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This is a standalone companion story, to the Book 3 of "The Girl". If you didn't read the other stories, a quick introduction is in order: Lilly is a slave to Hank and Sam, and has a standing order not say "no" to any man. I recommend reading the "Trip to Mexico" story.
--- "It's not nice to snoop around, girl." --- the priest said, pushing her into the room, onto the mattress.

Lilly fell down, her skirt flying up, and exposing her bare bum. As she turned her head, she saw the man lick his lips looking at her.

--- "Please, Father." --- she pleaded --- "I didn't mean to."

--- "I know, child." --- he said with a evil grin, unfastening his belt.

Lilly thought the man wanted to rape her, but she saw that he's pulling the belt out, and before she could cover herself, the man took a swing at her ass.

--- "Ahhhhh" --- she cried out, as a loud crack of the belt hitting her bare ass, bounced off the walls of the small room.

The man smiled, and whipped her hard, on every exposed part of her body, as she wriggled on the mattress, trying to cover as much as she could.

--- "Please!" --- she screamed --- "Please, no more!"

Lilly had to admit, the man had a strong hand, and the leather belt stung as hell.

Finally the man stopped, breathing heavily.

--- "Please." --- she begged --- "Please. I'll do whatever you say. Just don't hit me, Father."

The man dropped the belt to the floor, and then leaned down to fasten the heavy metal cuff around her ankle. Lilly shivered from the touch of the cold metal, but didn't resist.

--- "Are you going to be a good girl?" --- the man asked her, picking up his belt.

--- "Yes, Father." --- she said, her voice hoarse from the screaming.

--- "Good." --- said the man --- "I would hate to hurt you further." --- something in tone of his voice made Lilly think he would enjoy it, really.

--- "Your punishment was harsh, but fair, Father." --- she said --- "I'll be a good girl, Father." --- she continued, moving to a kneeling position --- "You don't have to waste your belt on me any more."

--- "I'll be the judge of that." --- the priest said, looking at her as she parted her knees.

--- "Of course, Father." --- she said, dropping her head.

She parted her legs even further, and clasped her hands behind her back in a subservient pose.

--- "We never had such a obedient slut here." --- the man said, more to himself than her --- "Your parents raised you right, child."

"He could not be further from the truth about my parents.", thought Lilly.

--- "Yes, Father." --- she answered --- "Thank you, Father."

--- "Pity, you won't be staying long." --- the man said.

--- "What do you mean, Father?" --- she said in a frightened voice.

--- "We only catch girls like you. Useless runts that only tease men with their bodies." --- he said, knowing that he can be open now, as she wasn't going anywhere --- "We rid the society from your sinful bodies, and sell them. Maybe the buyers will put them to good use."

The man paused to let it sink in.

--- "You're trash." --- said the priest with an evil smile --- "And tomorrow morning, is the bin day."

--- "Tomorrow?"

--- "In few hours really." --- he said looking at his watch --- "The client will be surely happy with the girls we have this time."

"Girls", thought Lilly. That means that she's not the only one kept prisoner.

--- "What will happen to us, Father?" --- she said, faking a sob.

--- "I don't know. And it's non of my concern. I only bring out the trash, I don't visit the recycling plant." --- he said smiling at his own joke.

--- "But sir, please. Please, at least tell me where will they take us." --- she pleaded.

--- "I already said, bitch. I don't know. And I don't care." --- responded the man angrily --- "Clients pick you filth up, and transfer money through crypto. Contact is forbidden." --- he explained --- "But don't worry, you'll have company. This client is a regular."

Lilly immediately understood that the priest doesn't know anything about the trafficking operation. He just kidnaps the girls, and sell them to the "client", which is really the trafficking ring. At least she hoped it would be, the real operation, not another intermediary.

A somber silence fell on the room.

--- "Sir." --- Lilly started in a trembling voice --- "Can I use the toilet?" --- she asked --- "I really need to go."

