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A visit to sisters home turned out to be hot

Part 1

When my sister Tracy, and her husband Tony invited me out to their farm in the country for a few weeks, I was more than a little surprised. Sure, Tracy and I had always been close as brothers and sisters go, but apart from the occasional family get-together, we hardly ever saw each other since I'd moved to the city. On the phone, Trace sounded her usual bubbly self and reminded me that I hadn't visited them since the Christmas before last. She suggested I come on out for a bit and enjoy the "laid-back country life-style," as she called it.

Tracy was thirty-three, a year younger than me, and Tony was thirty-five. They had three gorgeous children, all of them blonde like their parents. Jimmy, the eldest was older by now... that made Jodie... was youngest of the family, Cindy, Jesus, I couldn't remember, I hadn't seen them for over a year.

As I drove out into the country, I began to look more and more towards the nice relaxing two weeks that Tracy had promised. My city job was beginning to become a definite drag and I really did need the rest. Besides, my feisty younger sister could be very persuasive when she wanted to.

It was late by the time I pulled up outside the big old farm house, but the whole family was there to meet me, even the children. Tracy ran down the steps and gave me a big, brotherly hug, pressing her large, firm tits against my chest as she kissed me hotly on the lips. I was more than a little startled when my sister's tongue darted briefly between my lips. I was even more mystified when she gave my ass a sensuous squeeze through my tight cut-off jeans.

Before I could react, the kids were upon me. Jodie raced up to me and jumped into my arms, wrapping her lithe thighs around my waist as she threw her arms over my shoulders, planting a big wet kiss on my open lips. I didn't know what to do! Her body had certainly matured a lot since the last time I saw her. I could feel a nice, firm perky pair of stiff-nippled breasts snuggled tightly against my chest, and a warm, plump cunt-mound grinding tantalizingly against my crotch. She was wearing a tiny little pleated skirt that immediately rode so far up over her behind that it exposed her panty-encased backside to her older brother who was right behind her. I could have sworn he licked his lips as his eyes took in the tight, cotton-clad mounds of his sister's exposed ass.

"Hi, Uncle Ted!" she murmured, wiggling her hips a little more than she should have.

"Ummmmm... Hi honey!" I returned, lamely. I couldn't help it but after my sister's rather intimate welcome, my cock was responding to the pressure of my niece's sex-mound rubbing blatantly on my bulging cock.

I put her down before my prick grew to embarrassing proportions, and reached out my hand to Jimmy. The boy took my hand in a strong grip and shook it powerfully. Christ, he was older but he was damn near as tall and muscular as his father was!

Cindy pushed her big brother aside and jumped up into my arms like she had seen Jodie do, but this time I was somewhat alarmed to find that Cindy's ass was naked under her skirt.. the cute blonde wasn't wearing any panties! My palm closed over tight, warm squirming flesh as Cindy began to kiss me with just as much ardor as her mother and sister had done. My cock took another involuntary leap in my pants!

As Cindy wriggled her behind in my hands, my fingers slipped quite by accident up into her cunt-crack. Luckily her skirt was long enough to hide the fact that my fingers were now actually touching the soft, lips of my niece's cunt. I tried to move my hands, but Cindy only giggled and squirmed her naked little pussy down against my fingers. I could feel the incredible heat of her cunt jammed tightly against my fingertips, and I didn't know what to do!

Then, I spotted Tony approaching with hand outstretched. He was smiling broadly as he welcomed me, but I wondered with more than a little apprehension what the big man's reaction would be if he knew that while my right hand was shaking his, my left hand was firmly planted on his youngest daughter's hot, naked twat.

I decided to play dumb, since little Cindy wasn't reacting to the presence of my fingers between her legs. She was giggling and asking me all sorts of inane, stupid questions which I attempted to answer... all the time my fingers were slowly working their way further and further up between her thighs until my index finger actually slid between her tight, moist cuntlips.

