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Molly loves her daddy enough to help him in his time of need.
Hey everyone. This is my first story so please leave a comment on ways for me to improve. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy.


It was late on a Friday night and I was waiting in the sitting room for my dad to return from work. He had recently been promoted in his already well-paying job, which was fantastic news to the both of us, but we soon realized the cons of this promotion. He had to work longer hours, which he truly didn’t mind as he has worked hard his entire life to support me, his darling daughter.

My mom died giving birth to me which shattered my father's heart. She was his one true love, the woman of his dreams, and for her to die to give me life was the most painful and heartwarming thing to ever happen in his life. All the love he had for my mom was now put onto me. He made sure that I was always one hundred percent happy in whatever I was doing, be that school, sports, friends you name it! He made sure that it was right for me no matter the price.

As I grew older, we began to build a relationship. I know some kids would be distraught if their father wanted to spent time with them but I always had time for mine. I knew he loved me so much with all the sacrifices he has made throughout the years just so I could live comfortably, even if it meant he didn’t. I truly look up to him and know how a real man should act which I'm so eternally grateful for.

Another con to his promotion is that he had to mingle and micromanage dozens of people. Let's just say that he’s not very extroverted as he’s always preferred to stay at home with a group of small friends than to go out clubbing. With this new arrangement he began to build up stress. Stress wasn’t new to him as you can imagine, raising a daughter by yourself would give you way too much of it, but I apparently made it easy for him as we built a close friendship. I would even go as far and say that he’s my best friend and hopefully he’d say the same. We always crack jokes together, often directed towards a flaw we have which always ended up with us roaring with laughter. Like I said, I truly love and look up to the man, which made what I was about to do turn my stomach.

See, I had entered into a sex education program in my high school. It was aimed towards students sixteen years of age and up as teenage pregnancy was on a high in our area. When I told my father he seemed thrilled. He always supported me especially when it came to furthering my education.

The teacher for the class was a lovely old lady named Miss Evergreen, who seemed to know her stuff very well. She had the kindest face I've ever seen. It was wrinkled and creamy white of colour with dark brown eyes that looked like chocolate swirling around in a blender. Her hair was cut to her shoulders, which suited her perfectly as her brown, frizzy hair flowed down her head almost angelically. She would smile at you when asking a question and her voice could make you fall asleep, which definitely did happen to a few people in the class. She never raised her voice not even once. She somehow managed to control the whole class with her soft-spoken mouth. I absolutely adored her and made the very awkward subject seem so peaceful.

One day, she was on the benefits of having sex. She rambled on about how having a healthy sex life can improve your life by lowering your blood pressure, having a better immune system and much more. One of the benefits was a lowering of your stress and anxiety levels. As soon as those words flooded my eardrums I thought of my father and how stressed and unlike himself he was ever since getting promoted. Ideas soon followed, ‘Should I try get someone to hook up with him?’ ‘Who would even want to fucked him? None of my friends and I'm not going to ask their moms or go to the strip club. That would be far too weird’. I sat there thinking of what I could do when it dawned on me ‘How long has my dad gone without sex?’.

The question that I made up in my own head had baffled me. I searched through my memories as I tried to think back to when he could have done it last. When he wasn’t home, he was either at work or doing something with me. He doesn’t really like to go out as much anymore as him and my mom would do that the whole time. It brought to much pain to even consider the idea of going out for a drink let alone going out to a club. I tried to think if I could hear any moans or any unknow woman to be in the house but no, I couldn’t think of anything. Has my dad really not had sex since my mom died? That would be nearly eighteen years ago. It couldn’t be true.

When I came to the new realization, I knew that getting him to hook up with some random woman would never work. He’d have to do it with someone he knew and loved. At this point I was completely ignoring Miss Evergreen as I tried to think of a woman that he might say yes to after a bit of convincing. My mind quickly went blank. There wasn’t anyone I could think of, most of his friends lived hours away since he moved us shortly after my mom died. I suppose everything that reminded him of her was too much pain and just wanted to leave it all behind. ‘There has to be someone!’ I thought to myself before a look of horror came onto my face.

