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Part one of a long slow story centered around a young adventurous couple who get tempted into the swingers lifestyle, and are interested in trying everything at least once.

Any feedback (positive or negative) very welcome!
Chapter 1

Bournemouth this May was cold and damp. Dark clouds littered the sky, and it had rained without pause for the entire drive down from Guildford. At first it started as a light drizze, but intensified the closer they got to the town, becoming a deluge that monotonically drummed the roof of the car. The radio presenter glumly reported that this was going to be the wettest weekend on record, as she attempted to uplift moods across the country by playing uplifting tunes. Once Katie finally pulled into the carpark in front of the Grand Beach Hotel, her car pointing towards the sea she let out a small sigh, closed her eyes, and breathed deeply.

“That was the toughest journey I’ve had in years, how are feeling?” Alex said, unbuckling his seat beat as he put his hand on Katie’s lap.

Katie turned her head to look at him. Her deep brown eyes amplifying the warmth and appreciation her soft loving smile radiated.

“I am just delighted to stop driving. I’d prefer to jump off a cliff than to do that again.”

Katie sighed. “Four hours with no visibility, crawling along slowly, changing route every which way due to landslides. If I could read a map half as well as you could I would have swapped with you!”

Alex reached over and brushed her fine brown hair up and over her ear. Her freckles spanning cheek to cheek were softly lit up by the Victorian wrought-iron black street lamp they pulled up next to. “You’re a star for driving, thank you. At least the big day tomorrow starts as four, we’ll have a long lie in and stare out at the sea. How does breakfast in bed sound?”

“Sounds amazing! Let’s do it!” Katie said, a big smile appearing across her face, two dimples forming on her cheeks. “Thank you for bringing snacks, I don’t think I could have coped tonight without them”

Alex gave out a little chuckle. “The number one rule about dating Katie is, a well fed Katie is a happy Katie.” He said jovially.

Katie laughed and gave him a quick kiss. “At least we’re here now. Shall we go in?”

Alex looked forwards down the hill and to the sea. He gave a little shake of the head. “Can you believe this? We’re less than a hundred metres from the sea and I can’t see a thing, even with your headlights on. I hope Tom and Jasmine are okay.”

“If they call off the wedding tomorrow we can we get them drunk and take them back to our room” Katie said half-jokingly. “I know you wouldn’t mind sleeping with Jasmine.”

Alex raised his eyebrows and looked over his thin black rimmed glasses. “As much as I’d like to sleep with Jasmine, let’s be honest, really you just want to sleep with Tom.”

“That’s not fair” Katie said with mock indignation. “I don’t want to just sleep with him, I want to sleep with both of you at once. I just imagine one inside of me, another in my mouth. It sounds like  a lot of fun. In all my years I’ve never once had a threesome” Katie said with a pout.

“Me neither Katie, me neither” Alex said. “However, Tom has rejected your advances more than once. I know it drives you mad and you somehow always get what you want, but this time I think even you have to give up. I don’t think Tom is going to be persuaded. How about this, next time we’re on holiday we’ll get Tinder again and see if we can find someone?”

Katie sighed loudly. “I don’t like losing. We never find anyone hot on Tinder on holiday.”.

“We’ll find us someone eventually. For now you’ll have to put up with just me” Alex said, a small smile forming around his clean shaven face.

“Well I love you, so that’s perfect.” Katie said, looking into Alex’s sapphire blue eyes with a small smile.

Alex checked his watch. “Come on, let’s get in before we fall asleep out here. It’s already 10 and we need to find some form of dinner.”

Katie and Alex looked out. Run-off water overflowed from the gutters, forging streams of water which flowed down the hill onto the beach. They ran as quickly as they could, grabbing their luggage from the front boot of Katie’s pride and joy, her brand new mid-blue convertible Porsche Boxster S. It was a present to herself. She had worked 80 hour weeks for months last year, helping her employer win lawsuits, saving them hundreds of millions. For once she was compensated as she felt as should have been, a promotion up the corporate ladder and a hefty bonus and pay rise to go with it.

They headed inside, checked in, and headed up to their room on the sixth floor. After opening the room’s door with their keycard, they shuffled through the narrow corridor and past the bathroom and wardrobes. At the end of the corridor Katie’s eyes widened at the sight of the room. The first thing she noticed was the floor to ceiling windows spanning the entire sea facing wall. To the left, the king double bed pointed towards the window. To the right a maroon leather sofa sat in front of a coffee table, pointing at a large screen TV. A small dark wooden table was set up next to the sofa, with four chairs tucked neatly underneath.

