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Things were easy in high school, but college is a different ballgame. Re-join the story as Chris rediscovers his old friends, and tries to figure out his life. (This story accidentally originally posted in a very incomplete way.)
It's funny how quickly and dramatically life can change sometimes. One day, you're dating a hot girl, fucking her younger sister, seeing a lithe cheerleader (and sometimes the rest of her team) on the side. and the next day there's just...nothing.

It wasn't supposed to turn out like this. I was supposed to be with Danielle forever...or Hailey...or Melanie. I can't remember which. But it was supposed to be better than this.

It's funny, though. When you're all kids in high school, and there's nothing else to think about, drama seems to keep itself to a minimum. Then, it's time for college, and everybody has different ideas. Sometimes, really close people go their separate ways, and almost as often, the best laid plans of sticking together go up in flames, as well.

I'll never forget when I told Danielle that I was going to Tech.


"Oh fuck! You're so fucking deep" Danielle screamed from beneath me. Her perky breasts bounced in perfect rhythm, in reaction to my powerful thrusts, and they looked incredible against her petite, toned body. Her natural blonde hair was iron-curled, and currently stuck behind her pinned back.

"You like when I bury myself don't you?" I whispered in her ear, pulling back, and going balls deep each time. She shook violently as our bodies collided again.

"Yes! Give me the whole fucking thing" she shouted, scratching my back with her nails.

It was a passionate evening. It was the summer before college, and neither of us had told each other where we were going, yet. Her parents were out of town, and it gave us a rare chance to be genuinely loud during sex. And, man, was she taking advantage of that.

"Fuck! Don't fucking stop until you fill me with that hot cum" she said, legs dangling helplessly on either side of me, as I felt her tight walls squeezing me, barely able to accommodate my girth.

"You never look better than when you're taking my cock like a good girl" I whispered again in my deep voice, and then gave her ear lobe a nibble. That set her off even more, and her pussy started to squeeze me even tighter. At the height of her orgasm, it felt like my cock was going to be suffocated inside her, but she eventually came out of it, and fell back harder into the mattress.

"Are you ready for a huge load?" I asked her with a grin. She nodded, and we stared at each other. We moved in and started to passionately kiss, and she moaned into it as my cock started to unload deep inside her. I held her body as I began to paint her insides with sticky cum. We kissed for virtually the entire length of my orgasm, and something just felt different than usual. It almost felt like there was some understanding that this wasn't going to be happening again.

After we cleaned ourselves off a bit, we sat down on her living room couch, and shared some water. Small talk quickly turned into the unavoidable discussion.

"So, I'm pretty sure I'm heading to Tech" I finally said after a long period of silence.

"Isn't that hours away?" she said, trying to keep her composure.

I nodded. I couldn't say anything.

"What...does that mean for us?" she asked. She was already in tears.

I had known this was coming. And, I felt terrible. Danielle had put up with this time period of my sexual exploration, and just when we had the opportunity to potentially establish ourselves as a high school sweethearts couple going to college together, I was leaving.

"Nothing!" I tried to say as upbeat as possible, though I could feel my own tears threatening to show. "It's not that big a deal. I'll come home all the time. We can make it work."

"Actually, it's going to be a bit further than that" Danielle interrupted. "I'm going to Coastal, and I don't mean the one nearby."

"That's...more than a few hours" I said, a bit taken aback.

"But, we'll make it work?" she questioned, though it didn't sound like she was all in anymore.


Part of me always wondered whether she had already made that decision, or whether it was a knee-jerk reaction based on my news. We left off that we'd try to make things work despite all the distance, but these things almost never happen. Especially not in college, when there's so much temptation.

That's the really crazy part, though. In high school, I couldn't be stopped. In one school year, I had sex with two sisters, and over half the school's cheerleading team. Good luck settling this guy down in the freedom that college provides, right? But, sometimes, things don't go the way you plan. And, over two years into college, and I had achieved only scant success on campus.

It was another boring night, and I was laying on the couch in my dorm, phone suspended in my hands right above my head.

"Can you imagine if you drop that shit?" Neil said, laughing from his bean bag across from me. That's right, I didn't keep any of the girls, but my best bud came with me to college.

