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A lonely man and a teenage girl teach each other about lust, love, and loss.
[Part 2 picks up shortly after Niki and Bill’s first sex play activity.]

Nothing much happened the rest of the day but during that evening’s TV session our nightly foot massage varied from its normal pattern. As usual, Niki joined me for TV time already dressed for bed. Tonight’s attire was a feminine little negligee I hadn’t seen before. It was white with little pink bows and very short. As she walked, I could see the bottom of her ass cheeks and flashes of her panty-covered pussy.

“Is that a new nightie? Don’t think you’ve worn that before?”

“Nah, it’s a few years old and too small for me now. But it makes me feel pretty, and after today I feel really pretty, and a little sexy too.”

“Well, it’s working. You look gorgeous. I'm amazed at how your beauty just grows every day. And as for sexiness, if you were any sexier it would be illegal.”

She took her spot on the sofa and laid her feet on my lap.

“Rub my sexy feet, peasant boy.”

“Yes, my princess. Your wish is my command.”

I decided it was time to be a bit bolder. After all, we had just shared an experience that would forever change our relationship. So tonight I gave her lovely feet an extended massage, spending more time on each and paying particular attention to her toes. I used both thumbs to apply pressure to the ball of her foot, rubbing in ever-widening circles. After thoroughly massaging her right foot, I lifted it to my face and placed several lingering kisses on her sole.

“Ooh, that feels nice!”

I continued kissing from heel to toe, which soon had her squirming as the pleasure intensified. Feeling bolder, I took one toe into my mouth and sucked while gently tickling the digit with my tongue.

“Oh wow! Who would have thought toe sucking could be so erotic.”

I knew I was on the right track, so I suckled each toe on her beautiful foot. When I finished I lowered her foot to my lap, right on top of my growing erection. She immediately raised her left foot, dangling it in the air in front of my face.

“More please, peasant boy.”

I massaged and kissed and suckled her foot, making sure to give it equal attention before lowering it back to my lap. My erection was now fully formed and Niki was very aware. Using both heels, she rubbed my cock through my shorts, causing me to groan with pleasure. It felt wonderful but I knew there was no way I could climax this way. The massaging was just too subtle for me to reach orgasm. Niki must have read my mind.

“Pull out your cock and jerk off for me again. I like watching you cum.”

I looked at her to make sure she wasn’t kidding but was already halfway to pulling down my shorts. My cock sprung straight up, which elicited another giggle from mistress Niki. As I stroked my stiff cock, Niki removed her feet from my lap, pulled her legs back, and spread her knees wide. I now had a fantastic view of her white panties and the plump mound of her pussy. I could see a small dark spot of wetness on the gusset of her underpants, showing that Niki was becoming excited too.

“I thought a little visual stimulation would help,” she said in a seductive voice.

“Yeah, it helps a lot. I should be able to cum quickly with such an erotic view.”

As I stroked myself, Niki used her fingers to rub all over her pussy, pressing inward on the fabric to create a damp camel toe. This was a mesmerizing sight and I could feel my orgasm building. She slipped her fingers under the waistband of her panties, not stopping until she reached her pussy. She used quick, feathery touches to masturbate herself, occasionally pausing to dip a finger in deep.

“Watching you jerk off is making me horny. I hope you don’t mind if I join you.”

I turned my body slightly to give her a better view of my cock. She was watching me stroke my fist up and down my shaft as I watched her fingers press and rub her mound out of sight under the quickly dampening panty fabric. The garment had become translucent from the wetness and I could see the outline of her pussy lips and fingers moving along her cleft. We both were breathing faster and surprisingly Niki was nearing the finish line first even though I felt I had the better view.

“Watching you jerk off is so fucking hot,” she said, almost grunting. “I’m pretending your hand is my vagina swallowing your cock.”

I’d never heard Niki curse before, and certainly not use the word ‘fuck’. That combined with the visualization of my cock sinking deep inside her vagina was enough to push me over the edge. I started to cum hard, but this was my third orgasm of the day, and even at my age this was pushing things a bit.

My cock spurted weakly but still had enough ammunition for a nice display. As soon as Niki saw my cockhead shooting strands of jizz into the air, her orgasm hit, and her whole body quivered with pleasure. I could see it was a small orgasm but nice enough to bring a smile to her face. We both sat back, panting and enjoying the afterglow.

“Girl, you’re going to kill me at this rate.”

“You? My pussy is getting sore from all of this attention. Orgasms are hard work!”

She removed her hand from inside her panties and I could see her fingers were coated with a whitish, sticky goo. She played with the slimy excretion, squishing it between her fingers.

“Ugh, this is always such a mess when I cum,” she said half-seriously.

“Wait right there,” I said. “I’ll get us something to clean up.”

I stood up with my shorts around my ankles and kicked them off. I was now naked from the waist down, with strands of cum all over my legs and pubic hair. I turned towards Niki and saw she had hiked her nightgown up to her breasts. Her panties were so wet that I could see her pubic hair and even her labia through the material.

“Actually,” she replied, “I need to change my underwear, so how about I bring you back a warm washcloth?”

I plopped back down in my seat, suddenly feeling exhausted. “Works for me.”

Niki returned wearing the same nightie with a fresh pair of blue panties and used the warm wet cloth to wash all around my crotch. As erotic as this scene was, it did not even get a little rise out of my cock. The batteries appeared dead for now.

A definite change in our relationship had occurred. Niki sat down right next to me hip-to-hip to watch TV, which she had never done before. During commercial breaks or at other random intervals, she would nudge me in the ribs and command.

“Kiss me!”

I was happy to oblige every time and we had a delightful time smooching. Finally, it grew late and she headed off to bed. I stayed up a while longer, trying to grapple with the events of the day and what they meant for the coming weeks. As much fun as we were having, would I cross the line and have sex with a sixteen-year-old girl? What line should I draw? How far was too far?

If I’d let my cock do the talking, it would want to fuck Niki immediately. But my rational side knew there were still several things I could show her that would keep her vaginal virginity intact. It meant something to me, even if she had already dismissed the whole ‘virginity thing’ as no big deal. With those thoughts churning in my mind, I headed off to bed.


The next few days were uneventful, with Niki busy with school and me working with an old friend on some part-time consulting. TV nights continued to be fun with our usual foot massages but we managed to hold off on any further sex play to let her pussy recover. Friday night rolled around and Niki was all keyed up from a stressful week of studies and soccer practice. Her team was in the playoffs and her coach had doubled their training time. I expected her to spend the evening with friends but she wasn’t interested.

“I’ve been around them all week and need a break,” she said. “Ashley is on the rag and bitchier than usual, and Becca broke up with her boyfriend and is too depressed to be any fun.”

