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I used to be so shy but not any more and I love the way I am now.
Baby Steps

by Vanessa Evans

I used to be so shy but not any more and I love the way I am now.

Part 1

I grew up with very prudish parents. When I left my bedroom to go to the bathroom I always had to wear a dressing gown over my nightie and I had to be fully dressed to go downstairs. My parents also sent me to a catholic, girls only school. Even the college that they sent me to was all girls catholic. At the college the other girls idea of fun was play chess.

So, when I left college and got my first job I was the dowdy, quiet girl whose skirts were always below my knees and my blouses buttoned to my neck and I couldn’t even join the conversations with the other girls about boys because at twenty one I had never even had a boyfriend and was starting to think that I would live for whatever years and die a virgin.

The only thing that gave me a bit of hope was that the job that I have is in a city about one hundred miles from my parents so they got me this one bedroom apartment. For a few months I settled into both my job, my little apartment and my dreary life.

Now is probably a good time to describe myself, I’m a skinny girl, my mother having only ever given me small portions of healthy foods and I was never allowed to have any confectionery. Would you believe that at twenty one I had never even been inside a McDonalds or a KFC. This upbringing got me into the healthy eating habit and that never changed when I went to college, nor when I started living on my own.

My name is Claire and I am only one hundred and fifty centimetres tall and weigh forty one kilograms. Fortunately my breasts never grew more than a ‘A’ cup so I never have to worry about unwieldy breasts even though my mother always insisted, and got me into the habit of wearing sturdy bras. I wear glasses and have long, blonde hair, my mother only letting me get it cut when it got half way down my back.


When I started my job things started to change, although it took one of my co-workers to tell me before I realised that one of my bosses had started to spend more time than necessary at my desk talking to me. Ethan is only a couple of years older than me and when I first met him my heart gave a little flutter for the handsome young man.

I started thinking about why Ethan came to my desk so often and realised that most of the occasions were unnecessary and I just couldn’t understand why he came. I could never imaging that he would have any interest in the dowdy me but he was definitely flirting with me but I was enjoying his visits and our little chats.

I assumed that he was just using me to practice chatting to girls and some of the things that he said embarrassed me and some I didn’t really understand because I was a very naive and lacked even basic relationship experience.

Then one day Ethan asked me if I’d like to go for a drink with him. At first I thought that he was joking and I said so. When he said that he was serious I asked him,

“Why would you want to go for a drink with me, there are lots of girls here that are more beautiful than me and I’m sure that they would love to go for a drink with you.”

“Because underneath that long skirt (knee length), that heavy blouse and those glasses I believe that there is a very attractive young woman.”

That really made me blush and I replied,

“Stop it Ethan, you’re just trying to embarrass me and you are succeeding. You don’t really want to go for a drink with me, you’re just winding me up.”

Ethan picked up one of my hands and held it with both of his and said,

“Claire, I am deadly serious, I really want to go for a drink with you. I want to get to know every bit of you a lot more than is possible in the office.”

“You’re serious Ethan, you really want to got for a drink with me?”

“Yes Claire I do.”

“But I don’t drink, I’ve never touched any alcohol.”

“That doesn’t matter Claire, believe it or not, pubs do sell none alcoholic drinks. Please say that you’ll come.”

“Okay, I will, but I warn you that I don’t have any nice clothes.”

“Claire, you could turn up totally naked and I wouldn’t mind, I just want to get to know you better. Having said that if you did turn up totally naked it would certainly help me to get to know you better.”

“Stop it Ethan, I’m a good catholic girl, I could never be naked in front of one man, never mind a whole pub full of them.”

“Well that might change but for now I would be very happy if you turned up dressed like you are now.”

I was still a bit embarrassed, but also excited at the prospect of my first ever date when I replied,

“Okay, what time and where?”

We fixed up a time and a place and we got on with our work although it was an excited me that happily got on with my work.

As I walked to the pub I was both nervous and excited. I was wearing what I considered to be my nicest dress, knee length, buttoned to my neck and with long sleeves. I’d been thinking about getting some new clothes that were more like those that other girls in the office wear, and after listening to quite a few girl’s conversations I was coming to the conclusion that my upbringing was holding me back but I hadn’t decided on how I would go about changing myself to be more like the other girls. I wondered if going on a date, or possibly more that one date with Ethan would help me change.

I had never been inside a pub before and didn’t really know what to expect and I was very happy when I saw Ethan waiting outside the pub for me. I was also very happy when he took my hand and led me in. After getting us both a drink we went to a table in a quiet corner and talked, and talked and talked.

When Ethan went and got us a second drink he suggested that I get a cocktail. I told him that I’d never drunk any alcohol before he suggested one that only had a little alcohol in it. I didn’t get drunk, not that I really knew what being drunk was like, but I did feel a little less reserved after I’d drunk it and I did reveal some of my desires, in particular that I wanted to be more like the other girls in the office.

