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This was one of many failed attempts at becoming a famous author.. lol. I posted it on another site a while ago, now brave enough to see if it is good enough to compete with the many talented authors here.

( please be gentle with your criticism. This story is purely a fantasy, that should never be possible and never tried on a unwilling person, " Unless she truely feels the urge to fully submit to her inner Bitch" and her new mistress has that sexy seductive french accent that disolves oneself into a helpless submissive mess.)

The advertised job just stated that local vet requires young fit lady interested in an Assistant Position, must have experience with large dogs and some knowledge of animal breeding programs, for further information phone Suzanne La'Chance, followed by a phone number.

I had seen this job advertised for months, Either it was terrible or no one had enough experience , I kept coming back to it, I had no idea what a vets assistant did.

Having recently lost my job and in dire need of an income to pay my rent and so close to being evicted, I had no way of coming up with the cash in a short time without full time work,

I punched the number into my mobile phone, after a small hesitation and a sigh I hit call.

Hi. Suzannes dog kennels and vet surgery, Sorry i cant take your call just now, please follow the prompts and leave a detailed message, I will return your call as soon as possible, Thank you.

Instantly her husky voice threw me. Something about a a sexy French accent, Especially a sexy female with a sexy purring accent.

Aaahhhh Its Sara here,, Ummmm I was calling about the position you have open.. ummm I'm good around animals, mmmm especialy big dogs ummmm I mean the big ones are good I think or ahhhh I mean I have been with big dogs and liked it, you know ummm, I mean it was okay and everthing just i dont let them get on top of me all the time, yeah maybe just every now and then I have given in to them, but they usually like me once i have given them what they need,

like once I fell over and this big dog growled and then started to lick me all over so they must like me. I don't have experience as an assistant but i do learn fast, and am prepared to try anything different.

That went well , I muttered to myself as i hit the end button, she will think I'm a blithering idiot, guess i wont hear back from her. Ohhh how do i let myself get so flustered when i hear someone with a husky foreign voice .

Deep in thought it took a few seconds to realize my phone had beeped with a new message from my email.

Slightly distracted and feeling down i opened the message.

Msg from K9Girl. Instantly getting a warm feeling when i saw who it was from, one of my many anonymous friends on a chat site, who I had come to love sharing many of my fantasies and wicked tales of my sometimes taboo sexual exploits.

This woman had intrigued me from day one. slowly drawing my deep inner thoughts and fantasies from me until before i realized i had started chatting and told her everything about myself even the wicked things i had done.

Things i would never dare tell my close friends,

she made me so comfortable talking about taboo things that it felt like normal every day conversation. We had become good anonymous online friends in quite a kinky chat room.

Hi K9slut... Howsit today, meet any wicked mistresses to spank ur naughty ass and help with the rent lol. got a big old Cane Corso in need of a mate if ur interested, heheheh could be right up ur ally given the chance hehehehe, and you know which ally i mean giggle giggle.

I smiled and thought to myself if only you knew how much that name suits me. But it doesn't pay the rent sigh..

My fingers started moving over the keys.

Hey how you doing, Right timing lol. feeling down at moment, maybe i will take up your offer, hehehehe, how much can he afford and would he be up to the job heheheh,

He will need lots of stamina and staying power to keep up with this girl, perhaps i can move into his kennel hahaha.

Hey ! I thought you said you had a Ridgeback, I read that Cane Corso's were quite aggressive and very nasty.

Instantly i watched as she typed..

Well I have two Hun, want to share lol. and yep he has a mind of his own when he decides he wants U know what wink wink. no probs with stamina, or staying power mmmm... might even be to much for an experienced chick like you lol.

Whats up sound sad, Not getting any heheh


I phoned about a job today, and you guessed it.. I went to water as soon as the voice came on the answer machine lol,

Damn french accents hehehe knees went weak, nearly slipped in the puddle lol, and bloody tongue got tied hehe, ohhh and i think i sounded like i wanted to have sex with her dogs, fuuuk i def wont be hearing back from her lol. Might have been an Ok job, apparently looking after dogs. mmmm and doing something about breeding hhmmmm what more could a terrible twisted girl like me want,

just imagine me involved with a dog breeding program, I get wet just walking past the pet shop lol.

