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The effects of the womb worm slime are taking such a toll on Lena's mind that it's getting hard to work a few hours without having to diddle and inject herself with dog spunk. Then, during a work trip to asses a swampy habitat, Lena experiences some strange tickling in her womb that's not from her massive worm
Note: My apologies, but this is the final chapter my publisher is allowing me to post on here as all 14 chapters of the book have been published in its entirety under the title The Amazonian Uteroboscis by B.L. Overman (its on KDP, so you can read for free there if you have that). That being said, I have more deliciously disturbing reads to post on here, so I will not neglect all of you!

Also I'll be posting a few chapters of another story called The Yoni Flower and another called Lizzy's Flower Glizzy on my author page in the next week or so. Both stories are interconnected and in the same universe as Amazonian Womb worms.

The Yoni Flower is about an ecosexual that loves stuffing her vagina with veggies and plants who happens to find a warm, slippery flower that ejaculates something foul from a giant, slime-filled pod underground. And this underground pod harbors a disturbing secret.

Lizzy's Flower Glizzy is about a bunch of 18-year-old girls who get drunk and play a game of sexy double dare with the flower they found behind Lizzy's house (the same type of flower from The Yoni Flower). All of the girls fall ill after getting creampied/sprayed by the flower, then the men around them begin to disappear...

So, if you want some more free reads weeks before I post them on here, feel free to subscribe here for updates:

And if you want to chat about my books, hit me up on Twitter! @BLOverman99

Chapter 10: Spawn

Thursday, 12 days later, 1st Week of June

My morning starts the way it has every day for the past twelve days. I wake up in a dreamy trance, horny as all hell, already fingering myself before my eyes have even opened--like my body is on autopilot and knows to starting masturbating if the need arises even if I'm not conscious. When the need for dick compels me to get out of bed, I kneel on the floor beside Sable and reluctantly collect what I need from him in the most professional and least inappropriate way possible. Once that's done, I crawl back into bed and fuck myself to an orgasm with my dildo.

When the womb worm effortlessly squirms down into my vagina through the cervical hole it's spent almost two weeks stretching out, I use the syringe that came with the dildo to deposit a third of the semen onto the parasite's bulbous head then I wait for it to slither back to my womb after it implants eggs into the turkey baster. And, while the foot long sausage of a parasite slithers around, I inspect my vagina with the endoscope to see how the eggs are coming along.

The coiled, powder pink larva in the eggs definitely look larger than they did a few days ago. Seems like they're much bigger than the ones in that one cluster I managed to scoop out of me that night I watched the Uteroboscis lay eggs in me almost two weeks ago.

Satisfied with the inspection, I pull out the goo-glazed endoscope then I fill two of the plastic 25 mL syringes that I ordered online with the remaining dog semen. Once they're capped, I pop the needleless syringes into my backpack next to the G-spot vibrating dildo I travel with. Now I get ready to head to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) office for work, relishing the euphoric high that makes doing even the smallest tasks a challenge if I don't really focus.

Like, it's insane how many car accidents I've almost gotten into since I started going back to work last week Monday...

The last twelve days have been an endless haze of sweet torture. Every day, I awoke feeling more blissful than the day before, until last Wednesday when the drug-induced state peaked, leaving me feeling happier than I've ever felt in my entire life--leaving me feeling like I was trapped in a beautiful waking dream where my body felt like it was just floating around.

It was the same with the body high too. It just kept getting more intense until last Wednesday when I woke up feeling like every inch of flesh was buzzing and vibrating. It more or less feels like I did when I got drunk while the worm was drugging me, except I haven't had a single drink since the sex-spree. And, unlike the previous days, the euphoria and the body high didn't taper off much at all, even after I masturbated myself to climax and inseminated myself to calm down my parasite.

In the past week, from the time I woke up until I went to bed, the opioid-like euphoria and the hyper-sensitivity of my flesh was constant, and it make it really hard to focus at work. As badly as I miss feeling normal, I am addicted to this high and I don't ever want to imagine it ending.

Frequently going into a sexual frenzy of horniness that keeps robbing me of my thoughts and control, I could do without, though.

Like, that first weekend with the worm, I only got super horny and lost control maybe once every four to six hours or so after I came and got inseminated. Now, I start losing my will to control the need to masturbate or fuck whichever man falls in my line of sight after only two to three hours following a masturbation-insemination session.

Also, it's not exactly easy sneaking away from my desk twice in the middle of the work day to venture down to the single occupant handicap bathroom on the first floor so I can toy myself with my dildo and inject myself with a syringe of animal semen. But it's either that or I might black out and zombie-fuck one of my male coworkers that I've been becoming increasingly more and more attracted to. And I almost did just that last Friday with fellow Associate Wildlife Biologist researcher, Justin Maddox...