I told him that I wanted to dress more like them and I told him that I’d got the impression that all of them were having sex and really enjoying it.

“So what’s stopping you from changing Claire?” Ethan asked.

“Well I don’t have much money but the main obstacle is my upbringing.”

“Don’t tell me Claire, you are a catholic and your mother told you that you must always wear dreary clothes and never let a man see your body until you get married.”

“How did you know?”

“It’s a common thing. I bet that a few of the girls at work were the same.”

“So are you saying that my mother was wrong?”

“Your mother just passed on what her mother told her, it’s not her fault that she isn’t changing with the times, when you’ve been brainwashed it’s difficult to snap out of it, especially when you are not too young.”

“So are you saying that I should wear clothes like the other girls at work and have sex with men as often as they say they do Ethan?”

“That’s not up to me to decide for you Claire, only you can make that decision, but I’ll tell you now that it will not be easy, you’ll have to work hard at it and get out of your comfort zone quite often. But the first obstacle that you have to overcome is you have to want to change. Do you want to change Claire?”

I thought for a couple of seconds then replied,

“Yes I do, those girls appear to be having a lot more fun than I do. And I want some of it but I don’t know how to change.”

“Well you’ve just solved the first obstacle, the next one is to force yourself into situations that are outside your comfort zone.”

“Like what, how?”

“Baby steps Claire. How about getting some new clothes, ones more like those that the girls at work wear?”

“You mean shorter skirts?”

“Well yes, and low cut blouses. I’m sure that you have a really nice pair of legs under that skirt Claire.”

“The first problem with that is that I only have small breasts. I could never display a cleavage like some of the girls.”

“Not having big breasts isn’t a problem look at Jenny Smith, she only has tiny breasts but that doesn’t stop her showing most of her sternum most days. Besides, I don’t like big breasts.”

“The other problem is that I don’t have much money, but I guess that I could shorten some of the ones that I’ve got. That’s one good thing that my mother taught me, sewing, she even let me bring her old sewing machine with me.”

“That would be a great start Claire, but maybe one new skirt or dress just to make you feel good because feeling good is half the battle. Maybe I could come with you to help you choose something.”

“You’d do that for me Ethan?”

“Of course I would, it will be an excuse to see you again, outside work that is.”

“I’d like that Ethan but you don’t need an excuse to see me outside work again Ethan, I’d like to see you again.” I was silent for a couple of seconds then I continued, “would you kiss me please Ethan?”

“That will be my pleasure Claire.”

Ethan bent over and we kissed. At first it was just on the lips, but that alone was magic for me, I’d never had a proper kiss on my lips before and these strange feelings were starting in both my nipples and my pussy.

Then I felt Ethan’s tongue trying to open mine so I relaxed and let them open. When I felt his tongue exploring my mouth I was a bit stunned. What was he doing? Does he expect me to do the same? I didn’t have a chance to decide what he wanted or expected because my tongue had a mind of its own and the two tongues explored the other.

The strange feelings got stronger.

When Ethan finally broke the kiss I just sat there not really knowing what to say or what to do. After a couple of seconds Ethan said,

“What was that like Claire?”

“I, I, I don’t know what to say, I’ve never experienced anything like that before.”

“But was it nice?”

“No, it was awesome, it stated strange feeling in my, my lady parts.”

“You mean your nipples and your pussy?”

“Yes.” I quietly replied.

“You can say those words Claire, say them again.”

“Nipples.” I replied.


“Pussy.” I replied.

“Again Claire.”

“Nipples, pussy.”

“Again Claire.”

“Nipples, pussy.”

“Again Claire.”

“Nipples, pussy.”

“Good, well done Claire, now tell me what the feeling was in your pussy.”

“What, no, I can’t do that, it’s embarrassing.”

“Claire, what did you say you wanted to do?”

“Change. Okay, my pussy tingles and it feels wet.”

“Good, that’s two more baby step achieved, well done Claire.”

There was silence for a minute or so then I said,

“Thank you Ethan.”

“You don’t have to keep thanking me Claire.”

“But you’re helping me and I’m grateful.”

“If you’re going to be my girlfriend you don’t need to keep thanking me Claire.”

“You want me to be your girlfriend Ethan?”

“I do, but to you want me to be your boyfriend Claire?”

“I do Ethan. Will you kiss me again please?”

“You don’t have to ask me Claire.”

So I got brave and lent over and kissed Ethan on the lips again and it was just as good as the first time. Ethan put one of his hands on my knee over my dress. I tensed up for a second then relaxed and enjoyed the tongue wrestling.

