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This is my first story here. I wrote it years ago. I'm using it to test the system as well as to share the story itself. Hopefully I'll have newer stuff up over time! Also, an important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The plot involves actions which are immensely, inexcusably morally wrong. Read for entertainment only.
"Liz, get your butt in here!"

Liz had to pause her video game. Her dad sounded mad. She rushed into the living room, to find her dad standing and her brother Cody sitting on the couch, looking sullen. "Yeah dad?" she asked. She asked innocently because she genuinely had no idea what was supposed to be wrong.

"I just caught your brother in the bathroom masturbating."

Taken aback, Liz cracked a grin, then tried to be serious, then cracked another grin. "Um, really? You're telling me this because?"

"So do you have an explanation?"

"An... explanation?"

"Yes, Liz, an explanation." Her dad feigned exasperation. "Why did Cody feel the need to get himself off?"

Liz stood gapemouthed. "I... don't... I guess he was watching porn or something?"

"Uh, yeah, he was watching porn or something. But after watching this aforementioned porn, he went to the bathroom to rub one out instead of finding a human female pussy to stick it in. And why is that?"

"Dad! I do not have the first fucking clue what you are trying to say."

For some reason this infuriated her dad. "Punishment position right now, Liz. Right now."

When Dad called "punishment position," Liz knew the time for discussion was past. Any protest would lead to unbearable severity. She simply looked down, turned immediately to the nearest chair with a cowed, high pitched "Yes sir," and bent over with her hands on the arms and her ass sticking out. She did not know what this punishment was supposed to be for, but she imagined she would figure it out eventually.

"Pants off, girlie."

Though punishment position had been called, though she knew obedience was the only possible response, nevertheless, she balked at this. Not that it was abnormal for her to be spanked with no pants on--it wasn't--but...

"Daddy, what about Cody? He'll see."

"For resisting me your punishment is going to be even more severe. And I know Cody's going to see, that's the whole point. Pants. Off. Now.

"Yes sir!" she shouted in submission, and immediately began wiggling out of her pants. Then, clad now only in her shirt and undies, she bent over again, aware to her shame of her brother's eyes scanning her ass, the backs of her legs, stretched in punishment position and waiting helpless for whatever her dad might choose to do.

She was waiting for the blows from her daddy's belt, but never heard it swoosh its way through his beltloops. Instead her dad spoke again after a moment. "Actually let's do this. Stand up."

She immediately stood back up.

"Turn around," he said, and she did, now facing her brother. "Straddle Cody's lap."

She began to tear up at this. "What?" she asked in disbelief.

"Straddle. Your brother's. Lap. That's your punishment position to start with this evening."

He'd said "to start with."

Slowly, she forced it out. "Yes... sir..." and, choking back sobs, she climbed onto her brother's lap. She avoided looking at him--and he avoided looking at her. But he made no protest.

She had her knees one either side of his legs, clamping together as closely as possible, her crotch several inches above his lap. She closed her eyes, leaned forward over her brother and waited for the blows to begin.

"Lower," said her dad from behind her.

"What do you mean?"

"Get your ass down lower. Spread your knees."

"Daddy why are you doing this?" This dangerously open protest elicited a swat from her dad's hand. "You tease your brother then dare to ask why I don't make you give him what you promised?"

"I didn't tease him!"

"Lower! That is an order!"

Another swat, and she cried "Ow! Yes sir!"

She spread her legs a little. This wasn't enough and through a series of further slaps on her ass, she finally squatted all the way down. Her pussy, through her undies, was now placed directly on top of her brother's dick, through his pants. With disgust and loathing she felt that it was hard. Indeed she felt it throb a little at the contact.

Now Cody finally spoke up. "Dad it's okay, I really don't need..."

But her dad interrupted. "Do not interrupt your sister's punishment. I'll talk to you about this later."

He knew he was on dangerous ground too. And so he, too, muttered a cowed "Yessir."

