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A wayward priest is seduced by a girl who tempts him into her filthy world
Story Codes: Incest, consensual sex, teens, depraved, family, filth, disgusting, smell, cheese, Satan, blasphemy

Synopsis: Based around the true story of the Colt Family, a totally inbred family of 48 who were discovered by authorities in 2012 living in a commune in the Australian outback. Everyone was fucking everyone and none of the kids knew who their paternal fathers were - there were so many possibilities! (Google it)

Father Michael

It was a sunny and hot Tuesday afternoon. Father Michael parked his car at the end of the track, behind the barn as instructed. There were a few other vehicles there, an old pickup, two minibuses (equally old) and a few other vehicles. He was excited.

Father Michael was thirty years of age, quite a good-looking guy and he kept his body in trim with regular weights and exercise in the flat that he shared with Father Brian. Father Michael has been a Catholic priest for two years. He had joined the priesthood not through a love of the lord God but through a devious wish to be able to work closely with kids.

When he and Father Brian got a flat together and they had lived together a few months Michael discovered (through the history on Brian’s computer) that Brian was gay. Since then the two men had had sex together, mainly fondling and sucking, but Brian also liked Michael to fuck him, usually after they had consumed whisky and weed and watched some porn together.

To the church elders they were conscientious young priests who carried out their duties as required.

Father Michael had not shared with his friend, colleague and flatmate what had happened the previous day though. He found it hard to believe it had happened himself!

It had been a quiet day at his church. He had been at the back of the church when a girl had walked in, looking furtively from side to side although she hadn’t seen father Michael. Michael was transfixed. She was young, jet black, straight hair, shoulder length. Pretty, but in a somehow very sexual sort of way. She was very well tanned and the tan was easy to see because of what she wore. A lycra-spandex boob top, open at the bottom so it sort of hung over her tits, which were bare underneath and jiggled as she moved. Father Michael thought to himself that all a boy had to do was to put his hands up under it and — Father Michael was getting a hard-on and his breathing quickened as the girl made her way towards the front of the church.

Her back was bare. She wore a white micro-skirt in the same fabric as the top. The skirt was slung low on her hips. A chain belt was around her waist and Father Michael guessed it would hang down at the front. As she walked, the skirt raised and fell and he caught glimpses of bare ass cheeks.

He was mesmerized, took a quick look around him and squeezed his cock through his robe. He was fully hard by the time she reached the altar and she shouted a nervous “Hello?”

“I’m here, my child, behind you!” She turned, startled.

Father Michael hoped that his eyes weren’t visibly popping out of his head because it felt as if they were. The boob-top was almost see-through and he could see the nipples of her slightly upturned tits poking through the thin fabric. His eyes flicked downwards, over a flat, lightly-muscled belly to the micro-skirt with the silver chain belt hanging over it.

The chain had a silver snake hanging at the bottom which was in alignment with (he imagined) the juncture of her thighs. The skirt was so short it barely covered her crotch. The hemline was at the juncture of her slightly-muscled and tanned thighs and he imagined that as she walked through the city to get to the church she must have been flashing her knicker crotch as well. On her feet she wore white trainers which had seen better days.

Father Michael swallowed hard and forced his eyes upwards. He was rewarded by a nervous smile which lit up her face. The teeth were perfectly white and in contrast to the jet-black hair and tanned complexion.

“What, er, brings you here, my child?” he inquired.

His brain was a whirlwind.

“Confession, Father. I haven’t confessed to a priest in a long time,” she said, her hands were fidgeting and clasped, perhaps trying to cover the peeking knickers.

"The confessional is over there, my child, I’ll join you in a moment,” he managed to say, as he watched her make her way towards it; and fuck, yes! The cheeks of that ass were flashing his hungry eyes as she walked.

He had seen the gypsy sluts of the town walking around wearing next-to-nothing shorts and skirts and had a wank or two at night remembering the sights he had seen and wondering what their parents thought, letting them out on the streets dressed like sluts but none of them could match what this girl had dared to wear that afternoon.

He took his place in the confessional, the two of them separated by a small metal grille. He could only see the top of her bowed head.

“What is your name, my child,” he asked.

“It’s Esme," said a surprisingly low and sexual voice.

“And what can I do for you today, Esme?”

“I have sinned, Father. I need forgiveness, lots of forgiveness.”

“How have you sinned, my child?”

“I’ve been fucked, Father and I need forgiveness.”

Father Michael's cock twitched at hearing her say the word.

“We prefer not to use the fuck word in church, Esee. ‘Had sex’ would be the term to use, but go on.”

“Well, like I said I’ve been fucked. I’ve been fucked a lot, Father.”

Father Michael swallowed hard.

“Go on, my child — confess your sins to me.”

“Well Father, I live on this farm out of town, it’s a sort of commune, we’re all the same family see ... and ... well ... we fuck a lot together ... so I need forgiveness ... see?”

“I see,” said Father Michael.

His robe was up and he was gently squeezing the bulge of his cock through his favorite undergarment - black rubber scanty briefs. He swallowed hard.

“Go on, my dear, who have you had sex with?”

