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My name is Frostlayer and welcome to my world! I hope you enjoy the ride and please feel free to reach out with any feedback.

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Swipe Right Chapter 2

Hello and welcome to the second and final chapter of Swipe Right. Hopefully I didn’t keep you all waiting too long. I don’t plan on expanding this story further so this will be the last chapter. If feedback is good though, I’ll consider a spin off!

My normal content warning is pretty much covered by the tags. There isn’t going to be any surprises in that regard.

I hope you all enjoy and thank you so much for reading my work and giving me feedback. I was struck by how popular the first chapter was. It makes me very excited to write more.

All characters in this work are 18 years or older.


6. Work Sucks

My alarm is like a church bell ringing in my head. It takes me a few tries to find my phone to turn it off. Looking at it I have a few emails and two messages from Megan. In my morning haze I kind of forget about last night. But seeing the notifications shocks me back to reality. I’ll answer her later after I’ve had a chance to clear my head.

Getting up to shower my head is pounding. Not a super bad hangover pounding but enough that it’s annoying. The hot water is going to feel really good. I need to wash the sin away from last night.

As the water hits me I start to think about Megan and what I should even do. The hardest part is just how happy she seemed. I remember the last time I saw her before college she had been so normal. Not overly happy and not overly full of angst. She was just a normal girl going off to college.

Last night though she seemed so alive. Completely unbothered by the fact that she was sitting across from her brother on a date. Both even breaking a sweat that we had sexted and sent nudes.

As the hot water soothed my hangover and washed away the alcohol sweats. I remembered something that Megan said last night. Right after our second drink.

“Life has just become so routine. I go to work and do my time. Go home and eat and watch whatever is on. If I want to spice things up I order Chinese.” She said.

Maybe that’s what this all is about. Maybe Megan fell into the same thing I did. Getting bogged down by the daily grind. She saw me as an opportunity to try something new and taboo. Spice up a boring life.

Finishing up my shower I go to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Just something quick before riding off to work. No meeting planned for today so really I could go in later. But getting ahead is usually nice. More time to sit around on my phone.

Cleaning up after breakfast I start to ride my bike to work. Once I start riding I notice that I still have kind of a skip in my step. Even with the date being shocking it was still a date with someone who’s incredibly hot. The ride to work again felt like I was on a cloud. Just gliding my way into the office.

With no meetings this morning I head straight to my desk. Like I told Megan, a lot of my job can be automated. So I start with checking emails to see if there is anything I need to catch up on.

Reading through some boring memos and emails I’m for some reason attached to my mind starts to wander to my phone. Looking around to make sure there are no prying eyes. I open up the app to read the messages from Megan.

“Good morning! Hopefully not too hungover this morning? The first message reads.

“My head is pounding a bit but I’m not too bad! (:” reads her second message.

“I was super dehydrated this morning and my head was pounding a bit. But a bottle of water and a hot shower did me a lot of good!” I reply.

She isn’t online right now so I put my phone down and get back to work. I should probably read these emails I’m attached to for some reason a bit closer anyways. Most of the time it’s still for no reason but sometimes there is a hidden “we fucked up” in there.

As I’m finishing up my emails I feel my phone vibrate. Checking to make sure I'm clear I open the app.

“That’s good! I went to hot yoga this morning and that helped a lot. Although I felt like I might die at one point haha” she says.

Attached is a mirror selfie of her in her yoga gear. Yoga pants and a sports bra that hug her body snug. Megan is insanely well built. She even has hints of a six pack in the picture. The pink sports bra struggles to hold in her tits. Her sweaty body makes my heart race.

“I thought you had meetings this morning?” I reply.

“I did, silly! I got up early and went to yoga. Showered at the gym and got ready for you. Did you like my outfit?” She says.

“It looks really nice! That’s some dedication there. I workout after work by never before.” I say

“Just really nice? I think you can use bigger boy words than that. Tell me what you like most about my outfit.” She replies.

She really isn’t going to let me off easy. She might actually be trying to tease me to death. Either that or she wants to kill any possibility of a normal interaction.

“I think it shows off your body really nicely. You clearly keep in extremely good shape and it shows.” I reply.

“Such a shy boy all of a sudden (;” she replies.

We message back and forth for a bit before I get back to work. Some guy upstairs got locked out of his account and Dropbox. So I have to reset his password for him. I’m a little slower at work today. My mind just won’t stop thinking about the date.

