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A girl discovers that she has a passion, a fetish to be seen naked and performing sex acts with people watching.
I am one lucky Girl

by Vanessa Evans

Part 3

Back at home I decided to research this Sweet Nothing Cove that I had never heard of before so I look my laptop outside and sat on one of the loungers and got busy. I discovered that it was about twenty miles up the coast and that, although there was a small car park at the top of the cliffs, the path down was so steep that it wasn’t recommended for the young, old or infirm. Not putting myself in any of those categories I decided that I would visit the place the next day,

Whilst I was on the internet I searched for some more clothes. I had decided that although I would love to go to college in see-through clothes and watch the young men as they stared at my exposed lady bits it wasn’t really appropriate so I decided that I’d wear thin tops which would allow my nipples to permanently make little tents, and skirts that were just decent when I was standing but would be prone to revealing my lack of knickers when I sat carelessly or went upstairs or it was a breezy day. All those three being what Mia called ‘accidental wardrobe malfunctions’. I really like the skater style of skirts.

I also searched for and bought some leotards on the assumption that I would be able to join the college gymnastics club. All the ones that I bought could only be described as ‘skimpy’ and probably see-through. I imagined myself in the gym wearing just a leotard that has a crotch that disappears between my pussy lips almost as soon as I put it on and that the boys who were in the club would all want to partner with me doing the exercises so that they can have a good look at my pussy and I’d sneakily move the fabric off my clit so that they could see that as well.

I spent going on for two hours searching for and buying quite a few items and at the end I decided that I was well prepared for college apart from maybe what I would need for the college mixed football team – if they have one.

After that I decided to just sunbathe for a while. My white bits were starting to turn brown but I still had a long way to go. I went inside and came back out with my Lush and wireless headphones. I has going to let the Lush entertain my pussy whilst I got my laptop to read some erotic stories and play them through the headphones.

I rubbed some sunblock on then settled down to be entertained two different ways.

After about an hour I was just coming down from my second orgasm when something made me open my eyes and I saw Harry the gardener pushing the lawnmower towards me. I waved at him and he waved back so I knew that he had been looking and seen me having my orgasm. I wondered if he’d had a good look at the antenna sticking out of my vagina. I also remembered when Harry had last been been there, it was only six days. Either the grass was growing quicker than normal or he just wanted to see my naked body. I smiled hoping that it was the latter.

I closed my eyes again and listened to the rest of the story. It was about a girl who’s been stripped naked somewhere then had a ball gag, a collar and leash and some handcuffs (behind her back) put on her, then she’d been led into a pub where most of the customers had either fucked her mouth, or her pussy or her butt and covered her in male cum.

That and my Lush made me cum again, again without me having to touch my clit.

Upon opening my eyes again I saw Harry standing at the foot of the lounger staring down at the naked me. I immediately had a little aftershock orgasm causing my whole body to shiver.

“Miss Isabella,” Harry said, “I’ve finished the grass so I’ll be on my way. Those white bits are starting to blend in.”

“Oh thank you Harry, I’ll see you in a few days then.”

“You’ve finished at school then?”

“Yes, college at the end of September.”

“The kids around where I live are still going to school.”

“Yes, but I’m eighteen, my last year and I’ve finished all my exams so I don’t have to go any more.”

“Lucky you.”

“Yes I am lucky aren’t I?”

“I’ll see you then.”

I started another story and waited for my arousal level to go up again.

That evening I spent a little time working out how I could stream what was on my laptop screen to the big television on the wall in the lounge. I wasn’t that difficult and I was soon casting the porno movies onto the big screen so I could see, in greater detail, the pussies of the girls as they had cocks going in and out of them. I know that male porn stars are chosen because of the size of their cocks but on the huge television they looked enormous, scary enormous. I wondered if I’d be able to get a part in a movie where one of those enormous cocks fucked me.

I was still watching gang bang and bukkake movies when I got my daily phone call from daddy, and my Lush was still driving me crazy, although I did turn the volume down on the television.

After that I adjurned to my bed where after checking that my alarm was set correctly, I switched off my alarm and went to sleep with my Lush still inside me but not switched on.

***** THURSDAY 3 a.m.

At 3 a.m. my alarm woke me and I put my trainers on then switched my Lush on with at random intervals and random intensities then I set off. No sooner that I’d got out onto the road than a car came flying by from behind me. There was no way that the driver hadn’t seen me and I saw the brake light come on then go off as the car sped away.

“Eyes and ears Isabella.” I said to myself as I continued jogging.

I went the same route as the previous night and I saw no one, guessing that not many people had gone out boozing on the previous night. I made it to the beach without seeing a sole, other than that first car.

