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This series will make more sense if you have read the Red Rising series. It’s a dystopian science fiction novel seven hundred years after mankind has colonized other planets. There is a color based social hierarchy with physically superior Golds at the top. Pinks are considered LowColors and are pleasure slaves. The series is fantastic but is not sexual in any way. These stories take some liberties in what might be going on behind the scenes.

This series will make more sense if you have read the Red Rising series. In summary, it’s a dystopian science fiction novel seven hundred years after mankind has colonized other planets. There is a color based social hierarchy with physically superior Golds at the top. Pinks are considered LowColors and are pleasure slaves. There are also Roses, which are a highly valued Pink, very expensive and more focused on companionship than strictly pleasure. The series is fantastic and I highly recommend it. It is not sexual in any way, so these stories take some liberties in what might be going on behind the scenes.

This story is written from the perspective of Eros, a Gold that runs one of the training houses in the Gardens. Like all Golds, he is physically modified (aka carved), over 7 feet tall and stronger than other colors. The Gardens are where Pinks are trained for to be pleasure slaves. During their youth, they are implanted with a device called Cupid's Kiss. This causes them constant pain, but is removed once the Pink begins physical training. They believe the pleasure comes the service they provide, but it’s really just a lack of pain from the Kiss.

These stories are about Eros and the pleasure he gets from training, raping and punishing the Pinks in his domain.

Red Penis Rising – Ch. 01 – Tough Pink

First thing today, he had to deal an issue that was becoming more common. There was a Pink who didn’t understand her place in the world. It sounded like the Sons of Ares had got to her at some point and now she thought she thought she could step out of her level. Reading over his Datapad, her name was Mango. She had tried to escape from the Gardens but was barely caught. There were some Oranges with her. One of them had fallen in love with her and thought he could sneak her away. The Oranges were killed on the spot, easy to replace. But she could still be valuable.

He entered her bedroom to deal with the situation. Her wrists and ankles were clamped in a way that she was spread eagled on the bed. She was mostly naked except for a white garter belt, stockings and high heels. From the looks of it, somebody had dressed her up before he got there. As usual in this situation, there was sound and light proof helmet over her head. The idea was to deprive them of sensory input to punish them.

He touched a button on the outside of the mask, which caused the clamps on the side to open. He removed the helmet to see what she looked like. She immediately started to squirm adjusting to the light in the room.

“Who…who are you?”

Like all Pinks, she was exceptionally beautiful. Brown hair, blue eyes, gorgeous face. As for her body, large firm breasts, long fit legs, smooth stomach. Her entire body, including her vagina was completely smooth and hairless. Clearly somebody had spent a lot of money carving her into a thing of beauty. He casually ran his hands along her body, feeling every toned muscle on her stomach and then along one of her breasts.

“My name is Eros. I’m assuming you know who I am. But you may call me Master.” Sitting down on the bed next to her, his hand gave her boob a gentle squeeze.

She was still trying to adjust to the light, her eyes little slits.

“I know who you are. You can go to Bloodydamn hell. You might as well just kill me now. I will never surrender to you. I would rather die free that do anything you want me to do.”

“Brave words from a whore. Sounds like you had a chance to end up in a good house. But you screwed that up pretty bad. Let me explain a few things to you. First, as you know, your Cupid’s Kiss was removed when you started training. But since you tried to escape, we’ve put something similar back. This one is called Cupid’s Arrow. Cupid’s Kiss would give you a dull, constant pain as I’m sure you are well aware. The Arrow is different. Although it inflicts pain it does one more thing. When it detects any sexual activity of any kind, it can either give you significant pleasure or pain. For any existing pain, it will also either amplify it or reduce it. Like an arrow, it has both a painful end and a soft end. Which mode I leave it in is up to you. Let me demonstrate.”

He pushed a button on his Datapad. He then started to gently rub her breast. Her eyes opened fully for the first time and her mouth made a little O shape. Her eyes started to blink rapidly and he could see a bead of sweat forming on her brow.

“This is a very high pleasure setting. Even just a light touch will feel very good.” He said, while playing gently with her nipple.

Then he pushed another button on the Datapad. Reaching back over, he rubbed her breast in the same way. This time she screwed her eyes shut and bit her lip. He could see her abs flexing as she tried to get away, but there was no escape.

“I…don’t care what you do. Just kill me. I swear, if you don’t…first chance I get…I’m ending it all.” She said, clearly in a lot of pain.