Part 2

I went to put her down then, as we headed off into the house, but little Cindy was having none of it. She squirmed against me, forcing more of my finger into her pussy, until she was impaled on it fully. I couldn't believe it! Here I was, standing on my sister's front porch, talking to her and her husband with my middle finger jammed completely up their youngest daughter's tight, juicy cunt hole. Not only that, Cindy was moving her ass slowly up and down, grinding her pubes against my palm, with a glazed, far-away look in her deep, blue eyed girl eyes.

I couldn't concentrate properly! My cock was beginning to stiffen noticeably, and Cindy's tight, hot young cunt was beginning to get decidedly wet around my deeply-imbedded finger. I couldn't believe that I could get my finger so far up inside her cunt, let alone that the cute girl would let me do it to her in front of her parents, and not say anything! Not that anybody could see what I was doing. I had my hand up under Cindy's short skirt as I held her awkwardly on my hip, chatting to Tracy and Tony as if nothing was wrong. I became bolder, wiggling my finger gently in Cindy's tight, clinging cunt hole.

Cindy's response to my delving digit was to hunch her plump wet crotch down against my finger and moan into my shoulder. Tracy looked at her daughter and smiled.

"Cindy looks all tuckered out, Ted, and you must be tired too. Why don't you put her to bed and then join us in the den for coffee," my sister suggested.

I nodded dumbly and headed off down the hallway with Cindy's small curvaceous body snuggled tightly against my chest, her cunt still firmly impaled on my finger. Her head was on my shoulder and I could tell that her breathing was becoming very heavy and laboured. Despite her age, my niece showed all the signs of growing more and more aroused by my finger in her hole. I kissed her on the cheek and Cindy lifted her head, surprising me by planting her hot, open mouth over mine. Then, the precocious girl surprised me again by slithering her tongue between my lips to play with mine.

I returned her clumsy tongue-kiss passionately, frenching my pretty niece in a sudden frenzy of lust. A momentary feeling of guilt flitted across my mind. God, she was my own sister's daughter. But I couldn't help myself. She obviously had done this kind of thing before and was definitely willingly, if not damn well eager for it!

I began to move my finger more purposefully inside her tightly gripping snatch, actually fucking my whole finger in and out of her tight cunthole. No matter how far I pressed into Cindy's clinging cunt, there was no barrier to my deeply plunging finger at all. I couldn't believe it! My cute sexy-looking niece was no longer a virgin! Shit, she'd already been fucked! I wondered fleetingly who the lucky bastard was who got her cherry.

Cindy was moaning against my chest now and trying to bounce her plump ass up and down on my hand. The horny girl was literally fucking herself on my finger! On shaky legs, I made the last few paces to her room and kicked the door shut behind us.

Laying her down on the bed, I sat down beside her, my finger never leaving her tender juicy slot for a second. Cindy looked up at me and spoke for the first time.

"Bring me off please Uncle Ted," she almost whispered. "I need to cum real bad. I can't go to sleep unless I cum."

I was dumbfounded. She was either a very promiscuous girl, or something very strange was going on in this family. But at the moment I didn't really care why Cindy was acting the way she was, I only knew that it was tremendously exciting for me. My cock had never felt stiffer as it strained against the bulging crotch of my pants. Cindy noticed it too and reached out between my legs. With soft, sure fingers the girl grabbed my cock and began to stroke her hand up and down the shaft through my pants.

"Oooooh, it's a big one!" she cooed, gripping me so hard I thought I was going to cum in my pants. "It's even bigger than Daddy’s ... umm.. bigger than anything."

She was going to say something else but caught herself before she let it slip. It didn't really matter, I was too horny to take much notice of anything except her fist around my cock and my finger diddling her sweet, juicy cunt.

Part 3

As much as I wanted her to continue, I forced myself to pull her hand off my cock. If I went back to the den with a big wet patch in the crotch of my pants, it would take a lot of explaining. So I concentrated on Cindy, finger-fucking her twat with deep, forceful jabs. I could see her little clitbud poking out at the top of her juicy pink slit. It bulged out and rubbed against my palm each time I pushed my finger inside her.

