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A girl meets a man in a pub. He tells her to be back there the next night then she starts a new and totally different life.
So this man asked me out

by Vanessa Evans

Okay, so it was more like he told me where and when to meet him.

Part 1

I was having a drink in a pub with two of my girl friends when one of them told me that a guy standing at the bar with two of his mates was staring at me and had been for the last half hour.

I couldn’t understand why he would want to stare at me because there is nothing special about me. Both my mates are prettier than me and they have bigger tits. What’s more they were both wearing dresses that were shorter than my skirt and both dresses were low cut revealing a lot of cleavage whereas I was wearing a blouse that was showing nothing.

I shrugged off Jenny’s comment telling her that she needed to go to specsavers and thought no more of it.

Anyway, about fifteen minutes later I needed to go to the rest room and on the way there I got intercepted by the guy who apparently had been staring at me.

“Hi,” he said, “I’m John, meet me here tomorrow at 7 p.m.”

Then he turned and went back to his mates.

I just stood there for a couple of seconds trying to convince myself that I had heard what I thought that I had heard. Then I went and relieved myself and freshened up.

Back with my mates I told them what had happened. Jenny asked me if I would go back there tomorrow whilst Rose told me that I just had to go back tomorrow.

“No,” I replied, “it was a wind-up, he was just trying to make me look stupid.”

“The way he has been staring at you all night I don’t think so.” Jenny said. “What have you got to loose?”

“My dignity, my life.” I replied.

“Tell you what, we’ll come with you but as soon as we get inside Jenny and I will go and sit well away from you. If things go tits up we’ll be there to rescue you.” Rose said.

I thought for a few seconds then agreed with them.

“What am I letting myself in for?” I asked myself.

I guess that I should tell you a bit about myself. I’m Jade. I’m a bit on the short side, I’m skinny and flat chested 32AA 28 32. I have shoulder length light brown hair. I am 160 cm tall and I weigh just 44 Kilos. I am smaller in every respect compared to my friends. I’m nineteen and I have a nothing job in an office and I live in a little flat on my own – long story. Oh, and I don’t have a boyfriend unlike Rose and Jenny.

Our conversation change subject to talk about another of our friends who had just told us that she was pregnant and didn’t know who the father was.

On our way home Jenny asked me if I was going to go to the pub tomorrow and Rose chipped in, again telling me that I definitely should. They kept pestering me until I said that I would.


“Hi,” John said as he walked up to me, “I didn’t know if you’d come.”

“I wasn’t going to but my mates persuaded me.”

“Remind me to thank them when I meet them.”

“You think that you’re going to be around long enough to meet my friends then?”

“Oh yes, you and I are going to be an item for years to come.”

“You think so?”

“I do. So what do I call you?”


“Such a nice name Jade, and if you remember I’m John and I’m very pleased to meet you Jade.”

And he put his hand out for me to shake which I did, feeling a firm and positive shake.

“Nice soft hands Jade, is the rest of you that soft?”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out John.”

“And I will Jade, I’m going to run my hands all over every bit of your naked body.”

“And just what will I be doing while you are groping me?”

“You’ll be sucking my cock, and it won’t be groping it will be sensually caressing you.”

“And just where will we be when we are ravishing each other?”

“On a romantic beach or meadow enjoying the sun on our naked bodies.”

”Well you certainly seem to have got it all worked out John but what makes you so sure that it will all happen?”

“Because we make the ideal couple, the beautiful you and the handsome me, just like Barbie and Ken.”

“Woah there John, comparing me to Barbie is just crazy and all this talk this about dominating me, is it just a facade? Do you really want to dominate me?”

“Who says that it is a facade? And don’t you think that I look like Ken?”

“How the hell do you even know about Barbie and Ken, you’re a bloke?”

“I have a younger sister. Don’t you want me to dominate you Jade, make you my slave, my gang-bang queen, my bukkake queen, my flashing queen, my orgasm queen, make you my exhibitionistic nymphomaniac who wants to orgasm none stop for hours every day, let the whole world know that you will do anything for me?”

“Wow John, I don’t know what to say. You’ve certainly got some unusual chat up lines, do they work with many girls?”

“A few but I think that it’s working with you Jade.”

“And what makes you say that?”

