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Under the influence of my new friend Gauge, I became curious to know how it would be to sell myself. One night, a stranger rolled up in his black sedan. As if the entire idea of turning tricks hadn't been intimidating enough already, my first client was built like the Hulk himself. Making me feel even more vulnerable. But the danger of it all was precisely what made it so tempting to get into his car.
The man took out his wallet and held up a twenty.

‘‘That ain’t gonna get you far,’’ said Gauge. ‘‘Not anywhere in fact. I don’t do nothin’ for less than fifty. And that’s just for givin’ head.’’

‘‘Okay than, I’ll give you one hundred for the both of you. Or actually…’’ he was recounting his papers. ‘‘Let’s say seventy-five. I need the rest for gas.’’

‘‘Get outta here you broke ass fool!’’

‘‘Well just you than. I’ll give you the fifty and you can suck my dick. But no funny business. One time a guy even asked me to put a rubber on. But I don’t want none of that shit. You do swallow, eh?’’

‘‘I wouldn’t even blow you if you’d put three rubbers on. You’re a waste of my time.’’

‘‘Hey come back! You see this money in my hand, don’t you?’’

My friend turned back around and lowered his head in front of the open window. ‘‘Listen pal, why would I give you a blowjob for fifty, if I can make a hundred bucks more by screwin’ another.’’

‘‘But you said –’’

‘‘Good night to you, and that is final.’’

The man scolded and threw an unintelligible, but doubtlessly angry remark, whereafter he drove off in his pickup truck.

Gauge walked up to me. ‘‘You look nervous,’’ he said. ‘‘Don’t worry. You don’t have to do nothin’ you don’t want to. Look at it this way, if a guy drives by who’s up to your liking, you can make an easy buck off of him. But if not, you’ve lost absolutely nothin’. Better luck next time.’’

‘‘You mean to say that guy just now was up to your liking?’’

‘‘What, that scrawny fella? No, of course not!’’ he said laughing.

‘‘Then why were you talking him up in the first place?’’

‘‘Listen. For me it ain’t nothin’ more but a quick cash grab. Surely there are cute ones pullin’ up this lane, but unlike you I ain’t just here for the adventure. I wanna save up some money, and I don’t make nearly as much bustin’ tables as I do by spreadin’ my legs on someone’s backseat every now and then. As long as I ain’t too picky whenever nights are slow.’’

He lit himself a cigarette. Dressed in his denim shirt, the image reminded me of James Dean.

‘‘Oh look,’’ I said, ‘‘someone else is coming.’’

Gauge hastily blew out some inhaled smoke and looked up. ‘‘Fuck no!’’ he said.

‘‘What’s wrong?’’

He didn’t respond. Instead, he kept his eyes on the blue pickup truck that had just parked in front of us. In the dark I saw the shadow of a long-bearded man wearing a cap. He didn’t honk or open his window, he just sat there watching us. And now I noticed his arm was making a repetitive movement.

‘‘Is he –?’’

‘‘Get lost you freakin’ creep!’’ shouted Gauge. ‘‘If you want it you pay up, you hear me!’’

As soon as he started to walk over in the direction of the truck, the creeper hit the gas and sped off.

‘‘What was that about?’’ I asked.

‘‘Some wanker who likes to watch young boys from afar. He’s been seen by some of the other guys who come here as well. Whenever somebody walks up to him, he drives off.’’

The idea of some anonymous psycho lurking in the dark gave me quite the chills. Coming here with the prospect of selling myself to a stranger had already been thrilling enough. ‘‘Do you think he’s up to something?’’

He shook his head while he drew on his cigarette. ‘‘If he wanted to harm any of us, he probably would’ve done it by now. It’s mainly closet cases that come here you know, most of them married. They’re all afraid of someone findin’ out about their secret preferences, but some are straight up paranoid.

‘‘Forget about it, here’s another one comin’ our way.’’

Again, he was the one to approach the car stopping in front of us. In the window of a black sedan appeared a man with a blond flattop crew cut and a pair of dark shades. While I couldn’t entirely make out his face, I immediately saw his neck was shaped like that of a bull.

My friend stuck his head through the window, and I heard the man speak in a low voice. But the exact words were lost to me, since the conversation was not very loud compared to the one before.

After a minute or so Gauge waved me forward. ‘‘This one’s for you,’’ he said, and he gave me a little wink. ‘‘Besides bears, you like bodybuilders, don’t ya?’’

