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This is the second chapter of an ongoing story I am writing. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
"Oh, fuck yeah. Suck my cock," Jake Hall moaned. "Oooh, that feels great."

He was laying in her bed, pants strewn across the floor nearby. For the first time in over 2 weeks, his girlfriend was giving him head. Ally looked up at him wordlessly from between his legs, and kept working at him. He'd asked for a quick BJ before the two of them left for school, which she'd agreed to, under the condition that it was indeed, "quick". Jake, however, wanted to make the experience last. Ally'd been giving him major blue balls, lately, and he was trying to milk the encounter for all it was worth.

Ally continued to go down on him for a few minutes, before releasing his dick and leaning up. "Are you ever going to finish?"

"Yeah, babe, I'm so close! Don't stop now!"

Ally rolled her eyes, and said, "Okay, hurry up. We're going to be late to school." She leaned back down to continue her mission. Jake knew that if he didn't finish soon, he wouldn't be able to, so he allowed himself to let go, and was overtaken by his orgasm.

When the first blast his Ally's throat, she gagged and jumped off of Jake's cock. "Hey!" she chirped. "I told you not to finish in my mouth!"

Jake's orgasm had been ruined, leaving him even more unsatisfied. But, he tried not be angry with Ally. After taking a second, he said, "I'm sorry, I just don't know when I'd get the chance again."

"I don't have to suck your dick, you know!" she said sternly, as she climbed off the bed, and began to gather her things. She tossed Jake's pants at him, which he caught mid-air.

"Oh, I know, because you never do!" He regretted saying it immediately. She stopped and gave him an angry look.

"Get out."

"Ally, come on, I--"

"I said, get out!" And she threw something else at him, he didn't see what it was. Not wanting to make the situation worse, Jake lept off the bed, pulling his pants up as we hobbled across the room.

"Alright, I'm going. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean it." He stopped at the door and looked back at her. It seemed to work; she wasn't throwing anything at him. But she still looked angry.

"We'll talk about this later. Just go, I'll see you at school." Jake nodded and left the room.

He hated hated fighting with Ally. It seemed to be happening more and more these days. He didn't understand how he could have ended up dating someone like Ally. He was one of the most popular guys in school, even he had to admit that, and he could have had his pick of any girl out there. But he had ended up with the one girl in school who didn't want to have sex with him. That's not to say she wasn't attracted to him. That would have been impossible. But Ally was afraid of getting pregnant, even with the use of condoms, so they hadn't had sex yet. They'd done other stuff, but not nearly as frequently as he would have liked.

Jake checked his watch. "Shit." Ally was right about one thing. He was going to be late to school. And he didn't want to fall behind today.

Today was the first team meeting of the season, and as the star quarterback, and captain of the football team, Jake would have to set a good example for his teammates.


Jake was tall. He was very fit. He kept himself active, and healthy. He did alright in school. Not top of his class, but he got decent grades. He was popular, attractive, captain of his high school football team. By most accounts, Jake Hall was the picture perfect American boy: the kind of guy everyone wanted to be, or be with. But Jake had one big problem.

He was always horny.

Not just the kind of regular, teenage boy horny. Jake was ravenous, constantly. He often thought of himself as a sex machine, as if he were created in a lab just to get laid. He was, however, dating Ally, who was much more, "normal" in her sexuality. True, she wouldn't fuck him, but she wasn't totally a prude. Still, Jake wished that she was on his level when it came to sex. He didn't think there would be a day that went by that they wouldn't have sex if it were up to him.

When he got to school, he took some time to look around at the other girls that roamed the halls. Savanah Myers was said to be huge slut. She'd give it up for just about anybody. Dani Arturez was a quite girl, but it was said that she could be shockingly kinky when it came down to it. And Zoe Green was an outspoken advocate for sex positivity. She believed sex should be celebrated, not something to be ashamed of. Jake thought how unfair it was that Ally wasn't like any of them. If he'd been dating them, he'd be getting laid constantly.

