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My 19th Christmas Eve started off quiet, but then it became the most thrilling night of my life.
Christmas Eve was heading towards an end, and I was home all alone. My mom was working a night shift at the hospital, so I had to entertain myself. And what better way to do that than with my favorite Christmas movie. No, I’m not talking Love Actually or any of that other sappy crap. For me, the real Christmas cheer was seeing Bill Goldberg dressed up in a Santa suit. Even if it was in a cheap horror flick such as Santa’s Slay, where Saint Nick was raising holiday spirit by chopping off heads. Homicidal maniac or not, I would’ve sat on Goldberg’s lap any day. Just watching him was enough to give me an instant boner.

Once the movie ended, I dragged myself off the couch to clean up the mess I had spread out on the coffee table. Chip crumbs lay everywhere between the sauce stains that sticked to the glass tabletop. Sometimes it amazed myself how much of a pig I could be.

Seeing how the bin was almost piling over I decided to take the trash out, and while I was heading to the front door I glimpsed at the presents under the tree. Wondering if the small box would contain the cell phone I had been hoping for. I desperately needed a new one since I accidentally let my old one slip into the toilet. I had tried the classic put-it-in-rice trick to no avail, because the damage had turned out to be just as irreversible as my lost innocence.

When I came outside, I was bathed in light from across the street. Miss. Pawlowski’s house always looked like a carnival this time of year, even more so at night. She would decorate her place with so much colorful splendor and brightness, that it was almost blinding. I saw one of her many cats running through the front door, which I noticed stood ajar. Making me surprised the old woman was still up around this hour.


Just when I lifted the garbage bag up to dump it in the trashcan, it completely teared open and its content spilled all over the sidewalk. How the hell did that even happen? Looking closer I saw the shards of the plate I had broken earlier that week, which were probably what had cut into the sack. Annoyed I got back into the house to fetch a broom and shovel and started sweeping up the waste.

By the time I was done it occurred to me that the door to the house of miss. Pawlowski was still standing open on a crack. I was beginning to wonder if maybe she had left it so by accident. Perhaps after letting the cat out. It was only a small effort to walk over and check it out.

When I came up to the doorstep it appeared to be quiet on the other side. I pushed the crack open, making the wood creak. The entrance hall was dimly lit by a decorated banister, but the main lights were out.

‘‘Hello! – Miss. Pawlowski?! – Are you home?! – You left the front door open!’’

There came no response. Maybe she was already in bed after all.

When I entered the living room I almost tripped. That’s when I saw I was standing on a fallen Christmas tree, which lay spread out across the room. My foot already got tangled in the cord of the broken lights. I removed the string from my ankle and stepped back to survey the mess. But the room was almost dark, and the only light came from a few flickering candles at the dining table.

I jumped when I saw the old woman at the head of the table. Bend over with her head sunken in her plate.

‘‘Miss. Pawlowski!’’

As fast I could I ran to her aid. But when I tried to wake her up by shaking her shoulder, she slipped from the chair and fell to the ground – DEAD!

Now I saw the blood that was spilling everywhere. Dripping from the tabletop and onto the chair. I wanted to scream but instead I couldn’t bring out a word. Looking back at miss. Pawlowski, I saw that her throat had been cut, and judging by how the jugular was gushing, the wound was still fresh. Horrified I backed away from the body, while unable to take my eyes away from her.

I bumped up against a wall, but when I saw I was only two steps removed from the table, I realized it wasn’t a wall. Suddenly I became aware of a grunting sound, and I felt a warm breeze down my neck. My insides turned cold as I realized what was really standing behind me. Or better said, ‘‘WHO’’.

I turned around and looked up in the face of death. A dark shadow was towering over me, and I sank into a pair of evil eyes. Filled with pure and utter hatred.

That’s when I ran.

As fast as my legs could carry me, I fled to the first exit I could find, which led me into the kitchen. The killer was already pursuing me, and the sound of his heavy footsteps drumming on the hardwood floor almost paralyzed me. Unlike me he didn’t seem to be in a hurry, but he was taking his time as if he had nothing to worry about – as if he was sure enough that he would catch me.

I reached for the backside door and turned the handle.

Damned, it was locked!

The footsteps came nearer, and I felt the blood draining from my brain. Making me unable to come up with a solution. Until it hit me that the key was in the lock, and I simply had to turn it.

I flew over the threshold and now for the first time, I screamed.

But when I made it back to the front of the house, the streets were totally empty, and it seemed as if no one had heard my cries for help. The main door to miss. Pawlowski’s already opened and the killer stepped out on the porch, pursuing me in that overly calm and confident manner. And when there still wasn’t anybody answering my calls, I remembered a lot of my neighbors had left for the holidays this year. So I gave up on screaming my longs out, and escaped into my own home. Locking the front door shut.

