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A girl discovers that she has a passion, a fetish to be seen naked and performing sex acts with people watching.
I am one lucky Girl

by Vanessa Evans

Part 2


I woke up reasonably early and took care on an itch that I had between my legs although judging by how wet my pussy was when I woke up I think that I may have had a few itches whilst I slept.

After breakfast and my bathroom routine I phone my doctors and told the receptionist that I needed an appointment to get a birth control implant fitted and she gave me an appointment for later that afternoon. Then I phoned the number that Mia gave me for a Laser Clinic and was told that because I had shaved only a few days ago I could have an appointment for later the following week which I booked.

Then it was time to go shopping in the city which is about ten miles away. I was going there for two reasons, firstly I didn’t expect to find much choice in my small town, and Mia had given me the address of a shop where she thought I would be able to get the type of clothes that I now wanted to wear – revealing.

I put on my only dress and some shoes, got in my car and I left home.

Thirty minutes later I was parking my car and putting the roof up in a big multi-storey car park in the centre of the city. It was a bit breezy in the car park reminding me that I was knickerless both because I could feel the wind on my pussy, and it was blowing the very short skirt part all over the place. I saw two men staring at me but I just ignored them.

On my way to ‘Mia’s’ shop I passed a large, young woman’s fashion store and went in to look around. There were plenty of see-through tops and dresses but they all something sewn inside which to me made the see-through element stupid. Looking at a couple I saw that I could probably detach the lining but I decided to find ‘Mia’s’ shop before I bought anything.

The shop was in a quiet corner of the main shopping area and when I went in I was surprised by how big it was.

“Maybe there’s a big market for skimpy clothes for girls that I don’t know about.” I thought.

It didn’t take long for me to find some tops, skirts and dresses that I liked and I made a mental note to thank Mia. I took an arm full to the changing rooms which were spacious and had multiple mirrors in them. I was in there for going on for twenty minutes trying different things on and in each one checking to see if I could see my nipples, slit and clit which somehow I managed to leave alone even though I kept thinking about men seeing me in those clothes.

I sorted the items into two piles, the ones that I wanted and those that I didn’t, When I went out there was a girl there and after I gave her the pile of items that I didn’t want I asked her where I could leave the pile of items that I did want while I browsed some more. She gave me a basked and told me that I could leave them at the sales counter. She also told me where I could find their range of underwear and I wonder if she’d noticed that I wasn’t wearing any.

Dropping the basket off at the sales counter I went to the underwear and was surprised to find underwear versions of some of the almost non-existent bikinis that Mia and Jack sold, including the ones with no fabric. Deciding that some of them might feel more flimsy on me than the bikini versions I ***********ed a few knickers and cupless bras I browsed some more. I found some unusual items that I could only compare to bondage harness’ but I didn’t get one thinking,

“Maybe next time.”

Next I went to the long dress section and some really elegant and sexy dresses. Some with splits up the sides or the middle at the front, some backless and some with extremely low cut tops. All of them were made of very thin fabric that felt very silk like and all were see-through to one extent or another. I chose three and went and tried them on. Both felt really good as I smoothed my hands down them and I liked that the tops hung low when I bent over. I decided to buy them.

I went and paid for everything, looked at the bill and wondered if daddy would say anything.

With a big bag in my hand I walked out of the store and headed for the car park but on the way I came across a shoe shop and went in. In my very short dress I found it impossible to keep my pussy hidden, not that I tried, and when I left there was a young man with very painful blue balls. I was smiling as I also left with three pairs of heels at a discounted price.

It was slightly difficult carrying everything back to my car but I managed it not really thinking about the breeze in the car park although I did see a man staring at me.

With everything locked in the back of the car, including the roof, I headed for home stopping at a fast food restaurant on the outskirts of the city. I genuinely dropped my credit card when I was paying at the machine and I guess that the workmen behind me saw up my dress when I picked the card up because they came and sat at the table opposite me where they could see my bare legs.

Once I noticed them I decided that we could both get some pleasure out of the situation and I let my knees drift apart. When my meal arrived I lounged back on the bench and gave the men a great view all the time that I was eating. When I got up to leave I noticed that in the time that I’d taken to eat my meal they had only half eaten theirs.

I smiled at them as I walked out.

In my car I pulled the dress up to my waist and opened most of the buttons on the top and drove home with a good breeze blowing on my tits and pussy.

Back at home I tried everything on again then hung them in my wardrobe then decided what to wear to go and visit my doctor. I chose a semi-sheer dress and a pair of heels. Leaving them on my bed I decided to go and sunbathe out the back for an hour or so before I had to leave to go to the doctors.

I was totally relaxed, laying there with my legs spread and thinking that my white bits weren’t showing much sign of going brown when I heard a noise. Opening my eyes I saw Harry, daddy’s gardener / handyman looking down on me. My heart started racing and my pussy tap turned on.

“Sorry to disturb you Miss Isabella but I’m here to cut the grass.”

“Oh, oh yes, it’s Thursday isn’t it Harry? I forgot. Sorry I’ll go inside.”

“You don’t worry you beautiful little self Miss Isabella, you won’t disturb me and I hope that I don’t disturb you, I’m sure that those white bits will disappear soon.”

“Thanks.” I replied.

As I lay there getting wetter by the second I realised that Harry must have had a good look at my naked body and I wondered how long he’d been stood there. I just stayed where I was, sometimes with my eyes closed and sometimes with them watching Harry as he went up and down the lawn.

I kept checking my phone and when it came to the time for me to go to the doctors I got up. Harry was looking at me so I waved then went inside where I had a quick shower then put on the clothes that I had decided upon. I remembered hearing some of the girls at school talking about the time that they went to their doctors to get put on the pill and was half expecting my doctor to give me a full gyno exam. I hadn’t seen my doctor for years and I wondered if it was the same young man.

I started getting a little aroused at the thought of a young man poking around in my pussy.

I looked in a mirror and decided that my new dress wasn’t too see-through. Okay I could see my nipples, slit and clit but I was looking for them, most people wouldn’t be. But the dress did feel thin and lightweight. Almost like it wasn’t there.

Getting out of my car at the surgery the light breeze tickled my pussy and I felt good, and excited as I walked in. The dragon behind the desk told me to take a seat, hardly even looking up at me.

Ten minutes later I was reminded that doctor’s appointment always run late, very late, and after another twenty five minutes I was finally called in and saw that it wasn’t the doctor that I was expecting, it was an even younger man who looked like he had just finished Med school.

“You’ll do, I hope that you do a full gyno exam on me.” I thought.