When the kiss broke Ethan asked me if I’d like another drink. I asked for another cocktail and when he came back he sat closer to me and started asking me about my hobbies. I laughed and replied,

“What hobbies, I haven’t got any.”

“Okay, what nice places do you like going to Claire?”

“I have no idea, I once dreamt about going to the beach, that would be nice.”

“I will take you to a nice beach where you can run around with no clothes on.”

“Oh I couldn’t do that, not without any clothes on.”

“Baby steps Claire, baby steps.”

“I’m not sure that I could ever do that, my mother wasn’t even happy when I went to the swimming lessons when I was a kid and I had to wear a big one piece swimsuit.”

“Don’t worry about that for now Claire, all in good time.”

Just them the landlord called time so Ethan said,

“I’ll walk you home Claire.”

“That’s okay, I managed to get here on my own.”

“No Claire, I want to walk you home.”

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realise.” I said cursing myself under my breath for not realising that he wanted to be with me for longer.

As we walked out of the door Ethan took my hand and gently squeezed it making me feel good. We walked and talked and when we got to my apartment I said,

“I live in here Ethan.”

“When can I see you again Claire?”

Not thinking what he really meant I replied.

“Tomorrow at work.”

“Outside work Claire?”

“Stupid me, I’m not used to this dating thing, anytime that you want Ethan, the only thing that I have planned in my life is going to work, my weekly trip to the supermarket and my monthly trips back home.”

“Right then, with your permission I will be here tomorrow night at 7 p.m. Wait, no, I’ll give you a lift home from work.”

“You don’t have to do that Ethan, I can get the bus as usual.”

“Claire, have you considered that maybe I want to give you a lift home.”

“Oh, right, thank you, that will be nice. I’d better go in now, I’m not usually up this late.”

“Can I have a kiss before you go in please Claire?”

“Yes please Ethan, I like it when you kiss me.”

“Or you could kiss me Claire, you can do that anytime that you want, except at work.”

I looked up to Ethan’s face thinking about how to kiss him when his mouth found mine, well I think that it was his mouth that found mine, it could have been the other way around, and we started kissing. Ethan’s arms went round me and he hugged me. In response I put my arms round him and it felt good. I didn’t realise what it was at the time but I felt something pressing on my stomach.

After a while I felt Ethan’s hands slide down to my butt. My first instinct was to reach round him and pull his hands away but I resisted and as the kiss went on and on whatever it was pressing on my stomach seemed to get harder. When the kiss finally broke I said,

“Phew, that was awesome Ethan.”

“Yes it was, but I’d better let you go in before I try to do something that you wouldn’t want me to, well not yet.”

I looked at him not knowing what he was talking about and Ethan stepped back. Ethan’s arms slid down mine and our hands joined for a second before I gave him a quick kiss then said goodnight. As I opened the building door I looked back and saw Ethan still looking at me. I waved then went in.

I ran up the stairs singing to myself,

“I’ve got a boyfriend, I’ve got a boyfriend, I’ve got a boyfriend.”

Later when I was in bed I reflected on the evening. It had far exceeded my expectations and I realised that I really liked Ethan. I thought about me wearing clothes like the other girls at work and being on a beach without any clothes on. Then I realised that my left hand was on my right tit and was caressing it through my nightie and bra. And my right hand was pressing on my pussy through my nightie and knickers.

“Good grief, what am I doing, mother would kill me.”

My hands went to my sides, the moment gone and I was soon asleep.


I woke up before my alarm and thought that it was a wonderful day, even though I hadn’t looked outside.

In the bathroom I took my nightie and knickers off, looked at myself in the mirror and thought,

“I don’t know what Ethan sees in you girl, but there must be something.”

As I continued looking I decided that I really did want to become more like the other girls at work. Ethan had said the he would help me with ‘baby steps’, and if that was what it took then I would take his baby steps even if I did get embarrassed or thought that my mother would be horrified if she knew what I was doing. Maybe Ethan was right, maybe my mother was living in the past. Times had certainly changed in a lot of areas so why not in how a girl dresses and acts. The other girls at work certainly were more carefree about their clothes and attitude, some of them, maybe all of them, must have been like me at some time. They had changed so I was going to change, with some help from Ethan

Then I had a horrifying thought,

“Maybe after a night’s sleep he had changed his mind and didn’t want me as his girlfriend.”

I tried to forget about that and hurried to get myself ready for work. As I exited the building I turned and walked towards the bus stop and heard a car horn beeping. I ignored it and kept walking but the noise continued. I was just starting to think that some unlucky car driver had some sort of mechanical problem when I heard my name being shouted.

“Who can that be,” I thought, “I don’t know anyone around here.”