This time, instead of going back home the same way I went a different route, still avoiding the council cameras, the first difference in the route being going passed Mia’s and Jack’s shop. I stopped outside it and remembered standing on the other side of that glass and the two boys from my year staring at me but not recognising me.

So far my Lush had given me two blasts of low intensity vibration and one long high, the high one making me stop and lean against a wall as the orgasm made it impossible for me to even walk, but as I stood in front of the shop another high intensity blast hit me and I had to lean on the shop door to stay on my feet as another orgasm hit me.

A few minutes later was off jogging again.

This time my route took me down a street that had small or no front gardens and I triggered a couple of motion detectors that switched lights on. I looked at one of the front doors and suddenly had a horrible thought,

“What if those doorbells had a built-in camera, what if my naked image was getting stored on people’s hard disks or their cloud drives?”

Part of me liked the idea but it was my home town, my small home town, someone might recognise me. I made a mental note to go online and order a face mask.

On one street I could see someone walking my way in the distance and I guessed that I would catch up to them before I needed to turn onto another street, and as I got closer I saw that it was a young man but he wasn’t exactly walking in a straight line so I figured that he was drunk. As I passed him he nearly staggered into me but I managed to dodge him and as I got ahead of him I heard him say.

“What the fuck.” But I kept running and I never heard him chasing after me.

I made it home, had a quick shower and went back to bed.

It was mid morning when I woke up, again with a wet pussy and my hand resting on it.

“Motion activated camera.” I reminded myself as I got up and went to the bathroom.

I had already decided that I was going to Sweet Nothing Cove that day and the weather was good so I got a few things together, put just a dress and shoes on and went out to my car. Because the sun was shining and it was warm I put a scrunchy on my hair lowered the car roof and set off. I toyed with the idea of taking my dress off as well but I chickened out.

As I got further and further out into the country I wished that I had taken my dress off but I was getting close to my destination so I didn’t stop.

My satnav led me straight to the track down to the little car park where I saw that the dozen or so cars were nearly filling the car park but I managed to find a place to park my little car. Then I had a decision to make, did I leave all my clothes in my car or did I keep my dress on to climb down to the beach?

I go out of my car and walked to where the path down was and looked down. Yes it was steep and at the bottom I could make out that there were naked people there so I thought,

“Sod it, naked it is.”

I put the lid up on my car and got myself organised. I was just about to take my dress off leaving me naked apart from my sandals when another car arrived. In it I saw two young men and the driver managed to squeeze their car into a slot close to me. They were both looking my way so I decided to get on with getting ready and I reached for the hem of my dress and pulled it up and off. I saw the two men staring as I threw my dress into the back of my car, locked it, picked up my bag and started walking.

The website was right, it was a steep climb down and I just knew that it would be hard work getting back up but I kept going and I finally reached the sand. I looked around and saw a mix of people but no young kids, I guessed that no parent would like to have to carry a kid back up to the car park.

There were some men there without a female with them although the body language of two couples made me think that they might just be gay. Not wanting to waste my time teasing a gay guy I went and spread my towel between two guys who seemed to be looking around all the time, and the cliff. Neither of the two were naked so I suspected that they were just there to look at naked women, just the sort of guy that I wanted to see me.

When they saw me they turned and lay on their stomach and I wondered if they were getting boners.

Then I got down to some serious sunbathing, with my legs spread wide of course. I don’t want to end up with white inner thighs. But before I lay back I waited until one of the two guys was looking directly at me then I got my egg vibrator out of my bag and pushed it up my vagina. As I did so I saw the guy nudge the other guy who turned his head just in time to see the egg disappear.

Satisfied that I had their attention I lay back and relaxed.

With my sunglasses on I could just see the two guys and they hardly took their eyes off my pussy. I let them look for a while then turned the egg on to low vibrations and let out a long sigh. For the next hour or so the two guys stared at me and I stared at them through my sunglasses as an orgasm was slowly building up inside me. All the time I was scratching an imaginary itch near my pussy and practising doing Kegel exercises.

The orgasm finally arrived and my body shook and jerked as my teeth dug into my hand.

As the waves receded I was feeling very happy with myself. I’d displayed my whole body to those two men for ages and I’d orgasmed on front of them. They’d seen me and my pussy as I’d cum. I reached into my bag and turned the egg off then just lay there.

By then the sun was really warming my front so I turned over and lay on my stomach with my legs spread wide, but it wasn’t a quick roll over. I stood up, turned my back to the two guys, went down on my knees which I spread quite wide then bent forwards to straighten out my towel, thus giving the guys a great view of my slightly spread pussy between my butt cheeks. Then I lay down.

