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Alice's corruption goes further
Dr. Hillman sat across from his patient, sitting in a’ trance’ state, and reflected on how it was going. Hillman was happy with his patient's progress. Clearly Alice was experiencing a disconnect between her actions and her thoughts, but already he was beginning to see her mind change to close the gap. Her experience with Rich had left her perfectly conflicted, and questioning both why she had stayed and sucked her abusive coworkers cock, and how finally she had gotten approval from her tormentor as a result of that torment. This conflict between actions and state of mind was disturbing to experience, and so would eventually cause a patient to modify their own personality and beliefs to reduce the disconnect. If only Hillman had been a trained professional many years ago when he had pursued that “bitch” Jenny…. Alice was the spitting image of her, and through no fault of her own, she had become Dr. Hillmans vehicle for his own form of revenge masked as self-treatment.

Hillman considered her recent disclosures and decided to probe a little deeper. This treatment was most effective when it aligned forced actions with the patient's natural value system. “So Alice, it seems like men that interact with you physically have an easier time liking you?” In her trance induced state, she nodded in agreement, always the type to seek approval and acceptance. He continued “Furthermore, would you agree that these men seem more likely to be lonely, and so have a deeper appreciation for your company?” causing her to again nod. “I bet you like making other people happy, because you want to be a good person, even if it leaves you uncomfortable, don’t you?” eliciting a sleepy smile from his patient.

“Alice, I think it’s important you stay true to your vision of yourself. You should keep trying to make other people happy, especially if they seem lonely, and even more so if what they want ‘isn’t a big deal’. If you need help understanding what is, or is not, a big deal, and you’re ever confused, you should just ask your husband or myself’. Doing good things will naturally bring you a sense of satisfaction” Alice seemed to take his advice in and slowly agreed it was reasonable. “I understand that these things will always make you uncomfortable, but it's necessary to get people to like you, and eventually they’ll be satisfied and want no more. It’s also true that making people feel good physically, if they really need it, can trigger similar feelings in yourself”.

“So, with all of that said, I think there are some new things you should work on this week.” Hillman noticed that as he said that, her body leaned towards him, as if trying to hang onto every word he was about to say. It didn’t hurt that it was showing off her tits in that tight top. He paused to wonder if she had worn ‘for’ him. “First, you should explore being proactive in discovering the needs of others. If someone appears unhappy with you, or seems to want something, try figuring out what that is. Additionally, I often find that we feel the greatest sense of fulfillment when helping those who most need it. Try paying more attention to the people that seem downtrodden, lonely, or you have the most interpersonal conflict with.” Hillman decided to end things there. Too much change in a short period could cause Alice to panic, and abandon the process. Hillman slowly brought Alice out of her trance for a last check in.

“So, how are you feeling?” he asked. “A little tired, but not too bad… how long was I out for?” She asked. “Oh, not very long. We just went over a few mantras to build confidence and inner-peace” he lied reassuringly. “I look forward to seeing you next week” he added standing up, with a burning desire to see where this would lead her.

Unlike last week, Jason noticed more drastic changes right away. It wasn’t just that she was dressing more provocatively when he said he wanted to show her off to others a little. The very same night after her session, he gave her one of his classic “I’m-horny-but-too-tired-of-being-shot-down-to-say-so” looks… and shockingly, she flat out asked him what was going on. Day by day, he shared more with her, in part, mistaking her forced curiosity with a desire to actually fulfill the requests. Thursday started with getting Alice to talk about how much she wanted him to fuck her in the kitchen, and tear her little pussy up. The next night involved him putting a finger in her ass while he fucked her, and taking some fairly hard core posed pictures he later saved to his computer. Sure, she said no to anal the night after, and the following day refused to record a kinky roleplay masturbation video saying “he didn’t need it”, but it was certainly progress from several weeks ago. They were finally talking about sex, and he was getting an innitial “yes” to everything, even if later she ended up backing out. He felt a little guilty about collaborating with Dr. Hillman behind his wife's back, but with these results, it was easy enough to “forget” about the guilt.