“Well,” I said. ”How about we go out for a nice dinner and good conversation?”

I could see she was tired and on the fence but she said, “Yeah, okay. I think I’d like that. Something unhealthy that I can feel guilty about tomorrow.”

“Excellent! Go change into a nice dress and we’ll go to a little place I save for special occasions.”

“A dress? Really? I just assumed we would hit a burger joint or something.”

“Nope. The best thing to ease a stressful week is to pamper yourself a bit. Now go get changed.”

Thirty minutes later, I was dressed in slacks with a button-down shirt and sports coat. Niki appeared from her bedroom wearing a gorgeous dark green mini-dress with a tiny white floral pattern. Her silky red hair hung down her back in a French braid, giving her an air of elegance and maturity. Charcoal stockings sheathed her legs accentuating their length and the look was finished off with low black heels which helped highlight her slim physique. The result was simply stunning.

“Wow, stockings? They look fantastic on you! But won’t you feel too warm?”

She smiled and demurely lifted the short hem of her skirt at the hip showing me that they were thigh-high stockings.

“See, only my legs are covered. My pussy is still free to enjoy the fresh air.”

“Very nice,” I said with admiration. “Niki, you look amazing! You are the prettiest girl on the planet!”

I saw her face blush a deep shade of pink. Lord, this girl should never play poker; her face always shows her emotions.

“You really think so? You aren’t just saying that to make me feel better?”

“It is absolutely true, and I'm stunned by your beauty. I cannot even find the words to tell you what’s in my heart right now.”

Her smile was so big it lit up the room and lit up my heart. I’m not super emotional but at that moment I felt myself fall hopelessly in love with this young girl. God help me, I am lost.

We headed out to the small family-style Italian restaurant I like, and the owner sat us in a nice, quiet booth. Soft classical music played in the background and the space was pleasantly noisy with a low burble of conversation and the tinkle of silverware. Niki asked me to order her meal which I did and as an afterthought, I requested a nice bottle of red. The waiter brought two wine glasses and I saw Niki’s eyes widen.

“How old does he think I am?”

“Well in that dress you look older than sixteen but also they know me here and trust me to use sound judgment. You don’t have to drink any wine if you don’t want to. Or you can try a sip if you are curious.”

When the bottle arrived with our appetizers, I poured a glass for myself and two fingers into Niki’s glass. I took a sip, rolling the rich, full-bodied liquid around in my mouth before pronouncing it an excellent vintage. Niki raised her glass to her nose and sniffed.

“Swirl it around in the glass a few times and sniff again. This aerates the vapors, which then provides a better sense of the aroma.”

She did as suggested and then took a small sip. I saw her nose wrinkle.

“It’s not as sweet as I was expecting. And it doesn’t taste anything like grapes. But it’s not bad at all.”

“Yes, this is a dry wine, so the sweetness is minimized. And wine is much more complex than plain grape juice, and with time you can learn to discern the various flavors within. But for now, just sip and relax.”

We spent the next two hours enjoying a leisurely meal. I drank most of the wine, but Niki managed to consume almost a glassful. By the time we finished dessert, she was quite relaxed and talking up a storm about her upcoming finals and how much pressure her team was under for the soccer playoffs. I paid the check and asked if she wanted to go anywhere else.

“If it is alright with you, I’d like to go home and get comfortable. Dressing up is nice, but heels hurt and it’s been a long week.”

The restaurant was quite full as we left, and I saw more than a few men and some women glance at Niki as we walked by. I knew that every one of them was envious of the young woman holding on to my arm. As we hit the street, Niki stopped and pulled off her shoes.

“Damn things hurt,” she muttered. “I don’t know why any girl wears these things.”

Niki walked for about 10 steps before I heard her exclaim, “Ouch, dammit, ouch!”

“City streets a bit rough on tender stockinged feet?”

“Yeah, I don’t know which pain is worse, the heels or the rough sidewalk.”

“Here, let me help.”

I lifted Niki into my arms and carried her the two blocks to my car. She felt good against my chest and she wrapped her arms around my neck to hold on. I managed to keep the short hem of her dress firmly in place as we walked, lest we flash her panties to every person we passed. At the car, I loaded her into the front seat, admiring the tops of her thigh-highs and the small triangle of emerald panty fabric between her legs.

“Impressive,” I said. “Your underpants almost match your dress. Very coordinated!”

“Thanks, she shot back. “Next time I can wear a red dress and skip panties altogether and still be color coordinated. As you may have noticed, the carpet does match the drapes.”

She giggled and I saw her relax and almost melt into the soft leather upholstery. Perhaps a glass of wine was overkill for one so young and slender. I, too, was feeling the effects of the wine and knew navigating would require some concentration. Driving carefully, I managed to get us home in one piece and without incident. I helped Niki out of the car and carried her straight to her room and onto her bed.

“Feeling a bit woozy,” she said, sounding half-asleep. “Everything is spinning around.”

“Sorry, love, “I replied, “I shouldn’t have allowed you to drink so much.”

With my help, we got her undressed and into a long cotton nightgown. It was one she was not particularly fond of, previously declaring it a ‘Granny Gown’. But it was soft and warm and big enough to slip easily onto a slightly drunken teen. I helped her to the TV room while I went off to get changed.

Dressed for bed, I joined her on the sofa, where she was mindlessly flipping through channels.

“Five hundred channels,” I heard her mutter, “and not a single thing to watch.”

She surfed around a bit before settling on a teen adventure movie. It wasn’t my style but I was content to be under a blanket with this soft warm body snuggled up to mine. She sat with her head on my shoulder while I had my arm wrapped around her. It was as blissful a scene as you could imagine.

“Thank you,” I heard her say with slightly slurred words. “Tonight was great. I felt so grown up and special. It’s one of the things I love about living here. You don’t treat me like a kid.”

I smiled, though she couldn’t see. “I’m happy that you’re happy. You are more special to me than you can imagine. Just being around you brings me happiness I never thought I could have.”

We sat for a bit and soon I heard the sounds of gentle snoring. I looked down and Niki’s eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted as she dozed. I wanted to kiss her but feared waking her. We sat like that for another hour before I managed to untangle myself from her embrace and carry her to bed. I covered her up and kissed her forehead.

“Sleep well, my beautiful girl. Thank you for a delightful evening.”


Saturday dawned bright and sunny and I had just a touch of a hangover. It had been years since I’d drank so much but luckily I wasn’t feeling too bad. As I lay, I realized it was the sound of the shower that had awakened me, which meant Niki was up and about. Rather than feign sleep, I greeted her as she exited that bathroom all wrapped up in towels.