He arrived late to his first class, and had a difficult time paying attention to the droning of the teacher. His mind was elsewhere. He was imagining inviting Savanah, Dani, and Zoe back to his place. His parents would be gone for the weekend. He could have them over, put on some music, start dancing. Dani would be the best to start with. Savanah would join in to be included, and Zoe would be all about the positive vibes. Once they were dancing, he'd start wandering his hands all around, touching them everywhere. They would be into it, and they would start touching him back, and then they'd be touching each other, and slowly their clothes would all be pulled off, and they'd collapse, naked, on the floor, rubbing against each other, and Jake would kiss them all, one by one, deep and intimate, and Zoe and Savanah would kiss each other as Dani went down on Jake, and he'd fuck her mouth, slowly at first, and then harder and faster, and then Savanah would climb onto his head, and make out with Dani as Jake ate her out, and he'd play with her ass, and then Dani would switch with Zoe and Zoe would climb up and impale herself on Jake's dick, and he'd be buried inside her, and Savanah would move aside to let Dani sit on his face too, and the two of them would rock back and forth across his tongue, which would be licking both of them, and they'd roll over, and the three girls would stack on top of each other, and he go up and down, fucking each one of them, one by one, all three holes available to him, and there are actually six holes, and he'd fuck their pussies, and their asses, one at a time, and they would scream his name, and they would love him, and want to please him, and he'd want to please them, and they'd be connected, and whole, and together, and intimate, and dirty, and beautiful, and sweaty, and when he came, he'd come so hard it would cross his eyes, and there'd be so much that he'd cover them all, all three of them, and himself, and they'd all be painted white, and they'd all kiss, and swap his cum between them, and they would melt together, and he wouldn't stop being hard, and he'd be ready again, and he'd spend a long time in each one of them, facing them, and him inside them, and they'd be in love with his cock, and they would be screaming his name, Jake, they'd scream it louder, and louder, and together, Jake, in harmony, their music, his music, together, louder, higher, Jake, tighter, wetter, Jake, stronger, bolder, Jake, Jake, Jake--


He snapped his head forward, abruptly yanked out of his fantasy. The teacher stood above him.

"Sorry, ma'am. I was just daydreaming, about... math." He smiled up at the woman, glad that he had the desk to hide his erection. He imagined if he had to stand right now, his bulge would be seen from across the room.

The teacher frowned at him, but returned to the front of the room to continue her lecture.


"Dude, you were out like a light!" Matt clapped him on the back, as they walked through the halls later that day. "She must have called your name, like, 9 times before you perked up."

"Yeah, that was embarrassing, for sure," Jake moped. He didn't like being disrespectful, but sometimes his fantasies got the better of him.

"It was like you were dead. We thought you might have to call an ambulance or something."

"Sorry for the scare. Please, let's keep talking about it."

"Alright, fine," Matt took the hint, and changed the subject. But only slightly. "What were you thinking about, anyway?"

Jake shot him a sideways look. They were headed toward the locker room, and a large group of their team-mates were waiting by the door. "What do you think?"

Matt shook his head. He knew exactly what Jake had been daydreaming about. The two friends joined the conglomerate of athletes, and pushed their way into the locker room. They fell back, however, to continue their conversation in hushed tones.

"Ally still not giving up, huh?" Matt whispered. Jake's sigh was the only confirmation he needed. "Listen, man, here's what you need to do. You tell her you're fed up. Tell her you need some pussy, dude. Giver her an ultimatum: Tell her either she puts out, or you walk out."

Jake let out a breath of half-hearted laughter. "Sure, Matt. I'll get right on that."

Matt shrugged. "Hey, you're call, bro. But trust me, if you don't do something, you're bound to never have sex again."

And at that moment, the entire group rounded the corner, and entered the back isle of the locker rooms. Coach Ryan stood in the middle of a row of lockers. He wore a light blue polo shirt, and a black cap atop his dark brown hair. But most notably, his trademark tan khaki's were down at his ankles. And crouching on the ground between Coach's legs, was a girl. Petite, with short black hair, and a purple mini-skirt that did little to cover up a round, perky ass. She had her mouth around Coach's dick, which was hard, and big. It was a sight unlike anything the boys had ever seen, except in porn.

As soon as the team made their entrance, Coach jumped about a foot in the air. He tried to cover himself, as the rest of the team diverted into several different reactions. Some, like Matt, were laughing. Most were turning away in embarrassment, or out of respect.

But Jake was staring, not at the coach, but the girl still crouching on the ground in front of them. She was grinning, and Jake was struck with a sudden, deep feeling he'd never felt before. He felt at once comfortable, but excited. His heart was racing, but it was beating in time with the universe. He was warm and cold all at the same time. The girl seemed to be looking right at Jake, right into his eyes. Her eyes were green, a rich green, like emeralds.

"Guys, alright, settle down." Coach was stammering, trying to get his pants pulled back up.

"Should we come back later?" asked Justin Bendall, sarcastically.

"Yeah, are we interrupting?" laughed Michael Perez.

Coach had managed to stuff his erection back into his pants, and was struggling now to pull his belt together. "If you don't all stop laughing, and settle down right now, you'll all be doing laps for the rest of the season!"

The laughter did die down. Coach finally finished with his belt, and helped pull the girl up to her feet. She was short. Jake would be surprised if she managed to be 5 feet tall.

"Alright, this isn't how I wanted to do this, but I guess the cat's out of the bag now." Coach put his arms around the girl's shoulders. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet the newest addition to our team: Sam Clayborn."

Nobody said anything. There was some uncomfortable shifting of feet. Jake was confused. There weren't any girls on their football team. And there had already been try-outs, the team was set in place.