I peeked through the small windowpane and now clearly saw an enormous man crossing the street. Wait! Was he wearing a Santa suit? It couldn’t be, could it? I ducked down, afraid he would see me. Not that it mattered. He already knew in which house I lived. What was I going to do? I had to call for help!

On my knees I crawled to the living room and hurried to the phone to dial 911. But when I brought the horn to my ear, there was no dial tone. Fuck! It was as if he had known I was out of a cell phone. Why else had he even bothered to cut the line in a day and age where everyone carried a mobile? I thought about the possibilities. Wasn’t it so that Santa always knew everybody’s business? Oh come on, that was just crazy talk!

THE BACKDOOR! I thought.

I jumped up and ran to the kitchen. There he was. His dark shadow creeping up behind the windowpane. The doorknob rattled, but to my relief it turned out I had locked it earlier.

I startled when the glass shattered, and his gloved hand reached inside. Determined to get in. But unlike miss. Pawlowski, I hadn’t left the key in the lock. For which he backed off and stepped away from the door. Disappearing back into the night.

But the one thing that was scarier than seeing his shadow, was not seeing it at all. Because I already knew he wasn’t just going to give up. He was coming back, someway somehow. Leaving me to question when and where that was. I couldn’t leave the house, and I couldn’t reach out to anyone. It was just him and me tonight. Desperate I paced through the room, before I decided to head upstairs and lock myself in my room.

Knock knock!

I turned around from my bedroom door and looked right at the shadow in front of my window.


Relief overwhelmed me when I saw the feisty redhead waving at me. I opened the window and let my friend in. ‘‘Come, hurry!’’ I said, after which I closed it shut.

‘‘What’s up with you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.’’

I glanced outside before swiftly drawing the curtains. ‘‘Listen, something awful is happening. But before I say a word, try not to freak out!’’

She looked at me questioningly.

‘‘Someone’s out there! He’s trying to get me!’’

‘‘Oh, I see. You mean that Santa guy I saw snooping in the yard?’’

‘‘You’ve seen him?!’’

‘‘Yes, I have.’’ She gave me a naughty smirk. ‘‘Very interesting roleplay I must say.’’

‘‘Wait, you think that I’m...? No, it’s not like that, he’s trying to –’’

‘‘– Oh I know what he’s trying to. Tell me, where did you find this one?’’

‘‘There is nothing to tell! I mean, there is! But it is not what you think!’’

‘‘Well, if you’re not going to spill the tea, then let me. I just came back from church with my family, and guess what? Before the start of Midnight Mass, I made a personal visit to pastor Levi’s office. He got me to pray on my knees while handling his cross. Then he took me onto his desk and made me cry out the Lord’s name with so much devotion – dear heavens, I didn’t know I had it in me.’’

‘‘Siara, shut up!’’

‘‘Jeese, what has gotten into you? Was it something I said about the church? I thought you didn’t care about all that religious stuff anyways.’’

‘‘I don’t! Just listen for a moment!’’

Suddenly a loud bang came from the roof.

‘‘What was that?’’

‘‘Psst, be quiet!’’ I hissed.

‘‘Seriously, what is going on?!’’

‘‘I’ve been trying to tell you. That Santa you saw, he’s killed one of my neighbors – and now, he’s trying to kill me. He’ll probably come after you too as soon as he lays eyes on you. If he hasn’t already.’’

‘‘You’re kidding right? – Wait, why is there blood on your hands?’’

As I looked down at my hands, I saw that they were indeed smeared with red. Which must have been from when I touched the body of miss. Pawlowski. ‘‘Do you believe me now?’’ I said agitated. Then finally, Siara started to look worried.

‘‘Give me your phone so I can call 911,’’ I said.

‘‘I can’t, my battery died about an hour ago.’’

‘‘Fuck! As you know, my cell is broken, and he cut off the landline.’’

I got up and searched the drawers of my desk for my phone charger, but the only thing I found was my damaged device. When suddenly I remembered the present under the tree. If it really was a phone, I could place in my old SIM card.

‘‘Wait here,’’ I said. ‘‘I have to get something downstairs, but I’ll be back in a minute.’’

With buckling knees, I rushed down the stairs and back into the living room. I was filled with so much anxiety that when I got there, I had to take a moment to adjust.

What was I doing again? Right, the present!

In a hurry I ran to the tree and teared the gift wrapping from the small box. I sighed in relief when I saw it was indeed a new phone. But once I walked back past the coffee table, my euphoria quickly subsided.

I froze when I heard another loud bang coming from the roof. Then an awful rattling came from the fireplace, and a big pile of ash dropped down the chimney. I caught my breath while I was rooted to the spot with disbelief. I had seen the movie, but this wasn’t actually happening, was it? Good or evil, Santa did not exist!

The rattling became louder, followed by a sweeping sound, as if someone was sliding down – going faster and faster, until…


The fireplace exploded and a wall of bricks collapsed into the room. Dark ash blew out of the passage and wrapped itself around a tall figure, until the screen of smoke subsided, and I saw him clearly standing in front of me.

