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Lisa had been exploring her submissive side and getting into kinkier sex
Sometimes things just happen without planning or control. Lisa and I had gone off for a long weekend over August bank holiday in Bournemouth leaving the boys with her parents for the duration. A nice long romantic weekend to reminisce about how things this last summer had developed, how she was now openly having other men and had become a hotwife to me and I become the enthusiastic occasional cuckold.

Our sexual relationship was forming where we’d had several men together in a threesome, plus a few where I’d just watched and she had gone solo with quite a few others – straight sex with me ready to ‘clean up’ after he left or she came home. She accepted from me several ‘hotwife’ challenges, to which we had both derived fun; mostly teasing exhibitionist things, but in general meant she went around without underwear most of the time.

Since our orgy with Theo and his brothers back in June, (see Lisa 4) she had been to meet him on her own on a further three Friday evenings of fun, the first time he’d asked me if he could invite her and had me ask her. The next 2 times she just told me she was going. Each time he’d sent me his own wife as company for the evening and she was terrific; but I got the feeling that Lisa evening was more eventful. She wouldn’t tell me what went down, but I imagined a version of what took place at the first orgy, plus. Each evening she’d left looking like a million dollars, with new high heeled shoes and a sexy dress, she let me know that was all she wore. She’d return as the sun was rising in a taxi but with just the shoes. She’d be exhausted, but we’d have rampant sex all the next day. I noticed but did not comment on the marks etc., on her body.

It was only after the events at the party (Lisa 2) in July; that I started to get an inkling that my wife had a predilection for receiving S & M play. What I’d witnessed at her boss’s house had me hard for days, but combined with the tell-tale marks from Theo’s evenings had me putting things together and getting very aroused.

Back to Bournemouth, on the Saturday afternoon after a pub lunch walking back to the hotel in the warm August sunshine, we were hit by a rain squall which was sudden and lasted barely 5 minutes. We were both soaked trough, but Lisa was wearing a thin white cotton sundress which went totally see-thru and clung to her body like it was sprayed on. Her nipples now poked through the cotton, erected by the sudden cold, standing out like beacons, between her hips you could see she was clean shaven. She was to all who’d laid eyes on her virtually naked but for her strappy heeled sandals. After the initial shock and as the rain died away, we both became aroused by the eroticism of the situation. 15 minutes later back in our hotel room we had rampant sex, until dinner time.

After our dinner as we sat in the bar with coffees and drinks, a guy came up to us and started chatting. I had forgotten that Lisa was wearing her ankle chain which I’d brought her the previous Christmas, to men in the know that was a definite signal of a woman who took lovers. After about 15 minutes of general chat, he mentioned he’d been in the foyer when we’d returned that afternoon, and he said the ‘wet’ look suited Lisa. I could tell she was very open to him and he was making it plain he was interested; the vibes she was giving off matched his. Nick as we came to know him was in his mid-20's and built like a 'Chippendale'. In fact he was an American Marine Officer, who had just finished 6 months with our guys and he was black. Even though I was fairly knackered after our afternoon romping, I was getting a turn on at the prospect of watching my wife with a hung black guy.

Lisa was wearing a pair of tight jeans with ankle boots, but on top she wore a jersey top with about 5 buttons on it the upper most one was undone showing the swell of her breasts. He asked her if he could see her breast without the ‘wet effect’. I knew what he meant. Lisa looked at him for several moments before she undid the next button, my mouth went dry and then the next one. From my angle, she was almost showing a bit of nipple, I knew the next would reveal all. At this point Nick waved to a barman and he came over and Nick ordered three more Brandies. I looked around we were at one end of the bar in high backed chairs, Nick and I had our backs to the wall, Lisa effectively had her back to the room. As the barman turned away, Nick raised an eyebrow at Lisa as if to say carry on. She undid the second to last, I waited for the big reveal, it didn’t happen. She undid the last one, just as the barman approached with the drinks. The material of the top was parted down her front, but it clung to her breasts. If the barman noticed he didn’t give any indication. Lisa had a slight smile on her face as if she knew all along she’d be covered. Then she leant back a bit and slowly both sides slipped away, revealing her breasts fully to our eyes. Her nipples were swollen and hard, now she was grinning.

