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Family fun

Daddy daughter mom son

Dan, too, was taking things one step at a time, but his steps were of the physical variety, as he moved warily through the autumnal forest.

He wasn't much of a hunter, Dan – no Orion, no Nimrod, no Daniel Boone. He didn't much want to shoot a helpless deer and he was scared shitless of bears.

But his boss had invited him and here he was, supposedly stalking prey or driving it towards Mr. and Mrs. Gordon as they lurked in ambush.

It had surprised him a little when the boss had brought his wife along. Marion Gordon hardly looked like the outdoorsy sort of lady. She was a redhead with bedroom eyes and big tits and had given Dan very flirtatious looks.

Having Marion with them had done nothing to diminish the pressure of the hard-on that he had fetched with him that morning, and still sported in his woolen hunting pants as he moved through the forest.

Dan was wondering if he should go into the bushes and jack himself off, so that he would feel more comfortable. He guessed it was safe enough, that it was unlikely that anyone would discover him.

He had just about made up his mind that a quick toss of the wrist was a good idea when a sudden noise in the undergrowth made him jump.

Sure as shit, it's a fucking bear! he thought. He jerked his gun up, forgetting that the safety catch was on – or even where it was and stepped back, visions of ravening bear jaws flashing in his mind.

The bushes shook. Silt, whatever it is, it must be big, Dan figured, starting to panic. Then the bushes parted.

It was big, all right – it was Marion Gordon and she had gigantic tits.

The sultry redhead smiled lasciviously at Dan as she moved across the clearing towards him. Her plaid flannel shirt was unbuttoned halfway down, showing the half moons of her tits and her deep cleavage and barely covering the swollen caps of her rosy nipples.

Her ass and hips were undulating in her tight trousers so that she seemed to glide towards him like a two-footed pendulum. She wasn't carrying a gun – but her lush body seemed weapon enough as she approached, slowly, seeming to be stalking him like some big, dangerous carnivore.

Dan gulped, and began to sweat, feeling trapped, snared by her charms, netted by her intentions.

Bold as brass, she walked right up to him.

"I was hoping that I'd run into you, Dan," she purred, placing a red-nailed hand to his cheek and tilting her red-lipped face up as if to be kissed.

Dan stammered. She was a gorgeous hunk of woman, to be sure, and Dan had a hard-on that desperately needed to be dipped into just such a lady – but she also happened to be the wife of his boss. He had hoped for promotion, not to lose his job for losing his head.

"I like hunters, Dan," she sighed. "I love big guns. And I couldn't help but notice the huge gun you've got hidden in your pants."

"Errr – ahhhhh…" he babbled.

"Hunters go deep in the bush – and shoot a lot – and eat what they shoot," she whispered.

She cocked her head and gave him a look of no uncertain intentions.

"But-but – your husband…" he croaked. "He's way over on the other side of the valley, Dan. He'll never know."

That wasn't true, as a matter of fact.

It was Dan that didn't know.

And he didn't know what to do, either, lusting for this fiery lady yet fearful of being caught in adultery. He took a step back – and bumped up against a tree. He stood there, feeling trapped and helpless.

But his meat rifle was still loaded – and there was no safety catch on his fly.

Marion edged up to him, her fat tits pressed to his chest, her gently rounded belly rolling on his loins. Her face turned up again and Dan kissed her on the lips, not knowing how to refuse or decline. At least, kissing her, he didn't have to think of anything to say.

With her lips locked on his, she reached down between them and began to open his pants. His prick charged out and lay heavy in her palm. She gave it a slow push-pull and Dan moaned, losing his fear as desire rushed in to fill the vacuum in his emotions.

Now that she had started playing with his prick, Dan had to fuck her, even if it meant getting fired.

He leaned back against the broad tree trunk as Marion knelt down before him to tug his trousers down, giving his cock and balls a wet kiss as she went past. He was heaving his hips up and down and bracing his back and shoulders against the trunk of the tree, shaking so hard that a few brightly colored leaves broke from the limbs and fluttered down around them in a gaudy, Technicolor display.

