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A young woman comes to desire the alien beings she is forced to breed with.

These are the collected notes from Subject 2311, Thin Man Project, Kansas Facility.

Subject 2311:

Age- 23, Height - 5’ 5”, Weight - 113 lbs, Hair - Blonde, Eyes - Hazel,

Bust - 36C, Waist - 24” Hips - 34

Health - A1

Stamina - Average

DNA profile - Northwestern European; 99.9% (Scandinavian/Denmark majority percentage)

Project participants are encouraged to keep a daily record of general observations of their daily routine. Such input provides insight into the physical, medical, and emotional condition of the subject as they participate.

Subject inputs are analyzed to maintain optimum subject health and happiness and to assist the staff in creating an optimal breeding force.

The Thin Man Interbreeding Program has been a leader in the field and is an example of the program’s success.

The highly detailed input provided by Subject 2311 went beyond the average information received. Input has not been redacted and is complete.

Day 1

I'm not sure how I ended up here in this room.

I’ve tried hard to remember, but I woke up on the bed, and that's where it begins.

I can’t even remember my name.

I have a number, 2311.

When I woke up I was pretty disoriented. My arm hurt, and I think I got a shot, before or after I arrived.

The room is large, 18 paces by 14 paces. I walked it. I thought it was a pretty big room for one occupant.

I found out later why the room needed to be big.

There’s a keyboard and small screen that says “Log Your Day.” So I’m writing this

There’s also a space there to write questions, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Three of the walls are made of some sort of clear material that gets dark so you can’t see through it. The side and front walls are currently dark.

The back wall is light blue - the shower, food table, bed, and toilet are against that blue wall. The front wall seems to have a door. At least I can see the faint outline of one there.

There is a shower in the corner, just a sloped part of the floor with a drain, shower head and a single soap dispenser. The water is always warm.

There's a spigot for water there too, a little lower, it tastes clean and fresh.

The floor is heated, it's never cold on my feet. There's a small toilet. The bed is bigger than I would expect if I was in a prison or hospital.

I guess I expect a little cot but I have a sturdy double bed, it's attached to the floor and has a plastic cover under the sheets, like a hotel room.

Or a hospital. Am I in a hospital?

There’s no clock and no windows.

My clothes were gone when I woke and in their place was a simple pull-over uniform dress of sturdy material.

There is a small table attached to the wall with what looks like the outline of a small door.

My first food today was just some kind of packaged rations. I was hungry so I ate it all.

The last meal of the day appeared on the table, I guess it came out of the wall door. It was really good.

It wasn't long after I ate that any anxiety I had faded away.

I suppose there was something in the food or the bottles of water, but at the time I thought nothing of it.

I think I’m in a hospital. But, no doctors, no nurses. No one.

Day 2

The front wall was clear for a while today but I couldn’t see anything. It might be a hallway or a big room outside the wall, but I can’t see but a few feet.

My room is brightly lit, until lights out. That's nighttime and time to sleep. I’m getting almost 10 hours of the best sleep I’ve ever had. I’ve never slept like this. My head hits the pillow and I’m out.

The food is very good, emerging from the wall regularly four times a day, sometimes with a smoothie drink.

It slides onto the table from the wall like clockwork. The tray is attached to the sliding part, there is no tableware, you eat everything with your fingers. It’s really good though. When you’re done it slides away into the wall.

Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here, but it’s impossible to focus. My mind wanders and then I take a nap or daydream. I'll have a moment where I remember something, like a dream image, but they slip away pretty fast.

I’ve kinda given up on trying to remember stuff, and just go with the flow. I feel so relaxed here, it's really amazing.

I received an illustrated list of exercises each morning, and there's a chime to let you know when to start. It’s stretching and easy stuff.

Day 6

I’ve been here almost a week now. I haven’t seen anyone else. The food appears, a beverage now and then, bottled water. It’s very quiet. I think the thick transparent walls may be soundproof.

It feels like where I’m at now is OK. More than OK, I like it.

I’m not sure when I decided that living here is normal, but my mind seems to have accepted it in the past few days.

I feel very calm here, not like a few months ago. It was stressful, I remember that. There was a virus, one of the pamphlets said. Everyone had to stay inside. I’m trying to remember, but it’s fuzzy. I have a sense that outside was a dangerous place, and that I’m safe here.

Everything here is taken care of. I have no worries, no problems - I’m warm, safe, clean, and well-fed.

I don’t know what else I could ask for.

Well, maybe I do. I don’t know if it’s me, or my relaxed state of mind, but I've been kinda horny in the last few days. It would be great to get laid. I can’t remember the last time I had sex. Or who I had it with. It must have been a long time ago.

