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Silvia Joyce learns that a pet owner needs training more than her beautiful husky.
Kane's Cum Bucket Bitch

by DiscipleN

Chapter 1

"Kane! Come on in, Boy!" I called into my backyard. It wasn't big enough for my gray and white husky, but what would have been? He could have dominated a football field. Right then, he was leaping up, trying to hurdle the back fence which was recently built up to 10 feet tall. The neighbor's Sheltie bitch was in heat again. My neighbor, Scranton Jones, nearly sued me the last time Kane crossed the fence and gave the dog half his size a good studding.

I avoided Scranton's animosity by paying for an extraction of the embryos, as soon as they were large enough to extract. I'm all for a mother's right to do what she wants with her body, but I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Kane. He was a healthy male in his prime. I doted on him every way I could.

I'm fairly well off, having a solid job in technology worker recruitment. I can charm top engineers away from high paying jobs that stoke their passions, to a client's company in the blink of an eye. I bought my inland, suburban house with one of my better commissions.

I would pay top dollar for gardeners to maintain the grounds, front and back, against Kane's wild antics. Connie, Kane's personal trainer, told me that every dog needs a place where he can be a DOG. She's as much of a miracle worker with Kane as I am with high functioning, Asperger's misanthropes. Kane's place to be a dog was my backyard. Now it's his backyard, but I get ahead of myself. "Come on in, you beautiful, horny, canine!" I shouted.

I knew better than to offer treats or abuse my authority as Kane's owner. Connie has trained me nearly as well as she's trained him. I simply shouted my command, waited, and repeated it once.

Kane stopped leaping and gave me a respectful glance. Something about his eyes seemed possessed. I sighed and shook my head. That was my clue to him that he would be left outside all night if he didn't obey.

The dog threw a final look at the frustrating fence and strode indignantly into the house. I closed the sliding glass door before petting and hugging him. "Thank you, Kane."

In a rare act of defiance, Kane marched to a waiting pile of newspapers and dropped a healthy poop on target. I told you that Connie was a miracle worker. Kane probably knew I couldn't stand the smell, and that I would immediately convey the newspapers to the garbage bin at the side of the house.

I returned from that mission and laid down a fresh pile of papers. Sometimes I use printouts from work. I bent my knees and leaned over as I arranged the pile for maximum coverage of Kane's pooping zone. An unexpected nudge from Kane sent me sprawling to my hands and knees.

I was astonished when my dog's jaws clamped lightly around my neck. Time froze, and I fought an urge to panic. I told myself, "He's not biting you, Silvia." His teeth were pressing gently into my skin. Kane was trying to assert his dominance. If I had been another dog, his teeth might have clamped hard enough to draw blood. Kane respected my frail human body. These thoughts kept me from doing something stupid.

Although my heart rate had doubled, I managed to speak calmly, "To your Cage, Kane." I repeated. "Cage, Kane." I gulped as I waited.

I didn't actually own a dog cage, but there was a four foot by three foot area in the living room, reserved for his time-outs. Kane released my neck, gave it a powerful slap with his tongue and trotted to his 'cage.' He laid down and began licking his balls.

I called Connie and told her what happened.

"Ms. Joyce, you should have let him leap to his heart's content. Kane's high state of arousal probably prompted him to test his limits within our pack." Connie had spelled out, on her first day of work, that I must not consider our relationship with Kane to be even remotely human. "We are packmates, Ms. Joyce, from now on." If I didn't get with her program, she could easily afford to not accept employment with me. She was top list talent, and I fully understood that when her results with Kane swiftly turned a wild, alpha-styled canine into a loving pet.

Naturally, she trained me to be the alpha-female in our pack, although I suspected that she was the real alpha. I didn't have to be a dog to appreciate her aura of command. She finished her lecture. "I'll come by tomorrow and give you two a booster lesson on control and submission."

"You're not scheduled for tomorrow. What about your other clients?"

"Don't worry, Silvie. You'll cover my losses for rescheduling them." She snickered mischievously.

"Yes." I answered before really considering how much money her time was worth. I could certainly afford it, but I'm a damn good contract recruiter because I'm careful with paperwork and numbers. I should have at least discussed her emergency fee instead of letting her hang up. I set down my phone, realizing that it wasn't really an emergency. Kane was behaving just fine, now.

Connie arrived at breakfast time. I was making a kale smoothie. I shut off the Vita-Mix to answer the door. I wore jogging shorts, a sports bra and panties, and a tight, wife-beater.

