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I used to be so shy but not any more and I love the way I am now.
Baby Steps

by Vanessa Evans

Part 3

Skipping forward three months, I have now fully moved in with Ethan and given up my apartment. I was glad that I had left one of my old dresses un-shortened because one weekend Ethan and I drove to my parent’s house to say hello, give them my apartment deposit back and to introduce Ethan, who played the perfect catholic choir boy and kept his hands off me all weekend. He even slept in the spare bedroom and talked with my parents about him being unhappy that he wasn’t able to visit my parent’s church because we had to set off back early on the Sunday morning.

As we finally drove away I told Ethan that I was never going back there ever again and that he needed to find somewhere where we could stop so that he could fuck me. He pulled into a service are and we walked through the lorry parking area then through a gap in a hedge to a grassy field where we fucked.

A couple of the lorry drivers must have seen us going through the hedge and guessed what we were going to do because when I rolled on top of Ethan and started riding him cowgirl style I saw the two men watching us and it made me want to ride Ethan for as long as I could. Fortunately Ethan had already cum once and I had sucked him back to life and he was able to stay hard as I rode him through my second and third orgasms.

Of course I’d told Ethan that we had an audience and he asked me if I was okay with them watching and when I said that I was he seemed to get a bit harder and was thrusting up to meet me as I went down on him.

When we were finally spent I rolled off him and just lay there on the grass with my legs spread wide and his cum slowly draining out of me. I heard the two men clapping their hands so I gave them the thumbs-up sign and presumably they left because I didn’t see them again.

As we continued our journey Ethan asked me what my feelings were when the two lorry drivers were watching us have sex. I told him that I’d surprised myself by actually enjoying it, that it had made me want to fuck him harder.

“So how would you feel about deliberately getting fucked with other people watching us Claire?”

“Hmm, accidents are one thing but. ……. yes, I think that I’d like that. Why, what are you planning?

“Nothing, absolutely nothing Claire, it was just a silly idea.”

“It wasn’t silly Ethan, we need to talk about these things.”

“Yes we do.” Ethan replied.

“Do you think that the other girls at work have sex in public Ethan?

“I have no idea. On the odd occasion I’ve heard them talking and I wouldn’t rule it out.”

“I think that I’d like to try it sometime.” I replied.

On the subject of the other girls at work they have started talking to me a lot more and they’ve even asked me to join them when they go out on a Friday evening. I went with them a few Fridays ago and it didn’t go as well as I had hoped.

The problem started with, and was totally caused by, my total inexperience at drinking alcohol. I’d told them that I don’t drink alcohol and at first I only had soft drinks, but as the evening went on I started to feel a little strange and when I asked what was in my last drink the girl who bought them said,

“Just a little something to get you in the mood Claire.” was the reply I got.

In the mood for what, I didn’t know but I moved on and continued drinking. The strange feeling got worse and I realised that I was slurring my words. My newish friends had got me drunk, but I was happy.

I can’t remember what happened later on in the evening but next morning Ethan told me that I was naked when he came to pick me up at closing time. When both he and I asked the girls how I ended up naked all they would tell either of us was that I’d had a good time and that it was good to see me enjoying myself.

Ethan was amused by it all and after I’d recovered from my first ever hangover, and I still couldn’t remember what I’d got up to, I had to accept what the girls said, that I’d enjoyed myself.

Another girls event that I got invited to, and went, was a sex toys party. Before the party I’d never had a sex toy and Ethan and I have such and active sex life that we don’t need them so I agreed to go for more of an education than to get any. The part started without any toys, just talking, eating the snacks and drinking wine. I didn’t get drunk and I managed to stop drinking once I realised that I was starting to go that way but I was happy and when the toys started to appear and the host, Lucy, asked for someone to demonstrate those toys, I easily got talked into volunteering.

They soon talked me into getting naked and talked me into putting all sorts of toys inside me and the vibrating variety caused me to have a few orgasms. It was an all girls party, mainly the girls from work and I remember them telling me that I was great sport for volunteering.

The sex toy party isn’t the only party that the girls have invited me to. It would appear that the girls have a party at different girl’s houses about once per fortnight and they’d started asking Ethan and I to go to them. I was thrilled to be included as it made me feel that I was really becoming one the girls.

When we got to the first party it was all a bit new to me. I suppose that it was a bit like the sex toys party to start with, people standing around talking in groups and drinking. Ethan told me that most parties start that way.