"Sam's going to be filling a... unique position on the team. Sam, why don't you introduce yourself?"

Sam stepped forward. "Hey, guys. I'm Sam. I'm gonna be here to do things for you that you can't do yourself."

Michael asked, "What, like getting us drinks, or something?"

Sam turned to face him. "Or something." She took a step toward Michael. "Tell me something? Are you stressed? Tired? How well do you think you can play, with all that tension, all that frustration?" She was right up on him now. A few of the guys, including Matt, were still chuckling quietly. In a low, sensual voice, Sam said, "I'm here to help you." And she grabbed Michael's crotch.

Silence fell over the crowd once again. It seemed as if every guy in the room was holding his breath. After a second, Michael looked up at the Coach, who nodded back at him.

Sam undid Michael's pants, revealing a pair of white briefs. A bulge was already forming underneath them, and Michael made a motion to try to cover it with his hands. But Sam pushed his hands away, leaned forward, and kissed Michael. At the same time, she shoved one hand into Michael's underwear. He tensed up, but after a second, seemed to relax. Jake could see the bulge shifting up and down; she was stroking his dick.

Jake could feel his own arousal growing. He wasn't the only one; a quick glance around the room revealed a few of the other guys adjusting themselves. What they were seeing was like something out of a dream.

Sam pulled away from the kiss. "Someone's excited," she purred, and the pulled Michael's dick out of his underwear. It was an average size, hairier than Jake would have expected. It was slightly curved. Jake had seen the other guy's dicks before, of course. In the changing rooms, in the shower. But never had he seen one erect before. He felt conflicted. He knew he shouldn't be watching this, but he couldn't look away.

Sam began stroking Michael's cock, lightly kissing him on the lips as she did. She kissed down his face, to his neck, brushing her lips against him as she did. Down she continued, until her head was right up against his crotch. And then, she opened her mouth, and swallowed the entire thing in one motion.

Someone cheered. Jake couldn't tell who. He was beginning to feel light-headed. Some of the other guys began to move forward, wanting to get a better look. Justin, who had been standing next to Michael (the two were inseparable), shoved a hand down his own pants.

Sam saw this, and pulled herself off of Michael's cock. "Oh, no you don't. That's my job, remember?" She reached for him, grabbed his pants, and yanked them down. A long, thin penis sprang forth, hard as diamonds, and Sam took that into her mouth as well. She was stroking Michael's dick with her hand, while sucking Justin's with her mouth.

Justin's involvement in the event seemed to spark something in the rest of the team. Parker Alvarez stepped forward, and dropped his pants. Sam accepted his member eagerly, moving off of Justin's, but stroking it with her right hand. Danny Olsen was next, with Sam reaching under his cock to lick at his balls. She licked up the length of him, before moving on to Shawn LeMarke's raging shaft. She seemed to take on a kind of drunken bliss, moving from cock to cock like a porn star.

Jake was frozen in place. The sight before him, it was like out of one of his daydreams. It seemed to him that he might be dreaming right now. He tried to move, but his legs weren't listening to him. And that's when Matt slapped him on the back.

"Here's your chance, dude! Head over there!" he whispered, though there was no point in keeping Jim's voice low. There were all kinds of sounds coming from around them. Some of they guys were laughing and cheering, some were moaning. Sam would occasionally make a comment, when her mouth was free. "Come on!", or "Over here, big guy!"

"I can't," Jake tried to keep his voice from shaking. "Ally..."

"Fuck Ally! Or don't, and fuck Sam." Matt grabbed him by the arm and began to pull him through the crowd.


But Matt wasn't listening. "And what about our star quarterback?" he called to Sam. "We can't leave him out of the fun!"

With one final push, Jake found himself standing in the front of the team, facing down at Sam. The girl was on her knees, looking up at him. She wiped some drool off of her face, and smiled at him. And the rest of the world froze and melted away.

Sam's eyes were the color of a spring forest, pure, rich, and Jake was falling into them, and he imagined himself kissing her, and their eyes would be closed, and they'd be holding each other, and then their eyes would open, and their souls would lock in together, and melt together, and they'd become one, and Ally didn't exist, and it was him and Sam, and they were together, holding hands, and they'd have sex, fierce, passionate, hot, hard, angry, pure--

Someone yanked his jeans down. His underwear came with them, and Jake's rock hard cock emerged. Sam's smile fell as her eyes grew wide.

Jake had always been proud of his size. True, he had no real world examples to compare it to, but he's seen a fair amount of porn. Compared to those men, he would have said he was on the larger side. There were a few he'd seen that were bigger, but not many. Clearly, Sam hadn't seen many as big as his either. She was practically salivating.

