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A girl meets a man in a pub, he tells her to be back there the next night and so starts an unusual relationship.
So this man asked me out

by Vanessa Evans

Part 2

Panicking a little I ran upstairs and knocked on John’s door. John opened the door and I told him that there was someone at the door.

“Go and let him in, it will only be Harry with the pizzas for tea, I’ll be there in a minute.”

“You want me to open the front door like this?”

“Yes, you may as well get used to it and will only be Harry, he won’t mind you being naked.”

“But, but.”

“Jade, you are not a wimp, go, now.”

My heart was pounding as I went down and then took a deep breath before opening the door, my hands doing their best to cover my tits and pussy.

“What kept you John, whoa there, who are you and why haven’t you got any clothes on?”

“Hi, I’m Jade, I live here now and I haven’t got any clothes to put on.”

“Well good for him, I was starting to get a bit worried about him. That explains the extra pizza. In the kitchen as usual, Jade, you said your name was.”

Harry pushed the door open wide enough for him to get passed me and he headed for the kitchen leaving me stood there in a slight state of shock for a few seconds before I decided that I should probably follow him. As I walked into the kitchen there was John stood next to Harry but when he saw me he came and stood half behind me and put one arm round my shoulder, the hand dropping and cupping one of my tits.

“Harry, this is Jade, as she told you she is now living here. Jade, Harry, the pizza man, you’ll probably get to see quite a bit of him, and him of you. Relax Jade, put you arms down, it’s okay for girls to be naked in front of men, let Harry get a good look at you.”

“Bloody hell. John wants me to show myself to this Harry,” I thought, “maybe everything that he said he was going to do to me wasn’t just chat-up lines. This is real.”

I lowered my arms and Harry looked me up and down before saying,

“You’ve got yourself a looker there mate, she’ll go down well at the pub, and the gym.”

“Yes she will, but it will take a short while to get her up to speed but she had got the body for it, look at those nipples, you could hang your coat on those, and that clit that you can just see, makes you want to chew it doesn’t it?”

I started to get more self conscious and embarrassed and I really wanted to cover myself but I just stood there letting Harry look at me.

“It sure does, anyway, I’d better be going, the pizzas in the back of my car are getting cold. Nice to meet you Jade and I look forward to seeing more of you.”

“See more of me?” I thought, “what more of me is there to see? Oh my gawd, he means the rest of my pussy, is John really going to show my pussy to this Harry?”

By the time I’d got over that thought Harry was gone and I started to think about what else had been said.

“Don’t tell me, you own a pub as well as a gym John?” I asked.

“I do, it’s only a small independent pub but it’s doing well.”

“And what did Harry mean by ‘she’ll go down well at the pub and the gym’?”

“Exactly what he said, the customers will lover watching you perform.”

“What do you mean by ‘perform’? And what’s the ‘up to speed?””

“Exactly what I said, but don’t you worry about that for now, by the time you perform you will be more than happy to do your thing for them.”

That worried me a bit but I decided to put it to the back of my mind for now and asked where the plates were.

As I was getting things ready John said,

“You liked being seen naked by Harry didn’t you Jade?”

“No I didn’t, it was embarrassing, humiliating even.”

“I think that you did like it, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, they say that there’s a stripper in every girl just waiting to be released and one hell of a lot of women get turned on by being naked in front of men.”

“Well I’m not one of them.”

“Oh I think you are, no, I KNOW that you are, come here and I’ll prove it.”

I went and stood in front of John and saw his eyes looking at my nipples.

“Look at them Jade, rock hard and I bet that they are tingling aren’t they?”

I couldn’t deny it and I quietly replied,

“Yes they are.”

Then I felt John’s hand between my legs which I instinctively spread to give him better access.

“Oh yes, one hundred percent proof girl, your dripping.”

Two of his fingers slid in and out of my vagina a couple of times then he lifted his hand to my face. My mouth instinctively opened and his fingers went in and I started sucking as he said,

“Don’t even think about denying it again Jade, you like being seen naked by men don’t you?”

“Yes.” I quietly admitted.