"Dude, don't put that voodoo on me," I chuckled and shook my head. I looked up and stared at the screen, and briefly pictured how much it would hurt if it fell right onto my face. Neil and I had a great dorm room, located on the top floor of the university's main dorm. Our room was overly cluttered, but we loved the decorations. Signs lined the walls, ranging from our old favorite 1990's cartoons, to the street sign we took from our old neighborhood the night before we left for college in our freshman year. The smell of popcorn filled the relatively small space - the snack that had become our staple as we became more and more wrapped around that healthy gym lifestyle. Still, Neil had a handful of our guilty pleasure, skittles, in his hand. He did his trademark move: taking a half dozen or so, swirling it around in his closed palm, raising it over his face, and dropping them into his mouth from above.

"I still say the Smoothie Mix Skittles are mad underrated" he called out, a little muffled as he downed another handful.

"Wildberry all day" I replied casually. "Or Tropical. The regular is good, too. Whichever."

"Still can't make a fucking decision" he shot back, already ducking in case I threw something his way.

"Oh fuck off" I said, though I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "It's been years, man. Give me a break."

"Any good prospects tonight?" he somewhat changed the subject, noticing how intently I was studying my phone.

"Same shit, different night" I responded, followed by a dozen swipes to the left. "Dog mom, dog mom, traveler, traveler, dog mom. How do all these girls have the money to travel so much?"

"I don't know why you waste your time on there" Neil laughed, finally finishing his bag of Smoothie Skittles. The colors left a crazy pattern on his hand, and he went to wash up.

I could feel my anxiety creeping up as I started to approach the end of my 24-hour period of likes. "Twenty two. Twenty Three. Twenty not worth it," I thought in my head as I pulled off a quick almost-right-to-left transfer. It's funny how the standard went up as the likes neared the end. Suddenly, my eyes went wide, followed by a thud, and a yell.

"Fuck!" I called out, phone bouncing off my forehead, then tumbling down the couch. "Shit, shit, shit, don't swipe for me."

"Yo, Chris, chill man" Neil said, coming back in after the exclamation. "I'm sure you'll have more chances tomorrow, even if your phone did swipe for you."

My hand was shaking and I couldn't find the words. I stared at my screen.

"Dude, what's going on?" he asked.

"It's...Hai" my voice dried up. "It's Hailey." I finally worked the words out.

"Hailey?!" he responded in a shock and darted over towards me. "Holy shit..." he said, as he got close enough to see the screen.

My finger tentatively scrolled down the profile. "Looking for...I don't know," I read aloud. "Travel mode..."

"Travel mode" Neil echoed.

"She'" I questioned. My settings had things limited to 20 miles. It said she was five miles away. I sat there and thought for a while, occasionally scrolling up and down her profile, looking for any details. One of them was her in her cheer outfit.

"Oh for the love of..." I said suddenly. "That's right, we play fucking A&M tomorrow. They must have brought the cheer squad."

One thing I had always regretted in high school was not playing enough sports. I changed that quickly in college, and had made a number of the school's teams. Tomorrow was the last soccer game before the holiday break, and it was against the school Hailey had decided to attend.


"Danielle is really going out of state?" Hailey asked me from the seat next to me on the couch. As usual, she was dressed in a mixture of adorable and sexy, covered by the tank top and cheer shorts combination that I had become so accustomed to over the months. She smelled good, starting to experiment with different perfumes and body washes. She was like a sexy peach today.

"That's what she told me" I replied. It was the summer before I was leaving for college, and my relations with my favorite girls had slowly ground to a halt as big decisions were being pondered.

"What an idiot!" she said, though there was some joy in her voice. "Dump her ass, and then we can date, and I'll meet you at Tech in two years." She was already putting her arms around me and nuzzling into my chest.

"Hailey, it's not that simple" I started after a brief pause. "We promised we'd give it a shot. Plus, I'm about to be in college, and you're just a junior."

"Oh..." she said, recoiling in some pain. "Well, yeah, that's...that's all fair. I'll, uh, see you later, Chris."

She got up and headed up the stairs. I watched that perky ass in her little cheer shorts as it bounced away. I didn't know it would be the last time that I'd see her for a long time.