Day 7

Along with breakfast, I received a thick book. It was like a graphic novel. I hadn’t had anything to read except for a few pamphlets. It was all drawings about a pioneer woman in the Old West. There were covered wagons and they were traveling. She got lost in a storm and separated from her people. She was close to dying and was found by these tall, lanky people from deep in the woods. They were living in the hills and took her in. They nursed her back to health and she helped them with some things like how to boil water to make it clean. She decided to stay with them and they ended up adopting her, making her part of their group. The book ended with her staying with them in their big caves.

She ended up sleeping with one of them a lot. There were a few pretty explicit drawings of them making love. Then, in the end, she looked pregnant. They didn't show the tall people in detail, they were drawn in the shadows of the cave and at night. I wanted to see them more.

They were called Wendigo.

Day 8

Dreamt about being in a cave with the tall Wendigo. I was with one and it took me deeper in the cave, where it showed me that I had a cozy chamber to myself, draped with furs and fruit to eat. I took off my clothes to be nude on the furs and it sort of put its hands on me and we had sex there.

I still couldn't see him clearly. Just a muscular, tall figure with huge hands. When the being was done with me another was waiting in the shadows, and I had him too. There’s something primal and sexy about the tall, muscular people. People? Creatures or beings - I guess.

I felt so safe and warm in that dream cave - it was a very hot dream and I woke up wet and tingling.

Day 9

So lazy today. I woke up before lights on and masturbated in the dark. I orgasmed thinking about the furry nook in the cave and my tall muscular lover.

Got up, breakfast came in, and I did exercises. There was a green smoothie with breakfast. Just laid in bed for the rest of the day, looking at the comic and napping. I think I’ve put on a little weight, the food is so good though. My boobs are a little bigger, my hips too maybe. I better not skip a workout.

A new uniform dress appeared on the table yesterday. It was a little roomier.

Day 10

Another book arrived today through the slot at the table.

A kind of colorful educational pamphlet. It had color drawings throughout it. The drawings were of a kind of man.

Kind of a man, more of a tall, slim human-like being.

The beings were tall, the book said, six foot two to six foot six, lean and strong, with long arms that extended down almost below their knees.

Some that saw them were afraid of them because of their size, the pamphlet said, but there was no reason to be.

Each huge hand had four long fingers and one thumb. Hairless, the being’s blue-gray skin was mottled with spots of different sizes and shapes, like an animal I had seen once.

What animal was that? I couldn’t remember.

The creature had broad shoulders and defined chest muscles. Muscles were well defined everywhere on the slim creature.

The being’s head was large, not entirely round but a bit angular, but there was no hair. The eyes were large, black, and spaced wide apart, no nose save for a couple of small holes. The mouth was wide and lipless, just a long slit where a normal mouth would be. The being had no ears, but small indentations where the ear-holes were.

The effect was almost expressionless. I thought his face drawing looked a little sad.

The more I looked at the drawing I thought, it looked familiar.

Dangerous? My brain was taking in the image, a faint old warning device sounding.

I could turn that faded feeling of a threat around in my brain but my mind couldn’t frame it. The being looked as threatening as a deer.

Almost human.

Like any anatomy book, hanging between the creature's legs was his penis. It looked very human, except for the tip. The head of the penis was different, or maybe the artist had made a mistake.

I looked at the drawing of the being, and his penis for a while. It looked long and slim.

The head was angled and looked like it had small triangular flower petals around the edge, like a fleshy star or daisy.

Earlier this morning I had masturbated, making myself shiver with an orgasm under the covers. I had been very aroused the past few days.

My pussy was tingling a little.

Now I found myself wondering what the being’s penis would be like erect. I imagined the expressionless being having sex with a human. What would that feel like, I wondered.

Like my dream?

The book called them the Wendigo.

Of course! The tall people from the comic.

Day 12

I saw the pamphlet out of the corner of my eye, open to a drawing of the long, lean being. I had looked at it and masturbated earlier, fantasizing about the tall gray man. I have been so worked up, so horny lately. I’m in a constant state of dampness. My body feels extra sensitive, tingly. My nipples are so sensitive I had to pull down the dress, the constant rubbing of the material was driving me crazy! I masturbated twice yesterday, once sitting at the table.

I took the book into bed with me before the lights went out and made myself cum again.

Day 13

A new book arrived today after breakfast was cleared away.

Instead of color drawings, it had pictures of the beings.


They really exist! There was more text about how they move (fast), how they act (smart, docile), and the texture of their skin (smooth).

The Wendigo, the book said, were survivors of a people that had traveled here from a distant star long ago, and got stranded.

They are from another star.

There was picture after picture of different Wendigo, their coloring, and spots different for each one. Subtle differences in each one, like height, coloring, the width of their shoulders.

And their penises.

One photo, in particular, showed a being with his long penis hanging between his legs, longer than the others. He was well-defined, and I noticed this one's pecs and broad soldiers. His long muscular arms and thick fingers.