I slowly backed away, dropping the box out of my hand, as I witnessed the humongous man stepping out of the fireplace. It was him – it really was him! Santa Claus did exist, and he looked exactly like Bill Goldberg! Or was it the other way around, and did Saint Nick pose as a WWE wrestler when he was not on his annual massacre? My head was spinning as I was starting to lose my mind, and I found it hard to stand up straight. I took a deep breath to keep myself from fainting – blinking my eyes a few times. But the image kept being the same.

‘‘Did you really think you could escape me, you little punk?’’ He smiled menacingly while his devilish eyes penetrated me.

He was not even a man, he was a giant. His seven-league boots could easily crush me as if I were Tom Thumb. Unless he would choose to strangle me first with his massive shovel hands. Dressed in his white fur trimmed red coat he looked nothing short of a polar bear, and the broad buckled belt almost seemed to have been made to restrain his magnificence from striking a man dead on sight. Never had I seen someone with so much hair, and I kept staring in amazement at the long white manes springing from all around his head.

I tried to say something, but I could only squeak. ‘‘What’s the matter, reindeer got ya tongue?’’ he hissed.

‘‘You killed miss. Pawlowski!’’

Santa, a.k.a. Goldberg, clapped his hands. ‘‘Real observant Sherlock Dipshit. And now I’m gonna kill you.’’

He came at me before I got a chance and seized me by the throat. Then he lifted me up as if I were nothing more but a rag doll. I grabbed on to his wrist, but it was no use. His grip was solid as steel. Which immediately answered my question as to how he was going to off me: strangling it was.

Tears welled in my eyes as I desperately tried to get loose. He laughed diabolically and squeezed my windpipe shut.

‘‘Let him go! – NOW!’’

Goldberg turned his head around to face Siara who had just entered the room. Then he threw me into the corner, where I smacked into the Christmas tree. The whole pine came down on me and I got trampled by a sea of branches. I tried to get up, but I was buried under the weight of the tree. Looking up I saw Siara confronting Goldberg with a baseball bat.

‘‘You silly little bitch, you think that is gonna stop me? Bring it on missy!’’

Siara screamed as she went in for the attack, lifting up the bat and aiming for Goldberg’s head. But as soon as she brought down the club, he caught it in the palm of his hand and ripped it out of hers. Then he broke it into two on his knee, as if it were just a silly twig. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked obviously scared.

Why was I still lying there? – there was no time to waste!

I pushed the pile of branches off me with all I got and scrambled to my feet. But before I could take a single step, I witnessed before my eyes how Goldberg made an unexpected turn. Within seconds he snatched the fire poker and rotated his body. Sticking the pointy steel right through Siara’s throat and nailing her up against the wall.

I screeched in horror.

Desperately I ran up to my friend, who was hanging there like a pinned butterfly. Blood gushed through her open mouth and the usual warmth of her amber colored eyes suddenly looked cold as ice. Eternally frozen in the shock that had hit her right before the poker went through. I could see that all the life had washed away from her face, but I refused to accept it. ‘‘Siara, please!’’ I cried. ‘‘Don’t you dare die on me!’’

‘‘Get real you imbecile!’’ grunted Goldberg. ‘‘There’s a steel spike sticking through her throat! The bitch’s long gone by now!’’

He narrowed his grey eyes as steam seemed to blow from his nose. ‘‘One guess as to WHO’S NEXT?!’’

I looked into his mean face, but all the fear I went through that night suddenly swept off me. Instead, an anger arose in me that was greater than any I had ever felt. ‘‘AAAAAH!’’ I screamed, and I ran into him. Balling up my fists and hitting him as hard as I could. The world had turned black in front of my eyes, and I had become a mad bull, who saw absolutely nothing except for his red suit. I kept kicking and punching until all the energy had completely drained from my body, and slowly I regained my consciousness.

‘‘Are you done?’’ he said. I stepped back in exhaustion, and looking up to him, I saw he was grinning. Visibly unmoved, as if I were merely a little boy who had just thrown a tantrum. ‘‘Now where were we…?’’

He reached for me, but before he could grab me, I ducked. Seeing how there was no use in fighting him, I decided to make a run for it. Only this time, he didn’t linger in his pursuit. Instead, he hurried after me into the hall and threw himself between me and the front door.

Being blocked from fleeing outside, I made a turn for the stairs. But halfway through I stumbled over. He had gotten a hold of my ankle and was already dragging me down. With all my might I kicked him in his fat nose, and finally to some effect. Because he loosened his grip just enough for me to escape.

I made it to the top of the stairs and fled into my room, where I slammed the door and locked it shut.

Bright enough to know that was not going to keep a monster like that from entering, I immediately headed for the bedroom window and opened the lock.