With that, she heard her dad remove his belt. She closed her eyes and tensed for the blows. At the first swat, she jumped and swayed to avoid the pain--but of course the pain lived on her ass and there was no avoiding it. And when she swayed, this caused her to rub her pussy against her brother's dick. When she realized this--and heard the slight grunt of involuntary pleasure escape his lips--she turned red with humiliation and resolved to hold perfectly still through the punishment.

Of course this didn't last long and once her daddy had hit her ass twenty times or so, she was unabashedly riding her brother's cock in a weird lapdance of pain avoidance.

When her daddy paused, it was only to tell her to take off her shirt. "No please daddy!" she yelled, but he only replied by swatting her five more times and reminding her how severe she was making this for her. "YESSIR!" she practically screamed and in an act of supreme self control she took off her shirt, exposing her breasts to her brother's gaze.

Now he told her brother to pinch her nipples.

"Dad I..." her brother began, but they were under orders. At first he merely touched them, taking them gently into his finger and thumb tips. But when her daddy hit her ass and she jumped again, the nipples quickly pulled out from her brother's grasp, and this elicited criticism. "Hard. Pinch them hard and make it hurt. Her body is under your control right now, Cody. It's a girl's body and you're turned on and it's here for you. Don't let those nipples escape again."

"Yes sir," and he pinched again. Hard enough to make her yell in pain.

When she jumped at the blows on her ass, her pinched nipples did not move with her, held in place by her brother's cruel grip, the pain of the pinch increased through stretching. How long this continued, she didn't know. Her pitiful whimpers continued through dozens of swats. Her brother, despite himself at first but finally giving in, was beginning to push back at her pussy with his crotch. When this began, her father finally stopped. He had Cody let go of her nipples--which surprised her by hurting even more than when he first pinched them--and had her stand up.

"Punishment position."

Now? Wasn't the punishment over yet? Apparently not.

She obeyed by going over to the chair, placing her hands on the cushion, and sticking her underwear-covered ass out and up, her legs straight. Even in her pained, humiliated state, she had discipline.

"Panties off," said her daddy. "And get down to your knees."

She knew it was useless to resist. She'd already been made to basically dry hump her own brother and expose her breasts to him. How could she say no now? She pulled her panties off and dropped down to her knees, with her elbows continuing to support her on the chair. But why did he want her on her knees like this?

Her dad now told Cody to take his own belt off. They were going to punish her together, and her dad was going to teach her brother how to make the swats "really count." Over the course of dozens of blows she endured a double spanking that ranged from the top of her ass down tohe middle of the backs of her thighs. As she cried desperately for mercy, her dad taught Cody how to put his full power into the blow, how to increase her agony by aiming at a single spot til it was numb from pain, how to vary the pain by having different parts of the belt hit her--the full length like a whip, or the weightier blow of a folded strap--and a few times, even the buckle.

Now her dad told Cody to continue practicing while he went into the other room for a moment. When their dad left, Cody's swings became just a little bit gentler, but Liz hissed at him. "Harder!" She knew if Cody audibly softened his blows, their dad would only come back to make it worse. And Cody did in fact now resume torturing his sister as effectively as he knew how.

Their dad returned with lotion in hand. "Alright Cody, the upshot of all this is, I had better never catch you masturbating again. You've got three good holes, and an entire body of skin besides, to use for that purpose, named Your Sister, understand?"

"I, guess so?" said Cody while Liz keened.

"I know you've got to be blueballing it pretty hard right now, so look, there's her ass. Take it. It's yours."

Liz screamed. "No!" But she didn't move. She knew she couldn't run, and she was conditioned to hold her position when being punished. Her dad simply ignored her, handing the lotion over to Cody. "This will make it go in easier."