I decide that I need to separate myself a bit from the events of last night. So I commit myself to not answering any more messages from Megan for the rest of the day. It seems cruel but I can’t have things clouding my day too much.

I can feel my phone vibrate a few times and it’s hard to not pick it up and answer. My mind drifts back to the date for a second but work pulls me back.

On my ride home from work I feel my phone vibrate again. It takes a lot to not pull over and answer or even just look. I know Megan is probably confused or wanting so badly to talk to me. But I need to just clear my head a bit. Get myself centered again so I don’t do anything dumb.

The shower really feels good tonight. I like to use this time to get myself out of whatever mindset I’m in and it’s helping a lot. After my shower I’m able to make some dinner and have a beer without even looking at my phone or thinking about it.

After a little TV and some YouTube videos I decide to head to bed. Plugging in my phone I see I have six messages from Megan. It’s hard to not open the app but I am able to resist. Sliding under the covers as soon as my head hits the pillow I’m out.

7. A walk in the park.

Waking up before my alarm sucks. I lay in bed for a while trying to get back to sleep but I can’t. My thoughts drift back to Megan. I was able to resist all day yesterday but my resolve broke quickly this morning.

Grabbing my phone and opening the app I see several messages from Megan. Most of them asking if I’m alright. My heart sinks a little thinking I might have upset her. She’s not online but I send her a message anyways.

“Hey sorry! Had a huge headache all day and work was a bit busy. Sorry for not getting back to you.” I say.

Sending the message I feel a bit of relief but still it hurts a little that she may have been upset. I start to scroll through the older messages of our conversation. It’s wild to see how quickly we got comfortable with each other. As I scroll a picture catches my eye.

It’s one of the nudes Megan had sent me. Her in lingerie. Looking at the picture I start to look at the others. My cock starts to get hard as I look at my sister's incredible body. My thoughts quickly drift to fantasy.

I think about Megan in a tight red dress. She’s no longer my sister but a sexy date I’m about to fuck. Running my hands up her tanned thighs. Pulling her dress up slowly over her ass. Getting a good look at her thong covered ass.

Admiring the beautiful display in front of me my cock is rock hard. Pulling her thong to the side I plunge my hard cock deep inside of her. My strokes are erratic and quick.

Laying in bed I jerk my cock hard and fast. The fantasy builds in my head. My sister bent over as I fuck her forbidden pussy. It doesn’t take long for me to blow a load all over my stomach. Catching my breath a wave of shame rolls over me.

Did I really just jerk off to my sister's nudes? It felt so good but also felt so wrong. Getting out of bed and jumping in the shower. I let the water wash the shame away. The warm water lets me get my head straight.

Getting out of the shower I check my phone and see a message from Megan. I quickly open the app to see what it says.

“Oh I’m sorry /: hope you’re feeling better now. I missed talking to you yesterday!” She says. My heart warms a little. Talking to her again brings a bit of light to my day. I can now hear her voice in these messages.

“I really missed talking to you! I do feel a lot better now though. So you won’t have to miss talking to me today.” I reply.

“Good (: I have a pretty boring day today, so I could use the company.” She replies quickly. I feel giddy getting messages from her again. I almost think about calling in so I can talk easier.

“What’s going on today?” I ask. Eating some cereal before work. Trying to drag out going there as much as possible.

“I’m stuck at a conference today. It’s keynotes and workshops. I just have to be here, not really participate. So I have a lot of sitting around to do.” She says.

“God that sucks! Well hopefully talking can get you through it easier.” I say. Grabbing my bag and getting ready to head out. Feeling a skip in my step again feels good.

“That’s what I was hoping for (:” she replies.

My next few days are filled with conversation with Megan. We talk through her conference and through boring meetings. From sunrise to sunset we talk about whatever comes to mind.

Nothing gets sexual except for a little teasing here and there. We talk about college and stories from work. Office drama and annoyances during our day. The line between siblings and two people looking to date becomes blurred slowly. The casual talk starts to break away a wall between us.

Work becomes easier while talking to Megan. Being in my place alone is easier as we talk. I can tell it has the same effect on Megan. She seems happier and barely if ever seems to be down. Except when it comes time to go to sleep. My sleep schedule has been thrown out of whack with our talking.

Having someone so sweet and nice to talk to has motivated me to work a little bit harder on myself. Doing a few extra reps at the gym or eating a little bit healthier. I feel a little bit better each day, even without the extra sleep.