There were also some slightly worrying signs. A few days during the week his wife came home looking disheveled. True, she was still an absolute stunner, with well coordinated outfits, sexy heels, and perfectly applied makeup, but she looked a little more “frazzled” than her normal highly composed self. It was a collection of small observations. Her smeared makeup made it hard to tell if she had been crying. Her clothes seemed wrinkled. She often seemed distracted, or in another place. Jason reached out to Dr. Hillman with his concerns, but the therapist informed him that it was natural for patients undergoing these types of changes to seem a little different, or more agreeable, and that as long as Jason was seeing the “positive changes” he wanted, he shouldn’t be too concerned. Given how much more fun his nights had become, it was hard to argue.

Early on Monday morning, Jason got a call from his dad, Jackson, asking if Jason would be willing to drive out and help with some errands, because his father’s car had broken down. It was difficult to do so because his father lives about two hours away. Unfortunately, he had several client-facing meetings at work, and it would have been a disaster to reschedule. Alice was in the kitchen eating breakfast when the call came in, and it gave Jason an idea. “Hey dear, I know it’s probably not your favorite idea, but would you be willing to take off work, and give my dad a ride to a few places today?” Alice looked conflicted, and while her eyes seemed to scream no, she responded “Sure, I’d be happy to”.

It was a pleasant surprise for Jason. Jason cared a lot about his dad, who was his last surviving parent. He had always been a strong role model for him, though perhaps with difficult expectations for Jason to live up to. Jason chalked that up to him being the youngest of three brothers, so his dad was on the older side. It was a shame that his father and Alice had a relationship that could best be described as tense. Sure, they were polite around each other, but something had kept them from really warming up to each other for several years. Feeling relieved that he could just focus on work, he kissed his beautiful wife, finished getting ready and left for work.

When Jason got home, Alice still wasn’t back yet. He had a microwave dinner while waiting to hear from his wife, and was starting to worry, when he got a text from his dad. “Sorry bud. The errands took far longer than expected. You know how slow the auto shop can be! Alice is going to crash here so she doesn’t have to drive home too tired. Thanks for loaning her out to me :)”. He tried calling Alice, but she didn’t pick up.

Jason didn’t see Alice until the next day after work. When they spoke, she was furious that he had made her spend so long with his dad, which he understood, and promised she wouldn’t have to see him again any time soon. He tried mentioning that it seemed like it made his dad really happy to have her help him, but that only elicited the weirdest combination of pain and smiles from her at the same time.

They didn’t interact much over the next day before Alice’s weekly therapy meeting. Jason sent Dr.Hillman an email, warning him that Alice seemed peeved about having to help his dad. Dr. Hillman responded reassuring him that he would handle things.

Thursday finally came again, and Dr. Hillman could barely contain his excitement. Right on schedule, he heard a knock on his door, and opened it up to see Alice. She strode in wearing a short black skirt, pumps, and a tight white sweater that left a little of her tight belly showing while perfectly outlining her tits. Alice barely lifted her eyes from the floor to meet his gaze as she entered the room. They went through a little small talk before he worked her back into a state of trance, and began reviewing her week with her.

“So Alice, how has the last week been?” There was a long pause before she answered. The trance should have made her incredibly forthcoming, but he could tell she was desperate to hold things back from him. This only made him more curious.

“I barely recognize myself anymore” she responded in a distant tone. “What do you mean by that? Maybe you should just tell me about your week.” Hillman added, pushing her to continue.

“Well, it started with me asking Jason more about what he wants. It was a little weird, because I feel like every time I do what he wants… he just asks for more. At first it was just saying kinky things to him, and letting him take a picture, but then he wanted to fuck my ass, and he asked me to pretend to be a hooker while fucking myself with a dildo while he recorded it”. It’s even worse that I don’t really enjoy doing any of this. I mean, he seems to think he’s entitled to my body, and it’s not like I need to work on getting him to like me more unlike ....” Alice stopped herself there.