Dan was wearing heavy, laced up hunting boots and Marion evidently was too impatient to get laid to bother to remove them in order to get his pants off. She left the trousers looped like a hobble around his ankles as she rose up, kissing his cock and balls in passing once again.

Now, his ankles bound by his pants, Dan felt even more that he was caught in a snare – but the wanton web, which she was weaving, was welcome now.

Marion stepped back and removed her flannel blouse, baring her tits and incidentally making her quarry's mouth water at the sight.

Then she opened her pants and dropped them. Unlike her would-be lover, Marion wore only Jodhpur boots and she kicked them off as she stepped from the pants.

Her naked body was magnificent.

Her cunt bush was as brilliant as the fall leaves, wide flaming vee on her lower belly and her swollen nipples seemed almost as red.

She was all ass and tits and womanly hips divided by a waist so narrow that Dan could just about have spanned it in his hands.

She nosed for him for a minute, turning slightly, letting him admire her ripe curves. Then she stepped up again and lewdly pressed her body to his. Her tit tips branded his chest in wide, flaring points and she brushed her flaming bush of a cunt mound on his cock.

Dan's hard-on felt as firm – and damned near as thick – as the tree trunk against which he was leaning, as if he had taken root, himself, the long erection running down his leg and mooring him to the earth.

He stood like a sex shrine, a living phallic symbol, as she played the fertility Goddess, groveling before him, touching and stroking and caressing.

Then the redhead rose up onto her tiptoes. She was a tall woman and when she extended herself fully, his cock dragged down her belly, through her flaming vee and the fat cock-knob slid into her crotch.

She held him by the shoulders and Dan supported her under her big, firm, heart-shaped ass, helping her rise atop his cock. Then she threw both legs up, hooking her knees around his flanks, clamping him between her thighs. She wriggled up as if she were shimmying up the tree behind him – to which he had become another limb, a separate trunk, an auxiliary bow.

Completely off the ground now, she clung to his torso and balanced on his huge cock, her ass gently swinging from side to side.

Her lips brushed his ear, tongue flickering out, breath warm and fragrant.

"My lover – my tree!" she whispered.

Your husband's employee, too, Dan thought – but knew it was not the sort of thing to say, in the romance of the moment, the heat of this pastoral encounter, the primitive passion of this bucolic mating.

She perched on his cockhead, gripping with her thighs, her weight surprisingly light in his cupped hands despite the formidable meat of well-packed ass and tits. She was keeping herself in perfect balance, limber and agile, no burden at all to the trembling man.

He braced his back against the hard bark of the tree and jerked his groin up, burrowing his cockhead into her sodden pussy. She gasped as he sank past the slit, his cock-knob broaching the adulterous area of her pussy.

Then the redhead began to slowly slide down, spiking her cunthole on his meaty shaft. The coupling was incredibly slow. His prick seemed to be growing up into her cunt, like some sapling beginning to sprout tall from the fertile acorns of his cum-bloated balls.

Her ass dropped in his cupped hands and she took all of his cock into her with a squeal of bliss.

Her knees were raised high as she gripped his flanks between her thighs and her ass hung down like a pair of pale melons in a basket.

Swinging from side to side, she held herself spiked down on his cockhilt, his balls like waterwings under her groin.

Arching her curvy, small-waisted body, she heaved her tits up into Dan's face. He began to switch from nipple to nipple, nursing and drooling, making them swell.

She reached down behind her ass and took his balls in her hand, gently fondling them, delighted at how full of cum they were. It felt like she had a handful of coconut, all solid and hairy.

She rolled her hips, widening her cunthole around on his buried prick. Her hand slipped into her crotch, fingers splayed out, feeling around the coupling. Juice gushed out onto his cumbags, turning the outside as creamy as the inside. In the cool autumn air, little wisps of steam were wafting out of her groin.