I stepped up to the car to have a closer look. ‘‘Hey there,’’ said the stranger. ‘‘I just spoke to your friend. He said you might be up for a little fun. In exchange for a fair compensation of course.’’

He had a square jaw with a dimpled chin and was wearing a tight black shirt. Or maybe it was loose, and it was just that his big muscles made it seem so. His arms burst out from under his sleeves, as if they were overgrown tree trunks trying to escape an enclosed space. His ears were pierced with silver rings and there was a matching chain hanging from his bulky neck.

I said nothing, I just opened the door to his car and got in. From the open window I made a final glance towards my friend and gestured him goodbye.

That’s when the car drove off.


He hadn’t spoken a word since we left a few minutes ago, for which I was glad. As long as we both kept quite it was almost as if there wasn’t anything going on. Not really. As if I wasn’t about to sell myself to this total stranger.

A part of me wanted to look in his direction, but I couldn’t bring myself to turn my head in the slightest way. So I grabbed my phone instead, pretending as if I were occupied by my inbox. All the while staring at nothing at all and wondering if he was watching me.

The car drove up a sideway and I became aware that there were no longer any other vehicles surrounding us. The narrow road led up to the edge of a forest and all of a sudden, I felt my stomach drop. I was relieved to see light further down the path and shortly after, we reached a small abandoned parking lot, which was encircled by thickets and a couple of shabby lamp posts – at least half of them broken.

For the first time since I stepped into the car, I made a glance at the man sitting next to me. His face was still obscured by his sunglasses, and now it began to strike me as odd that someone would wear shades at the middle of the night.

My eyes traced from his heavy hands gripping the steering wheel to his arms that were more the size of an average man’s legs, and I saw that his chest was so protruded, it looked as if one could place a marble on top of it and it wouldn’t even roll off. If this guy turned out to be bad business, there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

He turned off the engine.

Trying to be casual I forced a smile at him, but all I saw were those dark sunglasses. I clenched my hands, still holding on to my phone, as if somehow it was able to protect me, and in a swift moment I evaluated my choices of that evening. What the hell had I been thinking?

Finally, he took off his glasses and he revealed a set of cold pale eyes that stood out against his suntanned skin. It was like looking at something alien and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

But then he smiled and his hard appearance made way for a reassuring friendliness. Seeing his face clearly, I’d say he was somewhere in his forties.

‘‘So, what happens next?’’ he said.

How was I to know what to do in a situation like this? In all fairness, I had hoped he would be the one guiding me. But then I retrieved my courage and I said: ‘‘You pay up first, then we get to business.’’

‘‘Fair enough.’’ He took his wallet out and counted the money. ‘‘Your friend told me two fifty, is that okay with you?’’

Two hundred and fifty dollars!? Well, that was definitely more than I’d dared to ask for. After all, I was just in it for the experience. But now I was glad Gauge had done the talking for me.

‘‘That’s fine,’’ I said, trying not to sound overly excited, and I put the bills in my back pocket.

‘‘But eh, let’s not call it business shall we. I was hoping we could see this more as a… fun experience.’’

He sat a little wider and placed his hand on my lap.

Now I was starting to feel assured of my safety, I was finally able to relax. I watched his magnificent physique once more and where I’d predominantly seen a stranger, I now saw an attractive man.

‘‘You’re new at this, aren’t you?’’ he said.

‘‘I uh –’’

‘‘No worries, we’ll start of slow. How’d you feel about giving my dick a little kiss?’’

‘‘You mean like, actually kissing it?’’

‘‘Yeah, sure. That doesn’t sound too bad now does it?’’ He opened the clasp of his belt. ‘‘Go ahead, why don’t you take it out yourself.’’

I stared at the big bulge in his jeans. Seeing the bump in between those broad legs made my mouth water, and for the first time I forgot that this was an arrangement. I actually wanted to unfold that hard present. Get my hands on it and put my face on top.

‘‘Is it okay if I – would you like me to touch your legs?’’

He grinned. ‘‘Touch me wherever you want boy, but don’t forget about that kiss.’’

I reached for his crotch, fumbling with his zipper. ‘‘It – I think it’s stuck.’’ Wow, could I possibly look like an even bigger amateur?

He grabbed the doorhandle to his left. ‘‘Let’s step out, it’ll be easier that way.’’ On his way out I witnessed his firm buttocks being emphasized by the tightness of his jeans.

When I met him in front of the hood I couldn’t help being intimidated by his size, which appeared to be even more gargantuan now he was standing up. The man was built like one of the residents of Mount Olympus, and I was beginning to feel pretty darn small.