"Uuuhhhh, God! Uncle Ted! That feels wonderful!" she moaned. "Use another finger!"

Huh? Did she just say what I thought she said? She wanted me to put TWO fingers inside her little cunt? It already felt as tight as a vice in there with only ONE finger stretching her tiny hole. I hesitated, but Cindy must have sensed my concern because she reached down and grabbed another of my fingers and stuffed it into her eager wet twat herself!

"Mmmmmm, yessssss! That feels better!" she smiled. "Now, shove them in deep and make me cum, Uncle Ted!"

In a dream, I did as the cute niece asked, fucking her slot forcefully with my twin digits. Cindy's moaning became a little too loud and I had to put my hand over her mouth in case the others heard her excited cries. I could feel her cunt ripple and spasm tightly around my fingers as she came, squealing silently into my other hand.

On impulse, I pulled my finger from her cunt and dropped my face between her legs and plastered my mouth over Cindy's tiny, gaping cunt, sucking and licking voraciously. She tasted delicious! Her pubes soft and juicy against my trembling lips. I took her clit into my mouth and sucked hard, bringing her off again in a tumultuous flurry of legs and ass.

By the time I'd sucked and licked up all her sweet juices, Cindy was almost asleep. Her eyes drooping shut as she lay back against the pillow, a completely exhausted, yet totally satisfied, girl. I gave her l

pink, pussy-slit one last tongue-kiss and stood up. Cindy opened her eyes lazily and smiled.

"Thank-you, Uncle Ted!" she muttered sleepily.

"My pleasure, honey! Sleep tight!" I said.

I opened the door to her room and stepped out, closed it behind me, but not before taking one last longing look at Cindy's gorgeous naked body. As I walked back towards the den, I brought my fingers to my nose and sniffed, inhaling the fragrant lingering odor of Cindy's sweet cunt.

When I got there, the rest of the family was watching TV. Tracy was sitting on the couch next to her husband while Jimmy and Jodie lay beside each other on the floor. As I got closer, I couldn't help noticing that Jodie's short dress had rucked up almost to her waist and from where he was sitting Tony must have had a clear view right up between his daughter's casually spread thighs.

Tracy nudged Tony and told him to get up and let me sit down next to her, which he did.

"Did Cindy manage to get you to do it for her, Ted?" asked Tracy with a smile.

"Huh?" I said, looking guilty.

"Did she get you to read her a story, silly?" my sister replied.

"Er... yeah... sure! It was no problem. Umm.. then she went straight to sleep," I lied, hoping Tracy couldn't smell her daughter's cunt-juice on me.

Tony came to my rescue and handed me my coffee. We chatted quietly about this and that, but my eyes kept flicking back to Jodie's cute, sexy little ass poking provocatively out from under her rucked up skirt. She was certainly starting to fill out, I thought, nice rounded butt, firm pointy tits, long slim legs and a narrow waist without any hint of the puppy-fat she had when I last saw her.

Part 4

I pretended I was glancing at the TV, but each time my eyes would feast on the lovely bulge between Jodie's carelessly spread legs. She was wearing a pair of powder blue panties that moulded themselves to her sweet young crotch like a second skin. I could even see the groove of her plump pussy outlined all the way to her asshole.

"That's a nice view, isn't it Ted," said Tracy suddenly.

I tore my eyes off Jodie's delicious crotch and stared stupidly at my sister. Had she seen me ogling her daughter's shamelessly exposed twat? I was ready for a real chewing out.

"Sorry, sis? What did you say?" I blurted, trying to act dumb.

"You're not with it tonight... are you silly?" grinned Tracy, snuggling up against me. "I asked you if you liked the view. It's a place near here. We could go up there one day if you want."

Tracy pointed to the TV and I turned back to look, this time at the television set. There was a travelogue show on, showing a series of beautiful mountain vistas. `Shit, that was close', I thought, breathing a silent sigh of relief.

"Yeah! Sure!" I mumbled into my coffee. "I'd love to go."