He was 6 6” the book said.

I skipped ahead to the penis.

The penis of the Wendigo was “7 to 8 inches in length when erect, with the occasional outlying 9-inch erection”, and was “generally 6 to 7 /1/2 inches in circumference.”

There was a page showing the unique head, the twelve to fourteen small, fleshy points around the angled tip of the being’s cock. It also showed the large opening in the center of the fleshy flower, and the large veins running along the shaft.

The text said the head was angled for easier entry, and the small triangular “petals” get firm when it ejaculates, holding the penis inside the vaginal canal.

I don’t think I had ever been so aroused by a photo.

What would that feel like “entering” me?

I couldn’t put the book down. I read every word and looked at the photos for a long time.

My pussy was dripping by the time I was done. What is wrong with me?

I masturbated after lights out, imagining one of the unearthly muscular creatures fucking me.

I came immediately, shaking and gasping.

Day 6

I saw one today! A Wendigo came along the space of my wall as it was transparent and looked in at me. He was long and lean, just like the photos. I was so excited my heart was pounding. He stopped and put a big hand on the glass and looked in at me. Then it heard something and looked away, looked back at me, and zoomed off. He was a little in the shadow so I didn’t get to see his spots or color really, but it moved like a Cheetah. Cheetah? Yes, that's a thing.

A fast muscular thing. Its muscles ripple when it moves.

I did see its penis. It was swinging there between his long legs. The nubs around the head of his cock were visible, and I could see how it would slip into a pussy, the tip beveled like it was.

He was curious about me, I felt that. It looked right at me.

Day 18

I see one or two of the gaunt giants a day now. They pass by, look in. They don’t stay long, it’s like they’re being called away by someone, but I can't hear anything. I try to get them to stay, but they never do. I know they see me, they watch me, maybe tilt their head a bit and touch the glass. They don’t wear clothes of any kind. Not that I expected it. All the pictures and drawings I saw of their long lanky bodies were nude.

Day 22

My wall to the right is transparent occasionally now. There’s another woman there, she's older, maybe forties. We communicated with some hand signs and she said she's been here for four hundred days. She told me a little more about the Wendigo, as best she could.

Yes, they were alien to this world, and they had been here for a long time.

Their skin looks wet, but it feels dry. The tongue is rough, like a cat.

They don’t talk, but you might sense something.

Was she saying they were telepathic?

I wanted to know how she knew so much.

She used to work here, is what I think she told me.

One day she found herself in a room. She signed that she remembers asking to be put here.

Day 23

My back wall has a screen of some kind in it. There are occasional nutrition videos or new exercise demonstrations.

Today I saw a video about Wendigo. It was basically an educational video on how to have a “sexual encounter” with one if that were to happen.

Is that possible? How would that happen?

Text appeared with the video that explained that Wendigo had been here for a long time, living in the deep wilderness. There were lots of stories passed down by Native Americans about them.

The Wendigo, the text read, had been mating with human females for years.

It said they share no diseases with humans so nothing can be passed.

It was safe and harmless.

The film laid out that they have sex like other “humanoids”. The Male penis goes inside the Female. Ha, yes I get it.

The film was serious though, about sensitive parts of their body and stuff. Ears and nose sensitivities. Also, the tongue, which I had never seen.

The video showed a tongue that could be up to six inches long. It was thought it was for eating fruit or flowers found on their homeworld.

Amazingly, there was a recording of a woman having sex with one!

It was a short video section that came up near the end.

It showed a woman and Wendigo together. The plain-looking woman obediently sat on the bed, never taking her eyes off of the muscular male. The huge being held her down, his long thick penis was hard and dripping. His giant hands spread her legs and his cock slipped into her. He cocked his head and stroked her like a machine. His long member slipped into her easily and she held on to his arms as he plunged it into her over and over.

It showed her orgasming and it looked real to me. Her eyes were open and locked on the creature, her face a picture of pleasure, mouth open wide.

The vid also pointed out that their semen is light blue and the erect penis secretes a lube they called “pre-ejaculate lubrication”.

The video showed it oozing out of the large opening in the tip.

The petals of the flower-shaped head of their cock get firm and expand inside the vagina when he is close to orgasming, to help hold his erection in place while he's ejaculating.

The text explained that there was also a kind of aphrodisiac in the excretions of the Wendigo. In the precum and the semen. It was a breeding tactic since they didn't have a mating season.

“This natural drug has been analyzed, synthesized and produced” the text read.

Is that what they’re giving me and why I’m feeling this way?

The video went on to show the sinewy creature slowing, then stopping his thrusting. He was now orgasming, the text read. Up to a cup of semen, maybe more would be “discharged”.

