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The high school football coach's wife and her friend host a New Year's Eve party for 50 horny teenage boys...what could possibly go wrong?
NOTE: This is the prequel to my story, Summer of Love

December 31, 4:45 PM: “Honey, we can’t cancel the party! It’s too late to call the caterers! It’s too late to call 50 people!” blurts out the distraught Christine. “Well, I’m not going to be there,” replies her husband’s voice at the other end of the phone. “We’re having a blizzard here. At first they delayed my flight, but now they just cancelled it and nothing’s getting out of here for at least the next 24 hours. Just do the best you can, I guess.” Christine puts the phone down in despair. I need a drink!

The light is already beginning to fade on this last day of the old year. The 39 year old Christine, dressed in a t shirt and faded jeans and in her bare feet, uncorks a bottle of her favorite chardonnay and pours herself a glass. Taking a sip, she bemoans her fate. Lucky me! Wife of the high school football coach! I was going to help him with a New Year’s Eve party for the team, and now he’s stranded half way across the country and I’m going to have to host a party for 50 teenage boys all by myself! She raises the glass to her lips and takes a more sizeable gulp of the nectar. Well, I guess it won’t be that bad, she muses. This thing starts at quarter to seven and it should be wrapped up by no later than nine. After I chase the kids out of here, I can find a real party to go to! Plus, the caterers are going to set up everything, so it’s minimal work for me. The wine is already casting her plight in a warmer, softer glow. They’re good kids, and I already know most of them. Heck, I’m on a first name basis with most of them! A little rowdy, maybe, but typical teenagers. Yeah, I’ll make this work! But I really should have another adult here. Somebody to help me manage things so they don’t get totally out of control. I wonder if Tracey can make it over? I know that she has that big party to go to, but I wonder if she has some free time earlier in the evening? Christine’s slim, elegant fingers tap out a text message to her friend. Yeah, everything will work out! She takes another sip of wine and smiles to herself...

4:53 PM: If there’s one person who’s more frazzled this New Year’s Eve than Christine, it’s her 34 year old friend Tracey. Tracey’s plans for the evening have just been completely obliterated by a phone call from her husband. A full blown crisis situation has exploded at work, and as a production manager, he is needed to resolve it. Their plans to drive into the city and go to the biggest New Year’s Eve party in the state are now blasted beyond repair. Even worse, they paid $250 each for two non-refundable tickets! Tracey is thus in a foul mood when she receives Christine’s text. She bangs out an angry reply. My plans are totally fucked! What are you up to?

4:56 PM: Christine is now halfway through her glass of wine. I’m actually starting to look forward to this! It’ll be fun! Wonder if Bob will come? She is startled by her sudden focus on the team’s star 17 year old wide receiver, but she makes no effort to push him out of her mind. Bob is SO handsome! The best looking guy on the team…AND that dimple! She feels a sudden flush of warmth and realizes that it’s not from the wine. Soon, her mind is racing. Her thoughts soon turn to Dom, the tall, well muscled quarterback. And Dan. And Doug. And Eric. And… Her phone pings, jarring her back to reality. Wow! Wine always goes straight to my pussy! Looking at her phone, she reads the text from Tracey. Cool! Sounds like Tracey’s free! But she sounds pissed! She taps back an invitation to the team party. Bill is stranded out of town. How’d you like to help me babysit 50 horny teenage boys? Telling her that they’re horny will definitely get her over here! Christine giggles as she hits send. Suddenly, the full possibilities of what the evening might bring begin to open up to her. Hubby out of town. Daughter having a sleepover at a friend’s house. I’m going to be here all alone with 50 testosterone fueled teenage boys in peak physical condition! Well…me and Tracey, if she comes. I haven’t been an angel in my marriage, Christine admits to herself, but I can’t believe some of the thoughts I’m starting to have! I had better finish this wine and get in the shower…

4:58 PM: Tracey reads Christine’s text and breaks out laughing. If they’re horny, I’m definitely in! she types and hits send. At least this will give me something to do tonight, Tracey reasons. I’m sure it won’t last all night. I’ll get all dressed up, and then maybe Christine and I can go to that party downtown. At least then, the money we spent on the tickets won’t go to waste! Home all alone, she decides to strip naked in the living room before getting in the shower. She pulls off her t-shirt, revealing her bountiful, braless tits, and tosses it on the floor. She then loosens her jean shorts, and letting them drop to the floor, steps out of them and kicks them on top of her discarded t-shirt. She then takes off her red thong, tugging it out of her ass crack where it has become nestled. I always wear thongs and they always give me a wedgie! Removing the thong, she tosses it onto the growing pile of crumpled clothing. She glances down; just shaved the pussy last night! she giggles. Finally, she pulls off her heavy gray woolen socks. Not sexy at all but they keep my feet warm! She looks down at her toenails, painted electric blue, just like her fingernails. Hubby’s idea, she shrugs to herself. I asked him last night what color I should paint my nails and he picked electric blue! Now gloriously naked, she takes two steps towards the bathroom when she hears her phone ping. A reply text from Christine: Cool! Party starts at 6:45! And then immediately another ping: And wear something sexy! Duh, I’m planning on wearing something sexy! She simply types k, hits send and trots off to the bathroom…

