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After meeting my Greek cousin I found a new world of depravity that could pay off
A new career (Chapter 1)

I come from a big Greek family. Apart from all my brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles here at home I have lots of cousins still in Greece. A few years ago one of these cousins, George, came to visit us. Mom warned me that George was a bad boy back in Athens but then, in typical Greek fashion, nullified this by noting how he’s still family. So we’ll look after him and he’ll look after us.

Anyway, George came to visit and he and I got on like a house on fire. He was about ten years older than me and seemed to take me under his arm like his little brother. It turned out that George owned and ran a nightclub in the Glyfada beach district of Athens. He ran everything in the club from the DJs, the alcohol, the security (both legal and illegal) and the drug traffic. As such, he had so many great stories to tell about the going ons at the club each night. The parties, the booze, the girls … to me George was like a god and I wanted part of that life.

George left after a few weeks but we stayed in touch with weekly phone calls and emails. He would send me pics of all the lovely ladies in the club and I’m not ashamed to say I beat off over many of them. Those ladies were so hot and so scantly dressed. George kept bugging me to come over. So, I started making plans to visit. Telling mom and dad about wanting to visit family and the sights but in reality I was thinking all about those hot women.

Eventually the time came and I headed off to the old country. Arriving in Athens the first thing that hits you is the heat. No wonder women where basically nothing. It’s too hot for anything else. George, was out of town the day I got there. So, I decided to play tourist and got a place in the center of town.

I did the tourist thing for the first day. Climbed the Acropolis, saw the museums, had great lunches and did the markets. The women were the hottest I’ve ever seen. The Greek girls with their darker skin. The English and American tourists with their paler skin. All of them seemed to come from a fashion magazine. They were all in perfect shape with long sexy legs tucking away into short skirts or dresses. I have to admit my hormones were pumping hard after that first day.

That night I decided to try my luck and see if I could pick up. I got dressed up and found a small dance club near my hotel. After about 1/2 hour this small group of English girls came in. They were loud and quite obnoxious as tourists like that quite often are. But their late teens / early 20s bodies were all I was focused on. Each of them had tight short dresses. Hugging their curves and leaving nothing to the imagination. Their smallish tits being pushed up to make them look bigger. While their hot asses presented to the boys. Teasing them to make a move.

Eventually, one of the ladies came up to the bar and I introduced myself. Her name was Chelsea. She was a short redhead (about 5 foot, 110 pounds). She had a slightly northern English accent and was definitely a master of the flirt. I bought her and her friends a drink and went back to their table. We all chatting a bit and you could feel the sexual tension building. After a couple of rounds we all got up to the dance floor and partied away. Grinding up tightly to Chelsea I had a rock hard boner going. I was sure I was in and so horny it hurt. Then I noticed her friends had grouped near the door. I leaned in to Chelsea and whispered “looks like your friends want to go. Or would you rather spend some time with me?”

“Oh god no” she replied. The words cut me deep.

“You’re a lovely guy but I want a Greek prince not some two bit wog boy” she continued.

“But thanks for the drinks and the dance”. She then walked over to her friends, told them something and they all laughed and left the club.

I was devastated. I had never been so humiliated. I was so horny and I just got scammed by some English slut. Something snapped within me and I knew I would never let someone do that to me again. I left the club and went back to my hotel. Defeated, exhausted and angry.

The next day I did the tourist thing again. But this time something had changed within me. The Greek girls I still saw as goddesses of beauty. However, the tourist girls just made me angry. I saw them as sluts, pieces of meat. I just saw Chelsea and her fucking friends laughing at the “wog boys”. Luckily for me though I got distracted by a call from George. He was back in town and keen to meet that night. I went back to the hotel, packed my things and headed to Glyfada.

George and I met up and it was like we’d never been apart. A couple of quick Ouzos and a line of coke and we were chatting like brothers. The rest of the afternoon was spent discussing our lives, the club and the other “business” he had going. As the afternoon went on some of George’s associates arrived. They were all big guys, either muscular or fat but all were huge. We all got on well and the atmosphere buzzed and the day went on and sun started to set. I told them about my encounter the night before and they all suddenly got serious. “Fuck those sluts” said Stelios a huge muscle bound guy. “Yeah fuck them” replied George. “These cunts from overseas come to our country. Then abuse us like we’re less than them. But we teach them good. You’ll see”.

