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Silvia cheats her new, furry master, and is made to pay the price.
I slept on the floor that night, at the foot of my bed. I had taken the comforter at first, but Kane pulled it off of me before jumping up on the bed and arranging it into a puffy sleeping oval. He dropped off to sleep while I shivered. I gathered a few of my robes instead and eventually dreamed of being led around my home, wearing a collar with the leash in Kane's mouth.

Connie hugged and kissed me. Her tongue swiped up and down my face. I awoke to Kane's insistent licks. It was the middle of the night, and he needed to go out in the yard.

While he didn't bark, he did give a throaty howl at the waxing moon. He trotted inside and returned to the comfort of my bed.

I went to lay myself at the foot again, but he stood up abruptly and panted at me.

"What is it?" The digesting cum in my stomach churned uncomfortably. I had managed to keep it down. I promised I would make myself a delicious breakfast in the morning.

Unexpectedly, Kane moved aside, making room on the bed. I tiptoed around the bedpost, unsure if I understood his signal. When I reached the empty side of my bed, he lay down and sighed.

I crept in, sliding myself under the actual sheets. Kane shifted and placed a heavy paw on my covered hips. I didn't allow myself to sleep until I was sure he had returned to dreamland. Was he dreaming of taking me out for walks?

A cold nose woke me in the early hours. "Do you need to pee again?" I climbed out of my wonderful, warm bed and headed to the kitchen. Kane followed but suddenly chomped on the hem of my full length nightgown, halting me.

"What is it, Kane?" I was resolved to always use his proper name.

The alpha gave a short, sharp bark and jumped up with his forelegs. Then he caught himself before his chest struck the floor, ducking low. It was a clear signal that he wanted to play.

"Let's get your ball."

I own half an acre of tall, fenced yard. The cold air was unpleasant and difficult to bear, but Kane had insisted. I threw, and he chased. Sometimes he even brought it back to me. Most often I had to run to the ball in order to throw it again. Fortunately, I was in good physical shape. After half an hour of inconstant running, I warmed up considerably. Kane would have played our simple game for hours until he collapsed from exhaustion.

"Don't you want your breakfast?"

He paused as if considering my question. Dogs are proven to understand hundreds of human words, or at least make good guesses about them. His ears perked up, and his head swiveled in the direction of our neighbor, Mr. Jones' house. I had heard their back door slide open. High pitched barks danced around behind the solid fence between our lots.

Kane ran to the fence and with a flurry of his paws attempted to dig through the sturdy wooden planks. His barks were like thunder. The base of that particular section of fence was lined with holes he had dug trying to access the fertile bitch next door. When I was forced to raise the fence's height, I hired a contractor to pour a concrete foundation along the base.

"Shut your loud, damn critter up!" Scranton called through the fence. He must have heard me running and throwing the ball earlier. He didn't seem to care that his scrappy bitch was nearly as loud as my alpha.

I dared to ask my husky, "Will you come inside, Kane?" I headed home. When I reached the back entrance, I said, "Please, Kane?" And I opened the sliding door.

Kane stopped jumping and barking. He considered my request.

"I'll make breakfast." I offered.

He sniffed the air and gave a rash of barks at the fence. Then he turned and loped my way.

I let him inside and followed. He made a beeline for the pile of papers, but before squatting, he gave me a sharp glare. He didn't want breakfast. What was I going to do?

I couldn't tell if he was bluffing. I knew that dogs could lie like a politician. Slowly, I sank to my knees.

Kane trotted over and licked my face. The tip of his red penis eased out of its furry sheath. Gritting my teeth, I dropped to my hands and pulled up my nightgown, making my panty covered ass available to him.

Perhaps he would be satisfied by humping his hard shaft against my bare hip. I hoped.

Kane twisted around and sniffed my panties, front and back panels. He quickly mounted me and began thrusting his fully exposed dick against my butt.

Secretly pleased that Kane might not understand how to make me open my bitch cunt to him, I wiggled my hips against his rampant humping. It was the least I could do, to help him get off.

Minutes later, his doggy cock sprayed cum all over my hips, butt, and back. It even soaked into the lower half of my raveled nightgown.