The walls seemed to shake under the weight of his heavy boots, and I could hear him approaching. I startled when I heard a loud bang behind me, and almost automatically I looked over my shoulder to the door. Straight at a poster of my former dream man, who tonight had become my worst nightmare. Then there was another bang, and I saw how the door came down. Completely with its frame.

In a rush I shoved open the window and clambered onto the ledge. But before I reached the roof, I felt a pull on my shirt, and I got dragged back into the room.

Goldberg slammed the window shut and tossed me across the bed, whereafter I fell to the floor and smacked my head against the wall. ‘‘Leaving so soon, are we? Not at all curious what Santa got you this year?’’

Dazed I clambered up to my feet. ‘‘I-I-I’m good,’’ I stuttered. ‘‘S-s-some fresh air w-w-would be enough.’’

I pushed my back flat against the wall, seeing how he walked around the bed to approach me. The sound of his heavy boots thumped in my ears. He had a foul grin on his face. ‘‘Fresh air?’’ he sneered. ‘‘But baby, it’s cold outside.’’

Then he pulled me off the wall and forced me to sit down on the edge of the bed. My body trembled as I dared to look up to him. He was so tall that he made me feel like a kid again. Seeing him from below, his long beard rose above me like a foreboding cloud. A darkness through which no sun would ever reach again. I knew I was going to die. Just like Siara.

The image of my friend’s lifeless face flashed before my eyes again. That’s when I broke and burst out in tears.

‘‘Oh boy, there we go again. Everybody’s always singing about me coming to town, but when I finally do, you start crying. What’s the matter, doesn’t Santa live up to the fantasy?’’

I gulped back my tears and clenched my teeth. ‘‘You killed my friend!’’ I said in a suppressed angry voice.

‘‘See, that’s the misconception of Christmas. You don’t always get things in life, sometimes they’re taken from you. Tonight, you lost your friend. Where a few centuries ago, I lost a bet. Thus, for a thousand years I was robbed from my annual Day of Slaying. Forced by an angel to deliver presents instead.’’ His face contorted in disgust, and he spit on the floor.

‘‘So it is true then, you are the son of Satan?’’

‘‘You watched the movie, didn’t you? Oh yes, I know everything about everyone. But what you didn’t know is that Santa starred in his own biopic.’’

Skeptical I shook my head. Was he confirming what I thought he was? Were he and the WWE wrestler on the crushed poster under my bedroom door one and the same person?

‘‘But if that was actually you… that would mean, Bill Goldberg is –’’

‘‘– My alter ego, yes. A created outlet for my anger. But now I’m back to my old ways, I no longer have to act I’m doing damage. I can do it for real.’’

I was lost for words. Not knowing what to feel at that moment. Frightened… sad… or just completely confused? I never had believed in God or the Devil. Hell, I never even had believed in Santa Claus. But if all of this was true, at least there was a bright side to it. ‘‘She’s in Heaven,’’ I mumbled. ‘‘Siara’s in Heaven.’’

Santa, or Goldberg as I still saw him, laughed. ‘‘Peter doesn’t open the gates for little sluts who befoul themselves with the seed of fallen pastors. An immortal soul must be earned. Once her body has turned cold, she’s lost forever.’’

I shook my head. ‘‘No please, this can’t be happening! There must be something I can do...’’ I paused and took a deep breath. Most people probably would have uttered the magic words without knowing. But I was well aware of what I was about to say.

‘‘I’ll do anything.’’

His eyes widened with greed. Like that of a predator harvesting its prey. ‘‘Did I hear ‘anything’…? In that case, let’s talk.’’ He walked away from the bed and sagged down in the chair next to the bedroom mirror. ‘‘See the thing is, once a soul enters Limbo it can only return in exchange for another. Regardless of where that soul is headed.’’

‘‘Are you saying I must die in her place?’’

‘‘I’m saying, you must strike a deal with someone who’s powerful enough to make the switch. Which I’m willing to do, provided that I get something in return.’’

I swallowed the lump in my throat. ‘‘What do you want?’’ Of course, I already knew the answer.

‘‘Like I said, I know everything about everyone. For which I also know about the talents you possess. I’ve been looking for someone to serve me. Someone to stand by my side and pleasure me for eternity. If you can promise me that, I’ll bring back your friend to the living.’’

I bit my lip in anxiety, trying to keep more tears from coming. ‘‘Just say it, I need you to say it.’’

Goldberg stood up from his chair, casting his dark shadow over me.


I felt total emptiness inside. As if I was already lost to the world. How could I even be considering this? Siara was my best friend and sure, I loved her. I even felt responsible for her death, seeing how I hadn’t acted fast enough to prevent it. But still, selling my soul in exchange for her immortal one… was any friendship worth that?