“Well you’re still here for starters and I bet that your knickers are wet. Tell you what Jade, prove that you are interested in what I’m offering you by taking your knickers off right here and now.”

“WHAT!? You’re crazy John.”

“Maybe but do you want me to give you what I’m offering?”

I was stunned, what John was offering sounded soo exciting and my life was definitely boring but it was crazy, he could never deliver what he was saying, could he? And would I really want to do all this crazy things, were some of them even legal? My mind was in turmoil. I just sat there for a couple of minutes then without realising what I was doing I slid my hands up the sides of my skirt and started to pull my thong down. I even lifted my butt so that it would get to my thighs.

“This is crazy.” I said, “I hardly know you and you’ve got me taking my knickers off in the middle of a pub.”

“That’s because you want all the things that I’m offering you Jade, an exciting life doing things that you never even considered, things that will give lots of orgasms every day, pushing yourself beyond your widest dreams and letting the world see that gorgeous body.”

“What makes you think that I have a gorgeous body John?” I said as I balled my thong in my hand only to have John take it from me and sniff it.”

“Stand up Jade.”

I did.

“Turn around slowly.”

I did a slow 360.

“I can see your body with my x-ray vision and I can smell your beauty.” John replied as he sniffed my thong again.

I actually blushed a little as I sat down again.

Jenny and Rose were sat quite a way behind John but in my peripheral vision I saw Jenny stand up, look over to me and the point to the ladies room.

“I need to go to the rest room John.” I said as I stood up again.

“Don’t make yourself cum whilst you’re in there Jade, that’s my job from now on.”

“In your dreams buster.” I said as I started walking towards the rest room feeling a little strange not having any knickers on.

“So how’s it going Jade?” Jenny asked.

“I don’t know Jenny, I’ve never met a man like him, he’s already told me that I’m going to be his sex slave and that he’s going to make me want to be fucked and cum all the time and he says that he’s going to grope me and finger me and put me on display when we’re out in public.”

“Nice, I always fancied cumming in public but Geoff is too scared to even touch me in public.”

He’s already talked me into giving him my knickers.”

“You haven’t got any knickers on? Prove it girl, this all sounds too good to be true.”

I lifted the front of my skirt up giving Jenny a quick flash of my bald pubis and the front of my slit.

“Bloody hell girl, you sound to have struck gold there Jade.”

“I don’t know Jenny, do you really think that he’ll make me do all those sex things? I mean, some of them I’ve never even heard of, and he wants me to do them in public, that’s crazy.”

“But as sexy as hell Jade, you’d be an idiot to not at least try them, you can always tell him to fuck off and come back to your old boring life if it gets too much for you.”

“I don’t know Jade but I’d be so embarrassed and humiliated, and I might even get locked up.”

“But at least you’d have tried to have a romantic, sexy, exciting life, not like my boring life with Geoff.”

“Why don’t you dump Geoff and go out with John instead?”

“No Jade, he was interested in you so he’s yours, assuming you let him get in your knickers. Oh wait, you sort of already have and you only met him a few minutes ago.”

“Yeah, okay, he’s a smooth talker, maybe he would want you as well, finger fuck us both in public at the same time.”

“Don’t get too far ahead of yourself Jade, this John maybe all mouth and no cock.”

“Oh he has a cock, I’ve seen the bulge in his trousers.”

“Maybe it was a dildo just to make you think that he’s got a big cock. You need to find out if it’s real, you should let him fuck you to find out.”

“You know that I don’t jump into someone’s bed that easily Jenny.”

“It sounds like you might not even make it to his place before he fucks you Jade.”

“I’d better get back Jenny, he might think that I’ve done a runner.”

“Go on Jade, you don’t want to miss your chance for a good fuck.”

“Jenny, you know that I’m not like that.” I said as I left the ladies room.

John was still sat there and I saw that he’d got us both another drink.

“You haven’t put some date rape drug in my drink while I was away have you John?”

“Hell no Jade, I have no need for that kind of thing, you want me to fuck you don’t you Jade?

When I didn’t answer him he continued,

“So did you make yourself cum in the ladies room Jade, you were in there long enough.”

“No I didn’t, I’m not like that.”

“Oh yes you are Jade, you just don’t know it yet. I bet that you’re all wet Jade. Come on, spread those legs and let me confirm that.”

“No.” I said but my knees were already moving apart.

