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Be sure to read pt.1 before reading this.
As good as our sex life was before the events in the first story, it grew immensely better after... Alan was the one who introduced me to exhibitionism, and helped me discover just how much teasing can turn me on... and after he heard about how I let Evelyn's boyfriend peep on me, he was even more turned on! He loved replaying it during sex, and sometimes having me act it out so he could see what Evelyn's boyfriend saw. I told him about how his grandpa saw Evelyn's tits, and possibly saw them fucking in the hot tub... I wasn't sure how he'd react, but I wasn't to surprised when he said "the old man is probably still jacking off about that... you should tease him sometime too if you want, the poor guy probably isn't going to see any action in real life ever again". I just shrugged and said "maybe... I guess it wouldn't hurt". I rarely ever saw his grandpa, but when I did he rarely even looked my way... Alan was right though, if you were to look in his room he was usually watching porn.

Of course what really had me turned on wasn't just Evelyn's boyfriend peeking on me, it was that he fucked me... in front of Alan's grandpa no less... it was my first steps towards being the whore I am today. I wasn't guilt free, but the sexual excitement I had just from thinking about it was overwhelmingly intense. Alan had asked his grandpa if he had seen anything in the hot tub, but he just shook his head and ignored him... I didn't know if he was just refusing to tell Alan, or if maybe due to going senile he honestly didn't remember... either way it was a relief to not have to worry about it, although if he had said anything I was going to just suggest he was confusing me with Evelyn.

Alan was steadily trying to come up with ideas for "accidentally" exposing me to his friends, and it seemed like the excitement of Evelyn's boyfriend peeking on me just accelerated that. Alan had 3 close friends, and a couple other guys who would come over on the weekends to play video games... they would link up their machines and TVs to play against each other... which was boring as hell for me, but they seemed to have a good time. Because of our sleep schedules, we'd be up all night and it wasn't uncommon for someone to crash on a couch. His three closest friends were Billy, Jose, and 'Squat'... I'm not sure what Squat's real name was, but that was what he was referred to... I think it had something to do with being shorter and fat, but I really don't know. All of his friends were nice toward me, and we got along well.

They never said anything inappropriate to me or made me feel uneasy, but I'd catch them checking me out from time to time... which is normal for any guy, I guess. Alan always let me know he noticed his friends checking me out as well... it seemed to make him proud, and the idea they wanted to fuck me or that they jack off thinking about me turned him on... and it turned me on too. I'm sure they wondered what it would be like to fuck me, and despite knowing I never would fuck them, the idea of letting them sneak a look was arousing. I told him I'd be willing to strip down in front of everyone, but we both agreed that it is more erotic if they think they see something they're not supposed to... and Alan seemed embarrassed that he enjoyed showing me off, so he rather his friends didn't know.

I'd been living there with Alan for a few weeks now, and we had managed to have a nipple slip here and there, but nothing overly exciting. Alan was ready to kick things up but wasn't sure how to go about it. We had made a video of me masturbating and getting fucked by Alan, and we often thought about how we could maybe "accidentally" let it get in one of their hands... Alan was fucking me before work one day when he asked "I put the videos and pictures on a thumb drive... who should I give it to?". I bit my lip and said "I wish I could watch them as they look through the pics and videos... who would you most like to see me like that?". Alan slowed his strokes, I think to prevent from cumming and said "maybe Jose... he's the one that's less likely to say anything, and most likely to enjoy it". I gave Alan a devious smile as I said "then let's show Jose my pussy... let him explore my naked body... I hope he cums hard while looking at me"... that was all Alan could take before he was cumming inside of me.

Alan loaded a couple movies he was supposed to let him borrow on his thumb drive, and then also added a folder with a copy of my illicit pics and videos on there as well... Alan told me "I'll give it to him, and then later message him telling him I forgot those were on there... I'm sure he'll be curious enough to look, and I can play it off as an accident". I smiled and said "well let me know what he says!", to which he replied "of course" as he playfully spanked my bare ass. I was glad I had someone who was excited to be part of my exhibitionism, it made everything a lot more fun... but I knew I still felt like I was missing out on what I discovered I really liked, and that was getting fucked by someone new... I didn't know what to do about it, but it was always on the back of my mind...

