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I enjoy sharing my stories with you, I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think.
I've shared many of my stories in the past, but here's one from when I was younger. I was in my late teens, and fresh out of high school, and I decided to move in with my boyfriend at the time. We both had extremely high sex drives, and it seemed we couldn't get enough of each other. Alan (my boyfriend at the time) was well aware of my recent discoveries of exhibitionism and how much showing off turned me on... and he seemed to like it as well. At the time I was really concerned about being seen as a slut, so I preferred my exhibitionism to appear accidental... and Alan loved to tease me with ideas to show me off to his friends and random strangers... and honestly I was hoping that by moving in we would have more time to explore those ideas... I just felt lucky to have someone that was OK with me occasionally showing others my pussy, and also being a great fuck.

Alan lived with his father still, but his father was going to be in another state working a construction job for a couple months... so we basically had the house to ourselves. The only other person there was Alan's grandfather, and he rarely left his room for anything other than to get food. He was very hard of hearing, and never said a word, just the occasional grunt. Alan told me he had his own restroom, so other than getting food or a drink he rarely left his room. Apparently he's a bit senile, and masturbates a lot... i was told to never go in his room without him being prepared, because chances were good that he was watching porn and masturbating. Kind of sad, but i was glad he still got aroused at least. Alan worked over night, so he'd sleep between 10 in the morning and 6 at night... and because I enjoyed sleeping with him, I started sleeping the same hours as well. We'd always fuck before going to sleep, and often would again sometime after waking up.

Alan seemed to enjoy showing me off almost as much as I liked being seen, but he always made it very clear he didn't want me fucking anyone else. Teasing was fine, but he couldn't handle more than that... he liked knowing other guys wanted me, but couldn't have me. I was content with that, and during sex we would often discuss fantasies about scenarios where a friend would walk in on me naked... or one of his buddies secretly watched us fuck. That coming weekend would be the first weekend that I'd be living with him, and a group of his friends always came over to smoke, drink, and play games at his place... so we discussed ways I could "accidentally" show some skin or be seen.

We laid on our sides in bed as Alan fucked me slowly from behind and said "would it turn you on if Billy walked in on us right now?... what would you do?". No one else was in the house at the time (other than grandpa), so I knew he was just playing scenarios. I responded between thrusts "I'd try to act like I didn't see him for a long as possible, and then hesitate to cover up so that he could see as much of me a possible before I acted like I didn't want him to see and got under the blanket... do you think he would do that?". Alan grunted "any of my friends might... I can tell they all think you're sexy... I've seen Jose stare at your ass many times when he thinks I'm not looking". I moaned "maybe I can put on a robe after a shower, and find a way to let Jose get a peek of my bare ass... maybe with a little pussy peeking through". Alan seemed to enjoy that thought as I felt him empty his balls inside of me.

Around 9 that night, my best friend at the time (Evelyn) came by with her new boyfriend and a bottle of tequila. I knew Evelyn was coming over, but I didn't know that her recent boyfriend (i don't even remember his name) would be joining her. We greeted them both and I asked Evelyn to join me in the kitchen as Alan and her boyfriend got to know each other. I asked Evelyn "you didn't tell me he was coming with you... I don't want to be disrespectful to Alan by having a guy over here while he's not home". Evelyn apologized by saying "I'm sorry, he came over unexpected and then invited himself... I didn't know what to say... he's honestly been getting on my nerves, so I might just ask him to leave in a bit". I understood where she was coming from, I think we've all been in awkward situations like that... so I told her "it's cool, I get it... let me just talk to Alan real quick so he doesn't get the wrong idea".

We walked back into the living room and Alan got up to get ready for work, so I followed him in the bedroom. As soon as the door closed Alan said "Holy shit, that guy is annoying as fuck". I did my best to give an apologetic face and said "I'm sorry, I really didn't know anyone else was coming... I thought it would just be me and Evelyn tonight, but she did say she might ask him to leave after a bit because he was getting on her nerves to... she goes through boyfriends fast, so this will probably be the only time we ever have to see him". Alan said "It's OK, I'm just glad I don't have to deal with him..." Alan gave me a squeeze and then added "so... are you going to tease him while I'm at work?". I was honestly caught off guard by the question, as I hadn't even considered it. I was just concerned with Alan being upset... but seeing as we talked about it a lot, it made sense. I gave him a little slow kiss and lingered close to his face as I looked down shyly and said "I hadn't thought about it... but I could try to, if you'd like that". Alan ran his hand under my shirt and played with my breasts as he said "I would like that... I want to know all the details if it happens of course". I said "of course" as his fingers flicked my nipples back and forth.

Alan reminded me again (although it wasn't needed), "no fucking... only teasing, ok?". I smirked as I told him "of course, I only want to tease anyway... you can Fuck me when you get home". Alan gave me another kiss before saying "I really need to go, I'm running late... I'll see you in the morning". We walked out into the living room, and Alan told everyone goodbye as he walked out the door. I sat down next to Evelyn, and grabbed my weed pipe and took a hit. Evelyn's boyfriend was a stocky guy in good shape, and looked to be in his mid 20's (which was mature in my eyes at the time), and over all a very attractive guy... I could see why Evelyn would want to be with him... but it didn't take long before I found out why he seemed to get on everyone's nerves.

