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A neighbour's boy catches something he can use for his own devices
Across the street.

”It was a million to one fluke” Tony Philips thought to himself as he finished copying the videotape and ejected it. Removing it from the recorder he went downstairs and out of the house only to return 2 minutes later minus the tape. Then taking, a deep breath, he picked up the phone and made a brief call before going upstairs to look surreptitiously out of his bedroom window.

A fortnight earlier it had been Tony’s birthday and his parents had presented him with a video camera. Tony had wanted one for ages and was delighted, but like all things technical he had some difficulty mastering it. So when he came to use it one afternoon it was with some annoyance that, having left it on his bedroom windowsill, he found it had been switched on all day and the batteries were flat. He put them on charge and went off to do something else. It wasn’t until a week later when he was reviewing some of what he had videoed that he got the shock of his life. As the tape came to the point where he thought it finished it suddenly cut to a shot of the house opposite, taken out of his bedroom window. Baffled, Tony left it running as he tried to figure out why he had this shot and it took couple of minutes to realize what had occurred and laughed.

”Twit” he said out loud to himself and was reaching to turn it off when he saw somebody walk up the drive .He paused, out of curiosity, just to see what happened, as his camera had been pointing at the house of the biggest snob in the street, Susan Thompson. Tony didn’t like her, she had caused him nothing but grief all the time he had lived opposite her, she seemed to reckon that she was as cut above everybody else in the street and generally treated her neighbours with disdain.

She had been particularly cold towards Tony, ever since he had put a football through one of her windows several years ago. Tony knew she was some form of office manager at a bank, but exactly what he didn’t know. She always dressed smartly and Tony couldn’t help but notice her largish breasts when he did occasionally see her.

Tony watched the video as the mystery man approached her door; to the young observer the man was behaving furtively as he ran the doorbell.

The door opened almost immediately and Susan ushered the man inside. Tony hit the freeze frame, his mouth dropped open as he continued to stare at the screen, he watched in disbelief. Mrs. Susan Thompson was naked, no that wasn’t quite true. She’d opened the door fully to her friend, clad in a black lacy basque, which only real function was to hold the wide black suspenders to her black stocking tops. On her feet she wore patent leather high heels with double ankle straps. Whilst the quality wasn’t good it was clear enough that the prim and proper Susan Thompson was completely smooth between her legs and her breasts were as large, firm and completely natural as he’d ever suspected they would be. With nice large pick nipples, just as he liked.

Tony hit the play button again, Susan had the door pulled fully open as if she was begging to be seen, the man entered, and walked around her once a smile on his face, she was laughing. The man embraced her. So she was having an affair of some sort behind her husband’s back. She was now trying to push the door closed, but the guy held her tight, although she wasn’t protesting too much, because one hand of her was already in his trousers. He caught a brief glimpse of his hard cock as she slid to her knees and pushed the door closed. Tony almost came off knowing what was happening behind the door.

Tony continued to watch but there was little to see and then suddenly he heard a key in the front door lock.

”Hello, Tony” his mother called as she entered. Tony quickly ejected the tape and hid it in a drawer…….

With his thoughts returning to the present Tony, peering out of his window; didn’t have to wait long before he saw activity across the street. Susan Thompson slowly opened her door, looked round quickly and then picked up a package off her doorstep. The package, which had been placed there minutes earlier contained, edited video highlights of Susan’s indiscretions from a fortnight earlier. The door closed and Tony decided to watch TV for a while, his nerves on edge as he thought what might happen if his plan went wrong. But then he imagined Susan watching the tape and smiled, as he thought about what she must be wondering to herself. He forced himself to leave it a full hour to give her both time to watch the tape and then to start sweating before he turned off the TV and went to the phone. Knowing that her husband was out he surmised that she must have watched the tape by now so with a trembling hand he quickly punched in her number and waited. After five rings the phone had still not been answered and he almost lost his bottle and put the handset down. But he forced himself not to and two rings later he heard Susan’s phone answered and a female voice say


”Susan Thompson?” he enquired

”Yes” she answered warily, “who is this?”

”Never mind that” he replied, trying to sound firm but in reality he was virtually quaking in his boots, “I take it you’ve seen the tape.

”Who is this,” Susan snapped angrily, “How dare you.”

”SHUT UP AND LISTEN!” Tony shouted down his phone, which caused Susan to fall silent. He had expected this and was just following his plan.

”The tape you have is a copy. I have the original” he explained “and I am very tempted to make copies for your husband, your sons, and all your neighbours.