--- "Yes. It's behind you." --- said the man, smiling at, what he thought was a pathetic attempt at making him let her out of the room.

Lilly turned her head, and looked at the crouch toilet in the corner of the room. She went to it, rattling the chain, and placed her feet on the raised ceramic footrests. Pretending it's because of the heavy chain, she choose to stand turned towards the man, not towards the wall. She then crouched down, keeping her knees wide apart. She clumsily tried to cover her intimate parts with the palms of her hands.

--- "Don't touch yourself there, you naughty girl." --- the man barked at her.

--- "Sorry, sir" --- she said moving her hands out of the way.

--- "Hands on your head." --- the man ordered.

Lilly placed her hands behind her head, and balanced on the balls of her feet. Her hairless pussy lewdly exposed, and her tiny breasts pushed forward. As the man stared, she started to pee.

She did not know what it was with men liking to watch women pee, but she could see by the growing bulge in his pants, taht the sight of her humiliation and exposed body, had an effect on the man.

--- "No reason not to sample the goods before selling, isn't there?" --- the man said to himself.

"I would not expect any less from you, sir.", thought Lilly.

--- "What are you going to do, sir?" --- she said in an innocent voice, while wiping her pee with toilet paper, which hang on the wall.

--- "Me?" --- the priest said --- "No, girl. We, the men in service of god, adhere to a strict hierarchy."

Lilly didn't completely understand what he meant, but as the man fastened his belt, and exited the room, she understood that he was going to bring somebody else. Lilly did not deliberate on the matter much. There was little time. She quickly came to the decision what is the right thing to do and quickly implemented her plan. She took the phone from behind the toilet, and turned on the speaker.

--- "Penny, you heard the man?" --- she said to Penny on the phone.

--- "Yes. Hang on there, we will extract you as soon as possible."

--- "No." --- Lilly said firmly.

--- "No?" --- asked Penny surprised.

--- "You heard him. He doesn't know anything. He only transfers the girls to the traffic ring. And there is no solid link."

--- "But the girls ..." --- said Penny.

--- "I know. But that's more important." --- said Lilly.

--- "But ..."

--- "Leave me here. I have to be transferred."

--- "What?" --- Penny cried out into the phone.

--- "Don't interfere, and follow my GPS signal." --- she said.

--- "No. I can't risk ..."

--- "Strawberries" --- Lilly interrupted her with the code-word her masters gave her.

A silence fell on the other side of the line.

--- "Lilly ..." --- said Penny in a hushed voice.

--- "No. I know that I should do." --- Lilly said firmly --- "Will you not interfere?"

--- "OK." --- responded Penny defeated --- "But please, please, be careful."

--- "I will." --- said Lilly in a cheerful voice.

--- "After all, you are borrowed." --- Penny said.

--- "That's right" --- Lilly smiled.

--- "What do you want me to do."

--- "Follow the GPS signal. And give me a one day advance."

--- "One day?"

--- "Yes." --- said Lilly --- "Wish me luck. Bye."

She hung up the phone and carried it to the door. The chain was long enough that, laying down, she could reach the edge of the door. As it was left slightly ajar, she opened it further, listening if no-one was coming. She then slid the phone across the floor, all the way to her backpack, which laid on the floor by the chair in the corridor. Happy with how it looked like the phone just fell out of her backpack, she went back to kneel on the mattress.

She started to absentmindedly look through the assortment of sex toys on the low shelf. She was impressed seeing three dildos from Bad Dragon, a company specializing in weird, fantasy-creature dicks. She bought a fat, scaled, dildo with a knot from them for Amy once. Amy enjoyed using it on Lilly very much. Just as she was holding a long, bumpy red tool, and tracing her fingers across it's surface, she realized she had company.

The priest was back, with another man. Clearly higher in rank. From what she knew about the church dresses, it was a diocesan bishop. The man was a bit more chubby then the priest, dressed in cassock with a amaranth fascia around his waist, and a pellegrina over his shoulders. He had a staff in his hand and he had a distinct aura of importance about him.