Our team meeting ran ten minutes longer than it should have, and the horniness that had been building since I got to work had me clenching my thighs and gritting my teeth by the time it finally wrapped up. Then, Justin's handsome self asked if I could look at the weird results that he obtained from the swamp water analysis that he ran last week with our supervisor. We were sitting side by side alone in that conference room with the door closed, staring at his spreadsheet. The next thing I know, my thoughts got all cloudy, the screened blurred, I zoned out for a few seconds, then boom... Suddenly, my leg and arm are pressed against his in the most inappropriate way, and I'm staring at my hand as it reached for his crotch under the table on its own, like I was a ghost in someone else's body watching their hand moving without being able to control it. Thank God he was too focused on his spreadsheet to notice...

I stood up abruptly, blurted out, "I gotta pee!" then I raced down to the bathroom while I still had some semblance of control.

I don't know what I'm going to do about today, I think as I climb into the FWC field survey van with Justin and our team leader Erica Porter.

Today, I unfortunately will not be stuck in the office writing up reports and processing data like I have been the last week and a half. On this rainy, early Thursday morning, our team has to drive an hour away to the Osceola National Forest to run a habitat assessment and field sample collection.

And I don't know what the heck I'm going to do when I go into heat in the middle of the forest.

Twenty minutes into our hour-long drive, my womb's occupant gets really active out of nowhere, slithering around and slapping the right and front side of my organ hard with its muscular body, bulging against my abdominal wall every so often.

What's gotten into you today? I wonder as I rub my belly. You haven't been this active in a long time...

Forty minutes later, we arrive at the Ocean Pond Camp, and the worm is only just starting to calm down. Instead of thrashing around, now it feels like the Uteroboscis is tickling the walls of my womb with its proboscis or its tail tentacles, and it is the most bizarre fucking feeling ever. The hypersensitivity makes it feel like hundreds of thick hairs are stroking me rapidly and gently. I really want to giggle from the internal titillation. It's so bad that, during the hike along the lake and the water sample collections, the caressing makes my core spasm so bad that Erica gives me a weird look when she sees my half-smiling, half-wincing face.

"You okay Lena?" she asks with an arched brow.

"Yeah..." I answer, rubbing my belly. "Just having a weird muscle spasm right now."

"Do you need to go back to the van to rest? We can handle this."

I shake my head. "I'll be alright."

The longer we hike through the swamp and forests doing our survey, the more intense the tickling in my womb gets--the more it feels like the sensation has spread across the whole organ only to concentrate at the bottom of my uterus in these last few minutes. And the weird thing is, the horniness, which should be driving me mad by now has actually been fading along with the mental fog since the womb-feeder started thrashing during the drive over. For the first time in a while, I feel the tiniest bit normal. Reality is starting to crystalize once again, without sex and semen.

About two hours into the habitat assessment hike, as I'm squatting to collect a water sample from the river, the tickling spreads down to the deepest part of my vagina, right outside of my cervix.

"Oh!" I moan loudly as my vaginal muscles flutter from what feels like dozens of the worm's proboscis branches flicking and licking every inch of my vaginal walls. It makes my legs so weak that I collapse onto my knees, splashing down into a patch of watery mud.

Justin laughs obnoxiously from the woods behind me where he's gathering a soil sample. "What the hell happened?"

"Got a little dizzy, that's all," I say, panting like I'm on the verge of coming. It takes everything in me not to shove my hands in my pants right now.

"Lena, are you sure you're feeling alright?" Erica asks. "You've seemed so off lately, and now you're dizzy and falling on top of having spasms."

"Maybe she's on drugs..." Justin teases. "That's got to be why she's been so happy and spaced-out lately."

"Shut up, Justin!" I snap, trying to not let the pleasure show on my face as I stagger to my feet. "If you must know, I've been having some weird abdominal issues lately and I've been super out of it because I haven't been getting much sleep since I got back from--ouch!" I cry out from a sudden cramp in my uterus, doubling over as my hand presses against my belly.

"Lena!" both Justin and Erica scream as they race over to me.

I groan as I try to stand upright. "I'm fine. I'm fine," I say, wincing when my uterus cramps weirdly again.

"Is there something I can do for you?" Erica asks.

"Actually..." I grit my teeth when the tickling quickly works its way from the depths of my vagina to my opening. "I could actually use a bit of privacy right now..."

Erica nods rapidly. "Of course. Justin and I will hike ahead for a bit. If you need anything, just holler!"

"Will do!"

As the pair slinks through the woods back to the trail, I powerwalk along the river in the opposite direction, my uterus contracting like I'm going into labor, sending globs of warm slime squirting into my panties. Out of nowhere, the internal caressing of my vaginal walls spreads out to my labia like the proboscis's tentacle branches are energetically feeling around my outer folds and my clitoris.

A moan escapes me as I come to a stop behind the wall of bushes bordering the river. Is the womb worm trying to make me come? I wonder as I drop my backpack. Because, if it keeps this up, I just might...

As I'm undoing my shorts, my uterus cramps and contracts hard and it feels like a writhing mass is bulging down through my cervix that feels really dilated right now.

"Is it finally coming out?" I whisper, tugging my shorts down and squatting beside my backpack, pushing as hard as I can.

The second I look down at my panties, my eyes widen and my jaw hangs. That wasn't the proboscis tickling me all that time, I think, staring in horror at the writhing mass of salmon-colored parasite hatchlings squirming and swimming energetically in the thick layer of slime that gushed out onto my panty liners.