She saw my eyes were open and said, “Bout time sleepyhead. I’ve been up for hours. I’m starving and going to make some breakfast for us. Go take your shower and join me.”

Over breakfast, we talked about the evening before and how she decided that alcohol wasn’t worth the effect it had on her. But she was glad she tried it and got the experience out of the way.

“I was thinking,” she said, “we have the whole day open and I don’t know whether it's the aftereffect of the wine or just the good feeling from our ‘date’ but I’m super horny. Do you think we could do more sex stuff today?”

“Oh, I think I can clear my schedule,” I replied. “Spending time with you is worth its weight in gold.”

She giggled at the trite phrase and said, “What new thing can we try today?”

“Today, we learn about the wonderful world of oral pleasuring and shared masturbation. Sound good?”

“Sounds like a lot, but I’m excited to try!”

We agreed to meet in a few hours as I had errands to run and it was her weekend to do laundry. I managed to get home by early afternoon and found Niki laying on the sofa listening to music. She had changed into a purple sports bra and white running shorts and looked good enough to eat.

“Hey girl,” I said as I came through the door, “did you miss me?”

“Nah, been too busy with slave labor and goofing off,” she shot back.

“I brought you that iced Starbucks coffee you like and a granola snack. Join me in the dining nook?”

We spent a leisurely half-hour enjoying our snack and each other’s company. Though she held up her end of the conversation, I could see something was on her mind.

“Penny for your thoughts,” I said, using a phrase I knew she thought was silly.

“A penny? How about ten bucks? Who can buy anything for a penny?”

It was comfortable ground but I knew she was stalling.

“Looks like something’s bothering you. I’m always here if you want to get it off your mind. But I understand if it’s something private and you don’t want to share.”

“You dummy!” she said, sounding a little exasperated. “It involves you, so it isn’t a secret. Just give me a minute.”

We sat in silence, sipping our drinks. I could see her start and stop a few times before screwing up her courage.

“I want to do stuff with you, you know, sex stuff. And I know whatever we do today will be special. But I’m always a little afraid too. It can be scary and even a little painful but then always ends up feeling great.” She paused, fidgeting with her hair, twisting a strand into a tight coil. Finally, she continued, “I know you are very gentle with me and an excellent teacher and I feel safe with you. But like anything new, I also have butterflies in my stomach. Can we take it slow today?”

I almost winced at the depth of her emotion. Again my conscience flared at what I was doing with this young girl. Where was the line? Was I pushing her too far, too fast? How could I be impartial given my passion and love for her? I knew there was no way for me to fairly judge anything I did with her.

“Of course we will go slowly. You need to feel comfortable with me and with what we do. I will explain every step to you and let you decide what path to take. Even though I have passion, it will always take a back seat to your desires and wishes.”

She relaxed at hearing this, although my message had always been the same. But I knew at her age it was important that she understand that all the control was in her hands. I stood up and took her hand.

“Shall we go get comfortable? Which bedroom would you like to use?”

“Yeah, I think I’m ready,” she replied. “Let’s use my bedroom because it’s smaller and more intimate.”

She walked with me to her room, where the next phase of Niki’s sexual awakening would begin.

“I like candles,” she said as she lit one sitting on her vanity and another on her nightstand. “I love the aroma and flickering light. We can keep the room mostly dark but still see each other.”

We sat on her bed and I asked, “Would you like to give first or receive first?”

“Uh, I’m not sure that I understand what you mean.”

“Well, in today’s lesson, one of us gets to orgasm before the other. My recommendation is that I pleasure you first to help you get in the mood. Afterward, you’ll be very relaxed and I can show you how to pleasure me. Make sense?”

“That sounds fine to me. What should I do first?”

“We can start by undressing each other. It will be much more comfortable if we are both naked.”

I watched as Niki toed off her sneakers and socks, stood, and raised her arms for me. Standing, I slid my fingers under the edge of her sports bra and peeled it upwards. Her perky breasts jiggled into view as I slipped the garment up and off her shoulders. Her breasts were very pale and dotted with reddish freckles. I could see pinkish nipples beginning to stiffen within the darker circles of her puffy areolas. The effect was sensuous and made my mouth water. Leaning in I kissed both breasts making sure to drag my tongue over her rigid peaks.

“Hey! No fair,” she said with mock indignance. “You said we would just undress each other first.”

“Sorry. I couldn’t resist. Your boobies looked so delicious, I just had to say hello.”

I dipped my fingers inside the waistband of her jogging shorts and tugged them down with a single yank. I was greeted by the tiniest of thongs covering her scarlet bush. The underpants, if you could even call them that, were constructed of a gauzy fabric of the palest lavender with tiny white polka dots. The triangle of cloth covering her pussy couldn’t have used more than three square inches of fabric. Cute wisps of red pubic hair peeked out from the sides and top of this minuscule bit of material.

“Oh my! Where did you get these beauties?”

“A girl can do a lot with an Amazon account shipped to my house.” Watching my reaction, she slid a hand down and twirled one of the slim thong strings around her finger. “Do you like them?”

“I like them and love them and will do my best not to rip them from your body with my teeth.” I saw her smile at my joke, which was reassuring. “May I remove your panties now?”

Again, I could see conflict in her face as she was about to reveal her most intimate place to me. This was another line to cross, and I held my breath as she worried the question.

“Promise you won’t laugh at me when you see it?”

I was dumbstruck. Why would she feel her pubic area would be something to scorn?

“Dearest heart, I’d never laugh at you,” I said with loving kindness. “You are stunningly beautiful, and there isn’t an inch on your body that anyone could laugh at.”

“Yeah, well, you’ve never been in the locker room at school where I get snickered at all the time. All the girls are naked in the showers or while drying off, and everyone seems to think my pubic hair is a hoot. Fire crotch they call me. Or sometimes worse, like ‘scarlet big foot’.”

I felt a pain in my heart. I’d forgotten how bad high school could be. And girls especially could be vicious with each other as they competed for status.

“I’m so sorry to hear that. I know girls can be cruel to each other. But be proud that your red hair is so unique in the world. You know, many girls would give their right arms to have hair as beautiful as yours.”

As I spoke, I lifted her hair from her shoulders, admiring it as it tumbled through my fingers. “Red is the rarest and most gorgeous of hair colors and something to be cherished. But if your pubic hair bothers you, then maybe we could shape and trim it a bit to make it more to your liking. I’d be happy to show you how.”

“Some girls at school trim their pubic hair to be shorter and less bushy, and some shave around the edges to make the patch smaller. And there are even a few, like Becca, who have waxed all of their hair off. It looks really weird but a little sexy too. I mean, you can see everything in Becca’s pussy. Her lips are big and kind of hang down. Mine are much smaller and mostly inside my pussy.”

