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Walking in the woods with hubby

Moving back a bit from my first extra marital sex, my outdoor exposure antics with my husband go back to 2008 really, but I never was never knowingly caught out or ‘seen’ by anybody, or so I believed. At the time, we had developed a reciprocal ‘look after’ relationship with a married couple with a son and daughter of similar ages as our sons - 3 doors away and by mutual agreement we had set into motion an agreement where amongst other times, but essentially on weekend afternoons we’d look after their children and the next day they’d look after our two. Saturday or Sunday afternoon was fast becoming the only quality time David and I had together. Sometimes we had to get family stuff done, but once a month we’d have a long walk in our local parkland.

Our ‘play area’ was almost right on our doorstep, although we continued to drive to the opposite and much quieter side of the park. From our new house you could walk or cycle along a path over a bridge crossing a main motor duel carriageway and canal; along a path and into the main parkland, a total of about three quarters of a mile, but very open with houses to walk past etc.

The parkland in fact a nature reserve about 5 to 6 miles long by 3 or more wide; it has a fairly large lake/pond in the middle. At the further end from the lake the land rises up about 400 feet and from the top of the hill you have a panoramic view across the valley. Most people head from the half a dozen car parks around the edges of the Reserve, then walk or cycle towards the pond. There are numerous paths and tracks all around for pedal bikes, walkers etc. The hill at the northern end is thicker with trees and less frequented by people, as it is the furthest point from the pond, the car park here is less used and that is where we usually park.

Our game started its evolution towards the end of summer 2008, when we’d been on our own for a walk in the above area and ended up having sex in the woods, and he had stripped me completely – which in fact meant he took off my shorts, panties, bra and tiny top. I hadn’t had sex like that since I was a teenager and it was exciting.

The next time two weeks later, we were both looking forward to it again and at his request I wore this tiny denim skirt, (specifically purchased days earlier); No panties and a tank top, with wedge heeled sandals. After we’d had sex and rested, he’d teased me by grabbing my skirt and top and making me chase him –whilst I was still starker’s! This lasted for maybe 5 or 6 minutes at the end of which we were both ready for sex again. On our way back to the car he got me to do various things which in my sexual high I went along with, first pull my skirt up higher so it was like a belt around my waist, then he had me pull my top down so one breast was bared, then both hanging freely in the breeze. We walked along with me like that for minutes, I felt rather nervous but excited at my state of exposure, a fact borne out by my rock hard nipples.

We did this once more in what was left of that summer. I was ‘dressed’ exactly as previously, no underwear and with my denim skirt, a top where I could pull one or both breasts out of cover. On our first trip, I had ‘bared’ one and then both breasts for short periods as we walked. When we got to the quieter part he dared me to take my top right off completely for one minute, I did so, and we walked on but maybe 4 maybe 5 minutes passed with me still exposed like that and he turned and kissed me feeling my already hard nipples, I felt him tug at the skirt zipper and didn’t protest in the slightest as it fell to my feet - thinking we’d have sex right there, but he turned and walked on, he was now holding my skirt and top, I was starkers!.

Naturally I followed - now naked and feeling deliciously naughty, acutely aware of how ‘wet’ I was. I followed him along the path shield by trees and bushes heavy with leaves, till maybe 5 minutes later he stepped onto a wide well used track. I was about to tentatively follow him out when he held up his hand, I stopped. First 2 boys on bikes then 2 more flashed by him heading down the hill at speed, I was like a rabbit caught in headlights, I couldn’t move. They were gone in barely a second, but a glance to their left would have seen me in all my glory, because I was literally 3 feet and maybe 2 seconds from stepping onto that track The sexual surge I felt was enormous. Seconds later in deep undergrowth David and I were at it like rabbits. When we got our breath back, David said he was impressed that I hadn’t put my arm and hands over my breasts and pussy, when the boys went past. I didn’t like to admit that it never even crossed my mind it was so quick.

We both realised another couple of seconds of walking and I’d a have been right on the track as they cycled down, He asked ‘But if they had seen you and stopped, what then?’ ‘Well they’d have got a real eyeful of me, but seeing you there would have put them off’ I said. ‘Supposing I was a bit further on and they didn’t see me’. I saw my husband was getting hard again. In a year’s time I’d have given him a different answer, that day I said I’d run. Of course I still hadn’t had any extra marital sex at this point. What did happen was I had some very erotic masturbatory climaxes on my own thinking of what I would have let those lads do, having caught me like that.