"Fuck, dude." she said, breathlessly. She reached up, in a trance, and began to stroke it. Electricity shot through him, and he shuddered. Sam slid her hand back and forth across his shaft, delicately caressing him with her fingers. It was like magic. After a second, she found herself again, and opened her mouth.

Jake wasn't sure what to expect when Sam began blowing him. His previous girlfriends, Ally included, had been ill equipped to handle his sheer size. Most of the time, they just focused on his head, which was nice, but not particularly satisfying. Sam, on the other hand, made it about 75% of the way down his cock, before he felt the resistance of the back of his throat. And then, Sam swallowed.

Jake's dick was enveloped in the warm, wet cavern of Sam's mouth. He was in heaven. Never before had anyone been able to take him all the way down. But Sam was next level. She even kept looking up at him, her deep green eyes pulling him even deeper into her. She was doing something with her tongue, swirling it across the bottom of his shaft. It felt incredible.

"How is she, dude?" Matt had draped an arm across his shoulders, pulling Jake away from Sam's gaze. He looked to his right, over at his friend, who was grinning like a maniac. It suddenly felt very awkward, to have this stranger blowing him, while his team watched, his best friend half-hugging him.

"It's... amazing." He had to be honest. He didn't want Sam thinking she was doing a bad job. She had begun to move back and forth, sliding her lips across his cock slowly. She would pull back as far as she could without releasing it, and then push back in to take it down to the base. Jake was impressed. Not only was he long, he was also thick. He couldn't believe the whole thing would fit into such a small woman.

"Well, save some for the rest of us," Matt said, and undid his pants as well. When his cock emerged, Sam instinctively reached up, and began jerking him off. Jake was suddenly struck with the realization that they were having a threesome. He'd never had a threesome before, expect in his daydreams. Those had never featured another guy, though.

Someone else stepped up to his left (Jake wasn't sure who), and offered another dick for Sam to play with. She moaned, vibrating Jake's cock, and reached her other hand to begin masturbating him as well. It was unlike anything Jake had ever experienced. He was surrounded by his whole team, getting his cock sucked by someone he had just met, who was also servicing the other boys. Each time he started to come to his senses, to realize what was going on, Sam would suck him deeper, and he would be lost in ecstasy once again.

Soon, the awkwardness began to melt away. Jake was getting into it. He started thrusting, slowly at first, to match Sam's movements. That was even better. He was face fucking her, and she stopped to allow this. She didn't stop jerking off the two dicks on either side of her, though.

"Hey," Matt interrupted. "What about me?"

Sam pulled away from Jake, and turned to face Matt. She opened her mouth again and took Matt all the way to the base. She sucked him off for a few strokes before moving back to Jake's dick. And then she moved over to the other cock, who Jake realized was Derek Dunning. A few slurps on his fat black cock, and then it was back to Jake. She continued this pattern for a while, swapping between cocks every couple seconds. Clearly, she was enjoying this as much as, maybe even more so than, the guys she was sucking.

Jake suddenly realized that Coach Ryan was gone. He quickly looked around the room, but Coach was no where in sight. That was strange. He was pulled out of the moment, then. And somehow, the universe seemed to follow suit. Someone yanked him back, calling something. He didn't hear what it was. When he was pulled away from Sam, he felt suddenly empty, his cock cold and bare. This wasn't good. He felt a thought intrude in his mind. Get out of here, the thought urged. Get away from Sam. You are enjoying her too much, and you're going to become obsessed. And, you are cheating on Ally.

It was true. Ally. What if she finds out about this? It didn't seem feasible to imagine that all of these boys could keep this a secret. If one of them started talking, word would spread like wildfire, and Ally would surely find out. There would be no way to convince her that he hadn't engaged in the rest of the team's activities.

Jake turned, and pushed his way through the crowd. A part of him wanted to stop, to turn back. He was hoping Sam would look sad, and beckon him to return. But he didn't. He removed himself from the crowd, hiked up his pants, and made his way toward Coach Ryan's office.


Upon entering the dark room, Jake immediately knew that Coach Ryan had been masturbating.

"Jake!" He leaned forward abruptly, pulling himself to his desk to hide his erection.

"Coach, what the hell?"

"I was just... doing some paperwork..." he tried to get out.

Jake rolled his eyes. "No, I mean out there, with Sam. I don't understand. Is this real?"

Coach sighed. He stood up, pulling up his pants as he did so. He had apparently given up the ruse that he wasn't jerking off. "It is. I feel like I should explain. Please sit."

Jake did, and Coach proceeded to tell Jake all he knew: someone on the team had proposed a radical, unbelievable idea, to bring someone in to "service" the team when they needed it. Sam had tried out, and gotten the position.

"I'm sorry for springing it on you so suddenly, but the school board was insistent that it remain a secret. Besides, I hadn't intended you all to find out quite so... unprepared. I guess you really caught me with my pants down, huh?"