I watched her reply quickly start appearing,

Ohh dear was that just this afternoon Hun, sorry to hear, never mind maybe she hasn't checked her messages yet, Yep u could be just the girl she needs lol. French accent does it for u eh. mmmmm, *laisse moi pisser dans ta bouch salope, ( let me piss in your mouth you slut.) hehehe

*pencher pour le chiol, ( bend over for the puppy ) *voules-vous une portee de chiols, ( do you want a litter of puppies )

Got to go Hun. looks like i just got an urgent msg... Talk later, practice your french mmmwahhh. Alors cum me voir pour que je puisse metre des chiots dan ton ventre. (then cum see me so i can put some puppies in your belly. )

Looking at the words I cracked a smile, wondering what the words meant, such a sexy sounding language and so beautifully sounding ( If only i knew then what she had said. )

The best I had felt all day, mmmm one day Im going to take the chance of meeting this kinky lady, pretty sure she would make the perfect mistress for me, she always seems to say the right things and then drags the worst out of me , no one else in this world knows so much about my kinky ways and taboo desires.

My mind drifts and I think about all our chats and the kinky things she talks about, mmmmm ,I wonder how much of it is true...

But first to sort out my life, I sigh then feel my phone vibrate. I dont recognise the number so hesitate before answering,

Hello, Sara speaking.

Would this be the Sara that rang regards the position I have for an assistant !

The deep husky french accent seemed to echo in my ears, my heart skipped a beat, I couldn't believe she was returning my call.

I stuttered, yyyes its me iimmm the Sara uummm ahhh, I rang regards the position with dogs and and the assistant thing ummm... position you have for me with dogs and breeding stuff, I think I can breed ahhh I mean not breed but i like dogs.. I'm sure I can learn the right positions I mean position you want me in .

Okkkayyy.. Sara you sound a little nervous , but are you comfortable around large dogs Hun,

I actually have a breeding kennel, that is part of my buisiness and require someone who can assist with some of the uuuummm, should i say delicate side of the breeding program

It will start as a temp position then if all works well will become a full time commitment for the right person'

I expect you will need to carry quite a full load at some point, or maybe.... *Si tout se passe bien, vous aurez certainement la possibilite de transporter quelques charges completes. (if all goes well you will definetly get to carry quite a few loads.)

Pardon Miss I softly spluttered.!!

So sorry!! You have no French? I sometimes forget, I said this job can maybe grow in you, giggle giggle, *tres certainement grandir en vous. ( most definetly grow in you ).

Yes I am comfortable, as a matter of fact I would love to have puppies myself, ummm I mean a puppy ohhh I will be okay with the program you said.

Ohhh you would like to have puppies would you, we will see what we can do then hahaha,

Okay look Sara why don't you pop into my vet hospital shall we say around 530pm tonight, and we can have a chat about what the position entails and if you are right for the position.

Oh and just dress casual, nothing to special as we may wander around the kennels for a bit . *ne vous embetez pas quec des culottes Cherie, vous n'enaurez pas besoin. ( dont bother with panties honey, you wont need them.) See you soon Bye''' Click..

OMG she must think Im a complete fool.. Well at least i get to have an interview, and sounds like she has a sense of humour.

Ohhh god how must i sound, "Oh yeah I want to have Puppies"

So excited and nervous I quickly signed into my chat account.fingers excitedly keying a msg to K9girl.

Hey guess what!! i typed, I got an interview for that job, Wow so excited and nervous that I will mess it up, don't know what to wear, she said to dress casual for a visit to her kennels, what do you think casual means,

So want to make a good impression.

Almost instantly my phone beeped.. msg from K9girl sprang up as I opened it.

From K9girl... hey girl ... just be yourself... ohhh maybe not your usual self straight away hehehe, try and stay on two feet , at least until you know whats up hehehe,

You will be fine, do you have a nice revealing summer dress hidden somewhere just in case she fancies you hehehe.

From K9slut... I do .. its maybe a little to revealing, Hey what does ..culote or ne pas. mean in french.