After five minutes of questions he told me that he needed to examine me and asked me if I needed a chaperone.

“No, don’t bother doc, I’m sure that you won’t do anything inappropriate, jobsworth and all that.” I replied.

“Quite, now would you take your dress and shoes off so that I can get some accurate measurements please.”

“Here we go.” I thought as I got to my feet and went over to coat hooks.

Seconds later I was totally naked in front of a man who couldn’t be no more that five or six years older than me. I watched his eyes as he turned from his computer as saw me. His eyebrows rose for a second and I saw him swallow.

“Okay Isabella, first your height and weight, would you stand on those scales please?”

As I did so, with my back to the wall rather than my front, I imagined that he was one of those fake doctors in some of the videos that I had watched and that he was going to fuck me.

“Okay, thank you Isabella, now I need you to do some squats and jumping jacks to check your flexibility.”

I did them. Not even feeling my little tits wobble.

“Thank you Isabella, now will you climb up onto the table so that I can physically examine you.”

I did, leaving my feet further apart than he probably expected.

Next the doctor put one of those blood pressure things on my arm and one of those things on one of my fingers. I’m sure that he was checking out my naked body as the machine tightened its grip on my arm. When it beeped he said,

“You heart rate is quite elevated Isabella, are you feeling okay?”

“Never felt better doc.” I replied as he wrote some numbers on a clipboard.

Then he surprised me by feeling my head where my hair covered my scalp.

“Whatever.” I thought as his finger moved down to my shoulders then my arms.

“Just looking for any anomalies.” The doc said.

“Did you find any?”

“No, are you right handed or left handed Isabella?”


“I’ll put the implant in you left arm.”

The doc then reached over me and felt my left upper arm again. Then he ran his fingers over my ribs going as far round my side as he could.

Next it was my abdomen but he wasn’t just feeling, he was prodding me all over. I didn’t flinch so I guessed that he didn’t find anything.

Then he went to each leg in turn, holding it up and manipulating my toes before feeling his way right up to just short of my pussy.

“I need to check each breast for lumps Isabella, is that okay with you?”

“Sure, do whatever you need to do doc.”

Looking down I watched as he pushed, prodded, squeezed and generally groped each tit including pulling and twisting each nipple which caused me to moan, and get a bit wetter.

I looked up at the doctor and he smiled at me.

“I hope that you enjoyed that as much as I did.” I thought.

Next it was the start of the main event.

“Isabella I now need to closely examine all of your vulva and inside your vagina. Is that okay with you? I can get a chaperone if you want.”

“No, just do it doc.” I replied then thought,

“You’re going to make me cum doc, either intentionally or not, preferably intentionally.”

He lifted my ankles into the stirrups, spreading my pussy wide open then he prodded all around my pubis then finally spreading my lips as wide as they could go. Then I felt one of his gloved fingers go inside me and move around as much as he could.

“Everything is as it should be so far Isabella.”

“Good.” I replied as I felt my arousal level rise dangerously high.

Then he held up a speculum and said,

“I just need to insert this into you vagina so that I can look to see that everything of okay in there Isabella, I promise that it won’t hurt.”

I said nothing as I felt the plastic speculum slide into me. I didn’t see him put any lubrication on the speculum or my vaginal entrance so he must have decided that I was generating enough natural lubrication.

In it went then turned the I felt it spread open inside me.

“I wonder if I can buy one of those on eBay?” I thought as I tried to not think about my arousal.

I watched as the doctor moved his head down so close that I could feel his breath on my pussy taking me closer to what I was expecting to happen any second. I saw a torch shine presumably to look at my cervix and I wondered how I could get to see what he was seeing.

Then it stopped and the speculum came out. I started to feel disappointed and the doctor said,

“Just one more thing to do Isabella, I have to do it to all women during these examinations to ensure that your body is functioning normally.”

I was about to ask him what when his fingers touched my clit and started rubbing. The orgasm arrived instantly and I almost screamed that I was cumming. My legs were still up in the stirrups but my butt rose up nearly as high as my feet and my hands gripped the side of the table.

When the orgasm started to fade the doctor asked me if I was okay and if that was a usual reaction.

“Yes it is, and it was wonderful.”

“Well Isabella, that reaction was a lot stronger and quicker than I expected and I suspect that it may well cause you some embarrassment at times. If it ever becomes a problem for you there are treatments that will suppress your reactions.”

“I can’t see that ever happening doc, I love it way to much.”

“Well if you ever get to that point don’t hesitate to come and see me. Okay Isabella, moving on to your contraceptive implant, I need you to turn around so that I can get to your left arm easily. I lifted my legs out of the stirrups and shuffled myself round. Five minutes later the doc was telling me that he was finished and he gave me a leaflet about the implant to read. Finally he told me that I could get dressed and I watched him as he watched me put just the dress and my shoes on, pick up my car keys and leave.

As I drove home I felt my arm and I could just feel the implant but it didn’t give me any discomfort.

I spent the evening reading stories, watching more videos, hoping that my toys would arrive soon and making myself cum each time the stories or videos got really interesting.

***** FRIDAY

I woke up a bit late to the sound of my phone ringing. When I answered it I said,

“Hello daddy, this is a pleasant surprise.”

“Isabella it’s Mia, what are you doing today?”


“Are you free to make a short demo video.”

“What, has Jack fixed me up to make a movie so quickly?”

“No, but one of his contacts, an agent has asked for a demo tape to check you out.”

I screamed down the phone in excitement then said,

“That’s awesome Mia, where do I have to be and when?”

“This shop and whenever you are ready, Jack’s already here sorting out some stock, oh, and bring your school uniform.”

“What, I thought that I would be naked in the video.”

“You will be, you’ll be doing a striptease.”

“I’ve never done anything like that before.”

“Not like in a strip club, just taking things off.”

“Oh, right, do I need a bra and school knickers?”

“That would be good Isabella.”

“It’s a good job that I didn’t throw them out isn’t it?”

“Yes it is, and don’t throw them out, you’ll probably need them from time to time.”

“Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can. Where are we going, or are we doing it in the shop?”

“No, not the shop, we haven’t decided yet.”

“Okay, but I will be naked in the video won’t I?”

“That’s the whole point Isabella, see you when you get here, bye.”

I ran downstairs, put the coffee on then ran back up to the bathroom. I wished that I could have shaved but the Laser Clinic told me not to before my treatment. I nearly forgot my school uniform but I quickly stuffed it into a bag, put a dress and shoes on, poured some coffee into a take out paper cup and ran out. I’d considered taking my car but parking would have been a pain so I quickly walked totally ignoring the man that stared at me half way there. It was only after I’d ignored that man that I looked down at my dress and smiled when I realised that I could clearly see my nipples.

