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Confident she had completed her task well, Sarah finds out that Mr. Michael considers it a failure. She gets her first taste of bondage and pain play before getting new tasks to complete for the coming week.
Author's note: I hope you are enjoying the story as it develops and appreciate your continued reading. I do promise to publish the whole story and won’t leave you without an ending. All chapters are written and are just being polished. I will try to publish a new chapter every few days. Like all authors, especially newer authors, I would appreciate any feedback and comment.

Sarah got to school the next morning having no idea what the day would bring. The first couple of classes were uneventful. 3rd period found her back in math class. She laughed at how she used to look forward to math with Mr. Sheahan. Flirting with him seemed like so long ago. Of course, he still looked hot, but she had dealt with so much in just the previous weeks. Her infatuation seemed innocent by comparison.

Jenny attacked her right after class. Sarah thought she knew what to expect. Her ‘hot date’ with Conner. She feared it wouldn’t be good and didn’t respond immediately to Jenny’s insistent excitement.

“So I heard,” said Jenny as they stood at Sarah’s locker between classes.

“Heard what?”

“Everyone is talking about it. Conner shot his mouth off about how he was going to fuck you. And then he had to cancel because he had a doctor’s appointment he forgot about.”

Sarah tried to hide her surprise. “Uh huh. When did you hear that?”

“I heard from Melissa, who heard it from Jimmie that Conner told everyone during first period that he had to cancel your rendezvous yesterday because he forgot about a doctor’s appointment that he had to go to,” she explained. Sarah smiled to herself. Maybe she had really gotten through to Conner. Maybe that blowjob had been so good, he actually came up with a cover story. But Sarah stayed silent. “So what’s the real story? Come on bitch. What happened? Did you tell him to go fuck himself?” Jenny asked with gleeful curiosity.

Sarah thought about it for a second. She could go along with Jenny’s interpretation. Maybe start repairing her reputation. But she didn’t want to go that route. “Yeah, he called me right at the end of school and told me he would need a rain check. He had to go take care of something. No big deal.” She hoped that would put an end to it.

“I don’t buy it,” Jenny stated matter-of-factly. “He either got scared or you told him to fuck off. No way he just happened to have a ‘doctor’s appointment’. Why are you holding out on me slut?!” she chided. “And I also heard that he told a couple of guys on the football team that the pictures that had shown people claiming they were from you were bullshit. That he copied them off the internet and they weren’t real. No way that asshole would do something like that without a reason,” she added. “Tell me the truth. What happened? How did you get him to do that? What is going on?” she questioned rapid fire. She stared intently at Sarah waiting for her to crack and give her the real story.

“Jenny, it’s not that big a deal. The pictures were bullshit. I told him he had to make it right, but that I would still meet with him. And then he called me and told me that he had to reschedule. No big deal.” Sarah didn’t feel good about lying to her best friend but could hardly contain her elation over Conner stepping up and trying to cover up their tryst. The fact that he found a way to try to fix things shocked her. She reveled in the power she had over him.

She locked her locker and turned to head off to her next class. “I’ll find you later, but really, it wasn’t that big a deal.” She smiled but she knew she hadn’t really fooled her friend. She got out of there as quickly as possible so she wouldn’t have to lie any more.

Conner had covered for her. All because she gave him a mind-blowing blowjob. That was huge! And she hated to admit it to herself, but she had Mr. Michaels to thank for it.


School droned on until finally the last bell rang. Sarah got home and then she fretted over what Mr. Michaels might have in store for her in a couple of hours. Was he going to be mad? Was he going to punish her? Or was he going to reward her for doing a good job with Conner? She didn’t do EVERYTHING she had been instructed her to do, but she did a lot. Almost everything he had demanded. Two weeks ago, she wouldn’t have even thought about fucking Conner AND blowing him and then swallowing all of his cum. But she did all of that. All while knowing that Mr. Michaels had a front row seat. And probably recording every second of it. “That all had to count for something, right?” she reasoned to herself.

The hours past and finally she had to head to her ‘job’. She knew better that to be late. She left ten minutes early to ensure she arrived on time. No need to give him a reason to punish her. Mr. Michaels had given her the code to the push button entry lock for the front door via text earlier in the day and told her to let herself in when she got there. She opened the door at 6:22.

She found Mr. Michaels sitting on the couch watching TV as she walked in. She started to say hi when she saw the action on the screen. She saw Conner on top of her fucking away. Her legs were up and her face looked out from the screen. A look lost in the moment of ecstasy. Conner had her tit in his mouth, sucking hard enough to stretch the globe of flesh away from her body while Sarah let out pleasurable moans.

She could hear herself saying “No, no, no, no” and trying to stop herself from giving into the pleasure. And then she heard her own announcement of her climax. It felt strange to watch herself getting fucked and her reaction, but she could picture every second of the scene in her mind from her perspective. Being honest with herself, watching Conner fuck her made her fairly aroused. But as soon as she finished cumming on screen, Mr. Michaels stopped the video. “Fuck, this is it,” she thought to herself.

“What was the main thing I told you about fucking that boy?” he questioned. He didn’t yell and he didn’t seem overly angry. But there it was. She had been a misbehaving slut that couldn’t follow orders. Again.