From K9girl... I think culote means panties and ne pas.. well that means don't,

Why the questions hehehe did she say some thing to you in french ?

From K9slut.... yeah she did but maybe i didn't remember the right words.

From K9girl...Never know.. ohhh I hear the french refer to casual as no panties hehehe, especially if she wants to show you her kennels mmmmm, dear little k9slut just might get lucky heheheh,

just remember to keep that cute chin down and that sexy tail end up Hun..maybe she wants you for her puppy program hehehe. No panties hey!! hehehe.

From K9slut.. .I must have misunderstood her, Damn she sounds sexy as hell, maybe I just might forget them hahaha, just in case, What do you think ? To desperate maybe!!

If only I could have seen the look on her face as she ended the session, and heard the words and wicked laugh she had burst into as she looked upwards and thanked the heavens for answering her prayers, The smile and giggle as she spoke quietly to the two massive dogs sitting before her.. Boys ! looks like we have company cumming soon..

A little before 5:30 I walk nervously up to the door, start to turn away, then just as i step back, the door opens and Suzanne steps out all smiles.

My eyes take her in, not at all what i had envisaged, she was maybe early 40's such a beautiful face and her eyes seemed to sparkle and dance, she had an air of confidence about her , and a stunning figure. I felt myself instantly attracted to her in a sexual way, Blushing like a love sick school girl I muttered some unintelligent words about sorry I am late, she interupts me and reaches for my hand.

Come Sara I will take you over to the kennels where we can talk and see what you will be in for. We will go in my car, yours will be fine locked up here until you need it again.

Her eyes are drifting up and down me, I feel so exposed and under dressed, I continue to blush even more now that i feel her appraising me, I unconciously straighten my posture and try so hard to smile my most seductive smile. The feeling of submission creeping in with the dominance she has displayed, a small shiver runs through my body, and I feel the sensation of my nipples as they start to tingle and harden,

another shiver more noticeable this time as i see her eyes focus on my now erect nipples, i feel my face start to glow as it turns red.

Wow! You are a shy one, and pretty too, Are you cold Sara? mmmm I'm sure the boys will love you, a nice pretty girl tending to their needs for a change, hahaha and just wait until they find out she wants puppies hahaha,

Only kidding Hun. . *nous verrons, peut-etre que je peux vous avoir a genoux pour eux bientot. ( we will see maybe I will have you on your knees for them soon, )

On the short drive Sue chatted and talked. i tried to get myself together, her accent sounded so sensual, I had trouble keeping my eyes of her long legs, my mind wandered and i couldnt help myself wondering if maybe she liked other girls as well.

Sara are you okay. You have gone very quiet,

oh honey you dont need to be shy and it doesn't matter about a lack of experience, I will teach you what you need to know. Or is it my accent.

With that she cocked her head and raised her eyebrows adding to to the already seductive sexy smile, ohhh so sorry she said, my accent can be hard to understand,, I will try to roll my tongue over the RRR'S a little more slowly, " Would you like that hun" ?

I started to relax, Sorry Suzanne, I just get so anxious when applying for a job and my nerves seem to take over and turn me into a bumbling fool, you must think i am a complete idiot. And no I like your accent it sounds nice,

Silently thinking to myself that it wasn't the RR's that i wanted her tongue rolling over . another shiver ran through me as i felt a warm sensation spreading through my lower regions.

Don't be nervous at all Sara , and just call me Sue. my last assistant was almost your twin, mmmm just as pretty and as nervous when she first started, Such a pity she left when she found she was going to have her babies, she was so good at looking after the dogs, mmmmm maybe too good at times, We got on really well , I had such big plans for her, but I feel you will be just perfect for what i have in mind for you.

Do you have a Boyfriend Sara ?

Her question was more of a demand but subtle.

Ahhh, No I don't have a boyfriend in my life uhhm ahhh you know ahrrr I'm not so interested in boys, and babies are not my thing heheh, I would rather have a puppy, less trouble and not so demanding,

Ohhh , tu es lesbienne? Merveilleux, (* you are lesbian? wonderful. )

Her smile broadened at that and I felt more than saw her eyes as they seemed to be devouring me,

Her next remark totally derailed me.