Me. I was the only person he’d most likely have sex with.

Me. His own daughter.

‘NO! There has to be someone else. There surely has to be!’ I said to myself but the more that I thought about it the clearer it was, that I was-

“Miss Ryan?” a soft voice of a woman called for me. I quickly came back to reality to find that the classroom had become empty. “Miss Ryan? Are you ok?” Miss Evergreen asked as she gently placed her hand on my shoulder. “You look like your about to get sick!” she stated worryingly.

“Yes, miss. I'm fine, I just uh, felt a bit uneasy. But I'm fine now” I said as I got off my chair and grabbed my bag. “Are you sure Molly? I'll take you to the nurse's office if you wish?” My heart nearly melted. The kindness of this woman was unbelievable. All I could do was give her a reassuring smile. “Yes miss, I'm sure.” She smiled back at me “OK pet. You get home safe now. Who's collecting you?” She asked as I put my bag over my shoulder, hugging my grey hoodie “I'm walking home today miss, my dad's working again.” I told her as we headed to the door. “Oh, that father of yours, always working.” she said with a giggle “hopefully he'll buy you something pretty with all that money.” she added with a wink. I chuckled a bit, knowing that I don’t really ask for expensive things or expect them “Yea hopefully.” I answered her with a smile before opening the door. “See you next week miss.” I said as I waved goodbye to her while walking out the door. “See you next week Molly.” She waved back with a large smile on her face.

‘What was I thinking about again?’ I asked myself in my head as I walked down the corridor. I got a bit frustrated that I couldn’t remembered until I saw some couple making out behind the lockers. It all came back to me like a tidal wave, hitting my body making my face go pale again with the horror. ‘There has to be someone else?’ I asked myself again. I somehow managed to continue walking down the corridor towards the main door. My brain was getting overloaded by all the thoughts attacking me all at once. I opened the door, the fresh air giving me a bit of relief. I closed my eyes as I took it all in, clearing my mind. I walked over to the bench and sat there until I calmed down again.

‘Ok, let's think about this logically.’ I thought to myself. ‘My father is only going to get worse if I don’t do something. All the things that he has given up and done for me will go to waste if I don’t help him in his time of need.’ I sat there thinking it all over before making my mind up. I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. “I have to, for him” I whispered to myself as I hung my head down low. After a few minutes of me coming to the realization, I got up and started to walk home. I had plenty of time to think about how I could do this as my dad doesn’t get home till late at night.

I arrived home after coming up with a plan on how to make this work. But, as usual, I went and made us dinner which was part of my daily chores. After a few minutes I made a big bowel of pasta that should keep us fed for the oncoming weekend. I sat down and ate my dinner while also multitasking as I did my homework. It was around seven pm before I had finished up but I still had a bit of time left before my dad got home. So, I went upstairs and changed into something comfier but it also had to be something normal so I wouldn’t freak my dad out too much. I spent the time relaxing in the sitting room, watching tv as I waited. I kept thinking my plan over and over again to make sure that I truly did want to go ahead with this and to know exactly what to do and say.

At around eleven o'clock I heard the roar of my father's engine in the background before hearing it park up outside. I went into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water, nearly spilling it as my hands shook from how nervous I was.

I heard him unlocking the door and opening it. A grunt came from the sitting room as he falls down onto the couch. I took a deep breathe before putting my glass to one side and headed in to him. I peeked my head in from the door way. I saw him laying out on the couch with his long legs spread out towards the tv. His black hair covered his blue eyes as he rested his head on the cushion. Hes quite a broad fella, with big shoulders and arms while he stands at six foot three inches. He looked like a giant whenever I stood next to him as I'm five foot and two inches with a small, petite body.