I stopped and turned and got a wonderful shock, there was Ethan stood on the pavement looking my way. Once I’d got over the shock I waved then literally ran to him, flung my arms round his neck and kissed him. When the kiss broke I said,

“What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to see you to make sure that you still want to be my girlfriend.”

“Of course I do Ethan.”

“That kiss answered my question Claire, come on, get in the car and we’ll go to work.”

As we drove we talked and Ethan asked me what I did when I got into my bed the previous night.

“I went to sleep.”

“What about before you went to sleep?”

I blushed as I remembered what my hands had done.

“I, I, I put my hands on my tits and pussy.”

“Were you naked?”

“Ethan, of course I wasn’t, I was wearing my nightie.”

“Anything else?”

“My knickers.”

And what did your hands do?”



“Okay, they pressed on my nipples and pussy.”

“Did it feel good?”

“Yes, it made me think of you.”

“Good, well done, tonight another baby step, don’t wear your nightie, just your knickers.”

“I couldn’t do that, it’s not right and someone might see me.”

“I thought that you lived on your own Claire.”

“I do.”

“Didn’t you say that your apartment was on the third floor?”

“It is.”

“I bet that you close all your curtains at night as well don’t you?”

“I do.”

“So no one can look in through the windows.”

“No they can’t.”

“Then who is going to see you?”

“Well no one I guess.”

“I bet that most of the girls at work wear nothing in bed.”

“You think so?”

“From what I’ve heard and read I’m pretty confident that I’m right. Baby steps remember Claire?”

“Yes Ethan, I’ll think about it.”

“Be positive Claire, you said that you wanted to change. The world isn’t going to end if you go to bed naked, be positive, be brave, just do it.”

“Okay, why not, what harm can it do?”

“It will do you more good than harm Claire, another baby step towards being like the other girls.”


We drove in silence for the rest of the way with me thinking about what I had agreed to do. It was certainly a first for me, and as Ethan said,

“What harm would it do.”

I was happier about what I’d agreed to do.

As we drove into the car park one of the girls saw us and waved.

“That will start the gossip machine.” Ethan said.

“I don’t care,” I said, “in fact I want the whole world to know that I’m your boyfriend Ethan.”

“Just don’t go bragging about it or trying to rape me in the office Claire. We have to be professional here.”

“I don’t usually talk with the girls, I usually sit alone in the break room, and I would never try to rape you Ethan.”

“I know, and it wouldn’t be rape anyway, and if I’m having my break at the same time as you I will sit next to you. Just keep you hands and your mouth to yourself okay?”

“Of course boss.”

“It’s Ethan, even here Claire.”

We got in the lift and I was pleased that we were alone for a minute or so so I reached up and kissed Ethan. He responded and our tongues only parted when the lift slowed at our floor. I stepped back and checked my dress. When the doors opened we stepped out and I thanked Ethan for the lift then walked to my desk.

I think that it’s fair to say that I wasn’t as productive as I usually was that day, my mind kept going back to the night before and in the lift. I so wanted to kiss Ethan again and when he came to see me for a legitimate reason I so wanted him to touch my hand or my head, anywhere, but it was short conversation.

At 16:45 I got an email from Ethan saying just 17:00 car park.

I felt my heart start to beat faster as I walked out of the building and to the car park. Ethan was stood beside his car so I ran up to him and kissed him. A minute or so later the kiss ended and he led me round to my side of the car and opened the door for me.

“Thank you kind sir.” I said as I turned, lowered my butt to the seat then swung my legs in.

When Ethan got in and we started driving Ethan said,

“Most girls don’t get into a car like that any more Claire, they just put one leg in then their butt then lift the other leg in.”

“Oh, but won’t they show their knickers to the man who opened the door for them?”

“Not many men open the car door for girls any more Claire.”

“Oh, do you want me to get into your car like you just said Ethan?”

“That is up to you Claire, if you want to show me your knickers that’s fine with me, and if you want to show me that you aren’t wearing any knickers that’s also fine with me.”

“I could never not wear knickers.”

“Baby steps Claire.”

As a short period of silence I said,

“Do girls really go to work without any knickers on?”

“Some do, and not only to work. Some girls never wear knickers or a bra, it’s no big deal.”

“That’s not what my mother used to say she said that a girl with no knickers on is a tramp and a slut.”

“You are not you mother and times have changed Claire.”

“You’re right, but I’m so used to wearing my big knickers.”

“You wear granny pants Claire, wow.”

“Stop it Ethan.”

“Tell you what, when we go shopping tomorrow we’ll get you some new knickers as well, bras, well maybe, maybe not. You don’t need to wear a bra, you only have nice, small tits that look as though they don’t need a bra for support.”

“No they don’t but I couldn’t not wear a bra.”

“Your mother told you that didn’t she?”

