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Wifey role-plays as their sexy daughter as a treat for hubby
I was eager to get home. Eager, but I didn’t until I finished up with the paperwork. It was a Friday evening, and like many other Fridays, I stayed back to tie up any loose ends in my company. I work as a paper pusher for a paper manufacturing business. Not glamourous, I know, but it pays for the mortgage and funds my kid’s education.

I raised my arms as high as I could and tried to pull the knot out of my lower back. My eyes went back down to the desk and settled on the photo of my family, which I look at often.

My son, Owen, was nineteen and was studying computer science in university, and my daughter, Paige, was studying to be a graphics designer.

I couldn’t help but smile as I thought of them. Paige in particular. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my son. He was a little withdrawn, which concerned me as a father. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about him going out drinking and catching all sorts of diseases from unscrupulous women. God forbid he gets anyone pregnant. He’s got a good head on his shoulders, so I know he’ll do just fine with his studies. Way I see it, an old fossil like me who hasn’t quite grasped the digital age, he’s not going to have trouble finding a decent job after he graduates. That was going to be awhile yet, so in the meantime, I can keep an eye on him at home.

My baby girl was a whole different kettle of fish altogether. Eighteen, beautiful and a right little social butterfly. She was just as intelligent as her brother, but much more outgoing. A slither of guilt panged through me as I let my thoughts linger a bit too long over Paige. She was definitely a woman now, complete with gracious curves, and her face carried an elfin grace. I supposed I should be grateful that she wasn’t openly dating anyone. I wouldn’t know how to deal with that.

Finally, there’s my wife, the mother of my children, Claire. Christ, how the hell did I land a beauty like her? We’re married twenty years today, and I never felt more blessed. Sure, we had our ups and downs, like any relationship would. But overall, I was in the black with this one. She gave me two amazing kids and was a devoted wife and mother. We met in highschool, and it was a long and arduous courtship, but she chose me amongst all the other suitors she could’ve had. It wasn’t long after our marriage that she became pregnant with Owen.

My cock panged. God, we had so much crazy sex back then. A non-stop, love crazed free-for-all. I was pretty sure I told myself I had enough of sex after the eighth time we did it one day.

But that was what made today special. After twenty long, busy years together. I wanted to give her something special. Maybe if I’m lucky, I’d get some of that sex. Funny how no matter how passionate we were as a young couple, raising a family and having a full-time job to support it does a real number on your libido and energy levels. Most of the time, it was easier to jerk one off, just so I didn’t risk getting an errant boner at work.

I felt a little guilty. Maybe I should’ve finished early, but Claire would’ve insisted on me working like I usually do. After rush hour, I would’ve saved hardly any time, and this way, at least I won’t be behind on my paper work by the time Monday rolled on over.

I said goodnight to Jeff, the janitor, and made it home in half an hour - thank God for quiet evening roads.

I announced myself as I got into my house. We lived in a detached house in the countryside. It was surrounded by farmer’s fields and woodlands and a quarter mile from the main roads, so it was convenient and gave us plenty of privacy. I heard Claire call from the kitchen and I could smell wonderful home cooking in the air. Seeing as it was Friday, I assumed Paige was out. I hoped she wasn’t busy grinding against some random guy in a nightclub, but I shook away such thoughts.

Owen was probably playing on his computer - we got him some outrageously overpriced gaming headphones for Christmas, and he was ecstatic. It was a worthwhile investment, because before then, he was blaring his speakers out a bit too loudly for my tastes.

“Evening, honey,” I said to Claire, giving her a cuddle from behind as she washed the dishes by the kitchen sink. I couldn’t help but lean in and take in the smell of her- perfume mixed in with her own smells that never failed to stir up my need. I gave the nape of her neck a kiss for good measure.

“Evening, go have your food before it gets cold,” she smiled.

We sat around the dinner table and my tummy grumbled. Claire cooked us up a meal of steak, potatoes, and green beans. My doctor told me to avoid eating too much red meat, but I’m sure I can overlook a special day like today. Claire had a plate too in front of her.

“You shouldn’t have waited. If I knew, I would’ve come home earlier.”

“It’s fine. I wanted to have dinner with you.”