“I’m sorry sir. I failed. You told me not to cum. I tried to stop it, but I couldn’t. It just felt too good. I’m sorry.” She stood with her head down and her hands behind her. She didn’t know what else to do. No explanation other than the truth.

“How did you try to stop it?”

“What do you mean? I tried to make myself stop, but when he started sucking on my nipple like that….I….I..just couldn’t,” she whined pointing at the screen.

“You didn’t do anything to stop it,” he said emphatically. “You could have TOLD him to stop for one. Or wrapped your legs around him and forced him to stop until you could regain control. And what have I taught you about pleasure and pain? The brain can only handle one at a time. You could have pushed him off your tit and twisted your nipples hard. Or slapped your ass or thigh hard enough to stop it. But you didn’t do any of that. You were just a cum whore looking to get off as quickly as she could!” he finished with a shake of his head.

Mr. Michaels sat quietly for a minute. He rewound the video and watched and listened to her cum again. Then he fast forwarded to her presenting the used condom to the camera and then move off screen with a flush heard from it being disposed of. “What was my other instruction?”

Sarah looked at him confused. “I don’t understand? What do you mean?” she stammered.

“You were told to swallow his cum.”

“I did,” she insisted, still not understanding what he meant. “Watch the blowjob. I had to suck spunk out of his belly button! But I licked up every bit of it.”

He stared for a minute and watched her squirm. “What about the condom?”

Sarah’s head shook in disbelief. “What do you mean?”

“Why didn’t you get the cum out of the condom?”

“What?! Are you serious? Did you expect me to….pour that crap out of the condom and swallow it?!” She couldn’t believe what she had heard.

“I told you to swallow all of his cum. You knew he was about to cum. You could have pushed him off of you and pulled the condom off in time to get his dick in your mouth. Or let him cum on his stomach and lick it up from there. But you chose instead to have your own orgasm and let him cum in the condom. That still would have been fine, but you should have gone into the bathroom, and poured it into that slut mouth of yours. Am I making myself clear?!” His voice had risen through the whole explanation. By the end, he practically screamed at her.

“I…I…but…” Sarah couldn’t form the words.

“When I give you an instruction, I expect it to be followed to the letter! Is that understood, SLAVE Sarah?”

Sarah felt herself sink. She thought she had done so well. And the thought of drinking cum out of a condom seemed insane. Disgusting. Clearly, she still had a lot to learn. “Yessir.”

The scene jumped to where she masturbated in the shower. He rewound and watched it a second time. Finally, he stopped the video and turned to her. “Yes, I’ll have to punish you for failing your instructions. But overall, you did a pretty good job. You got that boy off twice and you did a good job on the blowjob. Your skills are clearly improving. Masturbating in the shower added a nice touch. So the punishment won’t be too severe.”

She felt shocked relief. Mostly at hearing that the punishment wouldn’t be too severe, but also because for the first time, he seemed somewhat happy with her and for some reason, that made her happy.

“But more on that later. Follow me upstairs,” he commanded, and she dropped into step behind him.

Once they got upstairs to the bedroom, he turned and stood next to the bed, waiting expectantly. She hesitated not knowing what to do. She waited for him to say something, but he just continued to stare at her. Then all at once it struck her what he wanted.

She jumped and moved over to him and started taking off his clothes. She unbuttoned his shirt and folded it neatly on the chair. She continued until he stood completely naked in front of her with his clothes and shoes placed very neatly. “Now you,” he commanded.

She ripped her clothes off as quickly as she could, not worrying about neatly folding anything. She dumped her clothes by the chair in a pile and started to return to him, but stopped when he held up his hand.

“On your hands and knees. Crawl over here, kiss my foot and apologize for failing to follow your instructions.” She paused while she took this in. Not wanting to disobey, she dropped to her hands and knees and crawled over to him. Once in front of him, she reached down and kissed his foot. It felt so odd to be doing it. Humiliating on a level she had never experienced. She couldn’t believe she had crawled on the floor completely naked. She felt a little ashamed of herself.

“I’m so sorry sir for failing you. I was a bad slave and didn’t follow your instructions. I deserve to be punished.” She kissed his foot again and hugged his leg. She kept her face down and waited for his reaction. She hoped by playing it up he would go easy on her.

Mr. Michaels didn’t respond for what felt like a long time. Eventually, he said approvingly “Good girl. That is the type of contrition I like to see. Now come up here and let me kiss you.”

The weight on her chest she had been carrying since she realized that she had fucked up lightened. She felt so relieved. She jumped to her feet and met his kiss as he bent down. It turned into a very passionate and slow kiss and he held her head in both hands. She couldn’t remember a more satisfying feeling. She put everything into that kiss.

When they finally broke contact, he still held her head in his hands and looked directly into her eyes. “I’ll still have to punish you, but it won’t be that bad. You might even like it. But more on that later. For now, jump up on the bed.”

She still wondered what he had in store for her, but she put it aside for the time being. She moved quickly to get on the bed. Mr. Michaels went to the bedside table and opened the drawer. He pulled out the nylon cuffs and came back to the bed.

