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This is a prequel to my first story called "An unexpected afternoon". It has some serious themes and if you don't like farm sex then please do not read.

I am a 55 y.o. single average looking guy. I also deal with a boatload of anxiety over being a bi-sexual man that was brought up to NOT be anything other than straight in a large Catholic family so even at my age I have very little m/m sexcapades experience. Growing up a farm in the midwest we always had many different animals and growing up I was always fascinated when they had sex, especially the horses or an older brother's dog did the "deed".


On one summer day, I was around 18 and was home alone, which was exceptionally rare with 2 older and 2 younger siblings still living at home. I was out just goofing off in the barns and came across my brothers stud trying to mount the mare our neighbor had brought over to be bred. I just had to stop and watch almost mesmerized by his big cock flopping around. Damn it was so big! After a short while he moved her into a corner near where I was stand and was able to mount her. Just standing there within a foot or two of them fucking with such animalistic force and the smells of their sexcapade made me harder than ever. For some reason I reached through the fence and started petting the rump and leg of this incredible sex machine of a horse and he seemed to enjoy that. He even seemed to shift closer to me and as he did so my hand slipped down inside his leg and I was able to feel his absolutely HUGE hard cock... OMG it was so electric!

It was at this point I was able to stroke him while he was fucking the mare and I could tell he was ready to fil her up.... shortly as he was dismounting I had release my hold but not before a last stroke or two. When he was done he just stood there and nudged my hand back to his huge dick just hanging straight down still dripping from his breeding session. I don't know what came over me but I reached back in and started stroking him again slipping my hand up and down coating it with his cum. When I took my hand and brought it to my lips and licked it clean he walked off and laid down. Unfortunately at that point some of my family came home and I had to stop and go help them with some things and didn't get to play anymore with him that day.

The next morning I went out to do the feed the horses and make sure my brother's dog had food and water. When I got into the barn and checking on the horses Prince starts making some noise and comes over to me at the fence and nuzzles me some. Probably in thanks for the fresh feed bucket I am thinking. A few moments later as he starts eating he starts turning sideway up against the fence so I keep scratching and rubbing his side and belly working down his body. I, still to this day, admire and respect the absolute muscles and power of a good horse. Prince knew exactly what he wanted and was moving a little as I was getting to his rub and scratch his hindquarter... he moved his foot back to show me that he was enjoying me since his cock was now about 1/4 out of the sheath.... it was SO damn thick, at least 2 inches wide, maybe even bigger.

Seeing this and knowing I wasn't going to get caught because everyone else was out doing their own tasks.... I had to, so I reach forward and grab him and slowly stroked his already exposed 3-4 inches. He danced a little bit so I got skittish and let go... he actually stopped moving and turned his head so he could push me back to him. I took this as a yes and now about 6 or so inches are out and I just start pumping his massive cock. Soon I was bent over and using both hands as he was at least 13-15 inches long! about 5-10 minutes in he just starts quivering a bit so I slowed down and he head butted me back against him to speed back up. All of a sudden he started gushing and gushing his hot cum. There must have been close to a pint jar full of it, I was amazed!

I didn't stop until he was finishing up so I only was able to get a few fingers coated and licked them clean. As I was doing so Prince turned and went to lay down and relax.

After making sure none of his cum splashed on me I went out to take care of my brother's dog. When i got to his kennel run I didn't see him so I changed his food out and made sure his water was good. As I was almost out of the gate he came running up behind me and nipped at my ass which made me jump out of the gate and shut him in. As i turned and made sure the latch was caught I noticed he was actually looking playful instead of his normal: "Don't mess with me" attitude. This totally surprised me but then I saw his cock was hanging, so I figured out later it was probably from smelling me jacking off Prince.

Nothing happened for a few more days because I didn't have much time to make something happen due to other tasks and such.

The following saturday after breakfast my mom told me that everyone else was going to be gone until at least 5 or 6 that evening I would be home alone. No problem, I could use a quiet day and nap, I thought. But no, I had to clean out the horse stalls and change the dog kennel bedding.