Our conversation one night leads to a point that would change my life forever. Laying on the couch with a beer in my hand Megan asks something that would set into motion a series of increasingly heated events.

“I really want to see you! It’s been too long. Can we do something soon?” She asks. Her question makes me feel warm. The idea of someone wanting to see me is amazing.

“Would you want to go for a walk in the park?” I ask. Wanting to pick something fairly casual.

“I would love to!! (: What about after work tomorrow?” She replies almost immediately.

“Let’s do it! I’m really excited. After work will work for me. I just need to shower and I’ll text you when I’m heading out.” I say. My body feels so warm thinking about her.

“I can’t wait (: goodnight max” she says. I bid her goodnight and close the app. Laying my head down there is a wonderful feeling in the air. I can almost feel Megan laying next to me as I slip off to sleep.

The next day seems to move like a blur. I wasn’t even really at work. Just on cloud nine wandering through the office. Not even sure if I opened my email. Just did the bare minimum before leaving fifteen minutes early.

My ride home felt like I was just being guided home by a mystic force. Like the hand of god was just pushing me down the road and into my apartment. My clothes seem to melt away as I get in the shower.

The warm water gets me ready for our walk. I know Megan is my sister but the feeling of being wanted and pursued is kind of hard to pass up. It’s easy to forget at times that she is my sister.

Finishing up my shower and getting ready I almost start to feel nervous. Like I’m going on a first date or about to see my prom date.

I put my earbuds in for the walk to the park. I want something to distract me to calm my sudden nerves. The music helps me push forward through the traffic and busy sidewalks. Within what feels like minutes I’m at the entrance to the park.

Taking my earbuds out I look around and don’t see Megan. I’m just about to text her when I hear her sweet voice call out to me.

“Max! Sorry I’m late!” She says. Looking up I’m almost blown right off my feet. Megan stands there in a super casual but cute outfit. Chuck Taylor’s with a pair of skinny jeans topped with a casual t-shirt. The whole outfit clings to her perfectly shaped body. I’m almost unable to talk.

“Max?” She says with a slight look of concern. She snaps me out of my trance and I’m able to think again.

“Hey! Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts.” I say. She giggles as she walks closer to me. When she does I catch a smell of her perfume. The smell is sweet and perfectly compliments her.

“Should we start walking? Sorry, I didn’t know it would be so busy.” I say. She smiles and nods. We start to walk through the park. It’s a little awkward and the air is kind of thick. I’m hoping something happens to break this tension.

“I’m sorry about not telling you that I knew I was talking to you.” Megan says. Thank god she broke the ice. I was struggling to find something to say.

“I mean it’s kind of weird but it’s okay. I’m just going through a lot of feelings that I wasn’t prepared to process. It’s a lot to take in and I’m not sure how to feel about it.” I reply.

“And that’s totally okay, it wasn’t fair for me to just pop up like that. What I did was wrong and I feel bad about it.” She says. Hearing the pain in her voice makes me want to hold her close.

“It’s a weird situation and it wasn’t fair for me to just drop it on you. I’m going through a lot right now and this felt like a good escape.” She says. It’s taking every ounce of strength not to pull her close.

“What are you going through?” I ask. Megan slows down a bit and gets a little closer to me.

“I’ve just been working non-stop and really haven’t taken any time to myself. I’m so wrapped up in my career that I don’t make a second for myself. At first it wasn’t bad but the longer it’s gone on the more I’ve sunk into a deep hole. Being able to have something to look forward to has really changed my perspective.” She says.

It’s like hearing my own thoughts said back to me. Me and Megan are in the same hole in life. Just stuck working for so long without play that we became numb. All that we became was the grind to the top. It sucked anything good out of us.

As wrong as this all feels, the mutual feeling starts to erode any doubts in my mind. We are both looking for a little light in this dark hole of life. In my moment of understanding I reach for Megan’s hand and take it in mine.

The feeling of our fingers interlocking sends electricity through my arm. I almost start to shiver in the warm air. I look over and see Megan blush.

“I understand how you feel. I’ve worked so hard to get to where I am but feel nothing having gained it. Every promotion and raise is just a rung in the latter to nowhere. This is the first time in years I’ve felt a thing.” I say. Megan gets closer and squeezes my hand.

“I don’t want to feel so lost anymore.” She says. I can’t help it anymore. I pull Megan close and hug her tight. Our warm bodies send waves of good energy through both of us. We hold each other for what seems for eternity before Megan breaks the embrace.