Once Alan had left, I laid around a bit and then decided to jump in the shower and clean up... Evelyn would be coming over later, the first time since she had been here without her now ex boyfriend, and I was wanting to talk to her about what she had said... about fucking Alan... it had been in my thoughts since she said it, and I found it arousing. As I showered I thought about whether or not I should tell Evelyn about my growing interests in fucking someone new... she didn't know I fucked her ex, and I didn't plan on telling her either... I preferred to keep that a secret for sure... but I felt like I could trust her, and I wanted someone I could talk about it with.

As I was massaging shampoo into my hair, the shower curtain pulled back about two feet, and it scared the living shit out of me! There stood Alan's grandpa just smiling and looking me up and down. "You startled me!" I said, not sure how to handle the situation. He seemed to laugh, while making no sound as he was openly gawking at my young naked body. My heart was still racing from being scared as I turned to rinse the shampoo out of my hair... I was uncomfortable and didn't know what to do, and despite being aroused knowing he was enjoying looking at me, I was hoping when I turned back around he'd be gone... but he wasn't. He was brazenly lowering his head up and down looking me over and squeezing his cock in his jogging pants.

I was never expecting him to be so bold, as he shamelessly squatted slightly to better see my pussy. He was over 3 times my age, but that clearly didn't bother him. I didn't want him to think things would go further, so I finally said "You can look, but no touching... ok?". He seemed to understand as he looked up at me and nodded with a smile. I felt a bit nervous, but seeing how much he was enjoying looking at me made me feel sexy as I continued my shower as if he wasn't there. I had left the bathroom door open since I never really ever saw him... maybe he took that as an invitation? I guess I would have to lock the door for here on out... unless I didn't mind him watching. He seemed harmless though, so if he wanted to look at me, I didn't see the harm in it... Alan might like it too...

I turned the water off and looked at him as I asked "can you hand me the towel?"... I didn't know if he'd react, but he reached behind and grabbed the towel and handed it to me... he apparently understood everything I was saying, I really wasn't sure in the past... I wondered if he knew it was me he saw getting fucked outside the hot tub a couple weeks ago. I took my time drying off in front of him, allowing my tits to jiggle as I dried my hair, lifting my leg on the side of the tub as I dried between my legs... he squatted to get a better look of my pussy than he had ever seen before, and I rubbed my clit a little as I felt like a slut on display to his old eyes. I was barely out of high school, barely 18 years old, and I was allowing this much older, near senile man explore my body... watching as he rubbed and squeezed his cock through his jogging pants, and knowing I was doing something really special for him.

I stepped out of the tub and wrapped the towel around my hair, leaving my body exposed. He gave me a smile that would have came off as sweet if he wasn't simultaneously griping his cock... I smiled back and said "I don't mind you looking at me... but let's keep it between us, ok?... and no touching'". He nodded and looked like he was trying to talk, but couldn't... I grabbed his hand and said "come on, that's enough excitement for awhile" as I walked him back to his room. His computer was playing porn on it as he sat in front of it and smiled at me as he glanced at the screen and then back at me... apparently proud of it, I wasn't sure. I stood there naked as I said "I'll let you get back to your fun...I hope I helped". Without any further notice, he pulled his cock out of his jogging pants and started jacking off.

I don't know why it caught me off guard, and I knew I could just walk out, but I liked that he was staring at my tits while doing it. His cock wasn't big, maybe 5 inches, but it had a fat mushroom head on it... I felt a rush run from between my legs up to my face, making my heart beat seem heavy... and I wanted to see him cum. I held my tits up for him and said "Can you see how hard my nipples are?"... apparently that was all the help he needed as I watched him cum in little spurts. I bit my lip with a smile and said "I'm glad I could help... remember, this stays between us" as I walked out of his room and closed the door.