As everyone heads out I go to the barn. After I put the horses out, I set about to cleaning it and putting some fresh bedding down for them and let them back in. I rub and scratch Daisy and she goes off to eat. While I was goofing with the mare Prince had already eaten and came over where I was leaning on the fence for his also. As I am rubbing and petting him he is getting longer and harder I notice. As I get back there I reach down while still standing and I start to milk his big cock. He is dancing a little and starts pushing me into the fence then a release and back again while he also lowers his body on me. This hinting is working and I go to my knees under him. MY GOD I can't believe this and I froze. When I stopped moving he startled a bit and shot a wad of precum right into my open mouth and down my throat giving me no choice but to swallow. I started pumping him again harder and faster than before. He really seemed to like that as he put his head between his front legs and scared me by pushing against me and snorting up my ass!

I lurched forward enough that several inches of his 'tree limb' went as far as it could into my mouth without intending to do so. I pulled right back off it gagging and sucking in a breath he snorted my ass again sending me forward to swallow some of his cock again. This happened several more times until I was able to move my head to the side in time. Luckily, when I did so he started a cum eruption right down my back just completely soaking my shirt and jeans. I turned my head once and got a full mouthful from just one spurt and started sputtering while trying to swallow so I did not choke. Just after he finishes he side steps off being over me and nuzzles his cheek to mine before leaving me still kneeling there so he could go lay down.

I was truly thankful that it was summer so I could go grab the hose and try to wash my back off and go finish up early so I could be lazy and nap the afternoon off. About 50 feet away I hear Roscoe start barking some and whining for attention. I am worried he might do something to me as he has always been a bit aggressive in the past so I lure him to the exercise run area and gate him in so I am able to clean his sleeping area out without problem from him.

I had always hated cleaning his area out because Roscoe didn't really seem to like me. He was a half shepherd and half coon hound and all growls and muscle. After I got it clean and put down some new bedding he somehow got into this section and came trotting up to me real quietly and knocked me down on the ground. I was so shocked I just laid there for a moment .... too long. He then moved forward and literally stood over my face and quietly growled at me breathing heavy and panting over my crotch with his half unsheathed cock resting on my forehead. I was scared of what he might do to me so I closed my eyes and just laid still breathing in and out of my mouth. A few minutes (or less) later I felt him licking the zipper area of my shorts which made me gasp a little. Next thing I know I feel something sweet and salty drip into my mouth and instinctively swallow. As I open my lips again more and more dribbles into my mouth and I open my eyes finally to see his cock unsheathing more and getting bigger and harder. I reach a hand up and start stroking him as he nips at my crotch. Even though I am afraid he will bite my dick I still pull it out and he starts to lick it while beginning to try to hump my face.

Finally he finds my lips and gets his cock in my mouth and there is no stopping him from fucking my mouth like I am his bitch in heat! He is also licking my dick and balls like no tomorrow! OMG I think I went to heaven! As he is fucking my mouth I am trying to swallow just his precum and it keeps dribbling out of the corners of my mouth some... so much precum!

I was glad I kept a hand on his cock the whole time as his knot was growing and growing. I knew what his knot was for since I had seen other dogs doing it and I had asked a brother why it was like that. He told me it was like that so when they were breeding the female/bitch would not be able to pull away and it would almost guarantee the mating was successful. So when he was trying to tie it into my mouth and was basically raping my throat and gagging me real bad I couldn't let him do that... Finally it was big enough and I held it tight enough he was at the point of climax and just flooded down my throat straight into my stomach. I really didn't even get a taste of his cum that day but he filled me so full I thought I might puke, but luckily didn't. At this point I think I came more than I ever have before or since and he just licked me clean while I was licking him clean.

A few minutes later he walked over to a corner, laid down, and finished cleaning himself. I took this opportunity to get zipped back up and luckily I had a rag nearby and wiped my face clean. After I got out of his pens I had to sit down there in the barn away from him so I could relax enough before heading to the house and use the bathroom to clean up and wash his smells off me. I peeled out of my clothes, showered and after getting dressed I was so glad Mom had taught me how to do my own laundry so I threw a load in and started them washing to get rid of the rest of the evidence of what had happened.