My desire was to see how long my wife would hold out on this exposure in a public bar. But I knew that was only one outcome now and 20 minutes later we three were in our room and she and Nick were dragging clothes off each other. Watching her go down and suck that huge ebony cock into her mouth the first time, had my cock hurting it was so hard and so big it was like 2½ coke cans end on end. For maybe the first hour I watched as they went at each other, he was into all three holes; when he took aim at her anus, I thought ‘Oh No, he’s too big for her, but she barely raised a moan and he slid in with her figures guiding him. I watched as she sucked him time and time again even went he pulled out of her arsehole. She squealed and cooed at his thrusts, urging him on each time. No mention was made of condoms and then I was ‘invited’ to come over and clean up, Nick had now cum in all three; arse, pussy and mouth.

I was lying on my back on the bed. Whilst Lisa got into position to sit on my face, lowering her inflamed pussy to my mouth; I was so intent to my task that whilst I realised Nick had got up and was standing beside the bed; I was dimly aware that he was telling her he needed a pee, she said something back to him. By now Lisa was kneeling on me, I was looking up at her stomach; breasts and could see her face. Nick had got back on the bed, his cock was nearly level with her face, I watched stunned as she opened her mouth and as she did so his cock started a stream of pee, sprayed directly into her mouth. She was gulping his piss down as fast as she could whilst grinding her pussy on my lips.

In the past few months I have eaten other men’s cum out of my wife’s pussy, maybe 25+ times by then and each time shot off my own cock without touching it myself or her doing anything to me. Because of the sex we had that morning and again in the afternoon I had no expectation that it would happen, but seeing her drink his pee had my cock spurting. She managed it so well, barely a drop escaped and he must have been holding it for a while as it went on and on. As the last drips emerged she sucked him hard again. And I’d felt her cum off on my mouth.

Now my wife moved herself forward on my mouth so that her anal hole was on me, to be licked of its sticky deposit, again this was something she’d had me do from time to time, not as much as eating her pussy cream pie, but when she was arse fucked, yes. I watched her bring him to a hard on again and then suck each testicle into her mouth one at a time, both would have been too much to manage. As my tongue found it’s was into her rectum, I noticed how easy it slipped inside, as I did so I looked up as I felt him move, Lisa had told him to turn around and bend over. Gripping each arse cheek she leant forward and proceeded to rim his rectum. I almost felt my cock groan as it came back to a full erection that was now painfully hard. I could plainly see her tongue dipping up his rectum, just as I was doing her. His cock hanging free and enjoying the sensations, it was dripping precum onto my forehead.

We continued like this for maybe 10-15 minutes, till Lisa stopped things and turned around on me into a ‘69’ position and Nick, came in and entered her arse whilst I sucked on her pussy. I was an inch away from that huge cock, really up close, marvelling at how she could take such a thing up her arsehole so easily. Equally I was surprised at how my own cock was lasting as she sucked me, I was as hard as I’d ever felt, in fact it felt like I might burst out of my skin I was so rampant. I think she must have known how I was, as she was taking her time, savouring and giving one of the best blow jobs I’d ever received. Whilst I licked and chewed on her clit and labia.

Then she reached behind and was guiding his cock into her pussy, I thought, but no she was pushing his cock at my mouth. He was in me before I really appreciated what she was doing. This was my wife’s method of asserting that I was her cuckold, she was in control. This would not be the first cock I’d sucked whilst her cuckold, nor would it be the last. I tasted the heady tang of his maleness and her earthy flavour of her rectum as I began to suck. We settled into a rhythm of his fucking my mouth as Lisa sucked me. When he came off into my mouth, it was a small gush, after all I think he’d already come off 4 times already with Lisa, why I shot at the same time I don’t know.