“Give me your hand,” he instructed. She obeyed and he wrapped the cuff around her wrist and secured the Velcro to make it tight. He did the other hand and both ankles. He went back to the drawer and pulled out several coils of rope. Sarah knew that she would be finding out tonight what being tied up felt like.

“Lay down across the bed with your hands over your head,” he commanded. Sarah did as instructed feeling her heart start to race. He strung the rope through the D-rings of each wrist and then pulled the rope to tie if off on the side board of the bed frame. He moved to the other side and tied one leg to the footboard and one to the headboard pulling her legs wide apart. She pulled against the restraints and couldn’t move an inch. He had her totally helpless with her pussy spread wide open. Next, he set up the tripod and camera focused right on her pussy.

He crawled up beside her and started running his hand over her body. From her neck, over her tits, her stomach, down her thighs and finally back up to her pussy, he lightly rubbed, pinched, and squeezed her body. He didn’t hurry. He didn’t need to. He could do anything he wanted, and she couldn’t stop him. Next, he went to his bag on the other side of the bed and retrieved a riding crop. She had seen one before but had never used one and certainly had never been hit with one.

He started rubbing it over her body, following the same route as his hand earlier. Then without warning, he pulled the crop up and brought it down on her stomach with a sharp crack. She heard the loud snap noise first before a sharp pain radiated from where it struck her. The crop drug against her skin to another location and pulled back and whacked her again. This time she reacted and started to breath quickly in shallow breaths. “Relax. Feel the pain but try not to react. It won’t be as bad that way. Let the pain wash through you.” As soon as he finished, the crop came down just under her breast.

Sarah forced herself to relax. And to breath normally. Two more whacks, first on a thigh and then on top of her right breast. Controlling her fear helped. It hurt, but by staying relaxed and breathing, it became tolerable. The next one hit on the top of her pubic bone, just above her clit. The strike hit stronger than the others and stung. Next hit right onto her left nipple. She yelped and tensed for a second before getting under control. She struggled to keep her breathing level through a sharper intense pain that lasted longer. She wanted to rub her nipple and curl up into a ball. But she couldn’t move.

Another blow to her other nipple and then right on top of her clit. Excruciating pain coursed through her! Fire erupted in her most sensitive private parts. She started to struggle and pull against the restraints. She flopped from side to side while clamping her eyes shut. The crop traveled over her skin again. As she continued to struggle, the crop came down again and again.

She had no idea where they were going to hit, but strikes hit all over. Her thigh, then her stomach, then her shoulder, her tit, her pussy again, but the labia instead of the clit, then the side of her tit, her stomach…. It kept going for several minutes. She stopped struggling but tears rolled down cheeks. When she stopped struggling, the crop slowed, and he rubbed her skin more than he slapped her. She forced herself to accept the hits without reacted. Her skin tingled all over.

“Good Sarah. That’s right. Don’t fight it.”

With that, the crop left her skin, and he grabbed her right tit in his hand squeezing it while he suckled on her nipple. His tongue pressing on the abused protrusion made the pain intensify for a few seconds and she groaned. At the same time his left hand stroked her pussy from the bottom to the top and lightly circling her sore clit. All of a sudden, the pain melted away and a wave of pleasure rolled through her. A long shuddering moan escaped her lips. What the fuck had happened? She tried to open her legs even further, but they were held tight. She couldn’t move and she just had to accept whatever he wanted to do to her.

Just when it starting to feel really good and she started grinding her pussy up to meet his hand, his hands and mouth disappeared, and the crop returned harder and faster than before. So hard that she wanted to scream at the pain. She fought every instinct to struggle and thrash but couldn’t stop from flinching at the hard strikes. Her attempt to breath deep and normal ended up in hitched gasps, but she did her best.

She opened her mouth to beg him to stop when he did it on his own. She heard a buzzing sound turn on and popped her eyes open to try to see what new implement of torture he had pulled out. Before she could tell what he had in his hand between her legs, a strong vibration hit her pussy. She flinched in a full body crunch at the surprising new sensation, instinctively fearing pain. Something soft and round spread her pussy lips and vibrated her whole pussy and clit. Her quickly inhaled breath that she had been holding tensely, slowly released in a long drawn-out pleasure-filled groan.

He started running it up and down the slit of her pussy and rolled over her clit. It felt amazing! She had never used a vibrator before, but obviously knew about them and had always wanted to try one. She just never had the nerve to go buy one or borrow one. She knew a lot of other girls in her class had them and talked about them as being incredible.

The vibrator moved up and circled around the outside of her clit hood. She moaned and knew that she could cum in seconds with that directly on her clit. “Oh my GOD,” she said breathlessly. He rolled it back down and then used his other hand to spread her pussy lips wider. When the vibrator moved up, it landed directly on her completely exposed nub. It proved too much.

He held it right on her clit and she came with a huge orgasm. She screamed, “I’mmmm cummminggggg,” and her pussy vibrated and spasmed. A deeper wave followed the first without stopping and her orgasm trailed on for an eternity. The whole lower part of her body started twitching uncontrollably. She kept moaning as the orgasm continued to roll. It would peak and then start to ebb and then peak again, but never really stopped. She lost track of time, but it felt like minutes passed while the orgasm never let her rest.