A close-up showed his cock buried in the woman's vagina, visibly pulsing as he held it in her. She was still shaking with what looked like a strong orgasm.

The muscular blue-gray being slid his limp penis out the woman. It was still long and thick, dripping blue semen onto the woman's thigh as the video wrapped up.

It went on about what a woman could expect after and before sex. The text stated that they seemed to be careful, considerate sexual partners, “If a woman is chosen.”

A Wendigo may finish with a partner and immediately leave, or one may stay for a few minutes.

I wanted to watch the video again, but it ended and the screen went dark.

(I wrote down as much as I could remember so I won’t forget it!)

Day 24

The older woman next to me had a Wendigo in her room today.

Before breakfast the wall between us became clear and I saw one stride into her room!

He lifted her and moved her to the bed, as easy as carrying a doll.

His penis was hard as he nimbly pulled her dress off and laid her down on the bed. Just as he climbed between her open legs the wall went dark and I couldn’t see.

I yelled “No!” as the wall went dark and pushed my face against the glass, but I couldn't see or hear anything after that.

I felt so frustrated and wondered why she was allowed and I was not. I guess she had been here much longer, but still, I was upset.

Day 25

Still waiting for my door to open. I’m making sure I’m doing my exercises correctly and eating everything that appears on the table.

Day 26

Received another pamphlet today.

I can only describe it as a masturbation aid.

It was filled with color and black and white photos of different women having sex with Wendigo. Different positions, different Wendigo. It showed a woman taking the long, hard penis of a smaller Wendigo in her mouth. The small caption read ‘Pleasuring a youngling’. There was a picture of the angular head of a Wendigo between the wide-open legs of a nude woman. His tongue was snaking inside her. The caption read simply ‘Pleasuring a woman.”

I was very wet by the last page, thinking of that long tongue in my mouth, or my pussy.

I touched my clit lightly and I began to orgasm.

That’s all I have to do lately, just a touch and I’m cumming - it's crazy.

Day 30

Today my door opened.

The lights dimmed and there was a rushing sound as the door slid open.

As soon as it did the doorway was filled with the lithe, muscular body of a large Wendigo.

I was ready for him, sitting on the edge of my bed, already nude.

I had been going without my uniform for a while now, showing off my body to the large forms that sometimes gathered outside my room. I had noticed a few got hard as they peered in at me standing close to the transparent wall, so I knew they were ready for me.

The tall being was on me in a flash and I relaxed, letting him have his way with me. His giant hands explored my body for a moment, one holding a breast and the other sliding into my wet pussy. He had virtually no smell, his skin was warm and smooth, but thick, almost like soft leather.

His cock was long, thick, and erect.

His face was the same expressionless face I had seen just outside the clear wall each day, except now this one was a few inches from mine.

His mouth cracked open slightly and his tongue snaked out and I opened my mouth to allow it in.

For a moment I meekly sucked on the being's long tongue as his giant finger plunged into my pussy.

His huge hands gently but firmly lifted me from the end of the bed to the side of the bed and spread my legs open. My pussy was ready, wet glistening. He dipped the flat angled head of his cock between my cunt lips and I watched the soft fleshy petals of the tip fold back as it slipped inside me, pushing into my hole.

I was hyperventilating, I was so nervous, aroused, and excited.

I watched as his thick, veiny shaft followed the fleshy head into my cunt, my vagina opening up for his cock. Just like the videos.

It kept pushing in until his cock was completely inside me.

The muscular being began sawing away into my pussy, his eyes seemingly focused on something across the room.

The feeling was incredibly erotic, the sensation of being filled with this unusual shape was new to my body. I was also dimly aware of the erotic nature of being taken by an unearthly being. A being that I had been yearning for since being introduced to them.

Every facet of the moment was a turn-on; the touch of the creature, its form, its strength, it’s enormous cock inside me, all most likely the product of the aphrodisiac flowing through me.

I did not care.

I began to build to a climax almost immediately, and in a second or two was spasming with an orgasm.

He seemed to notice my convulsions, and it slowed a bit, his long hard shaft still slowly sinking between my cunt lips, but his head was cocked slightly as his black eyes took in my form, writhing in pleasure under him.

The fucking continued as I shuddered long and hard, the being’s cock plunging into me over and over as huge muscular hands held my legs open.

I cupped both my tits in my hands and looked at the black eyes of the unearthly creature that was fucking me. If the big being saw me, nothing changed on its face as it continued rhythmically stroking.

I looked down to see his long blue/gray cock splitting me open, my pussy lips on either side of his glistening shaft. Suddenly he slowed his relentless fucking.

The creature's mouth cracked open a bit and I could see rows of small teeth and his tongue emerged, long and tapered.

The lanky Wendigo made a clicking sound from deep inside his chest and held his cock deep in me.