I got to the bikini shop slightly out of breath where Mia said.

“Morning, I see that you’ve been shopping.”

“Err yes, I didn’t realise that this dress was quite so see-through.”

“You look great Isabella.” Jack said.

“So where are we going and what do I have to do?” I asked noting that Mia was wearing one of the cover ups over a very skimpy bikini.

“You are keen aren’t you Isabella?”

“Yes I am, I want the whole world to see my naked body.”

“Okay, I’ve decided, we’re going to a small building site on the outskirts of town and you can have a wander around and I’ll video you.”

“A building site!?”

“Yes, there should be around a dozen or so men there Isabella.”

“In that case, let’s go.”

“No so quick Isabelle, change into your school uniform, girls in a school uniform always go down well, and relax, your uniform won’t stay on for long when we get there.”

“Okay, are you coming too Mia?”

“Yes, I might hold the camera at times, it depends on whether or not Jack fucks you there.”

“Even better.” I replied.

I got changed and the three of us left and got into Jack’s car. Five minutes later we arrived at the building site where I could see some men and two half built houses.

“Right Isabella,” Jack said, “what I want you to do is slowly wander onto the site, take your time and as soon as someone sees you slowly start stripping.”

“I’m not a stripper.” I said, “but I wouldn’t mind learning.”

“You don’t have to dance Isabella.” Jack said, “just take each item off slowly.”

“Okay, I’ll give it a go.”

We got out of the car and I wandered towards the site with my nipples and clit tingling. I hadn’t a clue what I was going to do other than take my clothes off sometime. It wasn’t long before a man saw me and shouted,


I turned and looked at him and started taking off my school tie and blouse. I dropped them on the ground and walked on with just my bra on my top. I heard the man shout,


More men came outside so I stopped and unfastened my skirt so that I was just wearing my boring bra, horrible school knickers, knee white socks and flat shoes.

Then I climbed up onto a pile of sand, turned to face the biggest group of men and took my bra off to the sounds of men cheering, some shouting.


I decided to walk over to a group of the men, one of them saying,

“What are you doing girl?”

“What does it look like?” I replied as I started to push my knickers down.

“Holly shit.” Another man said as my bald pubis and clit got uncovered.

“Do you like what you see guys?” I asked.

“Hell yeah.” One guy replied.

I looked around and saw Jack with his expensive looking camera pointing my way and Mia stood behind him with my clothes in her hand.

“We’re making a demo video because I want to be a porn star.” I said.

“Fucking hell girl, are you old enough to be a porn star or do you want to be a kiddy porn star.”

“I’m not a kid, I’m eighteen.”

“Well you sure got the body to be a porn star young lady.” Another man said.

“Her tits are too small.” Another man said.

“Not everyone likes big tits moron, small ones are sweeter aren’t they honey?” Another man said.

“Mine are.” I said as I put my hands on them then tweaked my nipples. “Do you mind if I wander around a bit, see what you’ve got here?”

“You can see what I’ve got anytime that you want honey.” One guy said.

“Go with her Tommy, make sure that she doesn’t do anything dangerous,” Presumably the boss said to a young man who looked no older than I was.

I turned to move on and Tommy followed me.

“Why don’t you show me around Tommy, I don’t really know where I’m going.”

“Okay, what shall I call you?”

“Isabella.” I replied.

“There was a girl at school called Isabella but she was all shy, I could have blown her over by popping a crisp bag.”

“I like crisps.” I replied as I stared at him wondering if I’d seen him at school. As far as I knew I was the only Isabella at our school.

As Tommy was leading me towards one of the half built houses I pointed to Jack and Mia and asked Tommy if he minded being videoed.

“With a naked stunner like you, hell no, you’re nothing like the Isabella that I saw at school, not that I ever spoke to her.”

“What school was that Tommy?”

“St. Matthews, on the other side of this town.”

“Shit,” I thought, “I go to St. Matthews. Maybe I should think of a stage name. Didn’t he recognise the logo on my school tie?”

“Mind that trench Isabella, that’s for the electricity cable.”

I stepped over the trench and stopped at what looked like the hole for the front door to the house.

“See, we build a brick and block shell then put wooden frames for the internal walls.”

“What’s this hosepipe for Tommy?” I asked, not really caring how houses were constructed.

“That’s to get water to add to the motor mix, someone has forgotten to turn it off.”

I picked up the end of the hosepipe, turned to face Jack and Mia and said,

“It’s hot today Tommy, do you mind if I use this to cool down a bit?”

“Go ahead.” Tommy replied.

I held the hosepipe up to my chest and let the water run down the front of my body then I pointed it at each nipple. The cold water couldn’t have made them harder. Then I moved the hosepipe down to my pussy, pointed it at my clit and I involuntarily moaned.

“That’s nice.” I said.

Then I heard a man say,

“Hey guys, come and have a look at this.”

With the water pounding against my clit I just knew that I’d cum soon if I didn’t move the hosepipe. Stupidly, I did move the hose, down between my legs and I felt the water on my vaginal entrance. I lifted one foot up onto a small pile of bricks opening my pussy for the guys to see, and to let me hold the end of the hosepipe to my entrance.

Instead of the water bouncing off me it looked like someone had turned the tap off as all the water coming out of the end of the hosepipe went up inside me.

“Oh my gawd, I feel so full.” I said as I pulled the hosepipe away and the water that had been inside me came gushing out.

I giggled then held the hosepipe end to my hole again, but this time I pushed the pipe up inside me. I moaned then seconds later I pulled it out and a stream of water shot out of me.

“I’d better not do that again Tommy,” I said, “If if do I will probably have an orgasm.”

“We won’t mind.” I heard a man say but I had already thrown the hosepipe down.

I walked over to the half finished road where there was some machinery, Tommy close behind me and Jack and Mia off to my left. I saw that Jack was still videoing me and Mia was smiling

“Can I climb up and sit in it?” I asked pointing to an old digger.

“Sure, just don’t switch it on.” Tommy said.

I slowly climbed up making sure that my feet were on things far apart and that Tommy, and that the camera and the other guys who were watching me got a good look at my butt and my pussy that was still dripping two types of liquid.

Sat on the driver’s seat I looked out and said,

“It’s high up isn’t it?”

I looked around in the cab then put my hand on a lever that was a bit like the gear stick in my car and said,

“What’s this for?”

I didn’t wait for an answer and I half stood up and lifted one leg over to the other side of the lever and lowered myself until the ball on the end of the lever was touching my pussy.