Her oversensitive clitoris started to hurt, and the twitching turned into a thrash to get away from the beast between her legs. Her pelvis rolled from side to side trying to seek refuge, but he continued to hold it to her. Her body convulsed and she begged for him to stop. She realized her eyes and face had been squeezed tight and popped them open and lifted her head to plead to his face for relief. She saw a sadistic look of joy on his face while he continued to torture his victim. “His slave”, she reminded herself.

He finally pulled the vibrator away and she collapsed to the bed with a heavy sigh of relief. Ever few seconds her body quivered and shook feeling phantom vibrations. His fingertips lightly traced over her skin from her neck back down to her thighs in no particular path. The touch made her shiver and she felt goose bumps everywhere, but her clit never stopped throbbing like a second heart. He started rubbing up and down her slit with a finger sneaking it into her pussy every now and then. She continued to come down from an unbelievable height and her body slowly relaxed. He finger fucked her with more determination and it started to feel good again, eliciting a low satisfied moan from Sarah.

Without warning, he slapped her pussy with the flat of his hand. Her head came off the bed as she screamed. She had been completely unprepared for a new assault and it hurt like a bitch. He slapped again, and then again and again. She heard herself screaming, “Fuck! Stop! Fucking please!” The vibrator returned, but felt like it had been turned up to a stronger setting. He pushed it right between her swollen labia, just below her pleasure point. All pain vanished and she ramped up to another mind blowing orgasm in just seconds.

She body had been brought to such a sensitive state in so many ways. The new vibrations hit her like a ton of brinks and she strained against her restraints. Her muscles pulled completely tight as she tried to roll into a ball. When she couldn’t, her body had no other option and she came hard. She twitched and shook, mainly in her legs. Both legs trembled involuntarily. She felt liquid gush from her pussy. The vibrator sent droplets flying all over her thighs and dribbled down the crack of her ass over her asshole. She lifted her head still pulling tight against the restraints and screamed. Deep shutters racked her body.

When he finally pulled the vibrator away, she dropped back to the bed exhausted. What the fuck had he done to her? She gasped for breath and then his mouth dropped over hers and his tongue probed into her mouth seeking her tongue to dance. Dizziness prevented her from reacting for several long seconds. As she regained her composure, she hungrily returned the kiss. Their tongues found each other and played a game of cat and mouse from one mouth to the other. She wanted him in her like she had never wanted anything before.

She pulled off of him just long enough to plead, “Please fuck me sir. I need you. Please fuck me. I need your cock inside me so badly!”

He pulled the Velcro on one leg to let it come free. He got between her legs and very slowly and very deliberately entered her. Every inch felt like heaven to her. The position made it a little awkward, but he held her one leg up against his chest and over his shoulder, rotating her pelvis up while he straddled her other leg. It allowed him to penetrate deep enough for him to push up against her cervix. Before he even got into a full rhythm, she felt another small wave of orgasm pulse through her. She tried to tell him, but only managed to get out some strangled words, “Fuck. Oh shit. So good. Again.” She wailed and thrashed and wanted to fuck him back so desperately, but the restraints and his arms tightly holding her leg made it impossible for her to do anything but take it.

He continued to pump in and out of her ramping up his speed with each thrust. Her whole body tingled, and she felt herself lost in the euphoria of the moment. She let out a continual moan punctuated by little yelps with each full penetration. It didn’t take long before he released deep in her pussy. The warm flood of his sperm in her pussy gave Sarah a deeply contented feeling. As he slowed, he released her leg and leaned down to kiss her mouth and suck on her nipples for several minutes. His penis eventually softened and pulled out from her vagina, followed by a steady stream of their combined love juice.

She stayed completely cum drunk while he released her bonds. He gave her a few minutes to relax before he told her to get up onto her knees and face the camera. Once on her knees with her legs spread wide open, he took one of the lengths of rope and wrapped in around her stomach a couple times. He tied it off in the back and he made her put her arms back over her head, crossed at the wrist. With the end of the rope from around her stomach, he tied her wrists and pulled her arms down as far as they would go without hurting her. She felt him tie something else to her wrists and realized it must be the rope tied to the sideboard. She couldn’t move her arms at all and if she leaned forward, it pulled her arms uncomfortably, straining them.

He bounced off the bed and went back to his bag of sex toys. He came back with a set of clips that were connected by a chain and a what looked like a leather feather duster kind of to her. He held both items in her eyeline and in front of the camera and explained what they were. He identified the feather duster as a ‘flogger’, being a form of whip with a leather handle attached to a set of leather straps. The nipple clamps were pretty self-explanatory. Sarah had seen stuff like this in porn movies, but of course, never in real life. Sarah’s eyes got huge and her fear started to grow again.

He leaned down and sucked on both nipples making them erect. Then he brought the first nipple clamp up and attached it to the right nipple. It pinched and pulled her nipple. It didn’t hurt too badly at first, but Sarah realized that the longer it stayed on, the more it hurt. It felt a lot different than a person pinching her nipple. It squeezed at a single point with a constant pressure that never stopped. He applied the other one on the left nipple.

