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Part two for the requested story
Dyri leaped to his feet. His hands went for his sword, and he was surprised to find it gone. Undeterred, he snapped, “I will do no such thing! I refuse to be humiliated!”

The wolves along the sidelines stepped forward, teeth bared.

Dyri’s posture softened a little, but he did not back down.

The shaman remained unmoved, his fingers curling in the long mane of one of the white wolves. “Our women are treated well, human. You should be honored to take up their task.” He waved a paw and ordered Aitu and Torlarrin to “Take the human to Inotago’s tent. He needs to rest and consider his options. She will help him see to reason, or he will die.”

Two sets of powerful paws grabbed Dyri by his shoulders. The wolves pulled him, kicking and cursing, through the settlement. Shame held his tongue only once or twice when the womenfolk stopped to stare. When the curtains of a new tent house cut him off from the frostbitten world, his swears started up with new fire.

“What is all this commotion?” asked a tired female voice.

Dyri glanced over his shoulder for only a second before he was flung forward. Scrabbling to his hands and knees, he looked up into the face of a beautiful woman. Her long, blonde hair was decorated with ribbons and beads, and the braids fell past her shoulders. Swirling tribal tattoos decorated her pale face and followed the contours of her neck to her shoulders. To Dyri's unending relief, she was blessedly human.

She blinked, inspecting him with ice-water blue eyes. Then she spoke in a hushed tone, “You’re like me.”

Dyri went to his knees and gripped her bare shoulders. “Thank the Allfather! Please, you must help me! These- These creatures,” he pointed back to the two wolves, “have made an impossible demand of me and say I must do it or die!”

The woman looked at him, shocked, then casually brushed his hands away. Dyri blushed, realizing the woman was fully nude. He looked away for a moment, then followed her feet as she padded her way to the largest wolf.

“Torlarrin,” she cooed as she pressed herself to the beast, “did you have a successful hunt?”

The big brown wolf grinned. He wrapped a strong arm around the tiny woman’s waist and said, “Brought down an elk. I’ll be sure to bring a good cut for you.”

Dyri watched in horror as the woman giggled and began to stroke the creature’s heavy sack. The pink tip of his cock becoming visible as the two flirted back and forth. It grew until the wolf’s penis was partially exposed.

The other wolf coughed, his own cock aroused by the display. “The shaman says that this new human is to either become a woman of the tribe or we will be forced to kill him. The spirits demand it, Inotago. Just as they had with you before.” The wolf extended a hand toward Dyri. “Could you help him see this is the best choice?”

Inotago’s hand paused on Torlarrin’s sheath, making the big wolf groan. She turned back to Dyri and chuckled, “Won’t be a good-looking woman, but he’s young enough.”

“Wait,” Dyri scooted further away. “Were you- You were a man like me?!”

“Oh gods no!” Inotago laughed. “I was once a shieldmaiden for my home village. I crashed here, just as you did and was given the same choice; take a new name and take a new role among the tribe or die. As you can see, I preferred life.”

“You preferred being a coward and whore for animals!”

She glared at him, “I expected to die a warrior but they would not have given me a warrior’s death. They could kill me at any time, should they be unsatisfied. At least with this option I'm alive could have taken a mate-”

“Still could,” Torlarrin growled in her ear. His large hand went to hers and urged her to keep stroking him.

She laughed and slid a finger into his sheath. “But I have so much fun being at the service of all the men here. And I have no risk of getting with child thanks to the shaman’s magic. It’s the most alive I’ve felt in ages.”

Inotago took Torlarrin’s balls in her hand and gently led him to her cushions. The other, a handsome, young grey wolf, stood back with his cock in his hand and licking his lips. Dyri realized what was about to happen and knew he would be forced to witness this unnatural mating.

“Aitu, you could join if you want.” The male didn’t hesitate but stood back a little when Torlarrin growled. The brown male sat on his knees and moaned as Inotago began to kiss and lick his cock. With her free hand, she massaged Aitu’s balls. “I suggest you get over yourself, warrior. The death they choose will not get you into Valhalla. At least like this you would be useful.”

Dyri moved away from the bed. Even with his hands over his ears, he could still hear the obscene sound of slurping and excited gasps; grunting and the gnashing of teeth. He knew it was abnormal, and he should have been disgusted. However, he couldn’t prevent the erection that grew from what he heard.

He hid behind a curtain where another set of sleeping cushions was placed. While he couldn’t see anything, his mind filled in with its own imagery. Dyri freed his cock and stroked himself to the sounds of Inotago being violated.

The beasts ravaged her in ways no man ever could, and Dyri knew it. They had her begging and crying their names in ecstasy. She gagged on their cocks and whimpered as teeth sank into her skin.

His mind began to drift as he jerked off. What did a wolf’s cock feel like? Was it anything like a man’s, or was it more filling? How was she able to take the knot so easily?

Then his mind gave him an image of himself bent over as one of the wolf creatures pushed into him. Rutting into his ass with brute force. He pictured the creatures making him beg just as Inotago begged.

