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This is a standalone companion story, to the Book 3 of "The Girl". If you didn't read the other stories, a quick introduction is in order: Lilly is a slave to Hank and Sam, and has a standing order not say "no" to any man. I recommend reading the "Trip to Mexico" story.
Lilly imagined that they would be separated into groups and distributed, or sold into prostitution around different places in Mexico. The reality was very different. They were all transported to the same brothel, which was occupying a fancy building in the rich centre district of Mexico City. It wasn't some dirty, drug-ridden den, with cheap whores. It was a respectable establishment, serving middle and upper class, and rich tourists.

Lilly didn't know if people coming there did not know, or did not care, that the whole operation was build on trafficked girls, which were not paid a dime of what they earned, and were kept in cages in the basement. Surely most of the men did not mind forcing themselves on girls, half their ages, that were clearly not there by their own will, and that could not even speak the local language. Lilly realized on the first day, most of the men coming to the brothel even enjoyed this aspect.

Many of the girls resigned themselves to the reality, and adjusted to being just prostitutes. They were still not paid like ones, but regained some privileges. Some even were allowed to walk out of the front door to see the city. It's not like they could do anything other than run. The police and lot of the press knew exactly what was happening in such establishments. They were even frequent guests.

Some of the girls never adjusted, and slowly devolved into apathy and depression. Lilly learned from some of the other girls, that this place was kind of the first stage, for first grade merchandise. From there, you progressed only down. Girls of lesser "grade" or not performing well, were moved to countryside brothels, or sleezy strip-clubs, then to a cheap brothel run from a camper van by the highway, renting girls to truckers. The gossip was that some of the girls, after years of service, end up in a Manzanillo or Veracruz, chained to a bed, while sailors from all corners of the world take turns dumping their cum in their stretched cunts. Lilly did not know if the last part was the reality, or just the girls making up stories.

The day they arrived, all the girls Lilly was transported with, were processed and placed into cages.

Each girl was freed from their collars and was taken to a room, where the walls and the floor were covered with white tiles, and washed with a high pressure hose. Then they were treated with some anti-lice or anti-flea powder. The tags were taken from their ears, and they were registered in a computer by a clerk. The piercing hole in their ears were used to secure a permanent metal pin with an engraved emblem, which signified their new ownership.

All their measurements were taken, they were weighted, and a doctor inspected them for any sign of STDs, or other things that could reduce their value. The doctor also checked the integrity of their hymens, making notes if he thought a particular girl would "bleed well". Lilly only knew what was being done, because she knew Spanish very well. Finally, each of them got a crude tattoo of a serial number they were assigned, on the their right collarbones. "Fuck" thought Lilly, thinking about the punishment she will get for allowing somebody to tattoo her without their permission.

Finally the final degradation came, as all the girls were arranged in a line and "graded", by a panel which consisted of 3 men, and 2 women. Their breasts, and pussy moulds were discussed, the shape of their asses. Their teeth were inspected, like you would inspect animals. Several recommendation were written on clipboards, like cutting or dying of hair, or shaving armpits or pussies. Apparently there were different tastes, and "this respected establishment, catered to all". Or at least that is what Lilly understood from the conversation. The women also crudely checked the girls responses to different stimuli, like fingering their pussies, pinching their nipples, or slapping their asses. All noted on the clipboards. Lilly's pussy becoming wet seconds after having fingers forced between her legs, did not go unnoticed. As was her underdeveloped breasts and small curves or the criss-crossing welts on her back.

The only boy in their group, was treated exactly the same, the only different was that when it came to checking his responses, the woman expertly mauled his behind. She then started to fuck her fingers in and out of his ass, massaging his prostate, and making him "moan like a pussy-boy", humiliating him in front of everybody. After leaving the boy panting, the woman commented in English that he will enjoy the real man's dick even more. Lilly knew full well, that the first fuck of this virgin boy's ass will be far from enjoyable.