5:13 PM: Enveloped in clouds of billowing steam, Christine luxuriates in the jets of hot water pelting her body. I can’t stop thinking about it now! Her hands caress her well rounded tits, their nipples now rock hard. Bob! And all those other guys…She now thinks back to all the games that she’s attended this past season. Those rock hard, well-toned biceps peeking out from underneath the heavily padded jerseys. The six pack abs on the players wearing cropped jerseys. Those tight uniform pants…those bulges…yes, I was looking! she admits to herself. Her hand slides lower…ever lower…She can feel the familiar warmth far below and now she knows for certain that it’s not the wine. Her hand slides further down, past the neatly trimmed little landing strip, down to the very essence of her womanhood. Yes, I want this to happen! Her heart racing, she now surrenders herself to the knowledge that something will happen tonight. Turning off the water, she steps out of the shower into the sultry fog enveloping the bathroom. How far this goes tonight depends on Tracey, she thinks, as she belatedly turns on the ventilating fan to suck the steam out of bathroom. I know Tracey’s no angel either. She’s told me some wild stories about her experiences and she’s never let being married get in her way, just like I haven’t. I just don’t know how far she’d be willing to go tonight. She might try to restrain me, but I’ve got to get her to jump feet first into this along with me! This is the opportunity of a lifetime…for both of us! Christine knows all the risks that she’s going to be running; the fact that she started ovulating this morning sends an extra delicious thrill of danger coursing through her body, as she towels herself dry and then reaches for her blow dryer…

5:46 PM: The doorbell chimes loudly. Oh shit! The caterers! I almost forgot about them! Christine puts down her hairbrush, and wrapped only in a towel, dashes to the front door. She braces herself for the blast of cold air that she knows will hit her and throws open the door. Suppressing a giggle at the astonished but appreciative look that the catering manager bestows upon her, she turns on her heel and calls out over her shoulder “The dining room’s all ready! You can set up in there!” as she sprints back to the bathroom, anxious to escape the cold air now wafting in through the wide-open front entrance. Now, back in her sanctum, she turns her attention to the task of applying her makeup…

6:00 PM: As Christine is applying her brightest shade of red lipstick, two dejected teenage boys are sitting together in the house next door. Christine’s neighbor, Aaron, 15, and his cousin, J.J., 16, aren’t on the football team and therefore aren’t invited to the party. Even worse, they’re both grounded and have to spend New Year’s Eve with their families, the worst possible punishment that their parents could inflict on them. “This sucks SO bad…” Aaron intones in his most solemn voice. “And the worst part is, I won’t be getting any!” Aaron is especially miserable because right before Christmas, his 17 year old girlfriend, Jessica, dumped him without any warning. “Dude, I won’t be getting any, either…” J.J. assures him. “All the chicks I know are busy tonight…and even worse, I’m stuck here with you!” At that, J.J. breaks into a huge grin, which his cousin immediately reciprocates, the two of them flashing their braces at each other. The only thing that could make this night bearable for them is each other’s company, since besides being cousins, they’ve been inseparable best friends their entire lives. At first glance, most people assume that they’re brothers, with their dark hair, blue eyes and braces. Both are of similar build, short, lean and wiry, and are never seen without their backwards baseball caps. Girls consider them both adorable, and J.J. already has a reputation as a stud, having bedded 6 girls at their high school, most of them seniors. He now tries to reassure his cousin. “Don’t worry, dude. You got game. You’ll get another chick. Is Jess the only girl that you’ve ever banged?” “There was that chick who gave me head at that party, but, yeah, Jess is the only one that I’ve fucked so far…she was so good, dude!” Aaron replies. “Always go for older chicks, dude. They know what they’re doing,” J.J. advises him. The conversation now hits a lull, and the boys listen to the bustle downstairs as their parents set up for their New Year’s Eve party. “This party is going to be so fucking lame…” Aaron declares, rolling his eyes in adolescent exasperation. “Tell me about it, dude,” J.J. readily agrees. “Hey, what’s up with the caterer’s van next door?” he now asks after a quick glance out the window. “The coach and his wife are having a party for the football team…” Aaron answers briefly, in an uninterested voice, but J.J.’s mind is already moving in a completely different direction. “What’s her name again? Christine?” he asks. “Who?” Aaron replies, distractedly. “The coach’s wife! Duh!” J.J. ripostes. “Oh, yeah, Christine…” Aaron answers indifferently. “She is kinda hot,” J.J. offers. “Yeah…I guess so…for her age…she does have nice tits...” Aaron concedes somewhat reluctantly. “Ever thought about hitting it?” J.J. asks. “Dude, she’s married!” Aaron exclaims. “Dude, married chicks are SO easy to score with!” the older boy replies, speaking with the voice of experience. “I’ve already done two married chicks… I think you should hit it if you ever get the chance!” “Well, I don’t think I will get the chance, but I guess you never know…” Aaron replies…

6:15 PM: Christine admires herself in her full-length mirror. She’s wearing a tight, low cut red dress, that reaches down to just above the knee. Thirty-nine and I can still wear something like this! All that time Tracey and I spend in the gym has really paid off! A trim 5’5, and 119 pounds, Christine has light blue eyes, shoulder length light brown hair with blonde highlights and c-cup tits. She slips her feet into a pair of closed toe, red stiletto pumps that add another 5 inches to her height. Turning sideways, she admires her well rounded ass in the mirror. Tracey has bigger tits than I do, but I’ve definitely got the ass! And the best way to avoid pantie lines? No panties! No bra, either! Should I put in contacts? she now asks herself, taking another look in the mirror. No, she decides; I’m keeping the glasses! I rock the sexy librarian look! Walking into the kitchen, she pours herself a second glass of wine and then steps into the dining room. The caterers have completed their setup, and now the dining room table is covered end to end with chips, pizza, tacos and wings as well as soda and sports drinks. Taking a sip of wine, Christine hits the play button for the pre-programmed music package. Yuck! How can the kids listen to this garbage? She turns the lights down to a low setting and then looks at the table again. I’m starving! I really should eat something, she thinks, nibbling a single tortilla chip plucked from one of the bowls on the table. But I want this wine to do its work, and it works best on an empty stomach! she decides, restraining herself from touching any more food. She takes a big gulp of wine. Tracey should be here any minute now!