A couple of days later the mare went back to her owner when my brother was home. He also informed us that he had sold Prince and the buyer would be picking him up at the end of the week. I never did get another chance to play with his massive cock again, unfortunately.

Even though I was feeding and watching Roscoe daily I was afraid of getting caught playing with him. It was a long 10 more days before I had at least a few free hours alone at home. So as soon as everyone was gone I took off to his kennel and took my shoes and socks off in case something happened and I ruined them. He was just waiting in there so I got inside and went over to him and started just wrestling with him and playing around. He really seemed to enjoy this and the more we goofed around the more courage I got to reach out and play with his cock and balls. As I had a hand on each while kneeling alongside him he was just leaking. I let go and caught some of it in one hand, while tasting it he had jumped around hopped up on my back. I could feel his dick hitting my shorts and he was whining in my ears and licking my neck. Even though I was worried he might hurt me I pulled my shorts down and off so I could get them away from getting soiled. Suddenly during his frantic stabbing thrusts he found my asshole and slammed into me.

It both shocked and hurt so i tried moving forward but he was strong enough to hold me tight to him as well as opening his mouth and grabbing the back of my neck made me just freeze in place. I was also glad that no one was home as I KNOW I yelped and screamed at least once or twice. After the initial shock and pain wore off I noticed that it felt real damn good having him fuck me like he was. Soon I was feeling his balls slap against my thighs and knot hit the outer ring of my tight hole and I got scared again of it ripping me apart so I reached back with one hand and grabbed it to keep him from tying his knot into me. This must have been his trigger to cum and did he ever! I felt so full from him and it was leaking out and down my legs that I started cumming without ever touching my own dick. After a couple minutes of this he leaned back and pulled out. All I could do was just stay like that, on my hands and knees with my head in my hands and my butt now resting on my feet just letting my heart calm down and thinking about what happened.

About 10 minutes later as I was deciding to get up I felt his tongue start licking me clean and instantly I was rock hard again and moaning. Once he got me clean and stopped I thought he was done with me until I felt him climb back up on me and found my abused and very wet asshole immediately. He was so into breeding me that he just started hammering me and fucking me fast enough I was not really even able to react. All I was able to do was be there and take it, so that is what I did and found that I was really enjoying the pounding he was giving me. Since my biceps were against my sides when he mounted me he was holding them tight to me with his front legs and I had my forearms supporting me so I did not go face first into the hay covered dirt.

Then all of a sudden I felt it... his knot was starting to hit my hole and after the first couple of times of just hitting the outside it slipped right in and made me yelp again. When I shouted out he growled right into my ear making me go completely still again. As he was pounding away at me his knot kept sliding in and out but I could tell it was getting bigger and bigger and then all of a sudden his baseball sized knot tied inside my asshole and he had to be at least 8 inches deep in me. Even tied with me he kept the pumping going for a few more minutes until he stopped completely, just panting into my neck with his drool coating my neck and dripping off me. That is when I felt his cock spasm so deep inside me I thought it was in my stomach from the end up.

It must have taken a good couple of minutes for him to fully empty and fill me up beyond full. Even with him still tied to me with his knot I could feel some leaking out. He just stayed on me for a few more minutes until he tried to pull out, but man that HURT a lot. He tried again a minute or two later and still couldn't pull out but doing that made me cum, not knowing that I had at least a time or two already. When he finally was able to untie and get his knot out there must have been at least a cup or more of his cum started to just flow out of me. I reached back to get some for a taste and found my used hole was about big enough for my whole hand to slide right inside without any resistance. This made me wonder if it would ever go back to normal, but right now I felt so good I might have been glowing.

After another 5-10 minutes I had emptied out and was somewhat back to normal I got up and found the rag I had left on the gate so I wiped my ass and legs clean. I left through the gate while Roscoe laid down and finished cleaning himself. I dressed and went back to the house, finished cleaning myself and grabbed a snack so I could think about about what went down today.

I knew for certain that if I got the chance again I would definitely let him fuck me if he wanted to. Over the last few weeks of summer he did just that another 5 times with at least a couple of blowjobs also.