After a while I decided that I could show them a very personal act, my hand playing with my pussy. Under my front my hand went and down to my pussy. I had to be careful to avoid touching my clit but I managed to do it and two fingers went inside me then in and out they went for a few minutes. I didn’t want to make myself cum, just show them me finger fucking myself.

I had to stop after a while so that I didn’t cum then I just lay there for ages before turning back over and going up on my elbows. I looked at the two men and was slightly amused to see that they were still there, on their stomachs looking my way.

After a few minutes I felt brave and got to my feet and walked down to the water going so close to them that I was in danger of accidentally kicking sand on them. The Sea in this part of the world is never warm even in the height of summer and my feet were telling me not to go any further but my brain was telling me to keep walking. My brain won and before long I was neck deep and starting to feel very cold. After having a pee I decided that enough was enough and I started walking out of the water.

I managed to sneak a look down at first my nipples and saw that they were rock hard and as big as I had ever seen them, then further down to my clit. It was the smallest that I had seen it since I discovered the fun that I could have with it. I couldn’t understand the logic between my nipples growing and my clit shrinking but I wasn’t going to try to work it out.

Walking back to my towel I saw that the two young men had finally turned over and were sitting looking at me so I walked as close to them as I dare then I dried myself and let the sun warm me up again.

Getting a bit bored with teasing those two young men I decided to pack my things and explore the rest of the beach. In the back of my mind I was hoping to find more men on their own that I could tease. I didn’t find any on the half of the beach that I was on but at the end there was some rocks and as I explored them I came to a small sandy part with a naked young man laying on the sand.

I stopped, standing on a rock a good metre above his head and I spread my legs a bit. The guy’s head turned my way and he looked up. There was no way that he couldn’t have seen my pussy with my clit that was just about back to the size that it was when I arrived at the beach.

I pretended to be looking all around but taking quick glances down at him and I was pleased to see that I was getting a response, his cock was growing. I waited until it was hard and pointing up above his head then I moved on, mission achieved.

Exploring some more I saw some more small, sandy beached bur with no one on them. I didn’t fancy settling on any of them so I turned and headed back. The same man was on his back but he was wanking. I stayed out of sight and watched him finish himself off, shooting his load all over his chest, then I emerged and probably embarrassed him as I walked over the rocks above his head as I looked down on him with his rapidly wilting cock.

Back on the beach I looked for more ‘victims’]] but on the half of the beach that I had had been on but saw none. Looking further I saw a few possibilities so I started walking along the water’s edge.

As I got closer I saw a group of four young men looking as if they were starting to pack their things ready to leave so I changed direction and headed for the path up the cliff hoping to get there before the four young men did. I made it and started going up.

It wasn’t long before I started to get out of breath but when I looked back the four young men were probably having the same problem as me. I stopped to get my breath back, bending to support myself on my knees. The men stopped right behind me and I guessed that they were looking up and my bare butt and pussy, me having my feet at about shoulder width apart.

By the time I’d stopped and done the same thing three times I was sure that the young men were not going to pass me and just wanted to look at my butt so the subsequent times that I stopped I kept my feet well apart and stopped for a longer period of time.

The four men were still just behind me when I finally got to the top where I turned and looked at the men and down to the beach.

“Wow that was hard work.” I said.

“Yes, but what a view.” One of the men said causing the others to grin.

“Enjoy it did you?” I asked.

“Hell yes,” another of the men replied, “Do you come here often?”

“Really, actually, this is my first time but I’ve had so much fun that I’ll definitely be coming again.”

One of the men smiled before I turned and walked over to my car. I had had fun and there was possibly more to be had down there that day but there was no way that I was going to climb up that cliff again that day so I turned and walked over to my car. I put my things in the back, then lowered the roof then got in and drove off wearing only my sandals.

It was a bit nerve racking driving naked, especially in the built-up areas but I made it without incident although I did get beeped at by a couple of lorries that passed me.

After a shower to get rid of all the sand that was in places that it should not be I decided to have a lazy rest of the day. I was happy with the number of men that had seen me naked, not only naked but all of my pussy as well so far that day so I got myself something to eat then took my laptop out the back to continue getting rid of the white bits. I also took my now fully charged Lush and my phone out there.

At tea time I went inside and got the house clean and tidy for daddy coming home the next day. I find that doing the housework in the nude is so much more practical with no clothes to get in the way or worse, come into contact with some of the cleaning chemicals. And if I get sweaty I have no extra clothes to wash.

When I went to bed I went on the internet and ordered a movement activated webcam and downloaded onto my laptop some software that would save the captured videos to my hard disk. I did all this with my Lush driving me crazy before I pulled it out and went to sleep.

