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Alex has won Esther's heart and body, it can't get any better than this. Can it?
Esther called me up one day out of boredom from her work routine. We were shutting down early that Friday after wrapping up a big contract, so I asked her, “How about if we run away for the weekend, like we used to when we were in school?”

“Where did you have in mind?”

“I don’t know, but we’ll make it a short trip, we can pack light.

“How light?” She sounded tentative.

“Meet me in your lobby, we can leave your car there and I’ll drop you off when we get back.”

“Wow, just like that?”

“There’s nothing we can’t do without, or that we can’t get later. Like I said that one time, 'We're young, we got our wheels and plastic on our hip, what else would we need?'"

I could almost see her smile at the memory those words brought up. When my father had taken off for South Korea for three weeks, I had just picked up a sport bike and met her on campus. I knew that one of her old boyfriends had one and she loved riding it with him, so I was glad about my choice when her eyes lit up when she saw me arrive. She slung her backpack and asked where we were going. I just shrugged and pointed the bike west. When she saw that I wasn’t going to stop at our home she asked me why weren’t packing, and I that’s when I first told that saying to her. She grinned and put her arms around me tight. Just two youngsters going off on an adventure. We hit the Pacific coast and turned Highway 1 into a thrill ride. We stopped at dusk in a small town where we rented a cottage for the weekend, and we spent it dancing at a local music spot and sweaty fucking each night.

“Then you remember that salsa place we found that night?” She was warming to the idea.

“It would be a very sad thing if we ever forgot.”

“I’ll see you downstairs!”

We flew out to Monterey and stayed at the Plaza Hotel, which sat at one end of Cannery Row. While I unpacked, Esther took off her jacket and shoes to relax before we set out for dinner. The bay was clear of clouds and fog, so I opened the drapes of the floor to ceiling windows. Esther padded across the floor to join me and take in the view.

“Thanks for bringing us out here, honey.”

She noticed my facial expression, an involuntary, slightly startled look. “Do you think this place is okay?”

“Yeah,” I told her, “This place is great. It’s not that. I never mentioned it before, but it feels a bit funny to hear you call me honey.”

“Why not?” she asked as she turned to me, unbuttoning her blouse, and letting it drift open. The view behind her seemed pretty insignificant all of a sudden. “You’re the man in my life, so that’s my pet name for you.”

“It’s just that I’m used to you saying that to my father.”

She made an “ah” of understanding and shook her head.

“Alex, the divorce was almost four years ago. We’ve been living together for two. I’m not your stepmother anymore.” She reached into my pants and grasped me in way that reinforced what she said. She squeezed and stroked, slow and firm, going a little faster when my cock hardened in her grip. She let her blouse slip off her shoulders, and it slid down to the floor.

“The people in those beach houses across the bay might have big telescopes,” I warned her.

“If they want to peep, then let’s give them something to really gawk at,” she told me as she took her skirt off and gave me a tongue kiss that made me break into a sudden sweat. “Leave the curtains open.”

I picked her up and carried her to the bed.

We left for dinner while there was still a little light left. She knew a small restaurant a couple of blocks over on Lighthouse Avenue that she wanted to try while we there. On our way across the coastal bike trail, we noticed a couple sitting by the side. The man was in obvious discomfort and the woman was tending to him.

“Are you two going to be all right?” Esther paused to ask them.

“Some dust was kicked up and got in his eyes,” the woman answered.

“Let me look at him,” Esther asked. She examined his eyes and told him, “Please try to keep your eyes open.”

Esther lightly touched his face to hold his eyelids open and blew gently on his eyes. “Okay, try carefully to blink now.”

“I think that helped, thank you.”

“What’s your name?” the woman asked.

“I’m Esther. This is Alex.”

“I’m Marisol, the man you helped is my husband, Carlo. Thank you very much.”

“It doesn’t look like your eyes were scratched, but you should get some eye drops to clear them out and soothe the inflammation. Come with us, there’s a drug store on the corner over there.”

As Esther helped Carlo, he was apparently getting turned on by her gentle touch and the soft sensation of her breath on his face. Marisol’s gaze directed me to his crotch, and I could now see the size of his dick as it swelled up in his pants. It not only made a huge bulge, but it was halfway down his thigh towards his knee! Marisol stepped towards the sidewalk, blocking the view from any passersby.

It bumped Esther’s leg and she looked down. I could see her mutter, “Holy fuck.”