6:29 PM Christine drains her glass and is just about to reach for the bottle of chardonnay again when the doorbell chimes. She opens the door and greets Tracey. Slightly taller than Christine at 5’6 in her bare feet, Tracey, like her fellow MILF, stands taller tonight in a pair of 5 inch heels. Tracey also has shoulder length hair, of a slightly darker brown than her friend; normally, she wears glasses, but tonight she’s put in her contacts and her bright blue eyes seem to have an extra sparkle. Most importantly, like Christine, Tracey has a fit, gym toned body, weighing in at a trim 123 pounds. Christine helps her out of her coat and is wowed by her appearance. “Electric blue…Kevin’s idea!” Tracey shrugs apologetically. Her electric blue dress is even more daring than Christine’s. Equally tight, but cut even lower, it provides a breathtaking display of cleavage and only reaches down to mid-thigh; her closed toe stiletto pumps are also electric blue. Her d-cup tits are unrestrained by a bra, but she is wearing a blue thong under her dress, the only undergarment of the night between the two women. “I like it! You look hot!” Christine gushes; her friend is definitely going to be attractive bait for horny teenage boys! They walk into the dining room and Tracey’s face lights up at the sight of the bountiful spread on the table. “Look at all this food!” she exclaims, grabbing a plate and reaching for a slice of pizza. Christine immediately gives her a stinging slap on the hand. “Keep your hands off that food! That’s not for you! It’s for the team!” “But I’m starving! I haven’t had a thing to eat since breakfast!” Tracey cries out pleadingly. “Neither have I!” Christine assures her. She thrusts a wine glass into Tracey’s hand, fills it to the rim with chardonnay and then pours another glass for herself. “This is what you’re running on tonight! Just like me! And you better catch up to me! This is my third glass!” “You know, alcohol always lowers my inhibitions!” Tracey murmurs, taking her first sip. “Would that be such a bad thing?” Christine asks, peering over her glasses at her friend. “I was thinking about that on the way over here,” Tracey says, taking another, slightly more substantial sip of the nectar. “I mean it’s not like I’m planning anything, but if something happens, it happens. That’s the way that I’ve had most of my experiences...” She now takes yet another sip that’s closer to a gulp. “That’s my girl!” Christine exclaims, pulling her friend in for a side hug. She now walks over to the liquor cabinet and takes out a bottle and two shot glasses. She fills the shot glasses to the rim with potent, 90 proof peach schnapps. “Here’s to something happening!” Christine proposes, and the two gorgeous MILFs clink glasses. They slam back their shots, with Tracey letting out a little gasp at the potency of the liqueur. The shots propel the two women even further down the road to the loss of all inhibition. To Christine’s delight, Tracey quickly gulps down the rest of her wine and willingly holds her glass out for a refill…

6:45 PM: Right on time, the doorbell chimes; teenage boys never understand the concept of being “fashionably” late for anything. Christine calls out “Come in!” and the door opens to reveal two handsome 16 year olds, Dan, a running back, and his best friend, Eric, a wide receiver. “Hi, Dan! Hi, Eric!” Christine greets them cheerfully. “Coach isn’t going to be able to make it tonight, but we’re going to party without him! You can put your coats in the room down the hall. First door on the right!” As soon as the boys are out of sight, Tracey exclaims “Shit! I only have one condom!” “Condom?” Christine replies in horror. “No! NO condoms! Give me that thing!” A grumbling Tracey reaches into her purse, digs out the prophylactic and hands it to Christine. “I’m getting rid of this thing! We’re going to do this the right way!” Christine declares. “And besides, I thought you said you weren’t planning anything?” “I wasn’t!” Tracey replies. “I always carry one in my purse, you know, just in case something does happen!” The two boys now reenter the dining room. “Hey guys! Grab some food! We’ve got plenty! We’ve got game consoles, too! And air hockey!” Christine beckons them. “Yeah, guys, this food looks SO good, doesn’t it?” Tracey exclaims, reaching again for a slice of pizza. Her reward is another sharp slap on the hand from Christine. “Guys, this is my friend, Tracey! You’ll have to excuse her…she has very bad manners!” “Hi, guys!” Tracey gushes, flashing a broad smile and making eye contact in turn with first Dan and then Eric, both tall, blue-eyed blonds. The boys begin attacking the food with gusto. “Hey, Christine, where is Coach, anyway?” Dan asks, as he begins devouring a taco. “Oh, he’s stranded in…wait…where is he again? Well, anyway, they’re having a blizzard and he can’t get a flight out…” Christine replies. The doorbell chimes again. “I’m going to have to put a sign in the window to just come in!” Christine exclaims. Three more football studs now join the party. As the new arrivals join Dan and Eric at the table, Christine turns and whispers to Tracey. “Come on! We’re going to the bathroom so that we can get rid of this!” she says, indicating the condom concealed in her hand. “Why do you need me to help you do that?” Tracey asks in bewilderment. “I can stay here and hang out with the guys!” She casts her eyes longingly first at Dan, who is demolishing his third taco, and then at Eric, who is gorging himself on pizza. “No, you’re coming with me! I don’t trust you around all this food! Finish your wine!” Christine orders her. Both MILFs drain their glasses and Christine grabs her reluctant friend by the hand. “Guys, we’re going to the bathroom! If any more of the guys get here, can you please let them in, Dan?” “You got it, Christine!” the stud replies cheerfully as he loads up his plate with some wings. As they head towards the bathroom, the doorbell chimes yet again and soon more young male voices are blending in with the rest of the group. Half dragging Tracey down the hall, Christine now feels her own hunger pangs stabbing at her with greater and greater persistence. Both women are starting to totter in their high heels as intoxication tightens its grip on them. But Christine is determined. Within 30 seconds, the only contraceptive device in the house is swirling its way into the abyss of the toilet bowl’s whirlpool…