Her cunt was a sodden thing, but the inner rings were rippling nicely, making the fit pleasantly tight and snug despite all the slick lubrication.

Dan wondered if his boss was lucky to have such a passionate spouse – or unlucky to have such a blatantly promiscuous one? But this was hardly the time for such philosophical musings and it was but a passing thought.

Dan was eager to begin throwing the prick to her and get his rocks off, but he was hampered. Braced against the unyielding tree trunk, with her weight pinioning his prick and his ankles hobbled by his pants, he could not start any sort of humping motion at all.

He was snared firmly and at her mercy.

He lifted up on the cheeks of her ass, hauling her cunt up an inch or so, then let her drop back to the root. It wasn't the full stroking he wanted, but it was better than nothing. He repeated it, getting two inches of sliding friction as he heaved her up and let her slide back down.

That short stroking inspired the redhead and she began to pull herself up, helping him handle her weight. Her arms clung to his broad shoulders and her knees hooked around his hips and she went up and down on his cock like a monkey climbing a palm tree.

She drew her fuckslot up until only the head of his cock was in her, paused there like a flagpole sitter, then sank down and took it all again. The friction was hot and wet and his cock came out slippery, dark vein pulsing.

She jerked up fast and slammed down hard, then glided up with delicious slowness and settled back down inch by inch, changing the tempo and embellishing the sensations as she varied the pace. Dan could do nothing but hold his prick up firm and let her set the rhythm, helping as best he could by yanking up and down on her ass.

His huge cock went into her, came out glistening, vanished into that gooey, glorious cunt again. It levered like a metal crane as it took her weight. His cock sinew pulsed and the meat throbbed in her cuntsleeve, making her coo.

Her pussy was starting to melt and Dan could feel his cum load swirling around, getting set to erupt.

He pulled her up savagely and pounded her pussy back down on his prick. He was shaking like a tree in a hurricane as the inner vibrations of his lust rippled all though his body. She rode him like a wood nymph pleasuring herself on the limb of a phallic tree.

Then, looking past her cheek and shoulder, Dan saw a truly terrible thing.

Her husband stepped into the clearing from the other side and stopped dead in his tracks as he stared across at them, his eyes going wide and his jaws dropping open.

Oh, fuck – I'll loose my job for sure now, Dan thought. I'll have to be demoted to janitor, at least.

In his dismay, his mind lost its desire.

But his cock, that mindless and massive creature of pure instinct, stayed as stiff as a board and his balls continued to surge to a crest.

And then Dan saw that there were lots worse things than losing his job.

Gordon, his face contorted by fierce and unidentifiable emotions, raised his hunting rifle.

It was a bolt-action, high-powered gun and he lifted it to his shoulder and inclined his head, cheek to the stick, aiming through the telescopic sight.

Oh, no! Dan thought.

The weapon was aimed directly at Marion Gordon's groin – and Dan's cumbags just happened to be bulging in there, like the bull's eye of a target.

For an awful instant, poor Dan believed that he could kiss his balls goodbye.

He winced in dreadful anticipation of a slug of hot metal twisting in and bursting his bloated balls, shattering his nuts, blowing out his bags.

He had a terrible vision of all his cum spilling out from the wound and pouring down his legs, fertilizing the forest floor in an aborted sort of cumming.

But then, to his amazement and relief, he realized that Gordon did not have a finger on the trigger. He was holding the gun steady with one hand and his other hand had dropped down to his groin, fumbling around as the man awkwardly opened his fly and pulled out his cock.

Gordon wasn't going to fire the rifle.

He was only using the telescopic sight to get a close-up of the action, as he began to pump merrily away on the lever-action carbine of his cock!

So this was the way to promotion and better pay!

With a mighty surge of joy, Dan began to heave his cock into Mrs. Gordon in a frenzy and, as her husband grinned happily behind the telescopic sight, using it as a high-powered peeper's device, Dan's steaming fuckjuice shot up into Marion's cunt in a creamy geyser.