I gasped as his hand went straight up under my skirt and to my pussy.

“Yep, just as I suspected Jade, dripping, you’d better lift the back of your skirt up so that you’re not sat on it. You don’t want a big wet patch on the back of it. Come on, lift that cute butt of yours.”

Just like with my knees I did lift my butt and John pulled up my skirt so much that I saw my slit before I grabbed the hem and pulled it back down a bit.

“Don’t do that John, you’ll get me arrested.”

“No you won’t get arrested Jade.” John said as his hand went back up my skirt.

This time it was a moan not a gasp that came out of my mouth.

“See, I told you Jade, you liked that didn’t you?”

I blushed and said,

“Stop it John.”

“You don’t mean that Jade, you’re one of those girls that says ‘no’ but means ‘yes’ aren’t you?”

I said nothing as John’s fingers continued rubbing my clit and invading my hole and no more that two minutes later I was cumming on John’s hand and struggling to keep quiet and still.

“Told you.” John said when he finally pulled his hand out and let me look at it before he stuck his fingers into my mouth, me having, yet again, done something instinctively by opening my mouth then sucked my juices off his fingers.

“You taste good don’t you Jade?” John stated.

“Yes.” I quietly replied.

“Now go to the ladies and take that bra off, that top looks a little too tight for you to take the bra off here. I don’t like bras and I don’t want to see you wearing one ever again.”

My jaw dropped but it was definitely the day for doing things without thinking first because I stood up, straightened my skirt and did just what I had been told to do. This time Jenny didn’t follow me and I left my bra in the trash can. As I walked back both Jenny and Rose gave me the thumbs up.

“Much better Jade, if you’re wearing a top I want to see those big pokies every day.”

“Are you trying to get me naked in this pub John?” I asked.

“Nope, if I was you’d be naked by now Jade, we’ll save that for another time.”

“Seriously John, you’d have me be totally naked in a pub?”

“Of course, what’s wrong with that? You’ve got it so flaunt it.”

“But what about my embarrassment?”

“You’ll soon get over that Jade.”

“Oh I will will I?”

“Yes, just like you’re already getting over not wearing knickers and a bra. The world hasn’t ended because you haven’t got any on has it?”

“No.” I quietly replied.

“Finish your drink Jade, we have places to be, things to do.”

“Oh yes, and what would those be John?”

“I’m going to take you out to the car park to near my car then I’m going to take that top and skirt off you and fuck you over the front of my car. Then I’m going to take you to my place where I’m going to fuck your brains out all night.”

“Wow, think you can last that long do you John?”

“Oh I know that I can and by tomorrow morning you will as well. And by tomorrow night, after I’ve fucked you all day as well, you will will need a rest before we start all over again.”

“But we can’t do that John, I’ve got a job, I need to go to work tomorrow.”

“No you don’t Jade, you’ve just quit your job.”

“You definitely are crazy John. I should just go home now before you tell me that I’m never going to wear any clothes ever again and that your cock is going to spend ninety-nine percent of its life inside me.”

“That’s a great idea Jade, I just knew that you’d come round to my way of thinking, after all, it’s what you want as well.”

“You’re crazy John.”

“Maybe, but you like what you’ve heard so far Jade and here you are, with no underwear on and producing gallons of lubrication just waiting for me to fuck you.”

“I am not.”

“Jade, telling lies is naughty and naughty girls get their bottom spanked.”

“So you’re going to spank me as well now are you John?”

“I am if you tell me another lie, I’m not that bad, I’ll give you one more chance.”

“I need to go to the rest room again, back in a minute.”

“Don’t play with it Jade.”

Jenny and Rose both saw me get up and they were in the ladies room when I got there.

“Now what does he want you to take off Jade?” Rose asked. “He doesn’t want you to go back out there topless does he? That would be soo cool Jade.”

“No, no, he’s just threatened to spank me if I tell another lie.”

“Then keep telling them Jade, a red and hot butt is a nice feeling.”

“Seriously. No, he’s told me that I’ve just quit my job as well.”

“Going to be a kept woman as well, lucky you.” Rose said.

“What do you think I should do, it’s scary.”

“Your wet thighs are telling me what you want to do girl and I agree with you, go for it, you’re only young once and if it does go tits up you can always get another job.” Jenny said.