She paused for a few seconds and I saw her relax as she made her decision.

“Okay, that sounds like it could be fun. Maybe we could trim each other?” She took a deep breath before continuing, “I’m ready now. You can remove my panties.”

With her shorts puddled at her feet, I reached out and gently held the tiny strings of her thong. Stretching the band, I slid the panties over her hips and ass and down her long legs. Bent over as I was, my nose just brushed the outer strands of her pubic hair. I could never tire of looking at her scarlet bush, such a remarkable color it was. Feeling silly, I pursed my lips and blew directly on her pubes. I felt her startle in response as she thrust her pussy right into my face, almost stumbling backward from the tangle of cloth around her ankles.

“That tickles!” She tried to sound mad but couldn’t help letting a giggle sneak out. “Better be careful, or I’ll sit on your face and suffocate you with my fire crotch.”

I couldn’t think of any finer death, so I simply said, “Promise?”

She stood before me completely naked, swaying a bit on the balls of her feet, unsure of what to do. I was mesmerized by the sight of her sculpted teenage physique. Apple-sized breasts stood proudly off her chest without a millimeter of sag. Each breast topped by a rosy nipple begging to be sucked.

Her abdomen was flat and tight with well-defined muscles. She was not a curvy girl, having more of a slim, athletic build. But she had nicely flared hips and a tight round ass leading down to long trim, well-defined legs. I’ve always believed that soccer was one of the best sports for developing the perfect body. I must have gazed at her beauty for too long, as her sharp words snapped me back to reality.

“Take a picture, it will last longer. It’s my turn to strip you, so stop stalling.”

I sighed and stepped back, extending my arms out and over her. Niki quickly pulled my t-shirt over my head, yanking hard as it caught under my chin. Tossing the shirt aside, she reached out and ran her fingers over my chest hair, feeling the ripple of my muscles. She didn’t dally long before turning her attention to my jeans.

I wasn’t wearing a belt, so she popped the snap at my waist and with a single tug pulled down my zipper. Gravity took over as my pants slid down to the tops of my sneaks. Holding on to her shoulder for balance, I managed to toe off my sneaks and kick the puddle of pants aside. Now it was my turn to stand before her and let her eyes glide over my body. I was still wearing my boxers, which were quite tented by my nearly erect cock.

“My, my,” she said so softly I could barely hear it, “look who’s up and wide awake.”

She grasped the waistband of my shorts and tried to pull them down. Of course, they hung up on my rigid shaft, which made for a brief awkward tug-of-war moment. Niki reached inside my boxers and grasped my penis, gently lifting it free from entrapment. My shorts fell to the floor and there I stood with a gorgeous redheaded teen holding my cock in her warm hand. I was so amped up that her grasp alone was setting off my libido alarm bells.

“Honey? As good as that feels, it’s time to let go. Too much touching and I might accidentally shower you with jizz.”

“Jizz? Is that another word for semen?” she said, still holding my cock.

“Yeah, one of many words for what guys shoot out. There is also spunk, jism, splooge, and baby juice. The list is endless.”

“Silly boys. Need to make everything so over the top.”

“Anyway,” I continued, “if you keep holding my cock, standing there naked as the day you were born, there will be a mess of epic proportions!”

Reluctantly, she let go of my cock. It remained outstretched, doing its best imitation of a flagpole. Seems it had no immediate plans to relax.

Anxious to get started, I said, “Okay, let’s lay down on the bed. You lay on your back and I’ll lay next to you.”

We got into position and I held her face in my hands and kissed her deeply. Our tongues danced and swirled in each other’s mouths as we kissed and sucked each other. I lowered one hand to her breast and massaged gently, tweaking her nipple with my thumb.

“Oh god!” she moaned softly. “I never get tired of this.”

For several minutes, I continued kissing her lips and rubbing her breasts before starting the sensuous journey downwards. I spent a long time kissing her neck, shoulders, and chest all the while using my fingernails to gently make random trails down her body.

Each time I would touch a sensitive spot, she would utter, “Ooh!” or “Aah!” or “Please don’t stop.”

I reached the point where I was kissing her belly button and caressing her pubic hair with my fingers. Almost there. I stuck my tongue in her belly button, which elicited a startled squeak.

“What are you doing to my tummy? It feels really weird. Almost like a hot wire is going from my belly to my crotch.”

“Just another erogenous zone,” I said. “It can be quite sensitive, with pleasure and pain combined. Should I stop?”

“No, just be gentle. It’s a very new feeling for me.”

Kissing her navel once more, my lips traveled downward over her Venus mound and through her pubic hair. The sweet aroma of young pussy overwhelmed my senses; is there anything more intoxicating? As I kissed her mound, my fingers gently spread open the velvet lips of her labia. Immediately her heat and wetness tingled my fingertips and it took all my control not to bury my face in her pussy. Fingers danced up and down her warm crease, and with each pass, I rubbed the tiny erect bud of her clit. The sensation caused her body to quiver as satisfied moans filled the air.

At last, I focused on her sweet, young, vagina. The small pinkish entryway glistened with a sheen of wetness, hiding her most precious secret. My finger touched this private place, feeling the heat and oily slickness of her juices. Slowly and with care, I slid just the tip of my finger into the tight passage to see if she was ready. I needn’t have worried, as she was so wet and aroused, my finger slid in with almost no resistance. I felt her hips move, making it easier for me to go deeper.

“Oh god, that feels good,” she said. “I feel like I’m riding up a rollercoaster!”

I slid my finger slowly in and out, enjoying the feeling of silky tightness and heat. Lowering my head, I licked and kissed her clit, hoping to double her pleasure. This combined stimulation had the desired effect, as she thrust her pelvis upward, trying to drive my finger deeper. Taking my cue that it was time for the next phase of her pleasuring, I withdrew my finger. This was not well received.

“Oh! Please put it back! It feels so good when it’s inside me.”

“No worries love. Time to push you over the top of the coaster.”

With both hands, I spread her legs wide and used my tongue to make a single wet lick upwards from her anus to her clitoris. This startled her and her entire body jumped in response. My mouth now covered her entire pussy while my tongue licked and sucked every inch of moist flesh. At random moments, my tongue would find her vagina and drive itself deep into her tight tunnel. This sensation sent shivers through her body as her hips thrust upward, pressing hot pussy against my face.

With my mouth fully occupied, I slid my hands over her tight abdomen to her chest allowing me to massage her breasts while rubbing the sharp tips of her nipples. These multiple stimulations were taking their toll on her inexperienced nervous system. Niki was now rhythmically humping her pussy into my face, gasping, “Oh!” with each thrust of her pelvis.