Finally all of them were led to a dump and filthy basement, and placed in cages, which were stacked on top of each other. But before Lilly could get into her cage, she was ***********ed, with two more girls, for work in the kitchen. She was exhausted from the trip, especially as during the stops, she had to entertain the men who were transporting them. But she did not argue, and just went where she was ordered. The three ***********ed girls were given long grey shirts to done over their naked bodies, and were ordered to peel vegetables, and clean the back of the kitchen. The kitchen had two purposes, and two things were done there. One was preparing and serving food for the crew of the brothel, and cooking gourmet dishes for the high-paying clients. The other was mass production of cheap, and tasteless pulp, which the girls were fed. It was designed to keep them strong and healthy, but thin, without any consideration for flavour or texture. Only the girls which gained high privileges were allowed to eat the leftovers from the guests.

The girls talked about how frightened they are, and while they talked, Lilly realized how innocent and naive the girls were, which broke her heart. Finally she decided on a path of action, and devised a plan. She placed one of the empty mesh potato bags at the entrance of her pussy, and then, while peeling and cutting the potatoes and talking to the girls, every few pieces, she slipped one into it. It wasn't a pleasant experience, as the thin plastic mesh was pretty uncomfortable, but she pushed through. Soon she had her vagina full to the brim with peeled pieces, and started to wonder if she did not overdid it, which would make them fall out as soon as she would stand up. Thankfully her training of Kegel muscles paid off, as she could keep them in when one of the men led them back to their cages.

She barely stopped herself from wiggling her butt when she heard the men discuss sampling the "new merchandise", knowing that this would result in the potatoes begin discovered. Finally, when she got into her cage, she pulled the sack out of her pussy, muffling the moan of pain by biting into her other hand, and hid it underneath herself until she fell asleep.

In the morning, before anybody woke up, she started to clean the potato pieces by placing each of them in her mouth. They darkened a bit, but looked still good.

--- "Hey. Eat this." --- she said starting to distribute them though bars between the cages, asking girls to pass them around.

She explained how raw potatoes will induce fever, and save them for a day or two. The girls reluctantly ate the hard vegetable, thinking that everything is worth a try to postpone the ordeal which was waiting for them. Some of the girls resisted, and even called her names, when they learned she wasn't eating the potatoes as it would be too risky and suspicious for all of them to be sick. But soon most of them ate as she asked them to. Marianne, even though Lilly begged her, did not eat them, whispering to her that Lilly cannot be the only one to make a sacrifice. The boy also first refused, saying it doesn't make sense to delay the inevitable, but Lilly persuaded him, promising she will first show him how to train his ass, before he jumps into it. Finally only one other girl, Pam, did not eat the potatoes, not believing Lilly, and begin very rude. Lilly was thankful they were in separate cages, as she was pretty sure Marianne would just slap the girl hard, for trashing the only person who was trying to help her.

The plan worked very well, and by the time some men came for them, most of the girls were having stomachache, laying in their cages, all curled up, and all of them had a fever. The men were furious, and soon vented on Lilly, as she explained she had stomach flu some days ago, and that she probably infected them while being transported. Marianne looked at her, her expression saying "You dumb girl, don't make it even harder on yourself". The man said with an evil grin that she'll have to work for all the girls she infected that day. While the man described in every detail the way her body will be used and abused, Lilly felt the third girl, Pam, shiver in realization she did a mistake.

--- "Pam, are you all right?" --- said Lilly while the man was opening the door to take them upstairs --- "You are shivering."

--- "I ..." --- Pam tried to say.

--- "Let me check your temperature." --- said Lilly moving her hand towards the girl's forehead.

--- "I ..." --- Pam started to protest, but before she could say anything, Lilly grabbed the back of her neck, and shoved three fingers into her opened mouth.

The poor girl was so surprised by what happened, that her eyes nearly popped out. Lilly quickly pushed her head downwards with one hand, while shoving the fingers of the other hand deep into the girl's throat. Finally, in less then a second, Lilly's manoeuvre worked, and the girl puked her guts out onto the floor, splashing her and Lilly's legs.

--- "What the fuck?" --- shouted Lilly bringing the attention of the men --- "She puked on my legs!"

--- "Ewww." --- said Marianne moving to the side --- "That's disgusting."

The man in charge inspected Pam, looking at her face, which was white from suddenly made to be sick, and finally he decided to leave her.