Richard heard a gasp and then there was a silence at the other end of the phone before in a cold voice Susan asked, ”What do you want?”

Be at the end of the road tomorrow a 6pm.” Tony told her and put the phone down before Susan could say anything. He breathed a huge sigh of relief and calming himself down returned to watching the TV. The next part of his plan was already worked out and he grinned as he thought about putting it into action. But conversely there were nagging doubts in his mind that it might all go wrong and he’d find himself in trouble.

The following night Susan Thompson was waiting at the end of her street at the appointed time. Her train home from work had been late and as a result she didn’t have time to go home first, instead arriving at the road end straight from the station just three minutes prior to 6pm. Ever since the phone call the previous evening and her subsequent viewing of the tape her mind had been in turmoil and the worst thing was she had no idea who was doing this to her.

Many times she mentally kicked herself for being so stupid. Her husband had been away and Simon was staying overnight with a friend. She had invited one of her work colleagues, with whom she was having a brief fling, home. It had only lasted a few days, she thought better of it and in fact he only came to her house once and that one occasion was when they had been video taped.

She also kicked herself for accepting the dare from Donald to greet him dressed like that. A dare that had sexually excited them both, leaving her door wide open and then in their haste not drawing the curtains in the bedroom. Now she was no doubt going to be blackmailed for her indiscretions, not only did her blackmailer threaten to give her husband a copy of the tape but also her son Simon and the neighbours.

Susan shivered; it was a dark breezy evening although not too cold for November. But her office attire was not particularly suited to standing on draughty street corners. Dressed in a charcoal grey business suit with a thigh length skirt she pulled her rather thin coat around her, not that it offered much protection, finishing only several inches below her waist. It was fine for her usual brisk walk from the station but not for standing around in the cool evening air. Not liking high heels Susan was shod in a pair of black flat shoes and being quite tall she could get away with it. Susan was not the best of people to work for normally but her staff at the office had, that day a particularly rough time as she had constantly thought about the tape.

”Evening Mrs. Thompson”

A voice jolted her out of her musings and as she looked around. Tony Philips, the boy who lived opposite, stood next to her leaning on his bike.

”Good Evening” Susan replied not disguising her coldness for Tony.

”Waiting for someone?” Tony enquired

”None of your business,” Susan snapped, now annoyed, “Would you just go away”

”OK” Tony said smiling and as he got onto his bike he added, “So you won’t be wanting the video.”

”WHAT?” Susan cried looking at the lad in horror, “You?”

”Correct” Tony confirmed.

”Give me the tape now you little pervert.” Susan demanded angrily, “or I’ll go straight to your father.”

”Go on then” Tony replied, “and I’ll distribute the tape like I promised.” Susan glared at him her face going red with rage, although being dark Tony couldn’t see this but after half a minute she knew she couldn’t risk going to Tony’s father so instead she asked,

”What do you want,” in the sternest voice she could muster, “I suppose its money you are after.”

”Nope,” Tony replied simply and silence then resumed for 15 seconds until Susan added,

”Well what then?”

”I have plans,” Tony said grinning, “Do you know where St Nicholas’s Church is?”

”I’m not sure.” Susan replied warily

”Well, in that case you can follow me” Tony informed her as he climbed onto his bike and set off along the pavement. As he rode he let the relief wash over him, his nonchalant behaviour and grins had all been an act in reality he had been petrified. He had spent a sleepless night worrying about the implications of what he was doing and earlier that day he had considered calling the whole thing off. He managed to force himself to keep the appointment and now was glad he had, Susan Thompson was well and truly in his control.

”Wait for me,” Susan called after him and set off walking at a brisk pace. Tony waited at the next junction for her.

Look,” he said, “I haven’t got all night, I suggest you run,”

”Get lost” Susan snapped, she wasn’t going to be ordered about by a teenage boy.

”I’ll wait for you at the church then,” Tony suggested, “if you’re not there five minutes after me then I’m going home and you don’t get the tape.”

”OK,OK” Susan conceded and as Tony set off once more she muttered,

”Bastard,” under her breath. Not having the faintest idea where the church was, religion not being her strong point, she set off after Tony. The narrow hem of her skirt severely hampered her progress and the best she could manage was a sort of trot. Despite her best efforts she soon fell behind and was greatly relieved to find Tony waiting for her a bit further up the road.

”Trouble with the skirt,” Tony asked.