Carlo shuffled back a step self-consciously. Marisol stepped in front of him to spare him further embarrassment. I noticed that she was stacked very nicely for her short frame. I also noticed her look at me with appreciation, though I quickly put that aside as flattering myself. Besides, she already had a tall, dark handsome man with a member hanging halfway down his leg. I figured that he must be a porn star wherever he came from or had been hired by a resort to keep tourist women coming around.

Esther’s maternal instinct kicked in and she wanted to stick around a bit while Carlo’s eyes got flushed out. Marisol didn’t seem to mind the fussing. “Thank you so much, you didn’t have to go out of your way to do this.”

“Not at all,” Esther pointed, “We were on our way to that restaurant across there when we saw you.”

“Please, allow us to buy you dinner, then. It’s so good to meet pleasant, helpful people.”

Damned if she didn’t make eyes at me again. Esther noticed too but didn’t make anything of it. If anything, she seemed inwardly pleased. At dinner, the two of them carried on like sisters or long-lost friends, talking animatedly with lots of laughter. Carlo and I talked photography and motorcycles. Afterward, there was still a lot of night left so I asked everyone what they would like to do.

“I want to stop in the shops on the way back to pick out what to wear for the weekend,” Esther answered, putting a hand on Marisol’s shoulder, “and now I have someone to shop with.”

Carlo and I grinned as the two of them smiled at each other and back at us.

“Happy wife, happy life,” he nodded to me, then leaned over to kiss Marisol.

“Would you care to join us for a couple of drinks?” Esther asked. “Alex, you and Carlo can find something and we’ll join you upstairs when we’re done.”

Carlo and Marisol headed back to their car to move it closer to the hotel first, then Carlo and I picked up a smooth, sweet liquor from the hotel bar to split with the girls and went up to wait. He stepped out on the balcony for a smoke and settled into a chair to enjoy the view. I poured glasses for us and settled into the other chair.

“This is a wonderful suite, so much room and a magnificent view.”

“Esther’s pretty good at making this sort of thing happen. I’m just the one who gets us started.”

“How did you two meet?”

“I’ve known her since high school,” I fudged, “I didn’t get together with her until a few years ago. I never thought that I would. I always thought she was beyond my reach.”

“I can understand that. After we got married, Marisol told me that when we first grew close that she felt insecure, that she was too young and inexperienced for me. She’s very beautiful, but she thought I would never take her seriously.”

“It’s not a good feeling,” I agreed, “but when Esther and I finally got together, wow, it really clicked.”

“Marisol thinks you are a very handsome couple.”

“I’d thank her when we get a chance.”

Carlo smiled easily. It was the smile of a proud husband, so I didn’t know how to take it when he said, “That would please her. She thinks that you’re a very handsome man with an exciting body. That you look like you are very… talented, and that you must be to have such a beautiful woman who can’t keep her hands off you.”

I was caught off guard being told this by another man, especially on behalf of his wife. He told me that easily, though, as if he discussed it every day with someone new.

“What do you think of Marisol?” he lowered his voice a bit to ask me. “Do you find her attractive?”

“She’s very attractive. With those luminous eyes and that killer smile, I was thinking she could be a model.”

Carlo grinned. “She is. An adult model, that is. She’s posed for men’s magazines before. We met by posing together, a scene of us having sex in a luxury hotel, like this one. Most women would give anything to have a body like hers.”

He turned and leaned back against the balcony’s rail, looking at me to see how I took that revelation. He smiled since I didn’t look uncomfortable or repulsed. “But we are blessed that women come in such variety, aren’t we? Esther is extremely pretty, too. She has a dancer’s graceful, strong build. She dresses like a businesswoman, but she looks like a she is a model or movie star, maybe some type of entertainer. The way she carries herself, head high with long, loping strides, like she is used to being at the center of things and lights up a room. We are in California so I told Marisol that she must be an actress or some type of musical performer, perhaps on holiday with her man.”

“She likes to dance, but yes, she’s a businesswoman. She certainly has the looks and bearing of a star, though.”

He faced out the water again as he continued, recalling things as he related them to me.

“I’ve posed with other women. Rather than be alarmed or offended, Marisol likes to see those, to talk to me about it afterwards. I feel the same about the scenes she’s done with other men. In our personal lives, we’ve joined other couples who were enticed by our work or who we’ve met in happenstance, like we have with you.”