I passed the pipe to Evelyn and put on some music as her boyfriend pulled out the bottle of tequila and said "let's get this party started!" As he went into the kitchen to find shot glasses. I heard him going through the cabinets as I looked at Evelyn and said "he's just going through Alan's stuff, that's kinda rude". Evelyn blew out her hit and said "I know, I'm sorry... honestly he's just a good fuck... I'll dump him once I get bored with him" and then took another hit. I laughed while saying "I understand" as he strutted back into the living room with a stupid grin. He started pouring shots as he said "Hey Diana, I noticed you have a hot tub outside". I just responded "yeah, it's Alan's dad's" as I took another hit off the pipe.

Her boyfriend then took all three of the shots he poured and then laughed, I'm sure knowing we assumed he was pouring them for all of us, and then said "so let's take the party outside into the tub... why let it go to waste?". He started pouring more shots as I thought about it and looked over at Evelyn. Honestly, he was so obnoxious that I didn't even feel like teasing him anymore... but I thought about Alan, and I think he was wanting me to... and I didn't want to disappoint him. This time he passed us each a shot (which I later learned was double shots) as Evelyn said "we don't even have our bathing suits... and don't expect us to get in naked". We both took our shot and reacted with cringy faces... neither of us really drank heavily, usually just some casual drinks and some smoke. Her boyfriend rolled his eyes and said "you guys are lame" as he poured another round.

I sent Alan a text telling him about the hot tub suggestion to see how he would feel about it. It was awhile before he could reply, and in the meantime we continued to take shots and bullshit about what we were going to do now that we graduated, and how happy we were to be out of there... her boyfriend kept trying to change the subject to sexual things, often telling us about times he was with 2 girls and how well he could handle them. It was obvious why he was bringing it up, and he didn't seem to bother to hide the fact he was checking me out. I wasn't wearing anything revealing, just a t-shirt and jogging pants, but he would look me up and down a lot. I hated the guy, but the more I saw him look at my body... and the more shots I had, the hornier I got. I was starting to hope Alan would be on board with the hot tub idea.

I checked my phone to see that Alan had replied! He said "I guess with Evelyn there he won't get out of line, and it might give you a chance to let a nipple slip". He then replied as I was reading it "I have extra bathing suits for him to use, Evelyn can use one of yours. I don't want him being naked". I replied back "I completely understand. He really is obnoxious, lol". Alan said "give the obnoxious bastard a little thrill. I'll fuck you when I get home ;)". My pussy started to heat up, and I realized I had probably had to much to drink as I watched him pour another round of shots.

I noticed that Evelyn was feeling really good too, as she giggled and started flirting with her boyfriend more. I suggested "why don't we slow down on the shots for a bit and just have some wine?". Her boyfriend responded "lame!" as he did his shot and Evelyn followed suit. I replied "You can wear a pair of Alan's swimming trunks if you guys want to get in the hot tub... I have an extra bathing suit you can wear, Evelyn... we can take the wine out there and relax". Evelyn said "sounds like a good plan"as she quickly stood up, but then fell back into the couch again laughing... it was obvious she was a lot more drunk than I realized... and as I got up to help her stand, I realized I was a lot more drunk than I realized as well. I looked over at her boyfriend, and he was just staring at my ass with a grin. I felt my pussy throb a bit, but I ignored it and I asked him to help me get her into the bedroom.

We got her back there, and laid her on the bed as she continued to laugh hysterically. She sat up and took her shirt off while I pulled out a couple of bikinis and threw them on the bed, and her boyfriend was quick to undo and remove her bra as she let out a "Wooooo!" followed by laughing. Evelyn gave a little shimmy despite not having very large breasts (a decent b cup with little puffy nipples), and I fell on my butt while bending over to dig in my dresser. We all laughed and her boyfriend looked at me and said "do you need some help getting your shirt off too?". I playfully rolled my eyes and said "I've got a boyfriend, so you don't get to see me naked... your girlfriends tits are right there, enjoy them!". I knew adding he wouldn't get to see me naked would make him want to see me that much more... and I hoped he would... It just had to look like it was an accident, or I didn't know.

I tossed him a pair of shorts to wear and told him to go to the bathroom to change, and I'd help Evelyn. He responded by saying "I don't mind changing in front of you guys" as he started lifting up his shirt. Evelyn laughed as she jumped up and stopped him and playfully smacked his arm. She looked at him and said "stop making her uncomfortable and help me out of these pants,I want to get in the tub". I stood up and watched as he pulled her pants done while she wiggled out of them, and I admired her body wearing nothing but panties... she looked incredibly sexy. Evelyn reached for her bathing suit as I said "I guess I'll go change in the bathroom since he doesn't want to". This guy was such a pompous jerk, and you could tell he really thought highly of himself. "Don't be so uptight" he said before adding "if you want to join us in a threesome, I'm sure Evelyn won't mind". I scoffed and said "keep dreaming, pal... I'm happy with my boyfriend, and I'm not a whore" as I walked out the door.