”Yes,” Susan answered only slightly out of breath, “its not designed for running,” she explained trying to remain calm.

”Then take it off.” Tony told her in a matter of fact voice.

”SOD OFF” Susan cried angrily shocked by the suggestion.

”I’m not waiting for you again,” Tony warned her, “It’s your choice, but don’t forget I’ll only be at the church 5 minutes.

”Shit!” Susan moaned, she knew when she was beaten and looked nervously up and down the road. Fortunately for her it was not a busy road and there were few cars and no pedestrians around. Even so she was still hesitant but, finally, with a glance at Tony who was leaning against his bicycle trying to look bored she went between two parked cars.

Another nervous look around and then a pause as a lone car drove by preceded Susan crouching down and wriggling out of her skirt. Tony was slightly annoyed that this spectacle was hidden from his view but the sight of an embarrassed Susan re-emerging from between the cars holding her skirt in front of her more than made up for it.

”I’ll look after your skirt” Tony informed her and held out his hand.

Susan felt her face burn red as slowly she reached out and handed Tony her skirt and was glad it was dark. Once she had handed it over she tugged her coat down as far as it would, but it didn’t cover much at all. She cringed as a car passed by which momentarily lit them both up, long enough for Tony to see that she wore bright red panties. It was a strange feeling for Susan as she stood in front of Tony with the chill of the night air on her bare thighs between where her hold up stockings finished and her jacket hem began. She dreaded what might happen next.

”Off you go then,” Tony said interrupting her thoughts, “I’ll let you go first, take a left at the end of this road and I’ll catch you up before you need to make another turn.”

”Do I have to?” Susan pleaded not relishing the thought of having to run through the streets minus her skirt. Worse still it was just a teenager who was making her do it.

”If you want the tape, you do” Tony responded and the added, “Off you go.”

Susan sighed and set off in the direction indicated. Tony watched her go, admiring the sight before he looked at the skirt in his hand, shrugged to himself and then threw it over the garden hedge next to him.

”That will give somebody something to think about,” he thought to himself as he pedalled after Susan.

As promised he caught up with her and led the way to the church. Staying about thirty yard ahead of Susan, Tony cycled at a steady pace, fast enough to keep Susan jogging but not quick enough to lose her.

He frequently looked over his shoulder, both to make sure he wasn’t getting too far ahead and also because he liked the sight of Susan running without her skirt. One thing was certain; she could go much quicker without it, whether this was because she could move more easily or because she wanted to get the ordeal over as fast as she could.

Tony wasn’t quite sure but either way he wasn’t bothered.

Susan was reasonably fit and had little trouble keeping up with Tony. Her thoughts were more on not being seen and she realized that the sooner they got to the church the better so she pressed on; glad she wasn’t wearing high heels. Still deeply embarrassed she nearly died when she had to run past several people out walking. Only one person, a young man noticed her lack of a skirt and whistled at her. This caused Susan to increase her pace until she was out of his sight. She was just beginning to tire when she saw that Tony had stopped ahead of her outside a church. Seconds later she came to a halt next to him and breathing deeply she didn’t wait to be told but slipped through the gate into the churchyard and away from road and the possibility of being seen. She failed to notice that Tony no longer had her skirt with him as he wheeled his bike after her.

Away from the road she felt less vulnerable so she challenged Tony,

”Why are you doing this?”

Tony thought for a moment, no longer nervous, and then answered; ”Because the opportunity arose and also because I want to get my own back on you.

”Own back?” Susan asked, mystified.

”Yes,” Tony explained, “Ever since I accidentally broke your window you’ve treated me coldly.”

”I’m sorry”, Susan said trying to placate him.

”Also,” Tony went on, “you are probably the biggest snob in the street and I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to take you down a peg or two.”

”I’m not a snob,” Susan said indignantly, not really believing that this lad was talking to her like this, but very concerned as to where events were leading. Tony said nothing for a few seconds as he gazed at Susan’s ample chest heaving up and down in the gloom of the churchyard. Then he suddenly said,

”Take your coat off.”

”Why,” Susan asked thrown off guard by Tony’s sudden change of direction

”Because I say so and because you have to if you want the tape” Tony told her in a very firm voice.

In fact a voice that was firm enough in its tone for her not to try arguing but instead do as she was told. She unbuttoned it and took it off in a short space of time before placing it over a gravestone that was conveniently situated on her left.

”Now the jacket,” Tony told her as soon as she faced him again.