It's funny. Each of us hangs out with someone, and in that moment, it may be the last time that we ever see that person. But, we don't usually know. It's kind of haunting, but it's how life works.


"Chris...Chris" Neil said, shaking me. "Snap out of it dude."

"What?" I said, coming out of my daydream. "Oh. Dude, I can't believe she's here."

"What are you thinking, man?" he asked. "I know you and her always had something extra special.

Neil was right. Danielle and I had the all around connection. Melanie was my sentimental favorite in some ways. But, if I was honest, Hailey was always the one where the most animalistic lust originated. She had those piercing blue vampire eyes, that were easily the sexiest feature I had ever seen on another human. She studied my sexual preferences more than her textbooks, and she always knew how to get me going. Our flame burned bright. I had always wondered why she gave up on me so quickly that afternoon at her house.

"I need to talk to her" I said. Triumphantly, I got up, looked at Neil confidently, raised my hand high in the air and....swiped right?

What the fuck was I doing? She might barely use the app, or not at all. She might not have any premium features, and probably got hundreds of likes each day. This stupid app was warping my reality.

"I really hope she didn't change her number" I finally said, and started to scroll through my phone.

"Wait a second" Neil interrupted. "Why bother?"

"Why bother?!" I said, my voice raising to a comedic pitch. "Yeah, why fucking bother with anything? Why don't we drop out of school and join the circus? Why don't we jump off the roof and into the fucking koi pond?! Why don't I take this bag of skittles and shove it up your fucking..."

"Dude..." he said, unable to help himself from laughing at my rant. "I just meant, if she's here, and she's cheering tomorrow, why not use the element of surprise to YOUR advantage? You're expecting her. She's not expecting you. Be prepared, and use that to win her favor."

It wasn't a bad thought. The prepared party always has an advantage over the unprepared.

"Done deal" I said, and we exchanged our patented high five. He made his way over to his bed and put his back against the wall.

"I'm not letting you come anywhere near me with that bag of skittles" he said, and we both laughed.

The next morning, I prepared differently. I always had a game day routine, but there was something different today. My focus was more on making sure I looked and smelled as good as possible. Maybe I would see her before the game. Regardless, I was expecting her, she wasn't expecting me, and that was my advantage. A couple of hours before the game, I made my way to the elevator, and rode down to the first floor.

I was Mr. Cool, today. My confidence had dropped from my reign in high school, but today, nothing was stopping me. I stared straight off, not even acknowledging anybody to either side of me. My sunglasses kept the blistering sun from my eyes, and I could even feel more bounce in my step. I set off for the field, and knew there was nothing that was going to distract me from today's mission - find Hailey, catch her off guard, and make some kind of move.


"What the" I said, dazed and looking around as I suddenly found myself in the grass. I had been hit by a truck, or a linebacker. Someone was sabotaging our team! It must have been a plant from the other team, trying to injure me before the big game.

I was half right.

"Aye fucking jellyfish?" I heard a familiar voice crawling over my crumpled body.

"Hailey?!" I asked in bewilderment, and the two of us embraced in the longest hug I could remember.

"Is that a tear? Oh you're such a wimp" she said with playful laughter. "All this time and you've gone soft on me."

"HEY!" I shot back. "I absolutely have never gone *soft* on you."

"That's actually completely true" she giggled. "Did I catch you off guard?"

"Yes!" I couldn't help but laugh. "This is such bullshit. I saw you on Bumble last night, and I was about to message you, but Neil convinced me to try to surprise you instead. How did you find me?"

"Oh you're so silly sometimes, Chris" Hailey said playfully. "Did you really think I forgot where you went to school? Did you really think I wouldn't figure out which dorm you were in, wait for the first moment you let your guard down, and find a way to put my body on yours?"

I guess the more things changed, the more they stayed the same.

"Hailey...I..." I struggled. There was so much I wanted to say. I looked into her eyes, and felt a rush of emotion. I hadn't seen her, Danielle, or Melanie in years. It was overwhelming. My eyes felt heavy, and I actually had to stop myself, and fight off what had nearly become tears.

"Chris..." she said, for a second appearing like she was about to tease me, before softening, herself. Our faces rushed closer and we kissed, a couple of open lip kisses, which quickly descended into a makeout led by tongues. We were rolling around in the grass for all to see.