I didn't bother to close the door behind me and I heard him tell Evelyn "talk to your friend about having a threesome tonight". Hearing that made me stop in my tracks as I inched closer back to the door to see what Evelyn's reply would be. She said "if she wanted to fuck you, I wouldn't care... but she won't, she likes Alan to much". I smirked to myself, proud that she told him that there wasn't a chance... I didn't want him trying to pressure me into sex all night. Evelyn then said "she's missing out though, look at that pretty fat cock" followed by sucking sounds. I had a good idea what was happening, and being in my drunken horny state I caught myself starting to peek in before I even thought about it. I watched as Evelyn (now in a bikini) sucked on her boyfriends cock... and from what I could see it did look nice. He grabbed her hair and turned to look toward the door, so I quickly got out of view and walked into the bathroom.

Did he see me? I panicked a little as I tried to quietly close the bathroom door... but decided I'd just leave it cracked instead... that way there wasn't a noise alerting him I just went into the bathroom, and it turned me on thinking I could potentially be spied on. I got undressed and admired my body in the mirror... I also noticed my reflection was blurry due to way too much drinking... I'm pretty sure Evelyn had even more than I did, but despite being drunk I felt great. I got a message from Alan that said "so any updates?". I messaged back "I just helped Evelyn's drunk ass into a bathing suit, and I'm about to put mine on now". I then took a nude selfie showing the cracked door and said "I wonder if anyone might peek in". I giggled as I read his reply "I fucking love it, do you think he will? What if he tries to fuck you?". I answered "I doubt he'll have time to peek, I'm about to get dressed now... and he'd never have a chance to fuck me, no way, lol". Standing there nude with the door cracked open... I did feel sexy and liberating, but also vulnerable...

I picked up my bikini bottoms off the counter, and I noticed the door move in the reflecting of the mirror... my heart jumped when I watched it slowly open to where there was about a 6 inch gap, and I could clearly see him staring at my naked ass. I quickly looked away, as I didn't want him to know I knew he was there. I panicked a bit, and I felt my heart racing and my pussy swelling. I had my back to him, but he could probably see my tits in the mirror... I decided to splash some water on my face, and I noticed the door open another couple inches... he was making it difficult to pretend I didn't know he was there... and I didn't want him to walk in and try to fuck me. I put on my bottoms while he watched, and then grabbed my top and turned around so that my tits were facing him. I could clearly see him in the corner of my eye, but tried to continue to look the opposite way to preserve my appearance of being ignorant to his presence... I did peek a couple of times, and saw he was smiling while admiring my naked big nipples... I couldn't wait to tell Alan about this.

As I pulled my top up to cover my tits, I made sure that I didn't tie it to tight... I wanted there to be some slack for potential 'wardrobe malfunctions'... but I noticed he was still there after fully dressed in the bikini, and I really didn't want to have to confront him. I stalled by brushing my teeth until I saw leave... and once I was done I walked out to see them on the couch, and Evelyn was taking another shot as he got up and handed me another shot as well. He clearly had an erection that the shorts did little to hide, but I tried to make sure he didn't catch me looking. I told him "thanks, but I think I should slow down a bit... maybe just some wine for now" as I sat it down on the table. I grabbed the wine as I noticed her boyfriend looking me up and down, and Evelyn grabbed the shot I put down and chugged it... she was way too wasted. Her boyfriend said "damn Diana, you're looking fucking sexy". I just rolled my eyes and said "shut up, grab a few towels out of the hallway closet". Evelyn did a weird drunk run toward me and gave me a hug while saying "oh my God I'm so wasted" and started laughing.

I hugged her back and said "just don't get sick!", but she assured me she was fine... but I knew she was much more drunk than I was, and i felt pretty fucking drunk! She attempted to whisper "I can't wait to fuck him tonight... he wants to fuck you too if you want... I won't tell"... but her whispers were so loud that I'm sure he could hear her too despite being down the hall. I giggled, and honestly felt slightly tempted, but I told her "I couldn't do that, Alan is too good of a guy". Evelyn leaned against me more which caused us both to stagger and said "I'll fuck Alan if you'd like to make it even". I figured she was joking as I chuckled, but I asked her anyway "would you fuck Alan if he wanted to?". She hesitated slightly before saying "if you were OK with it, why not?". I wasn't sure what to think about that, but I did at the least find it interesting.

I turned on the back patio light, and we walked toward the hot tub... still giggly from the alcohol. Evelyn's boyfriend grabbed her and picked her up as she gave a playful squel and ran her to the tub. I ran with them as we all climbed into the tub. I turned on the bubbles, and started pouring the drinks... I made sure I leaned forward while doing it, hoping that my nipples would be visible... I didn't want to look down to check, but as I was pouring the last glass Evelyn said "I can see your titty, Diana" and started laughing. I looked down and saw one of my nipples was completely exposed, and her boyfriend was clearly looking with a big grin. I pretended to be embarrassed as I held my top against my chest and finished pouring the drinks. I apologized and said "that's embarrassing, I'll have to be more careful" despite feeling my pussy getting hot.