”But…” Susan tried to say

”NOW!” Tony snapped and Susan began to slip out of it without protest. She put it on top of her coat and shivered in the night air as she turned back to Tony, folding her arms as she did so.

Tony looked at the half dressed woman in front of him and once again his attention was

drawn to her breasts. He could not resist asking,

”What size are your tits?”

”None of your business,” Susan snapped with a sudden flush of anger at being asked such a personal question by this youth. This was despite the fact she stood in front of him minus half her clothes.

”Wrong answer,” Tony told her, putting on a cold voice, “Take off your blouse”

”N..No, I’m sssorry,” Susan stammered realising her error, “They’re 36D”

”That’s better, politeness costs nothing, “but you can still take off the blouse”

”Oh please, No.” Susan protested in despair.

”You do want the tape?” Tony asked

Susan didn’t reply, her head slumped forward in defeat and she started to fumble with the buttons on her blouse. She slowly worked her way down until they were all undone and then she undid the ones on the cuffs. Tony didn’t rush her; he was enjoying every moment of humiliating the woman who had been the bane of his life for the past few years. Without further prompting Susan slowly removed the blouse and placed it with the rest of her clothes. She didn’t turn back this time, instead staying facing the gravestone and rubbing her arms in a vain attempt to keep warm. Despite the lack of light Tony could see that like her knickers her bra was red.

”Face me” Tony ordered and watched with delight as the woman reluctantly turned towards him. As the teenage boy looked her up and down

Susan felt a stirring in her loins.

”Put your arms by your side.” He then added Susan did as she was told but said in a small voice as she did so,

”Haven’t you seen enough,”

”Do you think I’m going to stop now?” Tony laughed

”Oh please,” Susan begged, at the same time feeling her cunt becoming more aroused.

”No chance” the teenager tormented her further, “Lets see these 36D’s then.

Susan pushed her shoulders back and thrust her chest out.

”No” Tony laughed, “I want to see all of them.

Susan froze chest still stuck out.

”You mean…” she started but failed to finish.

”Yep” Tony told her, “dispense with the bra”

Now visibly shivering with the cold Susan moaned and slumped her shoulders.

”Do you want the tape,” Tony asked her when she failed to make any further movement.

”Yes” she mumbled sadly as she reached behind her back to unclip her bra. Several moments fumbling followed before she succeeded and wriggled out of the garment trying to cover as much as she could of her naked chest from Tony’s gaze with her arms. Once it was off she carefully draped it over the gravestone upon which the rest of her clothes, except her skirt of course, rested.

With eyes now more accustomed to the darkness Tony was able to see his neighbour quite clearly and took a moment to gaze at her cringing in front of him.

”Time to lose the stockings,” Tony told her and without protest she started to kick off her shoes. Removing them was not going to reveal any more flesh to Tony so Susan saw little point in arguing.

She pushed her shoes to the base of the gravestone with her foot and then set about peeling her right stocking down. This turned out to be highly amusing for Tony watching her lowering her stockings with one hand whilst trying to keep her breasts covered with the other. It was a hopeless task and on several occasions one breast or the other swung free and Tony was treated to the sight of her frantic efforts to preserve her modesty. When she finally got it off Susan put it on top of the rest of her clothes and repeated the exercise with the other stocking. Once again her breasts refused to play the game and kept escaping from behind the arm that was supposed to be hiding them. Tony was almost disappointed when she placed her second stocking with the

first but before he could say anything further Susan said in almost a whisper,

”Please let me keep my panties.”

”Of course you can keep them,” Tony told her and her relief was all too evident at his seemingly generous gesture.

”But,” he continued after a brief pause, “I’ll keep the tape if you keep them.”

Anguish immediately replaced the look of relief on her face. She was now facing the prospect of stripping entirely naked in front of a teenager and once again cursed the indiscretion that had got her into this mess in the first place. What surprised her though was how horny she was getting.

”Time to make up your mind” Tony said jolting her from her thoughts,

”What’s it to be?”

Once again Susan knew that in practice she had no real choice and with a last despairing look at Tony wriggled her panties off of her hips and down her thighs before letting them drop to her ankles. This was accomplished one handed, as with the stockings, although this time she managed to keep the breasts confined. She carefully stepped out of them and quickly put the red panties on top of the rest of her clothes. She slipped her feet back into her high heels. As she placed her free hand over her crotch the moon chose that moment to come out from behind the clouds and bathe her in white light.

She wished the ground would open up and swallow her up as she stood front of Tony, totally naked and acutely aware of it her pussy starting to ooze its juice.