Jake wasn't laughing. His brow furrowed. "But, what about us? What if we don't want to fuck some stranger? I mean, I have-- a lot of us guys have girlfriends--"

Coach interrupted him. "Jake, I'm sure you understand that sometimes, you need to do what's best for the team. I think that, given the circumstances, the guys can be convinced to keep things to themselves, and the girlfriends need never find out. Besides, and I hope you don't find this too inappropriate, you are all, rather... excited about the idea, correct?"

Jake couldn't believe what he was hearing. He said nothing, and the Coach continued. "You're all young, healthy, athletic men. Your hormones are fierce, uncontrollable. That's a part of what this experiment is about, actually. I believe that this will, ultimately, be good for the team. We'll play better, work harder. And bring home more wins."

"And, this is legal?" Jake asked?

"It's... board approved." There was a glint in Coach's eye that Jake didn't expect. "And hey, we're all in the same boat, here. My-- I have reasons to keep this a secret as well." Jake knew the Coach was married, but he had never met his wife. He'd seen pictures, and she had come to some of their games, but they'd never been introduced. Jake always thought she was hot.

"How can you do it? How can you go home and look your wife in the eyes?"

Coach winced. "You just have to remember that you aren't doing it for yourself. This is for--"

"The team," Jake interrupted. "I know. I just don't think I'm going to be able to do it. Sorry, Coach, but I'm going to have to pass."

He stood, and turned to go, but stopped at the intensity of Coach's next statement: "Jake, if you are feeling uncomfortable in engaging with Sam, then maybe I can make things a little easier for you. Participation is mandatory. If you don't join your team-mates in the activities of this experiment, you'll be cut from the team."


Jake slumped back into the locker rooms. The rest of the team had gone. That was good. He wanted to be alone. Anger and confusion filled his head, and he needed to run. He angrily threw open his locker, and began tearing off his shirt. Who did the Coach think he was? Was he really going to make them fuck Sam? He couldn't do that, could he? Jake had heard of teachers blackmailing students for sex. That was scummy. But this was something else. Sam was the one who'd be getting fucked, but she was into it. So, did that make it alright?

No, there's still Ally, the voice was back again. But this time, it was cut off by a memory of Matt's voice. Fuck Ally, he'd said. Or don't, and fuck Sam.

Sam. Her lips had been dark red, and full. He remembered then sliding across his erect shaft. It had felt like magic. He had looked into her eyes, her emerald, rich, smoldering, vibrant, luscious, delicate, dangerous, wonderful, experienced, loving, cascading eyes, and she back into his. And they'd connected. His heart was full again, and his breath was shallow. He had to stop thinking about her. It wasn't good. He had thrown his shirt into his locker, and was fumbling to pull out his workout shirt, when--


He froze. The voice, it was both new and familiar. He had heard it his entire life, but only inside him. It couldn't be her. But it was. She was saying, "I thought you'd left with the rest of them."

He turned and saw her again. Standing in the aisle of lockers, looking like a photo in a magazine. "I thought the same thing about you." Something was wrong. She was looking down, not meeting his gaze. "Where did the rest of the guys go?"

"They left, after... Whatever. Stupid." Jake didn't understand. "I don't think we met officially. I'm Sam." She stepped forward, and reached out a hand.

Jake almost laughed. "I mean, we met. You had my..." he stopped himself. He didn't want to be crass. But that was funny, too. She'd blown him. They were past the point of playing coy.

"I know. But I just wanted to say, it's nice to meet you." She looked up, finally, and their eyes locked. Jake's fist clenched. He cleared his throat.

"Um, you too." He didn't know what to say. He wasn't mad at Sam. He could never be mad at Sam. That was a weird thing to think...

"Did I... I mean, did you have fun?" Sam was stepping forward, a little sheepishly. That seemed out of character. When she'd introduced herself to the team, she'd been confident, and in charge. Now, she was acting differently.

"I... what do you mean?" He thought it best not to play along.

"I just mean, I liked sucking your cock." Jake flushed, and stepped backwards. His back hit the lockers, making a loud banging sound. Someone must have heard it. Sam ignored this, and continued her slow pace toward Jake. "You've got a big cock. Thick."

Jake couldn't move back any further. He felt like he was filled with ice. "Sam..."

"Nice body, too. I love those abs." She was close enough to touch him, and she did. Her hand met his stomach, and she began sliding it around, feeling his muscles. "Great definition."

"Th-thank you." Jake stammered. His cock was straining against his pants. He had to get away.

"God, you're so hot," she said breathily, and leaned down to start sucking one of his nipple.

Jake's entire body tensed up. No one had ever played with his nipples before. He had always assumed that was just a girl thing. But he had to admit, it didn't feel bad at all. Sam's hand slid down, and grabbed the bulge under his pants. After some adjusting, the shaft was angled along his leg, and Sam was able to stroke the length of it through his pants.

