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This is a standalone companion story, to the Book 3 of "The Girl". If you didn't read the other stories, a quick introduction is in order: Lilly is a slave to Hank and Sam, and has a standing order not say "no" to any man. I recommend reading the "Trip to Mexico" story.
The truck stopped, shaking Lilly out of sleep. Side door was opened, and sudden bright light blinded them even through the blindfold. Before even regaining vision, Lilly felt strong hands pull her out from the garbage truck onto the concrete floor, and dragging her across what felt like a industrial parking lot. "No" she thought to herself "Parking lot would be too exposed. It's probably a warehouse."

Suddenly her blindfold was taken off. As she her eyes became used to the light she saw the other three girls eyes uncovered. She saw their confusion. And hope in their eyes. Lilly knew, that if these people didn't care if they are blindfolded, then they don't plan to release them ever again. This was a one way ride.

--- "It's simple" --- said a man, with a strong accent --- "If you'll promise you'll not make a sound, I will take out the gags."

The girls looked at him with even more confused faces.

The man slapped the girl closest to him, hard enough for her to land on the concrete.

--- "Do you understand?" --- he screamed at them.

The girls nodded vigorously, even he girl on the floor.

The man smiled, and went from one girl to the next, ripping the tape off their faces with a quick tug, and pulling the various rugs from their mouths.

When he came to Lilly, he made a scene from discovering that her own panties were in her mouth, and showing them to his colleagues.

Lilly dropped her head in shame.

He lifted the tag on her ear for everybody to see.

--- "Look, guys." --- he said in Spanish --- "The good priest packed one for the road." --- the other men laughed, as Lilly pretended not to understand --- "See these guys?" --- he asked her in English, grabbing her by the hair and directing her head towards two men --- "They will be taking you on a ... roadtrip." --- he smiled --- "You have to promise me that you will take good care of them."

Lilly knew better than to argue.

--- "Of course, sir." --- she said in a trembling voice --- "I ... I can make sandwiches, I ..."

--- "I think they will find a better use for you, girl." --- said the man, cutting her off, and the two men laughed.

The man let go of her hair, making her head drop.

--- "Let's put them with the others" --- he said, picking up some wire-cutters.

Lilly was first. The men cut the temporary binds on her hands and legs, and then proceeded to put her in the restrain, which she guessed was used by them for transport. It consisted of a very heavy collar, with two additional loops for he wrists. First they closed it around her neck, adjusting, and making sure she cannot pull her head out of it. Then they secured her hands to it. It was an awkward position, but Lilly liked it, as it allowed her to scratch her nose, which she could never do when her hands were tied behind her back.

The restrain was really heavy, and Lilly was struggling to keep herself upright under it's weight. She imagined that running with it would be a fools errand. But because it was mostly resting on her shoulders, she didn't feel it digging into her neck much.

The contraption had two metal rings on it's back and two on the front. And as Lilly was led to the back of a big truck which was standing in the warehouse, she realized what the upper ones were for.

A long rod was mounted on either side of the truck interior. Under them, girls were kneeling with the same heavy restraints around their necks, hanged under the rods by the two rings. This lifted some of the weight off their shoulders, but Lilly knew that dosing off will not be a pleasant experience, with the the weight of your head hanging by your neck.

She counted five more girls inside, making it nine in total, counting with her and the other girls brought by the priest. As Lilly was being helped up a ramp to the track, and secured to the rod, she noticed the other girls being afraid to even look at her. One of them had a bleeding lip, one was bruised on the face and hands, and another had two wooden clothespins attached to her nipples. She noticed non of them were gagged, suggesting the men preferred to terrorize the girls into silence, than to gag them. Lilly respected that approach, at the same time, feeling pity for the girls she saw.

After everybody was loaded, and attached to their rods, the man in charge entered the back of the truck, and inspected the girls. "Inspecting the merchandise" thought Lilly. While he did that, Lilly noticed that one in the corner, with bruises was in fact a boy. Naked, like all of them, she did not recognize it at first, as a lot of the girls were pretty flat, and the boy had very soft features. But the small shriveled penis between his legs was evidence. Lilly involuntarily clenched her fists looking at him. Something in his vulnerability touched her more than anything else until now. "At least he still has a pink tag" she thought to herself. The boy's head was hanging in resignation, not wanting to look into nobody's eyes.

--- "I think you learned your lesson." --- said the man in charge, ripping the clothespins off the girl's nipples, her restrained scream taking Lilly's mind off the boy --- "Now, girls" --- he said ignoring the boy in the corner --- "you'll be heading for a road trip, so behave. Do not distract the driver with any moans, like 'Are we there yet' or 'I have to pee'" --- he said with a evil grin --- "And don't make a mess back here." --- he continued reading into their thoughts --- "If any of you will have an accident, there will be hell to pay."

Lilly guessed all the girls knew he wasn't mincing words. She just hoped all the girls will manage to keep their small bladders shut.