“This is lovely, thank you handsome” Katie said, throwing her arms around Alex’s firm neck, and her long thin toned legs around his waist, giving him a big kiss.

Alex caught her and held her tight behind with both hands. “You’re more than welcome. I thought you deserved a little bit of luxury, we never managed to get away to celebrate your success at work.”

“That’s very lovely of you. I’m going to grab a shower, please can you find some food? I will eat anything.”

Katie unpacked and grabbed a quick shower as Alex sourced some food from the kitchen. They only had sandwiches left as the chef had gone for the evening, and he returned upstairs, food in a silver platter, in an attempt to add a bit of class to the dinner on offer.

As Katie was still in the shower, Alex set up table. He laid a patterned white and red checkered tablecloth, lit two dark red tapered candles, and opened the bottle of Merlot.

Katie emerged from the shower with only her pants on. Despite being together three years, he still found everything about her irresistible. A smile ran across his face as his eyes made his way up from her hips, past her thin waist to her firm bell shaped breasts. Katie draped her arms across her chest, and looked at Alex with a wry smile.

“Not tonight, it’s food and bed for me.”. She put on her pyjamas, and sat down at the table.

“Thank you for finding this, the candles are beautiful” she said with a smile.

They ate as the rain droned relentlessly against their window. After eating they headed to bed. Katie fell asleep almost instantly, as Alex laid in bed imagining what the big white wedding tomorrow had in store.

Chapter 2

The ceremony may not have been ideal, but it was beautiful. Fold-up white chairs were set out parallel to the sea in a giant marquee, with bouquets tied to each leg of the marquee. The translucent marquee sides were down for the duration of the ceremony, except for a brief respite in the downpour that allowed group pictures to be taken. Two hundred guests attended in all, and they headed back to the room to get changed into their evening clothes. Katie put on a sleeveless cobalt blue dress, tight at the top accentuating her breasts, and loosely platted below her waist down to her knees, with a slit up her right leg. She dug out her special jewellery, two single stud diamond earrings, a thin square watch surrounded by small diamonds, and a royal blue pendant. Alex changed into a dark navy dinner jacket to match Katie. Silver buttons adorned the wrists and button stance, with a matching handkerchief in the breast pocket. He slipped a black and white diamond spotted bow tie and cummerbund on, and put his arms around Katie’s waist from behind.

“You look incredible in that, I want to throw you on the bed right now” he said, a mischievous grin on his face.

“Very tempting” she said, turning around to face him.  “You look very handsome tonight. We need to get dressed up more often, but let’s hold that thought for later, all the food will be gone if we don’t leave now.”

Alex deflated slightly, and Katie pulled him closer and whispered in his ear “Let’s instead make this night an evening to remember. Let’s dance and get drunk as we used to, and you can have me in any way you want afterwards.” She said, pulling back to face him, her eyes burning into his.

Alex kissed her forcefully, pulled back and said “that’s a deal”

She put her three inch heels on to match Alex’s height, and they headed downstairs to the hotel ballroom for the reception.

Walking through the large double doors Katie looked ahead and smiled as she bobbed her head to the live band playing what is possibly the only song about cheating which is acceptable at a wedding, Mr Brightside. Katie urgently grabbed Alex’s hand, and pulled him into a queue for the food. Alex, conscious that Katie had not eaten for a few hours, happily followed.

“How beautiful is this” he said, looking around, a sense of wonderment on his face.

“It looks amazing! The chef here is meant to be fantastic. It’s odd to have a buffet dinner for a wedding but this looks incredible” Katie said quickly with a big smile. “I think I’ll have the chicken. Or maybe the duck. I might see if I can get both!”

“Not the food!” He said in exasperation, “The room”

Katie looked around and took the room in. The grand white wallpapered walls were lit up with downlights on every side, with a large white reflective dance floor centring the room. A huge chandelier adorned with sparking crystals was suspended above it, full of bent tip antique-esque candles. Tables were dotted around the dance floor, and two bars flanked the live band on the stage.