She must have sensed what had happened as she turned around again and kissed me full on my mouth, giving back to me the juice I’d just shot off. We kissed for minutes deeply, exchanging the jism. Once satisfied she rolled away from me and had me sit up a bit, I knew what was coming. It was part of our cuckold ritual, after I cleaned her up of either or both holes of her lovers jism, if she’d drunk his pee, I would drink her next 2 pisses. Now with her pussy clamped over my mouth she let go down my throat. I gulped it all down and it went on forever, but even my cock had started to rise again as I drank.

At some point soon afterwards I collapsed completely, I woke to go relieve my own bladder about 4am and they were fast out as well. Falling asleep again, Lisa nudged me awake about 6:30 to take another pee from her, I noted he must have fucked her again whilst I was asleep. At 9am I was awoken again for another emptying of her bladder, (he’d pissed down her throat twice more during the night).

In the morning over breakfast, we were joking around and he was saying to Lisa, I'd really like to bind those breasts of yours up and do things to them. We were both stunned, as we hadn't given any hint to him of submissive desires, far from it. He'd said it jokingly, but Lisa was agreeing without even looking at me. I was pretty flat sexually tired so hadn’t really joined the conversation, they both looked totally fresh. Nick was asking her if she’d ever done anything like that before, she was saying she’d taken some mild stuff and they were both perking up, as was I, but Lisa had that flirty twinkle back in her eyes now. I was thinking back to the party a few weeks earlier at her Boss’s house, but it was obvious she’d done some stuff with Theo and his brother/friends also some play with Steven. She was telling him outright stuff which I’d asked about but she hadn’t confessed, he was asking her if she’d like to take thing a bit further and she was saying a definite yes.

Lisa was aglow, (the only way to describe it), gushing his expertise; she asked him all sorts of questions "what was the most severe thing he'd ever done to a woman's nipple" etc., eta., So sitting there in a comfortable lounge, he told us some of the things he'd done. Lisa hung on every word, because of what he'd already done she was wearing a light cotton tee-top, but there was no denying the arousal of her nipples.

After breakfast Nick told us he needed to get some gear together and suggested we get some sleep and met him in the bar about 5pm that afternoon. Half an hour later as we lay down on the bed, Lisa turned to me and told me she had confessed about the sub/dom things that had been done to her, because she was concerned I would be worried about her safety, rather than aroused, as she talked me through things, I became hard again and she noticed. She wasn’t going to give me a detailed account, just that she was leaning to get off on being dominated; humiliated; used and abused. But we were both too knacked at this point to talk on and we drifted off to sleep.

When I awoke, it was about 3:30 and Lisa was up and getting herself ready, but not before she’d made use of her personal urinal again, before I showered. When we went down to the bar for 5pm Lisa was looking ravishing, she wore a pair of heeled ankle boots, a short skirt and blouse, I knew there was no underwear, and anybody coming close could draw the conclusion too.

Nick was waiting and to my surprise he lead us to his car parked outside and we got in. He drove us for maybe 20 minutes out of Bournemouth right into the New Forest and parked in one of the many car parks there, another 20 or so car were there and he gave me from the car a cold bag containing wine, water and beer plus some snacks. He picked up a small holdall and we set off. Now I know why he told her to wear her ankle boots. He had given her a password in case things got too much for her, but he said his job was the make her give it, hers was to hold off as long as she could. Just that made my cock twitch..

The area comprised small trees and bushes with grass, all in full foliage at that time of year. First off we followed a well- worn path. Lisa walked in front and Nick and I followed, with him giving her directions, after 500 yards he told her to undo her blouse and walk with it open, she complied without hesitation, there was no one about that I could see. He explained he’d scoped this out early, but it wouldn’t do for anyone to spot Lisa at this stage and investigate further. After maybe 100 yards he had her take the blouse off and her skirt and hand them to me. Again not the slightest hesitation on her part, didn’t even look around.