He stretched his arms in a carless manner, gesturing towards the surroundings. ‘‘So, here we are,’’ he said. ‘‘By the way, I didn’t catch your name?’’

‘‘You can hardly catch something that isn’t thrown your way.’’

He grinned at that. Then he pulled off his black shirt. ‘‘Here, catch this.’’

I was a little taken off guard when he threw the fabric at me. Next thing I knew, I was looking at a solid hard body, with a magnificently crafted chest and a pair of shoulders that could’ve carried the world. His traps were shaped like two eruptions of vigor and the carved-out lines of his abdominals made me want to taste every ripple with my tongue.

‘‘You like that don’t you? Come over here and feel it.’’ He flexed his biceps, and the sight of his strained muscles completely drew me in. I stepped forward and cautiously began to touch him.

That’s when he grabbed me by my hair and made me kiss the peak of his contracted left arm. I obeyed and sucked on the curvature of hard flesh. From his bicep he guided me towards his armpit, followed by his juicy nipple. I felt my crotch come alive, and I was beginning to wonder who should be paying who.

My tongue bounced over his abs from ripple to ripple and I finished with twirling movements around his navel. My heart raged as I’d reached my final destination. I pulled off his black belt and now without any difficulty I unzipped his pants and pulled them down to his ankles. Revealing an age-old lie. Because this bodybuilder didn’t in the least have a small cock. Instead, he flashed a solid eight inches in my face, crowned with a swollen pink glans.

I looked up to him as I was down on my knees, and I gave him his kiss.

He approvingly stroked my face with his big thumb. ‘‘That’s a good boy,’’ he said, ‘‘now let’s see if that pretty little throat of yours can handle a little digging.’’

The penis slid between my lips along my wet tongue until it tickled the back of my palate. A few tears welled up in my eyes, but I was able to repress my gag reflex. If he wanted to dig out my throat, I was going to let him. After all, he’d paid for it.

He groped the back of my head and pinched his thick fingers in my skull. Then he started throbbing his hard dick in and out of my mouth. It was a lot to take in, but my eagerness got me up for the task. I loved the taste of his flesh and the sensation of the big prick trying to work its way into my throat. With each stroke I took in a little more, determined to make the whole rod disappear.

While I was at it my hands found his massive legs. They were so big that it was almost as if holding on to two aligning tree trunks. I squeezed to feel the hardness and only got hornier. Then I reached for his diamond shaped calves, stroking the bulging muscles while he shoved his dick deeper with each push.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, but I held my own. I was deepthroating him with total surrender, though I almost choked. Turned on by his dominance and the feel of his strength.

Finally, he pulled back.

‘‘Get up,’’ he said, and he pulled me off the ground.

He looked me in the eyes with those hellish blues and took a step towards me. Again, I began to feel a little intimidated. He placed his hands around my hips and pulled me closer. I felt his breath down my neck and my knees trembled as he was still coming closer.

That’s when his lips touched my skin. My body tingled as I felt the brushing of his strong chin. It was like giving in to a predator, willingly and eager to be taken. Next thing I knew I broke rule number one in the guidebook of prostitution.

I kissed him.

Not just any kiss, but one that robbed me off all sense of control. Lost in his warm mouth my tongue sucked in his wetness, greedy for his firm gentle strokes. His hands held my head in their palms whilst I held on to his broad lats for support. He nibbled on my lips as strings of saliva connected us to one another.

Honestly, I didn’t even know if that so called rule actually existed. Obviously, I didn’t have a single clue of what I was doing. I was no hooker, merely an insatiable whore who’d recently discovered the pleasures of serving mature cock. I was past my initial shame and now I could admit it to myself. I wanted to get plowed and be filled up by the full eight inches of this blond stallion.

I could tell he was more than willing, as he was already undoing me of my pants.

He grasped my buttocks, and his big fingers ran over my crevice. I bit my lip as one slipped in.

‘‘Oof,’’ he groaned as he stirred his middle digit inside my hole. After which he gently took it out and smelled me. ‘‘Go on, taste yourself,’’ he said, and he made me suck off his finger.

Then he turned me around and spread my cheeks. ‘‘Yeah, open up boy, now it’s my turn.’’ He grabbed the back of my head and pushed me down on the hood of his car.

Shortly after that I felt his massive hands on my rear, after which the tongue slid in. ‘‘Hmmm,’’ I heard him grunt, ‘‘that’s one fine pucker.’’