So your girlfriend !!! She is living with you ?

I had hoped for a single girl for this position, the least distraction the better, You know , so much easier for me to train and get my ways how I want,, ummm how do you say ahhh me in charge with no partner demands on your mind ..

Only your mind on my demands.

No as a matter of fact I am single, no boyfriend umm no girlfriend as yet , my face red and words starting to stumble as I tried not to look at her smiling face and trying so hard not to smile myself.

Ohh excellent, she gushed in her delicious accent, I think you will be perfect for me,

If i was to offer you the job Sara would you be interested, in maybe starting straight away, even tonight possibly.


Without hesitation , I spat out Yes , I would love to work with you.

I felt her hand gently brush over my arm, the shiver that ran through me was almost electric the small muffled moan that escaped my lips, must have been noticable to her, I saw the small smile she was trying to hide start to break and her eyes seemed to sparkle, the soft touch of her fingers sent another shiver of delight through me, i felt my nipples start to harden and the familiar sensation tingle between my legs,

the thought ran through my mind that she was hitting on me but i brushed it off as her hand returned to the steering wheel.

Once again i started to blush and struggle for words.

Well, welcome on board Sara, you are my new assistant.

Are you sure you are not cold ? you seem to be covered in goose bumps, Here we will get you inside somewhere warmer. I love your dress by the way

she added with a smile that sent another giddy sensation through me.

Thank you Miss, I promise you won't regret hiring me,, and noo no i'm not cold , just a little nervous.

Thinking silently to myself' horny as fuck and starting to get so so wet between my legs.

Come ! Sara lets show you your new challenge and get you sorted with your uniform, collars leads and all the boring stuff, then we can chat about these puppies you want hahaha,

Would you like a drink before we get started Hun ? The paper work is a bore,

, ohhh and do you mind its written in French, but i can translate it for you if you like, Its straight forward stuff do's and dont's, conditions, hours etc nothing complicated other than do what is required and accept all terms and conditions, as well as following all my directions at all times,

absolutely imperative you understand how important my work is and don't question your role.

No No I can just sign now, I'm sure i cant get into trouble with a piece of paper and you must be so busy, I am grateful you have enough faith in me to offer me the job Thank you.

I hesitated and turned a few pages, so much for an employment contract never had to sign anything like this before, but a job is a job I thought,

quickly putting my signature in all the relevant places, as i signed Sue quickly signed next to my signature her smile growing bigger and her infectious giggle putting me at ease if not a little warm and fuzzy.

Come Sara I will show the main kennels and work areas.

As we entered the building, I was stunned to see such a clinical looking kennel set up, it looked so neat and clean, the cages and enclosures were quite large.

as we walked further , a room we entered was set up with operating type tables and strange benches that appeared to have leather straps over them and anchored to the floor, some were higher than others and some were slightly different in shape,

on the walls were assorted leads and collars, which i assumed were for the dogs to be exercised and walked with, the whole atmosphere of the room was overwhelming,

I kept glancing at Sue, her face was flushed and I could sense an excitement building in her attitude each time she would look at the equipment I noticed she would look me up and down as if sizing me up, The grin on her face and the shine in her eyes reminded me of how I felt as a child whenever i received a new present.

The strangest feeling passed through my mind as i felt her excitement build, Was I a new present to her,

I was looking through a small window into another room, trying to make out the strange furniture inside, there appeared to be a chair that reclined, but the arm rests and leg rests were at odd angles also it looked like there were straps on the rests, in a way it reminded me of a doctors examination chair and a cross with a dentist chair it reminded me of the embarrassing first time being checked below by a doctor, legs spread feet in a stirup staring at the ceiling, not something i expected to see in a kennel.

more strange equipment and stools were scattered through the room, I attempted to open the door but felt a soft hand gently pull me away and towards the outside kennel run.

Come Sara lets meet your new friends,

This one is my absolute favorite and i'm sure he will be your's too, mmmm real ladies man so as to speak hahahah just watch him he has a bad habit of making young ladies blush on their first meet,

Lets say hello Zeus, it means god of war, so so handsome and strong willed. ohh look i think he likes you already.