He was quick to say "I hope you're not careful, there's no reason to be, you have nice tits". Evelyn playfully smacked his arm and said "stop embarrassing her!... you do have nice tits though, Diana". I laughed and said "thanks Evelyn, I appreciate it" as I sipped on my wine. I thought I could see him playing with himself under the water, but I wasn't sure... but the thought made me hornier. I rubbed myself a little bit since the bubbles would conceal it, and it was intense how hard my clit was starting to throb... I was really looking forward to Alan getting home later! I kept thinking about how much he must be turned on after peeking at me and my nipple slip, and noticing his arm was slowly moving up and down, I knew he was stroking his cock under the water... as he regularly stared at my chest. Evelyn had already finished her glass of wine and stood up to pour another one. She was spilling it due to being overly intoxicated, and her boyfriend decided to take advantage of the situation and untied both her bikini top straps. Evelyn didn't even bother to hold it up, she just let it drop and said "who cares, you've all seen my tits".

As she sat back down and starting siping her wine, I noticed the blinds move in the window behind her boyfriend. It startled me at first, but I remembered that was Alan's grandpa's room. The hot tub sits directly in front of his room, so I was concerned we might have woke him up... but Alan had told me he's literally nearly deaf, so I didn't need to worry about it. His bedroom lights were off, but I could see him looking out... I just hoped he wouldn't scare Evelyn... and that's when I remembered she was topless, and I was sure he could see her! He apparently didn't mind because he continued to look, and she was so drunk she didn't see him... but when he noticed me looking his direction he quickly pulled back away from the window. I'm sure she gave that old man a little thrill. Evelyn looked so happy and relaxed laying back with her tits exposed, and her boyfriend didn't hesitate to tell me "you should take your top off too, we both like your tits".

"Shut up, pervert", I playfully said as I splashed him a bit. "I'm still embarrassed" I lied, as I felt a jolt to my pussy when he said he liked my tits. Evelyn lifted her tits towards his face and asked "do you like my tits too?", to which he responded by grabbing her and pulling her closer and licking her nipples. She giggled and then moaned before kissing him passionately, and I watched him guide her hand to his cock under the water. She gasped and then let out a laugh as she said "you're so fucking hard". He continued to stare at my chest as she told him "you have such a great cock, I can't wait for you to fuck me"... and it was clear she was stroking him under the water... I couldn't see much, but she wasn't making any effort to hide her motions, and I was pretty sure I'd occasionally get a glimpse of the head of his cock through the water.

I caught myself rubbing my clit under the water again, but was sure I was being discreet about it so that they wouldn't notice. I stopped long enough to stand up and reach across them to grab the wine bottle... my glass wasn't empty, but I used the excuse to top off my drink to allow my tits to fall out again just like earlier... and it was clear he noticed right away. I sat back down and played oblivious that I was exposed to him, despite he was openly staring at my chest while Evelyn jerked him off. She was all up in his face, so she hadn't noticed... and he wasn't going to say anything. She got up and straddled him, unintentionally blocking his view while telling him "I want you to fuck me... please". While she blocked his view I looked down to see how exposed I was, and was surprised to see both nipples were showing... one of my breasts were completely out. I got a hot flash through my body as a quickly released the other breast so that I was fully exposed, and I continued to act to drunk to notice.

Evelyn was so drunk that she could no longer hold her head up. Her boyfriend noticed both my tits were fully exposed, and didn't attempt to hide his staring... and I acted like I didn't even noticed as I felt my pussy throb. I rubbed myself more under the water while trying to act natural, and I heard Evelyn tell him "I need you to fuck me... Diana won't mind if we use her bed". I looked down toward his crotch and I could clearly see her hand rubbing his cock, and it was clear he was naked as well. I didn't know when he removed his shorts, but he was definitely not in them, and the lights in the hot tub made it very clear. I heard Evelyn ask "what happen to the jets", and that's when I realized the jets had stopped, and that's why I could see so clearly... I was so drunk and carried away I didn't notice... but then it dawned on me, and one look at him confirmed it... he could see I was rubbing my pussy under the water. I legitimately got embarrassed and extremely horny at the same time as I reached to turn the jets back on, and hope he didn't say anything.

Evelyn stood up and pulled on him to get up as well while saying "let's go inside so you can Fuck me... come on". Her boyfriend just laughed as he stood up, showing his hard cock just swinging in front of him... I had to admit, he looked really fucking good. He had a great body, and the biggest cock I had ever seen up to that point. I heard him say "Diana, do you want to join us?" as I looked up at him and realized he saw me staring at his cock. I quickly looked away as I said "no thanks, I'm good"... but if I was honest, I wanted to. He picked up Evelyn and threw her over his shoulder as she squealed and laughed. He looked down at my tits and stroked his cock a few times and said "feel free to change your mind" before carrying her back inside. Once I heard the door close, I reached down into my bottoms and started to rub myself hard.