As he paused I could feel him begin to ejaculate, his shaft pulsing, the star-head of his erection gripping the walls of my pussy to better hold his long cock deep in me.

His long thick fingers wrapped around my neck and gently held me down so he could finish pumping cum into me.

I put both my hands on its thick wrist and felt the warm, smooth skin. He allowed it, as he was watching his cock, still pumping in my cunt. He held it in me for a full two minutes.

I could feel his cock twitching inside me, I knew he was squirting his semen in me with each pulse.

I came again, just laying there pinned to the bed by its cock and one large hand.

After a moment he pulled out and his hand left my neck, pausing ever so briefly on my tits.

His cock was still a little hard, and the mushroom head rubbed up along my thigh, soft and smooth, leaving a trail of light blue cum on my skin.

Then he was gone.

The door whiffed shut, as several more Wendigo gathered to peer in, then hurried off to look for an open door.

Clear fluid and blue semen flowed from my pussy as I stood over the shower drain. At least a cup maybe more oozed out of me. Just like the video said.

I didn’t want to shower, I didn’t want to remove the sensation of him from my skin.

Day 32

Today five Wendigo fucked me before my door whiffed closed for the final time. Three were one right after the other. They wait for the door to open, looking in while waiting their turn, looking into the room watching me get fucked. I had so many orgasms I lost count. I’m exhausted. I was worried about my pussy getting sore.

Their cocks are long and some are fairly thick. I was really wet for them but still, it was a lot of fucking, and no lube in the room. Turns out the clear, thick precum they put out is so slick you don’t need lube. Their cock just drips it as soon as they get hard and it's super slick - it gets everywhere but doesn't have a smell or taste.

The beveled flower-star of a cockhead looks intimidating but the little triangles are super soft and the angled head slides right in. When the Wendie begins to orgasm they stiffen a bit and you're locked together. You can feel it swell in you - then they squirt really powerfully. I can feel them pulsing their cum in me, their cock jerks like a muscle flexing.

Day 33

Seven today. The door keeps them at intervals so I don’t feel overwhelmed. It seems to know when I’m ready for the next visitor, whiffing open to allow one in at just the right time.

Day 34

Eight today. Very tired and slept well.

Day 35

Up to eight Wendie a day. They come at different times, spaced so I’m at peak desire when the door opens. I’ve never been so satisfied sexually. I’ve had my pussy licked, been fucked with amazing cocks, felt my body explored by huge curious hands and firm experienced hands. Some of them are young, you can tell, they just want to cum in me.

Some are older, more experienced and they really take their time.

Every one is different. They purr and click to you, rumbling and huffing. I've never had so many orgasms.

Their bodies are amazing.

Yesterday Goldfish, an older Wendigo with a fish-shaped spot on his chest, came in. I can tell he's older, he has some wrinkled skin and it feels thinner than the young ones.

Goldfish does something different with me.

He laid down on my bed and pulled me into his lap so my butt was against his cock. I leaned back against him and he wrapped a huge arm around me and took a tit in his hand. The other reached down between my legs and he inserted his two middle fingers into my pussy. His long thick fingers fucked me like that for I don’t know how long.

I was so relaxed, laying back on his huge warm skin, his giant hand holding my tit, my legs splayed open wide. I watched his fingers slide in and out of my cunt for a long while, glistening and wet. I found this highly arousing and I feel he did too.

I could hear him clicking and rumbling, and I turned my head a little. His long tongue slipped into my mouth, rough and warm. I sucked it gently as his fingers relentlessly plunged into me with a wet sound. I tasted his saliva as his tongue curled across mine

I came twice in the time I was being held by the muscular being, shaking and quivering in ecstasy, his tongue in my mouth.

When he did get hard he just lifted me and slipped his cock into me, his huge hands on my hips as he fucked me. I laid back until I was leaning on his big chest, he held me there as I watched his big cock stroke me. He began to cum and I felt the familiar sensation of being filled as the star-flower head of his hard penis expanded. I could feel the older being’s cock throbbing, and I knew he was filling me with his semen. He stayed inside me for a long while, then after a bit lifted me off and laid me down.

I think he’s much older than the others, and this position is easier for him, most of them stand or kneel when they fuck me.

I hope he comes back again soon.

Day 37

The older woman to my right is now gone.

A large blond woman is in that room now. She's chunky with big boobs.

She’s nude most of the time, masturbating a lot. I watched her the other day, shaking on the bed as she climaxed.

She hasn't had a Wendie yet, and I know the build-up is brutal. You want it so bad by day thirty, all you can think about is having one fuck you.

Day 40

Two Wendigos came into my room today. A father and a son. The youngling was learning to fuck a woman, I gather. He watched as his elder demonstrated for him, screwed me hard across the bed. He demonstrated to the youngling how to position his erection against my pussy lips before the older male slid it all the way in me. After fucking my pussy the tall elder held his cock in me ejaculating.