“Should we have some lighter conversation?” She says with a smile.

“Yeah! Plus there is a nice little pond to walk around.” I say. Megan squeezes my hand and we start to walk again.

The walk through the park feels divine. We are like a perfect little couple telling stories and making each other laugh. Things just feel so natural and the barrier between siblings starts to whittle away.

We do a long circuit around the park. Time seems to pass impossibly slow but soon the sun starts to drop. Neither of us wants to end this but we know the reality of work and life has to come back sometime. We stop at the entrance to the park.

“I don’t want to stop walking.” She says with puppy dog eyes. I take her hands in mine and pull her close.

“How about dinner tomorrow night?” I ask. She lights up and her cheeks turn bright red.

“I would love that. So much.” She says. The love in her voice pulls me in and without thinking I kiss my older sister. This wasn’t the kind of kiss that’s done among siblings, but lovers. I can tell the kiss floods both of our bodies with warmth.

After what seems like forever we break the kiss. Megan is so happy she can barely talk. I think we are both so wrapped up in this new feeling that we don’t even really know what to say.

“I can’t wait for dinner.” Megan says. She seems to notice how red she is and looks away.

“Neither can I. Do you want me to walk you home?” I ask.

“I should be fine, but you’re a gentleman for asking.” She says with a smile. Leaning in, she kisses me again.

“Goodnight max.” She says sweetly after she breaks the kiss. Turning, she starts to walk away. I watch as her hips sway and her jeans struggle to contain her ass.

My walk home is full of thoughts. This has all moved so fast and emotions have been up and down. The line of right and wrong is blurred. I know at this point we are both heading towards oblivion.

Opening my apartment door I hear my phone ding. It’s a message from Megan. Opening the app I almost drop my phone. She sent me three pictures and a message.

The first picture is of her opening her jeans to reveal her pink lace panties. The next picture is her standing with her jeans off, turned slightly so I can see her lace thong disappearing into her ass.

The last picture is of her in just her panties. Her perfectly tanned tits are on full display. Her nipples are hard and beg to be sucked. The message with the pictures nearly kills me.

“I’ll be thinking of you all day tomorrow. Here is something for you to think about.” She says. It’s no exaggeration that I maybe lasted three strokes when I jerked off. Laying in bed I fall asleep with a mix of sexy and warm thoughts of my older sister.

8. Oblivion

I wish I could say I paid any attention at work but that just isn’t the case. Me and Megan haven’t talked much today. I think we are both in the afterglow of yesterday and full of anticipation for tonight.

Sitting through several meetings is painful. I almost thought about calling in sick today but I think waiting around my place would be worse. The clock seems to slow to a stop and then the hands almost float away. Just one more meeting and I’m done.

Packing up my things I feel my phone vibrate, it’s a message from Megan.

“Hey! (: I made reservations at this new Thai place. Is that fine?” She says.

“Yeah! Just send me the info. I can’t wait to see you.” I quickly reply.

“Will do (: can’t wait to see you” she says. Her message makes me feel so warm. I pack my things even quicker and nearly run out of my shoes to get out of the office.

Getting back to my place I quickly strip and get into the shower. I feel like I’m on a high that I’ve never felt before. It almost feels like there is more oxygen in my blood or I’m just running on pure adrenaline. I make sure to take my time to clean every bit of me.

Getting out of the shower I moisturize my face and brush my teeth. Making sure to style my hair a bit, mixing up my look a bit. I complete my look with a nice shirt and some designer pants that I don’t really remember buying. I’m ready just in time for my Uber to get here.

In the car I just can’t wait. My feet are tapping on the floor and I know the driver can hear it. I try to calm my nerves but nothing seems to work. All of these emotions over the last few days have really been a journey. It feels like I’m about to reach the climax of an epic film.

The car ride somehow goes on forever but also lasts a second. We are now in front of the restaurant and for a second I wonder if I can even get out of the car. But the awkward silence pushes me to open the door. I thank the driver and get out.

Turning to my right after getting out of the car I see what would turn out to be a memory that’s burned into my head forever. I see Megan stepping out of her Uber. She’s dressed in a cute sundress that stops about mid-thigh. As she turns her eyes meet mine and she lights up like a Christmas tree. Her hair was clearly professionally done and her makeup is perfect.

My heart pumps blood through my body faster than it ever has as I approach her. Her arms open and we embrace. She talks but the words just bounce in my head. I even feel her kiss my cheek but am unable to process it.