After a while some music was put on and a couple of girls started dancing and Ethan suggested that I join them. Back at college one of the few pleasure that girls had was to dance in the communal rooms to music from a radio and I’d always enjoyed that unapproved activity, so I went and joined the dancing girls in the middle of the room.

I’d been dancing for a few minutes when I noticed that the number of men sitting on the floor around the edge of the room had increased. There was a few girls but it was mainly the partners of the girls at work. Apart from shoes, I was only wearing a little black dress that Ethan had bought me, and like all the skirts and dresses that Ethan buys me it is very short, in fact I cant bend over in it without showing some of my bare butt.

It took me a few seconds to realise that the people sat on the floor would probably be able to see part of my butt and pussy. I looked at the other girls dancing and saw that I wasn’t the only girl wearing and ultra short dress. I also realised that my pussy had started to tingle a bit and was getting quite damp.

“So pussy, you like men looking at you?” I thought and decided to try to let the men, and maybe the girls, get a good look.

I danced to the edge of the dance area and made sure that either my back or my front was facing the men. After I’d seen the nearest man looking up at me for a minute or so I’d move a bit round the room so that another man got a good look.

When I got round to where Ethan was standing talking to a couple of guys I went over to him and kissed him.

“You’re a bit drunk.” Ethan said.

“I’m enjoying myself.” I said.

“Stay there.” Ethan said, “I’ll get you a drink.”

He went off and I looked around and saw that I was stood next to a man who was sat on the floor, and he was looking at at me, well up my skirt. I giggled then turned so that I was square on to him and spread my feet a bit so that he could see all of my pussy that was starting to tingle some more.

It was a couple of minutes before Ethan got back and I could see the man looking at my pussy all the time.

When Ethan did get back I downed the drink in one go and then asked him what it was.

“Cola, on it’s own.”

“Oh, I guess that I don’t want a hangover.”

“No, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy yourself Claire, go and have some fun.”

I giggled a bit then turned to go and dance again. Just as I was about to step over the legs that were near my feet I felt Ethan’s hand on my back between my shoulder blades, not a problem but I also felt the zip at the back of the dress being pulled down a bit. My first reaction was to pull away, and I did but as I started dancing I started thinking,

“Was Ethan letting me know that I should take my dress off? No, he always leaves that decision to me. Maybe he was just getting me to think about it? That’s more feasible. Well I did enjoy those lorry drivers watching me ride Ethan in the field at the service area, maybe I should take my dress off. No, that would make me look too slutish, but if someone else were to unzip me and my dress were to fall off that wouldn’t be so bad would it?”

As I kept dancing and moving around the edge of the room I bumped into Lucy who had hosted the sex top party. We smiled at each other and we danced facing each other for a minute or so before she reached over and spoke into my ear,

“I know that you enjoyed being naked at my party and we’ve all seen your pussy at work so you should get naked here too.”

I stopped and looked at Lucy and my jaw dropped.

“No.” I said but it was too late, Lucy had reached round and pulled the dress zip right down. I just stood there as my dress descended to the floor leaving me naked from my feet up.

I heard some cheering above the music and Lucy took my hands and started dancing. I shrugged my shoulders and started dancing again, stepping out of the pool of my dress and kicked it to the side of the room.

I looked at Lucy and saw a big smile so I smiled back and kept dancing.

As I danced I looked around the room and saw all the men who were looking at me. My hair wasn’t tied up so it was floating all over the place, including over my little tits at times. I kept pulling it back over my back and realised that I was doing that so that the men could better see my tits, what’s more I was really enjoying all the men seeing me naked.

For a couple of seconds I thought back to when I first moved to that city and how different I was now, how much happier I am now. I actually laughed as I thought what my mother would think if she saw me right then.

Back in the real world I looked around and saw that some men had also started dancing and I saw one man dancing so close to a girl that I assumed that they arrived together, then I got a surprise as the man slowly lifted the girl’s top up, her hands going up in the air for him to take it right off. I didn’t get a good look, and I didn’t really want to, but I saw that her tits were much bigger than mine and they were really bouncing about as she danced.

“I’m glad that mine as small.” I thought and looked down to see that mine were hardly even wobbling.

