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The story continues and one encounters with Malu in the bathroom...

The House

4. Fears.

The following days were somewhat strange, Malu appeared more often in front of me, that is to say, it was more frequent to meet her anywhere and at any time in the house, however she passed me by without paying the slightest attention to me, but her continuous and sudden appearances where I was were not mere coincidence.

I began to question again my obsession with her. But I immediately gave myself a mental slap in the face, even though I was the one who was acting inappropriately, she was liking it, or at least I thought she was that night. She was aware of what was going on, not that she was a child, with 16 years old she must have had some experience, being so beautiful it is not surprising that she was showered with pretenders at school and maybe even some girl had come to pretend to her.

I didn't know what she thought about what happened the other night, but she enjoyed it, she enjoyed it. My final conclusion was to understand that she could be afraid, after all she still looks like a child. Her eternal adolescent build makes her look more childish than she is, what a contradiction.

But that little body she has is not that of a child. Everything is well adjusted, well defined, in spite of not being a dedicated sportswoman like Carola, her legs are stylized and delineated with a firmness and tonicity worthy of a high performance sportswoman, they had to be her mother's genes. Not like the skinny ones whose outline is a straight line and flabby flesh, not at all. Both legs crowned with two half spheres almost perfect as butt. Hard and firm, they seem to be inflated under pressure.

I'm going to have to include here a picture of her butt so that you can understand what I can't explain with words. The line that defines the contour of her legs is abruptly cut to give way to those mounds of flesh. Almost in the same way in the lower back, where a clear funnel is formed at the end of the back and the beginning of these globes. Ah and without being able to fail to highlight the icing on the cake the two venus dimples that form in the lower back shortly before giving beginning to the butt.

The image of her ass open like a flower in all its splendor followed me for several days. Maru was the main beneficiary. She was receiving the full consequence of my prohibited and perverted obsession, sessions that were comparable only to the time when we were sexually honest with each other.

In those times shortly before we were married, I had begun to feel that Maru was not liberal enough in bed and had taboos about the sexual act. Some things were missing in our relationship, she enjoyed it, she was "hot" in her feeling, and took many times the initiatives, which I love, she liked me to use my tongue mercilessly on her nether parts, but then I could not kiss her, AND she was not completely reciprocal with my sex and never made me finish with her mouth. So no swallowing and/or facial. She would aim my discharge at her breasts and then run to the bathroom to clean herself.

She would take the initiative of course, but it was to initiate everything. In the end it was up to me to do the hard, arduous work of making her come and finish. Rarely did she take her place on top and it was little to vary positions, two and ready to finish.

Anal sex was one of my biggest challenges and I failed miserably, after several unsuccessful attempts I gave up looking for it, from then on we argued more than once and she didn't want to talk about it at all. A threesome? never! impossible. My wife was secretly homophobic and now I was about to find out.

It was then that I sought relief outside the home. I set my sights on a young assistant of a former co-worker. He was married and had told me about her, without telling me who she really was, he told me about a girl he had who was a demon in bed and did everything. One day in an oversight of them I discovered them, when I picked up the phone and called him to his office just to see him arrive for an urgent matter.

As soon as he crossed the door of his office I called him. And he thought it was her calling him, since she was in the anteroom of his office. As soon as he rang the bell he said without my saying anything "my love, just a little more, I just crossed the door, in a somewhat irritated tone. Hearing this I was startled and hung up, but I kept my eyes peeled to see what he would do next. Looking stealthily over the cubicles, her assistant's phone rang immediately, they spoke for only 5 seconds, she hung up and hurried into the office. I didn't say anything, nor did I put them in evidence.

They didn't last long, he quit and went to another company and didn't take her with him. I took over his position and she became my assistant and something in his memory. They stopped seeing each other as soon as he left and she became more and more moody because he forgot about her. So after a few attempts I managed to get her into bed and prove that she really was a good bed.

At that time my relations with Maru were going from bad to worse. She wasn't doing her part and I didn't feel the same interest. She noticed my lack of sexual appetite and immediately assumed I had another one. Yes, she wasn't wrong, but that wasn't the reason for my lack of sexual appetite.

To make a long story short. She, who is jealous by nature, mounted a persecution and I confidently did not notice and she found me out, putting an end to everything, including the marriage that was already scheduled. I had to beg a lot and it took me to tell her what was really going on.