Another 300 yards and he guided us into a small clearing; there were two young trees in the centre and almost surrounded by bushes etc., all at least 15 feet high, some grass on the floor, but I could tell it had been used recently as a camping spot by somebody. We weren’t exactly hidden; anyone passing within 20-30 yards would have seen us through the foliage.

As I suspected the first thing Nick did was to tie her in a “X” spread-eagled between the two trees. Then with a cord he bound up her breasts in a figure of 8, enough for them to colour a bit.

Nick produced a flogger from the bag and proceeded to apply it slowly and softly at first to her breasts bum and exposed pussy. After maybe 2 minutes and a dozen swipes, he started to apply the flogger harder, making her boobs bounce on each strike and bringing a pink colour to each area he struck. After maybe again a dozen hit, he upped it again, red welts now appeared, but Lisa didn’t seem to mind. I did notice that her nipples were rock hard and her labia looked engorged with blood, a state usually achieve by foreplay.

Next he *********** a 2 foot long riding crop and applied to those same areas, I noticed how her breasts would flatten as he struck, she was now giving little gasps on each hit, when he stuck on her exposed pussy region I was concerned, but Lisa didn’t show any distress.

The three of us were now very aroused and he freed her and we had frenzied sex, using all three holes, I followed him; moving from pussy to arse and then to mouth before repeating, spending maybe a minute in each hole. I could tell how aroused Lisa was, but he’d said to not let her climax. After three rotations he had her knee and then peed into her open mouth, she drank every drop. He and I had both cum off me into her mouth and he spayed her face, as he finished his piss.

We paused for a drink of cold water, and then he had Lisa stand beneath the bigger of the trees, her breasts were still bound and showing some markings, but now he pulled those bindings tighter. Having her kneeling on the ground, he bound her ankles and legs, almost forcing her onto her knees; then he played a thicker cord around an outlying branch of the tree and tied it to the centre of her breast binding, slowly he pulled, and lifted her off the ground, all her weight was now centred on her bound breasts. I saw her eyes flare up in slight alarm, she was off the ground by about 2 foot when he secured the rope and left her there, now her breasts were really changing colour to a red then purple. I felt my cock hardening again.

He asked me to get beneath her and start to lick and suck her pussy, which I did. I knew neither of us had cum in her, but the juice flowing was close to a cream pie. While I did so I could still see his actions, now he produced a packet of map pins and started to insert these pins of maybe 1½” into her breasts, right up to the plastic top. She was gasping at each push to start with and these were multi-coloured pins and he had about 40 which he used on both her tits. He didn’t do her nipples telling us he had something special for them later on.

Moving back he produced what I’d call a bull whip; a long thin leather strap with an end that looked like a hard lump. He struck her maybe 20 times, her pussy was still exposed and her breasts still under stain and with pins still embedded, every time the leather curled around her breast and across her pussy she was yelping and for the first time droplets of blood had appeared on her boobs. He would pause and that was my signal to get my mouth on her clit and pussy again, every time she felt so wet, she was dribbling juice. I was starting to realise she was ‘loving it’ as they say. This prompted maybe 20 more lashes from his bullwhip.

At the end of this part he let her down and removed everything except the map pins in her breasts and we repeated our sexual threesome all over again. When he fucked her in the arse or pussy he’d reach up and give each boob a squeeze and she’d groan.