The youngling Wendie stood nearby watching, occasionally he reached out to touch my hair or run his hand over my tits.

My big tits move a lot when I’m being screwed, some Wendigo love to play with them.

The young being was hard, and looked at me and tilted his head. His father made a gesture to him, so I knelt and took the young being's cock in my mouth. It didn't take long and the young Wendies cock was spurting in my mouth. His cum was slick, smooth, and slightly sweet, with a plant taste I couldn't put my finger on. His long fingers fondled my tits the entire time. I was ‘pleasuring a youngling”!

My first Wendie to cum in my mouth.

Day 45

A new record. Ten over eight hours.

Columbus came in three different times though. I think he likes me. He has a spot that looks like a globe, so I named him Columbus.

He does have a cock that fits me. It’s just right, and I get off whenever he's inside me.

He likes to pretend he’s being rough with me but he’s always gentle. He’ll grab me and lift me or push my legs open or hold me down.

I started playing with him, mock-resisting him and he seems to enjoy it. This is something that no other Wendie has done. He will sometimes put his long fingers around my neck while he’s on top of me. The first time he did that I orgasmed, so he will do it occasionally, although I think he likes it too.

One of the ten was a young Wendie, I may have been his first. He started spurting as he began to enter me, like a horse. I took ahold of his long cock as he watched and guided it into me so he could finish. He has a star-shaped spot on his chest.

He finished squirting inside me and held his cock (pretty thick for a youngling) in me for a while.

Then he rushed out at the end like a lot of them do.

Day 47

Blondie in the room next to me got her door opened today.

A big Wendigo was waiting, and I got to watch. He was a huge one and he fucked her for about forty minutes. She held onto the desk and the lean muscular being got in behind her with a pretty big cock.

I could see her tits jiggling as he stroked her like a machine, his expressionless face turned just a bit. I thought he was looking at me then I realized he was probably looking at their reflection of the smooth wall - the wall inside her room must have been dark.

He reached around and held her big tits as he fucked her, the first time I had seen one do that. I could see her face as she came again and again.

Finally, he put his huge hands on her hips and held his cock in deep, I knew he was pumping her full of his cum.

I could see her lips moving as she talked to the big blue/gray stud pressing in tight behind her, running his huge hands over her body as he ejaculated.

I talk to them too sometimes, cooing and baby-talking. I feel like some of them like the sound of a voice.

When the tall Wendie did pull out I watched a long stream of his semen stream from her, stretching from her pussy to the floor.

She stayed there, hands on the desk, her pussy draining cum, waiting for another sinewy alien to fuck her, but the door shut behind the exiting figure.

When she realized no more were coming she reached down between her legs and got herself off again. Then my wall went dark.

I think the walls go clear so I can watch and learn something. Each time I see something interesting or arousing. It became obvious after watching my neighbors that there are times I can see them but their wall is dark on the other side and they can’t see me.

Day 50

I watched a new girl encounter a Wendigo for the first time. I’m not sure what was wrong but she seemed terrified of the big, sinewy male. The being was not deterred by her screaming and simply took her, opened her legs, and inserted his long cock. After a few strokes she passed out and the muscular gray being continued plunging his big thing into her, her body flopping like a rag doll.

I watched until he finished, holding his cock deep in her as they all do, pumping her full of his silky blue cum. Then he pulled out and left her limp on the bed. Before she woke my wall went dark.

Day 80

I’ve averaged about eight Wendigo encounters a day, since my 30th day. Over 400 sex acts. Wow. The days melt one into the other. After breakfast and exercise, I get naked and wait for the first of the day. Sometimes there are a few Wendies outside the glass already, looking in, waiting for my door to whiff open. If I’m really horny I’ll tease them, showing them my tits, or flashing my pussy.

Occasionally one or two will get hard waiting outside for my door to open.

Sometimes my wall is dark and I know that no one is coming today. I get a day off when that happens.

I don’t like a day off all that much, but I often get to watch on the left or right of me.

By the next day, I’m dying for my door to open and to get fucked.

Day 55

I’m doing so well my computer said that I received a “bonus”. Whatever it was, it was amazing. I was super horny and buzzing all day.

They must have adjusted the meds for the scared girl next door, I saw her enthusiastically being fucked by a young Wendigo just before my door opened and I got busy. She appeared to be having a very loud, intense orgasm as the huge being took her doggy style on her big bed. Three more were waiting outside her door, intently watching the first one stroke her. As soon as he was done the next one took her hips in his big hands and slid his cock in. She didn’t move except to wiggle her butt a little. I could see her hand was busy between her legs.

Good for her.

Day 85

I’m pregnant.