I didn’t answer Ethan because I was thinking. What he was saying made a lot of sense but. ……. I was quiet for the rest of the journey because I was thinking about what Ethan had said, he was suggesting that I didn’t need to wear knickers or a bra. It was only a suggestion and if some of the other girls didn’t wear underwear some of the time then maybe I should start doing the same. And even when I did wear them I should at least wear the type that other girls my age wear not the type that my mother wears.

“Jeez,” I thought, “I’ve got a lot of changes to make.”

When we got to my building I had a little panic as I thought,

“Ethan will be expecting me to invite him in but my place is so small and I haven’t got anything to drink. I bet that his place is much bigger and nicer. Oh what the hell, he’s going to see it eventually.”

“Ethan,” I said, “would you like to come up for a coffee? Sorry but I don’t have anything stronger.”

“I would love to Claire, and coffee would be great, I’m driving so alcohol is off the menu anyway. Maybe we could go out for a meal later?”

“I could cook something, oh wait, I haven’t go much in.”

“Cook as well as being beautiful, I’ve hit the jackpot with you Claire.”

“Stop it Ethan, you’ll embarrass me.”

“You look so cute when you’re embarrassed, maybe I should embarrass you some more. Have you got any baked beans and bread Claire?”

“I have.”

“So beans on toast will be just fine, I’ll take you out for a good meal tomorrow night, that’s assuming you will come with me.”

“Of course I will, I’d love to go to a nice restaurant with you but I haven’t got any nice clothes to wear.”

“Claire, as I said before, what you are wearing right now will be fine, or you could just take all you clothes off and come with me naked. No seriously, we’ll get you some nice clothes tomorrow.”

“Good, thank you, but I could never walk into a restaurant totally naked.”

“But you’d like to.”

“What?! No, I’d get arrested.”

“But you would if you wouldn’t get arrested.”

“Ethan, stop it, you know that I could never go anywhere without any clothes on.”

“Baby steps Claire.”

I ignored him because it would never happen.

Normally I walk up the stairs to my third floor apartment but I led Ethan to the lift and as soon as the doors closed I kissed him, another long passionate one and when the doors opened I stuck my foot in the way of it closing and kept the kiss going. Ethan pulled me to him and put his arms round me and grabbed my butt. My stomach pressed on his and I again felt something hard between us.

I’d been thinking about the last time that I felt that hard thing and I realised that it was his cock. Now I’d had all the relevant lessons when I was younger but this was my first, well second, experience of a real cock and it felt so big. My upbringing was telling me to ignore it but my curiosity wanted to see it and touch it.

Ethan pulled me harder to him and I moaned.

The door banging on my foot got annoying so I broke the kiss and took Ethan’s hand and led him to my apartment.

“Sorry about the mess, I’ve never had a visitor before.” I said.

“What mess? It looks great to me.” Ethan replied.

“Hey Claire, when I first left university I lived in a place smaller than this so I’m quite happy being in this apartment with you.”

“Thank you, and I’m happy that you are here. You do realised that you are the first man to be in here, apart from my father when I moved in.”

“Then I am honoured.”

“It’s only an apartment, not a palace. I’ll just go to the bathroom then I’ll put the beans on, are you sure that beans on toast are okay?”


“I’ll be back in a moment, have a seat, you can put the TV on if you want.”

I went to the bathroom and had a pee. Whilst I was sat there I thought,

“What if he wants to have sex with me? Shall I let him? Will he dump me if I won’t let him? Judging by what I hear at work all the girls are getting fucked and I haven’t even seen one wedding ring. My mother would have kittens if she knew that I was thinking like this and seriously considering letting Ethan fuck me tonight. Oh well, Ethan does say that times are changing and girls should do what they want, and boy do I want Ethan to fuck me. Shall I take my underwear off? Shall I change into just my nightie and say that I was getting comfortable? Will he think that my nightie is hideous? Shall I take everything off and walk back to him totally naked?”

I smiled to myself and chickened out from taking anything off.

“Shut up mother.” I said to myself as I pulled my knickers up.

A minute later I opened the bathroom door and there was Ethan.

“Spying on me were you? There’s no spyholes in any of the doors.”

“No Claire, I would never do that to you but give it a month or so and you will be happy for me to be in there with you whilst you’re showering and doing everything else.”

“That sounds nice but I’m not that type of girl Ethan.”

“Every girl is Claire, it’s just that they haven’t realised it yet. Lots of couples are naked all the time in their homes.”

“I can’t see me ever getting to that point.”

“Do you want to get to that point Claire, would you like to be naked with me all the time?”

“That’s just a fantasy Ethan.”

“Is it? Baby steps Claire. So what’s behind this door?”

“My bedroom.” I replied and opened the door.

“So this is where you play with yourself is it Claire?”

I blushed as I remembered the previous night.