She squirmed with embarrassment as she looked at the pile of clothes lying over the gravestone next to her and wished she was wearing them. Instead she had no choice but to try and cover her body from Tony’s gaze with her hand and arms. She didn’t really notice the cold and the fact that her teeth were chattering as with one arm across her breasts and her other arm covering her crotch she half crouched in front of him feeling utterly humiliated. Tony on the other hand was enjoying every minute of watching her discomfort, he had managed, by pure chance, to reduce the biggest snob in his street to a state of naked humiliation and not surprisingly he was grinning from ear to ear.

”Get on your knees” Tony suddenly ordered and Susan slowly struggled to do as instructed whilst trying to keep herself covered. Eventually she managed, only to be told, “Put your hands on your head” by Tony.

When she didn’t move he repeated the order,

”Put your hands on your head” this time more sternly and then watched as most reluctantly Susan removed her hands from her chest and placed them on her head. Her face burned with shame but to her horror Tony then said, “Get your knees apart,”

This time, knowing that her cunt lips were glistening wet, she looked at him with pleading eyes and managed to whisper, “Please, no”

”You want the tape?” Tony asked in reply and after a small pause she bowed her head and shuffled her knees a few inches apart.

”Further” Tony snapped and mortified at the thought of what she was doing Susan forced herself to spread herself a bit more.

”Keep going” Tony encouraged her and the wretched woman stifled a sob and moved her knees even further away from each other. A last Tony was satisfied that she could get them no further apart and told her to stop. He then took his time to admire the woman in front of him who was now lewdly displaying herself. He took his time and even walked round her a couple of times. Susan just stared straight in front during the time Tony inspected her, so sexually aroused that her cunt was literally throbbing. Tony saw some streaks of fluid running down her thigh and thought perhaps she had pissed herself.

When Tony decided he had seen enough he picked up her clothes from the gravestone and came round to her front. Crouching down he piled them in a heap in front of her before retrieving her shoes from the foot of the gravestone and placing them on top of the pile. “Just two more things and the tape is yours,” he said.

”OK” Susan mumbled just wanting to end the ordeal over and get out of her current position,

“What do I have to do?” Unzipping his fly and worming his erect cock out of his pants he held it before her face and said, “Suck my cock”.

For the first time that evening, Susan uttered no protest, by now she was so horny she wished she could fuck his cock. Her compliance didn’t go unnoticed by Tony.

Instead she submissively took his cock into her mouth and started to suck. As Tony groaned and came in her mouth almost instantly he grabbed Susan by the back of her head and pulled her face tight against his crotch forcing his spurting cock down her throat. She gagged but he held her tight until his cock stopped pulsing and spurting. While Tony was shooting his load down her throat Susan spontaneously climaxed and screamed her pleasure around the cock that was gagging her throat. Tony thought she was screaming in disgust and as his cock softened he withdrew it from her mouth and tucked it back in his pants.

Then Tony reached into his pocket, took out a cigarette lighter and threw the lighter in her direction where it landed more or less between her spread knees. He said,

”Set fire to your clothes”

”You can’t be serious” Susan cried.

”Yes I am” Tony replied. “I’m very serious.”

”I won’t do it” Susan told him, “I’ve done enough, I’m going to get dressed and leave now” and with that she started to reach for her clothes. “STOP” Tony said sharply which caused Susan to freeze.

”Your clothes are going to burn” he told her in a menacing voice, “I poured lighter fluid on them so they will burn easily. I can have them on fire before you could get one single item back on, but if I do it I’ll distribute the tape.”

Susan looked indecisively at her clothes for a moment then up at Tony.

”Well?” he asked, “What’s it to be?”

Susan still did not move and looked back at her clothes once more. Nothing happened for thirty seconds, the air heavy with tension until Susan reached down between her legs and with a trembling hand picked up the lighter. Her hand was shaking so much as she flicked it, it wasn’t until the fourth attempt that she got a flame. She started slightly as it flared up to nearly a 3-inch flame in front of her face; Tony had been very considerate and adjusted it so it wouldn’t blow out. She then paused staring at the roaring lighter before moaning,

”Oh my God” and reaching forward applied the lighter to her clothes.

The lighter fluid had soaked in well and in seconds they were all alight and blazing merrily. Susan watched the flames with a kind of morbid fascination until a thought jolted her.

”How do I get home,” she suddenly asked looking over the fire to Tony.