That was the last one of that summer, by start of October it was too cold to play anymore. So we stopped our activity on the parkland and did some stuff in pubs; restaurants and cinemas with naked but for my knee high boots and my special coat, which was a mid- thigh beige raincoat, Later on he’d dared me to cut the buttons off it, so now it was only held together by me having my hands in the pockets or a belt tied around my waist.

The spring of 2009 started really early and it was warm enough for me to agree to play our game again at the end of March. I was coming to the point of where I wanted to be caught out! I was almost relishing a repeat of my last visit, coupled with my new sexual freedom, my masturbatory fantasy centring around me being caught naked out in the woods was quite developed. By now in bed David and I had colluded on my sexual masturbation of being caught out naked, but I knew the concept of me having sex with a stranger was a huge turn on for him and I’d been climaxing on that idea for months with him and on my own.

David was now so definitely wishing to see me caught and more, he was now taking tracks into the less dense parts and where there were people. As summer became warmer in May, my attire changed to a knee length thin summer dress with a few buttons on the front and a pair of ankle boots. The dress itself was pretty yellow and blue, David had me cut off 5 of the eight buttons on the front - one button was just below my breast line, another on my hip line, and one level with my pussy. Standing still, I just about looked decent although the plunge on my breasts was pretty drastic, but the thin material easily pulled to one side to leave one or both breasts exposed. When I walked with the lowest button unfastened, the skirt parted to the hip button, very easily showing my now permanently trimmed pussy, if I undid the bottom two buttons the skirt would flow behind me; walking with all three buttons undone the dress hung off my shoulders fully open all the way as I walked.

One afternoon, I was ‘dressed’ for our game and David took our 2 boys into the house of our friends whilst I waited in the car, being a warn day the car windows were down. Suddenly from behind me, Andrew the husband appeared yards behind our car, I’d almost forgotten my state and there he was hands on the door sill his head almost in the car. I felt my whole body flush in sexual excitement, my pussy virtually leaked. I had no idea what I was showing him (I couldn’t look down). He later told me that when I turned to face him my whole right breast was uncovered and it was so nice, more so when he noticed my labia was also showing.

That afternoon I was just so horny, when we got to our special place David led me to a small clearing, where he had me slip off the dress and then he tied my hands behind a tree which he backed me up to. He then did the same to my legs around my ankles. He played with me for a little while increasing my arousal, then walked off leaving me there. As he stepped back onto the track, he said ‘see you back at the car, then’ and was gone. “OMG!” Surely he didn’t really mean that.

But then he left - well not quite, he told me this was his forfeit, to try to struggle free and get back to the car. I couldn’t believe it, yes, we’d discussed me getting back all the way to the car naked, it had been an idea kicked around as we drove home. I expected he would hang around to see if I freed myself. I tried but the branches were chaffing the back of my legs, arms and back. I knew I could get free, but how long would it take?, how far away was David?

I waited patiently and still aroused, was he watching me?, would somebody walk by and see me? I was 20 yards from a wide, well used track, I was reasonably surrounded by bushes in full leaf, but there was what seemed like a huge gap right in front of me to that track. I started to try to work my hands free and succeeded after some minutes, just as I did so, I heard a cough, then I saw the head of an elderly man coming along the track. My heart was racing, my ankles weren’t freed, I had to stay there as still as possible. I watched his dog walk on pass the gap then he did, luckily the track was angled slightly away from my gap, had he come the other way he would have seen me – no doubt about it.

I freed my ankles quite quickly, then realised that David had walked off holding my dress. I moved to the gap, the elderly guy was now 60 or so yards from me. But he was going the way I needed to go to get back to the car. It was now getting quite late – about 6pm- and although it would still be light for hours yet as it was mid-June, I knew I had to move. I stepped onto the track and started walking, the guy was 100yards away now, but within 5 minutes I had halved that distance. My heart was hammering. I still had plenty of shrubbery around to duck into, but sometimes it’s not so easy to react that fast, he might turn around faster than I could move away. I was trying not to look at him, in case he ‘felt my eyes on the back of his head’. In spite or because of my predicament I realised I was still very aroused.

A few more minutes and I was getting too close, he was 30 yards away from me and now the shrubbery was giving way to young Pine and Silver birch trees, with little or no cover for me. I had to duck behind a large bush and plot my next move, I was wondering if David was watching to see what I’d do. I’d not been there 10 seconds when first three, than another two bikes went hurtling along the path the same direction as I needed to go, I wondered if they had seen me at all, they didn’t even pause as they flashed by.