Then he had her kneel behind him as I licked her whilst on my back and she rimmed his arse and I mean rimmed him, not just a lick around his anus, but a deep tongue dive up inside his rectum. He was holding both breasts and still squeezing away which seemed to make her go deeper. At this point Lisa let go of her full bladder, her hot urine was not unexpected. This was her fourth pee down my throat in less than 24 hours, but apart from a cup of tea at breakfast and a few sips of water, all she’d drunk was Nick’s pee 3 or 4 times last night and then both of ours she’d drunk 45 minutes earlier. It was a warm day and her piss was getting stronger. As if he read my mind Nick turned around and gave my wife yet another piss drink. She must have been bursting because her flow into my mouth was maybe one of the longest I’s taken from her. I was also buoyed by the fact that I knew I’d need a pee soon as she was the sub, she’d be drinking mine and it would be strong.

We then proceeded a repeat of the first fuck session, this time he allowed her to climax, or rather she seemed to climax almost as soon as we entered and over maybe the next 12 minutes she orgasmed 4 or 5 times, as we moved from pussy to arse, to mouth.

After another pause to recover, asking Lisa if she was still up for things, we moved to another task. This time was an upside down “X” between the 2 trees, with her hair just touching the ground, arms wide apart and legs even further, he pussy was splayed open. He started with the flogger, this time her pussy region was so open, I could see her labia quiver with each strike, and the normal underside of her breast now full exposed took some lashes. I could tell she was virtually on the brink of another climax, when he paused. From his bag he produced a pair of latex gloves as used by medical staff, and from behind a bush a huge pile of stinging nettles, which he must have gathered earlier when he did his reconnoitre of this site. I knew instantly what he had in mind, so did Lisa, she cried out NO! (but not the password).

Taking a few stands of nettles he started slowly on the tender underside of her breast, over the nipples and up to the top of her boobs; Lisa was now whimpering, in a way I’d never seen her, saying please no and such as he did this. Because her labia was splayed wide apart when he used a few fresh ones on there, it was her inner lips which were tormented, but his down stoke also ran over her clitoris on purpose. A further bunch of nettles now, was used upon those parts, she had stopped pleading, stopped whimpering. Nick pointed out to me how swollen her labia and especially her clit had become, her nipples seemed to have grown in side too, but were hard and swollen. My wife was breathing faster now and it was very similar to when she makes love.

Suddenly she groans and cries out ‘faster, harder’. He makes her say again, makes her say she likes it and then responds with fresh bunches in each hand and does as she wants. Seconds later she is shuddering in orgasmic climaxes one after another. It’s like a machine gun, I’ve made her climax like the first one, maybe a dozen times in our life together, but she has maybe 6 or 7 such climaxes over 3 minutes. For his part, Nick’s cock which at the stark was ramrod hard had spurted of its own accord as Lisa climaxed, spaying her body with his jism.

When he stops they are both bathed in sweat, he frees her of the bondage and she collapses on the ground, as if she’d just run a mile flat out. Lisa has made such a noise, not screams as such; more gasps and moans of delight. But I look around outside to see if she has drawn any attention. It seems not. Nick and Lisa both have grins on their faces, ‘Oh God that was good’ she said.

I help her to her feet. I have a hard on, but I’m thinking that must be it. Lisa’s aureole had now swollen to twice their usual size, I was amazed. I put my mouth over her right breast, ‘Mmmmmm’ she groaned, holding my head there ‘bit it, chew it’ she commanded. I let my teeth close around the teat, but she thrust her breast into my mouth so the nipples were near my molars, I closed down, ‘Oh yes’ she whispered, ‘harder’ I complied, I was now biting and almost chewing on her. She still held my head in her hands, she pulled me off and pushed the other into my mouth, ‘do it harder’ bite me’ she commanded. This time I made no pretence of gentleness. I was almost trying to chew her nipple off with my teeth and she was loving it.

We were standing facing and I felt my cock against her pussy and it slipped in, OMG was she wet, it was like slippy into warm goo, but neither Nick nor I had cum into her there.

Nick now is back with us and I again lie on the ground as my wife lowers her pussy onto my face; it’s time to be a urinal again, kneeling over me. As I drink Nick is pulling the pins out of her breasts, till all have been removed, there are some minor specks of blood on her boobs. As he removes them he is pulling and twisting and squeezing her breasts. I am looking at her labia lips and clit, her lips are so swollen, red raw would be a good de***********ion and her clit is like a red pepper, huge, swollen, engorged.