“Go on luv, do it.” I heard a man say.

I looked at Tommy who’s jaw had dropped a bit, then over to Jack who was moving in so that he could capture all the action, then I lowered myself so that the black ball disappeared inside me.

I let out a loud moan then started going up and down. The moans kept coming and as I looked at Tommy I touched my clit and a huge orgasm exploded out of me. I was shaking and jerking for over a minute as I stood there with the lever still deep inside me.

When it finally subsided I said,

“Phew, that was good.”


I heard a man say but I thought that it was time to wrap things up so I stood up straight, the lever not coming up with me, and climbed down from the machine. Walking over to Jack and Mia I asked then if my show was good enough.

“It damned well should be Isabella,” Jack said, “I’ve seen girls do a lot less even on the videos that are already online.”

Thinking about it I realised that I had too.

“Shall we head back to the shop guys?” Mia asked.

As we walked to the car Mia passed me my clothes and I put my blouse and skirt on and loosely hung my tie around my neck..

“Not bothering with the bra and knickers Isabella?” Jack asked.

“No, I’m going to bin them, I’ll never wear them again.”

“I thought that you had exams on Monday and Tuesday?” Mia said.

“I have but I won’t be wearing those under my uniform.”

“Commando in exams?” Jack said.


As we drove back Jack told me that he’d edit the video and send it to his contact and told me that with a bit of luck I should hear something in a few days.

I was happy with that and when we got back to the shop I changed back into my dress and headed for home.

Back at home I decided that I should really get on with my household chores, there was lots to do, including washing my school uniform which was a bit dirty after my mornings fun, and daddy was due home that night. I had a naughty vision of me not having done them and daddy spanking me, but daddy had never spanked me.

It felt a bit strange, but nice doing the housework whilst naked and when I was done I got myself some food then went to bed to read and watch some more videos. One of the websites that I looked at was Mia’s and Jack’s and I saw lots of bare tits and pussies with the model wearing strings that were supposed to be bikinis and I wondered how many of them were Mia.

I knew that daddy would be back home sometime that night but I never knew what time and I’d fallen asleep before he arrived.

I was asleep, naked on my bed with the light on and the duvet on the floor when I was awoken by the sound of someone moving around downstairs. I wanted to say hello to daddy but at the same time I wanted him to see me naked again. I decided to pretend to be asleep but at the same time I rolled onto by back and spread my legs wide, and waited.

I heard daddy say my name but I ignored him and a few minutes later I heard footsteps then movement in my room.

“Isabella darling, are you awake?” I heard him quietly say.

I didn’t move and in what seemed like hours but was probably only a couple of minutes then I felt the duvet being pulled over me then the light went off.

My heart had been pounding since I decided what I was going to do and my pussy had been getting wetter and wetter, and daddy had seen that. My right hand moved to my pussy and within seconds I was cumming with my head under a pillow to stifle the noise that was coming out of my mouth. Then I kicked the duvet off the bed and went to sleep.


I woke to the sound of daddy calling my name again. It was light outside and I opened my eyes, looked up and saw daddy holding a mug of coffee for me, something that he often did.

I jumped up and threw my arms round his neck and kissed his cheek.

“When did you get back?” I asked

“Late last night, sorry it wasn’t earlier, my flight was delayed. Err Isabella, shouldn’t you put some clothes on, where’s your nightdress?”

“I’ve decided that now I’m an adult I want to sleep naked, that’s not a problem for you is it daddy?”

“Well as you say you are eighteen so you can wear whatever you want Isabella.”

“But it’s your house and I am your daughter, does it upset you seeing me naked?”

“Isabella, you are a beautiful young woman, any man, even your father would be mad to want you to wear clothes all the time, it’s okay for girls to be seen naked by men. Oh, and it’s not my house, it’s OUR house.”

“Thank you daddy, on the subject of clothes, I’ve bought some new ones, I hope that you don’t mind, sit down and I’ll show them to you.”

Still naked I put on each of my new dresses in turn and did a twirl for daddy. As I went through them daddy kept saying that I looked amazing and other such adjectives.

“You have great taste in clothes Isabella but I couldn’t help notice that everyone of them is see-through to some extent.”

“That’s the fashion these days daddy, all the girls wear clothes that are see through.”

“Really, I hadn’t noticed but I guess that it’s okay if they wear something underneath.”

“Not all girls do daddy, some are quite liberated.”

Daddy didn’t reply to that and I wondered if he thought that I was liberated. He’d find out soon enough.

“Come on Isabella breakfast time, bring your coffee and get you a fresh one.”

I followed daddy out of my room and down to the kitchen where he turned, looked at me and said,

“Not going to put anything on Isabella?”

“Do I need to daddy?”

“I guess not. What would you like for breakfast?”

“Just toast please daddy.”

“No wonder that you are so thin Isabella.”

“That’s because of my gymnastics and football that I did at school daddy.”

“And the fact that you don’t eat much, maybe I should take you out for another slap-up meal, celebrate the end of your exams.”

“I’ve still got two more daddy, one on Monday and the other on Tuesday. I need to do a lot of revision this weekend.”

“Okay, I’ll keep out of your way, but next weekend we are going out for dinner, okay?”

“Okay daddy, thank you, I can wear one of my new dresses.”

“Hmm, that will be interesting.” Daddy said and I didn’t reply.

I spent the day revising on a sun lounger out the back with daddy providing me with drinks and food. When I put some sunblock on I asked daddy to put some on my back which he did but he didn’t go round my sides to my side boobs and he didn’t go down to my butt, but he did say that my white bits were starting to get some colour.

The Saturday evening was spent watching movies with me snuggled up to daddy like I always do, the difference being that I was totally naked. I was a little disappointed that his hands never wandered to my tits, not even close.

I went to bed leaving my door wide open and the duvet on the floor. Daddy seeing me naked all day had left me horny, something that I had to take care of before I went to sleep and I’m sure that daddy heard me.

***** SUNDAY

Daddy let me sleep late then the day was very much like the day before except that instead of me taking a break to cook the lunch daddy insisted on taking me to one of the pubs that we often went to for Sunday Lunch. Again I hadn’t put any clothes on when I got up nor when I went out the back to do my revision but when I walked to the front door to leave to go to the pub still totally naked daddy said,

“Hold it right there young lady. You weren’t really expecting to go to the pub like that were you?”

I looked down my naked front then replied,

“Of course not daddy, I’ll just go and get some shoes.”

Daddy’s face was a picture but I kept my face straight.

“Isabella, being nude at home is one thing, but going out in public is totally different. You’ll get arrested.”