“Unlike who” Hillman probed. “Well.” She continued. “Rich, for starters. I saw him at work again on Friday. It was only a quick moment in the hallway, but he took the chance to grab my tits and tell me ‘It’s a fucking shame I’m actually busy today, but don’t you worry, I’ve clearned my calendar next week so we can actually find something useful for you to do around here’. He then took my phone and typed his number into it before handing it back to me and telling me ‘now go to the bathroom and show me what those tits look like underneath that dress’. And I did exactly that. Now over the last few days, he’s asked for more pictures, and I keep sending them. I don’t know why I do it, but every time I do it I feel good for a little while, and convince myself that if I just do it once more, he’ll be satisfied and I can stop.”

Hillman took Alice’s phone from her and looked through her texts. What he found was escalating correspondence between Alice and someone he assumed was Rich. It started with a fairly tame shot of her softly holding her tits in some restroom. From there he saw pictures of her fingering herself, and playing with a dildo. The climax so far was her sitting naked, on her knees, hands cupping her breasts, her mouth open, and a small sign in front of her that read ‘Rich’s filthy cock slut’. There was a final request for her to send one with the dildo in her ass, but it was as of yet unfulfilled. Hillman shook his head and smiled while thinking to himself “pictures aren’t a big deal, are they Jason?”

Hillman placed the phone back next to Alice and continued. “Is there anyone else that you’ve had encounters like that with?” Alice nodded. “I had to apologize to some construction workers for being rude to them…. I met a lonely guy outside of a comic store, and I had to convince Jason’s father not to hate me”. Hillman’s heart skipped a beat hearing the last name. “Your husband’s father?” he could swear Alice shuddered.

“Yes…. Jason asked me to give him a ride to a few places on Monday. At first, it was awkward, sitting in the car with this quiet, large man. He wore faded flannel and jeans with a pair of worn work boots, seeming to cover enough of him to make up for all the skin that I was revealing. All things considered, the silent ride through the wooded countryside was tolerable given our past.”

“What do you mean?” Hillman interjected.

“Well, when I first started dating Jason, his father told me to get out of Jason’s life, because his son shouldn’t date an Asian slut like me. Jason’s father comes from a rural place in the south, so I tried to forgive him given his upbringing. Obviously I ignored him, but ever since then, things have been a little awkward between us. Neither of us has ever mentioned this to Jason, as far as I know. But anyways, as we sat silently in the car driving between a few stores, it became clear that something was on his mind. I asked him what was wrong, and he told me ‘nothing’, which obviously wasn’t true, so I kept checking, until he seemed to get frustrated.

“He waved at me wildly saying ‘I’m damn lonely out here by myself. I WANTED to spend time with my son, and instead, I get driven around by his trashy wife, I mean LOOK at you!’’. I paused and looked at myself in the mirror, and he wasn’t wrong. After Jason had left for work, I remembered how tense things were with his dad, and decided to put my best foot forward. Somehow that meant changing into a pair of short shorts and a tank top that was far too small for me.

I was hurt when he said that. I had changed hoping to get him to finally like me, but it wasn’t working. I asked him ‘is there anything I can do to make you not resent being around me?’

He looked out the car window disinterested and mumbled “My son only married you for that tight body, and it’s not like you plan on sharing that with me”.

I felt a torrent of emotion rise up in me. A chance to win him over. A way to bring joy to a lonely suffering man who my husband cares about. And pure disgust at what I was about to say.

“Yes, I would” I said, as my hands gripped the steering wheel even harder. He turned slowly and looked at me “What in the name of…. You’re not serious, are you?”. I forced myself to nod, keeping my eyes on the road. As if to test me, he slowly reached a hand out, and placed it on my thigh. I didn’t stop him, as he slowly moved his rough hand back and forth along my smooth leg, and eventually pushed up towards my crotch.

I shivered slightly, thoughts racing through my mind. It was working. He was finally interested in at least interacting with me. But what the hell was I doing?

I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my head, as I refused to look at him. His hand slid up my body, resting on my tits before grabbing them, first softly, then harder. “Well I’ll be damned” he said. I could feel him grab one of my wrists, and drag it towards him, placing it on the zipper for his jeans. He held my hand in that position and eventually I worked up the courage to pull the zipper down slowly and reach inside.