I’ve fallen deeply in love with my older sister and there is now nothing to stop either of us.

“Max?” She says.

“Oh! Sorry, lost in thought again. You just look so beautiful” I say. Megan blushes and hooks her arm into mine.

“You look so handsome. I’m so lucky to be going in there with such a handsome man.” She says. I can feel my face turn bright red. She smiles and we walk arm in arm into the restaurant.

As we sit down and start to talk the atmosphere has changed dramatically. We are no longer siblings having an extremely awkward dinner. We are a couple who are about to embark on a great journey.

We eat and talk so naturally now. The whole time I can’t keep my eyes off of Megan. Her sexy body draws my eyes in and lets them wander. Her beauty seems to light up our table. I even catch Megan looking at me. No longer looking at her brother, but her man.

There are even a few times during dinner that we stop talking. Just completely wrapped up in taking each other in. Our eyes meet several times and love is quickly turning to lust.

Without verbalizing we both know where this is going to end. We have looked into the void and now there is no chance of us forgetting what we saw. If I could I’d rip Megan’s sundress off right now. I know she wouldn’t even stop me.

The conversation is just filler at this point. We are saying anything and nothing. Both of us knew as we got out of our Ubers that this ends in one of our beds.

The food is secondary to all of this. We comment on it as if we are paying any attention. The tension growing between us is probably causing the waiter to stumble over his words. Sparks are flying between us and dancing on the table.

Megan giggles as I pay for dinner. She looks away for a second almost like she is hesitant, but I know she’s just excited.

“I’d really like to see your place. It looks super nice.” She says. The words are like an atomic bomb. I can almost see the flash and blast waves fly through the restaurant. Leaving just me and Megan sitting at that table looking at each other.

“I think you’d really like it. The view in the morning is spectacular.” I say. I know Megan saw the same blast wave I did. We both struggle to stand and walk out. Hand in hand the warm night air hits us both.

We have a wait until our car gets here and a bit of the tension needs to be broken. I pull Megan close and we start to make out.

Our tongues dance in each other's mouths as Megan starts to grind her sexy body against me. We don’t even care that people are walking by. They aren’t even there as far as we are concerned.

Megan moans into my mouth as I run my fingertips up her back. We kiss wildly as the flood gates open. There are no second thoughts anymore. This is happening and there is no stopping it.

A honk of a car horn breaks our trance. We both laugh seeing our driver waiting for us just a few feet away. Like two young lovers we skip into the car. We laugh and try our best not to rip each other’s clothes off right here. The car ride to my place is something I will never forget.

My older sister next to me blushing and giggling as the light of the city dance on both of us. This is the perfect moment. All of the darkness is gone now from both of us. The trip to my place just flies by. In no time we are in the elevator heading to my apartment.

Megan laughs as I struggle with the key to my apartment. I feel almost drunk with excitement and my hands are shaking. She rests her hands on my waist and that calms me down. Opening the door we fall into my living room. The energy in the room is electric.

I turn Megan around and wrap my arms around her waist. Pulling her close and kissing her deeply. At this point there is no longer a barrier between us. We both know we are siblings but it doesn’t matter. The sexual tension needs to be broken.

Megan kisses me back and our tongues start to dance. Running my hands up and down her sides. Her body feels perfect in my hands. Every curve is calling my name. She moans as we make out in the living room. Megan suddenly pushes me away. My heart almost stops a little.

In front of me is my beautiful sister in a short sundress. Her face is flush and eyes are full of excitement and sexual energy. Her smile is sexy and draws me in.

“Do you want me?” She asks in the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard. My heart is pounding so hard I think it might burst out of my chest.

“I want you so bad. More than anything I’ve ever wanted.” I say. Her smile grows and she blushes bright red.

“You want to fuck your sister? You want to take your own flesh and blood?” She says.

“I do. Do you want your brother to fuck you?” I ask. She lets out a little moan hearing me ask her if she wants to get fucked.

“Yes, I want my brother to fill my tight little pussy.” She says. My cock instantly gets hard as granite. My heart feels like it’s about to burst. This is it now. All of the worry and the doubt is gone. I’m going to fuck my sister.

I’m so worked up that I don’t even know what move to make first. Luckily though Megan is on the ball and with a wicked smile grabs the bottom of her sundress. Lifting it above her head and tossing it away.

In front of me is my sister in nothing but a tiny white lace thong. Her big beautiful tits are on full display. Standing proud and perfectly tanned. Every inch of her body is perfectly toned and taken care of.