--- "Clean this up, bitch." --- he said to her, leaving her with one of the guards, to which he said in Spanish --- "Don't touch them Pedro, or you'll spread this thing around the house."

Finally Lilly and Marianne were led out of the cage room, and through a corridor to a preparation area. There they were cleaned, given an enema, and dressed. The dress, hairstyle and make-up were decided by a lady in charge, end executed by some of the prisoner girls. The stark contrast between sleeping naked in a filthy cage, where a girls above you would relieve her bladder onto you, and the impeccable dress, fancy shoes, make-up and even perfume, was the ultimate show of power. It drove into the heads of the girls, what they were nothing, and every inch of comfort or beauty was only allowed to them temporarily for the pleasure of their clients.

--- "Don't waste too much time on this one," --- said the man motioning at Lilly to the lady --- "she'll be in heavy use today."

--- "OK, Jose. Either way she doesn't have much to fill a dress with." --- said the lady, looking with distaste at Lilly's skinny body, she then turned towards Marianne's full breasts --- "This one, on the other hand ..."

The massage was driven in, when Marianne was standing in front of a mirror, in high heels, dressed in a long gown with a laced top and a lot of cleavage, while Lilly stood barefooted in a navy blue pleated skirt, white collared shirt, and hair gathered in two ponytails. "No better way to draw in the perverts, then dress like a schoolgirl" thought Lilly when they were finished with her.

By the time her shift finished, she understood why the man did not want to waste good clothes on her. She felt really used. And that is saying something in the case of Lilly. The day started normally, with few clients enjoying her young body. All the transactions were always made in front of her, so she knew exactly how much her holes were worth. As Jose wanted her to "work off the debt" of getting the other girls sick, she was sold cheap to one man after another. But soon some special clients arrived, and Jose recommended them the "new meat", and said they should not go easy on her. The three men, with which she spend the next hour and a half, enjoyed choking her while they fucked her.

Jose dropped in the middle of the session to tell them to "train" her throat as she was going to "be in the booth" next. Lilly did not know what the booth was, but she quickly learned the training involved having her skull being repeatedly fucked, and having a dildo pushed down her throat in the breaks. Never in her life she was more happy that she had virtually no gag reflex, as the ordeal was brutal.

After the exhausting session, Jose placed her in "the booth". It was really a kind of vending machine, where a girl was placed kneeling under a desk, her hands tied behind her back, and her head was secured in a harness, behind a plexi-glass shield. When somebody placed a coin in the machine, the shield lifted, the contraption forced her mouth open, and started to rhythmically move her head back and forth. The speed and direction of the movement could be adjusted with some knobs by the user. A whole series of such booths was distributed under a curved desk, overlooking a stage, so one could enjoy a show, while your cock is being forced down some helpless girl's mouth.

Jose stripped Lilly naked, and tied her hands behind her back. He then placed a pipe under her arms across her back, pushing it up, making Lilly hunch in discomfort. He then secured the pipe to the back of her collar, which pulled at her throat. He then made her kneel in the booth, while he secured the harness around her head, and placed the plastic jaw opening hooks across her teeth. He looked at her with an evil smile.

--- "Look who'll be entertaining the guests while you'll be sucking them." --- he said gesturing to the side.

As Lilly looked sideways she saw Marianne come into view. She was wearing a skimpy, see-through shirt, and a mini-skirt. Under it Lilly saw nice lingerie, accenting her beasts beautifully.

--- "Berry here, is taking it easy today." --- said Jose smiling, rubbing Lilly's face in her own situation --- "After all, it's her first day."

--- "You see little whore, you'll be sucking dicks down there," --- said Marianne, moving her hands erotically down her body --- "while they watch a real woman's body."

--- "With that flat chest" --- commented Jose --- "that's the only thing she's good for."

Giving Lilly a evil grin, Marianne whispered something to Jose's ear, and then slowly walked onto the stage.

--- "I think your friend is right." --- said Jose, leaning above Lilly, and taking out a sharpie from his pocket --- "It would be unfair to charge people full price for such a worthless hole." --- he said, writing "half price" in Spanish on her forehead. He then turned a key in the machine, and the transparent shield dropped in front of Lilly's face.