When she has finished releasing her bladder, I am in need of relief too, Nick almost reading my mind has her kneeling for another drink from his, but when it’s my go, the steam is so yellow and the smell wafts up to me. Of course it’s hiss pee into her, then into me, plus with my piss as well. As he sees me trailing off, Nick takes my cock and aims it all over her face and hair, even aiming up her nose. This is such a sexy act I splurge my cum over her face yet again, this time some urine and cum is in her eyes.

Lisa seems to revel in the humiliation. She makes no attempt to wipe any of it off.

We are standing close together when Nick says he has two more tasks for her, is she still willing to play? Of course she is up for it.

He then took her breasts and really bound them tight with wire flex, her boobs were like balloons; unlike before they turn almost purple within seconds. He calmly told her that he was going to stub the cigar he was smoking out on one of her nipples. She almost swooned. Under his guidance I helped him tease her for about 20 minutes, using my mouth and ice on her nipples which were so swollen, whilst he flicked about with his cigar. She was kneeling upright as this was done.

He had assured me to one side that he would only use the cigar on her if he was 101% sure she was willing for it to happen, otherwise it was just a threat. A threat that worked a treat, because we both felt her cunt from time to time, she was dribbling. I suspect he knew what would happen, that was, after some 20 minutes of teasing, She was begging him to do it, but it was a further 5 minutes before he actually did it, by which time she was telling him it would be alright etc.,

When he did do it, I had expected a scream or something, He’d sucked on the cigar till the tip was glowing red hot, I swear she almost was thrusting her chest to meet that tip and then he very, very slowly ground it out, right with her teat taking the brunt of the red hot ash. she just groaned something like 'Oh God!; Yes that's it go on', her body rocked back and forth and she certainly climaxed.

Now, he asked her if she wanted the other one done, yes she did. No hesitation or thought. We repeated the preamble of the first one till he started touching the side of her nipple with the hot ash. She jumped at each one and he did four the signs of the compass; then finally the very teat again, but this time not only did he place the red hot ash on the teat, as she cried out, but he kept the cigar in his mouth and with it still in contact with her nipple he sucked and puffed. She could have flinched away so easy. She wasn’t bound, he was testing her to see how she’d take it. She shuddered and climaxed.

Then she eagerly, almost gratefully sucked him for ages till he shot into her mouth. I’d was totally spent by this time. It was now getting dark gone 8pm. We’d been playing for nearly 3 hours. Lisa walked back to the car in just her boots, I was holding her skirt and blouse. She looked dead on her feet, I’d no idea how many times she’d climaxed that afternoon, over a dozen. Back at the hotel, I helped her into her skirt and blouse, the adrenalin was probably wearing off now, Nick insisted she walk back through the lobby with us, a further humiliation, for her? For us both? One or two funny looks, but I doubted anyone could guess what we’d been up to.

We were all knackered; before we parted he gave me a very large bottle of calamine lotion. We collapsed into bed and fell asleep. But not before I had her kneel and take another blast of the stinking urine. She took it without protest and then fellated me before we both crashed.

This afternoon was the first time Lisa had drunk my piss other than a mutual exchange. I knew she was taking pee from lovers drinking all down these days, because it addition to liking me to clean her after her sexual trysts, I also drank her next 2 pees if she had done so with another man. It had become a ritual. One that I enjoyed. Even at this stage she was being a urinal for 4 to 5 men every week and had engaged as such with over 30 different men, half one night stands.

Her nipples was really sore for about 10 days afterwards and still painful for about a month. She did regret it for the first few days, but she did say about 6 weeks later, she'd let him do it again, to both nipples and her over riding regret was that she didn't get him to do something to her clit.
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