As it got darker, the associates started to leave and soon there was just a few of us left. We had a couple more drinks and then George looked at his watch. “We better catch up with the boys and go down the club. Make yourself useful and sell a few of these”. He then handed me some packets of white powder. “20 euro each”. I happily agreed and we headed to the club.

We arrived at this huge nightclub. Lights were flashing. The bass was pumping and the line went right around the corner and down the street. Like a VIP we went up to the door, said hi to the associates we met earlier and stepped into a piece of Heaven. The sensory experience was amazing. Music, lights, sweat, booze. It was happening. Within less than a minute some young woman came up to me and asked if I got anything to party with. A quick transaction later and my new life was on its way. “Very good cuz” George smiled. “How about you take a walk and meet me up in VIP”. He followed up with. He headed off and I headed out to the dance floor and felt the vibe of the place.

Time and time again guys and gals came over and we did out transaction. Soon I only had one packet left and a wad of euro. That’s when I noticed this beautiful English girl smiling at me. She was about 4’6, 100 pounds and had the figure like one of those ancient statues of the gods. Her long blonde hair covered her ivory shoulders. Her flimsy white dress just covered her ass. She had stunning big brown eyes that just begged to be staring up at you. I smiled back and wondered over to her. A lil bit of chit chat and we kicked it off quite well. Her name was Rhianna and it turned out that she was by herself and was just keen to enjoy herself for the night. She then asked if I had anything fun to party with. So another transaction and we were both set.

I was about to head off when I had an idea. I asked Rhianna if she’d like to come up to the VIP. She readily agreed and we headed up. When I arrived at the ropes off area Stelios, an associate I met earlier, recognized me and let us both in. George saw me and waved us over. Rhianna sat down and introduced herself. George smiled at me and winked. I then slipped over my takings. He seemed a lil shocked I’d sold it all so quickly. “My brother” he exclaimed and hugged me. “I knew you’d fit in well here. Tonight I’m going to make a special night for you” he then looked straight at me and smiled.

We all sat down and I insisted that Rhianna enjoy her white powder. She quickly snorted it up. George ordered some good champagne and we all knocked back a few glasses. Being such a small girl it didn’t take long for the alcohol and drugs to kick in. George called some of his associates over and we all crammed into the booth. Rhianna was now stuck between myself and George in the middle. We handed her another glass but little did she know this one had a little extra in it.

As she started drinking it George’s hand moved to her leg. So I took the opportunity to put my own hand on her other leg. We both slid up her leg and she gasped and tried to push us away. “Relax lil angel” George whispered to her. His other hand sliding over her breast. She was about to put her drink down in protest but George lifted be base and poured the rest into her mouth. She gulped it down before she choked on it and the alcohol and drugs slipped nicely into her small body.

My hand slid up her leg again. This time there was little protest. “Are you having a good time lil angel?” George asked “… are you feeling nice and happy and loose?”. Rhianna nodded as her body relaxed fully. My hand reached her lace panties and she opened her legs instinctively. Her panties were already wet with sweat and her juices. She seemed to be enjoying herself despite her condition. George then asked her “so lil angel. Are you going to fuck me and my boys?”. Rhianna’s eyes opened wide and she murmured out “n-n-no”.

“Oh that’s too bad. Cause they’re going to fuck you slut”. He replied while massaging her tit.

Even though I was feeling up her panties I was left a little shocked by the last statement. I looked at George and he said to me “remember the sluts from last night? Here’s an English white whore to make up for it”. That trigger snapped in my head again. The memory of humiliation. Suddenly I wanted revenge on those white girls and here was my chance.

“As he said” I told Rhianna “we’re going to fuck you. White sluts like you look down on us. So we need to teach you people a lesson. Who knows, when we’re done you might have a nice baby planted inside you. Then I really hope you learn to like olive skinned kids”.

George laughed and nodded to his associates.