Lust expended, Kane trotted to his bowl. I got up, and before I wiped his mess off of me, I fetched his top quality canned food, out of the fridge and heated it up in the microwave.

He panted happily as I bent down to pour the hot food into his bowl. He licked my arm and face before digging his jaws into the expensive meal.

I cleaned his cum from the floor with a rag. I then took off my nightgown in the bathroom and washed away his congealing spend. Kane, lips stained with gravy, met me as I exited wearing sweats that had been hanging on the shower curtain rod.

He followed me around as I whipped up scrambled eggs and vegetarian sausage. I was newly aware of how keenly he watched, as if my senses had somehow fused with his.

When I set my steaming meal on the table, something felt strange, like I had done something wrong.

Suddenly, Kane barked, jumped up, and knocked my plate of food onto the floor! He circled the table and sprawled food, at a fast trot while glaring at me.

"What's the matter?" I was confused. "Did you want to eat that?" I looked at my ruined breakfast.

In response, he halted before the mess and barked once at me.

A grim realization struck. Kane had taken my bed, after making me his bitch, because it was a place of a power now his by an alpha's right. I fed him on the floor this morning but proceded to eat my meal on the table.

"I'm sorry, Kane!" I frowned, ready to abandon my meal. I figured I could make another and eat from a plate on the floor.

But Kane growled at me! His eyes darted back and forth, between me and the mess of food. When I understood his command, the corners of my lips curled in disgust. Once again, I sank to my knees and bent over the rapidly cooling eggs and sausages.

I consoled myself by remembering that I had eaten worse off of the kitchen tiles. To atone for my transgression of the alpha's authority, I ate the spilled food with my mouth.

Kane scrutinized my efforts, his posture relaxing as if in approval.

Finishing, my stomach squirmed but not as badly as the day before. I didn't lick up every grain of food. He didn't seem to care. Bored, he ambled into my room for a tyrant's snooze. I washed the dishes and scrubbed the floor and sanitized it. Who knew when I would have to eat off of it again. I tried covering the floor with newspaper, but that quickly proved infeasible and potentially dangerous. I nearly slipped and fell!

Nutritious food sitting uncomfortably in my stomach, I planned out my work for the day. Kane wandered in and nosed the back door. I let him out. He peed and returned without going nuts at the fence. Entering, he took a healthy shit (might as well call it what it is) on the papers and watched me haul it to the outside bin.

Before I could re-enter and place fresh paper, he brought the ball to me, and we played for another hour. I had to plead with him. "I need to work, Kane."

Blue eyes scrutinized me carefully. What? I didn't want to toss and run after the ball, all day long? His tongue dangled out of his panting jaws.

Something, perhaps it was my sincerity, persuaded him. We returned indoors. My heart was still beating fast when I sat at the computer in my office. He snoozed inside the doorway.

Time passes quickly when I'm at work. A dull, metal rim rubbed against my pant legs. I looked down and saw Kane standing with his food dish in his mouth, bumping it against me. Having got my attention he trotted away. I followed, entering the kitchen just in time to see him jump on the table and set down his bowl.

I cringed and bowed my head slightly, realizing that he was taking my place for meals. Drawing strength from that calm place in my core, I went to the refrigerator and prepared his lunch.

I ate a tuna salad sandwich while sitting on the floor. Kane lay across the table top and watched me finish.

He hopped down, strode up behind me, and placed his jaws around my neck. Two days ago, I would have panicked and called Connie. I did tremble. Had I made a mistake? Was it his way of putting me in my place?

No to all of those. He wanted his bitch. My eyes swiveled far enough to see his large, red dick on display. This would be the first time that he used me without being hyped up by the sheltie in heat next door. Gingerly, I shifted to my hands and knees, whereupon he released my neck, climbed on my back, and held me tight with his forelegs. His hindquarters humped into action, rubbing his engorged shaft against my sweatpants.

I took strange comfort from Kane's hugging, but the thought of allowing him to penetrate where a bitch was expected to allow, caused me to relive yesterday's abuse and the pleasure I had experienced. I told myself that Kane was happy enough to get off by rubbing. I was treating him like a king in all other aspects of our new relationship.

After three minutes of rapid humping, watery sticky cum soaked into my pants and sprayed across the floor. Kane dismounted me, but instead of leaving for a nap on my bed, he stood with a stone cold expression.