7:05 PM: The crowd has now swollen to about two dozen boys, the thumping music providing an undertone to the buzz of adolescent male camaraderie. The doorbell no longer chimes; a sign, hand lettered by Tracey, is now propped up in the front window inviting all team members to simply come in. The two MILFs now enter the kitchen to refresh their wine glasses. Christine fills Tracey’s glass three quarters of the way; the first bottle is now kicked. She pulls a fresh bottle from the fridge, where it has been chilling, and uncorks it. She tops off Tracey’s glass and then fills her own. Sipping their wine, the two women pause for a moment, looking out at the party. “I’m so fucking hungry!” Tracey exclaims in an anguished voice, but Christine simply ignores her. “Look at all these guys!” she purrs. “Yeah, there’s a lot of dick here!” the thoroughly buzzed Tracey readily agrees in a lusty tone. “Look at the size of some of them! They’re so young and some of them are enormous!” “That’s all muscle! Even during the off season, Bill has them lifting to keep them in top shape! Those really big guys are the linemen!” Christine replies in an equally lascivious voice as the two MILFs start drooling over the prime young meat so close at hand. “Ugh! This music! It’s so awful!” Christine now suddenly groans out loud. “I don’t know…I kinda like it! It’s thumpin’! It’s probably good music to fuck to!”” Tracey responds, somewhat unsteadily gyrating her hips. Just then, the front door swings open again, and Christine’s heart skips several beats. “Oh my god!” Christine blurts out. “I want him. So. Fucking. Bad.” “Is that Bob?” Tracey asks, already knowing the answer. “Yeah, that’s him!” Christine replies, desperately trying to catch the young stud’s eye. Arriving with his best friend, Dom, the quarterback, Bob greets Dan and Eric, and then glances into the kitchen. Christine breaks into a grin and waves at him. Bob returns the wave and smiles broadly, his cheek dimpling deeply. “Oh, my god! Oh my god!” Christine groans audibly, feeling a full-fledged surge of wetness far below. Tracey’s attention, meanwhile, is caught by the other new arrival. “Who’s his friend?” she whispers to Christine. “That’s Dom. He’s the quarterback…Bill says he has a big dick!” Christine replies with a giggle. “How does Bill know that?” Tracey asks, recoiling in shock. “Bill hears all the locker room talk,” Christine replies, giggling again. “Boys are always going around comparing their…things, and apparently, Dom has the biggest dick on the team!” “I’d really like to find out!” Tracey purrs, taking a deep sip of wine and drilling the 6’2 stud with her eyes. “I think you will, Tray! I think you will!” Christine replies confidently. The two lust and alcohol fueled MILFS now rejoin the party to mingle with the growing crowd of teenage football studs...

7:20 PM: The entire team has now arrived and the house is filled with more than 50 teenage boys, laughing, talking, eating and playing console games and air hockey. Christine and Tracey mingle freely with the studs, with Tracey now working on her fourth glass of wine and Christine her fifth. The always fragile barrier that separates adolescent male from adult female is beginning to crumble rapidly. No blatant grabs yet, but male hands are beginning to stray, brushing up against dresses and bare arms and lingering there. Christine smiles approvingly at the sight of Tracey standing with Dan on one side of her and Eric on the other, flirting shamelessly with both of them, while simultaneously exchanging smoldering glances with Dom. Go for it, girl! Christine silently cheers her friend on. Dan, Dom, Eric…who’s going to get her first? Christine wonders, giggling to herself. But I better make my own move, she now decides, setting her sights on Bob. She’s been making frequent eye contact with the handsome stud and now, as she works her way over towards him, she makes sure to brush up heavily against every stud in her path.

“Hi, Bob! I haven’t had a chance to talk to you yet!” she greets her handsome target in as casual a voice as she can, her heart racing with excitement. “I know! What a crowd! The whole team is here!” Bob replies enthusiastically. His tone is friendly, as it always is, but Christine is now picking up on a new undertone. No longer is she Coach’s wife, dressed in a team jacket, jeans and sneakers, cheering on the Warriors at one of their home games. In her tight, low cut dress and heels, she is carnal bait for every red blooded, testosterone fueled adolescent male in the room, and her unerring woman’s instinct tells her that Bob is beginning to succumb to the temptation. “You’ve had such a great season, Bob!” she congratulates him, as they magnetically draw ever closer to each other. “Yeah, it was a great season, especially that game against Cedar Valley!” the stud agrees with a smile that brings his irresistible dimple to life again. “Oh, that was such an awesome game! I’m your biggest fan! I just love watching you play!” the MILF gushes, now sounding just like one of the many teenage girls who have fallen under the handsome football stud’s spell. The two are now gazing deep into each other’s eyes. All the background noise of the rowdy party suddenly dissolves into nothingness and she and Bob are completely alone in their own universe. Her heart is thumping and seductively lowering her voice, she says “You always go so deep...” “I like going deep…. real deep…” the stud replies, also lowering his voice to a bedroom whisper. This is it! Christine exults. Closing her eyes, she leans into the stud, reaching for his lips with her own, and then… “Christine! Christine!” The plaintive, almost whining voice coming from over her shoulder is jarring. NO WAY! NO FUCKING WAY! the voice in Christine’s head screams out in anguish. The moment is lost as an embarrassed, startled Bob pulls back. Turning in exasperation, Christine is just about to berate her drunken, airheaded friend, but Tracey starts pleading with her. “Christine! Can we please eat something? I’m feeling so lightheaded!” “Okay, okay,” Christine finally concedes, recovering her composure with difficulty. “I guess we both really need to eat something!”