She didn’t react and tried to just control her breathing. Until he grabbed the chain and pulled forward. “Ow ow Ow OW OW!” she chanted as she tried to lean forward to lessen the tension. The strain on her arms prevented her from leaning very far and he continued to pull until her breasts pulled to points.

He let go and got behind her. He swung the flogger back and struck her ass. It hurt, but felt very different from the paddle. The strips of leather spread out and each strip struck the skin in a different location. The pain spread out more and the individual strips left stings all over the area where they hit. Like a bunch of bee stings. Mr. Michaels struck her over and over. Most of the strikes were on her ass, but he also hit her thighs and lower back. One strike on her thigh let the leather wrap around and hit her pussy. She screamed and jumped making the clamps swing and inflame her nipples further. The flogging went on minute after minute with the strikes getting harder as he went.

Sarah had trouble keeping her balance and started to wobble. She saw him bring his arm back farther than he had been and brought it down on her ass with a louder smack. Sarah could only grunt as the pain radiated out from red hot ass. To her great relief, he dropped the flogger.

He moved to her side and reached up with his right hand between her legs and started running the vibrator from her clit to her asshole. At the same time, his left hand reached around front and pulled the chain straight forward away from her. She naturally bent forward as far as she could go as her nipples stretched forward. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh FUCK,” she chanted until the vibrator zeroed in on her clit in small circles. The pain of the clamps dimmed and her hips started humping the head of the vibrator as a big wave of pleasure warmed her insides.

Mr. Michaels let go of the chain and twisted the right clamp 180 degrees one way and then all the way back 180 degrees the other way making Sarah whimper at a new spike of pain from her tender nipple. But it only lasted a second or two before she couldn’t feel the clamps at all despite Mr. Michaels twisting and pulling on them.

“I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna CUM!” she groaned as her clit triggered another orgasm. She shuddered again as the warmth of the orgasmic tingle spread all through her. It continued to surge through her even as she watched him pull harder on the clamps and stretch her tits to the limit. She stretched her arms and stuck her chest out as far as it would go. Just as the orgasm subsided, he pulled the clamps fully off her nipples with a quick jerk. He dropped them and started rubbing her abused breasts. As the blood started returning and both nipples ached sharply, Sarah could only throw her head back and wail at the fresh round of pain.

Mr. Michaels knew exactly how to rock her body from pain to pleasure to pain. Her skin burned and her tits felt like exposed nerves. She felt him release the rope holding her up and she started to fall forward, but Mr. Michaels deftly grabbed her and lowered her down to the bed laying on her chest. The pressure on her tits made her gasp and it felt uncomfortable, but easily forgotten in her exhaustion. She desperately needed a break. Her head swam from too much stimulation in too short of a time. She panted and just let her throbbing pussy and clit be her whole existence. She couldn’t even beg coherently. If Mr. Michaels wanted more, he would have to do it to her non-responsive body. She was spent.

Luckily, Mr. Michaels only worked to undo her bonds and her ams dropped to her sides. They were numb and sore from being held in that position for so long. But she couldn’t do anything about it. She didn’t have the strength to move them.

Mr. Michaels moved on top of her, straddling her ass and started rubbing her shoulders. He moved down her back and then to her arms. He even moved back from her ass and rubbed her ass in big slow rotations. It felt soooo good. Sarah still couldn’t move, but every tension in her body released. He rubbed her for at least 15 minutes until she started to recuperate.

Eventually, he backed off of her and plopped down on the bed on his back. “Okay my little slut. Get over here and blow me. We are going to work on your blowjob skills.”

Sarah struggled to get up and get between his now spread legs. What did he mean by work on her blowjobs skills? She thought she did a pretty good job. Both he and Conner came from her blowjobs.

“What am I doing wrong, sir?” she asked a little dejected.

“Don’t get me wrong sweetheart. You always give it your all. But I am sure nobody has ever given you any real direction or suggestions. It is unrealistic to expect a woman to know what feels best on a cock without some help. I just want to help you go from good to outstanding.” That made her feel better. He was right. She didn’t really have any idea if she did it right or wrong. Her only feedback had been a boy cumming. Nobody had ever given her a critique or a suggestion. All of her ‘training’ came from watching porn.

“To start, most girls just dive in and start sucking right away. Whether you are a girl or a guy, starting more slowly and playing around a little first to build some stimulation is important. When I go down on you, do I start right at the clit and go hard right off the bat? Of course not. It would be too much too fast. So start with licking and light strokes and run your tongue around the head.” Sarah held his cock gently and started with long licks up his shaft and kissing and swirling her tongue around the head of his cock.

“Very good. Remember that it is good to vary the speed and technique at the start. Suck and then pull off and lick. Go slow and then fast and jerk with your hand. Go all the way down to the balls and lick and suck them as well. They are sensitive, so just don’t do anything too rough. Use just your mouth and then just your hand. The idea is to tease me into becoming more and more sensitive.” Sarah followed the instructions and did everything he described. She licked and sucked, slowly and then fast, squeezing his penis and then stroking.