As much as I was enjoying hearing her little-girl voice call out in sexual ecstasy, I was feeling some pain with my rock-hard erection trapped underneath me. The sound she was making and the writhing of her body were both sending my excitement off the chart, and I longed for release. And with the amount of pussy juice wetting my face, I knew she was ready for her big finale too.

For this last phase, I slid my hands under her firm ass and lifted, allowing me to plunge my tongue even deeper into her tight fuckhole. This new position allowed better stimulation of her clit and within sixty seconds Niki’s body was shaking so hard I knew her orgasm was right at the threshold.

“Oh my fucking god!” she nearly shouted. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” She panted over and over with each thrust of my tongue.

Suddenly, it hit, and her young body was rocked head to toe by a tidal wave as the orgasm washed over her. Niki’s muscles tightened, mashing her pussy so hard against my face that it was difficult to breathe. A gush of fluid from her vagina flooded my face and I tried to lap up all of her sweet nectar. My hands still gripped her ass cheeks as wave after wave rippled through her young body. At last, her orgasm began to subside and as I lowered her back to the bed, I continued licking, hoping to extend her pleasure.

“Stop.” I heard her whimper. “Feels so good….but please stop… My brain can’t take any more.”

Lifting my face to look at her, I knew exactly what she meant. Her eyes were tightly shut, and a crimson flush covered most of her body. Niki’s face and upper chest were beaded with sweat, and her disheveled hair lay limply on the pillow. She was still breathing rapidly, and I noted with some pleasure the jiggle of her breasts as they moved up and down. Sliding my eyes down her body, I noticed that her pubic hair was tangled and matted, and some juices were still dribbling from her pussy. No female ever looked more beautiful than Niki did in her moment of post-orgasmic bliss.

“Niki, are you okay?” I asked.


I waited for a beat and asked again, “Niki, are you okay darling?”

Finally, she answered in a voice that seemed to be coming from some distant place, “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m better than okay. I feel like my entire body is glowing. All my muscles feel like jelly except for my toes. My toes are curled into fists. Is that normal?”

“Ha! It certainly is normal. You just had the biggest orgasm of your young life, and your body needs to adjust to this new level of stimulation.” And Bruce Willis would be proud of your fisted toes!

“Well, I feel a little tired and maybe even hungry? But oddly, part of me still feels a little horny too. Like I could do this again in a few minutes.”

I laughed before saying, “Yes, you’re young and your batteries can recharge very quickly. It’s not unusual to be hungry and horny and ready for more. You’re a decade away from your sexual peak so for you, it only gets better from here.”

She rested for a minute longer before sitting upright. I saw her look down at her crotch with its mess of wet tangles and smeared juices trying to make sense of the view.

“Wow! Looks like a lot went on down there.”

“Yeah, it can get pretty sloppy when you’re having fun. Maybe next time I’ll remember to lay down some towels. Looks like we're changing the bed linens for sure.”

She sat quietly for a bit relaxing and reliving the moment. I thoroughly enjoyed the view of this naked teen with her perky breasts, tousled hair, and all-over glow. As we sat she noticed that my erection had started to soften.

“Looks like someone needs a bit of attention,” she said seductively. “I think I’d like to help you with that.”

“Works for me!” I replied. “And just as a bit of trivia, the wonderful experience you just enjoyed was called cunnilingus. Also crudely called eating pussy, dining at the Y, carpet munching, and eating hair pie.”

“Ew, no! Hair pie? That’s disgusting. Funny but disgusting.”

“And,” I continued, “the gift you are about to give me is called fellatio. Also known as a blow job, playing the skin flute, and knob gobblin.”

“Also funny,” she said. “But at least not as disgusting.”

“Okay, I think the best way to start is for me to stand up and for you to kneel in front of me. That should put your face just about in the right place.”

We both got into position but I was a bit too tall and my cock ended up poking her in the forehead. I had her kneel on two pillows which solved the problem.

“Now the most important thing to remember with oral sex on a guy is to not scrape anything tender with your teeth. You have to kind of hide your teeth behind your lips so only the soft parts of your mouth are touching me. The most sensitive area on a penis is the frenulum,” I said lifting my cock up so she could see. “Which is this little bit of tissue just under the head where it meets the shaft. Lots of nerves here so be careful.”

“I’ve watched lots of blow jobs online so I think I have the basic idea. Let me give it a try and you can guide me along the way.”

Niki grasped the shaft and started stroking me. To be honest, if that was all she did I think I would have been happy. Leaning forward she placed a wet kiss right on my pee hole before opening her luscious lips and wrapping them around my engorged glans. Instantly all thoughts of being happy with just a hand job went out of my mind. Her lips were warm and wet and my cock went from semi-rigid to steel spike in three seconds.

As she caressed the end of my cock with her soft lips, I felt her tongue swirling all around my cockhead. She continued to stroke and squeeze my rigid shaft no doubt remembering our hand-job lessons. Becoming more comfortable with my fat glans in her mouth and making a lot of saliva she leaned forward and allowed an inch more of my shaft to slip into her warm cuddle.

“Oh Niki, that feels like heaven.”

I watched her smile around my cock as she continued to stroke and suck. Little by little she swallowed more of my shaft until almost half of it was surrounded by warmth and wetness. This appeared to be her limit as I could see her throat swallowing rapidly as she tried to avoid gagging.

“That’s far enough love,” I whispered. “Don’t overdo it. It takes practice to learn how to swallow all of it and this is way too soon. And besides, it feels perfect just like it is.”

I saw her relax as she looked up at me with her startling green eyes. This is always the biggest turn-on for me watching a beautiful woman gaze lovingly into my eyes as she strokes and sucks my cock. I definitely could have died right there and not had a moment's regret.

I enjoyed this half-shaft blow job for several minutes feeling my orgasm building in the background. I saw Niki was getting a bit tired kneeling and looking up so I suggested we move to the bed instead. With a final stroke, she slid her lips off of my cock and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

“Wow!” she said. “Blow jobs give your jaw a workout.”

“I can only imagine,” I said wanting to tease her, “having never given one myself.”

She smacked me on the ass as she climbed into bed. I laid down and had her straddle my legs facing me.

“Okay. This position allows you to stroke me while leaning forward to suck. It also makes it easier to not swallow more than you’re comfortable with.”

Niki grasped my cock and made herself comfortable sitting on my legs. She leaned forward and spent some time examining my cock and ball sack. Using her finger she tickled the underside of my shaft spending some time rubbing my frenulum with her thumb. This felt wonderful and her touch caused a bubble of pre-cum to ooze out my pee hole and run down my shaft.

“Almost anything you want to try will feel good. So feel free to experiment with my cock.”