They grabbed their food and headed to the nearest empty table, and Alex decide to take advantage of the open bar, and came back a bottle of Moët. A few vague acquaintances joined them over dinner, and after enough drink to get Alex dancing, Katie dragged him onto the dance floor. They partied for a bit, said hello to the happy couple, and eventually headed over to the wedding cake for a sugar boost. Sitting down Katie sent Alex to get more champagne, as their bottle had run dry. Alex checked his phone as he queued at the bar, and when he looked up his eyes were caught by a blonde in a tight fitting low cut backless red dress, showing off her sizeable breasts and thin waist. Her mouth was small, her nose dainty, and bright red lipstick complementing her outfit. She gracefully walked over to him giving him a smile.

“You must be engrossed in that, I’ve been staring at you for some time now” she said, giving him a wink. “I’m Clara by the way.” She stood on her toes and whispered into his ear “you’re much hotter up close”.

Alex, momentarily taken aback by the bold approach, regathered himself and smiled. “I’m Alex, nice to meet you. I’m sorry, I’m actually here with someone tonight, and she wouldn’t take kindly to me flirting with someone else” Alex replied, hoping he’d let her down gently.

Clara smiled. “We both know Katie wouldn’t mind you talking to me, she’s not the jealous type, and you haven’t even heard me out” she said, mocking indignation.

Alex’s head moved slightly to the side as he contemplated her for a moment. “Go on then” he said

“My boyfriend Brandon is the groom’s cousin, and they both look near-on identical. He was telling Brandon in the stag do one of his regrets is that Katie had hit on him so many times in the past, but it was never the right time, and he wanted more than just sex. What he doesn’t know is his cousin and I are, let’s say, a lot more liberal.” She said, letting the last syllable hang, looking up at him with her sky blue eyes.

“Talk it over with Katie. If it takes your fancy, we could have a drink down here before going upstairs” she said. Leaning back in she whispered “I want to throw you on the bed and ride you so hard you won’t be able to get up tomorrow. I want to feel you grab my tight ass as you pound me from behind, whilst I’m watching Katie ride Brandon” she said. Pulling away she kissed him on the cheek and discretely stroked his partial erection, a small smile failing to hide her satisfaction.

“I’ll be with Brandon for the rest of the evening, I hope this isn’t the last conversation we have”. She gave him a wink and turned around. He watched her walk away, her mid length hair swaying in tune with her slim legs.

He headed back to Katie with a new bottle of Moët. Katie smiled as he walked over, and he topped up her glass. Sitting down Katie turned to him, a thin smile broke across her face. She reached for the napkin and slowly wiped off the lipstick from his cheek.

“I take it the Aunt got you again?”

“Umm, not quite” he said, his face contracting as he paused to find the right words. “We’ve been hit on.”

“We?” she said, her rounded eyebrows furrowing together.

“You see the blonde in the tight red dress over there and the man that’s got his arms draped around her?” he said, indicating with a tilt of the head, “That’s Clara and Brandon, the groom’s cousin and his girlfriend. They want to buy us a drink and then head upstairs for, let’s say, a night of passion.”

Katie’s face crinkled as she lightly giggled “So we couldn’t get the groom, so we compromise on the cousin. It sounds like a Machiavellian plot, but not one I’m complaining about, he is pretty hot”

“I don’t know if you’re being serious, or if you just like the attention” he said cheekily.

Katie smiled. “Do you find her hot?” she asked, letting her eyes wander and linger on them

“Not as hot as you”

“You’re very sweet, but that’s a still a yes.” She said softly. She turned back and looked Alex in the eyes. “I think we should go over there and see where the evening takes us. We’ve been wanting to try for some time now, and we both find them hot. What do you think?”

“I think there’s nothing wrong with having a drink with them, and if we’ve got chemistry, why not. We don’t need to do anything with them, and we’re both strong enough to say stop if we’re not comfortable. Whatever happens I’ll still love you” he said, reaching over and holding her hand.

“I’ll still love you too” she said with a loving smile, her dimples forming at her cheeks.

Katie rolled her shoulders and quickly touched up her hair. Once done she grabbed Alex in one hand, and the champagne in the other, and practically dragged him towards them. They were standing at a discrete table away from the dance floor, gold rimmed champagne flutes in hand, laughing. Clara, saw them coming, gave them a smile, and whispered to Brandon. As he turned around Katie studied him. His black hair was combed over to one side, his oval face covered in stubble, and his well muscled chest betrayed how much time he spent in the gym.