He shrugged in response,

”That’s your problem, but I will keep my word and the DVD will be delivered to you tomorrow.”

”But I’ve nothing to wear, how can I go home like this.” Susan wailed looking down at the remains of her clothes, which were now little more that a pile of smouldering ashes.

”Like I said that’s your problem” Tony repeated and without further ado he got onto his bicycle and before Susan could protest he rode off and left her still on her knees.

It was in the evening about week later that there was a knock at Tony’s front door. Being the only one home he had to answer it himself and was somewhat startled to see Susan standing there. He had given her the tape as promised and since then had only seen her twice; on both occasions she had not surprisingly ignored him.

To see her on his doorstep now had him momentarily lost for words. Susan found her voice first; ”I know you are alone so can I come in” she asked nervously,

”Er yes,” Tony answered and stood back as she entered at the same time noticing she was clutching a DVD. She was dressed in a raincoat and high heels with a scarf around her neck.

”What can I do for you” he asked trying to sound relaxed as he closed the door and turned to face him.

”Here” Susan said and thrust the tape out at him.

”What’s this?” Tony queried declining to take the proffered DVD.

”It’s the tape of me,” Susan blurted out, “I want you to have it back.”

”What for?” Tony asked incredulously

Susan blushed and looked at the floor,

”Well?” Tony pressed her after a few moments

”B..BB.Because……” she stuttered, “I..I w..ant you to make me earn it back again.” Susan’s sexual excitement had been building ever since she had decided to pursue this adventure further and by now her cunt was dripping wet.

”Are you serious?” Tony said in a state of near shock”

”Yes,” she whispered looking at the floor, she was now bright red flushed and having difficulty breathing.

Tony thought about it for a few seconds and then said, ”What the hell” and snatched the tape from her hand. But then, never knowing why but perhaps to prolong her humiliation, he stopped and said, ”Last chance, you’ve got 60 seconds to change your mind and ask for the tape back, after that it’s too late.”

Back in control of himself once more Tony looked at his watch for a minute whilst Susan stared nervously around the room and wrung her hands in front of her. Tony was already regretting offering her an out.

”Times up” Tony announced, “Wait here” and with that he quickly went upstairs to his bedroom to secrete the tape. He felt on top of the world as he came down the stairs but also knew it was getting late and his parents would soon be returning. He walked past Susan and into the kitchen returning holding a bin bag.

”Remove all your clothes and put them in this,” he said, and held the bag out to her.

Susan took it and slowly undid her raincoat, she slipped it off underneath she was dressed exactly like she had greeted her lover two weeks before. Fully exposed in front of her teenaged neighbour at her own volition her pussy was squirting juice.

Now she sank to her knees and kissed the front of his jeans before starting to extract his cock which was hardening. Greedily she sucked it into her mouth. He reached down and grabbed a breast in each hand, squashing her lovely breasts, cruelly, but it excited her.

”Hurry up,” Tony snapped, “Unless you’d like to greet my parents.”

Susan started and looked up at him.

”Yes, they’ll be home soon.” Tony informed her.

This spurred Susan on and very soon she was bobbing her head on his penis, she hadn’t reckoned on his parents coming home so soon. She heard him sight and then his spurts hit the back of her throat. She sucked him till he was soft again and he pulled his cock out of her mouth.

Looking down at the penitent housewife, Tony said, “hey your pissing all over the carpet, get the hell out of here” her pussy juice had dripped a tiny dark stain onto the pale carpet.

He shouted at her as he grabbed her by the arm opened the front door propelling her out into the night. As soon as he had slammed the door behind her, he went up to his bedroom, picking up the black raincoat of Susan’s on the way and was looking out of his window in time to see the naked woman scurry across the road towards her house. What he didn’t see was Susan’s hand at her crotch as she scurried furiously frigging her clit, which caused her such an explosive climax that she stumbled and almost fell, her legs weak from the intense release.

Tony smiled to himself; he was definitely in for some fun, and maybe his father too. He had overheard his dad Mark say to a friend how he would like to fuck that stuck up bitch, Mrs. Thompson up the arse. Maybe Tony would fuck her up the arse too. And maybe after Tony tired of playing with Mrs. Thompson he would leave the tape in his dad’s car where his dad would eventually find it. Perhaps even before Tony tired of her. No reason why both of them couldn’t be enjoying her at the same time even though Tony’s dad didn’t have to know it.

To be continued….


2022-10-27 21:08:59
Very good! Waiting for more.

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