Truth was, I did this for myself. Partially because of my longstanding self-hatred and the conviction that I had to be punished. Since for years I had been telling myself that I would never be enough. That my father had abandoned me for a reason, and that I was an abomination for the urges I kept having. Even though I acted tough around my friends about my sexual escapades, underneath all that false confidence was plenty of guilt. Which was also the reason I had been longing to self-destruct. Not just by small acts, but by doing something big. A thing that could never be undone.

Because in some twisted way, the thought of letting go of every last hope seemed liberating. For that I no longer would have to try to turn myself around and follow expectations. Neither those of society nor my very own. I wanted to give myself to him. The one I had been worshipping all along without knowing. Let him take me in his warm embrace and fly away together.

Goldberg bent over me and when I looked into his eyes, they seemed to light up. Fire was burning in them and while I was gazing into the flames, I felt my sorrows burn away. Drawn by a heat I couldn’t possibly withstand. I tilted my head and brought myself to him. Until our lips met, and I kissed the Devil’s son.

A rush flowed through my body when his greedy lips took me in. His long beard caressed my face, and I wrapped my arms around him, holding on to his massive shoulders. His muscles were so solid that I could feel their bulging shapes through his fur coat. From his mighty traps to his wide back. His body was hard, yet his tongue was sweet and tender, and I felt enlightened by its long soft strokes. Already I was drifting away to the other side.

He got to his feet and removed his gloves. Revealing his meaty hands. Whereupon he unclasped his heavy buckled belt and tossed it to the side. Then he opened the ornate silver buttons of his coat and uncovered the flesh of his hairy bear belly. Striking me with awe as I looked up to his burly chest.

I followed my instincts and let my hands run over the furry skin. He did not object and groaned softly under my touch. Letting me trail up all the way to his nipples and pinch them a little. After which I pulled on the silver hairs that surrounded them and placed my palms on his pecs. Molding the thick muscle mass while my erection kept growing.

The bulge in his pants was undeniably expanding as well, and the red fur covering his crotch was pointing outward like a tent.

From the inner pocket of his coat, he pulled out a flask and took a swig of whatever was in there. He made a nasty burp whereafter he brought his attention back to me. ‘‘What’s the deal chump, are you gonna unwrap that present or are you just gonna keep eyeballing it?’’

I licked my lips at the prospect of tasting his schlong. Only thinking about it caused my heart to thump in my chest while my breath got heavy. Then finally, I pulled down the red fabric and dragged his trousers down to the floor.

I startled when I saw the massive white cock pointing in my face. Whatever I had been expecting, this piece of meat was exceeding it by a milestone. I had seen both long and thick pricks in my life, but nothing the size of this monster. Looking at the circumference of Goldberg’s dick made my throat soar before I had even begun sucking it. But since this was what I had to work with for all of eternity, I’d better get used to it.

I took a deep breath and stretched my jaws. Whereafter I brought the giant cock to my mouth and forced it between my lips.

The big head poked against the back of my palate right after it had entered my mouth. Causing my eyes to well up with tears as I almost choked. On top of that, Goldberg placed his vast hands on the back of my head and pushed me along. Within an instant I was completely stuffed, and I grabbed on to his meaty legs in a desperate attempt to keep the entire length from coming. Now the tears rolled down my cheeks, and I spluttered through my nose as the fat pole slid over my tongue.

That’s when he released me. He laughed while I coughed and heaved. ‘‘Here, let me help you relax a bit,’’ he said, and from his flask he poured a trail of fuming liquid onto his dick, which had the dark red shade of blood.

When he saw me hesitate, he said: ‘‘Go ahead, taste Santa’s wine.’’

I took a hold of his prick and placed the fuming glans on my tongue. He poured more wine on his shaft from where it gushed down into my mouth. He had not lied. Never had I tasted anything sweeter, and the liquor rose to my head within seconds. Taking away all the tension from my muscles and just like magic, I was cured from my gag reflexes. Suddenly able to endure his long rod all the way to the back of my throat. And more importantly, I was enjoying it to the fullest.

‘‘Hmmm, yes… that’s how a dick needs to be sucked,’’ he said.

I pressed my lips tightly around his fat cock, tasting every inch of his flesh. Smearing my saliva all over his shaft until it dripped down to his hairy balls. I took them in my hand and felt their heavy weight resting in my palms. All the while his pumped-up glans kept sliding back and forth over my tongue. Reaching till the end of my throat and returning to my puckered lips, where I squeezed and nibbled on the tip. I closed my eyes and moaned, as I sucked on the thick cock with eager. The pressure of the swollen head felt good on my tongue, and I twirled around it to feel every curve of his glans.

Then I licked his furry sack, stuffing my mouth with one ball at a time and pulling the skin. They burned in my mouth as hot bags of milk, and I was determined to drain them for all their worth. Emptying those balls till the last drop.

After a while, he pushed me away. ‘‘Take off your clothes!’’ he said.