He put a hand on my shoulder to make a physical connection, perhaps make what he was telling me more visceral. “Marisol wants you. She sees you and Esther together and kissing, how happy you are together, and she said that you are the one. She asked me what I thought about Esther and we agreed on approaching the two of you. How would you feel about that?”

I could see that this was where it was going, but it still struck hard now that it was out loud, in the open. “I’m… The first thing I’d wonder is how Esther would feel about it!”

“I guess we’ll know soon enough,” he said, “Marisol’s talking to Esther right now, proposing the idea, like I am with you. I’m not sure what she might be saying, but she’ll ask Esther if she would let you take Marisol to bed, and if she would like to be with me tonight.”

He put the rest of his cigarette out and picked up his glass, standing up at the edge of the balcony to look at the bay as we talked more. “Esther is very full of life, that’s why Marisol likes her and thinks I would enjoy it. One wouldn’t guess from looking at her that she would be so easygoing. I think that’s why Marisol is so eager now.”

“Esther is very driven in her work, but she enjoys being able to be carefree and adventurous. That’s why she says she likes being with me. That’s what led us here. I suggested that we should go to a spur-of-the-moment destination and see what happens.”

He laughed. “And here we are! Marisol had been insisting that we come to this place in particular. Women’s intuition, perhaps. She felt that something wonderful was waiting for us, if only we would come and see. Was she right? What would you think about spending the night with her?”

“It’s an incredibly tempting idea, but an idea is all it can be.”

“Ah.” His voice was easy and his face didn’t show disappointment. “Just to be certain, to make sure you understand before we let things pass, I want to reassure you that this isn’t just a lark or a bit of drama playing out. Our offer is sincere, and I think we all would really enjoy it. After this pleasant evening, I would consider it an honor, really. It may sound hard to believe, but that’s how we feel. It’s been a lovely evening, and I think sharing our lovers would make this unforgettable, almost sublime.”

“You certainly have a way with words, Carlo. All I can do is be honest why I don’t want to do it. Why I can’t do it.”

“Go on, Alex.”

“I stole her from another man.”

Carlo didn’t say anything to that but stood straight and turned to face me again.

“A man she was married to.”

He waited to see if I would say more, but when I didn’t, he finally said, “I see. And so, because of what you’d done, you’re afraid this might make you lose her.”

I nodded, feeling a little relieved that he could understand. At that moment I could see Esther and Marisol entering the suite. She was wearing a new, gray cocktail dress and sandals with low heels. They waved and went to the open bottle to pour their drinks.

“I’m not trying to take anyone’s woman from him, Alex. Esther is very desirable but the last thing we would want to do is somehow come between the two of you. On the contrary, we want to share what we had discovered with you two, so that you might find something to make your feelings for each other even deeper. This is an offer we make cheerfully, for the joy that it could bring, and we would like to make you two happy.”

He clapped a hand on my shoulder. “Let’s go talk to our women.”

The two of them were at the wet bar and Marisol was showing Esther something on her phone. Carlo held up his empty glass as he came inside. “Esther, Marisol, may we join you?”

I could tell from their faces that something had happened between the two women. Marisol was looking at me with obvious physical interest. Esther was visibly excited, like she could barely contain what she was feeling.

“Marisol,” Carlo asked her softly as he helped himself to another glass, “have you had a chance to speak with Esther, to share our idea?”

Esther took Marisol’s hand and smiled. Marisol smiled back and looked at me again. “Yes. She thinks it would be wonderful.”

“I think so, too. However, Alex is not as sure. Please don’t take offense, Alex. I don’t like to put you on the spot, but we must be sure that we all feel the same way for this to be any good.”

We talked it over as we nursed our drinks. Esther asked several questions and Carlo and Marisol answered her openly and completely. She became enchanted with what they told us. I’d already made the decision to accept, but we all had a chance to say what we felt. I held Esther’s hand and smiled at them, voicing my agreement.

Carlo nodded gladly, “We were hoping very much that you would accept. We knew when we saw you that you might be interested. I can’t say why. I wish I could explain, but I can’t.”

Marisol put a hand on my shoulder and watched my face as she spoke. “We can never truly own someone, we can only give of ourselves. Even though you are in someone else’s arms, you do this for each other’s pleasure. To see things that you had not seen. That you would not see with each other in the act together. How someone else responds to them. How they respond to someone else. Someone who might be quite different, who would act much differently.”

“Esther, since it was my idea and this is your place, would you like to go first? I know Carlo is eager, and I would like you to.” Marisol took my hand and stood up. We looked at Esther and Carlo gently picked up her hand and kissed it. Esther put a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him, then nodded to us.