Tracy snuggled closer up against me, throwing her arm across my chest. I could feel her left breast pressed enticingly against my shoulder, the nipple hard and erect through the thin tee-shirt she was wearing. The heat of her body was intense and her closeness was making my own temperature soar. My cock started to rise once more but before I could do anything about it, Tracy cupped it with her hand.

"My.. my.. what have you been thinking about, Ted?" she whispered, giving my cock a good feel. "Mmmmmm, brother, you sure pack a nice cut lunch."

I didn't know what to say! Here was my own sister fondling my cock with her husband and kids in the room. Jesus!

I squirmed a little to allow my cock-bulge to grow without cutting off the circulation to my balls. Tracy was ignoring her husband who sat in the armchair to our right, staring at the show on TV.

"Stop it, Tracy!" I whispered. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Copping a feel of my brother's big cock?" she teased. "Don't you want me to?"

"Shit, Sis! What if Tony catches you, he's sitting just over there, for Christ's sake!"

"Don't worry about Tony..." she whispered, licking my ear, "he can find his own fun. By the way, did you fuck Cindy before?"


"I said did you FUCK her?"

"Ahrr... n-no!"

"Hmmmm, that doesn't sound like her at all," smiled Tracy, "Are you sure you didn't do anything to her at all?"

"No... I don't know what the hell you're talking about?" I lied.

My sister grabbed my right hand and before I could stop her, she pulled it up to her nose and sniffed. Her smile broadened into a lascivious grin.

"You finger-fucked her, you sly bastard," murmured Tracy, poking out her tongue. Seductively she licked my fingers one at a time, tasting her own daughter's cunt as she cleaned Cindy's stale pussy-juice of my fingers.

Then she did something that really had me scared. With a flick of her wrist, Tracy pulled down my zipper, reached inside my pants and had my stiff, throbbing erection out and clasped tightly in her fist in a flash.

"Hey, look!" she said loudly. "Uncle Ted's got a hard-on."

Part 5

Jodie and Jimmy turned around to see. Jimmy just grinned, but the look on Jodie's face was unmistakable. She was staring hungrily at my crotch like she was starving and my rock-hard cock was a three course meal! I turned apologetically to Tony, but he was grinning just as much as Jimmy.

"Wow!" breathed Jodie, still staring at her mother as Tracy continued jerking her fist up and down the length my fully erect cock. "Can I do that, Mom?"

I looked down as the sexy-looking Jodie crawled over and knelt in front of me, her firm, unrestrained juicy tits jiggling provocatively under her thin top.

As I watched stupified, Tracy handed my cock over to her daughter, who took over jerking her fist up and down my thick, throbbing shaft.

Tony came over and kissed his wife hotly, fondling her fabulous tits through her tee-shirt.

"Good work, honey! I knew you could do it!" chuckled Tony, " and in record time too!"

I was totally confused! First Cindy had let me finger-fuck her, and suck her tasty little twat to orgasm... then suddenly, my sister whips my cock out and lets Jodie jack her fist up and down on it... and now her husband is congratulating her?? Shit, what the hell had happened to my sister's family... had they all been pigging out on locoweed... or some other more mind-numbing weed? Looking down at gorgeous long-haired Jodie busily masturbating my cock, I suddenly didn't give a damn.

"Jimmy, go and get Cindy," said Tracy to her son. "She wouldn't want to miss this for the world."

"Sure thing, Mom," replied the handsome boy, jumping to his feet.

"And don't take all night, okay?" smiled Tracy. "I know how YOU usually wake up your little sister!"

"Okay, Mom," laughed Jimmy, racing off down the hall.

Tracy turned to her husband.

"I think it's time to show Ted one of our special videos, don't you dear?" she asked, winking at Tony.

"Yep! I sure do!" Tony said, moving over to the video player. "Which one. baby?"

"The one from Cindy's birthday, would be a good choice I think, under the circumstances."