--- "This is it?" --- he asked the priest.

--- "Yes, Your Excellency" --- answered the priest.

--- "I see she's playing with the toys already." --- asked the bishop.

--- "I'm sorry, Revered. I didn't mean to ..." --- said Lilly, putting the red dildo onto the shelf.

--- "*Most* Revered" --- corrected her the priest.

--- "Excuse me, sir." --- she said --- "Most Revered."

--- "She looks like a pink label." --- the bishop said the priest ignoring the girl.

--- "Yes, sir." --- the priest responded --- "But I think one gray label will be of use to our client on the road."

The two men smiled at her bewildered face.

--- "You see, child ..." --- the priest started to explain --- "we get a premium for virgins."

--- "But of course, money is not our main concern." --- said the bishop smiling --- "Hold her for me." --- he ordered, taking off his rosary and stole, and laying it on a shelf.

--- "Yes, Your Excellency." --- said the priest and turned to Lilly --- "Go to the middle of the mattress, girl."

Lilly obeyed, and started to lay down.

--- "No, child. Laying of your back is reserved for marriage sex." --- the priest said --- "Bitches like you, should be fucked like dogs they are.

Lilly looked at him, with a puzzled expression, pretending to not understand what he meant.

--- "Go on all fours, bow down, and stick out your bum, girl." --- he said motioning her.

She did as she was told, turning her back towards the bishop, bowing low and sticking her ass high up. The bishop lifted her skirt with his staff.

--- "She's very obedient." --- he said to the priest.

--- "Yes. She seems to know to respect her superiors." --- said the priest kneeling over her head.

--- "Good." --- she heard the bishop say, while he placed staff against the wall, and knelt behind her exposed rear.

She felt breeze on her pussy lips, as the man lifted his robe, and released his cock. Lilly was proud of her tight pussy, but still used her muscles to enhance the man's belief she's a virgin, to keep her cover. As she felt his dick start to penetrate her, she resisted it, clinching her muscles, until the man pushed forcefully, penetrating her deep, and making her moan. She had to admit the man was well endowed. Nearly as big as Hank. She pitied any real virgin who he deflowered.

As the bishop continued to plough her behind, Lilly moaned, looking up at the priest who was supposed to hold her down. As she obediently complied, there was not much holding involved, but she could see the man was enjoying the show. When he saw her eyes, looking at him, half open lips, and moans, he could not stand it any more. He lifted his robe, hiding her head beneath it, and forced his dick into her mouth. Although his cock was substantially smaller than the one violating her pussy, Lilly knew she should pretend to gag on it. Who doesn't like gurgling sound of a girl chocking on your dick.

Now, she was covered on both ends with the men cassocks, her petite body, like a rag doll thrown between them. They fucked her in abandon, and soon she heard them groan in pleasure. Lilly relaxed her mouth, and let the cock go into her throat, which made the priest come immediately. She swallowed all the cum which filled her mouth, and licked him clean. Being now more able to focus on the shaft in her pussy, she started to back on it, and use her pelvic muscles to enhance the man's pleasure. Thankfully the both man were far to much gone, to notice her experienced moves. Soon the cock exploded inside of her, filling her with waves of cum.

As the last drop was deposited deep in her belly, the man just withdrew, and sat back. Lilly obediently knelt turning her head towards him.

--- "Look what she did." --- said the man still not addressing her directly --- "Filth." --- he added, spitting in her face

--- "I'm sorry, Your Excellency" --- she hanged her head --- "I ..."

--- "Girls like this come here, fling their dirty bodies, and make people forget their vows" --- he said, while the priest grabbed her painfully by the hair without looking at her face.

--- "I'm very sorry, Your Excellency, I wasn't meaning to ..."

--- "Quiet, whore." --- said the priest --- "It's always the same with you sluts. I didn't mean to. I didn't know." --- he said --- "Look." --- he pulled her head towards the bishop's still exposed penis --- "Look at the filthy slime your cunt hole left on his Excellency. It's disgusting."

