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Daddy and daughter fool around
Carolyn stood in front of her full-length mirror looking at her semi-nude body. She was trying to decide whether or not she liked the new bra her mother had bought for her today. At this young age Carolyn had jumped right into a B cup bra, even though she had never worn a bra in her life. She had refused until this day to wear one. She was too much of a tomboy and the pink lacy bra that her mother had thrown at her this morning didn't suit her normal style. The more she looked at it though, the more she grew to like it.

She turned sideways to look at the effect. The soft silky lace cupped her white breasts and the pattern made it look like there were fingers grasping her breasts from behind. The low cut of the bra barely covered her aureoles and she could see her nipples protruding through the thin silk... a lasting effect from when she had first pulled the cold silk over her sensitive nipples. She reached up and flicked one of them and gasped at the shivers that shot through her body. She giggled at her reaction and moved her hands lower to take stock of the matching panties.

Her hands drummed on her firm flat stomach as she turned her back to the mirror and looked over her shoulder to see the effect the panties had from behind. The light pink panties were silk edged with lace and the bikini cut accentuated her perfect little ass. They were utterly feminine she thought as she turned towards the mirror. She ran her hands over the silk, loving the smooth feel of the fabric. Her hand reached lower and she pushed the silk between the lips of her pussy and rubbed the silk of the panties against the silky insides of her pussy. Her fingernail pushed through the silk and grazed her clit. Her eyes shot open in wonder. She had never played with her pussy enough to know that her clit could give her such sensations. She smiled at herself in the mirror and saw the wicked little gleam in her eye. She decided that she would save that information for later and see where it took her.

She turned away from the mirror to try on the skirt her mother had bought with the underwear. Her mom had marched into her room that morning and told her that it was time that she started acting like a girl. No more sweatshirts and dirty jeans. She was going to start wearing a bra and trying on skirts. Carolyn had first resisted the idea but when her mom had promised her that it was the only way that she would be treated as an adult she agreed. She wanted more than anything for everybody to quit treating her like she was 5 and her mom knew it and used it to get her daughter to put away her tomboy attitude.

Carolyn slipped on the skirt and the silk blouse that went with it and turned to her mirror once more to judge her appearance. The skirt came a little above her knee but it flared a bit so that if she bent over she might reveal a little too much. She would also have to learn to sit in the damn things, she thought to herself.

"Oh well," she said to herself. "No time like the present to practice." She ran downstairs to the living room and made her first attempt at a graceful landing on the chair. She didn't succeed. Her wild plunk onto the Lazy-boy had flipped her skirt up so her panties were showing, and that just wouldn't do she decided. She tried again and again and when she felt that she had finally mastered it she turned on the TV and was immediately sucked into the basketball game on the screen.

Mike Green walked into the living room and a startled grin spread across his face at the picture that sat before him. His daughter was all dressed up in a pretty skirt and if that wasn't surprise enough his little tomboy had her legs spread wide open with one leg dangling over the arm of the Lazy-boy and the other hanging off the front. He had a clear view of his daughter's new panties. He shook his head and chuckled at the scene. "If I were 20 years younger..." he said out loud.

Carolyn looked up and saw her dad in the doorway. "If you were 20 years younger what Dad?"

Thinking quick as he came around the sofa and sat down, he said, "If I were 20 years younger I would show these guys how to really play basketball."

Carolyn rolled her eyes, "Yeah right Dad. I've seen you play. The only thing you would show these guys is how to limp off the court in grand style." She burst into laughter as a pillow came flying at her face.

"Oh and you have a lot of room to talk do you Miss Care Bear? How do you plan on playing basketball in that pretty pink skirt?" Mike teased.

Carolyn suddenly remembered her attire and she sat straight up in her chair and pulled her legs and the skirt together, much to Mike's dismay. She got a serious look on her face and said, "Dad we need to talk. You can't call me Care Bear anymore, okay? And you have to start treating me like an adult, or at least a young lady. I'm old enough now that I shouldn't be treated like a kid anymore."