Katie and Alex pulled up at the table. “Clara and Brandon I suppose? I can tell we’re already going to be friends” she said playfully, showing they were drinking the same Champagne.

“It’s always a good choice, if a bit expensive. We find it helps settle any nerves anyone may be having” Brandon said with a smile.

“I take it you’ve done this sort of thing before?” Alex said, looking slightly over his glasses with a wry grin

“Let’s just say we love each other, but we also love variety. We were both enjoyed being a little naughty before we found each other, so why stop there. I’ve heard you both once enjoyed the one night stand life too, have you branched out to group fun before?”

“I would like to say we have a healthy sex positive attitude.” Katie interjected

“We’ve talked extensively about group fun, but never tried.” Alex said

“Let us introduce you to it gently then. Why don’t we head upstairs with our drinks, and play some drinking games until we’re sufficiently tipsy, and if the mood is right, maybe one thing will lead to another. What do you say?” said Clara.

Katie flicked back her hair, and looked her in the eyes “It sounds like it has potential, but how wild are we talking here?”

“No-one has to do anything they feel uncomfortable with. We’re both happy kissing anyone, but typically any sex should be heterosexual on the first meet. We’re both bi but we usually only explore that side after the first meet” Clara said.

“Sounds good to us” Katie said, after getting a reassuring look from Alex. “Let’s go to our room, we may as well use the suite to it’s maximum” Katie said

Picking up their drinks they headed up the stairs after saying a final congratulations to the happy couple. They walked up the winding staircase to their room, and swiping the keycard they headed in.

Chapter 3

“What an amazing room! I love the window” Clara said in awe, as she checked herself out in the reflection, pulling the seams of her dress down to accentuate her breasts.

Brandon worked with Alex and Katie to move the furniture against the walls, as Clara headed to the bathroom. They lay the cushions onto he floor in the middle of the room, and moved the bed’s mattress next them. They brought the side table over and placed the bottles of champagne and glasses on it.

“This looks very cosy” Clara said returning with makeup topped up and lipstick reapplied. She placed herself on one of the sofa cushions, and Brandon joined her on the other. Alex and Katie sat opposite on the mattress.

Alex handed out the glasses and filled them up. “To new experiences” he said. Katie smiled and they all clinked their glasses together and took a sip. Clara hopped up and went over to the table. She grabbed an empty bottle, and sitting back down she put it between the two couples.

“We can use this later” she said, letting out a small giggle.  “Never have I ever picked anyone up at a wedding” she said smiling

Both Katie and Alex shared a look of suspicion as they drank. “It feels like someone has told you we met at a wedding. Are you trying to get us drunk?” Alex said

Clara smiled. “There’s nothing in the rules about prior knowledge, and of course not, we wouldn’t want issues getting anything up would we. ” said teasingly.

“Two can play at this game” he said with a smile. “Never have I ever had a threesome”

Clara and Brandon both drunk. “I’m shocked neither of you have had a threesome before” Brandon said. “We’ll make up for lost time tonight. Never have I ever slept with someone 10 years older than me”

Everyone else drunk.

“I’ve had enough of this” Katie said. She grabbed the nearest empty bottle and spun it. It pointed towards Clara.  ”Truth or dare?” She asked.


“How many times have you done this before?” Katie asked.

“We’ve played with probably ten other couples or so” she said, and spun the bottle which pointed back at Clara. “Truth or dare?”


“Are you and Alex bi?” She asked.

Katie looked over to Alex. He smiled at her, and gave her a wink nod. She turned to look back at Clara. “We’re not sure. I want to find a girl to experiment with, and Alex loves to be pegged so maybe we’ll go down that route one day.”

Katie spun and it landed on Alex. “Truth or dare?”


“I dare you to strip down to your underwear”

Alex stood up, unbuttoned his shirt and threw it away before slipping his trousers off. His regular games at the tennis club had toned his athletic body. His shoulders were broad, his chest firm, and sleek, and as smooth as silk. His thighs were shapely, and sitting down you could see the considerable outline to his partial erection.

Clara’s eyes lit up as she watched, her hands stroking Ben’s thighs.

“Oh hello there sexy” Clara said  “Is it my turn to do a dare?”

“Only if it lands on you” Alex said, as he spun. It landed on Brandon, who asked for a dare.

“I dare you to spend seven minutes in heaven with Katie, where you do whatever Katie says. Any clothes which come off must stay off” he said with a smile.