About 3 weeks into the school year I failed a test (barely)one friday and it really bummed me out. Luckily though the teacher told all of us in the class that struggled with the test we could retake it on monday so I really needed to study. I got home from school around 4 and talked with my Mom about it and she said that on Sunday afternoon I should do the studying so it was fresh in my head. She then said that I should go out and play with Roscoe for a while until dinner so I could cheer up some.

I changed into some old shorts, a t-shirt and old shoes and went out just wanting to sit and pet Roscoe who had become like mine as I was the only one that took care or notice of him because my brother was always gone now. So I went into the kennel and sat down and started petting him and playing a little bit and next thing I knew hew was trying to pull my shorts off. Worried he might tear them I pushed him aside, kicked off my shoes and pulled off my shorts as i was bent at the waist doing this he jumped up and knocked me to my knees. When I turned my head to look at him he was already licking my ass hole so awesomely that I came immediately.

Right then he lunged up and plunged his hardening cock deep inside me and kept it up as he grew harder and thicker filling and splitting me wide open. His knot was still small when it started hitting and then popping in and out every time he moved back and forth so very quickly. I learned that pushing back helped a lot and soon his knot was big enough to tie me to him and he started splashing me deep in my guts with his seed breeding me like a bitch. He stayed still just filling me deep for a couple of minutes then tried to untie us but that was a no... when he did that I finally got my orgasm and started rocking back and forth with him still inside me. I bet my asshole was spasming and squeezing around that cock of his. I started to feel him getting hard again still knotted inside me and all of a sudden he was fucking me again!

I am glad my shorts right there so I could bite down on them to keep myself from screaming out my moans from being fucked like I was getting. And then I felt my whole body just start spasming in orgasms both from Roscoe and myself. His cum was just oozing out of me like never before, I felt so dirty but so satisfied too. It took over 15 minutes of his deep panting in my ear and licking my neck before he was able to untie and pull his cock out of me with a huge plop! I was just gushing his cum out of me in waves. Some was hitting the bedding near my feet even. As it dribbled down my balls and cock I reached down and found myself harder than I had ever been. All I could do at that was use his cum as lube and jack off. I took one hand and caught some of the cum to eat and used the other hand to jackoff while licking the spent cum from my ass off the one hand. Now I really felt so much older than I was, so much "dirtier" than anyone else it sent me over the edge and I almost blacked out just from the orgasm that hit me, probably the 4th or 5th.

As I came back to my senses I figured out that I had better clean up and get my clothes on. Luckily I did because a few minutes later I got yelled that it was dinner time. During dinner I was told that my brother called that morning and gave them some news. The news was that he would be home the next day in the afternoon, cool. But also, since he didn't feel it right to own Roscoe and be on the road 25 + days a month he sold him to a friend that lived a 100 or o miles away. But the real bad part was that they were picking him up right after he got home. Man that sucked!

As dinner was finished I slowly got up all depressed and Mom suggested that since it was friday night with nothing going on the next day until around 3 or so when my brother got home, why don't I just grab a thermos of water, and old blanket or two from the porch and go sleep with Roscoe as a goodbye. That made me smile a little. I went and grabbed what she said and as I was going out the door she wished me a good night with Roscoe.

It definitely was a great night, bittersweet though.

Since it was still just the first week of september the night was still warm and humid outside. simply for what I was hoping for. It would not be sunset for over almost 2 hours yet. I got out to Roscoe only to find him sleeping on his back some what with his left rear leg in the air and his cock starting to unsheathe. I softly walked into the kennel trying not to wake him, thanking myself for putting fresh hay down the day before, it had enough that it didn't crackle when walked on. I gently put down my things and took off my shoes, socks, and shorts onto the ground as well. Then I was lowering to my knees his dick started sliding out and hardening up too.

Finally I started sliding my mouth over him and sucking and licking him... I could feel his upper leg start jumping like when he is thrusting deep into my bitch hole. I sensed he was awake as he is moving more while I got to sucking him as deep as I can. I am surprised that it only takes about five minutes of sucking him and squeezing his knot before his is fill my stomach with his creamy goodness.