“Well I’m glad that we’ve got that little hurdle out of the way. It is okay for girls to be naked in front of men and for girls to like being naked in front of men and now that you’ve accepted that, things will be much more enjoyable for you.”

And it was true, in spite of all the embarrassing side effects, I had been turned on by it. I had discovered another new thing about me.

Then we did another thing that I’d never done before, we took our plates of pizza into the lounge where John sat on the sofa and told me to kneel either side of his hips facing him. He didn’t have to say any more as I lowered myself, impaling myself on his hard cock. Then we ate our pizza with a cock deep inside me.

As we ate John started telling me some of the things that he’d been doing whilst in his office. Apparently I was now an employee of John’s company JFDI Equities and when I asked him what the JFDI stood for he replied,

“Just Fucking Do It.” he replied, “but if any miserable old prudes ask it’s John Fredrick Douglas International.”

I had to laugh as an image came into my brain of John taking me to a meeting with these miserable old prudes with me wearing what I was right then, nothing. Then I came back to reality and thought,

“John would never do that to me, would he? Yes he would, and after what I’ve just discovered about myself I will enjoy it.”

“Hey, so your middle name is Fredrick then John?” I asked.

“No, I don’t have a middle name, what’s yours?”

“I don’t have one either but after today I should be called Jade Exhibitionist Peterson, that is what you are turning me in to isn’t it John?”

“Jade Exhibitionist Nymphomaniac Peterson might be more appropriate Jade.”

“Well you’re certainly turning me into one of those as well, and I like it. So what else were you up to in your office?”

“Well apart from some work I’ve ordered a few things for you.”

“Some clothes I hope.”

“No, a few toys and a couple of machines to help you keep that hot body of yours in shape and a few other things for you..”


“Dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, that sort of thing, and some things for the games room.”

“Oh, I’ve never had any of those toys, just a hairbrush handle. Talking of which I need a hairbrush and some make-up.”

“I’ll tell you when I’m doing a supermarket order but don’t think that you’re going to plaster make-up all over your face, you don’t need it, you’re beautiful enough without it.”

“Thank you kind sir, can you hurry up and finish eating please John, I need a proper fucking.”

“There you go nymphomaniac.”

“Okay, that’s your fault.”

We didn’t quite finish the pizza before John carried me up to his room with me still impaled on his cock then we had a marathon fucking session before falling asleep.


I woke the next morning and for a second I thought that I was being raped but quickly realised that it was John’s cock thrusting in and out of me. What’s more I was on my back and somehow he had managed to tie my wrists and ankles to the four corners of the bed.

For the next hour or so he tortured my body with his cock, fingers and mouth. He ran his fingers lightly all over my body driving me crazy. I was exhausted before I’d even got out of bed.

Over breakfast we were talking and one of the topics that I raised was clothes.

“I really need some John, I can’t stay like this for ever.”

“You would if it were possible, but it isn’t, you’re right, you will need a few things for when we go out around here.”

I was happy and he told me that we’d order some after breakfast, unless I wanted to go to the clothes shops like I was. He took me up to his office and he went online to a website that he said would accurately tell us what size clothes to buy.

“How does that work,” I asked, “even the staff in the shops can’t get that right at times.”

“The computer takes photographs of you holding a ruler then uses AI to calculate all your measurements. Here, go and stand over by the wall and hold this ruler under your tits.!

I did so then John read out the instructions for me to stand in different positions which I did before it took more photos. About half way through I said,

“That AI bloke is going to see me naked.”

“Jade, AI is not a person, it’s Artificial Intelligence, a computer algorithm, no one will see these photographs but there’s two things, firstly, remember, it’s okay for girls to be naked in front of men, and secondly, when you decide that you want to make porno movies everyone will see you naked.”

“I’ll never want to make porno movies.”

“Are you sure about that Jade, a couple of days ago you would never have thought that you’d be naked in front of a delivery guy, nor go wandering around outside naked.”

“You saw me?”

“Yes I did, a wonderful sight. If the sun is still shining this afternoon you can go out there again, start an all-over tan.”

I changed the subject back to the matter in hand because I didn’t want to talk about being naked outside.

“So why do I have to be naked for the AI thing?”