He was big. That much I could tell as I started to rub my fingers over his boxers with his encouragement. I felt him slowly getting harder, as he finally broke the silence again “Well, fuck it, if you’re going to make it worth having you around, we might as well do this right. Pull over there” he pointed a little ways down the road to the shoulder.

The car rolled to a slow stop. He got out silently, and walked around to the driver side and opened the door. As he did, I finally saw his face. I saw a man carrying equal parts anger, sadness, guilt, and arousal. I was scared as he reached down and took my arm, nearly lifting me out of the car.

He pulled me around to the side, and off into the woods. The setting sun was bright enough to see in the wilderness. A short ways off from the road, he pulled me in and kissed me. Really it was less of a kiss, and more forcing his tongue into my mouth. He paused before sticking his thumb in and making me suck it while he interrogated me.

“So, you want me to like having you around, you’re going to have to earn it”, hearing that I nodded as he shoved me to the ground hard. “Get going” he chided, as I reached forward and pulled out his cock. It wasn’t quite as long as Rich’s, but it was at least as thick if not thicker, with a very slight curve to it. He wasted no time pushing it into my mouth. It wasn’t even totally hard, and so I felt him grow, making my jaw stretch out as he placed hands on both sides of my head to hold me in position. “Fuuuck it’s been a while” he moaned out, and I swear I could feel myself getting wetter knowing he was feeling good.

He kept me there for a few minutes, barely letting me move, instead just holding me down on his incredibly thick cock, savoring the feeling of my warm lips wrapped around him. I tried pushing on his legs and belly, desperate to create some space for air. He eventually let go saying “Oh? I guess you’re ready to move onto something else, are you? And out here in the damn woods, who woulda thought you had no class at all” he added with a laugh.

As soon as my mouth was free he asked me “So, you want to get fucked in the woods like a whore?” I couldn’t stop myself from saying yes as he continued. “I guess I get it now. If you’re willing to fuck anywhere any time, no wonder my son got tricked into being with you”. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around, before pushing me towards the ground. I felt him grab my shorts and slide them down, along with my underwear, and leave them still on near my ankles. The leaves on the ground were at least a smooth cushion, and better than mud or sticks.

He took one hand, and pushed a finger in my pussy before whistling “Damn, you are completely soaked. And I thought I was the one getting to enjoy myself.” I felt him pull back momentarily, before getting down onto his knees behind me. I could feel the thick tip of his cock resting on my ass, and feel his hot breath near my ear.

“You want daddy to fuck you?” “Yes,” I replied. “You willing to do whatever it takes to make daddy happy?” “Oh my god yes!” I called out, feeling that elusive comforting feeling that had only started in the last two weeks. “Then it’s time for you to learn how to be daddy’s toy” he said, and with that I felt him lean forward and push into me.

I hadn’t taken a cock like this… ever. It was a shock, which made processing all of this even more confusing. How had I gotten there? In the woods, being bred by Jason’s dad on the ground. And yet, I had led him on hadn’t I? I pushed him to talk about what he wanted. I refused to let things drop, and then encouraged him to do more.

I felt him begin to stretch my pussy slowly, filling me up inch by inch like nobody else ever had. I hated what was happening, so why was I doing this? Just then, Jackson grabbed my ass and called out “Fuck this pussy is amazing. I can’t wait to break you in, and I mean that in so, so many ways!” Almost instantly, I felt my pussy muscles contract around his cock, and I felt my heart rate jump. I bucked back toward him, and heard him laugh “that’s more like it”.

He slowly built up the pace, fucking me with long strokes as I pushed back against him. Every moan of his made me shiver, and every encouraging phrase, no matter how dirty, made me feel closer to orgasm. He pounded me harder, as I started to moan with each push, my voice carrying out into the now dark woods. My hands gripped at the ground as he grabbed both of my hips, pushing incredibly deep into me.