About 30 minutes later I am laying there on a blanket with only my shirt on and petting Roscoe when he gets up to go pee elsewhere, so I just put my hands behind my head and lay back just enjoying the last few minutes before sundown. I must have dozed off a little because all of a sudden I smell him and feel his tongue going across my hardening dick and balls. His rough tongue feels so good as I keep my eyes closed and just enjoy what he is doing to me. I am so close at this point to cumming it isn't funny and I can't hold back anymore. It felt so good to shoot that load and he was licking it up as it flowed out of me.

When he was finished cleaning me he started to nudge my wanting me to roll over. As Iwas doing so I could see he was already hard and his dick just dangling and red as ever. I was barely in position before he was humping his wonderful cock right into my greedy asshole and he did not hold back this time at all! His frenzied fucking of me was almost brutal and I loved it! His knot was getting bigger than he may have ever been before and i could tell as it was abusing my hole going in and out until he could no longer pull it out and we were truly tied together. After another five to ten minutes of his frenzied fucking me he finally became still and started filling my bitch ass full of his seed. I was in teenager heaven and came again myself.

It took a good while before he was able to pop his knot out and when he did it caused me to get almost instantly hard again, but I was also overcome with a deep need for sleep. I laid down on my side and he curled up in front of me so i grabbed the other blanket and covered up while throwing an arm over him and fell asleep.

A couple of hours later I started dreaming of getting my ass licked and slowly woke to Roscoe licking my ass again. As I was still tired I grabbed his collar and tried pulling him up behind me so I could go back to sleep. Even though he was about half hard he gave in and just laid against my back as I drifted back to sleep. He had other ideas though and a few minutes later I slowly woke up to his dick head started to slip into my well used hole and that was all he needed. Upon feeling the heat of my hole he was trying to pump into me while laying on his side but it just wasn't working out right.

I started to become worried that even though we were about 400 yards from the house someone in there might here his whining and come investigate. I knew the only way to shut him up was to give in and I gladly got backup into position and he started fucking me real good for the fourth or fifth time since I got home from school just about 8 hours ago. I don't know how he was able to get up and hard so much and often but it sure did feel good. By this time I was so used to his knot that when it was plunging in and out of me all I could do was moan into my hands until we tied and then again when he came in me.

After he untied I pulled him around in front of me and laid down holding him and fell deep asleep this time and so did he.

I woke up to the first rays of sunrise with my arm across Roscoe just slowly rubbing his cock while he slept. His body started responding to my hand so I moved around some to be able to start sucking him as I knew it would be the last time I would get to do so. As he was growing harder and harder I grabbed his knot with one hand and started sucking like no tomorrow and got my morning prize of a mouthful and stomach full of his creamy seed. YUMMY! Once he was done I rolled onto my stomach letting myself lay there for a couple of minutes before deciding to get up. He had walked away to get some water and I didn't notice that he walked back to me. He nipped at my butt which made me instinctively lift up my hips and next thing I knew he was back on me ready to go again.

I couldn't say no as he was already deep inside and just doing what a dog does to his bitch in heat. After a good 15-20 minutes of deep rough fucking he finally managed to tie with me and then he pumped me so full of cum it was making squishing noises and squirting back out. Damn!

With my hole so used he was unfortunately able to untie almost immediately and as I was emptying out I started to remember this would be the last time I was able to get him to fuck me and I also knew I would have to hurry and get cleaned up and go back to the house.

Luckily no one else was awake when I got there so I could shower without getting caught smelling like sex. I was also walking a bit stiff and sore from all the rough poundings I had gotten that night but I didn't care. After my shower as I came out of the bathroom Mom was already in the kitchen so I threw my clothes in my bedroom and went to sit down for breakfast. She asked me why I jumped in the shower and all I could say was that I was tired of smelling like a dog but we had a fun night playing tug of war and him chasing a ball around until I fell asleep.

She noticed I was sitting a little odd, but I told her that once when I bent over to pickup the ball he had bit me on the ass playfully and it still hurt some. My Dad heard that as he came into the kitchen and just laughed at me.

Fortunately that was the end of it and we went about our day until my brother came home. I was happy to see him but a little later his friend showed up and we all said our goodbyes to Roscoe.

That was the last time I was able to play with a furry friend.


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