I remained in my submissive position, unable to fathom his thoughts. He didn't seem all that happy. A pang of guilt stung my feelings. Meanwhile his cum cooled on the floor. Was he expecting me to lick it up? My nose wrinkled up at the thought. I hadn't liked the thin taste of dog spunk. In no way was I drawn to test that theory.

We stood in silent deadlock. I needed to return to work. Clients were expecting me. That wasn't going to happen until I'd settled Kane's disappointment.

"Play ball?" I gulped.

Kane sprang at the backdoor, panting and quivering. I got up, and we spent another hour in the backyard. One of my clients fired me that afternoon. I didn't care much. He had been a dick.

Following dinner and a streamed show, I retired to my bed. Kane jumped up and prevented me from sitting on it. I went to the bathroom and changed into a heavy nightgown. I had never been shy before about changing in front of Kane. He was at the door, when I exited. He gave that cold look to me again. He made me sleep on the floor all night long but woke me once to let him pee outside.

Joints aching, the next morning, I went to the bathroom and examined my knees. All that kneeling on hard tile was taking its toll. Suddenly Kane was outside the door, scratching feverishly and barking. I opened it, and he strode it. I wasn't allowed to be alone in the bathroom.

I undressed in the shower stall and washed, quickly covering myself with a towel upon exiting. Kane hopped to his feet and ran his nose into my crotch! "Kane!" I despaired as he sniffled and nosed under the thick terry cloth.

My exasperated cry sent the dog back one step. He looked at me as if I had crossed a line. Kane uttered a low growl deep in his throat. I took a step away from him, unsure how to proceed.

Kane advanced on me with steady determination. His low growl continued, sounding like a sustained grunt of disapproval. I didn't dare move further. He then, carefully, took the bottom of the towel wrapping me into his jaws and tugged.

My hands instinctively clenched it tighter, but doing so amplified Kane's growl. I let go. He wrenched the towel off of me with a twist of his neck. The motion made his full, red erection wobble into view.

"I-I'm sorry." I stood fully naked before the alpha.

Kane barked once, ending his growl. Then he snapped at my hand, lightly. His teeth merely indented my skin, but I realized he wanted me to bow. I bent my knees and crouched, slowly in case I'd misunderstood.

When I was half bent over and crouching until my knees nearly touched the tile floor, Kane scurried behind me and leaped. His jaws bit into my neck, and his weight sent me crashing to my hands and knees. My weak spirit succumbed to tears.

I had caused this. I blamed myself. Kane was frustrated by being unable to penetrate me properly, the last two times he mounted me. This time he would not be denied. My body flinched when his rough claws drew blood from my ribcage. He was not going to be gentle.

Kane moved his loins into position and began jackhammering my bare behind with his hard prick. In fact he was thrusting too fast to have a chance of piercing either of my rear holes.

His jaws tightened, and I tensed from discomfort bordering on pain. If I hadn't acted instantly he might have driven himself into a sexually frustated frenzy, and potentially, seriously injured me. My right hand flew between my thighs and groped frantically for his raging cock. Catching it slowed him, as if allowing a chance to atone for my sins. I drew the thick member to my freshly washed pubes and placed the head where puffy, outer lips met. I was surprised to feel lubrication along the groove.

My beating heart thumped louder in my chest. I was about to give myself, almost willingly to a dog's sexual demand. Tears continued to flow down my cheeks. I whispered, "I'm sorry."

Sensing my proper capitulation and the opening to my sex, Kane rammed himself forward, stuffing his mighty tool through my wet slit. It stabbed into the inner orifice, my cunt, and began ravaging the length of it.

I yelled at his sudden and brutal motion. "AAAA!!" Soft cock, stiffened by a strong bone, pierced my body and ripped back out, repeatedly. My insides felt like they were being raked by a hot but slick fireplace poker. He was so strong and fast, fucking in and out, I couldn't tell the difference between his bone and a man's hard dick, except Kane's was bigger and longer than the few men I'd experienced previously.

I wailed my abuse within a bathroom echo chamber. My piteous cries of shame pummeled my ears, cowing me lower to Kane's canine dominance. His hips raced to finish inside of me.