“Wi’ my brothers and uncles, Father. They all want to fuck me, see? But the thing is I fucking love all the fucking I get but then, suddenly, I realize that it’s not right, is it Father? For me to like get fucked by the men in my own family? I mean I just love getting fucked and on Fridays we have this orgy thing where the Paying Uncles get to come and fuck us and our moms and uncles too and I love that even more, dancing for the dirty old fuckers, letting them feel me up and fuck me, it’s not right, is it Father?”

“Ahem, what do you mean by Paying Uncles, Esme?”

“A few of us get all sexy-dressed and we walk around town. A couple of uncles are behind us at a distance. Of course, we get followed ‘cause us girls are wearing skimpy stuff, tops and tight shorts and the like and the boys the same — tight shorts showing their cute little arses and their cock-bulges," she continued, 

"The Uncles are a bit behind us and they look out for the dirty old men, well they’re often not that old actually, anyway they look out for the men that turn and follow us and then they proposition them, twenty quid deposit on the day, a hundred more on the Friday night, they get all the booze, weed whatever they want and they get to fuck whoever they want all night. They get the pick of any of us — that’s what I mean that I’ve got a lot to confess. Like today, I won six Paying Uncles today dressed like this, showing off my titties and flashing my knickers and my arse.”

“So, on a Friday night they go to your commune and get the pick?”

“Yeah. A lot of them fuck our mothers too because on a Friday they’re like dressed to please, you know? Fetish stuff — tits and ass hanging out of fetish stuff and our men and boys dress the same, the guys get the choice of who they want to fuck, of course.”

Father Michael could take no more. He bent over in his chair with his head between his legs.

“Fuck the Holy Mother of Jesus herself and cum up her ass while the boy Jesus wanks over me,” he whispered to himself as he pumped his spunk into his favorite, whisper-thin rubber briefs.

The spasms had just died away when her voice came back to him..

“What did you just say, Father?”

“I … er … was just saying a prayer for you, my child,” he managed.

“Oh! I thought I’d got you all randy and you just cum into your robe, Father? If you did, Father, I’d love to come next door into your bit and lick the filthy cream off of your cock and balls? I love scummy cocks and balls, 'specially if there’s cock cheese under your skin. Mama always told me that cock cheese is the Slut’s Caviar - that’s what she calls it. Do you want me to come next door, Father? I seen the look in your eyes when you saw me, same as all the other boys and men — you want to fuck me, Father — Fuck it I’m coming next door, I’ve always wanted to fuck around with a holy man of fucking God!”

Then, she was in with him, in the confessional! She stood, proud, massaging her nipples through the near-see-through top.

“Like my tits, Father? All the men like my tits, they suck ‘em, they lick ‘em and I love it! Men drooling over them, their fucking cocks standing like rock. I love the fucking effect I have on boys and men. But ‘specially the men, the dirty old men are my favorites. They don’t wash too good and I fucking love sniffing their dirty cocks and skinning them down and making a big show of licking their caviar. I don’ swallow, I just get it into my mouth, swirl it around a bit, savoring the taste and then drool it outta my mouth," she pronounced it ‘mouff’ ... "Onto my tits, wipe it over these tits (she squeezed them) and down, over my belly (her fingers traced a line down that fantastic belly). I just love the stink of sex and fucking and piss. You can piss on me too, Father? In my mouth, up my cunt, I love the squirting feel, and up my arsehole. The feel of my innards filled with piss is fantastic!”

Father Michael’s cock was trying to raise its head in the confines of the now-slimy rubber briefs.

“Want me to dance for you Father?, (that voice was so deeply sexual)

“I dance good, watch!”

The girl put her hands behind her head which had the effect of raising the hem of the skirt another inch and now Michael got a view that he hardly could believe. She was wearing a once-white satin thong and said thong was partially embedded in the deep cleft of a cameltoe cunt. The crotch was dirty and heavily stained

The girl (still with her hands behind her head) looked down where he was staring.

“I’m wet, Father. My cunt’s been drooling ‘cause I love showing off to the dirty old men, it makes me so fucking horny to see them lusting and knowing they want to fuck me. Do you like the look of it, Father? I’ve got a good cameltoe cunt, haven’t I Father? Watch me dance it for you. Open your legs so I can get close.

She moved closer and began an undulating movement in which she somehow managed to jerk her hips in a fucking motion while her tits had an up-and-down movement, seemingly as if her body was rubber. She moved closer so her cunt was almost on a level with his face.

“Can you smell me, Father? Can you smell my horny cunt. You can lick me if you want, and of course you’re going to fuck me, aren’t you, Father. You can’t resist, can you Father?”

Her movements became faster, even frenzied, he breathing fast and erotic as she became more aroused.

“I fucking love the effect I have on men. I want you to fuck me now Father!”

She dropped to her knees in front of him, slid his robe up his thighs.

“Oooh! I like your pants, Father. Nice and sexy and (she felt him up) and it feels squishy in there. Did I make you come? I did, didn’t I Father? You spunked your pants and you had to lie to me about praying.

The girl’s hands gently pulled the waistband down. Her face was in his groin as she revealed his cock.