"Mmm, so big," she purred, leaning away from his nipple. She leaned up, standing on the tips of her toes, and kissed him.

As soon as their lips met, all of Jake's tension melted away. He felt her warmth, her love, and it was like a fire inside of him. It felt as if he were suddenly home, in exactly the place he was supposed to be. He never felt this way with Ally.

Ally. He couldn't be doing this. Ally was his girlfriend. They had made promises to each other. Jake pulled away. "No," he muttered. "Stop."

Sam looked hurt. "What's wrong?"

The pain in her eyes was like a knife in him. He wanted to kiss her again, and hold her, and tell her that it was all going to be okay. There was nothing to worry about now. They were together, they were one. But they couldn't be.

Ally, he thought to himself, ''is not here. And even if she were, she wouldn't be pressing herself up against him like this. She wouldn't be saying how hot he was, how big. She wouldn't set him on fire when they kissed.

Jake was ravenous for Sam. She was everything that he wanted. Small, but fierce. Cute, but in an unconventional way. She was kinky, as salacious as he was, and they clearly wanted each other, badly. And, he reminded himself, it was for the team.

"Fuck it." Jake said to himself, and he launched himself at Sam.

The two embraced, and fell back onto the floor below. Jake was careful to not let her head hit the floor. They kissed, making love with their mouths. Jake had never been more turned on in his life. He was sure his cock would burst right through his pants. Sam read his mind, and reached down to unbutton his jeans. The magnificent dick was released, making an audible thump against Sam's leg. She began stroking him in earnest now, jacking off his cock, jerking him off, feeling every inch of his dick, and he kissed her deeply, their tongues dancing together, like lovers themselves, melting together, and Jake and Sam were melting together, falling into each other, she was grabbing him, everywhere she could reach, and he kissed her neck, and her collarbone, and down to her breasts, and he pulled off her tank top, her breasts were very small, she was petite, and that was okay, Jake liked her anyway, and he kissed her nipples, like she had for him, and he licked circles around them, he wanted her to feel the way she made him feel, hungry, fiery, passionate, alive, awake, afraid, but sure of himself, and of her, and with her, and he wanted her to feel loved, and safe, and sexy, which she was, and he kissed down, and she was pushing him away, but she was weak, much weaker than him, and he pulled back down, and grabbed at her skirt, and her hands grabbed his wrists, but they might have been a child's hands, and he yanked them down, he wanted to taste her, to feel her, to fall into her, and he reached for her--

Penis. A large, very erect penis bound of of her panties. It struck Jake in the face, and he lept backward in surprise. At first, he was unsure of what he was looking at. Had he had gotten twisted around, and was looking at his own dick? Of course not, that was impossible. But not as impossible as Sam having a dick.

"Jake, I--" Sam stuttered. Jake said nothing. His words were failing him. Sam sat up, desperation in her eyes. "I thought the coach would have told you--"

But she was cut off. Jake had leaned forward, and was kissing her once again.

They became a flurry together. Arms and legs wrapped up around each other, lips locked together, their dicks rubbing against the other's body. Neither of them were thinking anymore. They were like animals. Sam slid down, to align their dicks with each other, and grabbed them both. Her fingers slid across the both of them, which was driving Jake crazy. He was on another level of lust. As Sam jerked them both off at the same time, Jake could feel himself getting close to the edge.

"Sam, careful..." he warned. Sam grinned, and rolled Jake over, so he was lying on his back. She positioned herself between his legs, and, for the second time that day, took his cock into her mouth. Jake was once again impressed by her skills. He was too big for her to get all the way into her mouth, but when she swallowed, she could deep-throat him. It felt incredible. And when Sam began rubbing his balls while sucking him, that pushed him past his limit.

"I'm gonna cum!" he barely managed to let out, before the first blast erupted from his cock. Sam's eyes grew wide as Jake's cum was shot directly down her throat. She slid back, slowly, which felt amazing to Jake. Her mouth began filling with Jake's cum, and she swallowed as much as she could. But Jake wasn't done. He'd been worked up, having an unsatisfying orgasm this morning, and then what had happened earlier. He filled her mouth completely, and Sam couldn't keep it all in her mouth. It began leaking out, falling back onto Jake's cock.

And Jake was still coming. He'd always been a heavy cummer, but this was next level. Sam eventually had to release his cock from her mouth, swallow another mouthful of cum, and then grabbed his dick again, stroking it lightly until his orgasm subsided. "Holy shit," she breathed.