“But daddy, I’ve been looking at the nudity laws on the internet and just so long as I don’t intend to upset anyone I’m not breaking the law.”

“That maybe the case but I’m not taking you to the pub without you having any clothes on.”

“We can go in my car daddy, by the way, I love it, thank you.”

“Isabella, we can’t. ……….”

“I know daddy, I’m only joking, of course I’ll go and put a dress and shoes on.”

I turned and almost skipped up the stairs then I put on my least see-through dress and some shoes. When I went back down daddy said,

“Isabella, I can still see your err nipples and you err thingy. Haven’t you at least go any underwear that you can wear?”

“You want me to put some underwear on daddy?”

“Yes please Isabella, it would be embarrassing for me being in public with your err lady parts showing.”

“Okay daddy, just for you.”

I ran back up stairs and put on the bra and G-string set that I’d bought in the city, the ones that have the frilly elastic edgings with no fabric to cover my tits or pussy. Running back downstairs daddy obviously saw the outline of the elastic and assumed that there was some fabric between the edgings and he said,

“Thank you Isabella, you young people may be okay with flaunting your bodies but some of us oldies can’t cope with it, well not in public.”

I linked my arm with daddy’s as we walked out of the house and felt one of my tits rub against his arm with only the thin fabric of his shirt and my thin dress between us. It was only when we were walking from the car at the pub that daddy said,

“Is the fabric that your underwear is made of see-through as well Isabella, because I can see your nipples?”

“Sort of daddy, but don’t worry, you didn’t notice until your stared at my tits so no one else will notice. And by the way, I don’t mind you staring at my tits.”

“Isabella are you trying to embarrass me? Because if you are you are succeeding.”

“Sorry daddy.”

“I think that we’ll sit at that table outside since it is such I nice day. I’ll go inside and order, do you want you usual to eat and drink?”

“Please daddy.” I replied as I sat on the bench that was attached to the table, my dress being so short that it was my bare butt that made contact with the wooden bench.

What daddy didn’t realise was that the bright sunlight was making my dress even more see-through and I would have been showing less if we had gone inside where it was nowhere near as bright. As it was, very few people passed us and those that did probably didn’t notice that they would have seen my tits if they’d bothered to look. Daddy didn’t say anything but I did catch him looking at my chest a couple of times.

Back at home I went upstairs and got naked again then went back outside to get on with my revision. When daddy saw that I was naked again I just said,

“Got to get rid of these white bits daddy.”

He didn’t reply.

The rest of the afternoon and early evening went much the same as the Saturday. The only real difference was that daddy left in the evening for an overnight flight. I was really looking forward to all this school and exams being over.

***** MONDAY

My alarm woke me and I discovered that my hand was on my pussy. I wondered what I had been doing in my sleep.

It was a normal, school morning except that I went to school without any knickers or a bra, not that I expected anyone to notice as I was the invisible, quiet girl that no one ever spoke to unless they had to.

After our exams we were free to leave school if we wanted to but for the likes of me who used the school bus we had to wait out the rest of the day. I went outside and sat in the sun reading stories on my phone of girls who either voluntarily got naked for men or who got stripped by men. I so wanted to touch my pussy and clit but even the school sports field wasn’t the place for that, especially as younger kids were having sports lessons.


My last exam and my last day at school. I was really looking forward to the end of that day, a day that went very much the same as the day before except that the exam was a different subject.

Again I had to hang around waiting to use the school bus, for the last time, but at least I had some stories to read whilst I waited.

As I walked out to the bus I had a naught thought. It was the school Leaver’s Ball on the Friday evening and I hadn’t intended to go because I didn’t really know any of the kids that would be there, in fact I knew the teachers better than the kids, at least most of the teachers took some interest in me, but my naughty thought was that I was going to go, well just for the start of it and have a bit of fun.

The more that I thought about it the more positive I was about doing.

On the school bus to home I put my knees up on the seat in front of me and played with my pussy, finger fucking myself until we arrived in our town then my fingers moved to my clit and I orgasmed almost instantly. I didn’t let the others on the bus know that I was cumming but the older ones who had experienced a girl having an orgasm would have recognised the sounds that I did make.

As I got off the bus I turned to the drive and said,

“Thank you for letting me cum on your bus.”

I didn’t wait to see if he knew what I meant.

It was a happy Isabella that almost skipped from where I was dropped off to my house where I stripped off and threw my school uniform into the laundry hamper knowing that I would never have to wear that again, unless it was to have it taken off me by some porn actor who was about to fuck me.

After getting myself a snack I started to think and plan what I was going to do with my eight weeks of holiday. Daddy had told me that he would take me away somewhere nice sometime but he hadn’t given me any details so I doubted that he’d booked anything. I was hoping for a phone call from either Mia or Jack. But that was it, my time was free.

Then I remembered the toys and clothes that I had ordered online. We have an arrangement with mail man whereby he would leave any packages for us in a shed at the back of the house, and when either of us ordered anything online we’d enter delivery instructions to the same effect. I’d done that when I’d placed my orders so I went out to the shed and discovered some packages. I hurriedly took them inside and started opening them.

It was the toys, skirts and a couple of tops that had arrived. I opened the dildos first. One was about the size of Jack’s cock and had a suction pad on the bottom and I stuck it to a kitchen chair and impaled myself on it. It felt good so I stayed on it whilst I opened one of the vibrators. It was like a large egg and it comes with a remote control that is an app for a smart phone. I went and got my phone then impaled myself again whilst I setup my phone.

When I started the app after I’d linked it to the egg I switched it on and gasped in amazement as the egg danced across the kitchen table so I switched it off. Slightly nervously, I stood up then eased the egg into my vagina making me feel fuller than with the dildo in me.

Then I switched the egg on and screamed loud enough for the neighbours to hear me a quarter of a mike away. I know that I’d seen it vibrating on the kitchen table but it was a shock actually feeling it inside me. As I started to get used to the feeling I turned up the vibrations and I started to feel good. The stronger the vibrations the better I felt.

Before I knew it I was cumming. As the waves disappeared I wondered how long the battery would last if I left it switched on all the time. But I had other new things to look at so I squeezed the egg out and put it to one side.

Opening the Lush vibrator I saw that it was similar to the egg but with an antenna with a flashing light on the end, also the app that I downloaded for it had a lot more features than the egg. I read that it could be controlled from anywhere in the world over the internet and I smiled at the thought of me installing the app on daddy’s phone, not telling him what it was for and asking to play with it every time that he had a few minutes spare.