I followed his commend, and he too began to shed his garments. Starting off by completely removing his fur coat and flaunting his magnificent torso. And for the first time I could clearly see his bulging arms. Though trunks seemed a more accurate way to describe them. But most of all, I loved the immensity of his shoulders. Each of his traps looked like they made up half a volcano, from which his vast neck erupted like a force of nature.

He took off his seven-league boots and bared his ogre sized feet, which made the floor drum each time he put them down. Then finally, he kicked his pants to the side and stood before me in all his naked glory.

He pushed me onto the bed and pressed his warm hairy body against mine. Taking me in his broad arms and kissing me fiercely, while his long beard brushed along my skin. His meaty hands caressed my back and I got wrapped up by the heat of his touch.

Then he grabbed me by my ankles and forced my legs up in the air. He licked his thick calloused fingers and brought them to my hole. ‘‘Hmmm,’’ he groaned. ‘‘Santa’s gonna take care of that tonight.’’ After which he buried his face in my crevice and began to eat me out like a bag of candy. I gasped as his tongue slid deep inside. He twirled it around vehemently while he sucked the fluid from my wet ass. Stretching my pucker wide open with his big thumbs to make way for his greedy mouth. Suddenly I flinched when I felt his beard hairs tickle.

‘‘Suffering from an itch, are we?’’ He got up on his knees and pulled me closer. ‘‘Let me rub that for you.’’

Then he stuck out his tongue and made a string of saliva drool onto his schlong. My heart began to race, knowing that he was going to plant that monstrosity of a dick inside my little hole. Afraid that it wouldn’t possibly fit.

He reached for something behind his back, and as if he’d read my fears, he brought out his little flask. I opened my mouth and he poured in his special wine. Which again, took immediate effect and swept away my tension. That’s when he pushed on the big cockhead and slid himself in.

Even after drinking the wine, I had to clench my teeth a little. Considering that my sphincter was getting stretched to the max. But feeling Bill Goldberg’s dick pushing through my body was a dream come true.

I sighed when his fat glans reached my spot, clenching my fingers in the sheets. ‘‘Take me!’’ I moaned, and I felt my stomach twirl. Almost as if he was inserting me with butterflies.

‘‘Hmmm, that’s my boy,’’ he grunted, and he slammed his dick in harder. ‘‘And to think you wouldn’t even let me in tonight – well I’m in now!’’

He placed his big hands beside me, looking over me while his arm muscles strained under his heavy weight. Then slowly he brought his face closer to mine, until I could feel his warm breath blowing on my skin. His eyes locked me into their gaze, and I saw they were no longer filled with hate. Instead, they reflected my own lust, and I could see that he wanted this just as bad as I. Thus, I threw my arms over his broad shoulders and pressed him against me.

He dropped his entire mass on top of me, almost crushing me under his big pile of muscle. All the while shoving his cock deeper. I squirmed in ecstasy as I felt him sliding through my canal. Fucking me harder with each thrust. The friction in my hole intensified and I felt my prostate getting milked. I held on to his wide back for support and pressed my fingers into his skin. Grinding my crevice onto his hard prick while he kept going faster. Banging me into the matrass with force.

Sweat streamed from our bodies as we panted in unison. ‘‘Squeeze on it you little bitch,’’ he groaned, and he aggressively clenched his teeth. Then he began to pound me relentlessly, making my butthole hurt. But yet I couldn’t get enough of his raging dick.

‘‘Yesss! – Pound me!’’ I cried, and he fucked me with such vigor that it made the bedframe squeak. I opened my legs up even wider in eagerness to receive him, and I couldn’t stop moaning while the thick cock kept hitting my spot.

If he needed to rage, he could do it in my hole. Because I was more than willing to be Santa’s little helper. Molding him in all the right ways until he would make it snow inside me. ‘‘Fuck me Santa! – Fuck me Santa!’’ I screamed, while the big silver bear was digging me deep. Screwing me persistently as his swollen glans carved the way. And just like he asked for, I squeezed my sphincter tightly around his fat cock.

When he pushed himself up on his arms again, he slowed down a bit. Then he shoved his tongue back in my mouth and kissed me with greed. Sucking my drool till I was dry. After which he pulled me off the bed while he was still in me. Forcing me to hold on to his thick neck.

He slammed me up against the wall and held me by my legs, keeping his hips in between. ‘‘Aaaaah,’’ he hissed, as he continued sliding me over his dick. His eyes were closed in delight, fully enjoying the tightness of my pucker, and he shoved himself in with heavy thrusts. Connecting his cockhead with my prostate and making me scream in gratification.

Goldberg grunted loudly and buried his face in my neck. Panting his hot breath onto my skin.

I flinched when I felt his teeth – biting me like a hungry beast. But just like getting stretched out by his oversized rod, it was the kind of sensation where pain turned into pleasure. Emphasizing my horny spirit and making me press my hole onto him even needier.