"Right here?" she asked, with a mix of surprise and hopefulness.

"How about we let some anticipation build for once?" I asked with a chuckle. "Besides, I'd rather not be kicked out of college, especially now that I'm over halfway through it."

"Look who's a prude now" she teased, but grabbed my hand. We walked hand in hand towards the fields. "Any girl who might get jealous of this?" she asked casually after a few hundred steps.

"College has....not been high school" I responded with a small smile. "What...about you?"

She giggled and squeezed my hand harder. "I don't think anyone could fill your void, both literally and figuratively."

There was so much I wanted to ask. Perhaps nothing more than trying to figure out how we lost touch for so long. But, before I could think of how to phrase it, we had already arrived at the field.

"How is your team going to handle you rooting for the other team?" I teased her as we arrived.

"Chris, you're adorable, but I think college has robbed you of some brain cells" she laughed. "There's no cheer team at road soccer games. There probably won't even be a single soul from our school besides the players. I just used it as an excuse to head home early for the semester. I'll continue the rest of the way after today...or maybe tonight."

In each of my trips home from college, I had never allowed myself to think whether Danielle was home, too. I certainly hadn't allowed myself to consider where Hailey was, and I remember Melanie had moved. I had embraced the change, but now I was starting to forget why.

"Good luck" she said with a wink, followed by a quick kiss.

Hailey's presence was all I needed for motivation. I was always pretty good at self-motivating, but whenever there was someone around that I wanted to impress, things turned up to 11. I was more galloping than running, creating multiple scoring chances in the first ten minutes. My navy blue jersey flapped in the wind, as I used my speed to wreak havoc on the defense, finally putting away my third chance in the 15th minute. I swear I heard a squeal and looked up to where Hailey must have been watching.

Right before halftime, I went through multiple defenders, creating another scoring chance. Just before planting to kick, a frustrated defender took me down from behind with a nasty challenge. I went down with a grunt, and heard a ton of yelling from the sideline. My first instinct was to get up and get in the guy's face, but my next thought was that my leg really hurt. The training staff came out and performed a number of tests.

"I think you're okay, Chris" said the main athletic trainer, bending my knee back and forth. "You better come out though."

I protested, but I couldn't really walk. With assistance from the team, I limped to the sideline, and laid out on a table.

"You scared me! I didn't even get to suck your dick yet" I heard an over-exaggerated sexual voice say from just behind me. Hailey had hopped the fence and was using my body to shield her presence from view.

"You're so ridiculous" I chuckled.

"Excuse me, you can't be here Miss" bellowed someone from the athletics department.

"Excuse you!" she snapped back. "That's my man, and he might be seriously hurt. I'm not going anywhere until I know he's okay."

I nodded, and the enforcement left. Hailey stayed by my side the rest of the game, and we escaped with the 1-0 victory. Afterwards, following a quick on-field meeting, the two of us headed back for my dorm.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked as I limped, even with my arm over her shoulder for some assistance.

"I'm a quick healer" I shrugged. "I'm sure it'll be fine in the morning."

"Still, you're going to need a 24/7 nurse, just in case" she insisted.

I laughed, but felt myself getting emotional again. Being with Hailey was bringing back so many memories. I had missed her so much. I had missed a lot of people from that time, but especially the three who had meant so much to me.

Finally, the two of us made our way up the elevator, and back to my dorm. Fortunately, Neil had a late night class, and the room was empty.

"Let's get you cleaned up" she insisted. She looked deep into my eyes, and then started to help me strip down. She gingerly worked my cleats and socks off, and then pulled my jersey over my head. Once she had my shorts and boxers off, she carefully helped me onto the shower floor, and got the water to a decent temperature. Next, it was her turn, and my eyes widened as she started to reveal her body. Her bust was at least a half cup size bigger, and her ass had really shaped up even more. It seemed she had found the same gym lifestyle that I had. I couldn't take my eyes off her figure, especially those hips and ass, and I was already rock hard by the time she stepped in with me.