Katie let out a little giggle. “Sounds great to me, but on one condition. You do the same and Clara is in control for you. Anyone unhappy with that” she said as she looked around, smiles greeting her. She picked up her phone, set a timer, and led Brandon by his rugged hand to the bathroom.  She closed the door and looked him straight in the eye.

“Get naked” she said in an authoritative commanding tone.

He pulled his shirt off over his head showing his army fit pecs, coated with fine black hair. He took off his trousers and underwear in one fast moment, revealing his averagely sized slightly bent upwards shaved cock.

“Very nice” Katie remarked, as her dainty hand slipped around his manhood. She stroked the foreskin up down over the head, before letting go. She sat down on the edge of the bath, and Brandon followed, his cock hovering at her chest level.

Katie looked up and him and caught his eye.“Get on your knees” she said. Brandon complied and looked up at her.

“I haven’t slept with a man with stubble for a long time, but there is one thing I love” she said, as she pushed the slit in her blue dress to one side, moved her legs wide, and showed Brandon her matching pants.

“Take them off, and show me what your tongue can do”.

Brandon leaned in and started kissing her inner thigh. He slowly worked his way up to her pants, and kissed them where a small wet patch had formed, her sweet smell penetrating through. He reached around and slipped them off. Her lips were pink and swollen, and covered in a mist of moisture, with not a hair in sight. Brandon leaned in and let his stubble run along her thighs. He teased her by licking around her lips, before Katie let out a gasp as he switched gears and found her sweet spot.

Katie writhed in pleasure as he built up from slowly licking her to going faster and faster. She grabbed his black hair and pulled him closer, and moved her hips backwards and forwards covering his nose and mouth with her juices. She started to heavily pant as she pulled him closer. He flicked his tongue faster and faster and she let out a loud scream, her thighs gripping and pulsating around his neck. Katie looked down and saw his face covered in juice. She reached down, put her hand below his chin, and pulled him up to kiss her. Before he got there, her phone let out a metallic shrill.

“We’ll save that and more for later” Katie said, giving him a wink and running her hand over his hard member.

They headed back out, to find both of them naked, in the 69 position licking each other. Clara looked over in annoyance, as she was close to coming but had run out of time. Katie felt instantly wet as she watched Alex lick and suck, and took a good look at her. Her boobs were large, perfectly symmetrical, and her belly button had a sparking diamond solitaire. Down below she was dripping wet and swollen, her large inner lips dangling down, inviting Alex to lick and suck on them.  Clara moved back onto the sofa next to Brandon.

“Sorry, the timer wasn’t in your favour today. Brandon just finished me before I could return the favour” Katie said

“I think you’re wearing too many clothes” Clara replied, noting that Katie was the only one with any clothes on.

“You’ll have to get them off me”

Brandon reached over and spun the bottle. It landed on Katie, who chose a truth.

“What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done sexually” he asked her.

Katie winked her brow. “That’s a hard one.” She said, pausing in thought. “Probably having three one night stands in an evening. I only expected one but the first two were just not good.”

Spinning the bottle it landed on Clara, who immediately asked for a dare.

“I dare you to blow Brandon with me. He needs a bit of love and attention” Katie said

Katie beckoned Brandon over to the mattress, and pushed him down. Clara flicked her hair back and took him in her hand, and licked from the base to the top, as Katie wrapped her tongue around his head, flicking back to side. Clara moved up and started making out with Katie with Brandon in between them, their tongues flicking backwards and forwards all over the head. Katie felt the salty pre-cum she loves ooze out of Brandon, as his breathing got deeper and uneven.

Clara broke off the kiss, and shuffled up to hover over Ben’s mouth. Katie kept teasing him as he licked Clara. Looking over, she saw Alex staring right at her, a look of desire spread across his face as he slowly touched his giant erection. Katie felt the familiar twitch and stopped licking just before he came. She stood up and dropped her blue dress and underwear to the floor.  She told Alex to come too and lie next to Brandon, and with one cock in each hand she started stroking both at once, licking each in turn.

Clara gave out a moan, as she came on Ben’s face and sat back on the bed panting, sweat adoring her back, and Ben’s face covered in juice. She watched Katie work on the boys, each one shuddering as she wrapped her tongue around them. After taking a minute to calm down, she moved over and mounted Alex. Katie helped slip a condom on both of them with her tongue and caught Alex’s eyes.