No sooner had she opened the the door to the cage a massive Ridgeback shot forward and with tail wagging pushed me straight to the floor, he started to lick my face with long wet swipes, shocked and pinned under him i could do nothing but accept his wet licks, as Sue spoke i looked down under him to see her squatting behind him, stunned by what i saw, in direct line of my vision his sheath was starting to swell and the pink tinge of flesh slowly started to emerge.

The laughter coming from Sue was almost hysterical, as as she blurted out what sounded horribly like she was calling me a bitch and something about him sensing his new mate.

Looks like he can't wait honey, hope you didn't want any fore play heheheh

I quickly pulled myself up into a standing position totally shocked and then started to giggle like a child as Sue burst into a wild laughing fit.

Well you did say you wanted puppies Sara she managed to blurt out before she lapsed into a hysterical laughing fit.

Just wait until you meet Ares, He hasn't as many manners as my Zeus , hehehehe.

COME Little one she called, I hesitated and looked around, then back to her, still thinking she was talking to someone else.

SARA ! !. come when I call Hun. NOW!!

Her hands were on her hips and the strict look on her face instantly made me respond with Yes Miss, there was a small flicker of a smile , then.

Thats better Hun, now here ,and she slapped the side of her thigh, winking at me and licking her top lip.

Suddenly the Hun thing came to me, and i just stared at her. Hun, Hun why did you call me that.

Did you practice your French K9slut or did you just want to.. *pencher pour le chiol. ( bend over for the puppy) giggle giggle or maybe *laisse moi pisser dans ta bouche salope. (let me piss in your mouth slut )

Come here and kiss your new Mistress *chiene ( bitch ) NOW!!.

You want puppies hehe I give you puppies, *viens chienne. (Come bitch) Let us go prepare you for your new role in life hun, I have you new *chenil. (kennel.) prepared.

I burst into the biggest smile, my eyes so wide, it is You , OMG K9girl, Really is that you,

my hands flew to my mouth barely able to contain my excitement, my new boss ohhhh wow , I would never have guessed ,

OMG it really is you isn't it.

And to think I was going to ignore that silly girl on the phone, I'm so happy you told me it was you calling hun, how wonderful, the perfect assistant, not only does she like to be fucked by dogs, she loves pussy as well, I feel as if all my prayers have been answered ohhh Sara.. Hun this was meant to be,

BUT .. you didn't take my advice to not wear panties did you hun.

Why didn't you just tell me when we chatted, I blurted out.. omg I can't believe I finally got to meet you. I honestly didn't believe everything you told me in the chat room.

I wasn't sure either Sara, at first I thought you were just a fanciful girl, like most of the others making stuff up and dreaming of fantasies until you started to open up how it feels and describing your experiences,

I knew you were for real. nobody can explain the wonderful feelings you get from being taken by a dog unless you have been there and , YOU ! my dear Knew how it feels.

The role I have planned for you will be quite demanding, and you will need to live here on site, can you follow commands and strict orders,

also you will have to stay inside this compound for a total of 9 to 10 weeks without leaving, are you okay with that hun.

Everything here is strictly confidential. And I need you to undergo a complete medical examination from head to toe inside and out including injections to ensure you are not a risk to the special program i am working on. Are you good with that hun.

It was all in the contract you signed, but if you are unsure I can tear up the contract I wont hold you to it just yet, but if you agree to stay, you must do exactly as your told,

No out Hun once you agree, so are you in or out. as soon as you start it is non negotiable Sara so think about it carefully.

Yes I'm good with it Sue, When do you want me to start, and you already know as much about me as anyone I know so it won't be a problem staying here, actually a blessing untill i get back on my own two feet, especially financial.

and you already know what i like so I guess I will need to brush up on my French lessons as well as my dog handling skills maybe, I would so love to know what you have been saying to me in french hehehe, all good i hope,

Ohh and the puppy thing you know thats a joke right .. hehehe but i see why Zeus is your favorite, If i was able to have puppies he would be one of my choices hehehe,

just as well its not possible I might be tempted..

That wicked grin and smile appeared on her face, Ohhh would you now. I think you would make a great Bitch giggle giggle, and i think it would suit you having that special glow people talk about hehehe i will see what we can do for you heheh.