"Now, now, what are we to do with this?" she asked, looking down at me. She climbed onto her knees and kissed me hard on the mouth. Slowly, she reached for the soap, and went straight for what she wanted. She lathered up my rock hard length, and slowly started to rub from the bottom to the tip. Every time she hit a sensitive spot, I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Hailey, it's been so long, please don't tease me" I nearly begged, looking at her pleadingly.

"We have to be careful with the injured party" she teased, kissing me again and then quickly licking my neck. Then, she finally took a firmer grip on me, and aided by the soap, started to jerk me up and down. A few seconds later, her thumb found my sensitive underside, and I was already in heaven.

"Fuck, Hailey, it's so fucking good" I grunted, reaching out and squeezing her breasts, getting a better idea at their increased size.

"I missed this cock so fucking much" she said, her eyes nearly glazed over as she worked my cock with her hands. Her thumb firmly rubbed the underside of the tip again and again, and there was exactly zero chance I was going to last long.

"You know, it's kind of fun to have you as putty in my hands" she grinned, relishing in every single one of my reactions. Her strokes became more and more exaggerated, and she never let up from the most sensitive spot.

"Fuck, fuck" I said, tensing and building more by the second. It felt incredible.

"Do you like it?" she teased, looking up at me with those fucking vampire eyes.

"Ugh" I grunted, knowing she was playing me like a violin. I heard the audible smirk and laugh as she felt me pulsing in her hands.

"No you don't, not without me tasting" she said, and descended onto my cock. She was just in time, and I quickly exploded right into her mouth.

"Oh my fucking..." I grunted, as cum pumped out of my cock and straight down her throat in violent waves. My body was jumping and jerking with each blast, and Hailey took it all like a champ. She swirled and pumped and drained me dry. Not until I was done shaking did she pop off from the head, swallowing everything eagerly, and looking up at me.

"Feeling better?" she beamed, and kissed my chest. "Wow, you've certainly done some work" she said after noticing how much more defined my chest was than all those years ago. Her hands went to my arms and she squeezed my biceps.

"I could say the same about you" I smiled, as my hands reached for her curves. Then, I crawled towards her, kissing her lips before moving to her neck.

"Careful" she said through her increased breathing, still worried about my injury. But, I wasn't about to let this end already. I made my way down to her breasts, and set off in exploring the updated version. I firmly sucked on one nipple, and playfully twisted the one not in my mouth. Back and forth, until she was squirming. Finally, I kissed down her body and between her legs.

"Yes!" she shouted, and nearly slid out of place as soon as my tongue found her clit. I started with slow, deliberate motions, tongue darting left to right, as one of my hands reached up to squeeze her breasts. I started to build up the pace slowly but surely, strong licks across her clit, before I brought my hand to help the situation. I slipped two fingers deep into her pussy and started to curl against her g-spot. The combination of my fingers and tongue sent her into a bucking frenzy, and it was all I could do to continue to lick her, and not make my leg injury even worse in the process.

"Fuck, don't you dare stop" she said, grabbing my hair and holding me in place while I increased speeds with my tongue and fingers. Her mouth went wide open and she shook, pussy leaking and squirting a little against my tongue as I rubbed her insides firmly. She contracted so tightly that it was tough to keep up the same rhythm, but my dancing tongue kept her moaning in ecstasy. A few seconds later, she squealed, and slid out from under me, crashing into me, as we both collapsed in a heap.

"Are you okay?" she asked, a little nervously, though more than a little out of breath.

"Better than that" I said with a smile, holding onto her from on top of the drain.

Hailey helped dress me, and no sooner had we come out of the bathroom, than Neil entered the dorm room.

"Oh, hey guys" Neil laughed, playing it off like he didn't had any clue something like this could happen, and doing his usual terrible job of it.

"Nice advice" Hailey shot off immediately, with a laugh. "Ask Chris how that 'preparedness advantage' went for him" and she giggled her way through the air quotes.

"I think we're going to head back for the semester tonight" I offered. "You good here on your own?"

"Man, don't worry about it" Neil responded, and we did our customary high five. I packed what I'd need for the return trip home, and headed for the door.

"I'll see you in a bit, dude" I said as Neil came over to escort us out.

"Sure thing, man" he replied. Then he shifted to a whisper. "Be careful. You never know who you're going to find back there..."
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