It took all of Mike's control to not burst out laughing. He bit his lip to hold back the smile as he tried to deal with his daughter's sudden claim to adulthood. "Yeah, I guess you aren't exactly a girl anymore are you?" he said as Carolyn nodded her head emphatically. "Your mom told me that she went and got you a bra today. Looks like it's working okay." He was teasing but the look of horror that crossed her face let him know he was the only one who found it funny.

"DA-AD!" squealed Carolyn. "Don't say stuff like that! Oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed!"

Her red face could attest to that, he thought, but he tried to soothe her. "Ah, Care Bear I'm just teasin'. Besides, you can try to be as adult as you want but you are always going to be my daughter." Another big grin crossed his face as she shook her head angrily. "In fact," he said as he leaned over to the Lazy-boy and pulled her over to the couch, "I'm betting that I can still give you a horsy ride, just like when you were a baby."

Carolyn laughed at this and took up the challenge, "All right old man, but you are just asking for it. I'm going to have to call the doctor to get you off the couch once I'm finished with you!"

"You're on!" Mike said as he grabbed Carolyn and positioned her facing him on his knee. She immediately wrapped her legs around his thigh and put her arms out for balance. The goal was to stay on his leg as he tried frantically to buck her off. She raised her eyebrows in a challenge and said "Giddy up Horsy!" and the ride began.

Mike lifted his foot off of the ground and braced his arms on the couch as he began a slow trot with Carolyn on his leg. Carolyn bounced and giggled trying desperately to not slide to the side of his leg. She moved her spread arms up and down frantically until she was confident that her balance was good enough to hold herself on his leg. She looked at him and arched a brow, "This all ya got old timer?" Carolyn immediately saw the glint of a challenge in her father's eye, her body tightened in anticipation for a much bumpier ride. She tightened her legs around her father's thigh and focused once again on staying on his leg.

Mike heard the challenge in his daughter's voice and decided it was time to show her what her old man had in him. "Hold on Care, this is going to get rough!" Immediately, Mike's leg started pounding up and down with a frantic Carolyn on top. Carolyn squeezed her naked, little thighs around her father's thigh, but not enough that the hard pounding didn't send her sensitive panty clad pussy down hard on her father's muscled thigh. She felt a sharp stab of pleasure dart from her pussy up to her breasts and she gasped in shock at the feeling. Again, she came down hard on his thigh, this time she squealed as the pleasure increased. Again and again she came down on the thigh, and again and again her fever of pleasure grew. She no longer focused on staying on her dad's leg. Her mind was on only the feelings coursing through her body

Mike wasn't paying attention to his daughter's gasps. He was working up a sweat trying to keep up the constant leg movement. He was just about to yell "uncle" when his eyes looked straight in front of him and he realized his daughter's breasts were bouncing crazily inches from his face and mouth. His eyes bulged as he looked at Carolyn's breasts for the first time. He stared as he began to sweat even more, and his mouth began to water at the delectable sight. The top button had come undone on her shirt and her cleavage appeared and reappeared with each bounce of his leg. There was no way he could stop this self-torture. He felt himself getting hard as his eyes searched for her nipples in the heaving flesh. He found them nestled softly in her new bra. Nervously, his hands reached up and grasped Carolyn around her waist, high enough that he slipped his thumbs up and grazed her aching nipples.

Carolyn squealed and her eyes flew open as she felt her father's thumbs on her nipples. Mike didn't even notice. His eyes were glazed over with lust, no longer aware of where he was or who was on his leg. He continued pounding his hard thigh onto his daughter's pussy.

Carolyn couldn't take the agony anymore. Her outstretched hands came down and grasped her father's thigh. She began rubbing her pussy roughly up and down his thigh, the rough denim of his jeans causing a delightful friction on her smooth thighs. Bounce and then rub, bounce and then rub, all while her father's thumbs rubbed incessantly on her nipples. She didn't last long before her mind exploded with her first orgasm. She slammed her pussy down harder and harder, clenching her pussy lips and rubbing her inflamed clit on her dad's leg.