His associate got up and opened a door. We all then grabbed Rhianna and slipped into the back room. The room was covered in velvet and had nice couches and footstools lying around. There was a bar in the corner and lower toned mood music playing. The thumping of the nightclub was still a dull sound in the background. So we knew whatever happened in here would never be heard or seen.

We dumped Rhianna on one of the couches and two of the guys sat either side of her to keep her still.

“So my cousin” George said “welcome to Athens! You get to fuck her first”.

I knock back another Ouzo and thought for a sec. “Sooo … we all fuck her then what?”

George smiled and replied “once we’ve finished we’ll drug her up some more and dump her in one of the dodgy suburbs. By the time they finish with her she’ll be proper ruined”.

I paused for a sec and George looked concerned. “You don’t have to join us if you don’t want to cuz”.

“It’s not that” I replied. “I just think we can have a lot more fun, ruin her and make a profit”.

That last bit got his attention.

“Yeah. What you thinking?”

“Got a camera?”

“Yeah that rape shit don’t sell cuz.”

“Oh that normal stuff won’t. But I bet you we can make something that will” I smiled back.

“Go on” he replied.

I took him to a corner of the room and told him what I was thinking.

“Fuck me cuz! You are one sick malaka! I love it and you know what? I think after we can sell both the video and the slut”.

We shook hands and he went off to arrange some ‘special’ surprises. Meanwhile I sat next to a quite concerned Rhianna and gave her another champagne.

George returned a little while later and nodded at me to begin.

I turned to Rhianna, put my arm around her shoulders and asked her “how are you feeling babe?”

She looked at me through glazed eyes and slurred “I think I’m a lil drunk. I should go home now”

“Oh but you can’t go home babe. You gotta fuck all the boys first” I teased.

“N-n-no. I don’t want that” she blurted out.

“Oh then we’ve got a problem. You see you’re a beautiful girl. You’re in that cute lil shirt dress and you’ve made them all horny.” I said pointing at the boys who were all mentally fucking her already.

“Mmm this is tough babe. You see I’d love to let you go but they’re all full of cum and I don’t think I’d be able to stop them. Isn’t that right boys?”. The guys all nodded agreeingly. Stelios then said “oh oh yeah if he stopped us we’d fuck him up good”

“You don’t want me hurt do you angel?” I asked.

“No I don’t want that” she said slightly alarmed.

“It’s ok angel. I’m sure we can work something out” I reassured her.

“I’ve got it!” I said after about half a minute.

“The boys want to cum and you want to leave, right?” I asked, like it wasn’t part of the overall plan.

“Yeah” she replied. Her body now leaning into mine for assurance.

“Well why don’t you get up there, pointing to the open space in front of the couch, and you can do a sexy dance for us. The boys can then jerk off watching you and once they’ve come you can leave. That sounds fair, right?”

Rhianna contemplated for a moment, looked around and then realized she really didn’t have a choice. “Urm ok then” she shyly responded.

I helped her up and took her wobbling over to the open space. George setup the video camera and then put some sexy slow music on. Meanwhile the boys all took off their clothes and lay back in their seats, ready for the show. While she was standing there I gave her a kiss on the mouth. Then I whispered “remember, when all the boys cum then you get to go. The sexier you make it the faster this will go.”

I then undressed myself. My semi flinging out of my pants. And found my seat on the couch. Rhianna stood there for a while. Swaying slightly to the music. She looked around the room and there were seven large Greek men, all naked, all with different levels of hardons.

Some senses returned to her and she started slowly moving to the music. Her hips grounded rhythmically and her hands slid over her breasts and then across her hips. She glanced around and noticed the boys were jerking slowly along with her. She knew she had to step it up. So She grasped the bottom hem of her white sexy dress and raised it up. Showing everyone her lace panties. Some of the guys whispered to each other and she knew she was heading in the right direction. She grabbed a stool and bent over it showing us all her firm sweet ass. If I didn’t know better I would have thought that she was getting off on this whole thing. Then she sat on the stool and, in perfect rhythm to the music, spread her legs.

“Oh yeah baby” said one of the boys. “How bout you take that sweaty dress off and give us a real show?”