She played with the dribble of pre-cum smearing it around my glans and down the shaft. I thought she would use the lubricant to help jack me off again but instead, she leaned in close and licked the entire length of my penis up and down and all over. Warm wet torture enveloped my shaft feeling like a million butterfly kisses as she worked to wet every part. For me, licking can be titillating and very enjoyable but the sensation is usually too vague to lead to orgasm. But once she combined licking with some stroking and squeezing I found myself moving up my mountain. It was a slow climb and I wanted more.

I was reduced to begging. “Please, put it back in your warm mouth.”

Niki looked up at me again and smiled. She lowered her lips to my cock and smoothly sucked in about a third of the length. Up and down my shaft her mouth went tongue twisting and swirling like she was sucking an ice pop. I felt a continuous trickle of fluid leaking out of my cock and could see Niki’s throat bobbing to swallow the mixture of saliva and pre-cum. A few times she grazed me with her teeth but it was gentle and felt more erotic than painful. I was nearing the peak.

“Uh, uh,” I could barely gasp out, “almost there.”

On cue, Niki began sucking harder while rubbing my shaft with enthusiasm. About half of my cock was disappearing into the wet heat of her mouth and I could feel my balls getting tighter. She sensed the change and gripped me even harder while working to force more of my cock into her mouth. As my orgasm erupted the first blast of jizz hit Niki squarely in the back of the throat. I meant to warn her but it happened too fast. Simultaneously my body thrust my hips upward driving my cock in even deeper. The second spurt went directly down her throat causing Niki’s gag reflex to kick in. While this felt wonderful to me it caused her some distress.

It looked almost comical as she pulled her mouth off my cock and coughed loudly. It was a strangled choking cough shaking her entire upper body but somehow she managed to keep jerking my shaft. I was in ecstasy as jet after jet of cum erupted spraying Niki’s breasts, face, and hair. She coughed again and I could see globs of semen dotting her cheeks and chin. Soon my cock was only dribbling jizz and I was a bit sore from the tight grip she had on me.

“Babe? You can stop jerking me now. That was fucking fantastic!”

She looked at me with dazed eyes and a weak smile. She had a long strand of cum hanging from her lips to one breast. She had blobs of cum in her hair and on her boobs and looked beautiful. A damp strand of hair fell over one eye and was plastered to her cheek. I doubted she would think so but to me, she looked like a goddess.

“I am so, so sorry. You had me so excited that my orgasm surprised even me and I didn’t get a chance to warn you. I promise that won’t happen again.”

“Yeah, that was a bit more than I was expecting. In the videos, the girl always takes all of the semen in her mouth and then proudly opens her lips to show off the big puddle. All I can remember is gagging on warm stuff squirting down my throat and having trouble breathing. I guess I need more practice?”

“Yes, practice will help but this was all my fault. Those women you see on video have given oral sex hundreds of times and know what to do. It wasn’t fair of me to let you be surprised like this.”

She smiled at me. “No biggie. At least it looks like I did a good enough job to give you a great orgasm!”

“Great does not do it justice. It had to be one of the biggest orgasms of my life and it is all due to your incredible sexiness and sense of adventure.”

I saw her blush at my compliment before saying, “It’s all so very sexy and exciting. The orgasm you gave me was indescribable, but seeing how happy I just made you also makes me feel warm and fuzzy.” She paused to stretch her arms and arch her back looking decidedly feline. “But having fun is also very tiring so can we just cuddle a bit before we clean up?”

We laid together spoon fashion with my arms wrapped around pulling her close. She was trying to tease me by grinding her ass against my crotch as we lay. But given the immense orgasm I just had, my cock remained flaccid and was just happy to be trapped in her warmth. I hugged her harder as I kissed the nape of her neck and murmured sweet nothings in her ear. I could feel her body slowly relaxing as we both enjoyed the afterglow. The bedroom had warmed and was quite comfortable as we drifted off to sleep.


It was early evening when I awoke. The sun was low in the sky slanting through the open window blinds bathing the room in a reddish glow. We were still cuddled together and as I tried to move I realized my pubic hair was glued to her backside from all of the mess we had made. I shook her shoulder to rouse her from slumber.

“Welcome back, sleepyhead,” I said. “We both need showers but how about I make us a quick snack first? Then we can get cleaned up.”

She looked at me over her shoulder and said, “I could eat a horse. Let’s have something messy and unhealthy and then we can wash away the evidence.”

Using my fingers I gently unstuck my crotch from her ass before heading off to the kitchen. Within minutes I was back in bed with a tray laden with various jams, some leftover biscuits, a cup of warmed fudge sauce, and a bowl of very ripe strawberries. We proceeded to have a mini feast feeding each other and rubbing our sticky, fudgy fingers over various body parts. I had orange marmalade in my pubic hair and Niki had strawberry juice and chocolate sauce on her breasts and down her tummy. I was just about to lick some blueberry jam out of her navel when she announced we were finished.

“I need to be clean,” she said. “I feel like I haven’t showered in a week.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I said as I piled all of the dirty dishes onto the serving tray. “What do you think about us showering together? Saves water and can be a lot of fun.”

“Hmm…Let me think. My belly is full. My pussy is a little sore. And my toes have finally uncurled from the orgasm you gave me. Showering together sounds cool!”

“Race you to the bathroom!” And we both bounded down the hallway to the master bath.

When I first moved in I’d pampered myself and upgraded the shower to a 4-foot by 6-foot chamber with multiple showerheads on three walls and rain heads in the ceiling. It was all controlled by an electronic panel and the on-demand water heater meant you never got cold. I rarely used all of the settings but I suspected today the entire shower would get a good workout.

“Wait till you see the shower options,” I said. “I can give you everything from a gentle spring shower to a raging downpour”

“When I shower I just use the green normal button on the panel,” Niki said. “I was too nervous to try anything else.”

I set the controls to spray from all the wall-mounted heads and ***********ed a comfortable temperature. First Niki then I stepped into the chamber and we were immediately enveloped in warmth. We both just stood there under the spray letting the sweat, dried fluids, and food residue wash off our bodies. It felt wonderful.

After a few minutes, I squirted some shampoo in my hand and passed her the bottle. We each spent a few minutes shampooing our hair and I gazed in fascination as she soaped up her luxurious locks. Her hair was thick and I enjoyed watching as she squished white suds through her water-darkened red strands. It was an amazing contrast and reminded me again of why I love girls with red hair.

Shampoo finished, we rinsed our hair and I watched her pour some conditioner. She rubbed the thick liquid through her hair and then used a wide-toothed brush to comb it through all of the strands. The key to beautiful hair is a lot of work I thought. As she finished I handed her a natural sea sponge and took one for myself.