I looked forward to telling Alan about it! I figured I'd leave out the part where he jacked off in front of me... I wasn't sure how he'd handle that, but I was quick to go back to my room to message him all the rest of the details. Alan had already texted me saying "Jose has the thumb drive... it's only a matter of time before he sees you on there". I smiled as I replied "I can't wait to hear about it!" with a pic of myself on the bed... cell phones weren't the best back then, so the photo quality wasn't as good as the digital camera, but it worked. I decided I'd wait until he got home to tell him what happened with his grandpa... he'll be more worked up that way, and I was looking forward to him fucking me again while being excited.

Evelyn let me know she would be over soon, as a packed a bowl and smoked a little while laying on the bed... I don't know if Alan's grandpa was able to smell it when we smoked, but it never seemed to be an issue. I laid there, still nude and slowly masturbated a little while thinking about how naughty I'd been, letting an old man look at my naked ass while he jerked off. I wondered what Jose was going to think about the videos and pictures on that thumb drive... I knew he was attracted to me, I'd seen him check me out quite a few times... and he even stared during a slight nipple "slip" I had once... knowing he was probably stroking his cock right then while seeing me at my most intimate was incredibly sexy.

Eventually I got up and put on my bathing suit (I knew she was wanting to get in the hot tub), and Evelyn came over sporting a bottle of wine. "Hey sexy, good to see you" she said as she gave me a hug. I grabbed the wine from her and said "go ahead and change into your bathing suit, and I'll pour us some wine". I grabbed a couple towels and filled up a couple of big glasses as she put on her suit she had brought... she walked in to grab her glass as I told her "wow, you look hot in that!". She smiled while doing a playful spin and we headed out and climbed in the hot tub as we made small talk. Eventually our sex lives came up... she told me she wasn't currently seeing anyone, and I told her I'd been getting fucked a couple times daily by Alan. She smiled and said "well aren't you just the lucky girl" as she sipped on her wine.

I was nervous to ask, but I knew the time was right... so I finally just said "a couple weeks ago, when you said you'd fuck Alan if you had the chance... did you mean it?". Evelyn looked a little nervous, so I added "it doesn't upset me... I was just curious... if I wanted him to fuck you, would you let him?". Evelyn sheepishly looked down and then asked me "would you want him to?"... I felt a but embarrassed as I said "honestly, I'm not sure... but I think so... the idea turns me on a lot, and I think it would be really hot to see... I haven't suggested anything to him, but I know he enjoyed seeing you passed on naked on the bed". Evelyn briefly covered her face as if she was embarrassed and said "I'm sorry about that, I can't believe I drank that much... I was worried you might be upset he saw me like that". I laughed and said "not at all... seeing him checking you out turned me on a bit.

That's when Evelyn hit me with "do you have a kink?... like something that just does it for you?"... I felt my face turn a bit red as I hesitantly said "I've been exploring a couple things... what about you?". Evelyn smiled and said "I'll tell you mine, but you have to tell me yours after, ok?"... I smiled and said "ok, I promise" as I nervously sipped my wine. Evelyn smirked and said "I know this sounds bad... but... lately I've enjoyed the idea of fucking married men... or someone's boyfriend... the idea of some other girls man fucking me makes me hot". I gave her a sly grin as I asked "oh really?", before she added "I think it's just the idea of fucking someone I'm not supposed to, or knowing how excited they are to fuck me on the side... I know it's horrible, but it just turns me on". I tried to give her a reassuring look as I said "I totally understand... now that I'm thinking about it, that does sound kinda sexy... so does that mean you like the idea of letting Alan fuck you?". Evelyn smirked and replied "if you're sure you're OK with it"... I had that familiar warm rush hit my pussy and chest as I said "I haven't talked to him about it yet, I wanted to make sure you were OK with it first... I'll talk to him about it soon".

