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DISCLAIMER: Please be patient with me as this is my first story and I’m not a professional writer. Thanks.
Part 1:

The earliest sexual memory I have of my sister was when we were both in middle school. Our Parents had divorced and my mom had to take a second job and would not be home until later after dinner usually. Back in those days we were called latch key kids, as we had to let ourselves into the house because no parent was home. I was just old enough to be responsible for the 2 of us. My sister is 2 years younger than I am.

We grew up in a decent area. Houses were far enough apart that we all had some privacy. We had a large yard with an above ground pool and a patio area that was very private where we could grill and eat at our outdoor table. After our dad left it fell on me to do a lot of the outside stuff like mowing and cleaning the pool.

My sister Katie wasn’t much of a help back then, but she also tried as best she could to contribute. She was tall for her age, almost my height. After college she would claim to be taller than I was even though I’d only concede a tie at best.

Growing up in Texas, the weather permitted us to have the pool open year-round even if we didn’t always use it. There was a small shed off the patio that housed the pool pump as well as an area for the chemicals and pool equipment. The other half of the shed my dad had turned into a changing area with a few cubbies for towels and a small electric dryer. There was a bench and two small windows that let in plenty of light.

One day after school I had gone to the shed to get the pool pump going, and put together a new pole for the skimmer that mom had got over the weekend. Katie had gone in the house to use the bathroom and then was coming out with drinks for us before she went swimming and I started pool chores.

“Keith do you want sweet tea or pop?” she asked from the kitchen window.

“Just water please.” I remember it being warm for that time of year and I’d already started sweating since the shed had no AC.

Without warning the light popped on in the other side of the shed. There had been a small hole that I’d never seen before where the cord for the dryer came through the wall about chest level. Bright white light flooded through from the other side of the solid wall and I was immediately drawn to it. There before me was my teenage sisters ass covered in thin white panties staring back at me. I felt a lump in my throat and immediately looked away. I went back to the pump and turned it on and walked out to where my sister had set my drink and tried to act like nothing happened. Up to this point I’d never really seen a naked girl. Back in those days the risqué thing was a Victoria secret catalog or the yearly sports illustrated swimsuit issue.

I tried to act cool as she came out of the pool house. I could feel sweat forming on my forehead and my cheeks flushing.

“You ok?” Katie asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine it was just hot in there” I lied.

She shrugged it off and jumped in the pool in her bright blue one piece suit. At that point my hormones exploded and I was suddenly awash with the thought of seeing my sister changing in the pool house.

I remember that first night after seeing her. Her tiny ass was all I could think of. I was ashamed at first but also so damn horny I couldn’t help myself. I went to bed thinking of ways to peek at her while she changed, and how not to get caught. Sadly the next week or so I remember being cold and rainy and we would come home from school and do inside stuff.

That weekend was Easter and we were planning on having family come visit from out of state. My grandparents from my moms side and her brother were coming and Mom had announced earlier that week that our father had phoned and he would be driving down from Austin to see us as well. She didn’t look thrilled but my sister and I were. We hadn’t seen him since Christmas and rarely spoke to him on the phone so this would be an exciting change.

That Wednesday before easter weekend I was tasked with cleaning the pool so after school I started my pool routine as normal. Katie had a bad day at school and was quiet on the bus and went to her room when we got home so I was alone. I started like I always did by going to the shed to get what I needed and hump it to the pool and hook the hoses up. Also while in the shed I decided to investigate the hole in the wall that I’d seen my sister through. It wasn’t even as big as a dime but its placement was perfect. I could see the entire room well. I went around to the finished side and looked from there to see how obvious the hole was. I was excited to see that from in there it just looked like the cord went into the wall and the rough drywall around it just wasn’t finished. I was relieved until I clicked off the light as I was walking out. I noticed a beam of light coming through. I went back to the pump side and saw I had left the door open and this made it brighter and allowed the hole to be noticed. I was acutely aware at that point how this would work. If I stayed in the dark, no one could see me. Talk about an earth shattering revelation as a kid this was all I needed. I now knew I’d be concealed as long as I stayed in the dark.