His mouth keenly took in my wet sphincter with a slurping sound, while the pinching of his thick fingers in my buttocks gave away how anxious he was to jump my bones. He growled like a beast as he was eating me out, and I was opening up wider as his tongue encircled my anus from the inside. I wanted to feel him so badly that my stomach cramped of longing. If only he would just stick in the big head and hit it against my prostate. His tongue was nice and wet, but I needed more. I needed all of him.

My body was burning up and I finally got rid of my shirt. The evening breeze felt good on my skin. But it could never compare to what was next.

A pair of enormous arms wrapped themselves around me, pulling my body close against his. He turned my head and shoved his tongue in my mouth once more. His hand grasped my throat as his lips burned with passion. He had me panting for breath, which left me unprepared for the big member that entered me hard.

I trembled from the sensation that the friction of his big cock caused inside my canal. I grabbed backwards to his hips, but it couldn’t prevent the pain from coming. All I could do now was breath and just take it all in.

It felt as if I was split into two. Damn, this fucker was big. Just breath and relax – breath and relax, I kept repeating in my head. And bit by bit, the agony subsided. Until finally, I arrived at the stage I’d been longing for. That good tingling of a big old dick massaging my prostate.

‘‘Oooooh,’’ I moaned as he dug me out mercilessly. ‘‘Yes daddy, pound me, pleeease,’’ I begged.

‘‘I knew you’d prove to be eager,’’ he said, ‘‘it’s always the innocent looking ones.’’

He stirred up the pace while he grabbed my hips forcefully. ‘‘I bet you don’t even care about the money, now do you boy?’’

He had me wheezing, his dick opening me up further with each stroke. Friendly natured as he might’ve seen at first, he was relentless when it came to my hole. He’d paid for it and was using me up for all I was worth. Jackhammering the thick prick deeply inside my pucker. Yet I loved it – I loved being his whore and I wanted to be ravished until I was entirely spent.

‘‘Tell me!’’ he pushed his last question.

‘‘I just love a big daddy dick!’’ I hissed.

‘‘Yeah, that’s what I thought.’’

He forced his fingers into my mouth and pressed my tongue. ‘‘Suck it!’’ he commanded.

‘‘Hmmm,’’ I moaned as I took in his digits. Meanwhile seeing stars from the fat pole hitting my prostate. My own member was fully erect as well, and if he continued at this pace I might jizz all over his hood without even touching it.

Abruptly he slid out.

He turned me around. ‘‘Not so bad equipped yourself hey,’’ he said. He tentatively observed my stiff penis and stroked it a few times, before pulling me off the car. He took me into his arms, bringing his lips to mine again. Apparently, he was very fond of doing so, and since he was phenomenal at it, I definitely wasn’t complaining.

‘‘Let’s try something fun.’’

I was startled when he grabbed my body and flipped me around. Before I knew it, I was upside down with his crotch in my face. There were no questions needed of what to do next, and I immediately started sucking him. What I hadn’t seen coming though, was that he took my member into his mouth as well.

Suddenly my cock got rubbed by soft lips and the wetness of his tongue. As dominant as he might be, the man could definitely give some darn good head. Putting firm pressure on my glans before taking it deeper and massaging my shaft all the way down with his tongue. He had great sucking power and was not afraid to show it off. I could hear the sloshing sound of his mouth as he worked my dick eagerly, sucking so hard that I could feel it tingle in my balls. His devotion only motivated me more to show off my talents as well, and I tightly pressed my lips around his member.

Getting my dick sucked while being suspended in the air was a whole new experience, and a good one at that. His strength gave me the confidence that he wouldn’t possibly let me fall, and although we were servicing each other both ways, he was still very much in control.

After sixty-nine-ing each other for a bit, he flipped me around again, and placed me back on top of the hood. Spreading my legs wide and entering me once more for another round.

‘‘You haven’t seen anything yet boy, now let me give you a real pounding.’’

Even though he had just been in, I had to bite my lip when he shoved up the entire length. But soon enough I was enjoying myself like before. Though he wasn’t lying when he said that this was where it really went down. He took up the pace a few notches and gave it to me even harder than before. He had me screaming of pleasure, yet I wasn’t sure how long I would be able to take this. I had to milk his dick with my sphincter for all I was worth if I wanted to bring this to a satisfying end.

‘‘You’ve got a lot of cum for me daddy?’’

He grinned. ‘‘What’s the matter son, you’re getting tired already?’’

Say one thing, he was intuitive. Damn this fucker.