“Clothes will distort the image but it’s okay it won’t tell us what size dildo to buy for you.”


“Joking Jade, I’ve already ordered some dildos for you, some that will stretch you quite a lot.”

“Oh Jade, I nearly forgot, your personal trainer is coming this afternoon, he’ll run you through a few things, get you to do some Noga and other exercises then he’ll plan a fitness program for you. He’ll come back three times a week to put you through the program.”

“What’s Noga?” I asked.

“Naked Yoga.”

“I’ll be naked for all this exercise, in front of my personal trainer then? Oh yes, it’s okay for me to be naked in front of men.”

“That’s it Jade.”

“So you want me to be a fitness freak do you John, don’t you like my body as it is?”

“I love your body Jade, but the question is, do YOU love your body?”


“Which means that there are parts that you don’t like, come on Jade, no secrets.”

“Okay, it’s my pussy.”

“What’s wrong with your pussy?”

“Nothing really, I guess that it’s pretty average, its just that I think that my lips are too big.”

“Is that the inner or outer labia Jade?”

“Both really, the inner ones hang down too much and the outer ones are too fatty, it’s like they are the only fatty part of my body.”

By then the computer had finished measuring me and was displaying a list of what seemed like everywhere on my body, and quickly looked at it I could see that it had some of them that I knew to be right.

“Wow,” I said, “this AI thing is good, it even tells me what size dress and what size bra to buy.”

“Well I won’t be buying any bras for you Jade, you don’t need to wear a bra and the slight movement that your tits get when you walk about will exercise the muscles and keep them firm and pointy, and your nipples nice and hard.

Getting back to your pussy, are you really saying that you would prefer to have a lot smaller flaps and a bony pussy?”

“I used to be like that and I liked my pussy then.”

“But you could live with being like you are now?”

“Of course I can. Its me and we have to live with what we’ve got.”

“Not strictly true Jade, there may me something that can be done. Come into the bedroom and I’ll get my camera then we’ll go outside where the light is better.

“Are you going to photograph my pussy?”

“Yes I am, but it will only be men that see the photographs so it’s okay.”

John took me outside and got me to lay on the big wooden table that was out there. I was a little nervous at first but that soon went as John took a few photos of me, well a lot actually, from all sorts of angles and with my legs closed and wide open. I felt a little self conscious at first but I quickly realised that only John would see most of the photos and it wasn’t like anyone was watching us take them.

After the first few photos John said that he needed some of me aroused, to see how things changed, well after the first few I was already aroused but John put the camera down then started eating my pussy, and I love it when John eats my pussy. We could have been in the middle of a football stadium on match day and I would have been happy for him to do that to me.

He took to one orgasm then just as I was getting close to a second he stopped and rammed his cock in to me so that we both orgasmed at the same time. When we started to get our breath back John stepped back, got his camera and took more photos of my pussy with his sperm leaking out of me.

“Right,” John said, “I’ll send these off and see if we can get you operated on to make you even happier.”

I didn’t know what to say, and when he put out his hand to take me back to his office I just went with him. As I watched John emailed a whole load of photos of my pussy to goodness knows who.

“Jeez, John is sending photos of my spread pussy with his cum seeping out of me to goodness knows who, this is crazy.” I thought.

I didn’t know what to say so I decided not to think about it. What I did think about was getting some clothes and between us, using the measurements that AI had provided, we found some websites that sold clothes that John liked and he ordered three summer dresses, two long dresses, some trainers, a couple of sports skirts, four tops and five pairs of shoes.. I was very grateful for the clothes but John’s idea of what is decent and suitable for wearing in public is very different to mine and I was and wasn’t looking forward to going out in just about all of them.

Anyway, I didn’t get the chance to think about it because the front doorbell rang.

“That will be Adam, your personal trainer, go and let him in and I’ll be with you in a minute.”

“I’m naked John.”

“Jade, what are you going to be wearing when you are exercising?”

“I haven’t got anything to wear, so nothing.”

“And, …”

“And he is a man and I’m a girl so it’s okay. Okay, I’m going.”

As I walked downstairs I realised that I wasn’t as nervous as the last time I answered the door naked, my nipples were rock hard and they were tingling, just like my pussy was.