The Lush vibrated just as much as the egg on the kitchen table so I eased it inside me and laughed at the sight of the antenna sticking out of me with the red light flashing.

“Let people know that I’m coming, or maybe cumming.” I thought.

I played about with the app and discovered some of the features. I liked the sound of the random blasts of different vibration levels and different time intervals so I left it set on that option while I tried on the clothes, skirts first.

One was very short and pleated and when I put it on I discovered that I could wear it either with my butt and pussy just covered or with the bottom of my butt cheeks and my slit and clit visible. I liked that idea.

The second skirt was also very short and, dependent upon how tight I fastened the waist, it would easily cover my butt and my slit and clit or it would just cover my butt and leave my slit, clit and some of my pubis showing. I left it like that whilst I tried on the two tops that had arrived. Both were tank tops made of a mesh fabric, one fine mesh, but still see-through and the other with the holes in the mesh so big that when I put it on my nipples both stick through the holes.

Then I had a naughty thought,

“Why don’t I go for a walk through though the town dressed like I am.”

So I did.

I felt very exposed and very excited as I walked down the road with my butt just covered, my slit and clit on display and my nipples sticking out through the holes in the mesh top that was also allowing anyone who looked to see all of my tits. If that arousal wasn’t enough my Lush vibrator had it’s antenna and red flashing light sticking out of my vagina and every so often it would hit me with a burst of vibrations, sometimes high intensity, sometimes low intensity.

I certainly got some people staring at me, especially when the excitement and the vibrator got the better of me and I had to stop as an orgasm took control of my body.

I didn’t go too far into the town because I didn’t have my phone with me to control the vibrator but in the times when it wasn’t controlling me I had another naughty thought,

“Could I go out for a totally naked walk or run in the middle of the night?”

I decided that when I got home I would do some research to try to find out if our small town had any street cameras, and if so where were they?

And that’s is exactly what I did when I got home and after turning the Lush off and pulling it out of me. After spending a good thirty minutes I discovered that the town did have two cameras but I was able to find out where they were and I worked out a route that I could get to the beach without ending up on some hard disk somewhere.

I sort of tried to justify jogging at night totally naked as good training for if the college that I was going to go to had a girls football team or better still a coed team. And on a similar theme I knew that the college had a gymnastics club and I decided that I needed a new leotard, one that was a lot briefer than the one that I wore at school. I made a mental note to search online for one later.

Having decided that I would be going jogging in the middle of the night I set my phone alarm for 3 a.m. then took my phone and the new dildo that I hadn’t used yet, to bed. While I watched a video of a girl getting dragged into a van and then pretend raped I started trying to get my new dildo into my pussy. It was a big one and it took a lot of persuading to get it in but my vagina finally stretched enough to take it and I was fucking myself with it when my phone rang.

It was my daily call from daddy. He asked me how my final exam had gone then he told me that he definitely was taking me out to dinner on the Saturday evening to celebrate. After that it was the usual, boring chatting but it wasn’t that boring for me because while we were talking I was fucking myself with the huge dildo.

When the call ended my right hand pumped the dildo in and out faster until I finally had an orgasm. Then I went to sleep with the dildo still inside.

It must have slid out of me whilst I slept because when my alarm woke me it was on the bed between my legs.

***** WEDNESDAY 3 a.m.

A slightly nervous but excited me put just my trainers on and left the house. It was mostly very dark and quiet but the street lights were still on as I stated jogging towards town with my eyes scanning all around me as I went. It was cooler and my nipples were rock hard the same as my clit was, al three were tingling as the cool air rushed over them and I could also feel that my pussy was very wet.

Okay, I’d walked down those streets wearing next to nothing before but actual nothing was totally different, there was no way that I could pretend that I was socially acceptably dressed, but what a turn on.

When I turned one corner I was confronted my a middle-aged man who obviously had had too much to drink and as I passed him he turned so that his eyes could follow me causing him to veer off and I heard a bang. When I turned to look back I saw that he was laying over the front end of a parked car, trying to get back on his feet.

On I went. I saw a car’s headlights coming my way so I ducked down behind a parked car until it had gone.

On another street I saw a young couple kissing, him with his hands up the girl’s skirt so I gave them a wide berth and I don’t think that they even saw me.

I made it to the beach and ran along the water’s edge to the rocks then turned and ran back, it was such a wonderful feeling running naked on the beach, even if it was the middle of the night.

Once off the beach I headed back towards home. On one street I saw another couple making out, her skirt was up and she had one leg up in the air. I was a bit jealous of her.

It wasn’t until I got to my street that I saw another moving car. It was an electric car and was silently going along with only it’s sidelights on and it got very close to me before I saw it. I ducked into a driveway until it was gone. I wondered if it was one of our neighbours and if they had seen me. They certainly would have if the headlight were on and I wondered if their battery was nearly flat.

Back at home I was exhilarated, I’d been on my first ever naked run, albeit in the middle of the night, I had a quick shower, collapsed on my bed, gave my clit a quick rub, orgasmed then went to sleep.

My alarm went off at the usual school time and after cursing I switched the whole clock off. Again my hand was between my spread legs and I had a wet pussy. I really did need to rig something up that would tell me if I was masturbating in my sleep, not that I was complaining, it’s just that I preferred it if I subconsciously did it during the day whilst I was awake and could remember it.

After some coffee and toast I decided to do something that I hadn’t done for years, go to a public swimming pool. There was a new one on the outskirts of the city, one of those all-in-one leisure centres with a wave pool and a few long, winding flumes. The photos on their website made it look good. I packed a couple of the bikinis that I’d bought from Mia and I just hoped that I could get away with wearing a G-string there.

Wearing just a slightly see-through dress and trainers I set off for the forty minute journey and when I got there it looked very impressive with the tubes of the flumes coming out of the sides of the building, curving round then going back through the wall.

As I went in I saw a few signs saying that they were hiring staff, not that I wanted a job. I paid and went to the changing room that turned out to be gender neutral with lots of individual changing cubicles, one of which I went into and stripped. I put on the bikini with the adjustable top and set it so that it covered as much of my tits as possible. The bottoms were the crotchless ones and I carefully adjusted what fabric there was so that my clit was covered.

As I left the changing room with my clothes in my hands I saw a couple in their twenties walking towards me, they walked right passed me and I turned my head and saw that the girl was wearing a thong bikini so my fear of getting thrown out because my butt wasn’t covered disappeared.

After locking my clothes in a locker and putting the key band over my wrist I went to where I could hear the showers and saw that they too were gender neutral. After a quick rinse I went to the pool area and it was impressive. As I looked around I saw only one lifeguard and wondered if he was the only one working.