And she heard Cody unzip his pants. Once again she screamed "No please don't do this!" And now her dad didn't ignore her. Instead he grabbed her around the waist as she continued to be crouched in her position with knees on the floor and elbows on the chair. With his other hand he brought his belt down, hard, directly on her asshole, once to punctuate each syllable: "You will be still and be quiet and let him fuck your asshole." The searing agony of these blows directly onto her anal sphincter brought forth screams of a sort she'd never heard herself make before. She resolved to be good.

Now she had to endure not just the anal rape by her brother, but anal rape of an anus bruised and torn by a direct leather beating. When she felt her brother's dick at her entrance, she tensed her whole body. She would obediently stay in place but she could not accept what was happening to her. As he began to press she murmered "no no no no this isn't happening" and when his dick finally penetrated, the pain like a bomb going off destroying her asshole, she cried like an animal. As he began thrusting in and out her cries lowered in volume til she was simply whimpering pathetically, limp, just waiting for it to end.

He took a while, but finally did put his sperm inside her intestines. Her dad gave her no time to recover. He demanded that she now do her duty and clean him off. Grabbing her by the hair he pulled her naked body up from the chair and spun her around so that she was facing her brother's half-erect dick directly. He pushed her face in til her mouth was incontact with his dick. At a series of blows against her ass and back, she made herself open her mouth up to her brother's dirty cock, and tried to begin to clean him off.

She didn't know what to do exactly. Could she use her hands? Should she use the tip of her tongue only or soak the thing in her whole mouth? When she licked him for the first time, though, her brother moaned involuntarily in pleasure and his dick immediately jumped to attention again. Her dilemma was solved, because her dad laughed, said something about a "youthful refractory period," and told her to go down on her brother til he came again.

Sobbing, she complied, and as she began to do so, she heard her dad unzip his own pants and move in behind her. Her asshole had not yet recovered from the pain of her brother raping it, and now her dad was going to invade it too. Despite her intention to be good she started to resist, lifting her head up from her brother's dick and turning to say something. But her brother, in lustful abandon, and maybe (she told herself) to keep her from making her dad angry, grabbed ehr by the head and began earnestly fucking her mouth with his dick. She could cry, sob, and choke, but she could not say "no" to her daddy as he began pushing up against her anal entrance with his cock.

Her father's grip around her tummy, the inescapable agony of his dick stretching her asshole again and again, the obscene fullness of her brother throbbing in her mouth, her throat, forcing its taste on her, preventing her from breathing--her body was telling her what she was, what she had to be. And she complied, going limp, being nothing, just a thing for the two men in her life to play with. When they emptied their disgusting mess of semen into her violated holes, she tensed with the realization of her shame--which increased their physical pleasure of course--then collapsed to the floor weeping. The two men withdrew from her with heavy sighs at their recent effort, and she merely lay there, nude, her eyes closed, sobbing in pain. "Can I get fucking dressed now?" she yelled between sobs. Her dad laughed at this. "We're not done with you yet. Got another hole to get through. But I think we're going to rest first. So you roll over on your back."

She was exhausted, and didn't move at first, until he hit her on the breast with his belt. Now she yelped and rolled onto her back.

"Spread your legs wide... wider... keep 'em spread. Now we're just going to admire the view for a while." And the two nude men took seats on the couch, and admired her.

Her dad had her use her hands to pull her pussy lips apart, and the two men, from their seats, inspected her inside and out. "Like a flower, huh son?" Cody nodded in agreement, idly stroking his cock. Liz simply watched the ceiling through her tears and obeyed.

"Play with your clit," said her dad, and Liz squeezed her eyes shut while releasing a keening wail. "Please don't make me touch myself there Daddy!"

"Girl, do you want a spanking on that pussy?"

"Noooooo!" she cried, panicked at the thought.

"Then play. With. Your clit!"

Liz was a virgin. Indeed she had never even penetrated herself. But she'd been sorely tempted, as over the past few year's she'd become quite proficient at pleasuring herself. Her abject situation was certainly a serious turn-off--the learing of her father and brother, the pain in her asshole, the chill she felt as she lay nude and exposed on the wooden floor. Yet, she did know how to play with her clit. She closed her eyes and refused to enjoy it.