He started to whine - almost a yowl. I shut up lest I provoke him further. It was a good move, I guess. Kane released my neck and howled for real, nearly deafening me in the loud room. His heavy, furry body rocked mine with eager heaves. He sounded victorious. "My bitch's cunt is mine forever!" I imagined. I couldn't stop my grunts and "Oofs," as the once pet husky tamed me with a vigorous fucking.

Fully shamed and stifled, my guts relaxed, and my mind opened. The tranquility of submission swept into my senses. No matter how roughly Kane fucked me, I would take it, happy to be the bitch he relied on - to feed and play with him and take his aroused bone whenever it pummel my cunt. "Thank you." I gasped between thrusts. "Oh, thank you, Kane - for making me your bitch completely." Heat swelled in my loins as his cock stimulated my inflating clit. Slick juices squirted out from where the thick member pumped into me.

Seconds before, I was hurt and confused, resisting a lusty dog's non-consensual assault on my naked body. All resistance quelled by a canine's intense jackhammering, I grew thrilled to have a hot shaft of canine cock thrusting in and out of my awakening sex. His big cock rammed me fast and fully with each stroke. It bottomed out against my cervix, but that pain only increased my pleasure as I wallowed in total capitulation to a masterful stud.

Suddenly a hot, wet tongue began slathering my neck and ears with heavy slops. Kane was enjoying his bitch so much, he wanted to reward her. I grunted from an unexpected orgasm. "OHH, Kane. You make me feel completely used. I'm nothing but a cunt for you. Fill me up. Drill me hard." I started babbling from the powerful emotions swirling within my heart.

My first cum subsided, and the bathroom was filled with human and canine grunts. The pain in my knees wouldn't trouble me until later. Right then, I could only feel Kane's prick surging in and out of my intensely aroused, fuck hole. "Your battering my cunt!" I blathered. His dick was getting larger inside of me.

Kane's mouth paused. His paws gripped me tight and his hips hunched harder than ever, driving his cock to the very limit of my twat, grinding against my clit, and smashing my cervix. I cried out from his impact against the sensitive opening to my womb! But the pain was abruptly ripped away by an intense rupture of pleasure from my loins. "AAAAAHHH!!!!" I shouted. My body lurched from the incredible orgasm.

Kane held firm against my shuddering backside. He panted in my ear as his dick filled with blood as nature intended to seal him to a bitch's inflating cunt. His cum boiled my depths like a fire hose blasting liquid fire. I would never get used to the difference in our body temperatures, except to be forever disappointed by cooler, human sperm.

The unrelenting gush of dog cum filled me and began squirting out around our half-proper connection. Hot cum ran down my thighs and spilled on the fallen towel.

Instinct caused Kane to release his paws and turn around, expecting his cock to remain embedded in his bitch's tight pussy while his butt rested against mine.

The move was so sudden and instinctual, I reacted badly, lurching forward, thinking only to give him room behind me. Except the knotted prick flowing with hot cum plopped out of my drenched cunt. It sprayed the last of its ejacuate against my naked ass.

I grimaced and twisted my head around, certain that Kane would punish such a stupid bitch. His eyes calmly studied me as his own pleasure suppressed any such recriminations. He remained standing rear to my rear, now separated. His cock juice splattered dying seed across the condensation wet floor. Tablespoons of it oozed out of my hairy slit, expanding the rivlets down my thighs and soaking the towel.

Normally a knotted pair would remain tied for about half an hour. After two minutes of waiting, wondering if I should try to force Kane's swollen knot into me, a fresh wave of shame shook away the vestigial traces of my joyous submission. I took the driest corners of the towel and wiped my thighs.

This caught Kane's attention. His eyes sharpened, but he said nothing. When I tenuously crept away on my hands and knees, he merely watched through slitted lids.

Reaching my room I dropped to the carpet at the foot of my bed and trembled. I felt disgusting. Kane trotted in and jumped on the bed. Curling up, he licked cum from his finally satisfied prick.

I hated myself for falling a second time into my dog's domination. I did not dare to confront his alpha position in our home. I'm not sure I wanted to, but submitting sexually to an animal was too unnatural for my limited experience. A voice in my head promised, "You will be trained."

My tears helped me to fall asleep.
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