“But tell him that he’s paying the rent on your place just in case things don’t work out.” Rose added.

I stayed silent for a few seconds then said,

“Okay, you’re right, I’m going to have a totally awesome time and the sex is going to be out of this world.”

“That’s my girl. Don’t loose you phone and keep updating us.”

“I will.” I said as I gave them both a quick hug then went back to John.

“You didn’t play with yourself did you Jade?”

“No I didn’t.”

“I know you didn’t, I can tell by your face. Come on, prepare to get fucked in the car park Jade.”

John had my top off before we got to the car park and I was stepping out of my skirt halfway across the car park. He bent me over the front of his car and rammed his cock inside me. I didn’t see his cock but it felt big enough as it went in and out of me me not too many times before I felt him dump a load of his seed inside me causing me to have the strongest orgasm that I’ve had for a long time.

“Get into the car Jade.” John said when he thought that I could understand him.

“What about my clothes?” I replied as he opened the door for me to get in.

“Leave them, you can get some more in a few days when you need some.”

I saw my skirt and top still on the ground as we drove out of the car park and I hoped that Jenny and Rose would see them and look after them for me.

“John,” I said, “I’m naked in the front of your car and were driving along the road.”


“And it’s illegal.”

“Yes it is, put your seat belt on.”

I did.

“Now it’s not illegal.” John said.

I gave up and looked at the inside of the car then said,

“Nice car John, have you got loads of money?”

“It’s a Lexus LC Convertible and I’ve got enough money to keep you naked for the rest of your life Jade.”

“You’re not going to let me put some clothes on then?”

“Have you got any clothes with you Jade?”


“Well I guess that you’ve just answered your own question. By the way Jade, did I say that I was happy that you shave?”

“No, and good because there’s no way that I’m going to grow a bush again, not even for you.”

“That’s good Jade, we’ll let it grow a bit then laser it all off permanently.”

“That’s the first sensible thing that you’ve said to me John. Where are we going?”

“My place, and everything that I’ve told you that I am going to do to you will start to happen.”

“Wow, if this car is anything to go by you must have a big place.”

“Big enough for you and me.”

A few minutes later I confirmed that it was big. The gates opened automatically as we approached them then John stopped the car outside a huge door. I lost count of the number of windows on the front of the house before John opened my door and held out a hand to help me out. I should have been careful to keep my legs together but not only wasn’t I thinking, but I didn’t care as well, the man had just fucked me and I didn’t have any clothes to put on. But at the moment I didn’t care that I was naked.

My jaw dropped as we walked through the front door, the place was huge but I didn’t get the chance to see much of it because John took me straight up to his bedroom and pushed me down on the bed.

“So is this the part where you fuck my brains out?” I asked.

“Yes it is, well the first time that you get your brains fucked out.” John replied as he stripped naked and I confirmed that his cock is quite big.


Dawn was breaking as we nearly crawled into the huge bathroom and then into the huge walk-in shower. It felt wonderful and it even eased the slight soreness between my legs. John was making a half-hearted attempt to finger fuck me but he was as tired as I was.

Somehow we managed to get dried and get back to the bed.

It was the middle of the afternoon when my eyes opened again to confirm that it was John’s cock that was fucking me from behind because I had fallen asleep on my front.

When John saw that I was awake he pulled out of me, rolled me over then lifted my legs and pushed them back so that my feet were behind my head then he rammed his cock into me again, this time keeping fucking me until I orgasmed again.

When I was still up there he pulled out and his mouth went straight to my pussy where he chewed my clit and tongue fucked me to keep my orgasm going for longer than ever before. Then as I finally started to come down from my high his tongue left me only to be replace by his cock which took me back up there until he dumped yet another load inside me.

“Jeez,” I said when I was finally able, “I never knew that men could produce so much semen so quickly.”

“You’ve seen nothing yet baby, sometimes you’ll be able to float a boat in there.”

“I’ll look forward to that.”

“Yeah, but not right now, I need some coffee, you need to make a phone call then I’ll give you the tour of your new home.”

“You really are a cocky bastard aren’t you John?”

“I am, but that’s why you love me and will spend the rest of your life with me.”

We got off the bed and John led me by the hand downstairs and to the kitchen where I grabbed some sheets from the paper kitchen towel roll and stuffed them between my legs.