"Uggggghhh, aaaagggh, ooohh my gosh!!!" Everything in her body tightened, she groaned through her gritted teeth as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her body.

Mike, startled from his daze by the sound of his daughter's orgasm, watched in amazement as his little girl arched her back and fucked his leg with all of the energy of youth. His semi-erect cock shot up in his pants, growing to its max in seconds. He groaned as his daughter collapsed onto his chest, breathing deeply and slowly coming back to earth. He stroked her hair as they both took in the situation.

"Oh my gosh, daddy! I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened. I've never ever felt that way before in my life. I didn't know it was coming. I swear daddy, I didn't do it on purpose. Please don't be mad." She started to cry as the embarrassment and shame of the moment washed over her.

"Shhh, Care Bear," Mike said as he continued to stroke her hair. "It's okay. It's not your fault. I should have realized that you are growing up. You didn't do anything wrong. It is perfectly natural to have these feelings, hon. We should talk though. I-well I should probably tell you about the birds and the bees I guess."

Carolyn sniffed and wiped her tears with his shirt, "N-no that's ok, daddy. I know about that. Mom told me. I just never thought that it would feel like this. You don't hate me do you?"

"Of course not, sweetheart," Mike took his daughter's hand in his and threaded his fingers through hers and held her while she cried out her confusion. Desperate to make her feel better and to try to explain to her that the feelings were natural Mike finally confessed his own feelings, "Care Bear, it wasn't just you, you know. I, well I guess I got excited too. Watching you got me excited, and hell hon, I shouldn't have touched you like I did, but I couldn't help it. So you see, I was in the same boat as you." He brought her hand up and kissed the back of it, trying to soothe her.

"You daddy? You got excited? Did you get that same feeling at the end that I did?" Carolyn asked with wide eyes.

"Umm no, not really honey."

"Why not?"

"Well, because I didn't finish like you did. I err I didn't climax."

"Why not daddy? Are you still excited like I was before I finished?"

"Well, yes honey," Mike moved his hips a bit and Carolyn's eyes snapped open as she realized what the hard thing under her tummy was.

"Is that you daddy?" she asked in awe.

Mike chuckled, "Yes honey that's me, and if you're feeling ok now I'm getting a little uncomfortable down there and I need to get up."

Carolyn sat back, intending to get up when and idea struck her. She immediately leaned back forward and laid her whole body weight on her father's stomach and chest.

"No daddy. You made me feel good, and now I should make you feel good," she said with perfect innocence. "What would make you feel good daddy?"

"Ohhh, baby don't rub on me like that please. You can't make me feel good because it wouldn't be right."

"You mean I did something wrong when I felt good? I'm a bad person?" The tears filled Carolyn's eyes again.

"Oh no, baby that's not what I meant. If I were to feel good it might hurt you because once we started I wouldn't be able to stop. Honey, you don't want this old man to take your virginity. You deserve better."

Carolyn thought a moment and looked at her father's weathered face. Yes, she thought, he is old but he is the sweetest man in the whole world. She remembered the many nights they spent playing basketball in the driveway, the times he had teased her about being his "little boy" and how he had always been there whenever she had taken a fall. Yes, she thought, this is the man who I would let hurt me, if it would give him pleasure.

A determined Carolyn sat up again. Mike thought she was going to let him up and he sat forward a bit only to be startled into stillness as he watched his daughter remove her shirt. "Carolyn," he tried to speak with parental sternness, "what do you think you are doing?"

Carolyn looked him straight in the eye as her hands reached behind her to fumble with the clasps of her bra. A few seconds later her arms slipped forward, successful, and her bra slipped down her arms to lie in her father's lap. "I'm giving my virginity to the one man who is worthy of it," and she wrapped her arms around her father and kissed him with all of her innocence.