“No, I’m a good catholic girl.”

“So are quite a few of the girls at work and I’ll bet you anything that you like that they have all masturbated in their bedrooms, most of them on a very regular basis.”

“You think so?” I asked.

“I know so, it’s human nature.”

“Mum always ……….”

I stopped myself and Ethan said,

“You will always be your mother’s daughter Claire but you are a grown woman now. You have to live YOUR life doing what YOU want to do, not try to relive your mother’s life.”

“You’re right Ethan, and I’m relying on you to help me do that.”

“I will Claire, I will, before you know it I’ll have you cooking meals for us with you wearing only an apron.”

“Yeah right, I’m putting the beans and toast on.” I replied and started towards the kitchen area.

I got the things together then Ethan came up behind me and put his arms round my waist, his hands resting on my stomach.

“That’s nice.” I said as he gently pressed his body to my back and I felt that hard lump against my butt.

As Ethan kissed my neck I wondered what it would be like to have his bare cock pressing against my bare butt.

The microwave beeped and I turned to get the bowl of beans out. Then the toaster popped up the bread. Thirty seconds later Ethan was sat on the second kitchen chair, the one that I had thought would never get used, and we were eating my unimpressive meal.

As we ate I asked Ethan what we were going to do the next day (Saturday) and we planned which shops we were going to visit. When we’d done that and finished eating I looked at Ethan and said,

“I know that I’ve got to make a lot of changes, both in what I wear and how I think and act but I’m not sure that I can change the way you want me to.”

“Claire, it’s not how I want you to change, it’s how you want to change, and you can Claire, you can become the girl of your dreams and I want to help you get there. You’re stronger than you think Claire. Baby steps, maybe we should stop talking about the endgame and just concentrate on the next little step?”

“That sounds good to me Ethan.”

“Good, now let’s go and sit down and watch some TV.”

“Oh, I thought that you’d want to, you know, have sex Ethan.”

“I do Claire, I really do, but we are not going to make love until you are ready. You’ve told me that you are still a virgin and the first time has to be when you want it to be.”

“Thank you Ethan, can we just cuddle please?”

“Of course we can, come here.”

I sat right next to Ethan and leant on him. His response was to put his arm round my neck, his hand hanging down right in front of my right tit. I both wanted him to put his hand on my tit but at the same time I knew that it would embarrass me.

We talked about all sorts of things ignoring the TV that had some boring program on.

I kept looking down Ethan’s front to the bulge in the front of his trousers which wasn’t getting any smaller. I kept wondering what his cock looked like and what it would feel like to have it inside me.

After about an hour and Ethan’s hand occasionally, accidentally brushing against my tit causing me to get quite aroused, after it happened a few times I said,

“Sorry, Ethan but I have to go to the bathroom.”

His arm moved out of the way, I got up and went.

I didn’t need a pee I, I just needed to think. I wanted Ethan’s hand to touch my tit, hell, I wanted him to fuck me, but it would be so embarrassing taking my clothes off. I realised that I’d finally come to the conclusion that my mother was wrong and that it was okay for me to dress like the other girls at work, and for me to have sex with my boyfriend, but how do I get over the embarrassment of getting and being naked with a man, even if he is my boyfriend.

I decided that Ethan was right, baby steps, but which baby step was next? Ten seconds later the top of my dress was getting unfastened and my bra was coming off before the dress was fastened up again.

It felt very strange not having a bra on but my nipples had gone rock hard, they obviously liked not being covered by a bra. Taking a deep breath I opened the door and walked back to Ethan.

He lifted his arm and we resumed the same position as before. With his right hand so close to my right tit that it was tingling a little. That was something new to me but it felt nice.

After a few minutes of talking about the TV program I shifted my butt a little and Ethan’s hand suddenly found that it was holding my tit.

“Sorry Claire, that wasn’t intentional.”

“That’s okay Ethan, leave it there, it feels nice.”

Not only did Ethan leave his hand there, he moved it a bit so that he was cupping it from underneath and his thumb was resting on my nipple – through my dress which was made of thickish cotton. After a short time his thumb started caressing my nipple then he said,

“You wanted me to do this didn’t you Claire? That’s why you took your bra off isn’t it?”

“Yes,” I quietly answered. “How did you know that I’d taken my bra off?”

“Your bra would have had to be super thin for me to feel your tit like that and I doubt that you would have worn a bra like that, I’m guessing that your bras are all industrial strength even though you don’t even need to wear one.”

“Mother said …… sorry, yes you are right, I’m going to try not wearing one for a while.”

“How about all weekend then see what you feel like on Monday morning, but I doubt very much that anyone at work will realise that you are braless.”

Ethan held my right tit a bit more firmly, moved his hand up and down a bit then said,

“I was right, nice and firm, you’ve got tits to be proud of Claire.”