Fuuuuuck, you want your daddy to cum in you? I bet you do, you fucking slut!“ he yelled out. “Oh my God, yes, cum in me!” I called back. I could feel him push forward one last time, and unload deep in my pussy, that familiar warm feeling was amazing, and it felt to reach deeper than it ever had before. I couldn’t see it, but it felt like a lot of cum, and I could feel it spilling out of me.

He pushed on my back and slowly slid out of me. He wiped his cock on my ass cheeks before standing up. “Get yourself back in the car, I’m driving”. As he left, I was torn between sobbing and shouting for joy. I physically felt the best I had in years. An amazing orgasm and warm body high were weighed against self loathing at the betrayal of my husband and traumatic sex in the middle of nowhere with an old man.

I trudged back to the car like a zombie. The ride back to his house was done in silence. When we got there, he walked inside, taking my keyes with him. Out of necessity, I followed him inside to the living room, anxious to get back on the road to head home. As I entered, he looked at me with a slightly tired expression.

“So, you really won my son over with crazy sex, didn’t you?” He asked, letting his shoulders drop a bit as he said that. “No, not at all really” I replied.

“You tryin’ ta tell me that you don’t just fuck in any damn palce someone wants?” Again, I shook my head no.

“Well, what is it then? Blowjobs? Anal? Threesomes?” I shook my head no to all of those.

“But…” and I saw a nearly malicious look in his eye as he continued “You’d let me do that, wouldn’t you?” I froze, feeling panic building, but couldn’t stop myself from saying “Yes, daddy”.

I saw him pull out his phone for a minute and send a text. He reached forward demanding mine, and then put them both away.

“The rest of the night was a blur. Having already cum once, he lasted forever the second time.” Dr. Hillman watched a single tear run down Alice’s cheek, but pushed her not to stop the retelling. “He set up a camera, and recorded me talking about how I wanted to be his little daughter in law slut, and be taught how to please him. He gave me a long lesson on how to play with his balls using my tongue. I sucked him again, rode on top of him, and let him play with my tits. He spanked me, and made me tell him how much I liked being punished by him for messing up, and that I was eager to learn. He said that if Jason wasn’t going to teach me what I needed to know he would, and so he kept pushing boundaries even after that.”

The entire time I felt terribly conflicted. His enjoyment drove me wild, and the satisfaction of such a downtrodden man made me feel fulfilled, but the guilt and disgust ate at me. Both types of feeling just got more intense the more he did. The most intense moment I truly remember was when he finally started to play with my ass.

“And how was that?” Hillman prompted, not willing to let her gloss over such enticing details.

“Well, he first angled the camera to make sure he got a great view. He had me admit that I had never let anyone fuck my ass, but that I was so horny thinking about him doing it. He had me beg for every inch as he stretched me out, telling the camera what an ass slut he was making me into. After that, he forgot about putting on a show, and just got lost in pounding me. Physically, it was strange. It hurt, GOD it hurt, but I couldn’t help but love it at the same time as he made me his butt slut. Knowing that he was turning his rage and hate into affection in this way just made it feel worth it, and every twitch of his cock in my ass made me want to orgasm. He slammed into me for what seemed like forever, until eventually he came hard inside my ass. I think I almost lost consciousness with the intensity of my orgasm at the same time.”

“You know, he let me see the recording the next day before I left. It was weird. Seeing my small frame be taken by him like that, and the contrast of our builds and skin. It was almost alien watching me by throwing around, begging him for more the entire time. I could also just see how unbelievably much he enjoyed all of it though, and so how could I regret it?” It was just videos and some sex, which is a small price to pay for making people happy. He had me suck him off right before I left, and for some reason I agreed to see him again soon. He was lonely after all, and this was the best break from that he had in years.”

Alice seemed to mumble on for another minute, not sure where to go with her explanation, before Dr. Hillman stopped her, taking a few deep breaths to get himself under control. It took every ounce of self control he had not to simply grab her, but that wasn’t what he was working towards. “Well Alice, thank you for sharing these critical self-reflections with me. I think we’re making great progress, and I’m hopeful that soon, you’ll be ready to move beyond this internal feeling of conflict. I’m already sure I have the perfect things to work on during this critical next week.
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