She felt utterly humiliated, being reduced to a cheap treat to men who watched nicer looking girls strip on stage. Man after man came to her, placed a coin in a slot, and fed her their dicks. And she could do nothing about it. Most of the men were less than diligent with their hygiene. The harness holding her head did not allow for much movement, as it shoved her back and forth over their filthy shafts. She also felt low, because this was clearly the budged option of the brothel. The thing you'd do when you would not have the money for the "real girls". She never felt so cheap.

Marianne added to her degradation, edging the men to fuck her skull, saying things like "Pretend it's my pussy, stud. Ram it in." or "Give it to her, boy. Come for me!"

And they came. They came plenty. Most of the men, wanting the get most out of the coins they spent, made her lick their limp dicks after they came, until the machine ended it's cycle, and Lilly was placed back behind her plexi-glass shield.

In these small breaks Lilly realized that while the girls in the other booths were only used sometimes, and were changing every so often, she was kept busy nearly constantly, and was kept there for hours. The only relief was that there was a pipe under her crotch so that she could pee, as she was sure that if she'd had an accident over the rug, she would pay for it dearly. Couple of times, one of the other girls took a pity on her, and gave her some water, or something small to eat. But had to do it fast, as a line was forming.

She was released from this session exhausted, making Jose smile. She did not know if he was just punishing her for the fact she infected the other girls, or he knew it was a ruse, and she was responsible for their fever. Either way, he made sure to make her pay. He made her thank the men in front of all the guests gathered in the hall, for "filling her slutty holes". Of course he said she did not thank enthusiasticly enough, and to the cheer of the crowd, ordered her to be hanged by the hands and whipped. After Lilly's hands were tied and pulled by a rope dropped from the rafters, her legs were secured wide with a metal bar, an upper class lady, in high heels and thick make-up came to her. She ripped Lilly's shirt open, and commented on her flat chest. She then took out a ridding crop from her long leather booth, and passed it to what Lilly guesses was her son. The young man smiled, flexing the crop, as his mother instructed him to whip Lilly's torso.

Lilly had to admit, the lady provided the boy with proper education in how to treat a whore. By the time he was finished with her, Lilly was begging for mercy, but her torso wasn't damaged permanently.

After this, deepening her debasement, Jose started an auction of Lilly's anal virginity. He said that she needs to pay off the loses she caused to the "establishment", but to degrade her further, started the auction at 1 centavos (1/100 pesos), knowing full well that there isn't even a coin for that. The sale picked up quickly, as Jose made Lilly thank every bidder, and beg to be fucked. Finally the lady who orchestrated her whipping, outbid everybody, making the room go silent. Jose smiled, and said that "the whore" is not worth so much, and for such price all the men in the room could fuck her ass. This of course resulted in a great cheer.

Needless to say, Lilly was thrown over a high stool, tied down, and after the lady's son took what her mom bought for him, he invited two of his friends to go at her ass next. Soon a line formed behind Lilly's exposed ass, and Lilly dropped her head low, as she was repeatedly raped anally in front of everyone. By the time the tenth men came in her aching ass, Lilly was openly crying from the pain.

After few more men used her, and the ropes securing her were finally released, she felt something cold touching her between the legs. When she looked down she saw the lady putting a tall champagne glass under her gaping ass-hole and catching the thick globs of cum which ware leaking out of it. Even before anything was said, Lilly knew she will be ordered to drink it. She was just happy that she managed to give herself a quick enema with an empty body-wash bottle in the bathroom, just before coming to the lobby.


When she finally came to her cage, after the exhausting day, she was spent, her ass ached, and she just dropped flat on her back.

The whole day, she tried to find any moment to escape the constant supervising eyes, and try to contact either Penny, or her masters. She knew she got herself into this mess, by passing her GPS tracker to Maria, the girl which was heading for The Camp. She knew that her owners would not disapprove of her treatment, but nevertheless would rather have her to torture her themselves. She had to find a way to escape.

--- "Thank you." --- said Pam in a quiet voice, but Lilly was too tired and worried to answer.
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