“Once you have me pretty excited, then you can focus on a more steady rhythm taking me deeper and deeper into your mouth. The more you practice, the deeper you will be able to go without gagging. And remember, most of the feeling for the guy is the friction over the head of the penis. You want to make it feel like it is pushing in and out of a pussy. And try to extend your tongue past your lip on the underside. More flat tongue is better.”

He continued in his patient tutelage. “At that point, use the hand as an extension of the mouth and lips. Hold your hand against your mouth and move both in unison, making sure that the hand rolls all the way over the head of the penis. Your mouth can come complete off, but by keeping it attached to your hand, you can now take very long strokes and it will feel like your mouth never leaves while stimulated the head. Then just slowly pick up the pace and squeeze progressively harder.”

“And don’t forget to keep fondling the balls at that point. Don’t squeeze too hard, but some pressure on them will stimulate the whole area. You will know the right time to start with practice, but once I get to that point, I will come quickly and much stronger. And last, eye contact is extremely important. Looking down to see a girl looking up at you and keeping that eye contact is extremely erotic.” She had initially been insulted by him suggesting that she didn’t have great skills, but she realized that he had been right and she really did benefit from his instruction.

She tried to remember everything he told her. She licked and played with him. She squeezed and released his shaft and stoked him. She licked down to his balls and sucked one into her mouth. She could feel his reaction and feel his arousal and sensitivity grow. She looked up into his eyes and saw him watching her. It made her own pussy get wet. She used just her mouth for a minute and tried to take him as deep as possible. She gagged a little at first, but it kept getting easier with each blowjob and she could take more.

Finally, she felt him tense more as his cock throbbed in her mouth. She started using her mouth and hand in unison. It really made it easier and she could tell by the way he responded that it felt good. He grunted and she could feel his body tighten. She fondled his balls and looked up at him while she started squeezing harder and increased her speed.

It took less than a minute at that point before he let go and the first big geyser of male nectar flooded her mouth. She had swallowed so much cum over the last couple of weeks that she didn’t react to the strong salty bitter taste. She gulped and swallowed and managed to keep it all in her mouth. She felt his body shake and he started to push her off, obviously getting oversensitive at that point. She sat back and smiled.

“Wow! Very nice. Huge improvement and you got it down much better. How do you feel about it?” he asked.

“I see what you are saying now. It makes sense now that you explained it. And that technique actually makes it easier. I can use my hand to do a lot of the work instead of just my mouth and really, I don’t have to take your dick as deep which makes it easier not to gag.” She actually felt accomplished and she knew she had learned something that would help her the rest of her life.

“Good girl. I’m proud of you. You are going to make for a perfect cocksucker!” he said with a smile.

He got up from the bed and retrieved a shopping bag and brought it back. She sat up and moved over by the edge of the bed to face him. “I have an assignment for this week,” he paused, “and of course your punishment for cumming with Conner,” he said with a frown. Sarah had to look away from his disapproving stare.

He reached in and started pulling out metal toys. Sarah recognized them as butt plugs. The first being fairly small. A heart shaped jewel adorned the end with a one inch long thin neck leading to a metal pointed ball about a half inch at its widest point. Each one he pulled out after got slightly bigger. The fourth one was curved with a metal looped handle at the end instead of a jewel. Overall, it looked about four inches in length from the tip to handle and the pointed ball at the end looked to be about an inch and a half wide.

The fifth looked like the forth, just bigger with a two inch ball. The last one was the only rubber one in group and it was HUGE! She guessed seven inches in length and a long tapered cone shape that had to be at least two and a half inches wide at its widest point with a two inch long neck and a narrow flared end that would rest between the ass cheeks. The next items were a big bottle of lubricant and a box of a dozen fleet enemas. Sarah sat petrified and sighed internally. Clearly he expected her to stick these in her butt!

“I’m going to fuck you in the ass next week, so we need to train your ass so it won’t hurt you. You are going to start tomorrow night with the smallest. I want you to put it in and leave it in for five minutes or so then take it out and rest for ten. Do it again a couple more times. On the last time, pull it in and out several times so you can learn how to accept it without it hurting. Use lots of lube. Lots of lube. And remember, relax and try to bear down like you are trying to poop when you put each one in the first time. The next night, move up to the next larger one and so on until Wednesday. Before you come over next Thursday, make sure to give yourself and enema before you get here. Understood? Any questions?” He waited for her to take it all in.

Flustered to the point of not being able to speak, Sarah could only nod her head. He planned to fuck her ass? With that giant dick of his?! She had never had anal sex and didn’t think of herself as that type of girl. When Mr. Michaels had stuck his finger in her ass, it had been the first time she had ever had anything inserted in her wrong hole. She knew some girls had anal sex, mainly to avoid getting pregnant, but she had never considered it a real alternative for her. She kind of liked it when Mr. Michaels stuck his finger in her ass, but it was a far cry to go from a finger to these huge plugs! Or his dick!