“Jeez, am I starting to like this nudity.” I thought as the tingling got stronger as I reached for the door handle.

“Hi, you must be Jade, I’m Adam, your personal trainer.”

Adam put his hand out for me to shake and the tingling got stronger as our hands met.

“I see that you are eager to get started Jade.”

I saw Adam’s eyes go up and down my body and I felt my pussy get even wetter. Fortunately John rescued me by appearing behind me and putting an arm round my shoulder. As he introduced himself I felt his hand come down and cup my tit.

“What the hell are you doing John,” I thought, “you’re doing that again, you can’t do that in front of other people,” but he was, and it was feeling nice.

“Jade.” I heard John say.


“Adam just asked you if you’d ever had a personal trainer before.”

“Oh sorry, I was miles away, no, I haven’t. Oh.” I replied as John squeezed my tit.

“Okay, no problem,” Adam replied, “can I see what we’ve got to work with, start with the equipment.”

John let go of my tit and led Adam to the workout room with me following Adam. As they walked I heard John say,

“There’s not much in there at the moment, I was planning on getting some more machines, a leg stretcher and a weight lifting machine, maybe some more, I’d value you suggestions Adam.”

Adam looked and saw the exercise cycle and the treadmill, looked at me and said,

“Yes, the leg spreader is a good idea John, I’ll email you some leaflets, you said that you had a pool.”

“Yes, this way.”

John led us to the pool and whilst we were there he looked out of the windows then said,

“Is there paths though the forest and a gate from your garden?”

“Yes, I went for a walk a few weeks ago.”

“Good, a jogging track.”

My jaw dropped as I realised that Adam would be taking me jogging in the nude, in a place where other people may be.

“I haven’t got any trainers,” I said, “there could be all sorts on the paths in the woods.”

“But you will have soon Jade.” John said then he turned to Adam and said,

“Okay, she’s all yours, do what you like with her.”

“Thanks John, shall we go back to the workout room, start there Jade?”

“Let’s start on the exercise cycle Jade, but before you start pedalling stick a finger in this so that I can record your heart rate and blood/ oxygen level.”

I looked at the bike and realised that the saddle had been set for John so I said,

“Doesn’t the saddle need lowering?”

“Try it as it as Jade, we can adjust it later.”

I climbed on and sat there, one foot rested on a pedal and the other just hung here. I also felt my wet pussy, and in particular, my clit pressing on the saddle. After a minute or so Adam pulled the thing off my finger and told me to start pedalling. The only way that I could get my lower foot to reach the pedal was to slide sideways on the saddle.

“I think that the saddle needs lowering.” I said.

“Keep going Jade, you’re doing great.”

If ‘great’ meant that the sliding was raising my arousal level then he was right. I decided to say nothing and kept pedalling and sliding. It wasn’t long before I realised that I was going to cum if I kept going so I said,

“How much longer Adam, I’m starting to get a bit hot and bothered?”

“That’s what exercise is for Jade, the exercise cycle is good for the leg muscles and the heart muscles, give it another minute or so. Here, put a finger in this again and I’ll stop you if your heart rate shoots up.”

Well it did shoot up, orgasms tend to do that, and they tend to make the average girl let the people around her know that she’s cumming, and I’m no different to the average girl.

“I think that I let you pedal for a little too long for your first time Jade, sorry about that.”

“That’s okay, I err ……” A very red faced and embarrassed me said.

“That’s okay Jade, a lot of girls have an orgasm on the exercise cycle when the seat is set too high and they aren’t wearing shorts or knickers. Your heart rate doubles for a minute or so and that’s good exercise for your heart.”

“Are you saying that cumming is good for my heart?” I thought but said nothing.

Then I thought,

“Did you tell me to leave the seat where it was on purpose Adam?” but again I said nothing.

“Okay, let’s move to the treadmill Jade.”

“Could I just have a minute to let my heart slow down a bit please?”

“Of course, sit on the treadmill and get up when you are ready, there’s no rush.”