I’m not showing yet, but I have morning sickness and my boobs are tender.

I’m not sure which one it was, but Columbus keeps coming by to check on me, looking in at me.

I estimate I’ve had sex with about 30 different Wendigo, but he seems to know something.

A cup appeared yesterday for me to pee in. Normally they want it at the end of the month.

My door seems to have limited the number of Wendigo that can fuck me, so I watch Blondie fucking one lithe being after another. After number ten yesterday her door closed and she crawled into bed and lay there quivering.

I miss that. I only had three today.

Day 175

I’m very pregnant with Columbus’ baby. He’s the only one they let into my room. Often he wants to fuck, and does so carefully and gently. Stroking me slowly until he cums. I know he needs release, he’s so virile. So I do my best to take care of him. He stays sometimes, one giant hand on my belly, as he stands there purring and rumbling.

Day 180

I think my dosage has been altered, maybe because of the baby. I‘m a little more clear-headed nowadays. I think I have an understanding of why we're all here, of course, it's obvious to me, as I sit here huge with a Wendigo child.

I still love it. It’s different now; I love carrying his baby.

Even now, fat with a child, I love the look and feel of the slim muscular beings. Somehow, I was made to see them and desire them as sexual beings.

Maybe they’re weaning me off the drugs, maybe now I don't need the drugs to want to be with them.

Day 185

There’s a new woman next door. She looks young, twenty or so. I’ve seen a few like her, a run-away probably. She looks a little skinny.

“You've found it, Honey,” I want to tell her. “Home”.

All your problems are over now. You have been whisked away to paradise.

Have a biscuit, have a shake.

She's eating her rations now, checking out the room. Having a bottle of water.

Tomorrow she’ll be begging for it.

Then teasing begins for her. Pictures, stories, a little chemical encouragement.

And in a few weeks, her door will spring open, and tall, lithe, voracious being will fuck her brains out.

Over and over.

But before she gets to have that she’ll be staring at photos, watching videos with her big blue eyes open wide, masturbating constantly, showing her little tits to the dark eyes peering in.

Then she’ll finally get it. Constant sex.

She’ll want nothing else by that time. She’ll be dreaming about it, fantasizing about it, wishing for it, hell, she’ll be praying for it.

Like I did.

The next thing she knows there’s a big Wendigo holding her down stroking her pussy. Then five or seven or ten a day until she’s addicted to the sex.

Then she's pregnant.

She’s so tiny. I hope the wall lets me watch her first fuck.

I call her “Shorty”.


Blondie is pregnant now.

I saw her puking into her toilet yesterday and today no Windigo has been allowed except for Big John.

I’ve had Big John dozens of times. He’s a tall, nearly completely black Wendigo with a large cock. I’ve seen many Wendie cocks, and he is one of the biggest.

I would guess it was pushing ten inches, not super thick, but a big flower-star head.

Most Wendigo except the young ones are somewhere between eight and nine inches. Some are thick, and some are slim.

I loved watching Big John fuck her, as Blondie's pale skin is such a nice contrast to the huge being. He would almost always hold her down on the bed with his huge hands, with her pale legs wide open, and pound her. She loved it.

Now he’s a careful Dad lover, coming in once a day to gently fuck her until he cums.

Day 211

Shorty got her first today.

It was about time. The young brunette was climbing the walls, masturbating a few times a day, brochures in hand. I saw her showing her small round tits and her pussy to the Wendigo gathered outside.

She was definitely ready.

A slim gray-blue Wendigo was first in the door as it opened. She was already down on her knees, licking and sucking the big muscular guy's penis. He just wanted her pussy though, and lifted her and put her down across the bed, spread her legs, and slipped it in.

I could see her face when her first fuck-monster cock started to stroke her.

It was pure bliss, mouth wide open, hands holding her tits.

The big expressionless being fucked her like a machine, for ten minutes at least.

The young girl was flexible, pulling her legs back so her feet were over her head, her pussy laid bare for the muscular being’s cock.

She came at least twice before the big guy stopped and held his cock deep in her to cum.

I always enjoy watching the lithe beings ejaculate into a woman - it has special meaning to me now that I’m pregnant - but seeing his long gray cock pulsing, knowing how she was being filled and with what; so hot.

Knowing that she might become pregnant too, maybe today with her first.

She was shaking and quivering on the end of his long dick like a speared rabbit.

When he was done he slipped the long thing out of her and she curled up on the bed, still shaking.

He allowed her to take his semi-hard penis into her mouth and suck him for a bit, the tall creature standing and looking down at the young girl.

Was it watching her clean up the star-flower-shaped head of his penis, or enjoying the feeling; or both?

Eventually, he moved to the door.

She lay there on the big bed for a long while. The door of her room was closed. On your first day, you only get one, no matter how much you want another.