Grabbing Tracey by the hand, she leads her to the table. “One slice of pizza! That’s all you’re getting!” She puts a slice of plain cheese pizza on one plate and a slice of pepperoni on another. She dumps a handful of tortilla chips on each plate and then hands the plate with the cheese slice to Tracey. “How come you get the pepperoni?” a famished Tracey protests in anguish. “Oh, all right, you take the pepperoni,” Christine concedes and swaps plates with her. Tracey ravenously devours her slice of pizza and then lets her eyes rove around the table. “That guac looks so good!” she enthuses, almost drooling. “No guac. No salsa.” Christine responds sternly, giving Tracey a menacing look. Letting out a sigh, Tracey gobbles down her plain, unadorned tortilla chips. Christine hungrily takes a big bite of her own slice of pizza and then turns on her friend. “I was just about to make my move with Bob, and you ruined it! Thanks a lot!” “Sorry! But we’re going to need something to keep up our energy!” Tracey replies, washing down her meager dinner with a big gulp of wine. “Yeah, you’re right about that,” Christine admits, finishing off her pizza and then crunching on her chips. Suddenly, Dom pushes his way to the table and plants himself between the two MILFs. He piles his plate high with the caterer’s special recipe garlic romano avocado chipotle wings and blue cheese and begins devouring them. “These wings are the bomb!” he exclaims. “Oh, those wings are awesome!” Tracey readily agrees. “I’ve had them before. Not that I can have any tonight,” she continues, casting a malignant glare at Christine, who smirks maliciously in response. “But they’re really, really messy! All over your face!” she giggles. Dom starts reaching for a napkin, but Tracey reaches out and restrains his hand. “Let me get it for you!” she offers and then uses her finger to squeegee the messy, goopy wing sauce and blue cheese from Dom’s chin and around his lips. “Oh, now my finger’s all messy! Clean it up for me, Dom” she cries out in mock anguish. She holds her finger up close to the stud’s mouth and taking his cue, Dom licks Tracey’s finger clean with his tongue as she lets out a purr of aroused delight. Christine can hardly believe what she’s seeing. You little slut! Way to go! she thinks to herself, impressed at her friend’s bold, seductive move. Suddenly, she feels a male hand clamp itself firmly on her right ass cheek. Startled, she instinctively tenses at first, but then realizing the possibilities, she relaxes and leans back into the hand, surrendering her ass to the groping. This is not a casual brush, this is the blatant grab that she’s been waiting and hoping for! The hand caresses the firm, rounded cheek and then gives it a lustful squeeze. Giggling with delight, Christine takes a sip of wine. Is it Bob? she wonders. Peering over her glasses, she scans the party crowd and spots her favorite stud. No, not him! She also spots Dan and Eric, standing where Tracey had left them, as well as Doug, the compact, solidly built linebacker who has also caught her eye. She’s thrilled that she has no idea who her unknown groper is. This party is definitely moving in the right direction! I just got my ass grabbed and Tracey is going to get laid! She’s so pleasantly distracted by the groping that she doesn’t even notice Dom and Tracey slipping quietly away from the party and scurrying up the stairs to the second floor…

7:29 PM: “Mmmm…baby!” Tracey purrs, pawing Dom’s bare muscular chest and then running her fingers up and down the length of his well-developed, rock-hard biceps. The two have slipped away to Christine’s guest bedroom, and Tracey has wasted no time getting the handsome teen out of his shirt and letting her hands run wild. The 17 year old football stud is 6’2, 175 pounds, with short brown hair, blue eyes and a ready smile; his braces make him even more irresistibly cute in the eyes of all the girls at Valley Vista and now Tracey finds herself succumbing to his charm as well. I fucked the quarterback in high school, and now I’m going to do it again! she thinks to herself triumphantly. Emboldened by drink, she locks lips with the stud; as their tongues thrash together, her hands move lower. “I’ve heard that you have a big dick, baby!” she murmurs breathlessly, her fingers fumbling excitedly as she starts to undo the stud’s jeans. “Yeah, I do…11 inches!” Dom replies with a cocky smile. “No fucking way!” Tracey exclaims, with a mixture of skepticism and hopefulness. That’s a big bulge in there…but, 11 inches? She pulls down the stud’s jeans and then his briefs and his fully erect love python springs out to greet her. “Wow! WOW!” she gasps in amazement, her eyes opening wide with lust. She begins stroking the hardened tool and realizes that the stud wasn’t exaggerating its size. “It’s so fucking huge!” she exclaims happily, sliding her other hand down to caress the stud’s sperm bloated ball sack.