So I opened my legs as wide as I could and held on to his broad shoulders for support. Feeling his magnificent body got me hot again, and suddenly I felt I could surely endure this for a bit longer.

That’s when I saw him.

A shadow was creeping from behind the bushes. Watching me as I was penetrated by this beast of a man. All while causing the shrubs to shake in a repetitive motion.

In the dim light of the lamp posts, I could make out the stocky shape of a big bellied man in, what I imagined to be, an open flannel shirt. I recognized the long bushy beard and the cap that obscured his face in darkness. It was the same man that had been watching me and Gauge from his pickup truck earlier that night.

Had he been following me? How long had he been standing there?

Frankly it didn’t even scare me anymore. I was too occupied being taken by another perfect stranger the size of a hulk, and the thought of being watched in this vulnerable position only aroused me. Inducing me to squeeze my sphincter harder of excitement, greedy to be filled with seamen.

‘‘Yes, deeper – take me deeper!’’ I hissed. Clamping my hands around the wide bodybuilder back while keeping my eyes on the fat bear who was pleasuring himself to the show.

It brought me back to the moment leading up to my first experience with an older man. Then I had been the one standing behind a bunch of shrubs, sneakily watching my fat neighbor Ronald, while fantasizing about all the things I wanted him to do to me. He had seemed so unreachable, which had only fed my hunger for him. Wanting something which part of me felt was wrong. And now the roles were turned. Just like the young boy had been hankering for the fat bear, now the fat bear was hankering for the young boy. Imagining how he was the one penetrating me instead of the Blond Stallion. Tonight, I was the fantasy.

I loved it.

‘‘Oh yes, give me more daddy, I want more,’’ I screamed hysterically. Immersing myself in the role of the insatiable whore.

The Blond Stallion felt evidently encouraged and shoved his long hard member relentlessly deep into my hole. He grunted loudly as he pounded me and pushed my legs back so that I was almost folded together. Suddenly a suppressed anger seemed to rise in him, as if he had changed by the light of the moon, and he took off all his bad feelings on me by slamming his cock through my body. Giving me no pause to breath and subjecting me to an unapologetic fucking. I had become nothing more but a hole to him, perfectly suitable for dumping his load.

All under the observation of watchful eyes that were invisible to me, but which I knew were there. Taking in every moment of me getting fucked under the yellow lights of a battered streetlamp. Through the trees I saw the stroking movement of his hand, and the shuddering leaves gave away that the creeper was jerking himself hard.

The Blond Stallion kept going with undying stamina. If it wasn’t for the adrenaline rushing through my veins, I don’t think I would’ve survived. But in my current condition I was more than ready to receive his raging cock.

His screams became louder, almost as if he were howling.

‘‘Take it you little cunt!’’ he hissed, and he pounded me so hard that my whole body was shaking. As if mercilessly screwing the whore would be the salvation to his inner frustration. Sliding the hard cock in and out while his balls bounced against my skin.

Had I not been so aroused it might’ve been hell, but right now I loved it. I wanted to be used by him and I spread my legs even wider in eagerness to be demoted to nothing more but an object for his desires.

He kept jackhammering me and seeing the possessed state he was in only made my heart rage. ‘‘Give me more,’’ I begged as my eyes rolled back into my skull. Which to him seemed to mean grabbing me by the throat. Not going as far as to actually choke me, but still, the threat was there.

From the shrubs I heard a load moan and I saw the branches shake a few more times before coming to a halt.

I took a hand to myself and stroked my own dick, while feeling the Stallion’s bump against my prostate. I had just taken it in my hand when already I felt I was about to cum. Jizz sprayed all over my belly as I released a big load.

Yet still the muscular fucker kept going on. But now I could no longer take it anymore. I grabbed on to his nipples and squeezed as hard as I could. More out of desperation than desire. But it proved to be effective.

‘‘AAAAAAAAAAH!’’ he screamed, as he buried his deposit deep inside me – his tongue sticking out like a madman.

Then he finally let go of my throat and slid out his cock.

Exhausted I lay my head to rest on the hood. Thinking that busting tables might not be such hard work after all.

‘‘Here, let me give you a hand,’’ he said, and he pulled me off the hood. ‘‘That was nice, thank you.’’ And just like that, the angry beast had disappeared, and he had changed into his former self again.

‘‘Now, let’s get you back to your friend,’’ he said after we had put on our clothes again.

‘‘Can you hold on for just a minute, I have to take a quick pee in the bushes?’’