We talked a lot about what was going on while I tried to keep us together and I convinced her to see a couples therapist and we were referred to a sex therapist. After several stormy months of back and forth, she finally opened up to a world of passion and sexual ardor, to role playing, to giving herself fully and freeing herself, resulting in a really hot woman capable of anything but being with another girl. Well, not everything could be perfect, and I fell in love with her again. It was then that we unleashed ourselves sexually and for a moment I thought I had awakened the nymphomaniac Maru had inside. Then as the months went by we calmed down.

Since then we had not had such varied and continuous sexual activity that lasted so long. Normally we had sex two to three times a week, the good weeks had 4 rare times. But this we were experiencing was 5 to 6 times a week and even the whole week and where at least several days we did it two and three times. And each time I felt that my desire for Malu was growing every day and I was horny most of the time.

Little by little the encounters with Malu returned to normal. We talked more, looked at each other more. We interacted more, just like before that fateful, not to say idyllic day when I saw her go into the bathroom. So I started to get closer to her, wherever I found her I would brush her or just touch her, either with my elbow, shoulders, forearm, hands, any part of her body was good to touch and be touched.

I moved forward automatically, conscious of the advances, and I began to rub her legs, I placed my hand on her back as before, only this time there was malice, there was an evil intention, I no longer caressed her like the girl before, when she walked in tops I only rubbed her with my fingers on the lower back very subtly and I could see how her skin and the hairs on her arms stood on end. With my fingertips I would caress her shoulders and the back of her neck very naturally especially when we were as a family.

One day, I dare say, was the day that marked the before and after of the beginning of this adventure that would end in a massive disaster.

That Saturday the whole family was invited to a high society wedding of a family friend of the house, and in the afternoon the women were busy with their beauty preparations, the women had arrived late from the salon, so everything was in a hurry. Malu had not gone to the salon, but her mother had done some rolls in her hair in the morning, but as Maru, Carola and Doña María arrived late, they told her to take them out carefully. Malu went into a crisis because she didn't have time and she still had to put on her make-up. She asked Maru to help her and Maru asked me to help her, I agreed and went down to the bathroom where Malu was trying to remove her rolls.

-I came to help you with that," I told her, peeking carefully at the bathroom door, in case she was naked or semi-naked.

-Thank you," she said, a little overwhelmed. As she tightened the towel that barely covered her. From her breasts to just below her butt.

-Let's see, what do I have to do? -I asked.

-Let go of the clip on the roll and unwind it carefully, so that each strand of hair is separated from the rest so that it doesn't tangle. Starting from the bottom to the top. She ended.

It's an easy job," I thought, but not for Malu, as there were too many rolls and too small.

She began to look in a case and took out several little flat boxes of make-up powder, pencils, paints and other things for that purpose. Then she began to smear a little cream on her face with her fingers and I began to unroll the rolls.

By the third roll my mind was already playing dirty tricks on me. -She's in a towel, she's naked, do something!

Immediately my beast starts to wake up and take charge of the situation. My mind is going a mile a minute. While she now with a thick brush was coloring her cheeks.

Already with a considerable tent in my shorts. I wanted to press myself against her and poke her butt with my hardness. But I didn't want to scare her or have her run away like last time. Each unwrapped roll was like a second of time. And I could see how quickly I was going to run out of that opportunity. I decided to act faster and go slower with the rolls.

Encouraged, I looked her straight in the eyes while she stared at herself in the mirror putting on her makeup. She looked at me several times and each time she held my gaze more and more. The fourth or fifth time she looked at me and stared at me, taking advantage of that attention I stuck the tip of my sex to the towel at the level of her butt.

She gave a slight gasp and held her breath for a moment before she began to breathe rapidly staring at me, I could see in her mirror image how the arteries in her neck began to beat rapidly, then I began to slowly and gently hammer my sex against her butt.

This turned me on, I felt my sex swell again even more and produce pre seminal in abundance, she without stopping looking at me began to breathe heavily and placed her hands on the edge of the sink table, holding my subtle onslaught. I took advantage of the situation to hit her even harder, stuffing the towel deeper into the canal of her butt. I wanted to remove the towel but I didn't want to move my hands from her rolls for fear of scaring her again.

We had stopped our actions so I avert my eyes and continue to unwrap the rolls. She does the same and picks up a pencil to apply eye makeup and leans forward to be closer to the mirror. At that moment I felt the towel go up a little higher and I started to hallucinate, I looked down a little and saw that the towel was inches away from disappearing from between the two of us.