--- "I'm terribly sorry, sir." --- Lilly begged --- "Let me get a tissue."

--- "No." --- the bishop said --- "I think the whore should taste her own filth. It's like rubbing the dog nose in the shit he made in the living room."

-- "Here. Smell it." --- said the priest, pushing her face just inches from the bishops dick, and made her sniff her own juices.

--- "Now. Taste it." --- he ordered.

--- "But, sir." --- she tried to resist --- "It's gross."

--- "You should have thought about that, before you started to ooze it."

He pushed her face against the bishops dick, until she started to reluctantly lick it. She cleaned him with long licks, and then he forced his dick onto her mouth, and pushed her head onto it, making her gag.

When he finally released her, she fell backwards onto the mattress, exposing her pussy again.

--- "Sluts like her, should cover themselves," --- said the bishop, standing up and straightening his robe. --- "and not try to tempt men of faith."

Lilly used her skirt to cover her crotch quickly.

--- "Sorry, Your Excellency." --- she said in a timid voice --- "I'll try not to."

--- "I think it's beyond her control, Your Excellency." --- said the priest --- "It's what she is."

--- "Yes." --- agreed the bishop, donning his accessories --- "That's only thing she is. Three eager holes."

The remark made the priest smile.

--- "Is it all women are good for?" --- said Lilly in whisper.

--- "No, child." --- interrupted her the priest --- "Women can be good wives, mothers, nuns, nurses. They have a place in society. Subservient to men, but respected." --- he said hanging the last word in the air --- "But you are not a woman. You are a slut. A harlot." --- he said humiliating her --- "You tease, and tempt. You're only good for fucking and providing release."

--- "If it weren't for us, such sluts ruin some poor man's heart, before he would realize they're not worth it." --- said the bishop, deepening her humiliation.

--- "You are nothing but three holes, and a pair of tits, who should be passed around in a bar, or chained in a toilet cubicle, so that anybody who wants can use you." --- the priest said, standing tall above her.

"You don't even know how true your words are", she thought to herself. She admired in some way the two men for their pure sexism and chauvinism.

--- "Prepare her." --- said the bishop, while exiting the room --- "It's getting late."

As he got out of the room, the priest stood over her, and poked her with his shoe.

--- "Get up." --- he said.

As she got up, he unfastened her leg iron and cuffed her ankles with another set of irons with a short chain. They went into the corridor, and he made her gather her belonging and carry them to the room with the fireplace.

Lilly was ordered then, to place all the things in the fireplace, pour gasoline on them, and light the fire. She complied obediently, watching her fake backpack and phone burn. He then made her disrobe slowly, and throw all her garments into the blazing fire. It was humiliating.

Finally, when she was naked, he secured her hands behind her back with a single iron loop. He then pulled her panties out from his pocket, but instead of throwing then into the fire, he forced them into her mouth, and taped it shut with a duck tape.

--- "Not that anybody would hear you here," --- he said --- "but you girls tend to yap too much, and it tires me."

Lilly, naked, gagged, hands tied, with shackles on her legs, was led through the long dark corridor she saw earlier. She felt like a prisoner in some of the sexploitation films she watched with Amy. The sound of metal chains echoing from the walls.

Lilly could hear muffled voices of other captive girls, who were woken by the noise. The underground maze was bigger than she expected. They finally arrived in a room, which had a ramp going up. There, the priest left her, without even securing her. With the heavy chain between her legs, there was no chance of quick escape.

One by one, the priest brought girls to the room. All blindfolded. He made them kneel, and prepared them. He took of any restrains and replaced them with a one plastic zip-tie binding the hands behind their backs, and one zip-tie binding the legs at the knees. "No need to waste valuable metal shackles on the outgoing merchandise", thought Lilly. All of them had their mouths taped shut, maybe with their panties in their mouth like her. Apart from that, and the blindfold, they were naked.