I didn’t complain further, and we tucked in. During the meal, we talked about our day and if there’s any gossip. I asked about the kids, and she told me Paige was at her best friend’s place. That meant very little to me, seeing as teenagers would say they’re in one place, and be somewhere else entirely. I made a note to maybe give her a call if she’s not home by midnight. For now, I kept overbearing father in check.

We talked more and laughed over too much red wine. It always astounded me how the years were kind to my wife. Sure, she had some lines on her face, but it just made her look more refined. She stayed trimmed by going to the gym often, and it inspired me to skip the chocolate during lunch break. It was the least I could do if Claire made the effort to stay in shape. The best thing of all, though, was that her breasts enlarged naturally, and they didn’t go down after her pregnancies. If they did, it wasn’t by much. Christ, I thought I was in luck, having a wife with a killer milf body, but it was torment, to be honest. Nothing worse than having a sexy as fuck wife, and a raging boner with no way to relieve it. Sometimes I welcome being too tired and falling asleep. Sometimes.

Before I got too drunk, I pulled a box out of my coat pocket.

“Claire, I got this for you. It’s something small to tell you how much I love you and appreciate you.”

I watched as my wife undid the ribbon and opened the box. “Dean,” she gasped. “You shouldn’t have. It looks really expensive.”

It was a gold necklace with a 1.4 carat emerald stone. Scallop set diamonds surrounded the gem.

“You’re worth it. Happy anniversary,” I simply said.

Claire tried it on, and it really did suit her. She came around the table and gave me a hug and a deep kiss. The minute her mouth opened, I couldn’t help but delve my tongue into her mouth. We were there for a few moments, making out like teenagers, completely unmindful of anyone who may walk in.

“Sorry,” I breathed, forcing myself to push my wife away, trying to ignore the aching hard-on I had between my legs. “Been a while since I kissed you like that.”

“No problem, honey, maybe we should make more time for each other. It’s not like I don’t miss the intimacy,” she said, her tone whispered and breathless. Claire held the necklace up to the light, marvelling at the way the stones glinted and shimmered. I was glad she seemed happy with it.

“I have a present for you, too. It won’t be as nice as what you got me, mind.”

“What is it?”

She gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Why don’t you go upstairs and have a shower first? It’s been a long day for you.”


I stood under the hot water and felt the day’s fatigue and stress wash away. It was hard to contain the excitement bubbling in my stomach. The present Claire got me would most probably something luxurious, like a Armani tie or some really nice cufflinks. She always told me that I looked dapper in a suit.

However, I was hoping for something a little more… physical. The signs were there- dinner as soon as I got in, being ushered to have a quick wash. We were busy people, and I appreciated my wife re-arranging things to free up the evening for us.

I got out of the shower, feeling sufficiently refreshed. I gave myself the quick once over in front of the bathroom mirror. I wouldn’t say I was buff, but at least my body didn’t turn into a complete dad bod quite just yet. If anything, I could’ve sworn some of Paige’s friends check me out too. Either that or I’m deluding myself. I’ve been out of the dating game for years. Who knows what goes through girls’ minds nowadays?

A quick splash of aftershave, and I was ready to go to bed. My cock pulse in anticipation. Would Claire be wearing something subtle? A teddie? Or would she wear something much more provocative, like a corset?

Either way was going to be good for me.

The bedroom was dimly lit when I got there. The door to the en-suite was open a crack and I could hear Claire humming to herself.

She must’ve sensed me, because she said, “I’ll be there now,” the moment I stepped into the room.

I climbed onto the bed, not bothering to go under the sheets. I mean, there’s not much point, right? I felt a little silly, just lying there staring at the ceiling, with my hands clasped together over my groin. It was almost awkward, that familiar sense of anticipation, a promise of sex when I did it for my very first time.

Of all the sexy outfits I had in mind, I didn’t expect Claire to come out wearing that.

“You like it?” she asked me.

“Umm, yeah. I uhh-“

Christ, I was acting like a dumbstruck teenager, at a complete loss for words.

My wife was wearing a schoolgirl outfit. A badly fitting one.