Day 250

I went into labor today, and the walls of my room went dark and I heard a hissing sound and smelled something sweet in the air.

I woke up in my room much later and I was not pregnant anymore, achy, and still a little sick. I guess I had the baby. I wonder what he looks like.

Day 251

The baby is delivered to me via the table-door a few times a day for me to breastfeed him. He’s a Wendigo, nothing human about him. I guess the alien DND overwrites any human code, so basically, I was a carrier for Columbus’ offspring.

My egg was fertilized, so there must be something human about him.

He looks all Wendigo. He has to imprint with a human, so I get to feed him a few times a day until he’s bigger. His Daddy watches me nurse the young Wendigo sometimes, but I think he just wants to fuck me. If I’m busy with the baby he leaves.

Day 270

The baby is being weaned. I won’t see him anymore, and I was a little sad about that until I had breakfast and my smoothie. I’m already getting excited about seeing some of my favorite Wendigo again. It’s been ages since I’ve been fucked good and hard.

Day 275

I watched Columbus fucking the young brunette girl in the room to the left of mine. She’s new, and I’m sure she’ll give him a strong boy if he gets her pregnant.

I’m not jealous, I have four or five Wendigo coming through my door every day, fucking me senseless. Florida is my favorite, he has a Florida-shaped spot on his chest.

I like him.

He comes in with the same emotionless face as the rest, his cock hard and dripping. We fuck in his favorite position, me against the wall, his immense hands around my ribcage holding me up.

I swear he’s watching my tits bounce and looking me in the eye as he fucks me. He likes to extend his tongue and slip it into my mouth so I can gently suck on it. He cums pretty fast when I do that.

He fucks me against the wall until I feel his cock pulsing and cum is dripping down my leg.

Then he lays me on the bed and stands over me, running his huge hands over my body, feeling my big tits, slipping a long finger in my cunt until I’m cumming.

There are a few that enjoy making a woman orgasm, and Florida seems to like doing that to me.

He seems to enjoy watching me convulse, the look on my face.

Goldfish still comes in, and Starfish, Arrow, Saturn, and his son Flower.

Day 500

I haven't made an entry for a while.

I was carrying Florida’s child until a few weeks ago.

Florida's child is done nursing and my second Wendigo is off to wherever they go.

Before she disappeared the older nurse that lived next to me said she had given birth to six Wendies.

In a few days, my door will start opening again. The front wall is clear today, some of my favorites are looking in. I was feeling horny so I showed Starfish and Arrow my tits. Arrow got so hard. He loves my tits.

I admit I am addicted to it.

The constant buzz of sex, the anticipation, the orgasms, the stamina of the Wendigo, their long cocks, rope-like muscles, huge hands, long tongues, and their silent relentless desire for my body.

Even when I was pregnant I couldn’t stop thinking about it and sucked Florida off or fucked him almost every day.

I've been here 500 days.

On 180 of those days, I had an average of 8 visits a day. That’s 1440 visits.

I've been pregnant twice, or about 320 of those 500 days.

For the first three months of your pregnancy, the number of visits is limited to three. 90 days, twice, or 180 days. That's 540 Wendigo coming through my door to fuck me in the first three months I’m pregnant.

For the last three months of pregnancy, the limit is a daily visit of the father. So that's about once a day getting dad off, or 180 or so daily visits from dad over two terms.

That’s 2040 sex acts over 500 days

That's 2040 cups of silky blue Wendigo semen.

That's 127 gallons of cum pumped in me since I arrived.


Once last week all the walls went clear, and I could see hundreds of rooms like mine, stretching off to the left and right as far as I could see. Hundreds of Wendigo moving up and down the hallway, in and out of rooms like mine.

A willing sex partner in each room.

Not just willing to breed, desiring it. Crying for it.

Praying for it.

After she arrived Shorty the new girl was trying to ask me why through the clear wall. Why was this happening? Who was doing it?

I never have thought about any of that. Why would I?

My only thought is the next tall, muscular Wendigo coming through my door to fuck me, my next orgasm, my next child.

Everything else is taken care of.

Have a bottle of water, stay hydrated, I gesture to her.

Eat some food. Relax.

In a day or so, you won’t think about why or who.

You won’t care about anything at all, except fucking.

End of collected daily entries from Subject 2511.

Day 1 to 500.

Subject is currently on Day 920.

Offspring; 4

Status: Highly Active

Popularity with Male Subjects: High

Recommendation: 5 per day

Outlook: Active until Late 30s

Dosage: Continue current levels

Notes: Continue monitoring hormone levels. Retirement upon menopause.


2022-09-08 19:40:31
Amazing, interesting, and totally unique. Also very hot. I return to this story again and again - its a very satisfying fantasy. I hope you write more about the creatures and the women that they breed.

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