“Thank you Ethan but I’m not ready to show them to anyone - yet.”

“So you can see yourself getting topless sometime?”

“Well other girls do.”

“What about me, are you ready to show them to me yet?”

“I. I, I don’t know.”

“Do you want me to close my eyes while you take your dress off?”

By then, both my tits were tingling and so was my pussy.

“What a nice feeling.” I thought.

“Yes please, would you close your eyes please Ethan, sorry that I’m so shy, I’ve never been naked in front of any man since I was a baby and I can’t remember that. Even my doctors were women.”

“That’s okay Claire, baby steps, you’ll soon be running around here with nothing on.”

“I doubt that, but with you I might, are your eyes closed?”

“They are.”

I got to my feet and started unfastening the top part of my dress. As my tits got uncovered I unfastened the belt and down to the floor went my dress. Somehow I managed to keep my hands at my sides and I’m sure that my face was bright red and my heart was pounding as I said,

“Okay, you can open your eyes now Ethan.”

I looked at Ethan’s eyes and saw them go up and down me. He had a big smile on his face as he said,

“My impressions were right Claire, you really are beautiful, you have a body that you should be proud of and be proud to show it to the whole world.”

I was still blushing and my heart was still pounding as Ethan continued,

“Will you turn round for me please Claire?”

I did, stopping with my back to him.

“Yes, I just knew it, a cute, small, round butt, Those cheeks will fit nicely in my hands.”

“Can I sit down now please, this is so embarrassing.”

“Here, sit on my lap Claire.”

I backed up and sat down. It felt so weird being nearly naked and feeling Ethan’s clothes against my bare skin. Ethan put his left arm round me to support my back and his left hand came to rest below my left tit.

“Relax Claire, I can feel your heart pounding.”

“I’m surprised that my face isn’t burning you, it’s on fire.”

Ethan squeezed my body, another strange feeling, then he turned to look at my face and kissed me. This turned into a long, passionate kiss and I started to relax. Then his right hand moved to my right tit and started caressing it causing me to moan through the kiss. My embarrassment was all gone and was replaced by wonderful feelings that I had never experienced before.

When the kiss finally broke I lay back in Ethan’s arm and said,

“That was amazing Ethan.”

“Look at you Claire, nearly naked in my arms and not a hint of embarrassment or even shyness.”

“Stop it, I’ll get embarrassed if I think about it.”

“Then don’t think, just kiss me.”

“I will if you keep playing with my tits.”

We did and he did and I enjoyed every millisecond of it.

Finally over, we relaxed. Ethan’s hand slid off my tit and down to my waist where it touched the top of my large knickers.

“Wow,” Ethan said, “these really are granny pants, your mother has a lot to answer for.”

I lifted Ethan’s hand, put it back on my tit and said,

“I do have a lot of catching up to do don’t I?”

“There’s no hurry Claire, we’ll move at your pace, do new things when you want to do them.”

“Thank you Ethan, I love you.”

“And I love you too Claire. Maybe I should leave now before I try to do something that you aren’t ready for.”

“You mean have sex?”


“In spite of my mother always telling me that I every girl should wait until they got married, and I believed that until recently, I now want to have sex with you Ethan.”

“It won’t be having sex Claire, it will be love making, there is a difference.”

“I guess that you are right. You are also right about the other thing, I am not ready, but I’m getting there, besides, we’re going to have to think about birth control.”

“I have some condoms.” Ethan said,

“Good, that’s a good start but in spite of the Pope and my mother, I want to have lots of sex and I don’t want to get pregnant. I need to go and see a doctor and discuss the options.”

“Do you realise that the doctor may want examine you internally?”

“No I didn’t. Oh, that will be embarrassing.”

“There’s no need to be embarrassed about your doctor seeing you naked Claire.”

“I guess not.”

“Think of the end game, or should I say the games that we will be able to play without you getting pregnant.”

“Yeah, you’re right, but I haven’t got a doctor. I haven’t got around to registering with one.”

“I’ll take you to my doctor before we go shopping in town tomorrow, they have Saturday morning surgeries.”

“”Thank you Ethan.

“And talking about shopping, we’ve got to do something about those knickers, they’re horrible.”

“Yes they are.”

Then I surprised myself as I said,

“Do you want me to take them off?”

“Yes please, but only if YOU want to.”

“I do but I’m scared.”

“Then don’t, I can wait until you are ready.”

I surprised myself again by saying,

“Will you take them off for me please?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, quickly please, before I chicken out.”

Ethan’s right hand left my right tit and slid down to the top of my knickers and started to pull them down. As you can imagine, pulling down some knickers with one hand whilst the victim(?) is sat in them is nearly impossible and after struggling for a minute or so I said,

“Let me go and I’ll stand up.”