The white shirt was a taut fit over her chest, pulling tightly over her generous mounds, accentuating the tips of her nipples. A fat, purposely shortened crimson and yellow tie snuggled comfortably between her cleavage. She wore a wool cardigan over that, not buttoned up.

The skirt was a short pleated affair. That when she twirled, giving me a show from behind, barely covered the underside of her ass. I caught a glimpse of her panties too, blue and white striped pattern.

To finish, she wore a pair of knee length wool socks and a pair of black flats.

My cock twitched. It was an illicit fusion of innocence and sensuality.

“Y-you look wonderful,” I managed. “Almost like a dress-up version of what Paige used to wear.”

My wife smiled. “Not almost. It is.”

She clambered up onto the bed, nestling her crotch down over mine. I moved my hands out of the way, in time to settle them under her skirt, resting on her silky smooth inner thighs. A low groan escaped my lips as she rocked her hips a little, making my cock harden against her panty-covered pussy.

“Y-you’re wearing Paige’s uniform?”

“I found it this morning when I did some cleaning up,” she smiled mischievously. “C’mon honey, we used to have so much fun playing dress up and it occurred to me that we never done the naughty schoolgirl thing. Do you like it? Or is it too weird? Are you being weirded out?”

“N-no, not at all,” I rasped. My nose twinged. Claire wasn’t wearing her usual perfume either. I was used to the classy, womanly scents she wore. The new smell cut through me like a new, foreign smell. Not foreign. I didn’t associate it with my wife. It was an everyday deodorant that Paige wore. My wife noticed me noticing it too.

“I thought I’d go the extra mile. I sprayed myself with some of Paige’s stuff. Is it distracting you?”

“I’m fine.”

It was, but not in a bad way. God, I lusted after my wife, but the way she dressed… The way she smelled, just reminded me of our daughter! It wasn’t just the naughty schoolgirl fantasy that was reeling in my mind right now, but some of my darkest fantasies involving my daughter. Admittedly, I might’ve jerked off a few times over Paige, but this took it to a whole new level.

I licked my lips, sucking a breath through my teeth as Claire squeezed with her thighs, grinding her hot pussy against the underside of my painfully hard cock.

“Oh, God…” I hissed. She keeps this up. I’m going to cum in my pants…

Claire grabbed my wrists, placing my hands over her tits. “Enjoy it, honey. Don’t you like your present?” she rasped.

I swallowed. Her breasts were so familiar, her body was something I saw almost every day yet never tired of. I circled my thumbs, delighting at how such a cheaply woven shirt could feel so fucking good right now. My wife gave out a loud, satisfied moan as I tweaked and played with her acorn-hard nipples.

“You’re being too loud,” I said. “What if someone hears us?”

We never had complete privacy.

Claire groaned again, not the slightest bit bothered. She rocked her hips more, grinding against my dick, dry humping me and making me leak precum, making it soak into my underwear.

“Don’t worry so much, daddy,” she whispered.

Oh, god.

“Owen is probably on his computer games, wearing his headphones. He won’t hear a thing. And Paige is out right now.”

My hands fell to the sides, and Claire pushed against my chest, rocking away. It felt good. Amazing even. But it was torment. I closed my eyes, trying not to enjoy it too much, but that made things worse. It was too easy to picture my daughter on me right now, grinding away at her daddy. The thought made me feel both guilty for my wife and inconsolably excited at the same time.

“C-Claire… I’m going to…” I stammered like a fool.

That all too familiar sensation pulsed through my dick, ready to shoot my load. But before I could, Claire climbed off me, and pinched my urethra with her fingers, stopping me.

“Ugh,” I groaned, my body tensing against my need being denied.

“Not yet, Dean. We haven’t even started yet.”

I sucked in more breath, waiting for the need to ebb away. My cock throbbed angrily.

“Okay, I think I’m good,” I finally said.

My wife smiled and hooked her fingers over the waistband of my boxer shorts. She peeled them down and over my legs. My dick was coated, slimed over with my own precum.

“Wow, you got really excited,” she murmured, running a finger along its length, drawing a sticky band of precum away as she did so. I shuddered as her fingertip danced over my piss-slit, making me inflate again.

It was torment. I never been teased like this before.