“Let’s move to the bedroom now,” she said. She stood and led Carlo away, sitting on the bed to take off her sandals as Marisol and I sat at the table in the corner. I dimmed the lamps and started the fireplace, throwing the room into soft, flickering light.

Carlo stood in front of Esther and let her help him get undressed. He unbuttoned his shirt while she unfastened his belt. While he got his shoes off, she ran a hand up his body, playing with the hair on his chest while he pushed his pants down and off. She stroked down to the waistband of his underwear, sneaking her fingers inside then peeling them down. It was a project to get it all the way past the length of his cock. When she got his briefs free of the head, she got smacked loudly on the cheek as his dick sprang out. It was too big and heavy to point up, so it stayed straight out. She held back a laugh of disbelief as she rubbed where it had slapped her and he pulled the underwear off his legs and threw it aside. When he stepped a little closer his penis came to rest on her shoulder, looking like a fallen tree. She looked over it at me, then at Marisol and gave her a wink.

“We are going to have so much fun,” she murmured with a mischievous grin.

Marisol sighed and smiled back at her. She looked over at me and squeezed my hand. She came off her chair to sit on my lap, taking my arm and curling it around her waist. She was leaning forward slightly, her eyes locked on the two of them as Carlo got on the bed. “She is so beautiful. I wish we could be photographing this. This night will be incredible.”

“You’re very beautiful, too,” I told her. “We’re very lucky men. You and your husband are right, being able to share like this is a precious chance. I think I’m going to wish it’ll never end.”

Esther saw me talking to her and tilted her head with a warm smile of approval. Carlo looked straight into his wife's eyes, holding them for a moment before she nodded to him surely. He then turned to Esther and the two of them shared a look just for each other. They still knew we were there and watching everything that happened, but they now concentrated on each other, as two new lovers hungry to explore each other.

A cock as big as Carlo’s, so out of proportion with the rest of his body, looked almost alien. Esther marveled how she could put both her hands on it yet plenty was still exposed. He closed his eyes at the feeling of her smooth, graceful hands wrapping around his shaft. I always mused that Esther should give classes on how to touch a guy’s dick. It felt like she was short circuiting my brain every time she grabbed me.

They moved to the center of the bed and we could see Carlo’s hard cock start to throb with his heartbeat, seeming to get even stiffer as the blood vessels stood out and it curved up to point at Esther’s face. Marisol watched with interest, a bit surprised. “I’ve never seen him like that before, I think she really excites him.”

Esther’s cocktail dress was a very skimpy garment, but it seemed to take forever for her to get out of it. I guess it only seemed that way because Marisol and I were enraptured and wanted to see them naked together, and what they would do once they were. He slipped a spaghetti strap of her top off her shoulder and kissed there lightly. Esther tilted her head back in pleasure so he next kissed her neck, this time wetly. Her hand traveled up his leg in response and toyed with his hard cock. She was facing us now and Carlo knelt behind her, letting us see what he was doing as he got her undressed.

He put his arms around her and we watched as he stroked her breasts and kissed her cheek. She turned to kiss him back, nipped lightly at his lip. He pinched her nipples experimentally, which made her smile and she squeezed his cock. He cupped her breasts and pulled on her nipples harder, which made her shut her eyes and lick her lips. We could see him kiss her cheek and murmur something in her ear. She turned to him and put her arms around his neck, kissing him feverishly as she stroked his cock. Carlo stroked her arms and held her shoulders as Esther pulled her panties off. He turned her around again and she got on her hands and knees as he held his cock and steered it between her legs.

I felt a shot of adrenaline through my trunk that wasn’t quite panic, more like a jolt that this was really going to happen. Esther shut her eyes and sighed as he rubbed the head of his cock on her labia, getting it wet and starting to work it inside of her. She grimaced as he pushed harder, then backed off. Placing a hand on her stomach and the other at the small of her back, he steadied her as he pushed again, his abs and legs flexing as he waited for her to slowly accept more of him inside of her. Marisol sensed how I tensed up and put a hand on my arm to reassure me. “He knows what he’s doing, how to make it easier for her, and will make sure she feels good. Trust me, Alex, she will enjoy this.”

“Would it feel better a little slower?” he asked Esther.

Esther’s lips pressed into a line and her eyes squinted as the new penis spread her vulva open. “Yes, I’m just trying to relax a bit, I’m almost there.”