***** FRIDAY 3 a.m.

My alarm woke me again at 3 a.m. and it was on with my trainers and off down the road. Still remembering where the council camera were I ran down different roads and found myself in a kids playground. In the dark and on my own I had go on the swings, the roundabout and climbed up the climbing frame where I hung upside down and wondered what it would be like to do the same with lots of adults around.

I say adults because they are the ones that are most likely to be shocked by a naked eighteen year old girl hanging upside down. I am sure that the kids would just take it all in their stride, and get on with whatever.

From the play area I headed towards the sea front and surprised myself by seeing a petrol station that was open. I never realised that our little town had a 24 hr. petrol station and I wondered how much business they did overnight. Then I had a naughty thought, I wouldn’t be out jogging for the next three nights but on the Monday night I could bring some money with me and go in and buy something.

As I got closer to the petrol station I could see that it was a young man who was looking after the place and I hoped that he would be there on Monday. My naughty streak took over again and instead of just running passed the forecourt I ran right through it, looking towards the shop and the young man. Unfortunately he looked like he was asleep but I wondered If they had cameras looking at the pumps which I had run passed. Would someone review the footage and see me.

I made it to the sea front without incident and I stood outside Mia’s and Jack’s shop for a couple of minutes trying to decide If I should call in the next day to see if they had had any luck getting me a role in some movies or even a job walking around in public naked. I didn’t come to a conclusion before I set off along the beach then back home, all uneventful.

My alarm woke me again at 8:30 and I went straight into the bathroom. I was starting to get a bit fed up with the hair that was growing back on my body and was really looking forward to my treatment at the clinic.

I was wearing a not so much see-through dress when I left home for the thirty minute journey and it’s fair to say that I was a bit nervous as I walked in through the door of the Laser Clinic to find that the place looked more like a mini hospital.

It was a woman in her thirties that performed the procedure on me and I found myself being told to get into positions that I never thought I would have to, but I understood why, I also didn’t expect to be there for so long but it was over two hours before I was done, but I did feel good knowing that I would never have to shave again. I don’t know how men cope. Okay I have to go back to the clinic occasionally for follow up treatments but basically I was bald below my neck for ever.

On my way home I decided that I was going to go and see Mia and Jack, I was just too eager to get started on my career in porn. After some lunch I put on my strings only bikini and a cover up, the one that is made of see-through net with a flowery pattern sewn on it but not all over it so a lot of flesh is visible including my nipples and slit but most of the strings only bikini invisible. I wanted to give people who just got a quick look at me the impression that I had a proper bikini on, but those who cared to look for a bit longer to see that my goodies were visible. Then I set off walking and fifteen minutes later I was walking into Mia’s and Jack’s shop.

“Oh hi Isabella,” Mia said, “have you come to stand in the windows again?”

“What, no, it was fun but I don’t think that my nerves could cope with doing it again.”

“Of course they could Isabella, I see that you’re dressed for it already. Well without the cover up.”

“No,” I quietly replied as I started thinking about it. “What I came here for was to ask if Jack had heard anything from any of his contacts.”

“Eager to be a porn star are you Isabella? And you don’t even want to stand in a shop window.”

“Maybe I will, has Jack heard anything?”

“I know that he’s had a couple of guys talking to him, he should be here in about an hour, do you want to wait for him? You could spend the time in the window. Hey, I didn’t ask you last time you were here, but have you ever had your pussy eaten or eaten another girl’s pussy?”


“Girl, have you missed out. Would you let me eat you out Isabella?”

“Sure, I’m sure that it would be fun, when?”

“How about right now? But there is one condition?”


“That you spend thirty minutes in the window as my human mannequin.”

“Let me think about that okay I’ve thought about it yes please.”

“Good girl, get those clothes off and get on the sales counter and I’ll show you what heaven is like.”

I did and Mia did. When she first put her hand on my very smooth pubis she said,

“Have you been to that Laser Clinic Isabella?”

“Yes, this morning that why I’m a bit red, I’m told it will go away.”

“Yes it will, mine did. Do you want me to eat you then you eat me or shall we do this together?”

“I don’t really know what to do Mia, do you mean a 69?”

“Yes, have you seen a video of two girls?”


“Then you know what to do, don’t worry Isabella, it will come naturally.”

Mia climbed up onto the table on top of me and I soon found out that I liked the taste of her pussy but Mia was able to make me cum three times to her once. When my third set of waves were receding I had to ask her to stop, I just couldn’t take any more of her chewing my clit.

When we got off the table Mia’s put her bikini back on and I started to put mine on then the cover up..

“Whoa there Isabella, have you forgotten our deal?”

“Sugar, that’s your fault Mia, making me cum so many times.” I replied taking the cover up off again leaving me wearing just my strings only bikini then I went over to the window, climbed up alongside another mannequin and took the same pose.