Her eyes traveled over them again and stopped on the giant one. There was NO WAY that thing would fit in her. “Please, please, Mr. Michaels. I can’t do that! I don’t want to be fucked in the ass! Let me just give you a blowjob. Or, or, you can…” she stammered looking for what else she could offer, “you can fuck me as hard as you want in the pussy. I just can’t do that!” she protested pointing to the butt plugs.

Mr. Michaels just stared at her and the let out a heavy sigh. He walked back to his bag of sex toys over by the bedside table and got the paddle. As he returned, she started to tremble and beg again. He grabbed her by the hair, entangling his hand in it right by the base of the scalp and drug her off the bed. Terrified, Sarah didn’t complain and did her best to comply. It didn’t hurt so much but it held her head in an uncomfortable position and she knew if she did fight too much, it would hurt. She got to her feet and then he turned her, bent her at the waist onto the bed and pulled her arms stretched out toward the middle of the bed.

“Listen you little slut. THIS IS NOT A NEGOTIATION!” he bellowed close to her ear. She trembled and closed her eyes hard. “You do not get to argue with instructions. You do everything I say without ARGUMENT! Do…you…under…stand?!” he finished, pausing between each syllable for emphasis.

Sarah’s breath hitched and she choked out meekly, “Yesss, yessir. I’m sorry. Sir! Please don’t hurt me. I understand.” She sobbed silently to herself.

“Last time I gave you a five out of ten. This will be a six.” She froze. Five out of ten? Did he mean that the last spanks had been half strength?! She couldn’t sit without feeling it for two days. She didn’t know if she could take more. She started to panic and gulped air in fits waiting for the paddle to swing back. She turned her head and looked back at him.

Mr. Michaels held the paddle against her ass. But he didn’t move. Sarah fidgeted and rocked from foot to foot in anticipation. He waited for a minute for her to calm down. “You made the choice Sarah. We could have gone to the police, and you could have dealt with the consequences of stealing. You begged to be a whore. To be my whore.” He let that sink in. “But you still have a choice. I’ll stop this instant. I told you I would agree to this ONLY if you were willing. We can stop and go to the police tomorrow and we can forget about these last couple of weeks. Take your punishment from them. Go to prison and pay a fine and deal with it. Or take your punishment from me. Willingly!” He paused again knowing she would need to think about this for a minute. “But you need to choose now. What’s it going to be?” he asked.

She put her face down and calmed herself, willing herself to breath normally. He was right. She had begged him for this rather than the alternative. He gave her an out that night and he had always maintained that she could stop. Would she rather deal with being known as a thief and a criminal? Or should she take her punishment and continue?

She thought back over everything she had already learned and experienced. He scared the shit out of her and it definitely hurt at times, but each time she found new levels of sexual gratification. Each time she let go and tried something new led to new understanding and new levels of pleasure. She could still feel the warm glow of some of her orgasms from earlier in the night. Being truthful with herself, she liked being submissive to such a strong man. Like putty in his hands, he molded her. He had told her the rules and she had broken them. She resisted his instructions and argued. To live through this, she had to be fully committed. To submit. And she needed to be punished to learn.

She knew what he wanted. She steeled herself for what was to come and slowed her breathing some more. She remembered her ‘lessons’. Stay relaxed. Let the pain wash over her without reacting or fearing it. Breath through it. He always gave her pleasure after pain. Hopefully he would this time as well. She turned her head back with new resolve so she could see him and said in a voice much more confident than she felt, “Please punish me Master. I was naughty and I deserve it. Thank you sir.” Acknowledging his dominance, his being her ‘Master’, cemented her fate and she let go of worrying about what would come. She just had to follow his instructions and do as told. Simple if she didn’t fight.

Mr. Michaels smiled at her submission and pulled the paddle back. He started with lighter taps and built to the strongest spank she had ever felt. One side, then the other and then across the middle. She whimpered and had to fight to keep her arms stretched out, but she didn’t complain. He interspersed lighter strikes with the strong ones and rubbed the paddle in circles giving her time to cool down. She took at least six spanks that were his ‘level six’. They stung horribly, but by accepting it, she actually found the experience easier to take than the first time. Still, she knew her ass would be sore in the morning.

He finally put the paddle down and started rubbing her red hot cheeks. “Good girl. Much better,” he complimented. His hand traveled down to her pussy and she instinctively opened her legs.

“Thank you sir!” she responded. She decided to go for more. “May I please have you pleasure me Master? I want to cum for you sir,” she cooed. She hoped she had played it right.

He thought about it and reached his hand up to his mouth, depositing a good amount of saliva on his fingers. Then he reached back down and rubbed up and down her labia and found her clit. He rubbed her clit in ever tighter circles and speed. Not too hard and not too soft. She responded immediately moaning and shifting her legs. She evidently turned him on as much as she had been turned on and he kneeled down with his face by her ass.

He wrapped his left arm around her leg in the front found her clit with his thumb. With the other he curled his fingers and inserted two into her pussy and started thrusting them down against the roof of her pussy on her g-spot. Sarah moaned more loudly and it started feeling better and better. Then he started kissing all over her tender ass, his lips were cold against the heat come off the pink flesh. He kissed toward the center and worked his mouth between her ass cheeks. His tongue found her little brown hole and started working around it. The tingles inside Sarah from the triple assault assured that it wouldn’t take long. As soon as he started fucking her ass with his tongue while his fingers continued on her other sensitive parts, she let the orgasm go.