Armed with this new info I ran into the house and tried to put a plan in motion.

“Oh my god Katie that pool feels so nice” I shouted up the stairs. “Are you coming down? I have to clean up then I’m going for a swim”

Katie appeared at the top of the steps a minute later and said “I just put on my suit, I’ll be out in a sec.”

Suit? Ugh… This wasn’t how I planned things and immediately my mind went stir crazy. She came down to the kitchen in her standard light blue one piece and a large t-shirt that was so old it was almost see-thru over top. I could tell she was still upset about what happened at school.

“You wanna talk about it?” I asked.

“About what?”

“Why you look like someone stole your lunch” I joked. This kid was always the happier of the 2 of us so I figured it must be something legit.

“No,” She said, “I’m fine.”

“Ok, but if you need to vent I’ll listen. Why you wearing that old shirt?”

“I ripped some stitches in this old suit. Guess I’m getting fat.” She then half turned away from me and lifted the shirt above her waist to show me a small tear running up the side seam.

“Good. Get rid of that old thing. The color reminds me of Grandmas bathing suit with the frills and I hate it.” I was teasing now trying to lighten her mood and it worked. She smiled and I remember thinking how pretty she was. She looked more like our mom than I did back then. Her light brown hair was longer than moms, almost past her shoulders, but she almost always had it pulled back into a ponytail.

“I’m going to grab another suit mom got me from the pool house and I’ll meet you out there. You going to change?” Katie asked me.

“Yeah I’ll be out in like 10” I lied.

As soon as she headed out back I followed and waited by the door until she went in to change. I darted across the lawn and quickly and quietly got into the pump side of the shed and making sure the door was closed and light was off, I worked myself into position at the hole.

At first Katie was just sitting on the far side of the bench. She was looking across at the cubbies and trying to decide what to wear. I watched her pull out a pink bathing suit with ruffles on the shoulders. She inspected it closely and pulled on it with both hands, stretching the material a little and watching it snap back into place. She set that to the side and stood up, walking closer to me. I couldn’t see her head but my eyes were about level with her belly button when all of a sudden the ugly blue was replaced by pale white skin! My heart jumped. She was so close all I could see was her flat belly but I could feel my heart in my throat. I leaned as close as I dared and looked up. I saw her small budding breasts with tiny, light nipples. The sight was beyond anything I’d know at that point. As she turned and walked back to the cubbies her ass came into view. It looked so soft and had a nice shape to it.

About that time my dick started really hurting. I was in a loose pair of shorts but had my briefs on underneath and the pressure built up quickly. With a quick swipe I yanked both items down. At this point I had been masturbating for at least a year, mostly to the shitty old victorias secret catalogs mentioned earlier, but this was something new and epic.

As I stoked my dick as quickly and quietly as I could I watched her. She was just sitting on the bench and I had a side view of her. I kept staring at her breasts and marveled at the way they moved up and down as she was breathing. From the side they looked like half a baseball with a nipple sitting high up. I was sweating terribly and was slightly uncomfortable for the way I was angled and looking through the hole.

Katie reached over and pulled a black suit from a cubbie and stepped into the leg holes. She the stood and turned toward me as she wiggled the suit up her legs and I got a quick glimpse of her slit. It was small and disappeared down between her legs. Above was a thin, sparse patch of short hairs. I shook and bucked when I saw that and exploded into my hand with the most powerful orgasm I’d ever had at that point in my life.

I needed a few to compose myself and I moved into the back corner to get my undies and shorts back up. There was cum on everything. I started to panic. How was I going to explain coming out of the shed to Katie? How was I going to walk past her in the pool with several wet spots on my shorts? What if she figured out what I’d done? I wasn’t sure what to do then I heard Katie splashing around in the pool so I thought if I snuck out maybe she’d be distracted enough I could get in the house.