I cleared my throat before speaking “hey dad...” I gave him a fright as he jumped up and looked towards me. Once he knew it was me, he lay back down “Jesus' Molly! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” He exclaimed “What are you doing up this late anyways?” He asked as his voice came back down to normal. I was a bit shook from what I was planning on asking him but after he yelled at me, I couldn’t help but tense up. I took another deep breath before remembering this is for him.

“Sorry dad. I, I just wanted to talk to you about something.” I said as I walked closer to the couch. My heart is racing now, more than it ever has before. He looked back at me and saw the seriousness and fright in my eyes. “Yea sure sweetie, what did you want to talk about?” I hesitantly walked towards the front of the couch. The light from the lamp hit off of me, showing him my pink fluffy onesie that he had gotten me last Christmas. But something was different about it from how I looked in it back then till now. I had fully grown into it, with it hugging my growing curves tightly, more than ever before. My ass had also grown by quite a lot as it sticks out like a sore thumb. It had gotten rounder and much fuller looking than before.

I sit down beside him, his eyes already bulging after seeing how much I've grown, looking more like a woman by the day. As I sat down the light bounces off my b cup tits. They're not too big but they most certainty did poke out. I could tell by the look of my father's face that he was a bit uncomfortable but also surprised to see me like this. Before I spoke, I notice his eyes darting all over my body. I can feel his gaze on my hips, traveling up the makings of my small hour glass figure, to my tits and finally, my face.

“So um, dad. I wanted to talk to you about what your new job is doing to you.” I said while looking directly into his eyes. Something about him eyeing me up gave me a new sense of confidence. He coughed before responding “What, what do you mean sweetie?” He asked, not knowing where to look. Miss Evergreen had told us that when lust takes over a man, it can be very hard for him to focus and think straight. As I saw the way he was looking all over the place I knew I was starting to get to him.

“You're not yourself dad. Your humor has faded away, you're not sleeping as much and you get angry over everything. I don’t like it daddy. I want the old you back, I miss the old you.” I hadn't realized what I said until I stopped talking. I originally planned to do it slowly and not add too much pressure on him and by his reaction I knew I had.

He closed his eyes and moved his head back and forth. He sat up a bit and put his hands on his face as he let out a groan. “I know, I know baby. I'm sorry. It's just that work is getting crazy with stupid people not knowing how to do simple tasks. Its driving me insane!” He shouted out as if it was going to relief it. “They can't read the fucking manual and then screw up the entire project! Then the blame doesn’t go on them. NO, not at all. Because why would it go to them? NO, it has to laid on me! On me!”

He ranted out with some tears forming in his eyes. I felt like crying as I saw how much it was hurting him. All that stress overloading him to the point where it's making him sob in front of his daughter. A tear fell from my eye as I held onto his hand. I now know for certain that I had to do this, for him, to help my dad.

“I know dad, I want to help you. So badly.” I began to say as I caressed his hand. I took another deep breath “I know exactly how to as well.” He turned his head to face me, tears piling up in his eyes “How?” he asked while sniffling.

I looked at him as I just decided to go for it “by you, having sex...” I paused for a second as I saw my father's eyes bulge even more “with me...”

The silence was deafing. He sat there beside me as we both just stared at each other “What...?” He whimpered out after a while. “You heard me dad” I said already exhausted from the anxiousness of our conversation. He shook his head “Baby, we can't. It's wrong on so many levels.” his voice was breaking as he slowly sobbed but through it all I could hear that he was tempted to

“I know it is! But Miss Evergreen said that sex helps reduce stress levels. Now I've thought about this a lot, and seeing your mini breakdown I-... I know I have to.” I decided to get a bit bold and remove my hand from my fathers and place it on his crotch. To my surprise I already felt him getting hard.

“Molly!” he gave out as he felt my hand press down on his jeans “Daddy please!” I began begging “I love you daddy, and after everything you have done to help me, please just let me help you this one-time”

I can see in his eyes that he’s thinking it over. I knew he’d take his time as he always takes forever to make his mind up, so I quickly grabbed his cock through his jeans, making him squeal.