Eventually Ethan came and started dancing with me. The grin on his face told me that he was happy and not mad with me. After a while he danced behind me then put his arms round me. Our dancing slowed to more of swaying to the music as I leant back on him and his hands moved up to my tits and started playing with them.

I was facing the side of the room and there were two couples watching me. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the feeling, then after a minute or so Ethan’s right hand slid down my front to my pussy. I moaned as his hand cupped my pussy for a few seconds then started to explore. Moving my feet apart to give him better access I felt his fingers go from my clit to my hole and back again over and over.

This had the inevitable effect and I started to cum, my body shaking with the odd jerk just to make sure that I knew what was happening.

When I opened my eyes I saw that the two couples had increased to a whole group, all trying to get a better look at what Ethan was doing to me. I just lay my head back on Ethan’s shoulder and luxuriated in the satisfied feelings that I had.

But Ethan wasn’t done, he eased me backwards, turning me as we went. My eyes were still closed but I just knew that he had turned me to face the main part of the room with lots of people there. I opened my eyes for a couple of seconds and confirmed that I now had a lot more people watching me. My eyes may only have been open for a couple of seconds but I registered the topless girl and two other girls, one as naked as me and another wearing just a thong or a G-string, what’s more they had more hands on their bodies than the body owned.

I closed my eyes again and enjoyed Ethan’s fingers on his right hand playing with my pussy and those of his left hand playing with my tits.

If I thought that those lorry drivers watching me was exhilarating then this was pure heaven. We just swayed to the music as Ethan brought me to another orgasm

A bit later, when Ethan’s fingers had decided that they shouldn’t, or couldn’t bring me to a third orgasm, the tempo of the music changed and I stopped leaning on Ethan and started properly dancing but still holding one of Ethan’s hands.

I looked around and saw that two girls were getting the same treatment as Ethan had just given me. After a while it struck me that I must have given Ethan a dose of blue balls so I took his hand and led him out through the kitchen and round the back of the garage. There I asked him,

“Blowjob or a fuck?”

He chose the latter so I leant towards the garage, put my hands on it and waggled my butt. Within seconds he was ramming his cock into my pussy making me cum quite quickly. He didn’t stop and I could just feel the start of a fourth orgasm building when I felt him tense then start pumping his seed deep inside me.

I wasn’t going to get that fourth orgasm but I didn’t mind, I was sure that I’d get at least one more when we got home.

Nobody seemed to care when Ethan came back inside with his naked girlfriend in tow.

Totally gone was the girl who would get very embarrassed at even the thought of accidentally showing her knickers to someone. She had been replaced by a girl who loved her body and not only was happy for people to accidentally see it, but enjoyed the sexual feeling that were generated when she blatantly displayed her body.

For the rest of the night I had Ethan’s cum leaking out of me and running down the insides of my thighs and I didn’t care. To me it was a badge of honour.

We stood around talking to various people and I got lots of tingles whenever I saw the man looking me up and down as I acted like I was fully clothed.

Somehow Ethan and I got split up but I still circulated and at one point I met with another naked girl, Emily, and the one who had been wearing just a G-string which had since disappeared, Rose. We chatted and I discovered that they too really enjoyed being naked, Rose suggesting that we have a ‘naked at work’ day. Emily and I both thought that it was a great idea but we all agreed that it was a non-starter as there were too many prudes at work.

I also asked them if them getting naked at these parties was a common occurrence and I was pleased to hear that it was.

When I finally got back to Ethan I asked him if he knew that the odd girl or two got naked at the parties and he said that he did but he hadn’t been lucky enough to get invited until I became his girlfriend. I squeezed his hand and told him that I’d accept more invites to the parties just so that he could look at the other naked girls.

“But I only want to look at you naked.” Was his reply.

I squeezed his hand and told him that I was going to fuck his brains out when we got home. I knew that he was lying, what sane man wouldn’t want to look at a naked girl, but it was very sweet of him.

About an hour later the party started to wind-down and I went looking for my dress. Fortunately someone had folded it and put it on the window sill and we left with me looking forward to the next party.

When we got home we made love right until the sun started to come up.


Another thing that we decided to try was having sex on the little balcony outside the lounge. It’s not even big enough to have a chair out there, just stand there enjoying the fresh air, or for me to stand there and Ethan to fuck me from behind. We’ve done it four times so far and the risk that someone might see us really does turn me on. We haven’t seen anyone watching us but they could have from inside their apartments.