Dyri’s eyes shot open as the curtain opened. Before him, the shaman and his white wolf wives. The females stared at his human cock with amused smirks. Shaman Vatea folded his arms across his chest and raised an eyebrow.

A smile curled his greying muzzle. “So, human, I take it you’re at least intrigued?”

Dyri’s face burned hot. He felt ashamed at what had been going through his mind. Now he was caught on the verge of coming undone by these strangers. He gulped and released his shaft, looking away.

“What kind of death could I expect if I refused?”

“You would be bound to a tree in the forest,” replied the shaman. “And if the cold didn’t kill you first, the crows and beasts would. Your body would be ripped apart to appease the spirits and drive the wicked things you brought with you away.”

Dyri’s fists clenched. The whore had been right… That was no way for a warrior to die. Hanging his head, Dyri sighed, “Then… I guess I have no choice but to--” his throat clenched. Swallowing, he continued, “To become a woman… for your people.”

The shaman grinned wickedly. “Then it is settled. The spirits have whispered your new name to me; Chilam is who you will be from now until the day you die.”

Vatea nodded to his wives. They exited the curtain only to return with new clothes, a bowl, dagger, a tattooing stick, and ink. The older wife, who introduced herself as Urarii, washed Dyri’s face and shaved the thin beard. Then she instructed him to get naked and, to further his humiliation, she shaved his chest, belly, and privates until almost all of him was smooth. His aroused cock twitched against the supple skin of her palm as she handled him.

When she finished, her companion, Heimata, helped the human slip into his new dress. It was a simple blue ombre buckskin decorated with colorful beads. Then she wrapped a dyed cloth around his waist, giving him soft curves.

He sat in silence as both wives applied the new tattoos that marked him as part of the tribe. It hurt only a little, but the humiliation made it worse.

Then he jumped when he felt a set of paws lift his dress. He couldn’t move even as the paws teased his cock and balls. It took all of his strength to not yelp when a claw probed at his pucked asshole. The tip just barely slipping inside.

Shaman Vatea chuckled deep in his chest. “You whimper like a virgin woman already.”

He gripped Dyri’s jaw in his free paw when his wives pulled away. His other hand pushed a lubricated finger into the human’s ass. He watched with delight as the small man struggled- pain, pleasure, humiliation evident on his face. The human’s cheeks flushed an excellent shade of pink; he remembered watching the other human react the same way years ago. This one would learn as she had.

A stream of precum slid down the human’s cock. “You like that, Chilam? The squeezing of your thighs and trembling tells me that you do.”

Vatea felt his cock slip full from its sheath. His youngest wife, Heimata, held its girth in her paw and began to stroke him. He growled low, making sure to keep eye contact with the human. His grip moved from the woman’s jaw to her throat and gave it a squeeze. Chilam would know who was in charge.

“My beloved mates, should I make her suck my cock first or do I shove it in and show her the power of our people?” Vatea asked.

“Oh, do not be cruel, my shaman,” Urarii said, rising to her feet to kiss her husband’s snarling maw. “You must ease her into womanhood.” She ran her tongue over Vatea’s teeth and whispered, “Let her get a taste of you.”

The elder wife nodded to the younger, “Heimata, show our new pack sister how to service a male properly. You better pay attention to her, human. Heimata’s skill with her tongue has no competition.”

Once the shaman removed his finger, Dyri was forced to his knees. Taking his hand in her paw, the younger wife joined him and brought his hand to the shaman’s heavy sack. One testicle filled his palm easily; the skin flexed on contact and felt warm under the soft fur.

“Take in the scent,” Heimata instructed gently. Her voice was delicate and kind as she had Dyri massage the testicle he palmed. Her other hand urged his face closer. “Take in the scent, breathe it in and let it relax you.”

Dyri wanted to do no such thing. However, his survival depended on this humiliation. Doing as the she-wolf instructed, he found his nose pressed to the shaman’s sack taking in the heavy musk. It smelt of fur, dirt, sweat, and the herbs that had been used as incense.

Beside him, Heimata seemed almost intoxicated by the scent. Dyri, however, was trying not to gag. He had to force himself not to jump away when a thick drop of precum splatted on his cheek. The shaman’s throbbing cock was so close to his face he could feel the heat it put off. Dark purple veins spider-webbed through the reddish-pink rod. The knot was damn near the size of an apple- Dyri felt his ass clench, knowing the shaman had threatened to put that in him.

A heavy paw gripped the back of his head. “Satisfy your shaman, woman.” Shaman Vatea grinned above him. “Please me with your mouth and tongue. Do it well, and your entry into womanhood will be gentle.”

Heimata nodded to her mate’s cock. “Do as I do, Chilam.”

Dyri watched as the she-wolf’s tongue traced along the length of the shaft, following the contours of the knot all the way up to the tapered tip. His stomach dropped. It was like they were asking him to suck off a dog.