Jake tried to speak, but he was having a hard time catching his breath. Sam laid down again, and began licking Jake's still hard dick. She licked the head, made little swirls around it, and then moved down to the base of the shaft. She slid her tongue up the shaft, then returned to the bottom, like a popsicle. After that, she focused on his balls, his large sack had gotten covered in cum, too. She spent some time playing with his balls with her tongue, rolling them around, feeling them. Then, she sucked one into her mouth. Jake moaned. She let it go, and sucked in the other one. Almost absent-mindedly, she reached up and started to jerk him off again.

Jake's cock had not gone down at all during this. He didn't yet feel spent, and Sam's technique was outstanding. He could feel the hunger building up in him again. He looked down at Sam (which wasn't comfortable, since he was lying on the floor) and marveled at the sight of her, lying on her stomach, casually caressing his member. Her feet were up in the air, her back lightly arched, which caused her ass, already round and curvy, to stick out even further. Jake found her incredibly sexy.

"Get up," he said, and pulled away from her to stand on his feet. He held out a hand to help her up.

"Huh?" she asked, but reached out and let Jake pull her to his feet. He was in control now, and he led her over to a wall, behind the last row of lockers. He turned her, and put her hands against the wall. He pushed her forward, and shoved each leg apart. He grabbed her ass. "Oooh, Jake..." she moaned, as he fondled her. Jake's hands felt her everywhere, exploring her body. A finger grazed her entrance once or twice, which made Sam shudder.

And then, Jake fell to his knees, and buried his face in Sam's ass.

The girl almost screamed. "Ooooooh, fuck!" Jake was loving it, too. His tongue flicked across her hole, and he slid it inside slightly. He made circles around it, before pushing in even further. "Oh, fuck, yeah. Mmmm, lick my pussy. Oh, Jake, that feels so good."

He was making out with her asshole. They were both in heaven. Jake loved being buried between her cheeks, so warm and welcoming. He loved the way she tasted, the way she smelled, the way she felt. He wanted her to feel the same way he did. And so, he reached around, and grabbed Sam's cock.

Sam was very vocal. "Mmmm, yeah, touch me everywhere, Jake. I love it." He jerked her off, vigorously, while rimming her. His own cock was flopping around beneath him, and he reached down to jerk himself off, too.

After a few minutes of this, Jake stood up. He was over a foot taller than Sam, so he had to bend his knees a little, but he was able to align his dick with her ass. He was not thinking. He was overtaken by his hunger.

But Sam wasn't resisting. "Please, yes. I need this..." she whimpered. Jake reached down, and positioned himself against her wet entrance. He pushed, slowly, wanting not to hurt her, wanting the moment to last forever. His head slipped easily past her rim, and then met with some resistance. Sam moaned against the wall as Jake pushed his way deeper into her. He got further in, moaning himself as he did so, until Sam told him to "Wait..."

He did so, bathing in the feeling of being buried in Sam. It was like being home. He felt whole. Soon, Sam turned to face him, and nodded. Jake pulled himself out of her, except for his dick head, and then pushed back in. Deeper, he went, and then pulled back out. He did this several times, increasing his pace each time. And then, he gave one final push, and the entirety of his cock disappeared into Sam.

"Ooooooooh, fuuuuuuu--" Sam tried to cry out, but her words turned into guttural, unintelligible grunts. Jake fucked her, quickly, and her grunts mimicked his thrusts. He was sweating, and she was sweating. We're melting together, Jake thought, and felt another orgasm begin to rise within him.

"Sam," he moaned into her neck.

"No," she whispered back.

Sam pulled forward, letting go of Jake's cock with a popping sound. She put a hand against his broad chest and pushed him toward a nearby bench. Before he laid on it, she looked around and grabbed some clean towels that were hanging near the showers. These she laid out, cushioning the bench so Jake could be more comfortable. Then, she pushed him again, onto his back, onto the bench, his hard, throbbing cock pointing up into the air. Sam was transfixed by it. She clutched it in a fist, and sucked on it again for a second, before climbing up on the bench, and sitting down onto it.

Jake had never felt so alive. It was like something out of his daydreams. He couldn't believe how good it felt to be inside Sam. He wanted to live here, to never leave. Sam was bouncing on his cock, grunting and moaning in the sexiest way. She was looking into his eyes, with her beautiful green eyes. Her hands on his chest, but she weighed almost nothing. And then she leaned down, and kissed him again.

They were connected, at both ends. He was kissing her, and he was inside her. He couldn't stop his orgasm then if he tried, but he was incapable of trying. It hit him like a truck. He began unloading into Sam's butt, his groans becoming almost yells. Sam felt him cumming, and that made her cum, too. Jets of cum lept out of her cock, coating Jake's sculpted abs and pecs. Jake didn't notice. He was practically blinded by the force of his orgasm. It felt like he was unloading gallons of cum into Sam.

Sam had fallen down onto him, and was quivering on his chest. He reached up and held her. She was warm. Jake liked that.

The two of them laid there together, still connected, for what felt like hours.