That means the bulge I'm pushing out right now isn't the womb worm, it's the larva hatched from the uterine eggs... That means the tickling inside of me is from the hundreds of other womb-feeder spawn...

The thought of being infested with that many little worms makes me shiver, which makes no sense considering I literally have had a giant one in me for over two weeks...

Right as I slip my fingers into my vagina and spread myself open, the squirming mass squeezes through my cervix and a glob of nearly a hundred hatchlings fall out into a slimy clump that makes my panties overflow, carrying some of the first batch of worms down into the mud below. In a panic, I start gently fingering the baby parasites out of my vagina while Kegeling to eject the next bulge of hatchlings and slime out of my still contracting uterus. While all this is going on, the adult Uteroboscis is rapidly throbbing inside my womb like a heartbeat.

Squatting near a stream and fingering myself outdoors in this sweltering Florida swamp makes it feel like I'm back crouching in that Amazonian Rainforest stream frantically trying to pull the adult womb-feeder out of me.

The penis-shaped giant worm fucked its way into my uterus in a stream, so I guess it's only fitting than I'm squatted before a creek giving birth to it's young. It's almost like it wanted me to wait until I returned to a swamp to birth them...

After the second worm mass passes through my dilated passage, another larger clump of larvae plops down onto my panties. When I see some of the hatchlings that I tried fingering out have squirmed across my hand and up to my wrist with staggering speed, I start flicking them off of me. When I feel some crawling across my ass and down the inside of my thighs, I freak out and start brushing them off in a panic.

"Wait..." I whisper, watching as a few hatchlings race to the creek while others burrow in the mud. "What am I doing? I shouldn't be letting an invasive species get into the environment! Especially not a swampy environment that's similar to where the Amazonian Womb-Feeder came from... They'll thrive here..."

Catch them. Don't kill them, a voice in my head says.

I reach into my backpack then pull out the mason jar I've been carrying around just in case any eggs came out of me when I was masturbating at work. Once my slippery hands manage to remove the lid, I start scooping up the worms and slime from my panties into the jar. Those inching up my arm are flicked gently into the container before closing the lid. Now I rise from my squat and start stomping the ones slithering across the soft soil.

Ugh, why do I feel so guilty for killing these things?

I manage to squish a few, but I witness a bunch of larvae burrow into the mud before I can get to them.

When three hatchlings swim away into the creek before I can stomp on them, I stand there shaking my head. So many have already escaped, there's really no point in trying to contain it. I mean, if these are hatching, the ones in the penises of the guys I fucked have probably also hatched, I think, squatting when I feel something tickling both the inside of my vagina and right in my cervical hole. I just need to get the rest of these larva out of me...

For almost fifteen minutes, I remain squatted in the bushes birthing hatchlings from my womb with hard pushes, fingering them out into the mason jar. Eventually, the number of squirming parasites wiggling down into my vagina finally starts to taper off. I don't stop fingering my slick hole and pushing them out of my womb until the uterine tickling and cramps cease--until I don't feel any more larvae wriggling in my cervix and there are no more larvae to scoop out of my cavity.

When I'm positive I'm in the clear, I screw on the top, swapping out the regular lid with one of the mesh mason jar lids that I ordered two weeks ago in preparation for the hatching of the eggs I've been keeping under the sink.

Glad I packed a few in my backpack for this exact scenario. I need these things alive so I can study them... I need as many alive as possible because I imagine some will die before I figure out what they can feed on outside of a host.

With the young secured in a breathable container, I pull up my pants, wash my hands in the stream, then hurry back in the direction of my team.

"There you are!" Erica says with her hand over her heart. "I was getting ready to come back for you. My goodness, you're drenched in sweat! Are you feeling any better?"

I smile, hiding the panic in my eyes. "Uh, much better. Thanks."

"Good," she says with a sigh. "Even though you're on the up and up, I think we should call it an early day. You really shouldn't be out in this heat if you're not feeling 100%."

"I would actually appreciate that a lot, actually" I say with a tired smile.

A preview of what's to come:

Chapter 11: A larva that she missed falls out of her shorts in a populated area full of scantily dressed collegiate girls. Later on, Lena's mental state deteriorates from weeks of having the Uteroboscis's opioid cocktail pumped into her blood and the only way to have an hour or two of clarity is to get inseminated. A lot. Thank god for dating apps... And thank god the womb worm slime prevents STDs, because Lena lets a lot of bareback dicks cum in her.

Chapter 12: One way or another, the worm has to come out. Today. If it doesn't, Lena fears that her health with take a turn for the worst. As a last-ditch effort, she grabs some chains and cuffs then does something extremely naughty and morally effed up with an unsuspecting "sacrificial lamb." Get ready for some effed up, girl on girl, slimy play.

Chapter 13: The aftermath of her last-ditch extraction experiment...

Chapter 14: The consequences of all the things Lena did (consciously or unconsciously) since coming back from the Amazon Rainforest come to head with a startling revelation that leads to the start of a new ordeal. As if things weren't bad enough already, Lena makes an unsettling discovery right before she leaves on her next journey.
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