I didn’t think Rhianna would be willing but she obviously was focused on my deal to get out of there. So, all in time to the music, she raised the dress above her head and slipped out of the dress. Dancing there in her panties only she had the boys getting worked up. She could see them all stroking away and seven hard cocks dripping precum. Just all for her right now.

As she danced some more we watched her firm ass grind in front of us.

I said to her “oh I’m so close baby. Slip those panties off and get us over the edge”

Again she paused and then, against her better judgement, her thumbs slipped into the waist of her panties and she slipped them down over her milky thighs and to the floor. A murmur of approval followed and Rhianna gave a slight smile.

“Yeah that’s it baby. That’s my angel. Now tell the guys how much you love Greek cock, make them cum for you”

She slurred out “I love the Greek cock”

“Mmmm more baby”

“I want a big Greek cock in my mouth. I want to suck it until his balls are empty” she continued to slur.

“And your pussy?”

“Oh yeah. I wanna ride a Greek guy u til he cums in my pussy. Then to suck both our juices off his cock”.

We all glanced around smiling at this show. All beyond my wildest dreams but all in my control.

“You wanna get gang banged too don’t you angel?” George said

“Oh yes!! Lots of cocks one after another”.

Her hands wondered down to her pussy and George have a knowing glance to us all.

“Now show us that ass again. Present for the boys.” George chipped in.

She bent over at the waist and showed her pussy from behind. Her pussy lips glistened in the warm air. She then reached back and opened them for us to see her most secret parts. Almost losing balance she decided to lean over the stool in a doggy style instead. Her ass facing us and the view of her sweet shaved pussy taunting us. That’s when two of the boys jumped up and pinned her to the stool. She suddenly realized the hopeless situation she was in. With the drugs and alcohol and seven large guys she couldn’t fight even if she wanted to.

I walked behind Rhianna. Her young tight ivory body in the perfect position to breed. I placed my rock hard cock against her pussy lips and plunged in a single stroke. She screamed in agony. But with the club thumping next door nobody was going to hear it. Meanwhile the others were feeling all over her. One had the video camera up close and filmed the show in all its glory. There was a lot of kissing and fingers rubbing, hands groping. George lined up at her mouth and with my next stroke and her next scream his cock was in her mouth and down her throat.

I stroked away for a while. Surprising even myself at my stamina for the night. Her sweet hot pussy gripped my hard cock. The velvety tissues sucking to every square millimeter. Then I couldn’t hold it anymore. I looked at George and nodded then we both plowed Rhianna like an out of control steam engine. Soon I felt my balls tighten and with a mighty push my seed blasted into her fertile womb. At the same time George blasted load after load into her throat. He threatened her not to drip any of it and she complied, swallowing it all.

I withdraw and Stelios hits her hard with his cock, it wasn't so big but the way that he was fucking her must have felt like he was tearing her in two, as he

fucked her he kept pushing his finger into her ass, then, with a quick spit and and sudden move he withdraw his cock and plunged it deep in her ass. She was really screaming out at the top of her lungs, tears were flooding down her face. He fucked her ass for at least 20 minutes. Changing his stroke and pulling her hips back to plunge deeper and deeper. Eventually, he groaned and we could all tell he’d emptied himself in her virgin bowels.

For the next hour or so we all fucked all her holes time and time again. Her pussy, ass and was filled with cum. I knelt in front of her and said “it’s ok princess this isn’t even the bad stuff yet”. I wiped away the tears and brought the video up to film her raped facial expressions. “Remember what you said about wanting Greek cocks? Well now you have them” I gloated. Then I kissed her on the cheek and whispered “now you probably have a strong Greek baby boy growing inside you”. Her tears started again with that.

“Hey Stelios. You want this ass again?” I asked across the room.

“Noooo” Rhianna cries “Not that”

I bring the camera to her face, wipe the tears away and ask her “so you don’t want Stelios to fuck you ass again?”

“No please no she cries”

“What will you do instead then? What will you do not to have Stelios fuck you?”

Rhianna didn’t even think. She just blurted “anything!”

“Anything?” I confirmed

“Yes just not my ass!!”

I nod to George. He walks over to the back door and opens it.

In walks his pet German Shepard, Zeus.
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