I was so fucking horny, and it was still going to be another 4 to 5 hours before Alan got home from work, and I was so worked up that it hurt. I looked down at my exposed tits, knowing he was just looking at them while striking his cock... did he honestly think I didn't know my tits were out? Did he know what I was doing? What could he have thought about me when he saw me rub my pussy under the water. He's such a jerk, I honestly hate him... but the idea of him fucking me right now made my heart jump erratically. I wondered if he was as good as a fuck as Evelyn said he was... she did say she wouldn't tell anyone if I did fuck him... but I knew I shouldn't, but it was so hot to think about.

I tried to picture what was going on in my room right now, and I was tempted to go in the house to see if I could hear anything... and as I was thinking about it I noticed on the corner of my eye the blind move again... I don't know how long he'd been watching, but I'm sure he saw what I was doing, and I'm sure he could see my tits as they still were exposed. I slowed down, a bit nervous and unsure what to think... would he tell Alan? Would Alan like that his grandpa saw me? I decided I should go inside for the time... I was worried Alan was going to be unhappy about it, although I did enjoy knowing he liked looking at me. I stood up and faced him as I stumbled a bit as I dried off... I was clearly still really drunk and I had to be careful getting out.

As soon as I walked in I could hear them fucking... and I was pretty sure it was due to the door being open. I started to feel nervous as I walked into the living room, wondering what I should do next. I poured myself a shot and looked down at my hard nipples that I never covered back up. I slowly walked down the hall and discovered that I was right, the door was wide open... and I could feel my heartbeat in my throat as I slowly walked up and peeked in. He had her folded up as he pounded fast and hard inside her, and she grimaced as she demanded "fuck me... use my fucking cunt". I had never seen anyone having sex before... not in person anyway... and watching one of my best friends get fucked like that... like I'd never been fucked ... it was to much. I turned back around and walked back into the living room, and tried to think clearly... but all I could think about was getting fucked like Evelyn.

I poured another shot and laid on the couch with my legs spread, and frantically rubbing my pussy... I could feel it was soaked and pulsing as I heard Evelyn start to cum. I knew I could just walk in there and I could get fucked too... he made it very clear he wanted to fuck me... and despite knowing I shouldn't, and caring about Alan... my urges were starting to win me over. I caught myself get up and start walking back toward the room before I even realized what I was doing. I stopped before I got to the door and I peeked in again. Evelyn was being held by her waist while he was on his knees and continuing to fuck her while her head laid on the bed. She was moaning as her tits wiggled up and down. I took a step toward the door, still not sure what I'd do, but no longer hiding... I knew it was a matter of time before he would see me standing there with my tits out.

I had to brace myself with my left hand as I pressed against my clit with my right hand... and it was clear Evelyn was about to cum as she started moaning really fast and loud, and was rubbing her clit as she bucked on his cock. He seemed to never get tired as he kept a steady pace, still holding her up by griping her waist, he watched his cock slide in and out of her... Evelyn frantically rubbed her clit as she gasped, and then let out a long moan while simultaneously saying "I'm cumming!, I'm fucking cumming!" As she started to spasm. I stood at the door deliberating what I should do... should I walk in and tell him I'm next?... maybe just drop to my knees and suck his big cock... maybe I should turn around now and forget it, maybe take a cold shower... he hadn't seen me yet, it wasn't too late to not make a mistake. I took a step back, but instantly thought to myself 'you know you want him, no one has to know' as I took a step back forward.

I was confused and frustrated, frozen in place and so incredibly horny that it was literally starting to hurt. I caught myself give a small involuntary moan and it caught his attention, he turned his head and looked right at me and then started smirking. He was such a smug asshole, but I really wanted him to fuck me... I kept telling myself I wouldn't, that I'd be good for Alan... i really wasn't sure anymore though. But now he was just staring at me with my tits out, and I realized I had my hand down inside my bikini bottoms... I was so drunk I didn't even realize I did that... I was embarrassed, but felt no need to try to hide it now. He was still steadily fucking her, but she was just laying there limp.

He waved me over and said "come here and look at this" as he motioned with his head toward her crotch. I nervously took a step forward, and then slowly made my way towards the bed as he slowly continued to fuck her. I hesitated before I got to close to him, still worried something might happen that I'd later regret, but I was close enough to where I could now his cock sliding in and out of her pussy... a jolt hit my clit, and I rubbed it a little faster... I convinced myself that as long as I kept my bikini bottoms on, I wouldn't do anything I'd regret. He pointed out "she came so hard that she passed out... look at how her pussy got frothy when she cum all over my dick". I no longer even looked up at him, I just kept my focus on him penetrating her as I sat on the bed next to her, and got my first close view of another couple fucking... he wasn't lying though, her pussy was frothy... and his cock looked even bigger up close as it stretched out her opening.

He must have noticed I was staring at his cock, because he pulled it out and said "I know this is what you want... it's OK, I'll give it to you... I haven't cum yet". His cock sprung upwards towards my face, and another jolt hit my clit... I knew I was now faced with what would happen next, but I couldn't think. I felt myself lean towards him slowly, and then I stopped... next thing I knew he was pushing my head down to his cock, and instinctively I opened my mouth and took him in. He held my head in place as I sucked on the head of his cock, and then let go once he saw I was doing it willingly. I wrapped my hands around his dick and started working my tongue faster around the head as I heard him moan and say "I knew you wanted me, you little fucking slut".