Tony opened a cabinet and took out a video cassette and popped it into the player. Standing back to adjust the contrast as the first images appeared. The opening shot was of a decorated room, and I instantly recognised it as the one in which we were sitting now. The image panned to the hallway and focused on a young girl walking towards the camera. It was Cindy, and she was completely naked. Her tits were almost all nipple, but she definitely had shape about her. Her tiny waist rounded delightfully into gorgeous, creamy thighs. The camera zoomed up to concentrate on her naked pussy as Cindy approached. The image was well lit and very sharp. So sharp in fact, that I could clearly make out Cindy's pink cuntslit... the same hot, moist little crevice my fingers had slipped into only minutes after I arrived tonight.

Part 6

I tore my eyes off the TV screen when I felt Jodie's hot breath on the tip of my cock. She was still stroking her soft hand expertly up and down my throbbing prick, but now she had angled it slightly so that the head was pointed directly at her parted lips. The visibly excited my niece managed to pull her panties off and now had her other hand shoved between her naked thighs, her agile fingers rubbing furiously at her gaping pussyslit. She was still staring at my raging cock like she wanted to swallow it whole, and I was almost tempted to let her do just that when Jimmy returned with little Cindy.

They were both naked and Jimmy's cock swung before him, as stiff as a railroad spike. He was very well hung and his formidable erection was glistening with wetness, which I suspected was a liberal coating of little Cindy's saliva. My sister noticed it too and grinned at her son broadly.

"Couldn't help yourself, could you Jimmy?" laughed Tracy, removing her clothes. "Ooooh, you really are nice and hard tonight, aren't you baby? Come over here and let Mommy give you a quick blow-job before the real fun starts." Then she turned to Cindy. "Go sit with Daddy and watch the video, honey."

I stared mesmerized at Tracy's gorgeous, naked body as Jimmy strode over to his mother and held his stiff young prick out for her to suck. Without a trace of shame, Tracy gripped her son's thick, bobbing shaft with her fist and popped the head of Jimmy's huge, bloated cock straight into her mouth.

Cindy gave me a big smile and ran to her father who was sitting naked in an armchair stroking his own erect cock. The girl jumped up onto her father's lap and hugged him lovingly. Her hard perky tits pressed against his hairy chest, and I could see she was actively grinding her cunt down onto her father's massive hardon which was trapped between their bellies. Tony reached round and cupped his daughter's ass, one tiny cheek in each hand. Cindy moaned something into her father's ear.

"Later, honey! We've got a guest remember. Turn around an watch the video... you remember when we took that don't you?"

All eyes returned to the TV screen as Cindy let out a cry of recognition.

"Yeahhhh! I remember! That's my last birthday party!" she giggled happily. "That's when you and Jimmy did it to me for the first time!"

With those words ringing in my ears, I watched the scene unfolding on the video with rising excitement. Even with all that was happening, I still found it hard to accept that my sister's family was into incest in a BIG way. Tracy stopped sucking Jimmy's cock and patted her son on the ass.

"Okay, that's enough for now, stud!" she grinned, licking her lips. "Let's get comfortable and watch the video."

She got up and pushed Jimmy back into the other armchair and sat on his lap, careful not to squash his straining erection. It poked up lewdly from between her thighs and with her eyes on the screen, Tracy lay back against her son, fondling his cock and balls lightly. Jimmy's hand reached round and cupped his mother's tits, squeezing and massaging the firm, creamy mounds with practised familiarity.

"Jodie, honey, why don't you sit up on Uncle Ted's lap too," said Tracy. "You won't have to turn around all the time to see the video then."

Jodie stood up between my thighs and removed her top. I almost gasped aloud at the sight of her delicious body totally unclothed, as nature had intended. Her conical tits were almost as big as her mother's, but then again my sister always was kind of petite and her tits were what you'd call "a nice mouthful." Jodie's looked just as delectable. Her cute twat was pink too as Cindy's but slightly plumper and her pussylips gaped open slightly, giving me a good clear view of her inviting pink cuntslit.