He looked down at me with no more tears in his eyes as a thin streak rolled down his face “Ok... This one time” he whimpered out in defeat.

My heart skipped a beat. Never would I have had thought he’d agree to this so quickly. I wasted no time and put my hands down his pants, searching around for his dick. My tiny hands found it and yank it out. He winced as he felt my hands grabbing it. He sat up and started to pull his jeans down, which I helped until they reached his ankles. I turned back and saw my own fathers dick sticking out from his boxers. He was huge, I don’t know how many inches exactly but I'd say it would easily be eight inches long. I grabbed the outline of his cock, loving how big it felt in my hand. I slowly pulled his boxers down to meet his jeans by his ankles, and when I looked back up it had sprung up happily, twitching as it got use to the fresh air. I so badly wanted to reach out to it but my brain was getting in the way. ‘This is wrong molly, he’s your dad!’ I shook my head, hoping that it would shuffle those thoughts to the back of my mind before grabbing it, my hands couldn’t fit all around it as I felt up his girth. He had a big man bush by the base of his giant cock which only added to how much I wanted it now.

“Woah...” I almost moaned out as I started to slowly jerk him off. I could tell he was a bit uneasy as he looked down at his daughter with so much disgust. “You can touch me if you'd like... Daddy" I said as I looked up at him reassuringly. He just nodded his head and sat there while his daughter jerked him off. I spat on my hands before continuing on. He groaned as my sticky hands rubbed my spit into his cock. I was enjoying seeing my dad's cock going through my fist, feeling my pussy starting to get wet when I got the shock of my life. My dad reached out and grabbed my tit, his own daughter's tit.

I looked up to him with a smile “That feels so good daddy” I moaned out, wanting to encourage him more so he’d actually stay here while I helped him. All I got was a cold grunt while he stared and massaged my tit through my onesie. He started getting rougher, pulling at my nipple which sent shockwaves of pain and pleasure all over my body. In no time at all he reached up to the zip under my throat and slid it down to my tits. My cleavage was now visible to him, letting out another grunt before reaching in.

He grabbed my left tit and yanked it, kind of like it was some sort of revenge for yanking at his dick. I couldn’t help but yelp as his big, strong hands got aggressive with me. He ripped open a view to my perky tits. I could feel his gaze once more directed towards my pink areolas. He gently placed his thumb and finger around it and twisted my nipple. “Oh, fuck Daddy!” I groaned out to him. He seemed to enjoy it as he got rougher. He slapped my tit, leaving a red mark by the side of it. He didn’t seem to have a favorite as he seemed to be randomly pulling and twisting my now sore tits.

“Fuck...” I moaned out as it seemed all the tit playing made his cock even harder, I didn’t know that could happen but I wasn’t complaining. The thoughts in the back of my head that were telling me to stop piped down really quick as his cock throbbed in my small, soft hands. “Suck me baby” He grunted down to me. His voice was different as it got harsher. I don’t know why it but it was turning me on. My own dad giving me an order to suck his giant dick, that’s an offer I couldn’t refuse.

I fixed myself to lie down closer to it so that it would be comfortable for the both of us. I rested my chin on his bare thigh while my hands reached around to hold his cock. He placed his hand on the back of my head and pushed me towards it. I got a bit nervous when he pushed me to it, not even stopping when the tip was touching my lips. I had to open my mouth before it would get in my eye. Once I did, he let out an animalistic groan as my lips wrapped around his cock's head. I would be lying if I said it tasted horrible, when in actual fact it was the best dick I've ever tasted. I'm no slut but I've had had my fair share of dicks with not all ending in the full thing, something that all their owners were wishing.

