted to see Alice in each of the dresses that she’d taken so that he could decide which one would be best from a photogenic point of view. He pointed to the screen but Alice just went to a chair that was near the screen and took off the dress that she was wearing the turned to the man and asked him where she could check her hair. There was a mirror on a little table on the other side of the room so Alice had walked across the room wearing just a sheer G-string and a sheer bra, brushed her hair then returned to put a dress on.

All the time that she had been doing that the man had been talking to her telling her what shots he would be talking.

The first two dresses that Alice tried on were deliberately old, very modest dresses but when she went to put on the third and last dress she took the bra off and stood facing the man as she put the dress on. It’s a little black, backless dress that flares out from her waist. She tells me that she feels like she is bottomless when she wears it. That dress is also my favourite, I think that she looks fabulous in it.

And I guess that the photographer agreed with me because he told her that she’d found the right dress and he proceeded to take dozens of photos of her in all sorts of poses. Being Alice the dress is very short on her and she was looking forward to seeing how much of her legs was showing when the man got down onto the floor to take some shots, not upskirt ones, ones that were just looking up at her although Alice did stand with her feet well apart.

When the man told Alice that he was happy with those shots she asked him if it was underwear shots next and he calmly said that it was and he asked her if she was comfortable doing that.

By the time Alice got to where her clothes were the dress was off leaving her in just the G-string. She put the bra on as she walked back to the green posing area where another load of shots were taken in all sorts of poses, all of them being ‘decent’ apart from the fact that both items of clothing were see-through and the camera and the man could see every detail of her nipples, areolae, slit, clit and butt.

“Do you want to stop there Alice?” The man asked, “or do you want some totally nude and maybe some sexually explicit shots as well.”

“Let’s keep going.” Alice had apparently replied so they did, Alice taking off the bra and G-string when requested to.

It was after those shots that the man told Alice that it was then up to her to pose however she wanted to and that he would just go on taking shots until she stopped.

Alice told me that by then she was very aroused that she’s closed her eyes and caressed her body like I do, and that she included what I do to her nipples and her pussy. Well you can guess what I do for foreplay and soon she was masturbating as the photographer took more and more photographs.

And yes, she did make herself cum for the camera, and the man, and we have the photographs to prove it.

Once her orgasm faded into a distant memory Alice then asked the man if she could look through all the photos. He took the memory card out of his camera and inserted it into a laptop and started a slide show. What Alice hadn’t expected was for the laptop to be linked to a projector and the images displayed on the white wall at the back of the studio. Both sat and looked through all the photographs, the photographer stopping at each one that he thought were great photos.

What I haven’t mentioned here is that Alice told me that she hadn’t got dressed at that point and that she was sat there totally naked discussing the photographs.

Alice told me that she was particularly proud of of the ones of her with her fingers on and in her pussy and as she looked at them the photographer was discussing the expressions on her face.

When the last photograph went off the screen a video started playing, a video of Alice masturbating.

“You made a video of me playing with myself?” Alice asked the man, “that wasn’t part of the agreement.”

“No, you’re right Alice, and I’m sorry, it’s just that it was such a magnificent sight that natural instinct took over and I recorded it for posterity. I will of course delete it right now.”

“No, don’t do that, put it on the memory stick with all the photos.”

“Are you sure Alice?”

“I’m sure.”

“Thank you. Now there’s just the subject of the background that you want on each of the photos. I’ll show you an assortment of the ones that I have.”

Alice told me that he did and that in the end she decided to let him choose apart from the ones where she was naked. For those she chose a beautiful beach on some Caribbean island, telling him that she was going to go to beaches like that as soon as she could.

When she was telling me that I had images rush into my mind of my naked sister displaying her gorgeous body to hundreds of people on beaches like I’d seen in photographs of the Caribbean.

When their business was completed Alice decided that she should put some clothes on which she did with the man watching her then she left telling him that she looked forward to receiving the memory stick from him and being able to send some of them to her boyfriend overseas.

Needless to say that whilst Alice was telling me all of the above we were making love on her bed.

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