We’ve done that three times so far and will keep doing it until the weather gets too cold.


As you will have gathered from the previous parts of my story, I spend the vast majority if my time at home totally naked. Well a few weeks ago Ethan’s brother Matt came to stay for a week whilst he was working nearby. Ethan pre warned me and asked me if I was going to wear anything whist Matt was with us. I thought for a whole one second before saying that I wasn’t and when Matt arrived I think that he was a bit shocked to find out that firstly Ethan had a girlfriend and secondly that she greeted him totally naked.

The next thing that surprised Matt was that I’ve got used to sitting like men do, with their knees wide apart. As well as me liking Ethan looking at my pussy, Ethan like’s looking at my spread pussy and I am more than happy to oblige this request. It’s developed into a habit so it wasn’t long before Matt was staring at my spread pussy, something that he didn’t complain about.

This habit has nearly got me into trouble a few times when I’ve been out with Ethan. If I was displaying my charms in an inappropriate place Ethan has come to my rescue and told me to close my knees.

There has also been times when he has told me that someone is looking at me and where we were it wasn’t inappropriate so I haven’t closed my knees and all three of us have benefited from the experience.

Without thinking I’ve also sat like that at work a few times. At my desk that isn’t a problem because it has a modesty board but I’ve done it a couple of times in the break room. The first time one of the girls asked me if I knew what I was showing and I immediately clamped my knees together but the second time a couple of the young men who work there came and sat opposite me. After a minute or so I looked up and saw the direction of their eyes and blushed, clamped my knees together and said,

“Oops, sorry, I forgot where I was.”

“That’s okay Claire, you won’t get any complaints from us.”

I smiled at them, cursed myself for being so careless in an inappropriate place and felt my pussy tingling.

Anyway back to Matt, he soon got used to seeing me naked and me not objecting when he stared at my pussy. A couple of evenings we went out for a meal but the other nights I cooked a meal then we sat around talking and drinking. Sometimes I’d sit on Ethan’s lap and he’d cuddle me as we all talked, but we often sit like that we are alone and it’s not uncommon for Ethan’s hand to start playing with my tits or pussy whilst we talk, and a couple of times when Matt was there we got carried away with him watching us whilst we talked..

The first time Ethan ended up fingering me and playing with my clit. I don’t think that he intended to make me cum but he did and when I said that I was about to cum I think that it surprised both of them. I had reached the point of no return and I moaned and shook and jerked whilst Ethan held on to me. And it was an intense orgasm, probably because we were being watched but also because of the long, slow build up.

As I was coming down from my high I realised that Ethan and Matt were still talking, it was like it hadn’t happened, but it sure as hell had, and I’d loved every second of it.

The next time that I was sat on Ethan’s lap whilst we were all talking, and Ethan had started idly fingering me, I was getting more and more aroused so I stopped him for a few seconds whilst I lifted up, unzipped his jeans, got his cock out and impaled myself as I settled down again. Yes, Ethan’s idle fingering me had made him hard and I had decided that I didn’t want to waste it.

My orgasm continued to slowly build as Ethan played with my clit and I got close I contracted and relaxed my pussy muscles which must have got to Ethan because we both orgasmed at the same time, with Matt still watching us.

When Ethan’s orgasm was over he said,

“Sorry Matt, what were you saying?”

After that, when we went to bed, Ethan and I made love with the bedroom door open, something that we always do, and a couple of times when I was riding Ethan I looked to the door and saw Matt watching us. Each time I waved to him and carried on bouncing up and down on Ethan’s cock.

On the way home from work on the Friday after Matt had left, I asked Ethan if he wanted me to let Matt fuck me. Without any hesitation Ethan said that it was up to me but if I did let him Ethan wanted to watch.

I told Ethan that I might just let Matt fuck me the next time that he stays with us. I guess that Ethan was happy with that because we only just got through the front door of the apartment before Ethan pinned me against the wall, took my dress off and fucked me with a lot of urgency.

Yes, Matt and I did fuck six weeks later when he came to stay with us again. It was the Tuesday evening when we were sat around talking, me sitting on Ethan’s lap. Matt was looking frustrated so I asked him if he had blue balls. After he said that he had I asked him if he’d like me to take care of his problem.

Matt looked at Ethan who nodded his head so I got off Ethan’s lap and as I walked over to him I said,

“Pull your jeans and pants down Matt.”