I went down his shaft, extending my mouth as I tried to fit more of him in. He grabbed my hair and helped me as I slowly started to bob my head up and down my own dad's cock. I tried to fit more and more of his cock each time I went down his shaft. In no time I was easily fitting half of it in my tight little throat. His moans were a reassuring sign to me to keep going. My salvia coated his dick the more I had my fun with it. I think he got a bit bored of me bobbing on his dick slowly, so he grabbed my cheeks and started to force his way in. I gagged intensely while his snake slid down my throat. I could feel it protruding through my neck as he moved it to one side. He somehow managed to put it all in my mouth, our moans and gags mixing together while my eyes grew red and watery. He just stared at me, his once darling daughter now gaging on all of his cock. He slapped the bulge of his dick through my neck which made me wince before pulling out.

I coughed up air and my own salvia as I fell to his thighs. He stroked himself while looking at me. I held my throat as I looked back up at him, our eyes connecting. His eyes were filled with lust now, becoming more animal like than my actual father. ‘What have I put myself into?’ I asked as I got scared by how he was looking at me.

After a while he picked back up my head and forced his way back down my throat. He used me, his own daughter's mouth as a fuck toy, using me to gain him immense pleasure.

He used my mouth for what felt like forever before finally having enough of it. He tossed my head to his slide, making me fall down onto the ground. “Get up.”" he orders me immediately “Get back on the couch.” His voice became colder now, almost impatient. I did what he wanted and got back onto the couch. My pussy was so wet, it was throbbing after he used my mouth like never before. I lay out onto the couch, completely exhausted as he stood up. He moved my body so that my ass was now staring at him and throw me onto the couch again. My head landed on the arm of the couch as he got up behind me. He positioned himself behind my ass and lifted it up so that it reached his dick while the rest of my body lay on the couch.

His hands felt along the top of my ass and hips, taking in my curves as he felt the softness of my pink onesie. He took his time feeling me up, which only made me want him to fuck me more “Daddy... please fuck me!” I begged him as his strong hands grabbed my ass “Please Daddy!” He moved his hand down until he reached my pussy. The warmth of it must have been incredible compared with the feeling of my soft onesie. I knew he felt how wet I was as he rubbed my throbbing cunt “Oh god yes!” I moaned out as I rolled my head back. He played with me, toyed with my pussy for a while, building up my eager. He pulled his hand away for a second, making me think he was getting ready to finally fuck me but as soon as I prepared myself, he dug his thumb into my clit. “JESUS!” I yelled out as it sent out waves of pain and pleasure through my body. I moaned uncontrollably as I was reaching my first orgasm. I shook there as he applied more pressure until I came, making a huge wet patch on my onesie which looked like I just pissed myself.

I saw stars as my body relaxed again. I've never had such an amazing orgasm until now. I wanted more of it, I loved how my Daddy was making me cum! As I was building back up my energy, he wasted no time and dug his thumb back into the fabric of my onesie but instead of giving his daughter the orgasm of her life, he ripped a hole in it roughly around the area of where my pussy was. He barely made it big enough to fit his cock.

He pushed two fingers into the newly formed gap and pressed them against my pussy. “Oh god...” I moaned out softly while lying there, unable to move from the about of pleasure my dad was giving me. He rubbed his fingers up and down my wet slit, getting a real feel for the pussy he was about to dominate. He moved his fingers all over my pussy like he was making a mental map of it for later on. But studently he slipped them in, not to far only to his second knuckle, but by God did it feel great to have him inside me “Yes daddy! That feels so good” I drooled out while he finger fucked me, not for long though as he only thrust them in and out four times. He pulled them out and up to his mouth before sucking all my juices off. That alone almost made me squirt all that was left in me, but I waited until I could feel my dad's dick inside me.

He licked his fingers dry before moving his hand back down to his dick. I couldn’t see it but I knew it was still as hard as a rock as I felt the heat of it by my thighs. He jerked himself off before placing one of his hands on my ass while the other directed his dick through the small gap. I jumped as I finally felt the tip of his dick brush pass my pink entrance. Chills took over my body as he scooted up closer to me with both his hands on my hip.