I thought she was going to jerk me off or give me a much needed anniversary blowjob, but instead, Claire stood up on the bed. Looking up, I coat see the stripy panties under her outrageously short skirt. A flash of concern went through me- did Paige used to wear her uniform like this too?

Claire slowly pulled off her panties, letting them drop onto me, onto my now rock hard cock.

“Pick them up,” she ordered. “I want you to smell them.”

I did as I was told and brought the warm, damp fabric to my face.

I groaned inwardly as the strong, musky scent of my wife’s arousal invaded my nostrils. She must’ve wanted this as much as me.

“Do you like the smell of pussy?” she asked. I loved how the hornier Claire got, the more lewd her language becomes.

“Yeah… It’s got such a feminine sweetness to it,” I admitted. I looked at her face, hoping that was what she wanted to hear, and she smiled. There was more to the smile, but at the moment, I was too fogged up with need to figure it out…

I drew another breath and the intoxicating aroma made my dick rock hard all over again. Then a warm, tight wetness engulfed me. I groaned and looked down- there my wife was dressed up like a slutty schoolgirl, sucking me off.

“Oh shit, Claire…” I gasped.

Her tongue did wondrous, amazing things to the tip of my cock. She lashed against my slit, sending pulses of pure pleasure through me, making my hips buck involuntarily. When I thought I’d reach the peak, she would deftly let go and make circular motions, not giving me the chance to recover.

Then there was her hand… God, my dick was slick with precum and her saliva, and Claire was pumping my cock expertly, slathering the fluids all over my shaft.

“Do you like that… Daddy?” she asked as she let my crown pop out of her mouth like a lollipop.

“Oh, God, baby, that is so hot…”

“Yeah, I love it… It’s such a hot fantasy,” I admitted.

I indulged in more than a mere fantasy. Just a little bit. I let my euphoric, fogged up mind imagine it was Paige sucking me off. My toes curled as I let my wife bob up and down on my dick, the room loud with her sucking noises.

She was so good at this. I wondered if Paige did this with other boys. Teens her age. I bet that’s what they do. Go see a film or get a burger and finish the night off with a blowjob, parked somewhere discreet.

God knows, that was what I’d do if I could afford a car back in the day.

My nuts tightened up, and I knew I was going to blow my load soon.

“Oh fuck, Paige I-“


My eyes met my wife’s, and I braced myself for the inevitable fall out. Especially on our fucking anniversary of all days.

But instead of scorn and revulsion, I saw no hint of emotion in her eyes, all the while she carried on sucking me.

The terror of what was going to happen next staved off my need to cum for a little while longer.

Then slowly, almost delicately, Claire got off my dick and crawled up to me until we were face to face.

“Claire, I… Shit. Sorry. That was a mistake. A slip of the tongue…”

“You don’t have to apologise, Dean,” she whispered in my ear.

I felt her arm reach around and grab my dick. Slowly, she aimed it against the hot, wet entrance of her pussy. I tried not to hiss as my tip grazed against her lips.

“Did you mistake me for our daughter?”

“It was so confusing, that’s all. I mean, you’re wearing her stuff and you smell like her.”

She moved back a little, maybe an inch or so. Enough to let my lip push past her lips and into her hole. Enough for a taste of how tight her velvet channel was, but nowhere near enough for me to enjoy it completely.


“Admit it, Dean,” she whispered. “Admit that you fantasized about Paige.”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Claire sighed and squeezed her hips, dislodging me from her cunt. I tried to thrust, to chase after her, but she had a firm grip on my dick. I wasn’t going to be inside her without her say so.

“Let’s try again.” She sat back down. This time my cock rested against her pussy lips, but she wasn’t letting me go inside her. I was beyond frustrated. Beyond desperate. “Do you fantasize about Paige?”

“I-I may have jerked off once or twice thinking about her, yes,” I swallowed. It was no use. I was good at a lot of things, but lying to my wife wasn’t one of them.

“Good boy.”

She let go of her hand, and my cock disappeared inside her. A few slovenly inches.

I groaned incoherently.

She unbuttoned herself, letting her oversized breasts push free of the shirt. I stared in awe at the sight. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her breasts, and I kneaded them willingly.