Walking towards me she kisses me deeply once before dropping to her knees in front of me. Megan works on my belt and expertly removes it. Wasting no time pulling my jeans and briefs down my thighs.

My cock springs free, harder than I think it’s ever been. My sister looks at it with a hungry and excited look. She takes my cock in one hand and gently starts to kiss up and down the length of my shaft.

I almost have to look away, the view in front of me is so incredible. My sexy sister Megan is slowly kissing up and down the length of my cock. Each kiss sends electricity through my whole body. I’m struggling not to blow my load right there.

Megan expertly kisses my length until she knows I can’t take it anymore. She looks up at me with a devilish smile before really going to work. Taking my shaft in her hand Megan starts to slowly work my cock into her pretty mouth.

My sister has a level of skill with her mouth that I almost can’t describe. As she slowly works my length into her mouth she effortlessly stimulates me. Making sure to circle her tongue around my cock head. My considerable length doesn’t even phase her. She just takes her time working my cock deeper.

With not even a second thought she starts to work me into her throat. Eventually and without even a hint of gagging. I feel my cock slip into my sister's throat. She holds for a second but skillfully goes back to trying to work me in as deep as possible.

As Megan starts to get a good rhythm going I look down to watch her perfect tits jiggle as she sucks my long cock. I have to look away for a second. Watching my sister’s tits bounce as she sucks my cock

The sound of Megan blowing me echoes in the room. After several heavenly minutes Megan pulls my cock out of her mouth. A trail of saliva follows and drips on her tits. Megan smiles and continues to jerk me off. The pure lust in her eyes is amazing.

“I need this cock right now. Holy shit you’re thick.” She says with a smile.

“Not before I taste that beautiful pussy.” I reply. I don’t even hesitate to help Megan up. Taking her hand we walk to the bedroom like a newlywed couple. Laughing and giggling the whole way.

With my beautiful sister in front of my bed in only her tiny panties I push her on the bed. Getting on top of her we start to kiss again. Running my hand up her side I take one of her tits in my hand. As I play with them she starts to wiggle under me. Her soft moans drive me crazy.

“You like your sister's big tits, baby?” She asks between moans. My fingers brush her nipples and she shivers.

“I love them, you’re so fucking sexy.” I say. Megan turns bright red and lets out a low moan. Kissing her deeply we both moan. Our tongues dance in each other’s mouths. I want to taste her pussy so bad so I take the opportunity to push further.

Breaking the kiss I start to kiss Megan’s neck. Each kiss causes her to shiver and let out a soft moan. I take my time with each kiss. Making sure to enjoy every inch of my sister's soft neck. The smell of her perfume is intoxicating and drives me to kiss further down her neck.

Kissing further I get to her chest. She starts to run her fingers through my hair. My kisses get closer and closer to Megan’s beautiful tits. I sit up a little to enjoy the view. My sister's tanned tits are so perfectly shaped they should be in a museum. Her nipples are small like pencil erasers. They sit there calling my name and I’m about to answer.

Leaning down I take one of her nipples into my mouth. As soon as my tongue flicks her cute nipple Megan let’s out the sexiest moan I’ve ever heard. She grips the sheets as I alternate between enjoying her perfect tits. Making sure both nipples get equal attention.

The feeling in the room is so electric and erotic that I have goosebumps. It’s hard to keep myself from shaking. I’m so horny that my cock hurts as it stands at full attention.

Running my hand down Megan’s tight stomach I quickly slide my hand under her lace thong. For the first time I feel my sisters soaking wet pussy. As I run my fingers along it’s length Megan groans.

“Please baby, I’m so fucking wet for you. Fuck me. Fuck your sister.” She says. Megan is squirming so much it’s hard to even play with her pussy.

“I’ll be taking this pussy tonight. But first your brother is going to have a taste of this pretty pussy first.” I say. Moving quickly I sit up and grab her panties. Making short work of tossing them off. Megan giggles as she spreads her legs for me.

I can’t tease anymore and dive right between her legs. As soon as my tongue makes contact with Megan’s pussy she almost screams. Her taste is almost indescribable, sweet like honey from god's personal beehive.

The thought crossed my mind to take it slow. But the energy in the room was too much to take it slow. We are both so worked up that it’s taking all my strength not to just take her right now.