Was this it? Was my dad actually going to fuck me?

The anticipation was nearing too much but before it overloaded me, my dad breached through my tight, pink opening, grunting as he slid the head of his cock into my cunt. “Daddy! Oh my god!” I moaned out with him pushing more and more into me. His hands gripped a tight hold on my hips as he continued pushing through, only stopping when his hips were touching my ass. He shuddered as he felt my tight walls surrounding his cock. He stayed inside me, either letting me get use to his massive cock or for him to calm down.

It didn’t take him long before he pulled out, letting the tip of his cock rest against my pussy. I could feel my body getting loose as he leaves me. Without him inside me I felt so empty. “Daddy, please fuck me, please” I basically cry out to him as he grunts, looking down at his angel. At my request he shoves it back in with such force. “Oh Jesus... God!” He quickly pulled back out before ploughing into me again. Soon he builds up a rhythm, pulling out quick to only ram back into me. Each time he used his full force to thrust into me, sending me forward which made me almost fall off the side of the couch. His animalistic groans became louder as he picked up the pace, fucking me like a mad man.

“Holy!... Fuck!... Shit!” I roared out as I felt another orgasm coming. My body twitched as my father railed his huge cock into me more and more, looking like he won't be stopping for a while. “Daddy!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as I felt my pussy walls clamp down around his cock which only slowed him down as I squirted to my heart's content. A satisfying moan rolled out from my mouth as I felt the terrific feeling of me cumming all over my father's dick. He continued to fuck me at the same pace never slowing down.

‘How is he lasting this long?’ I thought to myself as I can no longer speak. With all the moaning and screaming that I was doing, it was no surprise that my throat was hoarse. The back of my onesie was now sticking to my ass cheeks with it being helped by all of my cum. My own dad continued to rail me as he lets out more grunts and groans before eventually slowing down. He pulls out a bit, only leaving the tip inside as he pants aggressively. My heart and body ache both from the about of pain he was suffering me with but also with how much I longed for his giant cock. I never thought I'd say this but I loved how my own dad fucked me. I know its morally wrong but God, I loved it. His cock was perfect as it slid in and out of me at such a pace. My own dad fucked me like no other man could ever fuck me, which was now another feature that I loved about him.

His hands glided along my ass and hips again while he rested up. I lay basically dead on the couch. All that I was good for now was to be his very own human sex toy, to be used at his free will. Once he built his strength back up, he grabbed either side of the small hole he had made and began to pull them apart. I could hear it tear as he continued to make the hole bigger. He didn’t stop until my entire bare ass was now open to freely view at anyone's pleasure. I hadn't realized how tightly I fitted into it until now as the hot, sex filled air breezed by it.

He placed his right hand onto my ass, feeling my soft, smooth teenage skin for the first time. “God...” He muttered. This was the first time I've heard him speak since we started. His voice was harsher as if all the lust in his body upped his testosterone. I shuddered while he brushed his hand across my cheeks before placing his other hand on my left. It seems like he enjoys to just touch me in places he’s never touched before, to get a real feel before he uses it. A couple of minutes go by which help me recover a little bit before he spanks my right cheek with force.“Mhmm...!!” I moan out, my throat still needing time to recover properly. I can feel the blood red handprint which he left stinging before driving down his left hand and spanking me again. As soon as his left hand makes contact with my ass, he immediately thrusts into my cunt. “Fuck!!!” I scream out with all the letters at different pitches.

He drives in and out of my not so tight pussy anymore as he uses it for his own pleasure without thinking of his poor daughter. I couldn’t stop screaming in torture and with delight. My pink cunt felt like it was on fire with the friction of his cock against my pussy, only getting relief for a split second before driving back into me. He continues to spank and grab my ass like no tomorrow which only ands to my already soaked pussy. At some points I swear I can feel him breaking through my vaginal canal and into my young womb. The pleasure that withheld was insanely intense. His giant cock was able to reach places I never even thought of as I felt it pop in and out, over and over again.