She seemed to guess or intuit what was happening and so, she stood on her tiptoes and I felt the direct contact of her butt on my sex under my shorts. I began to thrust harder but kept the pace slow. She was sometimes lost in her own gaze or in mine through the mirror, still afraid of her adverse reaction she did not want to reach down and pull it out.

She felt the shorts very wet and slimy and easily slipped the fabric through and just like the other night it was sinking easily between the tight channel of her butt. I would pull it all the way out and then back in again, until I got right to her tight entrance which I was subtly hitting harder and harder each time.

At one point when I released a roll and reached down to lay it on the sink, I brought my hand to my shorts and as I momentarily peeled them off, I pulled them down pulling out my soaking wet sex. Quickly grabbing it from the base of the trunk I slipped it back between her butt. It went through like a hot knife through butter and she moaned a choked sigh into her mouth, her eyes wide open she looked at me fearfully.

-Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you," I said in a whisper reassuring her.

Without releasing my iron from the stem I continued hammering slowly on her tight ring. Emboldened I began to apply more pressure and then she surprised me in her gasping breath, when she began to push back as I plucked at her, giving me full permission to drive it all the way through. Her passageway was a puddle of my flows and easily the head of my cock was attached to her tight ring which slowly began to give way.

We don't know how it happened, nor at what moment Maru entered the bathroom.

When we realized she was next to Malu looking up at the ceiling, with her hands on her eyes stretching her eyelids and telling her to correct a line under her left eye that she was having trouble making as thin as possible, and she didn't want to damage the makeup.

I look down directly at Malu's rolls, with my left hand on them and the other gripping my shaft inside Malu's butt. I release my sex with amazing slowness, I don't want to make a sudden move that will draw Maru's attention, I stick my thumb inside the garter of the shorts and start to pull it up dragging with it my hard sex that slips easily inside Malu's back cleavage upwards.

Malu takes that moment and turns to her left where Maru was and begins to correct her sister's eye line as she continues to look up. I continue doing my job slowly so as not to interrupt Malu and finish quickly to continue what we were doing when Maru leaves, my sex despite the scare does not lose strength and Malu's jugular is still pulsating rapidly.

Ready! Malu quickly fixes Maru's eye and Maru quickly leaves the bathroom telling us to hurry up because they were almost ready. We all know how long that really means, even Malu, who, looking at me through the mirror, resumes the position we had before Maru came in, standing on the tips of her toes.

She bends forward resting her hands on the sink and stands on her tiptoes and pushes her ass up causing the towel to once again reveal part of her butt and I immediately release my still drool soaked sex from the shorts and bring it back up to her puffy butt and slide it back in as easily as before until it meets her tight hole. And again I begin to slowly but forcefully pluck it, the hardness of my sex is such that it hurts, I look at it and see only the head between her puffy butt and it looks colossal.

I think for a moment about the damage I would do to her at that moment if I penetrated her, and I start to feel remorseful that it would be barbaric. So I decide to just pluck, nothing more. Enjoy the morbidity, feed the ego and boost the pervert in me.

Then I lower my sex a little more and let it slip between her legs, rubbing all over her sex that for the first time I feel it and very wet. She gasps and becomes very agitated again. Feeling for the first time the friction of my sex with hers, I start my hip movement, sticking my pelvis completely to her pumps that feel very hard.

She continues to do her makeup, I barely coordinate what I do in her head with the rolls I feel that due to the excitement so great I am about to finish. I know she just had a bath so I don't want to make her have to bathe again, but after all the excitement we have what the fuck, she's completely wet, she's still going to have to wash.

Her arousal has her in a trance, she just looks at herself in the mirror with glassy eyes, I feel her hips move to the rhythm her body is asking for. I take my sex with one hand and press upward increasing the stimulation on her button and lips for a moment, until I point it back to her O-ring she feels the pressure there and her breathing quickens spasmodically she is about to have an orgasm and mine is at the door.

I press the head and gain enough millimeters to unload my white pleasure inside her asshole. One spurt after another and her surprise at being flooded made her burst into an orgasm that made her stop everything she was doing to grab onto the sink with both hands, discovering herself full of spasms in her body, and stifling a pitiful moan between one of her hands.

How crazy it was that even though the bathroom door was open, knowing the danger we were in, we let the spasms of her orgasm pass.

To be continue...
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