There weren’t that many swimmers, in fact I would say that the place was nearly empty and I saw no kids over the age of around two and they were with their mothers. The rest of the people looked to be either the same age as me or older.

I dove in and did a length of the pool swerving to avoid the odd person who was using the main swimming pool to mess around. I felt good as I stood up after my length and had a quick look at my chest. The triangles still covered my tits but there was a large bulge in the fabric of each triangle, my nipples were doing me proud.

I could feel the string going up my butt crack and around my hips so I knew that the bottoms hadn’t come off but I suspected that the fabric of the bottoms had risen up a little because my clit felt like it was in direct contact with the water, but I didn’t check.

Instead I decided to have a go on one of the flumes and after I got out and walked over to the steps I really did feel quite naked. I saw a man look at me and I felt a tingle but he kept walking. I was followed up the steps by a young couple and as I climbed up I heard the young man behind me say,

“You should get a bikini like that Sarah.”

“No thanks, I prefer to keep my pussy covered.” The girl replied.

I smiled and was soon at the top looking at the young man who was controlling people getting onto the flumes. I smiled at him and I saw his eyes go up and down me but I guess that he wasn’t expecting to see a clit sticking out so he didn’t see it. He motioned for me to go to the start of the flume and as I climbed in he said,

“Don’t let go until green light comes on.”

I held on then when red changed to green I let go.

The flume sent me round lots of corners and a couple of steepish drops and probably fifteen seconds later I was falling into the little pool at the bottom. I looked to see if there was a lifeguard checking that everything was okay but I didn’t see one, all I saw was a camera pointing towards the little pool. I climbed out and wondered if there had been a screen at the top of the flume that the young man had been looking at that I had missed.

It was only when I was out of the water that I checked my bikini and saw that the two triangles has both moved outwards and both my tits were on display. I smiled, slowly covered them and looked around to see if anyone had seen me. I was disappointed when I saw no one looking at me.

I climbed back up the steps with no one behind me to have another go and when I got to the top I saw the monitor that was showing the landing pool.

“Do you have to look after all four flumes then?” I asked.

“Yes, we can’t get the staff so there’s only two life guards on today and the other one has to look after the wave machine.”

“They should give you extra pay for that.” I said as I saw him look me up and down again but this time his eyes stopped at my pussy.

“My clit’s out.” I thought and felt a sudden tingle in it and my nipples.

“Can I go on that one this time?” I said pointing to the second flume.”

“Sure. But make sure that your bikini is tied tight, that one has quite a drop and some girls have complained when their suits came off.”

“Thanks but I’m sure that I will be okay, look out for me at the bottom to see that I’m okay.”

“Always do, I have to.”

I looked at the monitor and saw that the resolution was quite good and I wondered how much detail he’d be able to see, Things at the bottom looked very clear to me. I also looked down at my clit confirming that it was out and wondered how I could let him have a good look at it.

Then I saw a pair of goggles on the floor at the side of the area, I stepped over to them and bent at the waist so that my bare butt and pussy was facing the young man. As I picked up the goggles I said,

“Are these yours?”

There was what seemed like an hour’s silence but was only probably five seconds before I straightened up and the man said,

“What, oh no, some bloke took them off to go down a flume and never came back for them, you can have them if you want.”

“No thanks.” I said as I bent over again to put them back where I found them.

The guy was still staring where my butt had been when I turned round and he could now see my clit from the front and my tingling got stronger. I let him stare for a few seconds then said,

“Can I go down the flume now?”

“Err yes, sure.”

I climbed into the tube and waited until the green light came on then let go. The man was right, it was steeper and the fibreglass tube was painted black so I couldn’t see anything.

When I emerged at the bottom and stood up I discovered that what the man had said was right, my bikini top was up around my neck and the tie on one side of my bottoms was undone leaving half of the front hanging down, my slit not quite showing. I pretended not to notice and turned to face the camera. Then I used both hands to brush my hair back before quickly moving my hands to my tits and looking around as if I was looking to see if anyone had seen me. Unfortunately no one was looking but I wondered if the man at the top of the flume was looking at me on the monitor.

I pulled my top back in to place but leaving the triangles pulled to the outsides so that my nipples were only just covered, then I re-tied the side of the bottoms but very loosely. I re-tied the other side as well, also very loosely. It felt like my bottoms were about to slide down at any moment.

I went back the steps to go up and have another go and I was thankful that I’d picked a time to go to the leisure centre when very few people were there but as I climbed up the steps I wondered what it would be like to try to have the same fun when the place was crowded.

As I climbed up I very gently touched my clit to confirm that it was still exposed.

When I got to the top the man looked at me with a grin on his face that told me that he had seen me on the monitor.

“That was fun.” I said, “I’ve got to have another go on that.”

“You might lose your bikini again.” The man replied as I watched his eyes looking at my pussy.

I did a quick Kegel to try to move my clit and I saw the man’s eyebrows lift a little.

“Can I go now?” I asked.

“Just hang on a sec while I check you out.”

“You mean check that the flume is good.”

“That’s what I said.”

“No it wasn’t but never mind, can I go?”

“Yeah, sure.”

As I climbed into the tube I managed to accidentally push the triangle off my right tit and I hoped that he was looking at me on my back with my hands above my head holding onto the bar waiting for the green light.

Green light on I let go and begun my journey, not really having the time to think about what my bikini was doing but I found out as soon as I splashed into the pool at the bottom. As I stood up I became aware that my top was around my neck again but my bottoms were gone.

I turned to look all around and saw no one then I turned to look at the camera and smiled. After a couple of seconds pause I pulled my top back into place but leaving my right nipple exposed then I started looking for my bottoms. I saw them half submerged over at one side but I pretended that I hadn’t seen them and waded around the little pool pretending to look for them.

Then I heard a voice say,

“It’s here, your bikini is down here.”

I looked towards the voice and saw a middle-aged man pointing down in front of him. I waded over to him then looked down and said,

“Why do bikinis come off so easily, it’s so embarrassing.”

“Maybe you should tie the knots a bit tighter young lady.”

“I don’t think so, I’d have real problems with the wet knots when I go to take it off when I’m leaving.”

I saw the man smiling and looking at me, or should I say my slit, then I fished out my bottoms and started putting them on. I wondered if he could see that my bikini bottoms were crotchless.

Bikini back in place, well almost, I got out and headed for the steps for another go, again thankful that no one else followed me up the steps.

At the top the man was smiling at me again so I said,

“Damned bikinis, I don’t know why girls have to wear swimming costumes, lots of boys have tits bigger than me and it’s not like girls have anything down there for people to see, not like boys.”