I sat on the end and stretched my feet out. Being sat didn’t help that much so I lay back, not even thinking about the view that I was giving Adam; not that it would have mattered if I’d known what was to come. Anyway, I decided to make a bit of small talk and asked Adam how long he’d been a personal trainer, He told me and told me the names of a few people that he was their trainer. I didn’t recognise any of the names.

Then I sat up and said that I was ready. Adam put the monitor back on my finger then showed me how to use the controls on the treadmill. Soon I was slowly jogging and looking at myself in the big mirror on the wall. I could see my little tits wobbling a bit and I smiled at the thought of me having huge tits and them threatening to give me a black eye.

“What’s so funny Jade?”

“Oh I was just thinking how awful it would be to have huge tits and risk getting a black eye.”

“Yes, but women with large breasts tend to wear a sports bra. You Jade are very lucky that you don’t have that problem and can go braless.”

“Not much choice these days Adam, at the moment I don’t own any clothes of any de***********ion. It’s a long story.”

“I won’t ask.”

Ten minutes later Adam pressed the stop button then when it had stopped I got off and Adam took my heart rate and oxygen level.

“These are good numbers Jade, you are a healthy girl. Now, let’s see how flexible you are, if it’s still sunny we can do it on the grass out the back, or the front if you prefer.”

I was still nervous about being outside naked, but being naked outside the front was not even worth considering.

“The back will do just fine please.”

“Okay, I brought a spare mat for you but the grass will do just fine.”

“So what are you going to have me do Adam?”

“Some Noga positions and some general stretching exercises, I’m sure that you want to keep your body very flexible.”

“Of course.”

Adam then got me to do quite a few yoga positions. Of course I’d seen yoga before but I’d never thought about how revealing they were. My pussy was stretched wide open so many times and Adam seemed to be between my legs most of the time. He was telling me to do this and that and I wondered just how much time he spent looking at my pussy, at least it didn’t feel like it was leaking all the time.

It wasn’t just yoga, he got me to do a lot of exercises that I used to do in gymnastics classes when I was little, and again, when I was doing them this time they were a lot more revealing but by then I wasn’t at all embarrassed about being naked in front of Adam, or letting him see my spread pussy.

When the Noga was finished Adam said,

“Jade, I would have liked to take you jogging either in the woods or out on the road but as you haven’t got any trainers we can’t do that so I’ll time you swimming some lengths.”

“If I’d had just some trainers you would have taken me jogging in the woods or the road.” I asked.

“Yes, why?

“Just trainers, no clothes?”

“Would that bother you Jade?”

“I don’t think that the woods would bother me but I’m sure that the road would, there’s cars going along the road.”

“Fair enough, maybe when you’ve got used to running around the woods we can progress onto the roads, this is a quiet part of the city. Go on, four lengths as quick as you can.”

I dove in and did the four lengths, again enjoying the feeling of the water rushing passed my tits and pussy.

I climbed out and got dried whilst Adam was writing on his clip board, then we went looking for John.

I felt a little self conscious as I stood there with Adam and John talking about me and looking at me standing there totally naked and with my hands by my sides.

My nipples and clit started tingling a bit and I wondered what I was turning in to. Then John thanked Adam and said to me,

“It’s Thursday today and starting on Monday Adam will come here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a.m. to run you through your routine. Once you have some trainers, which should be before Monday, and if it’s dry, you will do the Noga outside and go for a run in the woods. Adam will increase the number of reps or the time, to push you until he thinks that you have reached your peak and then to keep you there, any questions Jade?”

Well I couldn’t think of any at that time so I said not. John led us to the front door and as Adam left John put his arm around my neck then grabbed one of my tits again. He held on to it as Adam turned his car in the drive then drove off.

“You haven’t had a look around the front of the house yet have you Jade?”

“No, apart from when I arrived but it was dark, and then when you locked me out.”

John laughed then let go of my tit and took hold of my hand. My heart rate increased and my nipples and clit tingled as John led me around the front garden. It was big but nothing special but when we got to the gate he led me out onto the street. I say led but he was almost pulling me.

“John, this is the street, someone will see me.” I protested but John led me along the street until I saw a path going alongside John’s property and I was relieved that he turned onto the path.

“Where does this path go?” I asked.

“To the woods.”