“I’m cumming! I’m cumming for you sir!” she said in an urgent plea. Her legs shook and she felt what had become a very usual convulsion in her stomach. She fought to keep her knees from buckling, as she rode out several waves of pleasure.

“Thank you sir. Thank you so much Mr. Michaels. Sir. Master,” she ventured with a very satisfied sigh. She made no effort to move at all and stayed exactly in the position he had put her while he got back up.

“Good girl. You may sit back up on the bed and we can finish.” She obeyed and grimaced as she sat on her tender behind. It definitely hurt, but she had taken it and been rewarded.

“You have your instructions for the week,” he started while waving toward the set of butt plugs. “But we still have to deal with your punishment for cumming with Conner. Your instruction was to fuck without cumming. But you weren’t able to do that. You clearly need more practice.

Mr. Michaels reached back into the shopping bag still on the floor by the bed. He pulled out a small pink handheld vibrator identical to the one he had used on her earlier. He also pulled out an 8” dildo that looked just like a cock with balls and what looked like a suction cup on the bottom, followed by a small tripod with jointed legs, obviously made to hold a phone. The dildo had a flesh tone color with a very large and realistic looking head and even veins on the shaft. It really looked very similar to Mr. Michaels’ cock, just not quite as girthy.

“Starting on Monday, I want you to use either your fingers, the dildo, or the vibrator to masturbate. Once in the morning, once while you are at school, and once at night before you go to sleep. You will bring yourself to the edge of orgasm and then stop. And when I say the edge of orgasm, I mean right to the point of no return. I will know by how you react if you are really accomplishing this or not. But no matter what, you will not cum at all next week until you return here to me.”

He waited for her to look up before continuing. “You will record yourself with your phone and text me the video each time you masturbate. The tripod can be used to help hold the phone to let you use both hands if needed. But you will have to improvise while you are at school. It shouldn’t take more than two or three minutes each time you try. So go at it hard and get it done. And don’t forget, you still have your task with the butt plugs. You can do both at the same time, if that helps. Fuck two birds with one stone, so to say,” he chuckled. “Is that all understood?”

“Holy shit,” came to mind, but she didn’t vocalize it. At school too? This wouldn’t be easy. Let alone the idea of masturbating without cumming. She had never even tried that. But if this night had taught her anything, she did not even consider complaining or refusing. “Yes, sir. I understand. I will get it all done for you sir,” she said more determined than she felt. She hoped next week would not be a big homework week. And where the hell could she go to masturbate at school? She would have to worry about all of that later.

“You’ve had enough tonight. Go get cleaned up and get all of your toys together.” He laid back on the bed and propped his head up on a couple of pillows resting on his arm bent behind his head. Sarah couldn’t help but notice the satisfied look on his face as he watched her put all of her toys in the bag. She took her time and examined each one as she put them into the bag. The first couple of plugs didn’t look too bad. She wrapped her fingers around each of the others and pushed it though, using her fingers to mimic her asshole to see how it stretched them. She shuddered.

The cock had a real feel to it. Soft and pliable, but still firm in the center. She could bend it, but only so far. She even tried to stick it to the bedside table to see how the suction cup worked. She had trouble getting it back off until Mr. Michaels suggested that she use one finger to pull up one edge to break the suction. She tried it and nodded at the result. Then she tried the vibrator. Three indents for ‘buttons’. Lower button clearly being the power. And the top one went from slower vibrations to faster harder vibrations. The middle button ran through a bunch of patterns. Pulses, slowly ramping intensity waves, longer and shorter durations, and lots of combinations. That could be fun she thought to herself.

Last she squirted just a drop of lube on her fingers and rubbed it between her first two fingers and thumb. Very slick, but not too heavy. She got everything into the shopping bag and smiled at Mr. Michaels and then turned with a bounce and headed to the shower. She ran through everything from the night in her head as the warm water did its work. So much had happened. She realized how tired it had made her. She dried off and dressed quickly.

Then she jumped up on the bed and gave Mr. Michaels a big cheerful kiss and probed his mouth with her tongue drawing his out. She even felt him hold her head gently with his hand. She finally broke the kiss and pulled back enough to look him in the eyes and said, “Thank you Master.” She grabbed her shopping bag and headed out with one quick look back as she left the bedroom.


2024-08-31 19:49:54
Great story! I like following her on her sexual awakening.
Can't wait to read the rest


2022-12-20 06:51:32
Sarah is learning the hard way from her Master Mr Michaels. Teaching her the lessons of dicipline, obedience, and submission. Taking her punishment in and go for her next task. Masturbate without comming. Strech her rosebutt for that what has to come. Being fucked in the ass. Love it Fg.


2022-09-29 04:48:40
Another good piece of writing. This absolutely belongs in the 90 percent or above category. Not sure what is going but I am impressed it has not deterred you from continuing to post future installments. It is evident by your writing you take care in every word you put down. Thank you for putting out good material to read.


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