“She’d better not be better than me” she said teasing him. Alex laughed, and then writhed in pleasure as Katie pulled Clara down, and directed him inside of her. He felt her very slowly slip the whole way down and grip tightly around him. She was sitting up straight, and rode slowly up and down to begin with, getting used to his size. She slowly build up her rhythm, slowly but surely going harder and faster, twisting her body in time with his thrusts.

Katie crawled back behind them, and watched Clara on top of her boyfriend. Her face was flush, eyes lit up with desire, as she played with her nipples. Her eyes transfixed on Clara, her soft tight body writhing on top on him, flicking back her blonde hair and moaning as she came on top of him. Brandon noticed and sidled up between her legs, slowly eating her out as she watched the show.

Katie hit her limit and pulled Brandon up on top of her. He needed no invitation and after lining himself up, he slammed inside of her in one quick moment. She put her legs around his thick hard waist, and wrapped herself around him. She stared at Clara and Alex as he pounded her hard and fast. Eventually it was too much, and her entire body started convulsing. She dug her nailed into his back as she started loudly moaning as she came over and over for what felt like hours. Eventually she finished, lowered herself and turned around. She went on all fours, watching Clara squirm on top of Alex as he stroked her and sucked her breast.

Brandon positioned himself behind Katie, and slipped back inside, massaging her breasts and he rocked back and forth from behind. It was not long until they both started to pant. She felt his cock start to throb inside of her, and she gripped harder around him in response. Brandon said he was about to go as his hands tightly gripped around her breasts, his forehead nuzzled on her back. Katie pushed back harder and faster, pulling him deeper and deeper inside. He let out a groan as he went inside her, as she let out a final moan before sinking down onto the mattress and lying back. Her cheeks were pink, her forehead covered in sweat, and down below was swollen and wet. She laid on a pillow and caught her breath.

After a few minutes Clara hopped off Alex and crawled over to her.  “Looks like you have had some fun” she said, giving a head nod to Ben’s full condom.

Katie could only smile and nod in response. Clara bent down and whispered in her ear “I saw you watching us. You can say no at any time”.

Before Katie could respond she felt Clara deeply kissing her neck, and saw Alex’s big smile. Clara faced her and they locked eyes. She leaned down, and Katie met her half way, passionately kissing for a few minutes as Alex sucked one of Katie’s breasts, and Brandon the other.  Clara broke off the kiss and slowly kissed down her stomach, over her mound and gently kissed her thighs. She kissed and licked from side to side until Katie was rocking, instinctively trying to force her into the right spot. Only then did she start licking her pleasure button, her juices rolling all over her tongue.

Katie, already quite sensitive, pushed the men away, wrapped her legs around Clara, and watched her lick her. She watched as Alex mounted Clara from behind and start to slowly rock inside of her. Brandon had recovered, and presented himself to Katie, who happily licked him clean from earlier, enjoying the salty taste, and started to stroke and suck again. She started slow, but quickly picked up the pace and he was ready to go within minutes. Just before he came he pulled out of her, and went all over her body, showering both her and Clara. Looking up Alex had a massive smile on his face, and she started pushing her body harder against Clara’s tongue. Katie moaned as Clara finished her with her tongue.

Clara pushed herself up and directly into Katie’s eyes, and told her to watch. Pushing herself up she flicked her hair over her shoulder, and pushed back on Alex as he thrust harder and deeper. She started moaning and instinctively tightened around him, as his hands gripped harder around her waist. They both stared at Katie as they came in tandem, and then collapsed on the bed together. They sat back in their couples and all sat there for a few minutes recovering.

“How did you get into this?” Alex asked, having regained his breath.

“We met on a website for swingers. Neither of us have ever felt very comfortable with monogamy, so we’re lucky to have each other” Brandon replied. “If you’re interested you can join, we can be friends.” Brandon walked over to the notepad and started scribbling. “This is the website and our profile, and here’s my number, if you ever find yourself nearby then give us a shout”

“Thanks, we’ll let you know” he replied, tucking the note into his wallet for safe keeping.

Everyone slowly got dressed, helped rearrange the room back to normal, and Clara and Brandon left for the night. Katie and Alex got ready for bed, snuggled up together, and fell asleep almost instantly.

Thank you for reading! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I have lots of ideas about where to take this & keen to upload more in the near future :)

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