Evelyn was quick to point out "ok, it's your turn now... what's one of your kinks?". I bit my lip a bit and said "Alan has recently got me into exhibitionism... you know, exposing myself to other guys". Evelyn looked confused and said "I thought Alan was more of a jealous type"... I told her "he doesn't want me doing anything with anyone... he just likes me to tease guys... he is embarrassed about it, so you can't say anything... but letting guys sneak a peek at me turns me on too"... I told her the story about how he got me into it (which is a story for another time), and how Alan gave Jose the loaded thumb drive by "accident". I admitted that I purposely let her ex peep on me when I put on my bathing suit... but I didn't tell her about how I let him fuck me. Evelyn smiled as she swirled her wine in her glass and said "that all does sound like fun... maybe we could do something together sometime"... that made me feel better, like I wasn't to weird for being the way I am.

I thought about what I was going to tell her next before I said it... I was really hesitant to say it, but I felt I could trust her... d

so I said "and lately... I've been thinking a lot about... other guys". Evelyn smiled and said "like, getting fucked by other guys?". I nervously nodded yes and said "I've been feeling like I just want to get fucked by random guys... that just want to use me and that's it... I feel like a slut, but it turns me on". Evelyn slid over next to me and said "I know what you mean... I'm assuming Alan doesn't know that though, does he?"... I quickly said "absolutely not... I just think about it a lot lately, and it's getting to where I'm worried I'm going to do something to ruin things with Alan".

The blinds moved in the window, and we both noticed it. I told Evelyn "that's Alan's grandpa... he's a bit of a pervert". I laughed as I told her what had happened earlier, and how he watched me shower and jerked off in front of me... I could tell she was a bit shocked, so I told her "I wouldn't fuck him... but knowing he gets turned on by me is hot"... I was afraid she would think I was strange now, but she just said "So... should we show him our tits?"... it took me a second, but I looked her in the eyes with a smile and reached behind me to undo my top... and she returned the smile and did the same. We both flamboyantly removed our tops and proudly displayed our tits for his viewing. I looked at Evelyn who seemed to be enjoying herself, and she told me "I can see how this can be a lot of fun" in a playful voice.

She proudly sat there with her perky tits hovering over the water, her little light colored nipples a drastic contrast to my larger darker nipples. The old man was happily watching us when Evelyn asked "So when my ex was here last time... why didn't you fuck him... no one would have known"... I didn't want to tell her I did... so I said "I thought about it... i wanted to.... but I was worried Alan would find out". Evelyn stood up and untied her bottoms and tossed them to the side as she gave me a mischievous smirk. I looked at the old man who was intently staring at her, and it turned me on a well... maybe that's how Alan feels when I show off... I all the sudden felt like I understood him better.

Evelyn turned around to show off her ass, as I followed her lead and stood up and removed my bottoms. She asked me "so... hypothetically... if I set you up to get fucked hard by a guy, and no one else would know... would you do it?". I felt my pussy throb a bit as I thought about it while looking at her sexy body, and I gave a slight shrug and said "maybe... I'd definitely think about it". She gave me a big smile and said "I bet you would... maybe we'll see soon" as she leaned in and kissed me. I had never kissed a girl before, and it caught me completely off guard... and I didn't know what to think. I guess she could tell by the expression on my face that I was stunned as she said "I've been thinking about doing that... I'm sorry if I crossed a line". I stammered a bit as I told her "it's OK, it was just unexpected... I've never done that before". Emily looked a bit embarrassed as she said "I hadn't either... I was just curious".

I sat on the side of the hot tub and said "will you do it again?". Evelyn walked up and gave me a short but passionate kiss.. and then pulled away and sat down next to me. I blushed as I told her "I liked that... thank you". All the sudden I saw Evelyn in a new light, and I wondered what it might be like to be with a woman sexually. I looked over at her and she laid back on her elbows with her legs still spread, giving the old man a clear view of her fully shaven cunt. She was clearly enjoying herself as her eyes stayed focus on him, while his were clearly glued between her legs. I laid back next to her as she panted a little and said "I bet there's a ton of guys out there who would love to have the view he does right now". She was right, and the idea made me want to masturbate right there... but I didn't feel comfortable doing that in front of her... so instead I suggested "should we go inside and smoke... I think he's had enough of a show for today".