The towels were thrown into the laundry basket. New ones were used for when the two showered for real. That took longer than expected, because Jake and Sam kept stopping to fool around. Sam washed Jake's athletic body, savoring every inch of it. Jake washed Sam, too, taking care to fondle her round ass some more. They kissed, and touched each other, and held each other closely. And after each of them came a few more times, they finally finished showering, and moved back into the locker rooms to get dressed.

"What happened with the rest of the team, before?" Jake asked, pulling a new shirt on.

Sam looked away. "They found out I had a dick, and they got all stupid, and took off."

"I'm sorry, that sucks."

"It's whatever. Most guys are pretty stupid. I'm really not surprised."

Jake sighed. He wondered why he didn't care himself that Sam was a guy. He didn't really look like one, except for... well, that was just a detail.

Sam continued, "Anyway, I guess that means the experiment's over."

"What? No, it can't be." Jake suddenly felt very panicked.

Sam laughed slightly, "I can't really service the team if the team doesn't want me to service them, can I?"

Jake thought for a moment, and then came up with idea...


One week later. Jake stood next to the bench that he and Sam had fucked on. Sam herself, was sitting on that bench. Coach Ryan stood behind them, arms crossed. No one said anything.

The door opened. The shuffle of feet, and casual murmuring indicated the arrival of the rest of the team. As they rounded the corner, and saw who was sitting before them, there were some groans, and some laughter.

Jake stepped forward. "Alright, everyone. Calm down." The murmuring stopped. He had that authority over them. "Now, it's come to my attention that some of you haven't been too appreciative of what the Coach has done for us." He looked around the room, making eye contact with each member of the team. If he wanted to sell this, he needed to connect with them. "That's a shame. I think we can all agree our little team hasn't been doing too well lately. More losses than wins in, what, two seasons, Coach?"

"Three." Coach had allowed Jake to lead. They were more likely to accept this from him.

"Three seasons. Wow." Jake paused, to let the moment hang, and then stepped forward. "Matt, you're planning on going to U of M next year on a football scholarship, right?" Matt nodded, slightly. "Yeah. Andy, you too?" Andy nodded as well. "Me too. A few of us, actually. Now, I want you think for a second about the future. 10 years from now, when we're sad, old men, drinking coffee in our lawn chairs or whatever, what are we going to tell our kids? 'Yeah, I could have been a star athlete, a famous football player, but I made a decision to NOT be.'"

He paused again, then continued. "We've been losing. And we're going to continue to lose. Unless, we make a different decision. Now, I don't know for sure that this experiment is going to work. For all I know, it's a bunch of desperate nonsense. We don't even know where the idea came from." At that, he quickly darted his eyes around the room. He wanted to see if anyone would give themselves away, even slightly. No one did. "But I know that I'm willing to try. I would do anything for this team. Can the same be said for you?" He walked back over to Sam, put his hands on her shoulders. "Now, I think we've all gotten off on the wrong foot here. I think we need to start over. Team, I'd like to introduce you to my good friend, Sam."

Sam stood up. "Hi, I'm Sam. I'm here to suck your dicks." There was some scattered laughter from around the room. That was good, they were warming up. "Jake said a lot of meaningful things just now, but I'm not going to. My job is to let you fuck me, and use me. My job is to get you off, and relieve you of your stress. I want to do that. I'm good at doing that. And judging by all the erections I gave you last week, I'd say you agreed. Sure, I have a dick. That just means I know how to work one. Are you really going to pass up a good time because of some detail like that? So, that's what I'm here for. A good time. Some of you, I'm sure, are ready and willing. That's great. I look forward to working with you. As for the rest, sit back, and enjoy the show."

And with that, Sam dropped to her knees in front of Jake, pulled his cock out from under his shorts, and took the whole thing in her mouth.

The team was silent for several seconds. The only sound was that of Sam sucking their captain's cock. And then, Matt started clapping. Slowly, and then faster. Justin joined in, and then Michael, and soon, everyone was cheering, and clapping. It was working.

Sam continued to suck Jake's dick, reveling in it's size, it's taste. When Jake was ready to cum, she pulled back, and jerked him off, until he unleashed all over her face. As expected, his load was huge, and Sam laughed as her face was covered his Jake's jizz. She turned to the crowd.

"Well? Who's next?"

And the team descended on her.


The glow of a wall of computer monitors was the only thing illuminating the otherwise dark room. In a chair sitting at a large, black desk, sat a man in a grey suit. His eyes scanned the screens methodically, studying each pixel.

Behind him, there was a knock at the door. Without turning, he pressed a button on the desk. The door opened.

In scurried a high school-aged boy. He looked around nervously, cleared his throat, and said, "Uh, sir? It-- It's back on. The team has accepted Sam."

The man allowed himself a thin, mischievous smirk.


To Be Continued.
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