Hearing those words made my body heat up with passion... I hated this guy, I hoped I would never see him again after that night... but he was right, I did want him... and I was a fucking slut. I didn't want to be though... and as that thought hit me I quickly sat up and said "that shouldn't have happened, you should leave now" as I walked out of the room and went back outside to the hot tub. I was mortified... I actually sucked that jerks cock... and what if he told someone and Alan somehow found out?! Maybe I should have just let him fuck me... he already got that far... I did like the way he looked at me... and I would love to get fucked like Evelyn did... but Alan is such a great guy! I sat there in the water, with my bottoms pulled aside as I rubbed my pussy, and waited to see the headlights signaling he was leaving.

I sipped on my wine that I had left there earlier, and realized I should check my phone to see if Alan had messaged... of course he had. There were 3 messages... first said 'so what happened', second said 'everything OK', and third said 'please reply ASAP'. I immediately felt guilty and replied back 'I'm sorry, I left my phone inside... he got a few little peeks, I'll tell you about it when you get home ;)'. Just as I hit send, I saw Evelyn's boyfriend getting in the hot tub. My heart jumped a little as I watched his still erect cock come closer to me before he sat down next to me and said "did I scare you off?". His leg pressed up against mine as I replied "I thought you were going to leave" to which he answered with a smirk "I'll leave... I just figured we should have a talk first". I looked down and realized the jets weren't on... and I could see him stroking his cock under the water.

I looked up at him and noticed he was staring straight at my tits, which I had never covered back up. Without looking away he asked me "you like showing me your tits, don't you?". I was caught off guard, in my drunken state I was still thinking I was giving the impression of it being an accidental slip... I replied "what do you mean" as I looked down and tried to act surprised and cover up. He laughed and said "do you think I'm that dumb that I'd believe your tits had been out for an hour and you didn't know?... it's OK, there's nothing wrong with enjoying showing off your sexy body". I hesitated before asking "does that make me a slut?". He chuckled and said "not anymore than it makes me one for wanting to look... and I like showing you my cock as well... I can see you like it".

I bit my lip as I replied "it does turn me on... and watching you fuck Evelyn like that... it just made me so horny... but I can't fuck you, I shouldn't have sucked you like I did". He put his left hand on my right knee and said "I understand... I promise I won't fuck you unless you want me too... ok?". I looked him in the eyes and said "ok"... but I knew anything was still possible... he started to untie my top, and I'm not sure if I was to drunk to stop him or I just didn't care at that point, but I let him remove it so that I was now completely topless. I proudly lifted my breasts towards him and asked "do you like them... do they turn you on". He stood up and kept jacking off while reaching for my tits with his left hand... it happened before I could even realize it, so I just laid back and let him rub them. I closed my eyes and rubbed myself under the water... I gave another involuntary moan and opened my eyes, and he had moved so that his cock was within inches of my face as he jerked off... I bit my lip again and asked "did you like it when I sucked your cock earlier?". He nodded with a big smile and said "I'm still hoping you'll let me fuck you... if you so much as give me a nod, I'll fuck the hell out of you".

After he said that he pressed his cock up to my lips... I looked up at him and then slowly gave it a little lick before pulling back and laughing. He stepped back a little and admired my body, I'm sure being able to see my hand moving against my crotch, as he said "why don't you stand up and let me see your ass... I know you like to show off your body like a fucking slut tease"... I felt like I should have taken offense to that, but I realized that he was right... and it turned me on. He knew exactly who I was, and despite not liking him, he knew what made my pussy heat up... even if I was afraid to see it. I stumbled as I stood up on my seat and turned around... I looked back and saw him watching intently with his cock in hand as I slowly lowered my bottoms until they rested on my upper thigh. I leaned forward to brace myself, and I felt him tug the bottoms the rest of the way down. I playfully said "you're such an asshole" as I felt his hand rubbing my ass and playfully squeezing it. I laid my chest down on the side of the hot tub while leaving my ass in the air for him to admire... and I considered what I would do if he just came up behind me and fucked me right then... could I stop him? Would I stop him?

I reached between my legs and stuck a couple fingers inside my pussy, not realizing that he could see me doing it. He spread open my butt cheeks to get a full unobstructed view, and that's when I realized he could see my pussy from behind... I tried to play innocent by saying "you can look at my ass, but I have to keep my pussy private"... while I simultaneously rubbed and opened up my pussy for his hungry eyes. It was obvious I was full of shit, I was just drunk enough to think he'd buy it... but he quickly called me on it by saying "that pussy looks so fucking good, keep rubbing it baby... you're such a good little slut"... he stood up and I panicked because i knew he was going to fuck me... I quickly rolled over so I was on my back so I could see him.