“How about I wash you and you wash me?” I said.

She giggled, “Sure that sounds clean and dirty all at the same time!”

I poured liquid soap on each sponge and we made pillows of suds as we squished. I washed Niki’s face and shoulders and then had her turn around while I washed her back and buttocks. I enjoyed sliding the soapy sponge down her well-defined back and over her tight ass leaving little trails of bubbles everywhere. Turning her around to face me I soaped up her breasts and abdomen going no lower than her waist. This stimulation caused her nipples to harden allowing me to soap and rinse them thoroughly before kissing each hello. Niki was loving our bath play as she stood with her eyes closed enjoying the sensation.

I slid the sponge down to her pussy and squished suds into her pubic hair. Using a circular motion I thoroughly shampooed her pubes making sure to wash away the residue of our lovemaking. My fingers gently spread the lips of her labia so I could use the sponge to suds up her intimate parts. Feeling naughty I soaped up my finger and slid it just an inch into her vagina. This surprise intrusion caused her to wobble unsteadily on her feet.

“Feel good?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“Yeah…good. Very good.”

Crouching down, I thoroughly soaped up her legs making sure to rub the sponge from feet to crotch both front and back. I had her lift each foot so I could wash her soles and between her toes. This sensuous play was igniting a fire in her so I decided to take a risk. Holding her hips I turned her around so that her ass was facing me.

“Bend over,” I said in a tone that allowed no dissent. “Time to wash your backside.”

She bent at the waist and put both hands on the shower floor impressing me both with her flexibility and the amazing view. “Can you grab your cheeks and spread for me?” I asked.

As she spread, the view went from impressive to spectacular. Her little puckered rosebud pointed almost upward and her pussy lips were wet and inviting. I added more soap to the sponge and made lots of suds as I washed her anus and down between her cheeks to her pussy. My fingers squished the sponge repeatedly making sure to stimulate this most erotic area of her body.

I spent extra time with this special washing hoping to fan her flames even more. Tossing the sponge aside I decided it was time for the surprise. Using a well-soaped finger I touched it to her anus and gently pushed it inward. Her body tried to resist me, but by using a slight twisting motion I was able to make entry and slide my slippery finger inside her up to the first knuckle.

“Oh! Oh! What are you doing back there?” she said with more than a little alarm.

“Just relax sweet girl. I wanted to make sure everything was clean. But I also wanted to see if you’d like to experiment with anal sex. You mentioned your girlfriends have tried it so maybe you do too?”

“It feels a little weird but also a little sexy. It’s not hurting or anything but definitely weird. Maybe we can try just a little bit?”

Hearing her assent I steadied her hip with my left hand and pushed my finger inside her as far as it could go. I waited a moment to allow her to get used to the feeling before beginning a slow stroke in and out of her tightest place.

My finger fucked her ass for about a minute before she said, “Not bad. It kind of makes me feel all tingly in my pussy.”

Happy with the result I slid my finger out and cleaned it under the warm spray.

“Okay, your turn to wash me,” I said.

Standing up, she turned to face me with the soapy sponge in hand. Starting with my face she washed over my shoulders and down my chest. I have a lot of chest hair and she had fun running her fingers through the soapy curls. Turning me around she soaped up my back and backside and I had to admit I was enjoying the experience.

“Okay, turn back to face me. Time for the fun part,” she said.

Niki squatted down and began washing my crotch. The feeling was quite nice and was made even better when she lifted my ball sack and sponged underneath. Moving to my pubic hair, she squished the sponge making sure to suds thoroughly through the tangle. Finishing up she lifted my penis and wrapped the sponge completely around it soaping up the entire length.

Between the soft grip of her hand and the warm squishy suds, my cock began to stir making it easier for her to wash my shaft. But as this nubile teen continued to rub, my cock became fully erect sticking straight out nearly poking her in the face. I could see in the crinkle of her eyes she was enjoying the show.

“I better stop before it goes off,” she said and giggled.

She finished by washing my legs before standing and surveying her efforts. Teasingly she kept pressing down on my cock with the sponge watching it bounce back up.

“Boing!” she said each time my cock popped up.

As much fun as this was we needed to keep things on track, so I took both sponges and tossed them in the basket. To better control the water flow and avoid washing off the lubricant I planned to use, I changed the controls from the wall sprayers to the overhead rain shower. This would keep us warm and lessen water use.

“Okay Niki, I’m going to use some really good lubricant and see if we can play around a bit with your back door. This will be a new experience but I assure you it will be fun. And if anything bothers you we can stop immediately.”

I leaned out of the shower and rummaged through a vanity drawer to grab a tube of ultra-lube. I showed her the tube and she watched as I slathered a large glob all over my cock.

“Bend over honey and I’ll apply lots of lube to your butthole.”

She leaned over spreading her cheeks with her hands. Again I marveled at the view of her perfect heart-shaped ass and yummy pussy. I put a glob of lube on my finger and rested my other hand on the small of her back to stabilize her. With a very gently twisting motion, I worked the lubed finger into her anus. Her sphincter tried to resist but quickly yielded to the pressure. The lube did its job allowing my entire finger to penetrate her asshole. By this point, my cock was throbbing in anticipation.

“Okay, babe. The key here is for you to relax. If you push back it will just make it more difficult. Your rectum is designed to expand if you can relax enough to let it. I’ll start very slowly.”

“Kay,” I heard her reply.

I grabbed my shaft and guided the bulbous purple head until it was right at her anal opening. The size difference gave me concern that this might be impossible, but her anus was oozing lube and my cock was as slippery and stiff as it could be. I pressed the tip of my penis against her little starfish and pushed inward. I could see the sphincter muscle expand slightly but there was solid resistance. I backed out and pressed forward again this time with more pressure. Seconds passed and then her opening slowly dilated allowing my cockhead to slide in about half an inch. It was incredibly tight and my cockhead felt like it was inside a hot elastic tube.

“You doing okay baby?”

“Sort of, but beginning to hurt a little.”

I took this as a positive sign and backed out slightly before pushing forward again. This time the entire head slipped inside up to where it meets the shaft. The pressure and pleasure for me increased dramatically.

“Ow! Ow! Hurts more now. Not sure we can go any further. Stop!”

“Here’s something to try,” I said. “Reach down and massage your pussy. I can’t reach from this angle but you can and it'll help heighten your excitement.”

“Kay,” she replied and I watched as her hand disappeared between her legs.

I let her masturbate a few minutes before asking, “Honey, does playing with your pussy make things feel a little better?”

She didn’t answer right away but finally replied, “Feels a little less painful. As I finger myself the pleasure is kind of distracting me from the pain. We can go a little farther but please be careful.”