She was a buxom, young woman, early twenties compared to my mid thirties. On a job, she always dressed down, wearing tough clothes that could survive all sorts of doggie mishaps. Her private life was a mystery to me. "I don't want any more time to pass, Ms. Joyce." She strode into my house. "Kane?"

Claws scrambled across wood. I had paid for a special, hard coat lacquer to protect my 1903 home's flooring. Kane rushed in and halted before Connie, planting his butt down to await her command.

"Good boy!" She told him, paused and then bent slightly to pet his ears. Her head turned to me. "Where did it happen?"

"I was putting down fresh papers in his poop zone."

"Show me." She led Kane and I to the kitchen. She repeated. "Show me what you were doing."

Confused, I blinked at her. "You want me to kneel down?"

"We have to reenact the crime scene, if we have any chance to teach Kane not to test your authority. I should have rushed over last night, but I had-" She grunted low in her throat. "Business to attend."

"Oh." My knees slowly bent, and I leaned over as if I was about to place more papers on the pile. I seemed to be acting on instinct rather than purposefully. "How are you going to get him to, um, you know, repeat-" I interrupted my rambling question. "You said he did it because the bitch next door had aroused him."

"Just keep your eyes on the pile of papers, Silvie." She pushed me, and I fell to my hands and knees.

"Connie?" I asked in surprise.

"We have to recreate the exact circumstances." She explained. I heard fresh petting sounds and "good boy"s. Connie's voice sounded different, sultry, sexy even. Not that a dog would pick up on complex, human verbal affectations.

Seconds later, Kane's jaws opened and gripped my neck again, a little firmer than last time, I thought. His hot panting steamed my bunched up skin.

"It was at this point, you told him to go to his C-A-G-E, correct?" Connie asked.

"Y-yes." My nerves were fraying, as I felt quite uncertain about what was happening. I had to trust my trainer.

"That was fine, and you kept your head." Suddenly she was bending low beside me. Her hand reached out to my ear, and she stroked it. "But there's a better way you could have handled it."

She repeated. "You should have handled it better."

"I-I'm sorry." I sputtered from confusion. "How?"

"Kane was a horn-dog, yesterday." She chuckled at her pun. "It's okay to let him act out his frustration."

Abruptly, something slick and slimy slapped across the side of my right hip. Kane started humping my spandex shorts!

"Connie! How could this possibly reinforce my dominance?" I resisted. Something wasn't right.

"I agree, it's certainly not obvious." She paused, possibly to observe the dog attempting to mate with me. "We've talked about subtle control, before. This is yet another example."

Kane's jaws relaxed, but he didn't remove his head from my neck, as if he was testing my submissiveness. His hips pumped steadily, and I felt his balls bounce off of my thigh.

"See this from his point of view. He was triggered by a bitch who he had previously mounted. He must have been in a powerful mood." Connie kept petting my ear. "You're just lucky that he obeyed you, after grasping your neck with his jaws. Instead you could have used his lust against him."

"H-how?" I was getting more annoyed, having to withstand my dog's abuse.

"Let him release his frustration, and then surprise him with a fierce tongue lashing! You will catch him at a weak moment and reinforce your authority."

It sounded reasonable, but my gut had its doubts. "You don't mean to-"

"This is another difficult training scenario, Silvie. You've handled them well in the past. Don't fail me now." She stood up and spoke sharply.

"But, you want Kane to ejaculate?"

"Ejaculate is easier to clean than blood. Now here's the drill." Connie towered over me. "When Kane orgasms, do not hesitate. Stand up quickly, and tell him 'Sit!' Shout it at him. Repeat patiently until he obeys. Then tell him 'Down!' Repeat patiently until he obeys. Then, "Play dead!" As soon as he rolls on his back, step one foot on his sheath and tell him, 'Stay!' Hold still and count to a full minute."

Connie's method sounded better and better while I absorbed every line of my role.

Kane must have been quite horny from the previous day. His loins shuddered and I felt ropes of dog sperm jetting across my shorts. My body flinched at his sudden and powerful ejacultion. Irrational fear shook me. I had to tell myself that Kane was experiencing joy, as his happy whines indicated. But my contemplation to bolster my self-confidence was shattered by Connie.