I got to my feet in front of Ethan not feeling too embarrassed, probably because it had been funny watching him struggle, then both his hands went to the sides of my knickers and he slowly lowered them to the floor.

Instinct told me to cover my pussy with my hands but I fought it and I stood there, completely naked, in front of the siting Ethan.

Ethan just stared at me with a big smile on his face.

“Say something Ethan.” I finally said, “before I get more embarrassed and run to my bedroom.”

Ethan put his hands to mine, and replied,

“Awesome, fabulous, beautiful, sorry, I can’t think of any more appropriate adjectives at the moment, I’m just too stunned to think straight.”

“Stop it Ethan, you really are trying to embarrass me.”

“No I’m not, it’s the truth, come here.”

Ethan pulled me onto his lap and I again felt that hard bulge, but this time there was less between it and my bare skin. We hugged and kissed for ages with Ethan caressing my tits.

After a few minutes Ethan backed off and said,

“I really do have to go before I do something we both might regret later.”

“You don’t have to go.”

“Yes I do, I don’t trust myself.”

I was disappointed but I knew what he meant. Then he said,

“You’ve taken a few baby steps this evening and I’m proud of you Claire.”

Then he moved his hand towards my pussy, got hold of some of my pubic hair and said,

“A lot of girls shave all this off. Some leave a little bit at the front but most shave it all off.”

“I remember some of the girls at college were bald down there but I assumed that they just never grew any.”

“Doubtful, they probably preferred the feeling of being bald.”

“Do you think that I should shave mine off?”

“Not my decision Claire.”

“I might just do that, I’ve got a razor that I use for my arms and legs.”

“It’s up to you Claire. Come on, get off me so that I can leave.”

I did and I found myself walking to the door and even opening it whilst I was still totally naked. Ethan put his arms around me and have me a long kiss. I wanted it to go on for ever but at the same time my naked body was visible to anyone who walked along the corridor.

Finally Ethan left, I shut the door and lent back on it.

“Oh my gawd, what an evening. Look at me, I’m stark naked behind my front door and Ethan has been playing with my tits. Oh may gawd. But it was nice, I wonder if Ethan will do the same tomorrow.

I walked over to my knickers and dress and was about to put them on when I thought,

“No, Ethan is right, no one can see me so what does it matter?”

But it did feel strange walking around my apartment tidying up. When I went to the bathroom I did my usual routine the stood in front of the mirror and looked down at my pubic hair. I could understand why a lot of girls shaved theirs off, I’m sure that it was more hygienic and it wouldn’t look as ugly. I decided that when I shaved my arms and legs in the morning I would also shave all of my pussy. I hoped that Ethan would like the new me.

“Baby steps.” I said to myself as I went and got into bed, another first for me, another baby step and it felt nice, so nice that I wondered why I hadn’t done it before.

As I lay there reflecting on my evening I decided that I it had been a good evening. Ethan had said baby steps but I thought that overall I had taken quite a leap towards being like the other girls at work. My right hand drifted to my tits and I decided to see if I could replicate the feelings that I’d had when Ethan caressed them. As I caressed my tits the feelings came back but not as strong as when Ethan did it.

Then my hand slid down to my pussy. Of course I knew what was where and I’d been to all the relevant lessons when I was younger but I’d never really played around there because both my mother and the nuns had told me that it was sinful. I was really questioning that now so I let my fingers explore and I quickly discovered that there was a lot of pleasure to be had by rubbing my clitoris.

So much pleasure that at first I thought I was dying but then I remembered listening to the girls in the break room and I realised that I had had my first orgasm.

Wow, I now knew what I’d been missing all those years and I wanted Ethan to give me more, lots more.

I’d just settled and was trying to got to sleep when I heard my phone ringing. Because I really only had a mobile for emergencies I immediately assumed that something had happened to one of my parents. The phone was in my bag in the lounge area so I jumped out of bed and ran to get it.

“Hi baby steps,” Ethan said, “I just wanted to hear your voice.”

“Oh hi Ethan, it’s good to hear from you. I guess that I need to start keeping my phone close-by from now on.”

“I didn’t wake you did I?”

“No, it’s just, never mind, it isn’t important”

“Are you still naked Claire?”

“Yes I am, it was a nice feeling getting into bed without any clothes on.”

“Did you play with yourself?”

I blushed even though it was pointless, then replied,

“Yes I did, and I gave myself my first orgasm”

“Wow, I wished that I had been there to witness it.”

“Sorry, I should have not played with my pussy I should have waited until you were here.”

“No, no, you make yourself cum when ever you want.”

“I want you to make me cum Ethan.”

“I will Claire, I will, starting tomorrow.

We talked some more then said goodnight and I went to bed.

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