“Okay, maybe just a little bit more and we’ll see if continues to hurt. Here goes.”

I slowly withdrew my cock and squirted on another glob of lubricant. Pushing forward again I still felt resistance but managed to slide a full two inches into the warmest tightest place I’d ever been. My cock was being gripped so hard it was almost painful. But I knew if we could get a little farther it would all get better quickly for both of us.

“Ooh!” she said. “Pain is back a little but not as bad as the first time. I feel pretty full back there.”

“Okay, Niki. While you masturbate, I want you to try and relax your core. Relax your abdomen and hips and especially your butt muscles. If you can do that it’ll start to feel good.”

She didn’t reply so I held myself in position with my hands on her hips and my cock partially in her ass. I could see her arm moving furiously as she masturbated. Gradually her hips loosened and her entire body seemed to relax. I waited for a beat and then withdrew about an inch of cock. This is it. Now or never. Just as I started to push her asshole relaxed almost expanding to twice its size. Caught off guard and a little off-balance my cock slipped completely inside her mashing my crotch against her ass cheeks. Catching myself I froze motion with my entire seven inches buried inside her tight asshole.

“Niki! I went in too far. Are you okay?”

There was a long pause before I heard her say, “That felt super weird. All of a sudden it stopped hurting and then my butt got stuffed. I know it sounds gross but I feel like I need to go to the bathroom.”

A wave of relief washed over me as I said, “Yes that’s pretty normal. Your anus has only been one-way until now so the nerve signals are telling you that you need to move your bowels. The feeling will pass as we go a bit further. Now that I’m inside you let me take over rubbing your pussy. I promise it will soon feel great!”


Still fully buried inside her I reached my hand around and began stroking her pussy and clit. I wanted to heighten her pleasure before going any further. With all the water falling on us I couldn’t tell if her pussy juices were flowing but I decided to try moving on. Slowly I withdrew half of my length from her before pushing forward burying my cock to the hilt again. I continued this in and out motion varying the stroke while my fingers danced inside her pussy. My cock was in heaven as it slid through her tight sleeve and from the sounds she was making, Niki now seemed to be enjoying it too.

“Feeling much better now,” I heard her say. “Still some pain but between your cock and your fingers I can feel my orgasm building. Just don’t go too fast.”

Her ass was so hot and tight that I was having trouble holding off my orgasm. I knew if I came too soon I would go soft quickly and Niki would never be able to climax. I started doing mental math and thinking about sports scores as a way to hold off my orgasm.

Things were very slippery now and my cock was gliding easily in and out with my balls slapping up against her thighs. With some difficulty, I still managed to finger her pussy and massage her clit adding to her enjoyment. Amazingly with my finger in her vagina I could feel my cock sliding back and forth.

“Oh! Oh! Here it comes,” I heard Niki call out. “This feels way different than before!”

Hearing her cry I thrust faster and concentrated on Niki’s clit to bring her over the edge. Suddenly I felt her whole body tense up and my cock was squeezed even harder as her muscles convulsed. I was having difficulty maintaining my rhythm and the increased pressure pushed me over the edge. Suddenly I came, spewing hot jets of jism into Niki’s rectum.

“Oh! My! God!” she screamed. “I’m cumming!!”

Niki’s orgasm rocked her entire body so hard it weakened her legs causing her to collapse. I grabbed her around the waist with my free arm holding her up as she climaxed. The steamy water rained down on us as I watched Niki have a mind-bending orgasm. Wave after wave rocked her body as I continued to rub her clit and piston into her ass.

Slowly the quaking subsided as her orgasm dissipated. I shifted my hands to her hips to keep her upright while my cock was still buried inside. We stood like this for about thirty seconds before the pressure on my cock caused it to deflate and Niki’s muscle contractions expelled me from her rectum. As my cock popped out it was followed by a thick flow of semen and lube. Sadly, the amazing ride was over. I helped her stand up straight though she was still a bit wobbly.

“Just hold onto me,” I said, “until you get your strength back.”

We stood there in a lover's embrace as the warm water continued to fall. Soon she was able to stand on her own and we spent a few minutes gently washing her again. I checked her carefully for any signs of blood before rewashing my groin. With both of us clean I was able to shut off the water and open the large sliding shower door. The extended activity had filled the entire bathroom with steam allowing us to step out on the large bathmat and not be chilled.

Pulling an oversized Turkish towel off the rack, I wrapped it around and dried her body. This made for some fun tickles and rubs as I dried her breasts and between her legs. Grabbing another towel she helped me dry off and as we held each other tight she stood on tiptoes and kissed me hard. This was an embrace I never wanted to end.

The bathroom had started to cool so we untangled ourselves and I used the opportunity to study her. I’ve said before how extraordinarily beautiful she was and standing there wrapped in a towel with damp hair and no makeup did nothing to disprove that opinion. But beyond her beauty, she radiated an eagerness and maturity that took my breath away. I was truly smitten.

“Niki,” I said trying to keep my voice from catching, “I do believe I’m falling in love with you.”

She looked at me for a long moment studying my face for any sign that I was joking before simply whispering, “I know.”

Later that evening Niki complained that her butthole was achy and she felt exhausted. Using the tub in the master bath I filled it with warm water and medicated salts and had her soak for an hour. Afterward, she joined me in the TV room but wasn’t really up for our usual foot massage. Standing in front of me dressed in a simple pink nightshirt she looked beat.

“My butt feels a little better since the bath, but all my muscles feel like I played a killer soccer match. Is sex stuff supposed to be this exhausting?”

“Well, we probably overdid it today with too much too soon. I mean sex is a physical activity so it can be a bit tiring in the beginning,” I said reaching out and taking her hand. “But the anal stuff should have waited for another day. Your body is still growing and even though you are in excellent physical shape, the emotional output from mind-blowing sex and stress on body parts can be just as tiring as any of your sports.”

“Yeah,” she sighed, “it’s all so fun and exciting and I want to do everything but I agree that maybe we should’ve just stuck to showering. Washing each other was very nice and I’d like to do that again. But maybe the butt stuff can wait for a while.”

I eased her down beside me on the sofa and pulled her close. Laying her head on my shoulder she covered us with a blanket so we could snuggle and watch television. Several minutes of flipping channels yielded nothing interesting. I looked down to ask her if she wanted to stream a movie and saw that her eyes were closed and she was snoring softly.

Her face appeared completely relaxed and was beautiful in its tranquility. I studied the freckles that were sprinkled on her cheeks and nose and gently kissed her forehead. My god, she is a beautiful little angel. But I pushed the boundaries today. Together we crossed another line, perhaps the biggest line so far. I have to slow the pace for Niki’s sake, and mine.

[Continued in Part: 3]
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