Mike responded to the love he had seen in his daughter's eyes and slipped his arms around her and began to teach her the art of kissing. He leaned away from her a bit and ran his tongue across her sweet lips, teasing her into opening them for him. A few more minutes of nibbling at the corners of her mouth and she finally complied, opening her mouth to his invasion. His tongue swept in, rubbing against her tongue, the roof of her mouth. Carolyn gasped a little at the new feeling and began to imitate his movements. She moved a step further and sucked his tongue, shaking Mike to the core.

"Oh Care Bear. You are so sweet," Mike groaned into her mouth as he slowly moved her onto her back on the couch. Once her body had unwound itself from his leg Mike felt the cold breeze across his thigh, making him conscious of the streak of wet denim that clung to his thigh. That his daughter was so wet and willing had him trying desperately to tear off his clothes. His hands were not working properly, and when he saw his little Care Bear reach down and remove her panties and skirt in one quick motion he was lost. He thought for sure that fate was playing a cruel joke on him. Here he had a vision of pure sweetness laying ready for him and he couldn't get his damn pants off! He was ready to rip them off with his bare hands when his very own angel reached up and slowly undid the button of his jeans and released the zipper.

"There you go daddy," his angel whispered as she lay back, waiting for him.

Mike quickly removed his pants and shirt and knelt between his daughter's legs staring into the blue eyes of heaven.

"I love you daddy," she whispered as she reached up and touched the side of his cheek.

Guilt washed over him as he realized what he was going to do. No, he couldn't stop himself now, but he would make sure that his baby girl felt pleasure again before he did. Besides, he needed to see if she tasted as sweet as she looked.

Mike knelt down, his face hovering over his daughter's pussy. Some blonde hair was growing on her smooth pussy lips. He could see the moisture oozing from her, a fountain of youth. His mouth watered, and then he was in heaven. He buried his mouth inside of his daughter, sucking the juices from her. He lapped and suckled on her clit, swallowing mouthful after mouthful of ambrosia. Carolyn's hips reacted to the shocking new feeling. She arched desperately, and ground her hips in her father's eagerly sucking mouth. Her back was off of the couch, her arms arched over her head supporting her bridged body.

"Dadddddyyyyyy!!!! Aaaaaaagggghhhh!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, drowning out her father's grunts of pleasure, as he tasted his daughter for the first time.

The taste, the smell, and her pleasure pushed him past the point of no return. He quickly sat up on his knees and spread his daughter's legs, readying her for his entrance. He looked up at his daughter, "Care, are you sure? You want me?" he gasped out between clenched teeth, knowing that if she said no he would die, but he wouldn't continue.

"Yes, daddy. I want you. It's for you, only you. Take it!" she commanded and Mike plunged forward entering and slicing through his daughter's hymen.

Carolyn screamed and tears poured from her eyes as she felt herself filled for the first time by a man. She sobbed, but wrapped her legs and arms around her daddy and whispered in his ear, "For you." Mike's control shattered at her declaration and he began moving in and out of his daughter. He saw her tears slowly recede and her face grow flush as he slid in and out of her. The friction of her tightness was unbearable. He lost control of the rhythm, and began pounding into his daughter, grunting with each stroke. He felt the cum rising up inside of him and reached down between their bodies and rubbed Carolyn's clit causing her to gasp and have her third orgasm just as he reached his own climax, pouring himself into her, giving everything of himself to her in their last moments of pleasure.

Mike collapsed onto his daughter. Both of their chests were heaving; sweat was soaking Mike's hair. He rolled Carolyn and himself to their sides and hugged her close to him, as he grew soft and slipped from her cocoon. He reached down and softly suckled on her nipple as exhaustion followed complete satisfaction. Carolyn lovingly stroked his hair as she softly wept her joy and pain. Slowly Mike's harsh breathing turned heavy and regular, as his daughter rocked him in her arms. She bent down and he felt her kiss him on his forehead just before he fell asleep in the arms of his angel.


2022-10-18 20:36:10
Super hot story, brought back memories.

Trib FanReport 

2022-10-18 11:23:39
Good one!

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