My eyes fell to the back of my head with the feeling of this unreal sexual experience warming my body. I held onto the cushions of the couch to stop me from falling over as he built up more speed. He hadn't gotten this fast before as the sound of his hips smashing into my unbelievably painful ass filled the room. He continued to overload my teenage body with my pussy now in flames, my heart aching, all of my energy torn away and soon my legs to break as they collapse under the pressure of his body. I felt them shaking as his dick built up strength. I let out a yelp as they went numb before falling down, making my ass and hips follow.

“Get back up!” he roared at me like a lion. He grabbed my thighs and pushed them up. When he let go my legs fell back down. I simply had no more strength to keep them up.

This angered him as he pulled out of me. I pant quietly and rough as my throat had turned into sandpaper. He flipped me onto my back and pulled my legs down so that my pussy was directly under him. He didn’t look at me once. His eyes just went back down to my pussy which was to his surprised covered by my onesie again. Instead of thinking smartly and pulling down my zip so he could see my tits and pussy he decided to rip the hole he already made until my cunt was viewable. His eyes bulged to see his daughter's pussy for the first time. Red and wet as he fucked it to death.

He sent his fingers down and picked up some juice, licking his lips before sucking it clean off. I just stared up at him as he tasted me. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest as my dad stood before me with his cock out. He bent over me and grabbed his cock before pushed it back in. He went slowly for a while before building back up the pace he was originally in. “No...” I groaned out as my pussy went on fire again. He lifted my thighs up and onto his shoulders before ploughing back into his teenage daughter's pussy. My thighs did a ripple effect as he shoved all of his body into me.

“I'm...Ima... Goin, cum” I squealed out gradually, my words getting mixed together as my mind softens after my body being used for so long. I reached my hand down and rubbed my clit for two seconds before my body started to violently shake. I was reaching my climax, the peak pleasure of any sexual experience. I felt like fainting as my body relaxed, resting my head down as I looked up to the roof, feeling very light headed. That feeling of relaxment went away sooner than it arrived as my used and abused cunt exploded. I squirted so hard that it gave both my legs unbearable cramps. “Jesus Christ!! Oh God, Fuck!!” I screeched out in pain as I tried to rub my leg but it was impossible while my dad still fucked me. I soaked the couch and everything next to it as my juices flung out of me.

By the time I finished I was braindead, unable to speak or move as my father had his way with my body. I lay there silent, not moaning at my high pitch. Don’t get me wrong I wish I could, my dad made me feel incredibly as he used my teen pussy but it was great to have a break, even if he still had his fun. I could feel everything that he was doing to me but I wasn’t able to respond.

I got a fright as my dad leaned in closer to me and grabbed my neck tightly. I involuntary moved my hands around his wrist while he squeezed my throat. My eyes bulged with the only thing coming out of my destroyed throat was me trying to breath. I looked into his eyes and could clearly see that he was being controlled by lust. He didn’t seem to be bothered by how much he was killing his daughter, he just wanted the thrill of a pussy around his throbbing cock.

I felt his cock starting to twitch uncontrollably as his breathing became heavier. ‘Is he about to cum?’ I asked myself while just staring at him. And that’s when I felt my heart sinking ‘How could I have had forgotten it?? How could I have been so stupid!’ I started to panic as he was obviously getting closer to finishing. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak. I was just a bystander as I watched my own father cum in my unprotected cunt. I was screaming inside, yelling at him to stop before it was too late but all that came out of my mouth was a whimper. For nearly eighteen years of my life, I was always two steps ahead before anyone else in this type of situations. I always took my birth control pills or made sure that the guy was wearing a condom. But the ONE time I absolutely HAD to take the pill, I forgot to.