With each, the priest took a small card from his pocket, wrote something on it, and attached it to the girl. Piercing the top of her ear, marking them like cattle. All four girls had a pink tag. Lilly knew the priest wanted her to see that. They were prime merchandise. Virgins. She was used goods.

Finally, when all of them were laying on the ground, prepared the same way, he went to Lilly. All the girls resisted, and protested behind their gags. One even tried to run when she felt her metal leg irons open. But Lilly didn't. She knew the procedure by now, so when he approached her, she knelt, and lifted her hands for him. He smiled at her compliance, probably thinking she was hoping to earn his mercy by good behavior. But rot is rot, and it doesn't deserve mercy.

Lilly's metal restrains were replaced with plastic. The priest ceremoniously pulled a gray card out of his pocket, to show her who she was. He wrote, holding it so that she could see: "M & C sampled. 1/2 price. Hot merch. Dispose after use." Lilly shivered. "Mouth and cunt sampled" she thought to herself "Half price for faulty product". She guessed the part that followed meant that she was "hot", as in spoils of a robbery. Fresh and still searched for. That Police will be soon involved. The last remark followed from that: make her disappear when you're done with her.

Being sold at half price was humiliating, but the last part was truly frightening. The priest smiled at the obvious panic he saw in her eyes. He then attached the tag to her ear, like to the other girls, by piercing the top of her ear.

Finally before he tied a blindfold over her eyes, he wheeled a couple of trashcans from the corner of the room, where they stood hidden in the shadow.

--- "As I said." --- he whispered into her ear --- "Time to put out the trash."

He lifted Lilly, tied and blindfolded, and placed her, head first, into the trashcan. With folded legs, Lilly fitted perfectly. Judging from the smell inside, this wasn't some trashcan used as a prop. It was the real deal, and Lilly nearly puked inside of her gagged mouth from what her nose was sensing.

Lilly didn't know if it was the fear, or just the exhaustion, but none of the girls were putting up a fight, while being packed in the containers. Soon what Lilly imagined was five similar trash cans were standing in a row. And one by one, the priest wheeled them up the ramp into the open. He closed the gate door, and then, silence fell.

Lilly could only hear her own breath whistling in her nose. Nothing else. All the girls were waiting in terror. A car passed by. Then another. And then another. But nothing happened. Suddenly someone stopped. Something sounding like a big truck. One could hear door opening, and somebody disembarking. As the girls realized what they were hearing, they started to shout into their gags and bumping on the insides of their cans. Lilly was guessing that even with their best effort it was too quiet for anybody to notice if they weren't walking just by. But even that shred of hope was ripped from them, as their pitiful cries for help were drowned by the noise of a hydraulic mechanism being activated.

Soon they heard the industrial arm being lowered and catch one of the trash cans, making the girls gasp in anticipation. And then, when the can was lifted, an animalistic scream, could be heard, even if muffled by the gag, and dulled by the container.

Lilly was probably the only one from all the girls that knew exactly how a garbage truck works. It doesn't just throw everything into a pile in the back, like most people think. The trash is thrown into a set of huge jaws, which compacts it, before it is moved towards the proper storage. As the robotic arm clamped around her can, Lilly found herself squeezing her eyes hard, hoping in her heart that it is not some irony of the fate, and she will not be crushed in a trash compactor.

Thankfully, no. As the arm emptied her container, she found herself falling onto a hard metal floor. She barely had time to get her head around what happened, before she realized she has to move, as another girl was about to drop in. She crawled on her belly, out of the drop zone, just in time to hear a thump behind her. The next girl did not think about that, or she was too broken by the whole ordeal to move, and the girl after her landed on top of her. Before the two bodies untangled themselves, the last girl crashed into them.

The engine started and the truck started to move. In the complete darkness, one could just hear grunts of pain and quiet sobbing. Lilly sat in the corner, and trembling from the fear that swept her whole body. The fear that she made the wrong decision.
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