“So there is paths through the woods. Do people take their dogs for walks there?”

“Possibly, probably, but as you’ve seen there aren’t many houses around here so few houses means few dog walkers.”

As we walked I said,

“Good.” I said as we got to a junction in the path and John told me that his gate was just in front of us.

I sighed with relief as we went into John’s back garden and I said,

“Sorry John but I need to confess that I had an orgasm when I was on the exercise cycle with Adam stood next to me.”

John laughed and replied,

“Hey, don’t be sorry Jade, that’s good thing, I hope that you have many more in front of lots of people.”

I was relieved that John wasn’t upset but a little concerned with that last bit that he had said, was he expecting me to have an orgasm every time that Adam gave me a training session, or anyone else for that matter, but I didn’t have time to think about it because I saw a man walking from beside the house towards us. I gripped John’s hand for some security but he manoeuvred me half in front of him and he again put his arm round my shoulder, his hand reaching for and cupping one tit.

“Jeez John is this how you are going to introduce me to everyone?” I thought.

“Hi David,” John said, “this is Jade, she’s just moved in with me, Jade this is David my gardener and handyman, he comes here once or twice a week to cut that grass and tidy the garden.”

“Hi Jade,” David said as he put out a hand for me to shake, “don’t worry about me Jade, I’m Mr. Invisible so just ignore me. And John, I’ll keep an eye on her if you’re not around.”

“Thanks David, I’m sure that you’ll see a lot more of Jade, she’s got a personal trainer who will be here late morning every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and she’ll be doing Noga out here on the grass.”

“Okay, thanks for the heads up. If I’m cutting the grass when you want to do your Noga thing Miss Jade I’ll just switch off the cutter and watch until you’re finished.”

“It’s just Jade please David and you can watch her whenever you like.”

“Thank you John, I’ll enjoy that. Must be getting on.”

As David walked over to the shed I said,

“You just invited David to stare at me when I’m doing my naked yoga.”

“Yes I did, and you’ll enjoy him watching you as much as he will enjoy him watching you won’t you?”

I was silent for a couple of seconds then honestly replied,

“Yes I think that I will.” then I asked, “And why do you grab one of my tits every time that you introduce someone to me?”

“So that your nipples perk up and you look at your best. You didn’t do it and I’ve seen lots of girls pull on their nipples to make sure that they are at their best when there’s men around. It’s the inner exhibitionist in all you girls.”

“Oh, I never noticed, do we girls really do that?”

“Yes you do, so if you don’t do it when we meet someone, I’ll do something to perk them up, you do want to look at your best don’t you Jade?”

“Yes,” I quietly replied and wondered if what he had said about lots of girls tweaking their own nipples.”

We’d just got back into the house when the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” I said.

“Told you that you’re an exhibitionist.” John said as the naked me went to the door.

I felt that tingling start again as I continued to the front door.

It was a stunned looking delivery driver who asked me to sign for a big box which I did, then took it off him and turned to shut the door.

“IT’S FOR YOU JOHN.” I shouted then took it upstairs to him.

John was smiling when I got to him and he said,

“That’s the first of quite a few deliveries over the next couple of days Jade, you’re going to enjoy all the delivery guys coming and seeing you.”

“You’re going to make me show my naked body to lots of men John aren’t you?”

“No I am never going to make you do anything Jade, you want to be seen like that don’t you? Tell me, that guy that just came here, were you nervous when you opened the door? Were you terrified? Were you even embarrassed? No, I bet that your nipples and clit were tingling weren’t they? And I bet that you were wet between your legs weren’t you? Be honest Jade, you WANT men to see you naked, and I bet you that you want them to play with your pussy and make your cum?”

There was silence for a minute whilst I thought then I said,

“I don’t know. Well I do and I don’t. It sounds so exciting but.”

“I know Jade, well I’m going to help you, help you cum when you haven’t got the courage to make yourself cum.”

“What do you mean, are you going to play with my clit in public?”

“I’m sure that I will at times but that’s not what I’m thinking of, that delivery that’s just arrived, in there is the first of your new toys and one of them will really help you cum in public.”

“What, I don’t understand.”