He did and a cock equal to Ethan’s sprang out. I think that Matt was expecting me to kneel between his legs and give him a blowjob but when I got to him I turned my back to him and lowered my butt towards his cock. As I got closer my right hand went between my legs, held onto his cock at the right angle and I impaled myself on him.

“Oh fuck,” Matt said, “you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that.”

”Thank you Matt,” I replied as I bounced up and down, “but you should really get yourself a girlfriend, from what I’m told blue balls aren’t very healthy.”

I rode him until we’d both cum then went and sat on Ethan’s lap again. The conversation picked up where it had left off, and when Ethan and I later went to bed we both had a great sense of urgency to our lovemaking.

I fucked Matt like that two more nights before he went home, both times with Ethan watching and both times we had an amazing time on our bed when we went to bed.


Ethan and I often talk about me being naked in public and us having sex in public and we try to think of places where we can indulge in our fantasies. One day I suggested that we go back to that service area where the lorry drivers saw us but Ethan came up with a better idea. After doing a bit of online research Ethan told me that we were going to introduce ourselves to the world of dogging. He had to explain to me what dogging was and as soon as he did I couldn’t wait to go.

Ethan had read about a lay-by on a road not far from us that was the result of the road being straightened but the council not having the old bits of road returned to the farmers so they made great, unofficial lay-bys that are screened from the road by hedges and trees. We decided to go one Friday straight after work.

Not being an official lay-by the entrance was more like a dirt track but Ethan’s car made it okay and we saw four more cars there. We drove to the end and saw that there was no one in two of the cars and just a man in each of the other two. We decided that it was okay to have a bit of fun so Ethan parked up facing the other cars.

We’d read that flashing your headlights and turning the interior light on was the signal that told voyeurs that you wanted people to come and watch. It was daylight so the interior light was pointless but Ethan held back and turned to me and started kissing me.

We soon got into it and I started to get aroused, maybe because we were both hoping that someone would come and watch us. My top and skirt were soon off leaving me naked and when we didn’t see anyone I suggested that we get out of the car and that Ethan fuck me over the front of the car. Ethan agreed and said that even if no one came and watched us it would still be amazing fucking out in the open with vehicles zooming passed less than ten metres away.

As Ethan thrust in and out of me I turned my head and saw that a man had come to watch us. He was stood slightly behind and to one side of Ethan. I was a little nervous as I smiled at the man who then moved closer so that he could get a better look. Ethan saw him and just continues trusting in and out of me.

When I looked again I saw that the man had been joined by another. My orgasm arrived first, closely followed by Ethan’s. When Ethan started to go soft he stepped back and I turned around and leant back on the car with my legs spread and Ethan’s cum seeping out of me.

“You can look but don’t touch.” Ethan said and one of the men replied,

“No problem mate, she’d certainly worth looking at.”

I smiled and started playing with one of my nipples.

My spare hand reach for Ethan’s flaccid cock and started wanking it, hoping that it would come back to life again. It did and Ethan lifted my butt onto the car, my bare back going down on the warm metal covering the engine. Then Ethan lifted my legs up and fucked me again.

We both orgasmed again and Ethan pulled out of me but I wanted more so my right hand went to my pussy and I jilled until I came again, which wasn’t long, possibly because two unknown men were watching me.

When I finally lowered my legs and got off the car Ethan turned to the two men and said,

“Thank you guys, we’re going now but there’s every chance that we will be back other nights.”

“You’re better coming later, around 10 p.m. mate, flashing your headlights and putting your interior light on if you want people to come and watch you. Fridays are best.”

“Thank, we’ll remember that.” Ethan said as we got into the car.

I didn’t bother putting my clothes on and we drove to Ethan’s apartment with me still naked and telling each other how much fun we’d had. We used the back door again.

We’ve been back there four times so far and apart from me masturbating then fucking inside the car I’ve progressed to giving wanks through the window. I’m still deciding if I want to stick my butt out of the window and let the men fuck me, with a condom of course. Ethan tells me that it’s my decision but he will enjoy watching from outside the car so that he can make sure that any man who fucks me does wear a condom.

I think that I’m going to do it but I still need to build a little more courage. Maybe I should get Ethan to take me for a drink before we go there. But whatever I decide, I’ll be doing in in baby steps.



2022-04-05 06:11:10
I'm waiting for part 4

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