He gave me that stupid pompous smirk and said "you can fight it all you want, but eventually you're going to let me fuck you... I can see it in you, you're a slut... it's your nature... you can't change that". I looked up at him, and hated that he might be right... I opened my legs to fully expose my pussy to him and said "I have to be good"... but I knew I wasn't going to be. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his cock and I instinctively started stroking it. He leaned in between my legs and leaned down to suck on my nipples... I still had a hold of his cock, but I could feel it rubbing against my naked crotch. He added "I know you don't like me... that's fine. After today you'll probably never see me again... but I know you want me to fuck you like the whore you really are. You can keep fighting it, but eventually who you really are is going to win... and you're a whore that's hungry for cock.. I'll be just one of many in your life".

I was so naive at the time... I was young and eager to learn more about myself... but this asshole saw me for what I really was, and I resented him for it. In my drunken horny state, everything he said made sense... or maybe I just wanted it to make sense... besides, after how far we had gone, did it really make a difference if we fucked now? I rubbed his cock up and down my pussy, doing my part to tease him while I deliberated. He reached down and started rubbing my pussy and inserting his fingers inside of me as I panted in his ear. I let go of his cock and laid back, and it dawned on me how exposed we were... I don't think he had neighbors that could see, but what if?... and that's when I noticed the window... shock hit me as I realized Alan's grandpa's was watching us! I had no idea how long he'd been watching or what he saw, but he was clearly watching now as Evelyn's boyfriend opened my legs and dropped down to eat me out. I was hanging on the side of the hot tub right next to the window, so I could literally see his face less than a foot away from mine... and he was just focused on my body.

He hadn't noticed me looking at him, and I didn't want him to be aware that I was aware he was watching... but now I was worried he might say something to Alan! I looked down at Evelyn's boyfriend and thrusted up into his face as he ran his tongue inside of me... should I stop now? Should I say something to his grandpa, who based on his movement was jerking off while watching us? I knew he enjoyed porn, and here I was putting a show on right next to him. . I figured if he said anything to Alan I could always play it off as it was Evelyn and not me... I grinded down on her boyfriends face as I told him "you can't tell anyone about this... I will deny it all if you do... no one but us will ever know, understood?". He got between my legs and started smacking my pussy with his cock as he said "it sounds like the whore is ready to get fucked... is that what you want? Do you want me to fuck you?".

I knew the answer to the question, but I didn't want to give it to him... I didn't want to feed his cocky ego, I didn't want to prove him right about me... but he was right. My mind was racing as he said "I didn't realize we had an audience... who's the old guy staring at your tits?". I was to drunk to even act like I didn't know who he was talking about... I pulled my knees up, rubbed between my legs, and opend my pussy, hoping he would start fucking me without me having to say anything. Just looking at him as he continued to stare at my pussy while slapping it with his cock, I bit my lip in anticipation, but he just kept teasing me! I finally asked him "are you going to do it?"... I could tell he was enjoying my frustration as he said "you never admitted you want to... do you want me inside of you, are you ready to get fucked by my cock? I felt him start to put pressure at my open hole, and I knew it was soaked... I knew it would take no effort to fully penetrate me. I looked at him, and that pompous smirk... he knew he had me, and I hated him for it... I hated I wanted him so badly, that I knew I was about to give myself to him... but before I even realized it I slightly nodded yes... and he pushed his cock all the way inside of me.

As soon as his cock fully penetrated me I moaned out loudly and started panting "Fuck me!... please fuck me!". Evelyn's boyfriend remained fully inside of me for about 5 seconds before grabbing my hips and slamming into me repeatedly. He stood up and held my hips in front of him so that my upper body was just resting on the side of the tub as he continued to fuck me just like he had Evelyn earlier. I could hear my pussy was making splashing noises as I opened my eyes and noticed I had been dragged down enough to where my face was now right under Alan's grandpa's face in the window... and he made no effort to hide this time as I could see him jacking off while looking me in the eyes and then staring at my tits that were bouncing upside down. At that moment I felt the slutiest I ever had up to that point... I was cheating for the first time in my life with some asshole who was currently railing me while some old guy is staring at me while jerking off... if I had any doubt that I was a slut, they were gone now.

I looked up at him and moaned "use my pussy... I'm such a horny slut". Evelyn's boyfriend grunted as he pulled out and flipped me over, and slammed his cock back inside of me from behind... I was now literally face to face with Alan's grandpa who was smiling ear to ear as I continued to get slammed in front of him. I could feel my orgasm building up already, and grandpa decided to put his cock up to the window in front of me as he jerked off, and I watched as he cum and it hit the window in front of me... it both startled me and made my pussy go into overdrive. I groaned as I told him "I'm about to cum!... you're fucking me so good! Don't stop!". Next thing I knew it felt like my pussy was gushing around his cock as I felt wave after wave of orgasms wash all over my body.

I had to make him stop, I couldn't take it anymore. I crawled away and turned around as I caught my breath... he chuckled as he looked down at me sprawled out nude and said "I knew I was going to fuck you when I first met you... Alan's a lucky guy to have a whore like you". I started to cum to my senses, despite still being really drunk, and I got out of the hot tub. I quickly dried myself off and went inside to check the time. Alan would be home in a couple hours, and I didn't want Evelyn's boyfriend to still be here... but I gave him what he wanted, so he might leave now. I went in my room to check on Evelyn, who was still spread out naked just as we left her. I brushed her hair out of her face and asked if she could hear me... but she was still completely passed out. Her boyfriend walked in the room and said "you left before I got to cum". I told him "look, you need to go. Alan's going to be home soon, and you can't be here". He laid down on the bed and said "all you have to do is make me cum, and I'll leave... you'll never see me again, and no one will hear about how much of a slut you are". I knew there was no point in arguing it, so I just crawled up between his legs and started sucking his cock.