He stroked her soothingly as he started to push harder again. She sighed as her hips relaxed a bit and he slid smoothly into her, a relieved and pleasured groan escaping her as he reached as far as he could go. He withdrew slowly and plunged smoothly in again. We noticed how her toes curled and fanned with how he was pleasing her, heard the wet sound of her snatch stretching around his hard tool as he thrust it in then as it contracted back when he withdrew. He started to go a little faster and she reached for the headboard.

“No, just bring your knees closer together and lean forward,” he told her softly. She did as he told and he rose up straighter, holding her hips as he pushed in again.

“Ohhh, yes,” she moaned as his thick cock sliced her open again. She relaxed once more as it started to feel better and she let him get a rhythm that had them both happily panting and gasping.

“Let me turn over,” she told him, “I want to kiss while you go in and out of me.”

“This is so good with you,” he said softly in appreciation. We saw her wrap her arms around him tenderly like she would when I was between her legs. When they were fucking steadily Marisol turned and tugged at my shoulders to kiss me. The smell of her excitement was rich on her skin and her mouth was watering heavily.

“They are so passionate together,” she whispered, as if unwilling to disturb the erotic energy of our two partners as they plainly and openly enjoyed the new sensations for them. “I’ve never seen a woman like that with Carlo. Give herself to him like I do. Oh, he’s enjoying this very much. We’re so grateful that you’ve joined us.”

On the bed Carlo was beginning to thrust faster and deeper. Esther’s soft cries came quicker and were joined by his powerful exhalations as he got closer to orgasm. He finally started taking rapid, shorter strokes and arched his back as he got off really good. When he finally was still Esther wrapped her legs around him to keep him there and I could hear the wet smacking of their kissing.

Marisol stroked my leg and reached into my pants to feel how hard I was. I heard her hum with approval as her husband took his cock out of the new pussy that he’d enjoyed and she saw his semen trickle out of it. Esther smiled up and him and pulled him to lay down beside her, kissing him warmly as he settled down on the mattress.

“Do you think we can give them the same kind of show?” I asked Marisol.

“I really want to. You excite me so much,” she whispered in my ear. It wasn’t like a secret so much as she knew hearing a pretty woman’s secretive voice and feeling her breath on his ear was so enticing to a man, so intoxicating. “I think you can make me feel wonderful. I want to make you feel as good as your lover made my husband feel. Just tell me whatever you want, any part of me that pleases you is yours for the asking.”

Esther and Carlo were sitting up in the bed. She patted a spot next to them. “There’s plenty of room, come over and get comfortable.”

Marisol pulled me over eagerly and hopped on the bed. I sat beside her and unfastened her top, pulling the straps of her dress off her shoulders. She captured my face in her hands and put her lips on mine in a sweet kiss, then opened her mouth wider and tried to swallow my tongue.

I wondered how men could ever last to do a full scene with her. I was ready to pop and we weren’t even undressed yet. Would she be too much for me to handle?

Marisol shed her dress in a smooth, quick motion and was down to her panties. She took my hands and placed them on her breasts, then put her arms around my neck for another kiss. I hooked my fingers in her panties and she moved her hips to encourage me to pull them off. With her nude, we started getting me out of my clothes. I dumped them on the floor and pulled her on top of me. She guided my cock into her with an experienced push of her hips. She was whispering something in Spanish to me. I didn’t understand, but it sounded delicious, and the soft, almost innocent smooches we had in contrast to the way her hot pussy was wrapped around my cock almost made me delirious.

Esther was watching us with a dreamy look on her face. She closed her eyes when Carlo put a hand on her hip and turned her slightly, then moved it up to play with her breasts. From the way she smiled naughtily and the way he shifted behind her I could tell he was rubbing his dick on her back. I looked back up at Marisol and saw she was glancing over at her husband feeling up a naked woman he had only met before dinner. She looked back at me with a giggle, as if she was peeping on a couple with a girlfriend, then she held my face as she rode me a little harder. The way her full breasts jiggled when she rolled her hips on the way down me really captured my attention.

“Relax, Alex, enjoy this,” she said softly. She leaned down to kiss me and whispered. “Don’t hold back if you want to cum already. We have all night, and you can have me as many times as you like. Look, they are helping themselves to each other again.”

I looked over and Carlo and Esther were in a clinch again. She was kissing him and stroking his arms when she felt his hardening cock bump into her leg. She reached down and held it, her fingers getting forced open as it swelled in her warm hand.