“Oooh Father! You’ve shot a load for me right in your fetish knickers. It smells fucking georgeous, the smell of rubber and spunk!”

Father Michael’s cock lay up his belly, twitching uncontrollably as he watched her lift his balls and begin to lick and suckle at them. She grasped his cock as she licked her way up the shaft, wiping his semen over her face as she did so.

“Do YOU have any caviar, Father?” she breathed. “You have a wonderful cock, Father and I’m wondering when you last washed? I love the smell and taste of a filthy cock. I bet you wank a lot, Father. In your bed at night do you jerk off on images in your mind of fucking young girls - or maybe you like the boys as well, Father? Do you dream of licking and sucking boys as you wank in your bed at night, Father?”

His cock was now clean on the outside and at the top where the crown pushed out and she skinned it down a little and took deep sniffs, waggling it under her nose.

“I think you might have some, Father, I can smell it …. let’s take a look…”

She skinned it right back.

“Fuck, Father! Your cock is beautiful, just fucking beautiful! And look, you do have some under the head bit, in the ridge!

Ooh FUCK I love that fucking SMELL!” Her nose was at it again, sniffing …. and sniffing some more.

“It’s beautiful, Father, smells fucking fantastic. I love cheesy cocks, they smell like dead fish before you skin them back and then when you skin them back it’s like slitting open that dead fish’s belly and exposing the rotting guts. And licking yer tongue inside, it’s beautiful!”

Father Michael had flashes of himself in Hell, sitting alongside Satan himself while Satan watched and slowly wanked a huge, filthy-looking cock.

“Are you enjoying my lifestyle, Father Michael?” Satan said. “Because you know that you’ve crossed the line here, don’t you? I’ve got you hooked and you’re wriggling on my line now, Father. No going back to the ultra-clean-and-shiny jesus thing, you’re hooked on perversion and you won’t be able to repent now, you’re fucking about with me and not resisting so basically, you’re mine!”

Father Michael didn’t care. The girls pointy tongue was now licking under the glans and she was collecting his filth in her mouth. She stood up and bent right over him, her lips inches from his…

“Wanna kiss me, Father?” she breathed. “Wanna share your own filth in a dirty kiss?”

She didn’t wait for a reply, her mouth mashed down on his, her tongue flicking in and out, she was breathing fast and he was wanking as she kissed him, now deeply. He could smell his filth off of her mouth and he could taste it now, too.

The girl stood up suddenly. She stood with her legs apart and slid her middle finger up and down that beautiful cameltoe cunt, pushing the slicked satin further into the deep cleft.

“Take a look and a smell of my dirty knickers, Father. Lick them, yea, like that. Lick at them and take a deep smell of me.

Father Michael smelled, Father Michael licked. Father Michael’s nose pushed into that cameltoe.

He smelled. He licked.Then she hooked a thumb into the waistband and pulled the thong down. Her knee was trembling now, she herself was so excited…

“You’re working for Satan now, Father and He wants you to enjoy me. He wants you to have the illegal pleasures that jesus-fucking-christ has been denying you…

“Lick me out, Father Michael. Wipe your nose into my fucking dirty hole and enjoy the slime. Does it smell good? I was fucked last night and this morning, Father and I haven’t washed. My cunt smells of the rotting sperms, Father. I can smell it from up here. The fucking dirty stuff that was squirted up there last night and the night before and the night before that! Smells fucking gorgeous!

Ooooh, Father Michael! Lick me out! Lick that fucking smelly dirtbox clean! Ooh you’ve found my clit, my nubbin, my hooded lady, my clam, it’s big Father, it’s fucking erect just like your cock, lick it gently, oooh yea, gorgeous, let me skin it back for you, Father, you can taste my cunt cheese. Two fingers held her cunt open and she thrust it into his face, wiped it all over and just as he sucked her clit into his mouth she pulled his head into her cunt and began a wild thrusting, banging herself against his face as the cunt gushed slime into his mouth and she orgasmed, mewling like a kitten, gasping for breath.

Then she was on his lap, his cock was up her and his seven inches of thick meat was stretching that young cunt. She continued to buck on him and he put his hands up the flimsy top and kneaded those beautiful, upturned tits. The nipples were rock hard. She jerked on him so he could feel the head of his cock scraping the very top of the cunt.

“Oooh Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! Yessss! She hissed at him “Squeeze my fucking teats, hard, squeeze those nipples I’m fucking cumming, oh Fuck! I’m pissing! I’m squirting. Fucking jesus! Your cock feels so fucking goood, Father. Oooh fuck Father say a few Hail Satans it’ll make you feel better, Father! You and me, we both belong to Satan and all the lust he gives us!” Jeasus is finished! Satan has you now, you’re feeling the warmth and lust, squirting your spunk up me, Father, fuck that filthy cunt!”


Do you want to find out what happens when Father Michael visits the commune? Will he tempt Father Brian to go with him? What will happen when he goes? These are all genuine questions I want some ideas for because chapter two hasn’t been written yet. I will work on your ideas so please give me your ideas!


2023-01-16 12:09:16
Love this story and feel we need more


2023-01-16 12:06:01
Love this story and feel we need more

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