Evelyn agreed, and we took our time drying ourselves off in front of him before going inside... we didn't bother getting dressed, we just sat naked next to each other taking hits off the pipe... eventually she asked me "can I see the videos that Alan took to his friend?"... I loved the idea she wanted to see, so I grabbed the laptop and showed her with the pics and videos were before realizing I should check my phone to see if Alan had messaged me... which of course he had. He told me "Jose messaged me and said there was a folder on the thumb drive that was left by accident... I acted confused and said what's on it? lol". The next message said "Jose messaged me and said don't be mad, but there's videos and pictures of Diana on there. I acted surprised and told him not to show or tell anyone else, and he said he wouldn't." The next message said "I told him that he and I both know he's watched the videos already, and I couldn't blame him since I'm sure I would as well under the same circumstances. Just to keep it between us as I didn't want everyone to hear about it".

I replied back "that's so hot, I can't wait for you to fuck me when you get home!". Alan was fast to respond "I can't wait either... Jose didn't deny watching anything, he just said he was sorry and he wouldn't tell a soul. I told him that It's not his fault and thanked him for letting me know". I filled Evelyn in on everything that had happened, and she told me "I kind of wish I was on there too... letting him think he's getting a forbidden look at my body"... I think she understood why it turned me on so much as well, so I suggested "how about I take some pics of you with the digital camera, and I'll let Alan discover them?" Evelyn gave me a playful smirk as she broke her gaze from the laptop monitor and said "what would you tell him is the reason they are on there?", to which I said "I'll tell him you wanted me to take them for you so you could send it to some guy... I'll send them to you in an email, and pretend I forgot to delete them".

She looked back at the laptop playing a video of Alan eating me out and then said "you have to tell me when he sees them and what he says!". I took another hit off the pipe before getting up to grab the camera... I knew Alan liked looking at her passed out so he was going to love having some pics of her he can keep... especially if he doesn't know she knows he saw them. Evelyn followed me into the bedroom and crawled up on the bed... she honestly looked beautiful laying there naked. I pulled up the camera and started taking pics as she rolled onto her back and spread her legs... her pussy was clearly wet and aroused, and you could see her entrance opening. She flipped over and posed in a doggystyle position as I continued to take pictures, not being shy to get close up shots as well... Evelyn looked at me and asked "do you think Alan will fuck me?"... I laid on the bed next to her and asked "you like the idea of fucking my boyfriend don't you?". Evelyn hesitated a bit before looking me in the eyes and nodding yes... I smiled as I started to rub one of her breasts... I did it without even thinking about it, and she responded positively.

I made a conscious decision to initiate a kiss... it just felt right, and she returned the kiss as it grew more and more passionate... I felt her hand explore my breasts as we started to embrace each other... I felt our hips as we slowly grinded and humped on each other, before she broke our kiss and started kissing my breasts. I gasped as I felt my pulse start racing, and then her hand started moving slowly down toward my pussy... I was nervous, but I opened my legs to show her I was OK with it as she slowly started massaging my clit. I had never been touched like that by a female before, and it felt so exciting and taboo at the time. I felt her shaking a little, and I realized she was just as nervous and excited as I was... she slowly slid her finger in me, and I instinctively grinded down on her hand.

After a few minutes of playing with my pussy, and handling my nipples with her tongue, she stopped... looked at me with lust filled eyes, and then slid down my body... I felt her nipples glide down my stomach as she lowered herself between my legs... she took one look before slowly starting to lick my pussy. I moaned as she got more and more into it, running her tongue up and down my slit, and then inside of me... I had a handful of guys in the past eat me out, but this was different... this was so much more intense. I moaned loudly and told her "you're so fucking good at that, oh my God!" As I held her head and started humping her face... but that's when I saw movement in the corner of my eye...