‘‘Suit yourself, I’ll be waiting in the car.’’

When I reached the bushes, I curiously pulled aside the leaves, but the fat bear was long gone. Then I became aware of a sticky feeling in my hand. Could it be?

I observed that the fluid was still warm when I licked my fingers. Yes, it was the unmistakable taste of thick cum.


When I awoke the next day my mind’s eye was still full of big muscles and hard cocks. I knew the images were just remnants of wet dreams, but I held on to my cushion, wishing to dive back in. How I longed for a repetition of last night’s events. The touch of a strong hard body and the digging of a big head deep inside me. Being filled up so full till there was no stopping from bursting out of cum. Graving for more like a true whore. And the mysterious creeper certainly had added a sexual high to the experience.

‘‘Mornin’ sleepyhead.’’

Gauge was right next to me on the other side of the bed, sitting straight up with his laptop in his lap.

‘‘What are you doing?’’ I brought out still a bit drowsy.

‘‘Stretchin’ my wallet the best way I know how,’’ he said while grabbing for his lighter. ‘‘Tell me, how do you view the world after your first night of turnin’ tricks?’’

I gave in to a big yawn and pushed away the sheets while still finding it hard to get upright. From my sleepy state it was hard enough to step into the world, let alone thinking about how I perceived it. After the things I did last night, had it changed by any way? Had I changed?

‘‘I remember when I first stepped into someone’s car,’’ he said. ‘‘I had no idea what I was actually doin’ until I had done it. But once I got out and saw the hundred-dollar bill in my palm, it was as if my eyes went open and it became clear to me how I was surrounded by opportunities. Cash is everywhere and it don’t take an awful lot of trouble to get your hands on it.’’

He took a big draw from his cigarette. ‘‘A wet tongue and an eager hole are all the instruments you need to make it rain.’’

‘‘But that’s not why I did it,’’ I said. ‘‘I was merely in it for –’’

‘‘– The experience, I know. I’m a guy who thinks of practicalities where you’re fulfillin’ fantasies. Which is totally fine. But how’d you feel about combinin’ the two?’’

‘‘What are you talking about?’’

‘‘I’m talkin’ about this add I found on one of the pages I’m hustlin’ on. Five bodybuilder men who are lookin’ to build off some steam during the annual Superbowl.’’

He turned his laptop to show me a picture of a group of very broad men with uncovered torsos. Faces blurred.

‘‘They’re requestin’ a certain type of guy who’ll serve as their pet for the night, for which the job de***********ion contains, and I quote, ‘filling our bellies and emptying our cocks’. Unfortunately, I don’t fit the bill for the type they’re lookin’ for. You however, do.’’

‘‘What makes you think that?’’

A sly grin appeared on his face. ‘‘Don’t get mad, but I sent them your picture. They were most excited about you.’’

‘‘You did what?!’’

‘‘C’mon, don’t be mad. Seein’ how satisfied you were left by that juicehead last night, this seemed right up your ally. What are the odds of walkin’ in on a gig like this two times in a row? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this shit almost feels like some divine intervention.’’

‘‘I dunno about this Gauge. Seems a bit sketchy don’t you think?’’

‘‘Oh, and a guy wearin’ sunglasses in the middle of the night while pickin’ up young jocks don’t?’’

He certainly had a point there. Then again, putting myself at risk by exposing myself to one stranger was still not as bad as doing it with a group of five. Yet, the longer I looked at the picture of those bulging muscles I felt oddly attracted to the danger of it all. Last night had been about fulfilling a fantasy, and speaking of fantasies, giving myself away to the urges of a group of testosterone driven bulls could definitely be one.

‘‘So what should I tell ’em, are you in or not? They’re offerin’ a thousand bucks for the night.’’


‘‘Well, don’t get too excited. Keep in mind there’s five of ’em, which makes it two hundred per guy. Plus, they want you to act like some kind of busboy servicin’ them food and drinks. Which is probably part of some master-slave fetish.’’

The thought of being used as a pet by five men with the physiques of Gods was something that both scared and excited me. Just like stepping into a stranger’s car had last night.

Before I’d met Gauge, I never would’ve thought I’d ever let myself get paid for sex. Yet I’d done it and the thrill it had given me seemed to have some addictive quality to it. Because why else would I even be considering this? It was obvious that my friend was damaged goods, and seeing where he came from, I couldn’t blame him. But I knew better than to join him on his road to self-destruction. So, I made up my mind.

‘‘Okay, I’m doing it.’’

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