She quickly drops to her knees and starts tantalizing the swollen, purple tip with her tongue, delighting in the taste of the oily precum already starting to seep from the slit. She takes the tip into her mouth, and then slowly, lovingly, begins working her way down the shaft. The stud grunts his approval as more and more of his rigid manhood vanishes from view. After getting more than halfway down the shaft, Tracey pulls her head back, and then thrusts it forward again, this time going just a little bit further and eliciting a deep groan from the handsome teen. Determined to deepthroat the stud’s massive fuck stick, she draws her head back yet again, her drool now flowing freely. Taking a deep breath, she thrusts her head down once more on the rock-hard love wand. Slowly, steadily, she engulfs more and more of the rigid shaft. She gets just a little bit further this time when she feels the first involuntary spasm in her throat, but she’s determined not to let it stop her. Fuck my gag reflex! she thinks, and sputtering, her lips reaching for more hardened man flesh, she drives herself further downward. The stud throws his head back and lets out another deep, guttural groan. Gagging, drooling, finally reaching the 8 inch mark, Tracey pulls her head back and comes up for air, gasping for breath. The stud’s spit slathered love snake throbs and pulses in front of her face as she eyes it hungrily. “I’m going to deepthroat you if it kills me!” she gasps. “Go for it!” the stud replies with boyish eagerness. Tracey takes another deep breath before putting the stud’s tool back in her mouth. As she works the stud’s balls with her hand, she moves her mouth slowly down the shaft yet again, caressing every stiffened, throbbing inch with her lips and tongue, until she starts gagging again. Oh shit! Not this again! she thinks to herself. Just then, she feels the thrilling sensation of Dom’s hand clamping down firmly on the back of her head. Yes, baby! Yes! she exults silently. He’s going to shove my head down on his dick! With renewed enthusiasm, she works her mouth further down the stud’s shaft as spasms of gagging hit her with increasing force and frequency. Applying steadily increasing pressure, the stud ruthlessly pushes Tracey’s head down on his swollen cock, ignoring her loud retching sounds and the drool starting to puddle on the carpet, as more of his throbbing man meat disappears into her maw. 8 inches down, she feels herself starting to choke on the stiffened beast, but the stud just pushes down even more forcefully on the back of her head. Her eyes watering, she starts to feel lightheaded; I’m going to pass out! she thinks to herself as the surreal sound of her own gagging fills her head. She tightens her hold on the stud’s nut pouch and gives it a firm squeeze; gripping the stud’s balls is the only thing keeping her from fainting. Finally, with her vision narrowing, the steady pressure on the back of her head forces her past the 9 inch mark. Suddenly the gagging ceases. With the stud’s help, she has fought her way past her gag reflex! Quickly recovering, she pushes herself all the way down, until her lips kiss the base of the stud’s stiffened penis. I did it! I deepthroated this fucking beast! she enthuses to herself, as the stud firmly holds her in place on his dick. With Dom’s throbbing love worm sealed inside her mouth, Tracey works it vigorously, sliding her tongue along its stiffened length as she kneads his sperm heavy nut pouch with her hand. The stud throws his head back and gasps. “Holy shit!” he groans. After a long moment, he releases his grip, and gasping and spluttering, Tracey comes up for air.

“You did it! Awesome!” the stud exclaims. Recovering her breath, Tracey giggles. “We did it, babe!” she assures him and immediately begins getting out of her dress. No further words are needed; the stud also quickly discards the remainder of his clothing. Soon, the electric blue dress is lying in a crumpled heap on the floor; Tracey pulls off her thong, soaked with her love juices, scrunches it up into a ball and with another little giggle, playfully tosses it at her stud. Keeping her heels on, she throws herself into his arms for an embrace and a deep passionate kiss and then the two tumble into the queen sized bed together. Now on her back, legs spread, she whispers “Come on, baby! Give me that beast!” She can feel the tip of the stud’s rigid tool push past her vertical lips, as it makes its entrance into her love box. Bathed in Tracey’s carnal honey, the rigid, throbbing, bloated penis slides deeper. Lifting her legs and pointing her stilettos at the ceiling, Tracey spreads as far as she can to accommodate the massive, swollen dong that fills more and more of her saturated pussy; all those limbering exercises at the gym are really paying off now! “Oh my god!” she gasps as she feels the stud’s pelvis gently nestle against hers; he’s now buried full length inside her and she braces herself for total devastation. The stud lowers himself on top of her and the two reach for each other with another searing kiss. The big, strong, muscular football stud draws his hips back and then pushes them forward again. This first thrust is followed by a second and then a third, each more forceful than the last. It doesn’t take long for the teen stud to find his rhythm and soon he’s plowing the MILF’s pussy with forceful, steady thrusting. Moaning loudly with pleasure, reaching up to caress the stud’s powerful biceps with her hands, Tracey looks up into his eyes. He’s hitting me so deep! she thinks, as her pussy stretches to accommodate the stiffened beast. “Harder, baby! Harder!” she exhorts him, prompting a succession of powerful, hammer like thrusts from the grunting stud that smash her into her first orgasm of the night. “Oh my god! Oh my god!” Tracey screams in ecstasy as her thighs quiver and her toes curl inside her stilettos. Giving her no chance to recover, the young stud continues to pound her mercilessly, pistoning his hips steadily with machine like precision, the bed creaking loudly with each of his hammerlike pelvic thrusts. “Oh, baby! You made me cum!” Tracey wails loudly, reaching up with her hands to caress his face. “Eleven…inches…” the stud gasps tauntingly as he slams home yet another thrust. “Oh, baby, I can feel every inch!” Tracey gasps delightedly. The stud grunts loudly as he continues to pound away and soon Tracey can feel herself hurtling towards another climax…

7:34 PM: Am I dreaming? Christine wonders. Her eyes are closed and held tightly in Bob’s arms, their lips are locked together in a searing kiss. Her tongue reaches longingly, breathlessly, for his and she melts into his arms as she prepares herself for the total surrender that she’s fantasized about for so long. The lovers have slipped away from the party and are now in the master bedroom, alone at last behind closed doors. From a distance, the muffled sounds of the party reach their ears, punctuated occasionally by Tracey’s loud cries of ecstasy ringing out from the guest room down the hall. The knowledge that her best friend is being railed mercilessly by the tall, handsome quarterback fuels Christine’s excitement and makes her even more determined to score teenage dick of her own. At 5’8, and 155 pounds, the 17 year old Bob is wiry and muscular, with a deep tan, dark brown hair, blue eyes and a boyish dimple and Christine finds him absolutely irresistible. “I’ve waited so long for this, Bob… I’ve been fighting it, but I just can’t fight it anymore…” she murmurs. As their lips lock again and their tongues thrash at each other hungrily, she reaches down and starts rubbing the stiffened bulge in the stud’s jeans. Disengaging herself from his embrace, she drops to her knees and eagerly pulls down his jeans and then his briefs, freeing his fully erect love snake.