I crouched there realising what a narrow escape I’d just had. Suddenly I was like a balloon with any air in it, deflated. I didn’t have the nerve to walk across the remaining distance to the car the area was wide open with Pine and silver birth tree with trunks of less girth than a telegraph pole and no real vegetation around. Eventually my husband gave up waiting, saying next week we’d do it all over again.

I don’t know why I had assumed that no one else had seen me flashing and exposing my body the few times we did it in 2009/11 but yes I had been seen and slowly they came to light. Anyway the next time he tied me up became a whole new episode.

Andrew, is the husband of the couple with whom we had the mutual ”baby sitting service”. Andy and his wife were both about the same age as me.

He made his pass at me during a birthday party they invited us in September 2009. He admitted to me in his preamble that he’d seen my bare pussy a couple of times when I dropped our sons off with them, even before that day when he caught me in the car, and had followed me and David a few times after that and had watched my antics out on the parkland a few times.

Andy told me about the first time he glimpsed me one day earlier in the summer, as I brought the boys over he was in the garden as I swung my legs out of the car he saw that I was naked under my light coat, apart from my knee high boots. He said the coat was gapping all the way down the front (Because David had dared me to remove all its buttons and was from then on only held by a belt) but I’d opened my thighs as I got out of the car and given him a full on pussy view for about 5-6 seconds. Leaving the boys with his wife, he’d followed our car to the car park and then spent about 90 minutes watching us or rather me, walking naked and giving my husband a blow job and later on fucking me over up against a tree. After that he knew where to catch us every time we dropped the boys off. I was in no doubt that I had flashed him unknown to myself, as he was aware that I was shaven around my pussy lips but with a patch above. And of course there was the day he waylaid me in the car.

That confession was probably the only thing about him that turned me on, as he told me he had run his hand up my thigh to confirm that under my short dress I was wearing an open crotch pair of tights and he found my pussy very wet. Wet, enough for a ‘quickie’ there and then, and I even undid my dress held by only one button and slipped it off completely as I didn’t want a stain on it, underneath was only those tights. After that, for a time with almost weekly sex also we did some daring sex acts within his house with his wife and kids around – like blowing him in the kitchen – a quick fuck in the bathroom, he loved me to go over there in just my boots and coat.

I had told David about Andy and told Andy it was okay with David that he was fucking me etc., and Andy became another guy with whom we had a threesome and with who David had watched me in action.


When I was 15 I used to hang out with 2 boys who were neighbours, I hadn’t had sex properly at this point, but my first real experience was one afternoon, out in local woodland they both sorta held me on the ground and freed my breasts and pulled my panties down and felt me up. I didn’t really struggle as I liked it. In the next three weeks we experimented with mostly oral sex and fingering – they were my first blow jobs; but also because on the first day my mother had thrown a fit over the state of my clothes, I often undressed for them in the woods, I also let them tied me up against trees and play with me. I pretended not to like it but I did and they knew it. Then one afternoon they steaked me out on the ground legs and arms wide apart and took turns to fuck me. I realised that it was inevitable, but they didn’t use condoms and I wasn’t on the pill, it felt nice. A couple of times I felt sure we were being watched, but the boys were too busy and I felt a bit paranoid after a couple of times.

I had taken to going to meet up with the boys in just a skirt and top, because my nice underwear was getting ruined, and in turn they had started leaving my clothes further away from where we ‘played’ and started leaving me whilst I was still tied up, having to get free (not too difficult) and grab my clothes; but what they didn’t realised and neither did I really was that being tied up outdoors was sexually stimulating me. The afternoon of my first stake out and their first penetrated sex with me, they ran off leaving me, I had just got both hands free when this guy came up. I’d been right about someone watching. I have no idea how old he was maybe 40 + but at 15 everyone over 20 is old. Anyway he entered me and fucked me properly with a big cock, I actually felt him cum in me. When he pulled out he got me to suck him till he came off.

He told me if I told anyone he had pictures of me and the boys and we’d all be in for it. I wasn’t going to say anything anyway. The next day I couldn’t wait for the boys to finish up and go, I made no effort to free myself and my new lover took me again. He was my secret, all that summer (till it got too cold) 4 or 5 times a week he’d come and do me, mostly whilst I was still tied up. So that’s probably where I got my liking for outdoor sex, in bondage and so on. Oh after that summer, I never saw that man again and I’d moved onto a boyfriend by 16 (and was on the pill).
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