I felt like bursting into tears there and then as my father grunted ferociously. I knew it was only a matter of seconds before he came deep into my pussy. He started staggering before he dived in one last time as he released the tsunami of his cum into his daughter. He leaned back and tilted his head back, grunting fast in satisfaction. I could feel his warm, sticky cum pump into my womb. Every ounce of it was pleasing to my body but wicked to my brain. There was way too much of it as some of it came out the sides of his still throbbing cock. I'd say his balls were feeling a lot lighter as he came for nearly a minute, enough to fill me up and to stain the couch.

“Oh god yes, that felt amazing” He sighed out, his voice back to normal. He looked back down with a huge smile on his face. I don’t think he remembered where he was or who he nearly killed with his amazing cock as he felt up my thighs. “Did you enjoy it?” He asked as his gaze traveled up my body until he made eye contact with me. His eyes were empty of lust and had gone back to their bright blue eyed colour but, as he looked into mine his skin went pale.

“Mo... Molly?” He whimpered out as his smile slowly disappeared. He pulled out of me, his cock still rock hard as he sat down beside me. “Oh no, what have I done?” He asked himself as I just looked up at him. “Molly! Shit! Are you ok?” he asked me, placing his hand on my shoulder. He noticed my zip was open and traveled down it with his eyes to see the side of my tit. He quickly zipped me back up before looking back at me “Molly! Are you ok?!” He asked again, getting a bit worried. I slowly shrugged my shoulders, the only response I could give him. “Shit...” He whispered, looking down my body. His eyes nearly fell out of his head as he saw the hole in my lovely onesie. He peeked over it to see the damage but he soon regretted it. His eyes stared at the white goo streaming out of my pussy. “Fuck! Molly, please...please tell me your on birth control.” In the inside I was crying the whole time he was talking. A tear rolled down my still face and that was the only answer he needed. He stood up as he started to panic, his cock starting to go soft “Fuck, shit. Ok Molly, stay there. I'll be back in a second.” He spoke while his voice shook. He ran off upstairs and came back down a few seconds later with a towel. He started to gather up all of the cum flowing out of my pussy but there was too much of it so he just left it there. He then rushed to the kitchen and turned on the tap. He came back in with a glass of water, the same glass I used before our talk. “Ok baby, I'll be back in a while. I'm... I'm just going to go to the drug store.” He said panicking as he put back on his jeans and ran out the door.

He was gone for at least thirty to forty minutes. During that time, I built up a bit of strength and sat up a bit, even took a few sips of the water. I heard the car pull in while I just stared at the clock which read ‘2:55am’ ‘Jesus, that was the longest fuck of my life.’ I thought to myself as my dad rushed in through the door.

“Ok, ok I got a pregnancy test.” He said as he pulled it out of the bag “Just in case.” He added as his worried but loving eyes met mine “And I got the plan b pill.” He took that out too and handed it to me. “I don’t know if you are to take it now or?” He said reading over the pamphlet “I, I don’t know too” I managed to say with my voice sounding broken. He smiled at me and placed his hand on my shoulder “I'm sorry Hun. For this.” He smiled at me as it looked like he was going to cry. I smiled back and held his hand before shaking my head. “It's ok, daddy” He grasped my hand as I opened the box “Ok just take it now and take the pregnancy test in the morning, that way we’ll know what to do properly” I just nodded my head as I took out one of the pills before putting it into my mouth. I got the glass and took some sips before swallowing it down. I closed my eyes as it hurt as it traveled down my throat. I opened them and smiled up at my daddy as he smiled back “Now all we have to do is wait for tomorrow” he said as we held hands.


End of part 1.


2022-07-19 13:01:48
Grammar, spelling, changing between present and past tense, changing between first and third person pov, as well as paragraph and dialogue formatting all need to be addressed. Also, pregnancy tests are no good the day after, and if she had been taking b/c but skipped a day she’d be fine. Story line is good, plausibility not so much.


2022-07-05 11:23:35
What is "852 688 9816"?

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