The young stud’s tool is a magnificent 9 inches and points stiffly at the ceiling. “Oh, baby! You’re so big!” Christine exclaims with glee, and holding his balls in one hand, she runs her tongue up and down the length of his shaft. “And you have such a hairy ass!” she adds with a giggle, caressing the stud’s firm, tight ass cheeks with their thick, dark coating of hair, before giving the left cheek a playful little slap. The two now quickly divest themselves of their clothing, with Christine, like Tracey, keeping her heels on. Placing her hand firmly on the stud’s muscular chest, she pushes him down onto the massive super king size bed and lowers herself on top of him. As they exchange more kisses of scalding intensity, she reaches down and finds his erect love wand, grips it tightly and starts stroking it. Breaking their kiss, she lets her mouth rove, moving down the stud’s neck and then his shoulders, working her way steadily lower. She lingers on his right bicep; suctioning the flesh with her lips, she mischievously leaves him with a small but intense looking hickey; let him try explaining that to his girlfriend! she thinks, letting out another naughty little giggle. She continues moving her mouth lower, ever lower, applying loving little kisses to the stud’s muscular chest and six pack abs; finally reaching his waist, she works her way down steadily to the stiffened, throbbing prize. Reaching the stud’s rigid pecker, she gives the precum oozing slit a little kiss before sliding her tongue down the length of his shaft. The stud grunts as Christine slides his dick into her mouth; lovingly, she works the stud’s tool with her lips and tongue, all the while steadily massaging his balls with her hand. The stud briefly raises his head and then lets it drop back onto the pillow, letting out a deep groan of pleasure. “You like that, babe?” Christine asks, briefly withdrawing the stud’s spit slickened love tool from her mouth. “Fuck yeah!” the stud groans in response.

“Do you eat?” she now asks, gazing up at him hopefully. “Eat? You mean, like pizza? Wings?” the stud responds with a mischievous little grin, flashing that irresistible dimple. “You know what I mean!” she responds impatiently. “Yeah, I eat THAT,” the stud affirms, and the two quickly switch positions, with Christine throwing herself onto her back and spreading her legs wide. The stud pushes a finger into Christine’s love slot; savoring the wet, velvety feel of its walls, he soon has the MILF moaning with pleasure. Pumping her pussy with his finger, he now thrusts his face between her thighs, nose to labia, and starts playfully batting her clit with his tongue. “Oh yeah, baby!” Christine moans as the stud starts tantalizing and tormenting her clit with skillfully targeted licks, nibbles and tongue thrusts. “Mmmm…pussy is pretty fuckin’ tasty…” the stud murmurs approvingly as he takes the well primed clit into his mouth. Christine throws her head back on the pillow and lets out a loud moan as the stud works the full length of her love button, sucking and slurping with lustful glee. “Oh baby, I’m going to cum!” she moans as she feels herself hurtling towards orgasm; a little more tongue work from the stud drives her over the edge. Her thighs quivering, she throws her head back and lets out an even louder moan. “Oh my god! Oh, my god!” She pulls at the stud’s hair with both hands, even as he continues his unrelenting oral assault on her. She feels another orgasm surge over her, slamming into her right on the heels of the first, and she lets out a full-throated scream of ecstasy. Finally letting up, the stud pulls his face out of Christine’s muff; panting and gasping for breath, the MILF is rendered speechless for a long moment. “Fuck me, baby! Fuck me!” she’s finally able to gasp. The stud is already positioning himself on top of her and she feels his rigid fuck stick sliding into her wet, welcoming love box. She lets out another deep moan; all of her forbidden desires are finally being fulfilled. “Where did you learn to eat pussy like that, baby?” she asks breathlessly, gazing up at him in love struck awe. “I’m not telling!” the stud laughs, as he gives his hips a powerful forward thrust…

7:37 PM: Word begins to spread through the party; Coach’s wife and her friend have both disappeared upstairs with Bob and Dom. At first, the whispered news filters through the gathering slowly. Gaming consoles and air hockey absorb attention; food and conversation, mostly about the season that’s just ended, dominate the room. Some of the studs are starting to talk about leaving; Coach isn’t even here, and what’s worse, there aren’t any chicks to hook up with, either. Slowly but surely, though, the buzz of rumor grows in volume and begins to overwhelm all other topics. The first reaction is disbelief; the whispers seem too outrageous to be true. Soon enough, though, the cries of female ecstasy from upstairs can be heard seeping through as an undercurrent to the thumping party music. It doesn’t take long before all thoughts of leaving the party early are abandoned…