Circling my tongue around her clit makes Megan groan. She is squirming so much that I have to hold her thighs so I can continue to taste her. She hasn’t stopped moaning since my tongue touched her pussy. My sister is barely able to stop moaning long enough to beg me to fuck her.

“Please! I need that cock so bad. Please take that pussy baby! Make your sister your slut.” Megan nearly screams. She is grinding into me so hard that it almost hurts.

“Make me your slut baby! I need that thick cock to fill me. Make your sister a little slut!” Megan moans. She’s gripping the sheets so hard that she’s torn them off the bed. I know it’s time to take her and fill my sister with my cock.

Quickly I sit up and toss my shirt off. Looking down I see my sister smiling wide. Her face flush and her body sweaty. It’s time to take her and fill her like I’ve wanted so badly.

Taking my hard cock into my hand I position myself at the entrance to heaven. Running my cock up and down the length of Megan’s incredible pussy. She grinds against me and our eyes meet. I’m looking my naked sister in the eyes as I’m about to fuck her. Take her pussy and make her a slut for her brother's cock.

We both can’t take it anymore. My cock is soaked with my sister's juices and with little effort I start to push into her. The feeling of her tight pussy taking me is insane. Her pussy wraps around me like a glove. Slowly I inch into her.

“Oh my fucking god you’re thick! Holy shit.” Megan says. Half my length is buried in my sister’s tight hole and in no time I’m going to be completely filling her. Brother and sister meet eyes again as the most animalistic fuck of our lives is about to take place.

My cock slides beautifully into Megan. My full length fills her soaking wet pussy. As I reach my limit Megan is in a whole different world. There is a look of pure bliss on her face. It only gets better as I start to thrust.

Fucking my sister’s pussy is beyond compare. Megan is so tight that her pussy almost sucks me in. Each thrust feels like heaven. I have to look away as I slowly start to fuck her deep. I’d blow my load instantly if I looked at her right now.

“Fuck me you feel so good. Take your sisters pussy, use me as your fuck toy.” She says. I pick up the pace and start to thrust in harder. As I do, Megan’s tits start to jiggle. Her moans grow louder and louder. We are in it deep now.

My balls slap against Megan now. I’m fucking my sister hard and deep as the sound of our love making echos through the room. Her moans and the sounds of our bodies meeting is almost deafening. I’m afraid if we go any long the police will bust down my door.

“Oh fuck this pussy is amazing. You’re so fucking tight.” I say with a groan. Megan is so lost in our love making that she doesn’t respond. She just pulls me close so we can kiss. The most passionate kiss I’ve ever had.

“Let me ride your thick rod baby. Let me ride my brother all night.” She says. I don’t need much more encouragement than that. Pulling out of her releases a river of her wetness onto the mattress. My cock is soaking wet as I lay down on the bed.

Megan smiles and kisses me deeply. She doesn’t waste any time straddling me. The look of sexy determination on her face is incredible. She takes me in her hand and guides me into her tight hole.

My sister knows when to take what she wants and what she wants now is my cock. Without a second of hesitation she lowers herself onto me. Taking my full length in one swift motion. I groan so loud that I’m pretty sure the walls shake. Megan starts to ride me hard.

I never in a million years thought I’d be watching my sister's big tits bounce as she rode my cock. She takes me in long strokes. Slamming herself back down hard. The sounds of our bodies meeting echo in my room. We aren’t even able to talk at this point, all we can do is moan and groan.

I look down and see my cock spreading Megan out. Her tight pussy swallows my cock and grips me tight. The sensation is unbelievable. I reach up and grab one of her tits. It’s hard to hang on but playing with her as she rides me feels so right. She looks down at me with pure lust in her eyes as she rides her brother hard. Stopping only so she can grind with me fully inside of her.

There is a sensation building up in my balls. A volcano that needs to erupt. Slowly an orgasm has been building and I know it’s going to be big. Look at Megan I can tell she’s almost there. I can hear her moans getting louder and longer. Siblings are going to finish together.

“Fuck me I need to cum on this cock!” Megan screams. She leans forward and puts her hands on my chest. She starts bouncing on me hard. Taking my full length in long and deliberate strokes. Our breathing is erratic now and we are both reaching the peak.

Megan’s tight body looks incredible riding me. It’s like a goddess came down from the heavens and is now burying herself on my cock. Even with her perfectly done hair now a mess she looks like perfection.

“Fuck! Fuck! Oh my god I’m going to cum!” Megan screams in my ear. I’m so close to the edge. I just need to hang on a little longer. She can barely bounce on me, she is so worked up.