But her refusal proved ineffective. "Enjoy" is not the right word exactly, but it feels undeniably pleasurable to have your clit stroked, and there she was stroking it. She tried to look anywhere at all other than at her dad and brother, shut her eyes tightly and wept, and could not deny that she was feeling that secret tingle welling up inside her that she had felt practically every night since she'd become aware of things like this.

Her dad spoke, "Even when she hates it you can still make her cum, because girls are all sluts in their heart of hearts. No matter what you do to 'em, they'll cum like animals if you give 'em half a chance. Look at her ass already starting to dance. She wants it already."

It was not her fault, her daddy was making her do it. She did not want this. But her body did. Just as her father had said--her ass began to dance.

Her dad chuckled. "Alright get up, we're not ready to fuck you yet. Get up on your knees."

Angry at being interrupted, and angry that she was so willing to get herself off in front of the two men who had betrayed her trust so completely, she got up, her aching asshole protesting, her sore limbs resisting. Glaring at the two men helplessly, she rose up to a kneeling position.

"Put your hands behind your head."

"Yes sir," she replied. As she lifted her hands to the back of her head, she was painfully aware of her breasts' being lifted a little, her body somehow feeling exposed even more despite the fact that she was no more naked now than she had been a moment ago.

"Now turn around and walk on your knees back to your room, I'll be there in a second. When you get there, sit on your bed, on your hands."

"Yes sir," she sobbed, and felt her dad and brother staring at her back and ass as she gingerly walked on her knees on the hard wood floor of the hallway back toward her room. She made her way to her bed, climbed aboard, and sat facing her desk. She had obediently placed her hands under her ass. She felt childish sitting there in that position. What the fuck was happening to her life?

She heard her dad tell her brother to stay in the living room and play video games for a while, and there was further muttered conversation but she could not hear it. Eventually her dad came into her room holding a sheet of paper. He strode over to her bed and sat down next to her--right next to her, so that her nude body was crowded up next to his. He sat to her right, the sheet of paper in his right hand. His left hand meanwhile grasped her naked leg, then grasped it again right up against her hip, the side of his hand butting up against her pussy. She hissed and sighed at the unwelcome pleasure of this touch, and her dad chuckled.

"You know," he said, "I just haven't been raising you right. I've been too easy on you. I figured you'd learn your place naturally. I guess I should have been fucking you myself or something."

Liz felt the tears beginning to well up again. Instinctively she began to shirk away from him but he began pinching her inner thigh, pulling her firmly back to lean in against him. Then he recommenced his grasp of her thigh, pulsing his hand's edge into her pussy as he continued his monologue.

He showed her the paper. On it was a list of five rules.

1. Dress attractively. Cody will provide examples periodically.

2. Watch one pornographic film each day, compose a report.

3. Immediately obey sexual requests from Cody and dad.

4. Pleasure self only on command from Cody or dad.

5. Workout and practice penetration each morning.

"From today until you get married off, you will follow these rules strictly or you will be severely punished, do you understand?"

"Yes sir," she cried.

"We're going to get rid of most of your clothes, and take you shopping tomorrow so you can comply with rule 1. I'll show you how to access porn on your computer, and we'll construct a workout regimen for you tomorrow too. Now listen, Liz. I know you're not happy about this. But I can also feel what's happening down there. I know you really, really want to get off right now, don't you?"

"No sir," she said.

He pinched one of her pussy lips. "Don't lie to me."

"Yes sir."

"Yes what?"

"Yes I want to get off."

"I'm going to help you with that, but first I'm going to start rectifying my big mistake. You are going to climb up on top of me now, and start stroking my cock with your pussy. You don't have to put me inside you, but I'm not going to let you cum unless you do."

She looked at his now-erect cock out of the side of her eye. He was going to rape her again, but this time he was going to make her want to put that huge, disgusting ugly thing inside her.