My entire body bounced up and down as he kept screwing me, and I held on tight to his massive traps. Trembling from pleasure as I felt my hole getting plowed by his thick cock. He hollowed me out until he was able to stuff me with the entire length. Burying his dick in the deepest part of my ass.

‘‘Oh yes, fuck me!’’ I screamed, and so he did. He fucked me up against that wall until my butt was completely soar.

‘‘Now, let’s switch things up a bit,’’ he said, whereafter he slid outside me. He grabbed me by my neck and smacked me back onto the bed, turning me flat on my back.

Then he sat on top of me, pushing his ass in my face. Looking over his shoulder, he said: ‘‘Eat me out sucker!’’ And he pulled me by my hair, forcing my head between his buttocks.

With my nose buried in his hairy crevice, it was hard to breath. But as soon as I took in his manly taste, I decided it was all I needed to live on. Moist sticked between his little hairs, and I sucked it in as if I was feeding on a life source. I wiggled my tongue between the tight muscles of his hole, stroking his inner flesh while feeling him contract. And he pushed me in deeper while his thick fingers burned in my skull. His fluids flowed in my mouth, and I sipped on their sweet taste. Getting greedier with every stroke of my tongue.

I trembled when he took my hard dick in his vast hand, and I felt a string of wetness spiraling down my shaft. He pressed his big thumb on my glans and clenched his fingers tight, making me gasp. Then he stroked the entire length. Starting off in a gentle rhythm, but slowly progressing the pace. Smearing his saliva all over, from my cockhead to the bottom of my stem. When suddenly…

I felt his lips surrounding the tip of my rod.

‘‘Hmmm,’’ I groaned, while my head was still buried in his ass.

Goldberg held a firm grip on my shaft, causing my blood vessels to constrict. Making my glans so hard that it felt as if it was about to burst. The strokes of his smooth tongue were so intense that I felt shivers run down my spine. My toes curled from the sensation, and I gasped when the back of his palate caressed my pumped-up head. His lips were kneading every inch of my erection, until they reached to my balls. He tickled my sack with the tips of his thick fingers, whereafter he took it in his hand and pulled. Right before increasing the sucking power on my dick. The pressure of his tongue became so heavy, that for a moment I thought he would squeeze out the cum.

But then he removed his tight lips and turned his body around.

I looked up to his monstrous physique as he crouched on his bulky legs. That’s when he took a hold of me and inserted my cock into his ass.

‘‘AAAAAH!’’ he groaned, baring his teeth while he shoved himself onto me. ‘‘One thousand years of bearing gifts, yet no one ever slides through my chimney.’’

I couldn’t help from shivering when his contracting muscle slid down my pole. Molding me over the entire length with a firm amount of pressure. For a man who resided over the pits of Hell, he was exceptionally capable of leading the way to heaven. And I wheezed from pleasure, as I entered his wet crevice.

‘‘Yeah, that’s right boy,’’ he snickered. ‘‘You found the one part of my body that isn’t big – my tiny little hole!’’

He came down all the way, dropping his fat butt on my lap. Whereafter he worked his sphincter over my dick with heavy strokes. Squatting and grinding while he kept squeezing his muscles. I admired the view of his thick inner thigs, spread to the side so that he was able to widen his pucker – the tight entrance in which my cock kept disappearing each time he came down.

I stroked my hands over his hairy legs, from his shins to his hamstrings. Until I reached his thick bear ass. Vast and round it was, and I closed my eyes in ecstasy when I ran my fingers over the surface.

Meanwhile, Goldberg was pulling his own dick while he balanced on top of mine. Supporting his body mass on one arm. And he kept fucking himself as he was grunting loud. ‘‘You like it when I squeeze, don’t you?’’

‘‘Oooh yes! – I love it!’’ I screamed. Whereupon he contracted even harder and spiraled his tight hole around the shaft. Sliding up and down over the moist that spilled out of his own ass. In an effort to get inside him even deeper I tried to thrust my hips forward. But he was so heavy that I could hardly move.

‘‘You’re right, why make me do all the hard work?’’ he said. Then he got off my cock and got on his back. Taking a hold of his ankles.

From between his thick legs, he looked up to me. ‘‘What are you waiting for? Get to work you punk!’’

Swiftly I got to my knees and crawled on top of the giant. Inserting myself back in his tiny hole. ‘‘Hmmmmm,’’ I moaned as I felt the pressure on my rod again. Then I started to actively push my hips back and forth. Finally getting a chance to do the fucking on my own. So I plunged down on his big hair body and shoved myself in deeper.

‘‘Yeah, hit that spot!’’ he said, and he closed his eyes in satisfaction. Lecherously sticking his tongue out of his mouth.