Swallowing more than just nerves, he rose on his knees and did as the she-wolf had. He followed Heimata’s example, licking and sucking on the knot while stimulating the shaman’s balls. The flesh tasted salty, a touch nutty; the fluid that streamed from the tip carried a slight metallic twang he hadn’t expected.

Dyri’s breathing became labored as he and Heimata worked the elder wolf. At first, he had recoiled when their tongues met, but as he put himself to the task, he began to ignore it. His heart raced with humiliation and… exhilaration? There was a blush on his freshly shaven and tattooed cheeks, and he felt an approving squeeze from the shaman’s paw.

“That’s a good girl,” the wolf rumbled. “You learn quickly.”

Much to his shame, Dyri felt his cock straining against his loincloth. He did not enjoy this, surely? Being made to pleasure a beast while dressed and treated as a woman was a fate worse than death.

The shaman’s hips adjusted, and Dyri’s worst fear turned into a waking nightmare as the tapered tip pressed against his lips. “Open your mouth, Chilam,” commanded Shaman Vatea. “Do your duty and please me.”

Dyri let out a low growl as he glared up at Vatea. In a lapse of judgment and an act of defiance, he snapped his teeth at the wolf’s cock. His teeth barely clicked before a heavy paw slapped him across the face. The human flew back and was immediately pinned by a strong foot.

Urarii stood above him, her blue eyes cold as ice beneath the sea. “You will not do that again, bitch.”

Her towering presence made Dyri shrink to the floor. It had been her who had sent him flying as if he weighed nothing, and he saw the tips of her claws were slightly red in the torchlight. He didn’t need to touch his burning cheek to know she had cut him. Dyri could feel blood trickling over the fresh tattoo wounds.

The elder she-wolf’s eyes darted up behind him. Her ears flattened to her skull, and her lips curled back in a snarl. “Return to your business, whore. This does not concern any of you.”

Chancing a look over his shoulder, Dyri saw the curtain between his living space and Inotogo’s was pulled aside. She and the other two wolves immediately ducked back. How long had they been watching?

He let out a yelp as Urarii snatched him up by the hair. She dragged him to his feet and hauled him to his bed. Without warning, the other she-wolf had his dress up and loincloth off in a matter of seconds. Something slick and cold coated the entrance of his ass in it, a clawed digit firmly pressing itself in and along a sensitive part of him he didn’t know existed.

Realizing what was about to happen, Dyri fought back. He kicked and yanked at his hair. His hands clawed at the stronger she-wolf, ripping and tugging at the soft fur on her forearms. But as he felt the shaman’s cock tip line up with his clenched asshole, he knew there was nothing he could do.

The shaman thrust his way in and pulled himself all the way out. Even with the lubricant, the feeling of the shaman’s thick cock sliding inside him made him scream into the fur. His asshole burned as it was forced apart, ripping open as it was forced to accommodate the foreign object. There was no time for him to recover.

The older wolf’s hips slammed into Dyri’s backside hard and fast, giving no time to recover. Was this how women felt when their virginity was taken? Certainly human men weren’t so brutish when deflowering females- Though, he supposed if one tried to bite his cock… However, the pain eventually evolved to a strange pleasure as the odd shape of the shaman’s shaft ground against that sensitive place in the human’s ass. Dyri found himself whining and was humiliated by the whorish sounds.

Heavy balls smacked against his smaller ones with each powerful thrust. Something large and round popped in and out of him, drawing out even lustier moans. Whatever the thing was, it pressed into the right places as it pushed the cock head deeper.

“That’s it, woman,” the shaman growled. His voice was dark, more dominant than before. It was the voice of a creature who knew how to put a bitch in her place. “Fill this tent with the sounds of your need. You’re squeezing me so tightly; you want my pups in your belly, don’t you?”

Dyri couldn’t respond. The new pleasure had driven all thought from his mind- all he could do was whine like a fresh whore. His cock throbbed as it pressed into the bed. Precum pooled beneath him and coated the furs beneath him; the slick hairs teased his cock head in ways that made him twitch and involuntarily push back into the wolf. When he moved back, he only drove the male deeper, making the experience more pleasurable.

He was humiliated and yet found himself so incredibly turned on until-

“Ah!” he felt his balls clench as the cock bore down on his sensitive insides.

They squeezed and released the biggest load Dyri had ever experienced in his life. Cum soaked his legs and freshly shaved belly, the feeling making him arch his hips up. It was a mistake as it spurred the growling wolf on, and with a final pop, the shaman’s knot locked in place.

It was as if someone had shoved a whole apple in his ass. The knot filled him far more than Dyri thought possible and forced more cum from his aching balls. Above him, the shaman gripped Dyri’s hips and held them to him as he let out a loud howl. As he howled his victory, hot cum poured into the human’s insides.

The sensation was so foreign and unexpected that Dyri couldn’t help but whimper as his body filled with the breeding fluid. His heart pounded, and his head became feather-light the more the wolf pumped into him. Within a few sharp strokes, his vision grew dark.
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