“This is your fault John.”

“No it’s yours Jade, you make me cum so much.”

“And you’ve made me cum more times in the last twenty four hours that ever before.”

“Good, get used to it girl. Now, this is the coffee machine and this is how it works.”

I was glad that he explained it because I’d never seen one like that before. As the coffee was brewing I looked around, the kitchen alone was bigger than the whole of my flat and the equipment was amazing.

“Where did you leave you phone Jade?”

“I think that it’s in my bag which I seem to remember leaving in your car.”

“Go and get it, you need to make that call.”

“Duh, no clothes.”

“Duh, so what?”

“Seriously, you expect me to go outside to your car like this?”

“Yep, outside naked.”


“Jade, go now or I’ll tan your backside.”

“That’s twice that you’ve threatened to spank me John.”

“Yeah, and that’s one more chance than I expected to give you so if you don’t want a red butt get yourself out there, the car’s not locked.”

I opened the front door and stuck my head out. I was as nervous as hell as I slowly walked towards the car with my head going from side to side all the time as I scanned the whole area for any signs of life. Thankfully the car wasn’t locked and my bag was still in the passenger’s footwell. I grabbed it, shut the car door and ran back to the house.

Unfortunately, the door was locked and I didn’t know if it was my fault or if John had deliberately locked me out. Whichever it was I banged on the door and shouted,


After I’d shouted that twice I heard John say,

“Make the phone call then you can come in.”

“Please John, let me in.”

“Phone call.”

“Shit, okay, okay.”

I stood there, totally naked outside the front door of a house that I hadn’t a clue where it was and dialled my work.

“Oh hi, this is Jade Peterson, can you put me through to HR please?”

“HR, Wendy speaking.”

“Hi Wendy, Jade Peterson, you’re probably been told that I’m not there today and that it wasn’t planned holiday.”

“Yes Jade, are you sick or something?”

“Or something, sorry, but something has cropped up and I’m not going to be able to work there any more.”

“You need to work two weeks notice Jade.”

“Sorry, but that isn’t going to happen, I’m not coming back.”

“Oh, well in that case I wish you well in whatever you are going to be doing.”


“There John, it’s done, I don’t have a job any more, you had better be serious about looking after me, and can you please let me in.”

The door opened and I saw the still naked John with a huge boner. My face had just managed to smile by the time John had picked me up and lowered me so that his cock went inside me. Then he pushed the door shut and carried me, still impaled on his cock with my legs wrapped round his waist, into the kitchen where he sat on a stool and lowered me enough for me to bottom out on him.

“Is this how you treat all the girls that come to your front door John?” I asked.

“Only the naked ones.”

“Lots of those is there?”

“Enough to satisfy me.”

Then he kissed me, a long passionate kiss complete with tongue wrestling.

When the kiss broke John said,

“I will look after you until your dying day Jade Peterson. I can say that now that I know your full name, mine’s John Douglas by the way.”

“Pleased to meet you John Douglas.” I said, leaning back a bit so that I could put my hand out for him to shake even though I was still fully impaled on his cock.

“And I’m pleased to meet you Jade Peterson. Do you impale yourself on every guy that you meet?”

“Only the naked ones.”

“I can see that I’m going to have to keep an eye on you Jade, you’re going to be naked when you meet lots of men and I don’t want you fucking all of them.”

“But some of them is okay is it? And I’m going to meet all these men totally naked am I?”

“Yes, and you’ll be in the throws of an orgasm when you meet some of them.”

“Oh yes, and how is that going to happen?”

“You’re going to have a remote controlled vibrator inside you and I will be controlling it and making you cum whenever I want.”

“Well if you don’t stop twitching that cock of yours inside me I’m going to cum here and now.”

“It’s working, good.”

It did work and a short time later he dumped yet another load of seed inside me just as I too was cumming.

“Pour me some fresh, hot coffee please Jade.” John said as his soft cock slid out of me.

“Yes Master.” I said as I got up and went to the coffee machine.

“Good to hear that you are getting the terminology right Jade.”

“What do you mean?”

“You called me by the right title?”

“Seriously, you expect me to call you Master?”

“Not all the time, just when I’m ordering you to do something.”


“You’re a submissive Jade and I’m dominant, so yes.”

“I’m a submissive am I?”