Dan was delighted by the situation, knowing how to find favor with his boss now.

If he fucked Mrs. Gordon often enough and well enough – he would soon be the managing director.

His only regret was the need to be unfaithful to his loving wife. Dan felt guilty about that.

But he sure didn't have to.


Diana squatted on the knob of Jimmy's towering prick, grinding her cunt on the greasy slab. Holly was belly down behind them, her chin resting on the bed and her eyes glued to the action in her mother's groin.

Watching Mom fuck Jimmy was almost as much fun as fucking him, herself.

Jimmy bridged up, nudging in. Diana began to sink down, stuffing his cock in inch by slow inch. Smooth as silk, it vanished up her fuckhole.

She sat down to the hilt and held it all up her cunt, loving the incest insertion. A cuntful of young cock was always welcome, but with the added thrill of breaking the taboos, it was pure bliss.

Especially with her little girl looking on.

Diana's cunt was plastered around his thick hilt, her ass swaying gently, the firm cheeks parting to expose her asshole as she ground down.

She began to pull her pussy up and down with deliciously slow, steady strokes.

Now she was sure that it had been a great idea to let him shoot off in his sister first, so that he would last lots longer in his first motherfucking session.

He cunt drew up, the pink lips pulling open, then sank down to the root again, making a squishing sound. He was so hard and hot that it felt as if she were squatting down on a burning brand.

Holly squirmed up closer, her tongue lolling out like a slobbery dog. Watching was fun, but the naughty, nubile teenager wanted to get a piece of the action, too, licking around the edges, lapping at the rim.

Her tongue flopped out and slurped at her brother's huge balls. Then she heaved up and stabbed her lapper into her mom's tight shithole. She began to bob up and down, snacking on gamy balls and tart asshole in turn.

She began to use long strokes, starting on Jimmy's balls as his prick vanished, then slurping up his cock as it came out, drenched with cuntjuice. Her lapper slid up the heavily veined underside of his prick, tongued into her mother's cunt, then darted up through the crack of her ass and dipped into her shithole.

She turned her face and placed her mouth at the coupling, so that Jimmy was screwing through her parted lips as he drove in and out of their mother's pussy.

The dual thrill of mouth and cunt made the youth jerk convulsively, surging towards the peak. He was going to shoot off sooner than his mother had hoped – but she didn't mind, since she, too, was deriving the benefit of a flashing tongue to enhance the pleasure of fucking.

Her cunt began melting. Jimmy's cock came out soaking with her juice and Holly lapped it up and sucked it in, drinking that cunt milk with relish. Streaks of jizz began to stream out, floating in a creamy filigree in the tide of pearly cunt cum.

Holly's palate was in paradise as she tasted from a cunt tray and drank from a groin goblet and slurped on the meaty cock, all the heady flavors combined into one delectable sauce that was driving her crazy.

"Cum-juice-cream!" the girl babbled, not even sure, herself, if she was urging her mother to melt or her brother to shoot off – or her own cunt to spasm.

In a howling frenzy, wailing like a banshee, Jimmy drove up and spurted his fuckjuice into Diana's cunt, cumming so hard he almost blew her off the end of his prick.

Diana surged to the creamy peak with him, her cunt turning to paste.

As mother and son fucked away, working each other off, Holly drank deeply of brotherly jism and mother's cunt milk and it thrilled her so much that her own pussy creamed without so much as a touch.

This, thought Diana, had been the nicest step of all – so far, at least.

But that imaginative, uninhibited, adventurous, lustful lady had a lot more steps in mind – so many that she doubted they could do it all in a single weekend.

She hoped that her husband went hunting a lot, from now on, so she could enjoy family frolic frequently.

And, of course, Dan went hunting almost every weekend, from that time on.

He never did shoot a deer.

But he got his promotion, nevertheless.

The End


2022-10-17 21:49:00
I love this story! It's so erotic!

Too bad it's already the end. Will you be writing more chapters, or will you be writing any new stories? I'd love to read more work from you!

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