“That’s true, but I don’t make the rules.” The man said.

I looked around and saw that we were still alone then I said,

“Maybe I should just take it off right here and hold it tight in my hand while I go down?”

“I haven’t seen anything in the rules that says you can’t do that.”

So I did, easily pushing the bottoms off my hips and letting them drop to the floor then lifting my top right up and off and dropping them on the floor behind me. I stood still for a few seconds to let the man get a good look at me then I stepped forward, turned, moved my feet apart and bent at the waist keeping my knees straight. As I took my time picking up the two parts of my bikini I knew that the man was getting a great view of my bare butt and pussy.

When I stood up with my bikini in my hand I turned and asked if I could go on the flume now.

“Err yes luv.”

I went and climbed into the same tube and holding my bikini onto the bar I waited for the green light. On it went and I let go of the bar, but something didn’t feel right as my hands left the bar.

It was only when I surfaced in the pool at the bottom that I realised that I only had my bikini top in my hand. I looked around and saw no one, not even the man from before, then I started searching for my bikini bottoms.

After a couple of fruitless minutes I saw them coming out of the end of the tube and I was sure that somehow the man at the top had managed to hold on to themselves because I figured that there would be no way that there was something in the tube that they could have snagged on, that would be way too dangerous.

I put the bottoms on and went for another go.

When I got to the top of the steps I saw the man looking at me and smiling.

“Did you hold onto my bottoms on purpose?” I asked.

“I’d get into real trouble if I did something like that.”

“There’s no one else up here to see what you are doing is there, no cameras.”


I took my bikini off the same way as before but when I turned around to face him I said,

“Here, hang on to these and send them down whenever you want. Can I go down now?”

The man was fiddling with my bikini then he held up the bottoms in a way that I could see that they were crotchless.

“Do you often wear a bikini that doesn’t cover your pussy?”

“It does cover my pussy, well the front of it, and no, I don’t, I don’t normally wear a bikini full stop.”

“A nudist are you?”

“No, I have another reason.”


“I’m not telling.”

“Go on, tell me.”


“I know what it is, you like people to see you like you are right now, naked.”

I think that I actually blushed before quietly replying,


“You should go to that beach, what’s it called, ah yes, “Sweet Nothing Cove,” it’s only about twenty miles from here.

“Maybe I will.” I said as I went and got into the tube.

Just before I let go of the pole I shouted,


And off I went, again getting that amazing feeling of the water rushing against my bare pussy.

This time I stayed with my body under the water in the little pool because there was an elderly couple slowly walking by. I turned to look at the end of the tube waiting for my bikini to emerge. After a good minute of waiting I heard the siren to tell everyone that the waves were going to start.

“Come on, send my bikini down.” I said to the man at the top but not expecting him to hear.

Still nothing so I turned to face the camera and stood up straight with my feet apart and after a couple of second I lifted my hands from my sides and turned the palms up as if to say, ‘well’.

I turned back to the end of the tube and ducked down in the water, then I saw my bikini arrive. I quickly put it on, got out of the little pool and walked to the waves pool where the waves were just building. I waded in until I was chest deep when a wave came and hit me.

Each wave lifted my feet off the bottom of the pool and I realised that it was also pushing me sideways. I also noticed that it was pushing the triangles of my top off my tits, something which I ignored, and it was pushing me into shallower water. One time when my feet landed on the floor I looked down and saw both my tits and all of my pubis and the front of my slit, my bottoms just hanging on to my upper thighs, probably because my legs were open to give me better balance.

I got pushed very close to a young couple and the guy was looking my way and seeing my naked front each time a wave went back. He must have said something to the girl because she turned round and saw me too but I also saw that her bikini top wasn’t firmly fixed in place as well, one of her nipples was on display.

“Wow, quite powerful these waves aren’t they?” I said just as another wave going back exposed my naked front to both of them this time.

“You may like to check your suit,” the girl said.

I looked down knowing what I’d see then replied,

“Again, these waves are just too powerful, as soon as I re-tie them the next wave undoes them, I should really get out.”

“I’ll look the other way.” The guy said but he didn’t turn his head, not that I wanted him to.

When the siren went again to say that the waves were stopping I made myself almost to society’s version of decent and made my way to the side so that I could get my breath. I decided that it was time to leave thinking that I would come back sometime and try the other two flumes and hope that the same guy was at the top, also that there would be more people around my age there.

I opened my locker and got out my soap and shampoo and headed to the showers and saw that the only other people there were a youngish couple showering next to each other and both still wearing their swimsuits. I went to a shower opposite and turned it on. Giving it a chance to warm up I used the time to pull in the bows that held both parts of my bikini up and I felt it drop to the ground. I was now totally naked.

I started soaping myself, facing slightly away from the couple but watching them in my peripheral vision. It was the guy that saw me first and he stopped soaping himself and stared at me. Ignoring him I turned slightly so that I was full frontal to him and kept on soaping myself like I was totally alone.

I rinsed then as I poured shampoo into my hand I looked at the man. Our eyes met and I smiled at him before I turned and bent over to put the shampoo bottle on the floor. He could not have missed seeing my butt and pussy as I took my time putting the bottle down then getting back up.

I turned again and looked at him. His hands were slowly moving up and down his other arms but it was obvious where his concentration was. Our eyes met again and I again smiled at him before lifting my hands and rubbing the shampoo on my head.

The next time that I looked over the girl was watching me as well and I realised that my pussy was getting wetter, and it was nothing to do with the shower water.

“Do I like girls seeing me naked?” I thought, “Was I a lesbian, was I Bi?”

I decided that the answers were,

“Yes, no, and yes.”

As I wondered what it would be like to eat a girl’s pussy and have mine eaten by a girl or a man. I just had to get answers to those questions soon.

The guy and the girl finished before me and as they walked out I wondered if they would go to a family changing cubicle and fuck each other’s brains out.

When I was finished I picked up my things and walked naked back to my locker and I wondered what it would be like to walk around the changing rooms totally naked with hoards of other people in there.

Unfortunately that wasn’t going to happen, not a single person saw me take my things from my locker and go to a changing cubicle, and no one passed by and saw me drying myself and getting dressed even though I’d left the door open.

A couple of people did see me drying and brushing my hair but I’d got my dress on and even though it was see-through they didn’t even look my way.

Minutes later I driving home with the lid of my car down and the wind blowing my hair behind me and my right hand between my legs slowly rubbing up and down my slit but avoiding my clit. I didn’t want to cum whilst I was driving.
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