“This is so nerve racking Mia.” I said.

“Mannequins can’t talk Isabella.” Mia replied.

I closed my eyes hoping that if I couldn’t see who was looking at me it wouldn’t matter. I was just starting to relax a bit when I heard the doorbell ring and I nearly had a heart attack.

“Oh my gawd, was that a customer or Jack?” I thought, not really wanting to turn my head to find out.

Then I heard a girl say,

“Can I have a look at some bikinis like the one on that unusual mannequin in the window. I’ve never seen a mannequin that life-like before.”

“No,” Mia said, “there aren’t many like that around at the moment but I’m sure that they will become popular because they are so life-like. Now, the ones that you are after are over here.”

The conversation went quieter and I couldn’t work out what they were saying so I closed my eyes and hoped for the best, but at the same time I felt my pussy get a little wetter. When I realised that I thought,

“Jeez, am I getting turned on by a girl looking at me?”

I decided to open my eyes and I looked out of the window. There were a few people walking passed but none of them looked my way which disappointed me a little but also was a bit of a relief. Then I saw Mia in my peripheral vision. She climbed into the window next to me and before I knew it I felt the two bows that held my bikini top in place being pulled undone.

Now I know that the bikini that I was wearing didn’t have any fabric to it, just the strings, but when that top fell off me I felt more naked than before.

“What are you doing Mia?” I asked, trying to not move my lips.

“Hush now Isabelle, mannequins can’t talk.”

Then I felt the strings on my bikini bottoms being pulled.

“No.” I said, again trying to not move my lips.

Again, my slit and clit had been clearly visible before but Mia removing the strings that framed them made me feel even more exposed. Then Mia said,

“Just one more thing Isabella, slowly transfer all your weight onto your left leg.”

“What are you doing?” I mumbled through closed lips but doing as I was told.

Then I felt my right leg being lifted and my right foot being placed on a little stool about half a metre from my left foot.

“There, that’s better.” Mia said and I replied, again through closed lips.

“No Mia, please, this is too much. What if someone complains?”

But Mia was gone. I felt really exposed, which I was, and I could feel my juices leaking out of me. I closed my eyes again as I thought,

“No, please don’t let anyone look. Oh gawd, everyone look at me.”

Then I heard the doorbell again and thought,

“Shit, all that time when I’ve been there and no one else came in and now two people have come in.”

Then I I felt a hand touch my butt and slide down between my legs.

“What are you doing Mia, you’ve got a customer?” I mumbled through closed lips.

Then the hand went down between my legs and it didn’t feel like Mia’s soft, small hand. A finger slid into my wet hole and I moaned. Then the finger came out and slid forwards.

“NO.” I mumbled and gritted my teeth.

But it was too late, the finger was already rubbing the end of my clit causing me to cum almost instantly. I did my best to not shake or jerk, and to even stay on my feet, but having an orgasm in a shop window whilst totally naked made it impossible. I just hoped that no one was looking.

As I was starting to come down from my high I felt strong arms lift me up and then put me down onto the shop floor. I turned and saw Jack.

“You bastard, someone might have seen me.”

“I thought that that was what you wanted Isabella, to be seen totally naked and cumming by lots of people?”

“Yes but, that was in your shop window.”

“We don’t mind do we Mia?” Jack asked.

“Not at all, our new human mannequin has already produced one sale.”

“Has it now, maybe we should keep it in the window all the time.”

“Very funny.” I said,

“And it’s good to see you too Isabella. I see that you five o’clock shadow has gone, have you been lasered?”

“Yes, this morning.”

“And there was me thinking that your slightly red mound was because you’d been abusing you pussy.”

“No I haven’t, but you can if you want.”

“Not now Isabella, I’ve got some news for you.”

Jack handed me a piece of paper that had a name, address and a phone number written on it.

“That guy will probably be able to help you. He’s an agent that provides girls for all sorts of porn movies from just walking down the street naked to full-blown BDSM stuff where girls get really tortured. Not snuff movies and no permanent damage but you’d be surprised what some girls want done to them. I’ve taken the liberty of telling him that you’ll visit him on Tuesday afternoon, I hope that that’s okay.


“He provides girls for rich men as well, a sort of escort service. He was telling me about one job that is coming up where he will send two girls on a Mediterranean cruise and all they have to do is be naked for two weeks and let him fuck them whenever he wants.”

“That sounds nice, daddy said that he’s take me on holiday this summer but I’m pretty sure that he hasn’t booked anything yet.”

“It will be a sort of audition, a casting for some movies or assignment that he’s got planned so you can expect him to expect you to let him fuck you, he’s needs to know that the girls that he sends out will perform and not freeze up.”