And the truth was, she did dearly and desperately want to cum. She absolutely despised everything that was happening--but her clit had had too much. She had to cum. She was determined not to. But her body desperately wanted it. And that plus her knowledge that she had to comply or suffer conspired her to move her, even as she wept aloud at it, to turn to her dad, straddle him as he laid back on the bed contentedly, and begin rubbing her pussy lips against his cock.

Her plan, she told herself, was simply to make him cum without putting him inside her. She began pleasuring him with her pussy lips, gently rubbing up and down. And of course, by doing so, she was pleasuring herself as well. She remained determined to prevent herself from cumming, but when he dad grinned and began gently pinching her nipples, she nearly exploded. She yelped in forced pleasure as she began to feel the well of orgasm gushing into her vaginal cavity. Her dad saw the signs of this, and turned the light pinch into a painful clamping, glared at her and said "If you cum without me inside you I will rip your pussy to shreds with my belt."

She muttered "Yes sir," and lifted up for a minute, desperately hoping her body would not betray her. When she thought she'd regained control, she lowered herself down again. But she immediately knew how helpless and hopeless she was. The moment she began pumping up and down across her father's cock, she could feel the orgasmic waves beginning to gather like a storm. Her dad playing with her nipples again nearly ended her. She hissed and lifted off. Her dad laughed and said "You're supposed to be making me cum here. Am I going to have to punish you?"

Liz collapsed, laying on his chest, knowing what she had to do. Sobbing she placed the tip of his cock at the entrance to her vagina."

He laughed. "There's my girl!" he said eagerly as she began pushing down against him. He pulled her head off his chest by the hair, muttering "I have to see your face for this." Looking up, down, anywhere but in her father's eyes, she continued working her way down onto him, impaling herself on his cock, weeping and wincing with the pain of it. Her dad began pushing back, starting to lose himself in the ecstasy of the act. Crudely he pushed her mouth into his, kissing his unwilling daughter deeply while beginning to actively fuck her pussy.

Her waves of orgasm continued to build. He released her face and laid still for a moment--and without thinking about it, she surrendered herself to this rape, and began actively fucking him, trying desperately to get off on his cock. Her dad sighed loudly and grinned at this. And in short order, her orgasm came. She tensed, grasped her dad's shoulders with her hands, digging into him with her nails, clamped his legs hard with her knees, buried her face into his neck as she allowed the orgasm to overtake her. And while she was coming off the gentle final waves of this orgasm, she realized she could feel the absolute most evil thing that could happen to a girl happening between her legs--her dad was quaking beneath her, aggressively pumping semen into her womb. Even as she was still feeling the trailing end of the ecstasy of her orgasm, she began a keening wail, crying right into her father's ear as he emptied his sperm into her. Her dad grabbed her hips and thrust her downward for his final spurts, impaling her cervix, causing a kind of burning agony she'd never felt before. She screamed "Ow fuck you fucking son of a bitch!" and struggled to get free but of course could not.

When he'd finally finished with her he slapped her face. "You'll pay for that outburst."

She returned to compliance, her pussy still surrounding his dick, "I'm sorry sir!"

"You will be," he said. "Okay, you can climb off of me now. On your hands and knees."

Gingerly, she pulled herself off of him, now incredibly sore throughout her pussy. She took a position on her hands and knees. Her dad sat up, and squatted down next to her.

"Your brother is in his room now, waiting for you. You are to do whatever he tells you, submit to whatever treatment he wants you to submit to. He's as new to this as you are, and I've told him I will be very disappointed in him if he doesn't take the fullest advantage of this as any real man should. You're going to help him out with this, right? Make it as easy as you can for him, correct?"

Swallowing her desire to spring up and run away--where would she go?--she instead agreed that yes, she would do what she could to make this easy on her poor brother. Hopefully, she did not allow herself to know she was thinking, this would make things as easy for her as possible as well.

"All right, good girl, crawl on in there."
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