Slowly I opened the door. She was facing away and I made a move and walked fast. I was half way to the house when she called out.

“Where you going?” she yelled. “Were you around the pool? I didn’t see you”

“I came out when you jumped in” I said. “You got me wet so I’m going in to change.” That was the best I could come up with on the spot.

“Why not just jump in with your shorts then?”

I thought that would be a good idea. It would save me having to hide the cum stained clothes from my mom in the laundry.

As I turned to go back to the pool Katie started laughing and pointed to my crotch. “You look like you peed your pants” she quipped.

“I told you, you splashed me.” I was more defensive than I needed to be but I was slightly embarrassed. I removed my shirt and jumped in as quick as I could to avoid any more comments.

We swam for a bit and when she had enough Katie said she was going to throw everything in the dryer and change before heading into the house to start homework. I waited and she got out of the pool and sat on a lounger and dried her hair off with a big oversized towel. I acted like I was inspecting the pool skimmer while waiting for her to move to the shed to change. As she got up I moved over to the ladder and acted like I was looking at the trees or birds or whatever. Then she started to the shed and I got out just as she closed the door to go in. I had to wait tho because water was dripping off me and I was afraid I would make too much noise or leave a trail of water to the other side that I wouldn’t be able to explain. But before I could act or move off the deck the door opened, and Katie came and headed toward the house. She was wearing that old tshit cover-up from earlier, but her chest was still wet and it clung to her breasts and was pretty see through. As she walked by she held her towel up to her chest and didn’t make eye contact just walked past to the house. As she went by I looked at her beautiful ass. The shirt was glued to it and gave me a great view of her blossoming body.

I cleaned up around the pool and went into the pool house side of the shed. I threw my stuff into the dryer and saw her suit in there. Out of curiosity I pulled it out and looked at the crotch. I pressed it up to my nose and took a deep breath. I remember this one kid from school, Billy, who always talked about how great pussy smells and tastes. We all know he’s full of shit and had never seen a girl naked except in a magazine, but we also didn’t know anything about girls either. I can honestly say I don’t remember her crotch smelling like anything but chlorine, but I still felt dirty and a little aroused doing it. I went into the house to wash off and I’m pretty sure I jerked off again before my shower.

Later that evening our mom had come home and started dinner. I was on the couch reading something for school and was oblivious to the happenings around me. Suddenly my mom was standing next to me, and for the first time ever I realized how full her breasts were. She was still wearing her scrubs from work, and as she leaned forward to kiss my forehead I saw her big, soft globes nestled in a white bra. I gulped hard and as she pulled away she noticed something was wrong.

“Not you too?” she asked. “Did you have a bad day as well?”

“No, not at all. Actually my day was great!” I was WAY too enthusiastic in my answer but my mom seemed happy to hear that. I saw her visibly relax. She flopped down on the couch and let out a huge sigh.

“You ok mom?”

“Yes, sweetie” she said. “Your sister is having a hard time adjusting to things. I think of you both as children but you’re both growing up so fast. I know it’s not easy for any of us.”

“I know mom, but we are ok. We get by and we all have each other” I said.

She smiled her sweet smile. Our mom was a pretty woman. Even many years later when we were older she looked younger than most her age. Mom also had brown hair, like Katie and I, but hers was shorter. Her and Dad got married when he was 19 and she was 17. 2 years later she had me, 2 years after she had Katie. She worked hard and was always too thin I thought. She had a larger chest and on her thin frame it always made her boobs look bigger than they were. My moms smile was always her best feature tho. I loved when mom smiled at me. Even now thinking back it makes me smile.

“Keith, keep an eye on your sister in school please. Some kids were teasing her and she is pretty upset.”

“I will mom”, I responded. “Do you know who or why?”

“A few girls made fun of her, for developing. Soon they will understand but for now they are probably just jealous and they do not realize that they all go through puberty sooner or later.”

I shifted awkwardly in my seat. “OK Mom ill try” was all I could muster.