“Well, that is a disappointment. You have more of a spine than most whores. In that case, let me introduce you to another tool we have. Gravshackles. I’m sure you’ve noticed you can’t move. I just need to add one more. “

He took one more silver metal ring and attached it around her waist so that it was completely around her. Once he was done, he pressed a small button and small lights activated on the shackles on her wrists and ankles.

“Mango, position vertical X” After uttering those words, she was automatically lifted off the bed, but stayed spread eagled. She floated in a way that she was now upright with her wrists pointing towards the ceiling. Her feet were pointed towards the floor, but she floated a few feet off the ground. Due to his height, he was eye to eye with her.

“How…how is this…what is this” she whimpered.

“These are similar to our Gravboots, just much less powerful. We can control where your arms, legs and hips go. You are no longer in control.” He clicked on his Datapad a few times. “I actually just turned the Cupid Arrow to a much lower setting. I want you to understand something. I can make it much higher, but this is going to hurt a lot anyways. It will continue to hurt until you do what we say.”

He walked behind her, admiring her beautiful ass and the rest of her body. He reached around and cupped her breasts roughly. She gave out a loud yelp. He squeezed her tits for a bit and then pinched her nipples, which caused another shout of pain. His hand then slowly travelled down her body until his hand cupped her pussy. He ran his fingers along their lips, caressing them gently. Her head tilted to the side as it was clearly causing her some discomfort. He then roughly grabbed at her pussy, causing her to yell out in pain. He was showing her that right now, both pleasure and pain…just caused more pain.

“Mmmm…feels like a nice tight pussy. But we won’t need that right away.” He said, letting her go and stepping away. “Mango, position vertical face down X” She slowly started to tilt forward. She was still spread eagled, but now her face and body were pointing at the floor. She was about 4 feet off the ground, so right at his crotch height. Eros walked around her until he was in front of her head. Reaching underneath, he tilted her head up until it was looking at his crotch. Due to his work, he had pants for this type of work. He pulled two strings at the side of crotch and a flap opened, almost like a curtain to display his cock, which was starting to grow in size. “Well Mango, I need to tell you something. I’ve been carved as well. My dick never gets soft when I don’t want it to. I can cum endlessly. The most so far is 50 times in a day and I felt like I could probably do more. I’ve also got another enhancement. I can make my dick grow wider and longer when I want. It doesn’t feel any better for me, but my partner can definitely tell.” He stroked his cock until it was completely erect. Since he was a Gold, his body was already much larger than hers. His cock looked almost as big as her arm. “Mango, mouth lock open.” This activated an implant that was installed during her training. Her jaw automatically opened about an inch. In this mode, she couldn’t bite down hard. It prevented Pinks from biting others, either to hurt their lover or any genitalia that happened to be in their mouth, accidently or intentionally.

“Uht…uhr..who..oing” She said, trying to form words that just wouldn’t come out with her mouth like this. She was moving her head around, trying to shake her jaw loose or something. Her wrists, ankles and hips were all locked in place. Really the only thing she could do was move her head around in frustration. Eros grabbed her head and held it still between his massive hands. Leaning over he looked her deep in the eyes. “I want you to see how helpless we can make you. How little control you can really have if we so choose.” He stood back up and began to move his hard cock towards her slightly open mouth.

“No……” she said, trying her best to resist, but Eros was many times stronger than her. As his cock approached her mouth, he jaws automatically widened from the implant, accepting the massive head of his penis into her mouth. Her cheeks started to puff in and out as she tried to catch her breath.

“Mmm…little whore. Suck on my dick. Play with it with your tongue. Come on.” Although she couldn’t move her head or control her jaw, she would still not succumb to his wishes. She kept her tongue as far away from the dick in her mouth as she could. “No? Not going to try and satisfy me? Well, then I guess I have to do the work.” He began to slide his cock deeper into her mouth. Her eyes widened both in shock and the pain that it was causing. Not only was she being uncomfortably stretched, the Cupid’s Arrow was amplifying the pain. The head of his penis then reached down into her throat, but he kept going. Now she was really thrashing around, choking and trying to get air. For Eros, it felt great. He also enjoyed watching her back and legs as they struggled hard and she tried desperately to free herself. After a while, to her relief, he pulled his dick out and let go of her head. This caused her to gasp for air and cough violently. Drool was starting to drip for her mouth, leaving a small puddle on the floor. After she was done coughing, he took her head again in his hands like a vise and positioned his dick in front of her again.