“I guessed that,” I replied, “I’ve watched a few casting movies.”

“Yes, that sort of thing. So can I call him and tell him to expect you?”

“Most definitely, you can tell him that I’m really looking forward to meeting him.”

“Good, now tell us what you’ve been up to these last few days.”

“I was outside this shop at around 3:30 this morning.”

“I hope that you weren’t expecting us to be open.”

“No, I was just out for a run, a naked run, keep fit and all that.”

“Did you really run from your house down to here naked Isabella?”

“Yes, why?”

“You just be careful, you don’t know who you might bump into.”

“It’s okay, I found out where the council cameras are and I avoid those streets.”

“It’d not just the cameras, there’s often some very unsavoury people around at that time of the morning.”

“That’s why I run. I’ve met a few but they were either too drunk or too busy fucking to catch me. I’m going to go into that all night petrol station on Monday night, I saw a young man in their this morning and I thought that it would be fun to go in and buy something.”

“You just be careful Isabella.” Jack said.

“I will, and hey, have you heard of Sweet Nothing Cove?

“Yes we have, we went there once, why, are you planning on going because I have to warn you that the path down to the beach is a killer.”

“I know, I went there yesterday.”

“I bet that you were knackered when you got back up to your car.”

“I was, but the four guys that were following me up gave me an incentive to stay in front of them.”

“I can imagine.”

“I’ve been to that new leisure centre in the city as well, that was fun.”

“Oh that’s open now is it?

“Yes but they’re really short of staff and when I went short of customers as well. I had a great time teasing the guy looking after the flumes.”

“You should tell Ben when you see him on Tuesday that you are a naughty girl and that he should send you to someone to spank you,” Jack said, “unless your father is going to spank you.”

“Yes, no, no daddy has never spanked me and I can’t ever see him doing so, but I might tell this Ben guy to find someone to spank me, it sounds as though it could be fun.”

“It certainly can.” Mia added.

“Okay, I need to get going now, thank you for everything, both of you.”

I picked up my cover up and started putting it on as both Mia and jack thanked me, then I said,

“Hey, if either of you want to have a bit of fun, either individually or both together with me I’m up for it.”

“Thank you Isabella,” Jack said, “we might just take you up on that.”

I walked home wearing just the cover up with the bikini in my little shoulder bag and I got a couple of double-takes from men that I saw but nothing worth mentioning. I still can’t understand why people are so unobservant.

When I got home I got naked and started tidying the house then getting an evening meal ready for daddy and me because he was due to get back at around 5 p.m. One thing that I nearly forgot to tidy away was the dildo that was stuck to the chair that I usually sit on in the kitchen. Fortunately I discovered it when I started putting things on the kitchen table.

I smiled to myself as I pulled it off the chair and took it up to my room.

“It’s one thing being naked in front of my father all the time but hin knowing that I usually eat in the kitchen impaled on a dildo is something that I’m not ready for and possibly never will be.” I thought.

As it turned out I had timed it well because I was just about to turn the oven off when in he walked.

“Still going through this naturist phase I see Isabella.” Daddy said after I’d given him a big hug.

“Yes daddy, is it a problem for you?”

“Not at all Isabella, what normal man, even a father, wouldn’t enjoy the sight of a naked, beautiful young woman?”

“Thanks daddy.”

When we were eating and talking I asked daddy if he’d remembered that it was the school Leaver’s Ball that night.

“Yes, but I thought that you had decided not to go.”

“I had, but I’ve changed my mind.”

“Okay, do you want me to run you there and collect you when it ends, I know that kids smuggle alcohol into these events and I don’t want you to end up driving home.”

“That won’t be a problem daddy, I only plan to go for a short while, there’s no one that I want to hang around with.”

“So why are you going?”

“Just to show that I’m not the girl that they all think I am.”

“I’m not sure that I understand that Isabella but I’m sure that you’ve got it all worked out, you usually have. All I will say is be careful Isabella.”

“I will daddy.”

“Did I tell you that I’m taking you out for meal tomorrow night Isabella, to celebrate the end of your exams?”

“Shouldn’t we wait until I get my results daddy?”

“No, because I know that you will get good graded.”

“I love you daddy.”

After we’d eaten and I’d cleared away I went to get ready. I was pleased that I didn’t have to shave and after my shower I spent ages brushing my hair that I was going to let flow free instead of wearing it in my usual ponytail. I also did something that I hadn’t done for years, I put on some makeup, mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. Then it was just my dress, no underwear, and four inch heels. I chose one of my long dresses, backless with a halter top with the two long, narrow triangles not meeting until they join the waistband. I may not have any cleavage but there was plenty of skin showing down my front as well as my back. The skirt part is two parts, the splits go right up the front of each of my legs to the waistband.