“Now” she said changing gears, “I have another surprise. Your father is coming down on Saturday for the holiday and he asked if he could stay a few days in the spare bedroom. I said he could since you are both off of school nest week for Easter break. But, and please don’t be too upset, he’s bringing….someone.”

“Someone?” I asked. “Like Nana and Pop Pop?” Those were his parents who I hadn’t seen in years.

“No honey. He’s bringing his new girlfriend.” I could see the hurt in her eyes but also how hard she tried to keep a up a happy demeanor.


“Yes. Apparently, he wants you and Katie to meet her.”

Now my parents had been divorced for some time now, and I’m pretty sure from all I remember growing up, Dad’s big issue was cheating on mom. When they split and he moved away he had moved in with a lady my mom only ever referred to as “The Whore” lol. Some months later he left her and moved in with our uncle. But in recent months dad had told us he had a nice new apartment in Austin and someday we kids should have a visit.

“Oh ok. Are you OK with that, Mom?”

“Honey he can do what he wants, he’s a grown man. I’m not happy about her coming but I do want him to spend some time with you kids. He is your father after all.”

That night at dinner in felt like king of the world for some reason. Maybe it was all the hormones, the changes, the new sexual adventures, but I felt GOOD.

I decided to try and help my sister and maybe make her smile some more.

“Hey Katie, did you see what Maria Thomas wore to school today?” Maria was in Katies grade, but was close to my age, as she had been held back at some point as kids. She always dressed like Madonna with the lace and frills and headbands and tanktops.

“Yes, I think everyone saw her today. Or at least saw parts of her.” My sister cracked a smile, and I knew she knew what I was talking about.

“Oh is this juicy gossip?” asked mom. “Do tell Keith.”

“Well, she had on this white top but..” I stopped. How did I approach this without being blunt. We were not the most open, nor the most prude family but we just seemed to never touch on the subject of sex. We of course had the “talk” when we were younger. And mom being a nurse was always open about us asking if we had questions, but this was different.

“But what, Keith? Can you finish a thought?” Mom inquired.

“Well, It’s just that” I didn’t know where to go. I looked to Katie for help.

“Nipples” Katie blurted out. “You could see her nipples. She didn’t wear a bra and the top was thin and I don’t think anyone told her. By 5th period though she was in the nurses office, and later she was wearing her gym clothes.” That brought a huge smile to Katies face followed by a BIG laugh.

“The nurse should have gave her two band aids to cover herself” I joked.

“Ohhkay….” Mom said rolling her eyes.

Mom got up to start clearing the table but looked over her shoulder and mouthed “Thank you”.

The next 2 days went by quickly as we did what we could to get the house ready for the family visit. That Friday after school let out our grandparents arrived. At dinner that night we all speculated about dad’s “friend” and if she was ugly, or old, or as my grandma joked, blind. After, we put on a movie and the family sat around watching. It felt good to have my Grandparents there. Mom was definitely at ease. After the movie we helped them get settled into the bigger guest room. Mom asked me what room we should put Dad in and I offered mine. I could sleep on the couch or, even better, in the basement. The basement was ½ finished and had the laundry, water heater, and storage. The other part had some carpet, and old couch, and there was a bathroom with a small shower. In general mom didn’t let us go down there except to move laundry. Basements aren’t as common in Texas as you’d think and mom always associated it with snakes, spiders, or worse scorpions. In all my years I’d only ever seen a few spiders and they weren’t a big deal.

Mom agreed to let me move a few things down there and stay for the week. I was super excited. While mine was the biggest bedroom, it was the only one without its own bathroom so this was an upgrade in my mind. I spent all night Friday masturbating to Victoria Secret and washing up in my own private bath.


2022-08-10 21:56:52
Cannot believe this is your very first story, it's so good.

Trib FanReport 

2022-07-25 11:20:30
For a first time author I enjoy how you write....Take it slow....Don't rush into the 'good' stuff....

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