I wanted him to hurry and cum, but I also wanted to show how much I loved sucking dick... I wanted him to see me as being as good as a fuck as I saw him. I took him as far in my mouth as I could before I'd start just working the top 4 inches again... I wasn't the best, but I was trying. Maybe it was because I was a lot less experienced due to being younger, but I felt a need to impress him. I decided to climb up onto him and positioned his cock to slide inside of me again, and I started fucking him right next to his naked unconscious girlfriend. The way he filled me up was unlike the few others I'd been with in the past... I didn't want to tell him how good he was... but I'm sure it was obvious how much I loved it. In my drunken haze I had trouble even staying up as he played with my bouncing tits. He looked me in the eyes and said "you like letting guys seeing your naked body don't you? You liked letting your tits slip out for me to look at". I nodded yes as I fell down on his chest. He grabbed my ass and started working it up and down on his dick, using me almost like a toy.

My face was next to his as I repeatedly moaned, and he started to kiss me... I don't know why that caught me by surprise, but it did. He rolled me over on my back and lifted my legs so that my knees were by my head... I'd never felt so exposed in my life, my gaping pussy and asshole both on full display before he penetrated me again and continued to fuck me with no regard to me... he was getting what he wanted, and that's all that mattered to him at the time. I felt him speeding up, and I knew he was getting close... I started to get close as well, and I realized how much I enjoyed being used... knowing he was going to leave my pussy and not care if he saw me again heated me up again... I really was a slut. He didn't say anything, he just fucked me harder until I could tell he was cumming inside me. Once he finished draining himself completely in my cunt, he slowly withdrew and let my body lay down on the bed. He got up and started to dress as he smiled, looking down at me... legs spread, completely naked and leaking his cum. I reminded him "I will deny any of this happened if you tell anyone, so please don't". He chuckled and said "don't worry about it" as he pulled his keys out of his pants and said "later" as he walked out of the room, and I heard him leave the house.

I was still in disbelief of everything that happened... I heard him driving off, leaving Evelyn behind... it was OK, I'd take her home later after we get up. He didn't seemed concerned about getting me pregnant, as if it just was never anything to worry about. I got up and put our bathing suits in the washer and made sure everything was turned off outside. I jumped in the shower, and still couldn't believe everything that happened... at the same time I felt like I learned more about myself... good or bad, who I am. I got dressed and chilled in the living room with some smoke until Alan got home... I was both nervous and excited to see him, and he seemed anxious to hear about what teasing I did. I told him about being peeked on in the bathroom, and allowing my nipples to fall out of my bathing suit on the hot tub... both of which seemed to turn him on a lot, he starting kissing me and rubbing on me as he pulled me into the bedroom. He could tell I was drunk, but he didn't seem to care... but he was shocked to see Evelyn laying on the bed naked, as he slowly walked up looking her over. I smiled and said "her boyfriend fucked her in the hot tub, and then they came in here and he fucked her on the bed... he left shortly after... she's passed out completely, she got pretty drunk".

Alan looked guilty as he looked her over and said "she probably wouldn't want me to see her like this". I giggled and said "does that turn you on? Seeing her naked without her knowing?". Alan nervously nodded, unsure where this was going... I opened up her legs to give a clear look at her clean shaven pussy and I said "go ahead and get a look, it's our secret". I undressed and laid down next to her and said "I'm ready for you to fuck me when you're ready". Alan seemed shocked, but climbed up on top of me and started fucking me... I'd catch him occasionally looking over at Evelyn, which I didn't mind, and I'd tell him about how her boyfriend was staring at my tits, and how I was nude when he peeked on me... it didn't take long for him to blow his load inside of me.

We got dressed and hung out in the living room, although Alan kept coming up with reasons to go back in the bedroom for something, I'm sure to get another look at her naked sleeping body... eventually Evelyn walked out and looked confused, she couldn't remember a lot of what happened. I filled her in on everything, but didn't tell her about me fucking him too... earlier she said she didn't care if i fucked him, but she was also really drunk when she said it... and the less that know the better. I took her home, and during the ride she asked me "did Alan see me naked on the bed?". I said "yeah, he walked in on you... I hope you're not upset... you did say you'd fuck him if I was cool with it". She looked shocked and said "did I really say that?". I laughed and said "It's OK... I honestly wouldn't mind if he wanted to". Evelyn giggled and said "maybe I'll keep that in mind"... I didn't know if she was saying it jokingly or not, but honestly the idea did turn me on. I dropped her off, but not before getting her boyfriends phone number... just in case I needed it.


2024-01-22 16:08:07
very hot story with a great story line. Cant wait to here what the slut gets into next time

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