I kept on going, putting in my best effort to pleasure him. Wrenching my cock up his narrow canal and aiming for his prostate. And while I was sliding through him, I rested my head on his thick beard. Which was covering his hard chest like a soft blanket. He rested his fleshy palm on the back of my head, and for a moment I forgot that he was actually a psychotic butcher. Because being inside this man was like sinking into a fuzzy cushion. Warm to the touch yet solid enough to support me.

I kept fucking him, going faster and faster, and my breath became heavier, until I slowly began to reach an orgasmic state. ‘‘Oooh, I’m getting close,’’ I panted out.

Suddenly his eyes went wide, and he seized me by the throat. ‘‘No, you’re not!’’ he hissed. And while I was gasping for air, I was quickly reminded of whom I was dealing with.

Within seconds he pushed me off and forced me on my back. ‘‘Christmas is here!’’ he said in a dark voice. Then he spread my legs and buried his dick inside me once more.

‘‘Aaargh!’’ I screamed, as the sudden entrance brutally stretched me open. Goldberg didn’t waste any time or wine and went full force on my hole. Giving my ass an immediate pounding.

‘‘Hmmm, nice and tight,’’ he said. ‘‘And that’s how it’s gonna stay forever.’’

While I had been overwhelmed at first, the friction of his enormous cock quickly began to loosen up my sphincter. And once I was able to relax my muscles, I was also starting to enjoy him inside me again. Feeling the big glans poking against my prostate while I got aroused by the image of the vast bear hanging over me in all his dominance.

Whatever he wanted from me I would give him. Cock or hole, I was willing to serve. Seeing the delight on his face was enough to get me going. So I spread my legs willingly as he was thrusting his rod in there. Clenching the inner walls of my canal around his raging dick and grinding my hips forward to satisfy my own spot. Feeling it tingle after each stroke.

‘‘Once I’ve spilled my seeds inside of you, there is no way back!’’ he said, and he pushed his hands on my thighs, as if wanting to tear me open as wide as possible. ‘‘Then you’ll be mine!’’

His words filled me with an ambiguous fright. Leaving me both afraid of the finality of this Faustian deal yet aroused by the prospect of enjoying his body for eternity. The craving for his seed began to rise inside of me, and I just longed for him to breed me.

‘‘I want your load Santa, give me your load!’’

He began to shove me harder and harder, and looking up into his face, I saw how he clenched his teeth, making the tendons in his neck strain.

The poking against my prostate became overly intense, and suddenly I felt a spurt flowing through my dick.

‘‘HO HO HOOOOO!’’ Goldberg screamed – simultaneously depositing his hot seed inside me while my own cum shot up against his stomach.

I exhaled in relief. Fatigue came over me, but yet I was content.

However, that all changed when I witnessed the glow in his eyes. It was not seductive, like when he was about to strike his deal. But horrifying, as if they were the windows into an abyss – a place of eternal suffering.

The heat in his gaze extended till the flames were shooting from his eyeballs. Sparks burned on my skin, and I screeched in agony. Until I couldn’t bring out another word.

Goldberg had put his giant hands around my throat. Choking the life out while his dick was still inside of me. His entire body turned hot and even the sperm that was dripping from my hole began to boil. He laughed diabolically while I felt myself slipping away. Making an endless drop into the pits of Hell.

My screams were drowned out by knocking sounds coming from all around me. Getting louder and louder as I fell deeper…

Until instantly, I sat straight up in bed.

The darkness was gone and had made way for bright light shining through the window. Gazing around I saw that in the same fashion, the Devil’s son had disappeared.

Then I became aware of something sticking to my stomach. Lifting my sheets, I discovered myself covered in sperm. I swept the sweat from my forehead and sighed. Plunging my head back on my cushion.

Knock knock!

There was that sound again, and suddenly I realized where it was coming from. I jumped out of bed and swiped my stomach off with a clean towel from my drawers. Whereafter I slipped into my robe and pushed aside the curtains. Looking at the best Christmas gift I could have asked for.

In a hurry I unlocked the window. ‘‘Siara, you’re alive!’’ I said, and I dragged her into the room.

‘‘Why wouldn’t I be?’’ she said while stumbling to her feet. Looking slightly overwhelmed by my welcome.

‘‘But wait, what are you doing here?’’

‘‘Merry Christmas to you too. I thought you were happy to see me?’’

‘‘Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. Just figured you’d be with your family?’’

‘‘I know, I’m only teasing you. And yeah, of course my mom has the entire day planned to a T.’’ She rolled her eyes. ‘‘But something exciting happened right before Midnight Mass, and I just couldn’t wait to tell you. Seeing how you don’t carry a cellphone at the moment, I thought I’d quickly swing by.’’

‘‘Let me guess, you did the nasty with pastor Levi?’’

‘‘Yes! – How did you know?!’’

I stared at the poster on my bedroom door and felt an exciting thrill when I saw the image of Bill Goldberg looking back at me.

‘‘Let’s just say, I had a hell of a dream.’’

***THE END***
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