Alan's grandpa was standing at the door, and steadily stroking his cock as he watched us... there I was having my first sexual experience with another girl, and this old pervert is just blazingly masturbating as he watched. Just a few months ago we'd have been to young, and what he was doing would be seen as illegal... yet he shamelessly stared as I started to cum on Evelyn's face. I looked down to notice my hardened nipples pointing straight up, and Evelyn's eyes focused on me as I felt my face tensing up and my cunt started to contract... the old man started to cum, and I announced to Emily I was about to do the same as my body went into convulsions. I heard Evelyn start grunting and realized she had been fingering herself while she was licking my pussy, and she was clearly having an orgasm too. I looked back at the door and noticed that Alan's grandpa was no longer there, as Evelyn laid her head on my stomach and caught her breath.

After a minute she stood up and started to put her clothes on, and told me "I should go home now... I'm a little embarrassed". I was confused and told her "there's no reason to be embarrassed... that was incredible". She looked bashful as she told me "I've thought about it a few times before... but I never expected it to happen" as she finished getting dressed. I reassured her that I was glad it did and asked "are we OK? I don't want things to get weird between us"... she gave me a shy smile and said "I was worried you might be awkward around me now". I got up and gave her a short kiss on the lips and told her "I feel closer to you than ever". Evelyn replied "good" as she gave me a playful slap on my ass and started to head toward the door.

She stopped and said "you're still going to tell me when Alan sees the pics, right". I answered "of course!... I might even tell him I took some photos for you, so that he looks for them". Evelyn giggled and said "I like it" as she opened the door... but before leaving she added "I still want Alan to fuck me", to which I told her "I still want him to fuck you too". She laughed as she said goodnight and closed the door.

My mind was still spinning from everything that had happened, I noticed the laptop was still playing a video showing me masturbating, with close up shots of my open vagina... and I started thinking about how Jose has seen this, and more than likely jacked off to it. I wondered if he would act different around me now, or look at me different. I messaged Alan and told him "Evelyn just left. She asked me to take some pics for her to send to guys online". Alan replied back asking "what kind of pics did she ask you to take?"... I replied back "naughty naked ones ;) she asked me to email them to her and then delete them"... it took him a minute to reply "yeah, I guess that's understandable that she would want you to delete them". I decided to give him a little time to be disappointed before I replied back "maybe I could forget to delete them. If you want". It was a bit before he replied "would that upset you?", to which I quickly told him "not at all... I was kind of hoping you wanted to see them ?".

Eventually Alan got home at met me in the bedroom with a big smile and said "you know Jose had been jerking off and studying your body all night" as he stripped down and laid next to me. I handed him the digital camera and said "don't tell her I let you see these"... he smiled as he brought up the first pic and carefully studied each one before moving to the next. I took the opportunity to suck on his cock while he was doing that, and then stopped long enough to ask "how much would you like to fuck her?" before sucking on his dick again. He didn't respond, I'm sure worried that saying the wrong thing might upset me... so I told him "I want to watch you fuck her... would you do that for me?". Alan looked down at me and said "really?... why?". I pulled my mouth off his cock and stroked it as I said "I want her to see how good you fuck... I want to see her enjoy your cock... do you think you could fuck both of us at the same time?". Alan looked back at her photos and said "I'm willing to find out... if you want me too". I started sucking his cock again and he asked "do you think she'd be OK with it?". I bit my lip a bit and said "I'll find out... but if she says yes, you better be ready to fuck us both". Alan still looked a little unsure before he said "if that's what you guys want...".

I pulled him on top of me and told him "now fuck me like Jose wants to fuck me... I bet he spent all night jacking off while studying my pussy". Alan climbed on top of me and started frantically fucking me, and all I could think about is what happened earlier with Evelyn... and how I couldn't wait to tell her that we'll be having a threesome soon... and hopefully next time I could have my first experience going down on her too. Things were definitely heating up, and I couldn't wait to see where things would go next.


2022-07-05 09:51:56
Hi Guys,
Hope your both well and working on part 3 + 4 and others as I really like this series.


2022-07-05 09:50:19
Hi Guys,
Hope your both well and working on part 3 + 4 and others as I really like this series.

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