To complete my outfit I carried a cute little clutch bag.

When I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror I saw a different girl. A girl that I liked but there was no way that I was going to start wearing makeup every day. I went downstairs and daddy wolf-whistled at me then said,

“You’re going to the Leaver’s Ball like that!? You’re way too beautiful for a place like that. No underwear then?”

“No daddy, I definitely can’t wear a bra with this dress and knickers would show under these splits.”

“I just wish that these fabric manufacturers wouldn’t make fabric so see-through, I don’t like people seeing my daughter’s lady parts.”

“It’s okay daddy, fashion changes and young women embrace these changes, it’s no longer a big no, no for a girl’s lady parts, as you call them, to be visible through their clothes.”

“I bow to your superior knowledge of these things, after all, you are a young woman.”

“Yes I am daddy, now I’m going to leave, you won’t have to think about waiting up for me because I should be back in about an hour or so.”

“Okay honey, knock them out and be careful.”

“I will.”

I was pleased that I’d put my school flats in my car because when I got in and put my feet on the pedals I realised that I couldn’t drive in my heels.

I parked outside the school and watched the other students arrive in all sorts of different vehicles ranging from limos to one guy on a horse. I hated to think about what the horse would be doing whilst the guy was inside. When I thought that most of the students were arriving I slowly drove up the school drive and joined the queue of vehicles dropping students off. I was happy that I’d taken the roof off my car because some of the students looked at me as they passed me to get to the entrance. As I sat there I removed my hair scrunchy and brushed my hair.

When I could, I parked in the teacher’s car park, got out of my car and walked to the main door. One of the teachers pulled into the car park behind me and as he walked passed me I saw him looking at me with a puzzled look on his face, obviously not recognising me.

A photographer was capturing images of people before they went in and he came over to me.

“Wow, that’s quite some dress young lady, you look amazing, would you just stand there smiling for a minute please?”

I did, then he came over to me to show me the image saying,

“I think that you should keep out of bright lights, look.”

He showed me my image on the little screen and the bright light from his camera flash made my dress look a lot more more see-through, even on that small screen I could make out my dark nipples and my slit.

“I can just delete the image if you want, maybe take one of you from your shoulders up?”

“No, I’m happy with that one, what are they for anyway?”

“We put them on our website and people can order prints without the watermark. Your email should get details tomorrow.”

The next obstacle before getting in was the school principle who was welcoming everyone. He was talking to another girl so I stood behind her and waited. When she moved away the principal said,

“Hello, sorry. I can’t place you, all you girls look so different with your beautiful dresses and makeup.”

As he was saying that I saw his eyes go down then come back up.

“Isabella, Isabella Walker.”

“Of course, sorry, the light out here isn’t so good, you’re going to college next year aren’t you?”

“Yes sir.”

Just then a girl came up beside me and interrupted saying,

“Hello sir.”

I turned and saw that it was Rachel, a girl who was always gobby and full of herself so I stepped aside and continued inside, through a reception area where a few people were standing talking, and on into the main hall where the lights were much brighter. It looked like just about everyone in my year were there, all standing or sitting in groups.

It was time to show everyone who I really was.

I went to the nearest group and loudly said,

“Hi everyone.”

“Bloody hell.” I heard one boy say.

“Do we know you?” One of the girls said.

“Don’t you recognise me?” I asked.

“Bloody hell.” another boy said, “that dress is see-through, I can see your tits and your pussy.”

“Fucking hell, so it is.” Another boy said.

“So slutty.” One of the girls said, “Who are you anyway, you shouldn’t be here this is for year thirteen students only.”

“And that’s what I am, or should I say was because after tonight I will never be coming back here.”

“Okay, I give in, who are you?” Another girl said.

“I’m the girl that everyone ignored, the quiet girl who just blended into the background. Miss Invisible.”

“Isabella,”a boy called Andrew said, “Isabella, Isabella Walker.”

“Oh, someone recognises me, well done.”

“Only because you have tiny tits and I like tiny tits but I never realised that they were so pointy, torpedo tits.”

“Well you’re never going to get your hands on them Andrew, maybe you should have made an effort to talk to me. If you had you might have been able to get your hands on these tits and a lot more of me by now.”

With that I moved to the next group and the conversation went very much the same but it was a girl who finally recognised me and I got more slutty comments. That was maybe because I stood with my feet at least shoulder width apart having noticed that there was a bright light in front of me and knowing that everyone would also be able to see my clit as well.