The man closed the door, submerging them in what felt like complete darkness. Thankfully after their eyes adjusted the faint light leaking in through various gaps illuminated the inside enough for them to see each other. They heard some conversation outside, and then felt the driver and one other person climb into the cabin and start the engine. As the truck started to move, and the noise of the engine and the road evened out, the girls relaxed a bit and started whispering between each other.

The conversation was dominated by the most important subject of where are they being taken to. Several of the braver girls suggested they are trafficked for prostitution, others were saying they were kidnapped for ransom. In the present circumstances, Lilly thought the latter to be just denial. Of course she had the advantage of knowing where they are being taken. Across the border. To Mexico. But, of course, she could not tell them that.

As she looked around she noticed most of the girls to have pink tags, apart from the girl directly in front of her. In the dim light Lilly could not discern if it was gray or pink.

--- "It's gray" --- the girl said, startling Lilly.

Lilly hoped the dim light will hide her becoming red as a beetroot, from being caught staring.

--- "Uncle." --- the girl said, enjoying Lilly's embarrassment --- "And you?"

Lilly considered for a second what to respond.

--- "Rape." --- she said, not wanting to lie.

--- "Girl ..." --- the girl said dryly --- "I didn't say it was consensual."

--- "I ..." --- Lilly's face went from crimson to white in record time --- "I didn't mean to imply ..."

The girl waited a bit as Lilly squirmed, and then her mouth changed into a grin.

--- "I'm messing with you, sweet-cheeks." --- she said --- "Don't sweat it."

--- "Oh."

--- "But it wasn't." --- the girl said --- "At least not at first." --- she added with a wink.

Lilly smiled. She enjoyed the other girl's openness.

--- "Let me read." --- the girl shuffled forward, and motioned Lilly to turn her head to show her tag --- "Mmm. Nice." --- she commented as Lilly complied and she read her tag --- "But I think they sold you too cheap." --- she said smiling --- "Such an obedient little pet, is worth their weight in gold."

She hated how the girl managed to combine a compliment with a pointed, humiliating remark about her compliance. But she felt her whole body warming up. The girl leaned forward, taking her face as close to Lilly's as she could.

--- "I know a pussy-licker, when I see one" --- she whispered.

Lilly looked around, suddenly very self aware, but the other girls were either busy or not taking notice of their conversation.

--- "It's a useful gift" --- the girl added, the corner of her mouth rose in a smile --- "Don't you think?"

Lilly avoided the girl's stare.

--- "Yes. I imagine it is." --- she said, not confirming or denying the girl's claim.

--- "I will expect service." --- the girl said, in a tone not leaving space for arguing.

Lilly's head hanged in shame on her restrains. How did people so quickly recognize her lower status and exploited her? Was she really made for this? One could mistake her hesitance with reluctance for the deed, but in reality, Lilly was just afraid to not break her cover.

--- "I would be honored." --- she whispered, her words nearly inaudiable in the road noise.

--- "I didn't hear you."

--- "I'll be honored." --- Lilly repeated more strongly. --- "But ..."

--- "Don't worry." --- the girl cut her off --- "I won't tell anybody." --- her face suddenly lost the domineering aura, and she smiled broadly at Lilly --- "By the way, my name is Maryanne" --- she whispered --- "But I think it's better to go with some stage names." --- she winked --- "You know, as we are starting off in a new profession."

Lilly was dumbfounded by this comment, but was thankful the girl did not ask for her real name. Before she could say anything the girl said:

--- "You'll be Cherry, and I'll be Berry."

Lilly knew her cover name was different, but all her fake documents were already destroyed before anyone would care to look at them, so there was really no issue with changing it.

--- "On the other hand, you did loose your cherry already, so I don't know if that fits." --- he girl said, rubbing the fact in --- "Ha! But you still didn't loose your anal cherry, didn't you?" --- she continued, proud of herself.

Lilly didn't say anything.

--- "You did?" --- said Berry, reading her like a book --- "Way to go, you naughty girl!"

Lilly's face flooded with shame again.

--- "OK, then ..."

--- "Brenda." -- said Lilly, before the girls though of something new. She decided that it will be better to go with the name Penny gave her for this mission. Easier for them to find her.

--- "Brenda, hm?" --- the girls considered it for a moment, not wanting to let go of the power she had over Lilly --- "OK. I'll let you have this one."

They both smiled. Both enjoying their little conversation. They talked a lot during the ride, mostly about trivial things, like TV they watched, actors they liked, teachers they hated. Lilly noticed the girl not asking anything that would reveal Lilly's identity, and she also avoided this subject.

After what felt like hours the truck stopped and the engine stopped. They felt the truck move as the two men disembarked. They heard some voices outside, and a bell being ringed by some door being opened. It sounded as if they were at a gas station.

--- "They're gone." --- said one of the more innocent girls --- "It's our chance"

--- "No!" --- said Lilly firmly.