“Yes you are Jade, and you are going to give yourself to me totally, one hundred percent, do absolutely everything that I tell you Jade regardless of whether or not it embarrasses, humiliates or disgusts you. You body is now mine to do with as I wish and you will want me to do whatever I want with it.”

“Wow, maybe I need something stronger than coffee to drink?”

“No Jade, it’s what you want and you already know it. Now grab your coffee and think about what I’ve just said while I show you round your new home.”

It was difficult to think about anything other than what I was seeing but I did conclude that he was right, and what’s more I was enjoying it. I felt like I was really starting to get to know the real me and getting to like John more and more.

As I said before, it’s a big house, very big. Apart from the usual rooms there was a smallish swimming pool and one room that John called the games room. It was empty but it could easily accommodate a big pool table and a lot more. Another room that John called the workout room had just a couple of workout machines in it and when John showed it to me he told be that he also owned a gym in town that we’d be going to. He said that he used those machines there nearly every day and went to his gym at least once per week.

He also told me that he’d be getting more machines in there and that I was going to use them every day.

John opened another door and I saw that it led to the garage that was big enough to take half a dozen cars. One corner of it had a carpet and there were metal rings on the walls and ceiling.

What are the rings for John?”

“They’ve been waiting for you Jade.”


“Waiting for the right girl to come along and here you are. We’ll soon have you swinging from those rings.”

“What? I don’t understand.”

“Don’t worry about it Jade, just remember that they are there, you’ll figure it out and find a use for those rings.”

There was just so much to take in that I decided to forget about the rings.

We left our mugs in the kitchen and went up the wide stairs. John following me and groped at my pussy as we went. At the top he showed me four big bedrooms, all with their own bathroom. Apart from his bedroom there was one room that I hadn’t seen in and when John opened the door I just stood there in amazement. I was looking at a long desk with six huge computer monitors attached to the wall behind the desk. Each monitor was switched on and obviously connected to one or more computers because they were all displaying all sorts of data. Not videos or images, data.

“What is all that?” I asked.

“My job, this is how I make my money, those monitors are displaying information from the money markets all around the world.”

“Wow, I haven’t a clue what all that means.”

“You don’t need to know the details, I’ll give my new PA a summary in the next week or two just in case the taxman decided to question her to justify her huge salary.”

“So when do I meet your new PA, is she beautiful and do you have her running around the house naked like me?”

“Give me your hand Jade.”

I did and he led me to his bedroom and to the big mirror on the wall. As we were going there he told me that his new PA would be walking all around the house totally naked and that I wasn’t to get jealous.

I was stood in front of the mirror with John behind me, his hand round me and cupping my little tit (John is around twenty cm taller than me) when he said,

“Jade, I’d like you to meet my new PA, Jade, this is Jade.”

The penny dropped and I said,

“Me, a PA?”

“Yes Jade, you’ll be registered as an employee just as soon as you leave my body alone long enough to do it.”

“Me leave you alone, that’s a bit rich from the guy who’s dumped at least twenty loads of sperm inside me in the last twenty four hours.”

“All your fault Jade for being so beautiful and begging me to fuck you, and we’ll talk about your body some other time.”

“I’ve never begged you to fuck me and what’s wrong my body?”

“There’s absolutely nothing wrong with your body, it’s beautiful, but you will beg me to fuck you, there will be times when you would commit murder just so that you can get my cock inside you, but that’s going off the subject, you are my new PA with a salary of 100,000 Cayman Island dollars per year, not that you will need to spend any of it, I will give you a company credit card with no limit on it.

“Wow, I don’t know what to say except that,

“What are Cayman Island dollars, is it monopoly money?”

“No, Cayman Island dollars are good, about 90,000 British Pounds, I have a friendly bank manager there who keeps telling the British taxman that my account only has enough in it to cover monthly salaries.”

“And are you about to tell me that you have a huge villa in the Cayman Islands as well?”

“Actually yes, we’ll be going there when the weather gets cold here, I can run my business from anywhere in the world.”

“Wow, John, I don’t know what to say other than please fuck me, I’m begging you, please fuck me.”

He led me over to his bed and pushed me onto it and rammed his cock into me then he fucked me until we’d both cum again.

By that time I’d lost count of the number of times that John had fucked me in the last twenty four hours.