“Open your presents Jade.”

I ripped open the box and saw that it contained a few girly toys.

“For me?” I asked.

“They’re for an exhibitionistic nymphomaniac, do you know anyone like that Jade?”

I turned and kissed John then thanked him.

“Go on Jade, unwrap them, try them. No, just unwrap them we’ll try them outside.”

“What, that gardener will be there, he’ll see me.”

“He’s seen you already Jade.”

“Yes but these toys.”

“They will enhance your beauty Jade.”


“Finish opening them Jade.”

I did and as I saw each one I imagined it in use and I felt how wet my pussy was.

John picked up the box with all the toys in them then took my hand and led me out the back of the house. As we got out there I saw that David had finished cutting the grass but he was going round trimming the edge. I quietly said to John,

“I want to do this but I’m scared.”

“That’s okay baby I’ll be with you all the time.”

I sat on the lounger in the reclining position and looked at John who had put the box on the table and was just getting a pink dildo out. He turned to me and said,

“I thought that we’d start with a small one.”

“Small! That’s bigger than your cock John.”

“I know, but it will fit, spread your legs as wide as the lounger.”

I did then looked over to David who was working his way away from us.

“I see that you are nice and wet Jade, you’re looking forward to this aren’t you? Do you want to do it or do you want me to?”

“Can you do it please?

Being in the reclined position I could just about see everything that John was doing to me but I still gasped as I felt the flesh coloured bell-end of the cock touch my entrance then start to slide in.

“It’s so big.”

“Yes but your muscles are stretching to take it, does it hurt?”

“No, it just feels big.”

I felt the dildo go further and further inside until I felt the balls part of it touch my butt.

“Is that it, is it all the way in?

“You sound like you want more Jade.”

“No, yes, it feels so nice but I just feel that I want more.”

John started slowly sliding it out then pushing it back in and I started moaning, it was so nice. John went faster and faster until I said,

“I’m going to cum soon.”

And John stopped. He slowly pulled it out as I said,

“Please don’t stop, I want to cum.”

“And you will my love, just be patient. This one has a suction base so you can stick it on the shower wall or the kitchen door or a kitchen chair and fuck yourself on it,”

“I might just do that, thank you so much John.”

I saw John get up and go over to the box so I looked to see where Dave was and saw that I was still safe. Then I looked back to John and saw what he had in his hand. I gasped and said,

“I thought that that one was just for show, are you really going to try to put that inside me, I’m way too small for that.”

“No you’re not, you can take it, you just have to take it slowly, and it’s you that are going to put it in you, not me.”

I took the black monster from John and tried to wrap my fingers round it then said,

“This is going to be impossible.”

“But you are going to try aren’t you Jade?”

“Of course, I can’t have you buying me something and me not using it.”

“That’s my girl.”

I took hold of the dildo with both my hands and slid the end up and down my slit a few times. I was so wet that the dildo soon looked like it had been dipped in a tin of lube, then I thought,

“Here goes nothing.”

And I started pushing it into my hole.

“It’s too big, it won’t go in.” I said,

“Move it around a bit, get a slightly different angle.” John said.

I did and it started to go in.

“Oh my gawd, it feels like a football”

“You want to try a football Jade, I’ve got one in the garage.”

“No.” I said but it was too late, John was on his way so I kept pushing and pulling, pushing a little harder each time.

Then John was back without a football, thankfully, but with his phone and he was recording a video.

“I’ve just got to get this on a video, keep going Jade, you’re doing great.”

I did, wincing, moaning and groaning with every millimetre that it went deeper.

“I can’t take any more.” I finally said.

“Fuck yourself with it.”

I still had both my hands round it so I slowly pulled it part way out then pushed it back in.

“Oh my gawd, this is awesome.”

Then I did it again.

“Oh fuck, this is going to make me cum.”

“Then keep doing it Jade, cum for me.”

I did and I did, shouting that I was cumming as I did so. When I finally, and slowly pulled it right out I said,

“Keep the video pointing at my pussy, I want to see how long it takes to shrink back to normal.”

John did keep videoing my hole getting narrower then he said,

“Time to try something new, don’t go away Jade.”
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