I hauled myself up and gave Kane a terrific glare. "SIT, Kane!" I counted to two. "SIT!" The slow minded animal tilted his head. At least my abrupt act and command had got his attention. "SIT!" I repeated.

Kane slowly lowered his hips to the ground.

"DOWN, Kane!" I counted. "Down!"

Kane crept his front feet forward until his body lay on the wet flooring.

"PLAY DEAD, Kane!" I leaned over him, my shadow covering his face. He looked more confused than ever. "Play dead!"

For a second, he glanced at Connie. I couldn't afford to break my gaze. I assumed she ignored him. Then my beautiful pet rolled on his back. I lifted my soiled, right leg and stepped lightly on his sheath. His long, red penis had slipped back under its protection. More than one drop of his own cum had spattered on his belly.

"Very good!" Connie hugged me. She surprised me with a kiss to my cheek! "Be sure to clean up Kane's cum, Silvia." She asserted, as if I wouldn't.

I stepped off of poor, now extra docile Kane, and touched the lipstick which had rubbed off on me. Connie fell beside Kane and gripped his neck skin with both hands. She shook his head and growled. She often did this to reinforce our dominance. She only allowed me to do it when she was sure I would be perfectly safe. Apparently some dogs are triggered by this very aggressive move.

I of course felt that Kane would never actually hurt me. Hadn't he proved that the day before, by taking my neck gently into his jaws?

Connie had me order Kane to his 'cage.' She stood up as he was leaving for the living room. "That'll be twelve hundred dollars, Ms. Joyce."

I went to my laptop and sent the money to her account. She left us, saying, "Keep him 'caged' for an hour, then give him a good stretch of time in the yard. Play with him. Normalize your lives again. But don't be surprised if you have to repeat his lesson."

I bid her farewell and went to clean the kitchen floor.

Two hours later, I was the one panting in the backyard, hardly able to throw his solid rubber ball one more time. We had been running and playing the entire time. I'm no slouch at my daily workout, but Kane had more energy than a fully charged, electric semi-truck.

I went inside, only to be roused from my lounge chair, an hour later, by Kane's sharp barks. Looking through the sliding glass back door, I found him leaping at the back fence again.

His energy reserves were infinite. I guessed that sex could do that, only a few hours after spilling his seed on the kitchen floor. The men I typically meet are quick to cum and then are only aroused by a home cooked meal after a long nap. Warm pride made me pause at the backdoor, admiring Kane's incredible leaps, his excellent form, and robust body.

I tarried for less than a minute, sad that I had to once more take control of my furry companion. I opened the door. "KANE! Come in, Boy!"

My gray husky hit the ground on all fours and looked at me, tongue hanging out as he panted. His eyebrows rose as if questioning my command but for only a second. They narrowed at me, and his bright eyes pierced me with an electric bolt that elicited another shudder from my weary frame.

Being in charge was exhausting. I had the skill with my clients, but after a day at work I just wanted to be pampered. My voice was firm but low. "Come in, Boy."

Kane gave the fence a parting examination before trotting into the house. "Good boy." I said happily and closed the door. I returned to my lounge and wondered what I would have for dinner.

A foul odor tore away my thoughts. "Kane!" I whined. The dog had taken another poop. Answering to his name, he ambled up to me, his mouth an eternal smile. His sky blue eyes gave me a fresh shudder, as if he was telling me to clean his mess again.

I almost told him to cage himself, but my curiosity stepped in. Would he actually try to hump me again? That seemed unlikely, given that his last lesson should be fresh in his mind.

I got up and grabbed a handful of newspapers from the stack beside my lounger. I subscribed to six newspapers. I used my computer for work so much, relaxing with a physical object was a refreshing escape from my duties.

Marching into the kitchen, I knelt down and began raveling the soiled papers. I glanced at Kane who had followed me. He looked proud of his accomplishment. The mess was larger than yesterday's. Had he been saving it up? I had many silly thoughts as I went outside to dump the stinking clump into the trash. Returning, I knelt to replace the newsprint, readying myself in case Kane tried something again.

Instead of knocking me over, Kane surprised me. He stepped close and nudged the back of my right shoulder with his snout. The tip of his red erection worked its way out of its sheath. I interpreted his action to mean, "Go on, Bitch. Assume the position."

I trembled then, worried that I was losing control, instead of gaining it. His blue eyes dared me. My mind rationalized that I should mind the dog trainer's advice, not to be surprised at having to repeat Kane's lesson.