We lay on the bed with me half on him, enjoying just laying there on him.

“Yes,” I thought, I’m going to enjoy living with this man.”

After a while John eased himself from under me and said,

“As much as I want to fuck your brains out again, I need to do some work, I have phone calls to make and goods to order as well as making some more money. Jade, is it safe to leave you alone in the house, you won’t put all the valuable in the back of my car and drive off will you?”

“How can I John, I haven’t got any clothes?”

“And that’s something else we need to do Jade, measure you for some clothes. I’ll get the computer to measure you sometime in the next couple of days, you won’t need any clothes for at least a week.”

“!, I, I’ll be right here John.” I replied, too stunned to think of anything else to say.

“It’s okay Jade, you can wander around, make yourself at home, after all it is your home now. Go outside, have a wander around before it starts to get chilly, do what you want, I’ll shout for you if I need you.”

With that John put on some boxers and left the room.

It was the first time that I had been fully relaxed without being asleep, but regardless of how many times I told my brain to stop thinking it would start again in a few minutes. I got up and went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. As I waited for the water to warm up I looked in the mirror and pinched my butt to confirm that I wasn’t dreaming.

The shower felt good and for what seemed like twenty four hours my pussy felt dry, albeit a little sore from so much fucking in such a short time.

After drying myself I again looked in the mirror as my eyes instantly went to the parts of my body that I like the least, my waist was a little too large for my liking, my pussy was a little too puffy, my inner lips were way too big for my liking.

“But John must like me like this,” I thought, “I wouldn’t be here if he didn’t.”

Resigning myself to accept that I was what I was, I left the bathroom and started to wander around at my own pace, giving me time to absorb everything and by the time I got to the kitchen I was starting to accept that it wasn’t all a dream, even walking around the house totally naked didn’t feel as weird as it first had.

I headed for the swimming pool thinking that I might just have a quick dip but when I got there I looked outside and it still looked to be a nice day. I opened a door to outside and discovered that it was still warm.

“Dare I?” I thought. “John said that I could go outside but I’m naked, I can’t go outside naked, it’s just not done.”

I looked around outside and couldn’t see anyone, not even another house.

“No I can’t.” I thought. “Why not? John said that I could and I’ve never done it before. But it’s so wrong. No, that doesn’t matter now, I’ve got John to look after me and he says that’s it’s okay.”

And I stepped outside, my hand immediately moving to cover my tits and pussy.

The evening sun felt nice on my skin as I looked around to make sure that no one was seeing me. After a couple of minutes I started to relax a little then thought,

“This isn’t as scary as I thought, dare I walk around a bit.”

The internal debate went on for a few seconds then I slowly started walking, and looking all around. It seemed like hours but it must have only taken me a few seconds to walk to the flower bed, and the world still hadn’t ended.

Everything was so deadly quiet so I took a few more steps, then some more. Stopping again I looked around and saw no one and I could hear no one. I slowly lowered my hands and to be honest I felt good, sort of free and liberated. I listened then looked around again then thought,

“Wow, this feels good, naughty but good, so exhilarating but what if someone sees me? Jeez, I’ll crap myself. Sod it, this is John’s garden and no one is around so I can be naked here.”

I cautiously relaxed and started looking around, not for people, but at what there was in and around the garden. The garden was nothing special but well kept and I imagined John pushing a lawnmower and pulling weeds out. The other side the fence I could see trees, lots of them. It looked like John’s house had been built into the side of a forest.

A noise startled me and I chickened out and ran back to the house with my heart pounding. Looking back outside I saw nothing and cursed myself for being so stupid but at the same time I decided that I had been brave enough for one day. I looked at the swimming pool then dipped a foot into it, it felt warm.

“Shall I?” I thought. “Sod it, John said I could.” And I dove in.

And that was another nice feeling that I had never experienced before, the water rushing passed my nipples and pussy felt good, really good. I splashed around and swam underwater from side to side and end to end, it not being very long.

When I got out I looked for a towel and found a pile of them in a cupboard. I got dried then thought about wrapping the towel around me but John had said that I could to be naked all the time so I dumped the towel in the hamper and went to look for John.

Outside the door to his office I could hear that he was talking to someone, presumably on the phone so turned and went back downstairs. I’d only been down stairs for a minute when the doorbell rang.
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