“Ooh, you want more?” I heard Esther ask him, her voice husky with lust.

“Yes, I do. You’re very sexy and you feel so good.”

“You are too,” she told him, nudging her nose against his face like a teenager in a make-out session, “I’m ready for you.”

“See?” Marisol murmured to me, “Don’t hold back, I want to make you feel good.”

I realized how tense I was and had even been holding my breath. She stroked my forehead and caressed my cheek, then kissed me sweetly again. She drove her hips firmly until her pussy lips were grinding at the base of my cock.

“Si, mi amor,” she smiled as she watched my face, seeing me give in to the feeling. She stuck a couple of fingers in my mouth and gently coaxed me to open it, licking her lips at the sound of my breath rushing. She went faster and I involuntarily moaned. “You sound so sexy, too. After this I want you to watch Carlo and I together, then we want to watch you and Esther.”

I looked and Esther was looking over at me too. She had heard what Marisol said and was already thinking about it, her horniness being inflamed by the hot, hard male flesh penetrating her.

“I feel how you’re ready,” Marisol whispered and licked at my ear. “I want it. Please, I want it so much.”

I moved my arms to cradle her and started to thrust up into her. It was her turn to moan in response. She leaned down a bit to let her plump breasts rest on me as I ground my pelvis against her crotch, trying to get balls deep in the hot centerfold for my release. As my cock spasmed and gushed fresh sperm into her I gritted my teeth and stabbed my dick inside her with each jet. She lay on top of me with an alluring sigh as she wriggled her hips, trying to see if I had anything left. I blew out a shuddering breath as my cock pulled out of her. It prodded her hip, still hard, so she reached down to stroke it.

“Are you ready again so soon?”

“I can’t help myself, you’re so good I need to again.”

She made a soft giggle as she laid next to me, spreading her legs and drawing her knees up in invitation. “You must keep Esther very happy.”

I lined my cock up with her waiting female divinity and curled my arms under her so that I was resting on my elbows and cradling her neck and head for a kiss as I slid into her. I made it slow so that I could get the most out of feeling her moist flesh parting for me.

“Touch him, Esther,” Carlo prompted her. “Touch him here, on his back.”

I felt Esther run her hands slowly over my back, my ass, my legs. She touched my cheek as I kissed Marisol deeply, sensed how Marisol’s tongue licked around in my mouth. I wasn’t ready to bust again so after we'd had our fill, I sat up and pulled Marisol in front of me. When Carlo touched Esther’s neck and his cock started to get hard again, she kissed him and stroked him fully erect. I watched as she climbed on top of him, spreading wide to accept his rigid monster.

“Now it’s your turn, Alex, touch her,” Marisol took my hands and placed them on Esther’s body. I watched Esther grind her hips slower as she seemed to try to get him as far inside her as she could. She bounced up and down on his shaft energetically until she grabbed his shoulders fiercely and he made the sounds of a man ejaculating. After that we were too tired to switch back to our true partners and fell fast asleep, the women cuddling lightly between us.

We ordered breakfast up to our room as day broke. Esther and I thanked them profusely for inviting us and introducing a new world to explore.

“We’re happy to have shown you the way,” Carlo told her. “We are passing on what a lovely Italian couple did for us. However, I don’t know if you’ll be like us in your journey, I have a feeling that you’ll be much different. I do think that you’ll be freer than other people and very happy. Maybe you will find more like us and explore even more.”

We walked them down to the lobby and outside, taking in the refreshing salt breeze of the morning.

“Did you say Marisol still poses?” I asked.

Carlo told me her stage name and told us that she even had a web site. “She could always use another couple of subscribers.”

“When we get some free time,” I told him.

“We like this place,” I remarked as I looked out across the bay with Esther in my arms, “Will you be staying in California a while?"

He drew a deep breath and shrugged expansively. "I don't think we will. The coastline is stunning, the cities are vibrant, but there's so much I still want to see that I honestly don't know when we might come back, if at all. There are so many wonderful sights and experiences where you wouldn't think to encounter them. Just think, we had stopped to clear my eyes and found you two. It's exciting to think what else we may find. Farewell, amigo."

I shook his hand, Esther and Marisol kissed, and then they walked out of our lives.

Esther put her head on my shoulder and hugged me tight. I looked at her face and saw her considering it all. "That was pretty amazing, wasn't it?"

"He's so very right," Esther said, squeezing my hand. We walked the other way, off to find our own encounters.
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