"I'm not doing this - for you." By voicing an objection, I convinced myself that I wasn't the one rolling on my back in submission. I leaned forward into a hands and knees stance.

His strong, warm frame mounted me quickly. I had to tell myself that patience would be rewarded. Still, I wished the annoying act would be over quickly.

It took me another second to realize that Kane hadn't clamped his jaws around my neck. He hadn't needed to! This time his forelegs wrapped around my midsection. His hips had to thrust farther to rub himself against my lycra shorts. As a result, his big cock found the gap between my thighs and humped there instead of rubbing my hip. He experienced twice the sensation as his hindquarters ratched up to full speed.

Abruptly I was ashamed. His previous ejaculation had stiffened into a crusty mass on my shorts. Why hadn't I washed and changed out of them? The day had been too hectic, I debated, as the aroused animal worked to release his frustrations. To save myself from future indignity, I wanted to take my neighbor's hot bitch to the vet and cure her once and for all.

"Kane..." I whined. I almost called him a bad boy. His powerful paws and hindquarters secured and pummeled me. It was rape, pure and simple, no matter that I had submitted my body to him. He whimpered and panted, obviously enjoying what to him was a perfectly natural act. "Nooo..." My lips objected to the sensation of Kane's large cock pounding between my thighs.

I feared I had lost all control, wrapped tight by two strong, clawed forelegs as my dog exercised his lust within my rear. He barked a couple times during his speedy thrusts, too excited to contain his pleasure. I became a rag doll, my fit figure jolting from his pounding hunches. My mind slipped into a strange space where a sense of freedom, previously unknown to me, wrapped me in comfort - like a father's arms protecting his daughter.

Kane's fur rocked against the lower two thirds of my jogging outfit and rubbed his heat into me while his forelegs held tightly. My mental space might have been somewhat relaxing except the idea of having a dog as a metaphorical father disturbed me.

Abruptly, Kane knocked me nearly off of my hands and knees with a terrific thrust, burying his ballooning cock deep between my thighs. He howled as cum spurted up against the front of my shirt, burning away the strange mood that had becalmed me.

Kane's hot seed soaked into wool and dripped onto the tile below. He squirted again and again. The round knot at the base of his cock tried mightily but failed to contain his seed within my womb which it had not entered. Far away, I heard Connie's voice. "Now."

I hesitated. The fog shrouding my thoughts prevented me from obeying the trainer's command. I knew that dogs needed instant feedback. I needed to get up and exert my utmost control over him. My limbs and heart remained limp. Kane's hard dick remained stuffed between my thighs from behind. He panted and licked the back of my neck. He licked my ears then, as if rewarding me. His tongue tickled! But I was too cowed to giggle. I fought harder to break myself out of his spell. "Kane..." I started but didn't continue.

Unexpectedly, my lust-relieved husky pulled away, releasing my body. His prick remained hard but slipped out of the now wet area between my shorts. He nosed my ribcage as if to get my attention.

I watched him sit on his haunches. Kane watched me watching him and then lay fully down and rolled on his back.

Blinking at the amazing sight, I wobbled up to my feet and attempted to stand on one leg while placing the other on his sheath. I nearly fell.

My hand caught the edge of a counter, and I steadied myself.

Kane blinked at me when I finally stepped on him. His dark red dick remained in the open air as his knot shrank. He barked once when my foot pressed gently against his sheath, as if approving of my behavior.


It was dark when I called Connie and pleaded my case. "I should have acted quicker to establish dominance, but you don't know how difficult it was to break through emotions like that!"

"It's okay, Silvia." Her voice was firm but warm. "There are many kinds of bonds between pets and masters. Whatever happens, you may have to prepare yourself to accept it. It's obvious that Kane is devoted to you. He didn't bite your neck, and he tried to give pleasure while he was taking it from you." Her last words sounded slightly harsh, as if I had deserved to be pounded by my animal.

"Honestly, I'm not sure if this technique is working. I worry that he's learning I'm a substitute for the dog next door."

Connie cleared her throat but didn't laugh. "Tell me my method doesn't work, AFTER you execute it as I told you."

"Yes, of course, you're right."

"Do I need to come over there?" She was sincere, but my mind imagined some threat in her words.

"I-I guess not." Talking to Connie had become a chore. I didn't want her to think that I couldn't handle Kane by myself. "Thank you for your time."

She laughed then. "I won't charge you - this time." She hung up. be continued...
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