“I could tell from the way you look at her. From the way she walks around in nothing but a T-shirt and panties in the morning.”

“I didn’t mean anything by it. I haven’t done anything with another woman. I swear.”

God, that sounded preposterous as my hands didn’t stop groping her tits, feeling her nipples grinding against my palms.

“I know, honey, you’re a good man.”

“I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you or Paige.”

“I know.”

She was rocking up and down on me now, her pussy milking my dick from base to tip. It was almost impossible to sound sincere while she was doing that to me.

“Don’t get the wrong idea, Dean,” she continued. “I don’t consider it as cheating. Strange, isn’t it? Maybe because she’s our daughter, not like some cheap whore from work or something.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Just enjoy it. Enjoy the fantasy. Call me Paige while you fuck me.”

My heart spasmed. “R-really?”



I grabbed her hips and rolled her, so we swapped positions.

Claire squealed as we continued having sex, with me pumping my cock in and out of her soaking wet pussy. She reached down and teased her clit.

“Oh, Paige.” I murmured.

“Fuck me Daddy, please. I love having your cock inside me. Do you think about doing this to me all the time?”

I growled. Everything was turning into a hot, erotic blur. “Fuck yes. Walking around with your panties like that. I’m a man too. You’re just asking to bend over and have a cock buried inside you.”

“Maybe you should do it. Teach me a lesson.”


I fucked her even harder now. My fingers dig into her soft, fleshy ass as I pulled her tight against me. Claire’s legs hooked behind me, digging her heels into my ass, beckoning me to unload all my frustrations deep inside her.

Then she shoved the bundled up panties right up in my face. “Take a long, deep smell, honey.”

I did, and the sharp, sweet scent hit me again.

“I’ll let you in on a secret,” she said. “Those are Paige’s panties. She wore them today, and I fished out of the clothes bin earlier. “That’s right Dean,” she moaned. “You’re smelling your own daughter’s pussy scent.”

“Oh, fuck..!” I cried out. My hips moved by themselves, driving me harder and deeper into my wife’s cunt.

“T-that’s it!” she cried out. “Fuck me, Daddy, cum inside your naughty daughter’s pussy..!”

“P-Paige!” I cried out.

I knew it was my wife’s willing pussy, but at that moment, I imagined it was my own daughter I was fucking. God, I never wanted anything more in my life.

My cock swelled and my cum blasted forth, deep into my wife’s waiting pussy.

“I’m cumming too..!” Claire cried out, teasing her clit. She shuddered and clamped her legs tight around me as she climaxed. I drove my hips hard against her, pretending it was my own daughter I was inseminating, seeing that it was my wife instead.

Fuck, I don’t know. I loved them both.

Through the haze, I felt Claire embrace me, comforting me as I emptied out the last of my seed in her.

Weakened, I collapsed on top of her.

“S-shit…” I said.

“It’s okay, honey,” she replied, stroking the back of my head.

“It was all just a fantasy, right?”

“It’s whatever you want it to be.”

“I don’t think I understand.”

She chuckled. “I lost you for a moment there. When you uttered Paige’s name, it was like you were somewhere else. Like… You were actively trying to imagine it was here.”

I searched for any signs of hurt in her eyes. But found none.

“Don’t look at me like that. All I’m saying is, it was kinda hot. I’m comfortable enough with my husband to be fine with his kinks. I draw the line at you fucking another woman, but if it’s Paige… I guess that’s fine with me.”

I swallowed. “I uhh… I wouldn’t even know how to go about that.”

Despite my orgasm, my dick stirred again at the idea of actually seducing my own daughter.

“She might not even be into me.”

“That’s your problem. I’m just saying it’s a green light from me. I won’t help you, though. You got to figure out how to do it yourself, and if Paige is even interested.”

“I guess,” I said. I was breathless. Exhausted and there were too many things racing through my mind right then.

Claire tapped me and I rolled off her to my side of the bed.

“One thing, though, you can’t get mad if I end up playing with Owen.”


“Goodnight, honey. Happy Anniversary.”

Claire turned over to settle, before I could ask her what she meant by that.

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