“Cum on that cock slut! Cum for me!” I say. I put my hands on her amazing ass and help her push down harder. Our thighs slap so loud it’s almost deafening. We are about to complete our taboo journey with a thrilling climax.

The feeling hits me like a freight train. I feel like I’ve passed through some sort of stargate. My vision explodes and all the sound is gone. My balls erupt inside of my sister's womb. The pulsing of my cock releases rope after rope of hot cum.

Megan is lost in her own orgasm. Her body spasms and her pussy grips me tight. All she can do is moan and swear. She collapses onto me and our sweaty bodies meet in the depths of two mind blowing orgasms.

We lay there a while and try to catch our breath. We must have laid there for a half hour. The whole time my cock is still buried deep inside of Megan.

“I’ve never felt like this before. I’ve never felt such an Incredible feeling of lust.” She says between breaths.

“I’ve never came so hard in my life. That was a mind altering orgasm.” I say. Megan moves causing my cock to slip out of her pussy. A river of cum slides out of her causing her to moan.

“You think you can go another round?” She says with a sly grin.

The rest of the night is a series of increasingly hot images. That I was lucky enough to keep a few memories of on my phone. Dozens of pictures and videos of all our taboo acts.

Me and Megan fucked in the shower where I came in her pussy again. I took her over the kitchen counter and came all over her pretty tits and face. We fucked in the living room as the sun came up. I finished in her again.

I will never forget taking Megan from behind on the couch. Her ass ripples as I slam long strokes into her well used pussy. Her thighs are covered in a mix of my cum and both our sweat. Her moans low and loud as her pussy gets filled.

“I love you so fucking much max” she says. Her words are like fresh honey straight from the comb. I almost start to tear up as I reply.

“I love you with all my heart Megan.” I say. We both cum at the same time. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve filled my sister with my cum.

As we laid on the couch and watched the sun rise. We both settle into the wonderful feeling of love and lust. The barrier of siblings long broken. We cuddle on the couch and fall into a deep sleep.


Megan lay next to me on a beach towel. Her tiny bikini barely covers her sexy body. She has worked on her tan everyday since we got to the caribbean. We even found a secluded area so she can tan naked. She told me on the plane she intends to have no tan lines.

The past few months have been a whirlwind. Me and Megan have spent every weekend together. During the week we are just regular young professionals. But when Friday hits we are a taboo couple exploring each other's bodies. The sex has been mind blowing and so full of love and lust.

On this trip we even talked about trying anal. She wants me to use all of her and enjoy even her most forbidden hole.

Looking down at my sexy sister I get lost in thoughts of our sexy nights together. Her buying new lingerie to show off to me and the minutes later when it’s torn off. I think about the night she made me dinner naked and we fucked as soon as the food was set down on the table. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a voice calling.

“Max! Megan! They had these big Piña coladas I thought we should try!” The voice says.

I look up to see my mom Colleen coming towards us struggling to hold three big drinks. She wears a small bikini that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. I’ve never looked at my mom with any sexual thoughts but now I can see where Megan got her body. My mom works out several times a week and it keeps her body tight. Her tits look to be bigger than Megan’s and her ass has been drawing looks the whole time we’ve been here.

As she approaches I almost have to look away. Megan helped her pick the bikini and I can’t help but think she picked this one to tease me. As she hands out the drinks I can’t help but think how lucky I am to be spending three weeks here with these beauties.

As mom sits down Megan proposes a toast.

“To trying new things, and going on some BIG adventures!” She says with a big grin. We all touch glasses. Megan gives me a sly look and takes another drink. Her grin almost makes me shiver. That girl can be an angel and a devil at the same time.

For once in my life I feel a light again. I no longer feel like I’m trapped in a hole.

I know Megan has some things in store for me, but that’s a story for another day…

Swipe Right


I hope you all enjoyed it and I wanted to thank you all for your patience in waiting for this second part. I really don’t want to rush anything I write and strive to keep up a consistent quality. I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope that shows.

Obviously I left this a little open ended and I know you’ll all be wanting more. It might be some time before I revisit Max and Megan but I promise I’ll come back to them.

My next work will either be a comedy or fallout themed. So if that’s what you’re into, stay tuned. In the meantime feel free to reach out to me. I generally try to answer all mail sent to me and I enjoy talking with fans. Any and all feedback is welcome.

Be kind to one another and be safe.

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