Tell you what Sara , why we just get the first injection out of the way just in case, then we can move on with the rest of the inductions maybe the medical if we get time. *Tu me rend si humide Sara. (You make me so wet Sara)

What about my clothes and stuff. I managed to say, should I go get them first.?

No dont worry about them yet Hun, tell you what lets get you settled in, then tommorow I will arrange to have all your stuff picked up.

We will do the injections first , best get them out the way tonight, I can rustle up some nice evening wear for you.

I hate needles , do i really need them i begged.

Yes Sara Sue explained, I have some very important people that breed pedigree dogs, they don't want to compromise their bitches so I extract viable eggs from their bitches and implant them into one of my host bitches, then then put the ***********ed pedigree dog over her, he fertilizes the eggs and bingo we have puppies that are 100 percent pedigree

, So my dear you need the injections so we maintain a sterile environment hence why I need you to stay isolated here while we run the program.

You can do the injections ? I thought a doctor needed to.

Okay I guess I understand the importance and Wow all that works eh like a different dog has puppies for the other mum, sort of like a surrogate eh,

Exactly like that Sara, it's all new technology and still in the early stages, but works quite well at the moment and while rich people throw their money around helping me to develop new and exciting ways to move forward and breed pure pedigree animals I am happy to take it from them.

And yes , technically I am a doctor and can do these little injections,

here come let's just get it out the way. *acun docteur ne vous donnercait ce que je vais a' ma petite chienne en chaleur. ( no doctor would give you what I am going to my little bitch in heat,)

After she had given me the shot, which i had trouble reading on the lable, something called acepro somthing ,

Her complete personality changed in a short time, my mind was racing with all the things she was putting to me, i felt intimidated but strangely turned on with her dominating personality,

as she had been talking i hadn't noticed i had been slowly led into the room with all the strange furniture, before I could answer her questions or demands, I felt myself being gently pushed onto a strange stool at the base of a reclining chair

,as I squated down to sit I felt her take each hand in turn and the soft feel of a leather strap securing them to the side of the stool, before i realized she slid out what looked like a tray from the base of the chair and locked it around my neck.

Confussed but slightly arousedI watched as she slowly raised her dress and removed her panties, smiling down at me she slowly ran her panties over my face I could smell the heady scent of her sex,

shivering and trembling with sexual feelings for her I closed my eyes and inhaled her scent

I might as well start with your French lessons now Sara lets see if we can get your tongue around the french anatomy hehehe,

Lesson one sara , obey and do as you are told, now Repeat after me,, then do as you are told.. leche ma chatte.. ( Lick my pussy )

she straddled my face and reclined into her chair I felt the brace around my neck pull my face between her open thighs, my tongue involuntarily slid up and down probing, the tangy fragrance of her sex pushing my arousal to the next level, hungrily i probed and licked at her now very wet pussy, the first spurt had me try to pull away, her voice stern and strong.

Fucking drink it slut. You have told me you would drink my piss so many times on line , " Now do It" Repeat after me slut, *pisser dans ma bouche. That is piss in my mouth.

"And she did"

I wasnt ready, locked between her thighs I couldn't move, I opened my mouth and she started to piss, the stream strong and steady, the gurgling sound as my mouth filled was loud in my ears,

, I coughed and spluttered, piss ran out my mouth, I gulped and swallowed, No sooner my mouth was empty it refilled, gargling and swallowing, the tangy taste at the back of my tongue and throat salty and slightly acidic, the smell and piss that was filling my nostrils stinging slightly, I tried to clear my eyes by blinking but only to have more splashed into them.

As my new mistress writhed in pleasure from my tongue, the sting of her urine in my eyes, the strange humiliating feeling along with the warm tickling sensation from the liquid soaking into my clothes, running down over my breasts and dripping off my erect nipples, then dribbling slowly down my belly and onto my legs, I felt the first wave of sensation building between my legs.

My nipples tingled and the frustration of having my hands tied unable to relieve my pent up sexual feelings, hanging on the edge, begging for her let me touch myself.

No Bitch dont you dare touch what is mine, I will tell you when you can cum..

To be continued.
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