7:39 PM: In the overheated guest bedroom, Dom is bathed in sweat, and a large drop of perspiration falls from his forehead and hits Tracey in the face. He’s so fucking good! she marvels. I’ve already had 3 orgasms! “Fuck me, baby! Fuck me!” she cries out, cheering him on. The stud can now feel the first tentative twinges deep inside his balls; making his final thrusts count, he punishes Tracey’s pussy with a flurry of rapid, powerful pelvic thrusts that smash the MILF into yet another screaming orgasm. Ramming in one final thrust he’s caught in mid-stroke by the first powerful spasm deep inside his swollen nuts. A chain reaction of forceful, convulsive ball spasms propel a thick, slimy load of man snot up the length of his rigid tool like scalding lava being belched from a volcano. The stud groans deeply as his tool spurts again and again, flinging his nut scum at high velocity deep into Tracey’s wet, welcoming temple of love. “Yeah! Oh, baby! Yeah!” Tracey moans happily, running her fingers through the stud’s sweat saturated hair and then gripping his biceps and joining him in yet another orgasm of her own. As the stud’s dick continues to belch, pumping more and more of his DNA into her, Tracey’s earlier concern for condom use is long forgotten. “Holy shit!’ the stud gasps as his balls are drained. When his tortured love snake finally stops spewing its venom, he withdraws his sperm oozing tool from the MILF and then flops onto his back beside her, breathing heavily. Tracey leans over, kisses him on the cheek and paws his heaving, sweat soaked chest. “You were so good, baby!” she purrs contentedly, snuggling up against him. As they lie in each other’s arms, they can hear the muffled sounds of the party, punctuated by Christine’s loud shouts of ecstasy from the next room. “Christine must be fucking Bob,” Tracey murmurs. “Yeah,” Dom replies. “He’s always wanted to bang her.” “Really?” Tracey asks. “Yeah. I mean, we all do, but he’s really into her,” Dom replies. “And she can’t stop talking about him!” Tracey responds, as more orgasmic shouts pierce the walls. “Sounds like he’s really giving it to her!” “Yeah, he has a pretty big dick. Not as big as mine…” Dom replies in a cocky, matter-of-fact tone, looking up at the ceiling. Tracey raises her head and gives him a bewildered look. “I can’t believe you guys go around comparing dick sizes!” she says. Raising herself up into a sitting position, she gives her stud a sharp nudge. “Come on! Let’s get back to the party! I’ve got more guys to fuck!”

7:43 PM: Tracey is soon back in the kitchen, pouring herself a fresh glass of wine. A wave of excitement and rowdiness is sweeping the party and she knows the reason. Not only can Christine’s orgasmic shouts be heard from upstairs, but Dom is spreading the word about his encounter with her. Let Dom tell them! I want them to know! Tracey thinks to herself with a wicked smile. Even if Dom kept his mouth shut, she knows that her creased, crumpled dress would tell its own story. She slams back the wine, determined to hunt down Dan and Eric and complete the unfinished business of the night. She is just about to rejoin the party when her two carnal targets enter the kitchen and take up positions on either side of her. “Hi, guys! This is some party!” she exclaims cheerfully, drunkenly swiveling her hips and smacking her ass into Dan as she boldly gives Eric a peck on the cheek. “Yeah, it is!” Eric replies, pressing himself up shoulder to shoulder with the MILF and putting his arm around her. “We’re hearing some wild stories,” Dan offers, likewise pressing into Tracey on the opposite side. The MILF giggles, drains her glass and puts it down on the counter. “Well, the night is young! You never know what’s going to happen!” she replies, throwing her arms around both studs. She now turns to Dan and locks lips with him as a gathering crowd of teens loudly shout their approval; even as her tongue thrashes together with Dan’s, Eric reaches under her dress and starts sliding his hand up her thigh. “You’re going there! You’re actually going there!” Tracey exclaims in drunken bewilderment before Dan shoves his tongue back in her mouth. “Pussy! Pussy! Pussy!” the rowdy crowd of football studs now begins to chant. “What a bunch of perverts!” Tracey exclaims, finally pulling her tongue out of Dan’s mouth; the studs cheer loudly as Dan shoves his hand down the front of the MILF’s low cut blue dress. “We better go someplace nice and quiet, baby!” she now murmurs drunkenly in Dan’s ear, just as Eric’s hand completes its upward journey and he slides a finger into Tracey’s thoroughly saturated love box. “Oh my god! You went there! He’s in there, guys!” she exclaims, her eyes opening wide in amazement as she allows Eric to probe her with his finger. “Pussy! Pussy! Pussy!” the studs chant loudly, letting out a Valley Vista Warriors whoop of approval. “Okay, guys, let’s go!” Tracey finally announces, somehow wiggling herself free from the two studs and grabbing both of them by the hand. “Excuse us, boys!” she announces cheerfully as she leads Dan and Eric through the crowd of cheering studs, into the living room and towards the stairs, ribald shouts of approval ringing in her ears…

7:44 PM: “Come on, babe! Deeper! Deeper!” Christine exhorts her young stud as he pounds her pussy. Bob, like Dom, is sweating profusely from his carnal efforts, and he is now nearing the point of no return. Christine’s legs are spread wide, red stilettos pointed at the ceiling to accommodate the deep thrusting of her teen lover. She moans loudly, caressing the stud’s sweat slicked back with her hands before sliding them down and digging her fingernails into his hairy ass cheeks. Grunting and sweating, the stud hammers home thrust after steady thrust with a vengeance, propelling Christine into yet another orgasm. Finally, he knows that he must surrender his load. “I’m…gonna…cum,” he gasps out between thrusts. “Want…me…to pull…out?” “No, baby! I want you to cum inside me!” Christine gasps in a lust filled voice. She tightens her grip on the stud’s hairy ass cheeks, clamping him into place deep inside her pussy. The stud’s thrusts now become harder, more determined. He slams in one final, powerful thrust and lets out a loud gasp as he feels his balls spasm convulsively. “Yeah, baby! Yeah! Give me that load!” Christine cries out triumphantly. The stud lets out a deep groan as his love python spews out its thick, slimy white venom. “Mmmm…nice big fucking load for me, babe! Deep inside me!” Christine murmurs approvingly as she can feel her stud shudder in her arms, his balls drained with each convulsive spurt. The lovers kiss passionately in the afterglow of copulation and cuddle in each other’s arms for a long blissful moment. Their long deferred mutual passion has finally been consummated; the secret dreams of both have become reality…

(to be continued...)
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