“No…not again” she whimpered

This time he was even less gentle. Just shoved it right into her mouth, almost straight down her throat. Her eyes widened and she was making something similar to a gagging noise, but since the dick was down her throat, it sounded like she was choking as much as gagging. She was fighting her restraints as hard as she could, but there was no point. He looked down and only about half of his cock was in her, but he didn’t need to go any further. After about half a minute down her throat, he pulled back enough so she could breath. Although her mouth was still full of cock, at least she was able to catch her breath by breathing through her nose. There were long streams of tears running down her cheeks and she was whimpering quietly.

“Now, lick my cock. Lick it like you mean it.” He said, snarling at her.

Although hesitating at first, she eventually started to lick the massive head in her mouth. Not with any effort, just up and down and around. It was OK, but she clearly needed somebody to improve her technique. But this was not his goal. This was about breaking her. He pulled his dick out of her mouth with a loud pop. He let go of her head and used one of his hands to pull up his prick and put his smooth and hairless balls near her head.

“Take my balls in your mouth and suck on them.”

She was still whimpering and crying. He was sure that Cupid’s Arrow was making this much worse. She lifted her head up and stuck out her tongue to try and reach his nutsack. He leaned them closer and she was able to take one of them in her mouth and suck on it gently.

“Good, good. Now you are learning.”

Dealing with Mango had actually been the first thing he needed to do this morning. He actually didn’t have time this morning to have his own personal Rose satisfy him, so he was aching to empty his balls. It was time to end the foreplay. He leaned back so that his ball escaped her mouth. He took her head in his hand again and tilted her head up. He pointed his dick menacingly at her.

“No…ah…cant” she tried to say, but her jaw was still locked open. He thrust his dick deep into her mouth again, until it was in her throat. The gagging, thrashing and choking started all over again. But instead of keeping it there, he pulled back out to her relief until it was just at her lips. Then to her horror, he shoved back in. Eros started to increase the rhythm, increasing slowly. He was fucking her mouth, back and forth. Sometimes, it would be OK, but most of the time, when he hit her throat, there would a retching sound as it hit her gag reflex.

“Mmm…that feels good. I love starting my morning fucking a whore’s mouths” Instead of holding her head like of vise, instead he reached behind her head and took a hold of long brown hair. He was using that to hold her in place. He sawed in and out of her. Slurping, gagging noises filled the room. All sorts of her tears and drool were now spilling onto the floor. Since he had a free hand now, first he did a bit of a stretch, just to relax. He was having a good time. He was sure with the mouth fucking, the Gravshackles and Cupid’s Arrow, she wasn’t having as good of a day as he was. He looked down and her back and hair were all a sweaty mess. He rubbed his hand along her back, then reached down to feel up her firm tits. Gave one of them a healthy squeeze, then pinched her nipple. She barely flinched. The throat fucking was clearly much more painful than anything he could do with his hands.

“So, how does it feel to be a fuck toy. No control. Just a hole to be used.” He said, smiling at nobody. After about 10 minutes of this, his balls were beginning to ache. He picked up the pace even faster. She tried even harder to fight, but she was clearly exhausted. “Hope you like the taste of Gold cum. There will be a lot, that is for sure.” After a few more minutes of fast thrusting, throat fucking, gagging, he held her head firm and then shoved his dick deep into her throat.

“Gorydamn yes!” He spurted a load into her mouth. Then another. Now she was in a complete panic. Her body fighting her in every way. Pain, not being able to breath or move, cum being shot down her throat. He took a firm hold of her hair, pulled out his cock, lifted her head even higher up and shot another load across her cheeks and eyes. Mango started to cough out all the semen in her throat, but she was just grateful to be able to breath again. With his other hand, he jerked his dick a bit and another load landed in her open mouth, which she immediately coughed back out as well. Eros looked down at his handiwork. Her hair was a mess, tears and sweat ran down her face. A trail of cum was all over her. He let go of her and her head flopped down. She continued to drool and cough out spit and semen. He just stared at her. Her garters and stockings were soaked in sweat. Even like this, he couldn’t deny that she was still beautiful.

“Mango mouth lock disabled. I bet you are regretting trying to escape right now. Now that you realize the price you will pay. So, will you do as we command? No more fighting us or trying to escape?” he said, gently lifting her head up to face him.

“Y…yes…please…no…more…will…do..anything…you…ask” she said. She was clearly having difficulty speaking after the ordeal.

“You know Mango. I believe you, for now. But you have a strong will. You say this now, but who knows. In a month, you start thinking outside your color again.” He said to her, caressing her cum covered cheek.

“Will…be…bloody…loyal” she coughed out.
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