--- "Heeey!" --- shouted the girl ---- "Heeelp!"

--- "Stop!" --- Lilly tried to stop her --- "Please, be quiet."

--- "Fuck off, little whore." --- the girl barked at her --- "Not all of us want to end up in some brothel." --- she said, continuing to shout for help.

--- "The little whore is right" --- said Maryanne/Berry --- "Shut your fucking mouth or they'll kill you."

--- "Heeey!" --- the girl screamed even louder --- "Anybody! Please! Help!"

Suddenly the back door of the truck opened, flooding the inside with evening sun. The girls averted their eyes from the bright light, as the men who opened the door embarked, making the truck sag a bit.

The girls looked and saw one of their captors standing, gripping a whip. The girl which was shouting for help nearly pissed herself.

--- "Which one of you girls needs help?" --- the man said with an evil grin.

None of the girls said anything.

--- "If we won't have any volunteers, I think my friends and I will have to help you all."

This made the girls stir. None of them wanted to rat the shouting girl out, but they also didn't want to bare the punishment for her.

--- "Please, sir." --- Lilly started to say. All the other girls eased, as they didn't want to be the first ones to rat the girl out. But what Lilly said, surprised everybody --- "It was me."

--- "It was you, was it?" --- said the man, as something in his mind was telling him the girl was lying.

--- "Yes. I'm very sorry, sir." --- she said hanging her head low --- "I should not have done that."

The man looked down on her. He was pretty certain she was lying, but looking at her tag, he quickly decided it was a good opportunity to make an example out of her.

--- "I'll show you what happens to girls that disobey"

The man disconnected collar from the metal rod, pulled her deeper into the truck, and secured her to a chain which was hanging from the roof. She was in full display in front of all the kneeling girls and the boy.

Before she had time to prepare, she heard the sound of the whip cutting the air, and the first stroke hit her. It felt like red hot iron, and she screamed like crazy. After three strokes Lilly was sure the place was deserted, as her screams would be heard in 10 km radius. Just as she though it was over, the two men switched, and the other one started to whip her back. In the short breaks between her screams and sobs, Lilly felt the absolute terror of the girls watching her. Pity, compassion, and overwhelming fear.

Finally it stopped. The man behind her breathing heavily from the exertion. But Lilly knew men very well. She heard in his breathing another note. Lust for a fuck.

The man disconnected her collar from the chain, threw her to the ground, and unbuckled his belt, looking lustfully at her naked body. She laid in the middle of the back of the truck, between two rows of chained girls, spreadeagled, naked, bare. Her hands were still secured beside her neck. The man lowered his pants just enough to uncover his dick, and laid on her. She could hear the gasps from the other girls, probably seeing a cock for the first time. Or just gasping at the size of it. The man grabbed her neck, pinching it to the floor, and used his other hand to aim his cock into her hole. Thankfully in the excitement he did not notice how wet her hole was.

Lilly did not have time to think about it, as she was struggling to breath with the big thick fingers wrapped around her throat. Her face turned red, and then purple, as the man raped her pussy, making the whole truck wobble with each massive thrust. The GPS beacon in her ass, made her pussy feel that much tighter, and soon she heard him groaning. Lilly inhaled air loudly and coughed, as the mans hand left her neck, and grabbed her shoulder for better support. The man was huge compared to her, and his whole weight was pushing her bruised back into the floor of the truck. While suffocating she was distracted enough, not to feel that, but now the full force of her whipped back being moved back and forth across the rough metal surface, hit her. It was excruciating. She screamed out, with each thrust, like the man would be pushing screams out of her with his cock. Her screams turned into groans and moans of pain, as her body got tired. When the man came in her, she didn't even move, just waited for the other man with her legs spread.

The other man did not choke her, but enjoyed himself, first mauling her tiny breasts, and then lifting her legs onto his shoulders, which made the pain of her back even worse, and allowed his cock to go even deeper. Just before the man came, he pulled out and, stroking his dick, came around to her head. He grabbed her by the hair, tilted her head back, and pushed his dick deep into her mouth, while coming with torrents of cum.

Lilly sucked it all, and licked the head clean, taking advantage of the man's orgasmic bliss. Finally the man let go of her head, and she fell onto the floor exhausted.

--- "Hope that's a lesson for all of you." --- said the man, spitting on Lilly's battered body. --- "And because of her, you all lost your peeing privilege. You can thank her later."

The man disembarked, leaving her laying on the floor. He closed the back of the truck and the two men got into the cabin, started the engine and the whole party was soon back on the main road.

--- "Well, that was a stupid thing to do." --- whispered Maryanne/Berry when Lilly looked at her.

--- "I know." --- said Lilly, laying her head back on the floor.

She enjoyed she wasn't secured in the kneeling position anymore. It was a small comfort, but a comfort non the less. Too weak to get up, she soon fell asleep.
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