It was very much the same at the next three groups then I came to a group with Tommy whatshisname and Zack Turnbull and both stared at me as I introduced myself like I had with the others. I watched as Tommy and Zack whispered to each other then Tommy said,

“You’re that girl in the bikini shop aren’t you? I thought that you looked familiar.”

“Yes I was, but you didn’t properly recognise me did you?”

“No, but those tits told me that it was you in the bikini shop.”

“You were in a bikini shop Tommy?” Evie asked, “I didn’t know that you had a girlfriend.”

“I haven’t, and I wasn’t in a bikini shop, I was outside, she was in the shop window, naked like one of those mannequin things.”

“Naked in a shop window and in a see-through dress with no underwear here, you really are a slut Isabella, no wonder we all ignored you.” A girl called Emma said.

“But she has got a cute body.” Zack added.

I smiled, said thank you to Zack then moved on to the next group.

It was the last group of students and my appearance in front of them went much the same as the other groups then it was the teachers. There wasn’t many of them and they ware all stood together near when the drinks were. I guessed that they were trying to make sure that no one spiked the punch with vodka. Which was stupid because there was no one under eighteen there.

Anyway, as I approached them I saw one, Mr. Green, looking my way. As I got closer I saw his eyes open wide and his jaw drop a little.

“Okay young lady, I don’t know who you are or what your game is but you can’t be here dressed like that. You should leave right now.”

“Don’t you recognise me Mr. Green, Isabella, Isabella Walker.”

“Good grief Isabella, you look so different, and why are you dressed, or should I say, undressed like that? You can’t go around with no underwear on and wearing a see-through dress, I can see everything, even if you do look amazing.”

“Thank you sir, the principal didn’t object when I arrived.”

Just then the other teachers turned towards me.

“Oh my gawd young lady, Ms. Black said, “where’s your underwear? And who, oh I know you, you’re Isabella Walker. What has got into you Isabella. This is so unlike you.”

“Maybe I’ve just discovered who I really am Ms. Black.”

“Well you can’t be here like that, some of the boys might see you, see what we can see and get the wrong idea.”

“They already have Ms. Black, I’ve been to every table and let them all see me..”

“Good grief girl what has got into you? You used to be such a quiet, studious girl. I’m expecting you got get at least a ‘A’ in English.”

“Thank you Ms. Black, so am I. Hello Mr. Green, Mr. White.”

“Is that really you Isabella?” Mr. Green asked.”

“Yes sir, do you like my dress?”

“You look amazing Isabella,” Mr. Green said, “but that sort of attire isn’t appropriate for here, this is a school.”

“Yes sir, but at this time of night everyone here is over eighteen.”

“True but the school has rules and you are breaking them by being without underwear.”

“That maybe so, but if you went round every girl here I’m, sure that you find that quite a few of them aren’t wearing a bra and some of them will be knickerless as well.”

“That maybe so,” Mr. Green said, “but we can only deal with the evidence that is in front of us so I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“Don’t worry Mr. Green I never intended to stay, you teachers know me better than any of those kids, I just wanted to show them the real me.”

“Oh you have certainly done that Isabella,” Ms. Black said, “please can you leave now, before the principal starts his speech.”

“I’m going.” I replied and headed for the door.

As I went through it with the skirt part of my dress flowing behind me, and that included the middle, front section that I had lifted and dropped to one side leaving my slit and clit on display as I walked, Eric Ransome was rushing in, late as ever, and when he saw me, or should I say my bare slit, clit and pubis, he was so distracted that he ran straight into the open door.

I smiled as he swore, his hands went to his head, and I kept walking.

It was one satisfied Isabella that drove home with a smile on her face.

“Hi daddy.”

“Hey Issy, did I tell you that you look amazing?”

“Yes daddy you did.”

“It’s just a shame that the fabric wasn’t a bit thicker.”

“Oh daddy, stop being and old fuddy-duddy. Lots of girls wear clothes that are as thin as this.”

“Probably but I’m sure that most of them wear something underneath or over something as flimsy as that dress.”

“Well I’m not one of those girls daddy, I don’t see anything wrong with the way I look.”

“Neither do I darling, it’s just that I worry about what other people might think of you.”

“Daddy, I’m eighteen, I don’t care what other people think of me, it’s what I feel about myself that counts, and I’m happy.”

“Then so am I Isabella. Now do you fancy watching a movie?”

“Yes please daddy, you pick one while I go and hang this dress up and take off these damned heels, how girls walk in them for a long time I will never know.”

“I don’t know how you walk in them at all.”

Five minutes later I was back downstairs, totally naked and snuggling up to daddy ready to watch the movie.

When I went to bed I left my door open, again, the light on and I lay on top of the bed with my legs spread wide to go to sleep. I wondered if daddy would come and have a good look at my body whilst I was asleep.
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