With a giggle, Jodie turned around and sat her gorgeous ass on my belly, so that my cock lay pulsing up between her slender thighs. It pressed hotly against her naked cuntmound, throbbing with eager anticipation. Jodie lay back with her head on my shoulder like her mother and Jimmy had done and reached down between her legs to resume her idle fondling of my cock. I looked over at Tony and Cindy and found that the girl was sitting on her father's lap in exactly the same fashion. His huge cock was jammed so tightly up against Cindy's crotch that from where I was sitting it looked like the cute, naked little daughter had suddenly sprouted a cock of her own.

Tony reached for the control and turned the volume up so we could hear what was being said. The scene had shifted to a wide shot of the den, and it soon became clear that the birthday girl wasn't the only one in her "birthday suit."

Part 7

In the center of the picture, stood Cindy and Tony, the big man towering over his daughter head and shoulders. Both were wearing big smiles... and nothing else. Around them the rest of the guests sat in chairs, or on the floor, all of them completely naked. Young Jimmy was sitting beside Jodie on the couch, the very same couch I was sitting in now, his arm around her neck and his hand firmly cupping one of his sister's tits. Jodie had her fist around Jimmy's cock, absently jerking the boy off as they listened what Tony had to say.

"First of all, I'd like to thank you all for coming here today," boomed Tony's voice through the TV speaker.

"I haven't even cum once yet!" a man's voice laughed off-camera.

"Shut up Ray, you horny bastard, you'll get your chance soon enough!" chuckled Tony, then continued his speech. "As you all know... it's Cindy's birthday!"

There was a noisy cheer from the audience and little Cindy took a bow, completely unruffled by her total lack of clothing, or all the attention she was getting. Tony gave her cute little ass a playful squeeze and continued.

"It's not just any birthday, folks." he grinned. "It's Cindy's birthday, and you all know what the means, right?!"

Another cheer from the gathering, this time a couple of appreciative whistles from some of the male members of the crowd.

"Yes! It's Cindy's big day!" continued Tony. "The day she becomes a woman... right, honey?"

Cindy gave her father a big hug and nodded her head enthusiastically. "Yep! My daddy's gonna fuck me today!" she said speaking directly to the camera. My cock twitched between Jodie's thighs as I realised I was actually going to see my brother-in-law take his daughter's cherry!

Jodie felt my involuntary movement and wrapped her hot fist around my cock, squeezing gently as she moved her tightly curled fingers up and down the shaft. I looked over at Tony and Cindy sitting in the chair next to me. Tony had his middle finger buried in his daughter's tight honey-pot and Cindy was squirming her tiny crotch onto his hand. They were totally absorbed in their own incestuous foreplay, hardly noticing the images on the TV screen in front of us.

I looked over at my sister and Jimmy who seemed far too engrossed in ramming their tongues down each other's throats to watch the video either. Even the gorgeous girl on my lap was paying more attention to my cock than to the activity on the TV screen. I seemed to be the only one watching. In a daze, I returned my attention back to the TV in time to hear the final part of Tony's speech.

..".and so, as our tradition demands, the privilege of making a woman out of this gorgeous virgin falls to her father... ME!!"

A loud cheer went up from the assembled party-goers as Tony swept his daughter into in his arms and they kissed passionately. Cindy's hand went straight down to her father's cock and began to stroke him. Tony's prick began to swell in her fist until Cindy couldn't get her fingers around it. Then my sister, Tracy stepped into the picture and positioned a foam mattress on the floor at their feet. It was then I realized that not only was Tony going to fuck his daughter and take her virginity... he was going to do it right there in front of everybody!

My cock gave another twitch and Jodie giggled, lying back against my chest.

"Oooohh, Uncle Ted! Your cock feels even bigger and harder than Daddy's!" she murmured, running her tight fist up and down the incredibly swollen shaft.

"Unnnnnmmmmm! You'd better stop that, honey, unless you want me to cum all over your belly.," I groaned.

Jodie just giggled and squirmed her juicy ass into my lap. I reached round in front of her and cupped her breasts, squeezing and fondling the conical little mounds as I turned my attention once more to the incredible images on the screen before me.




2023-07-02 18:58:11
Great story I enjoy incest stories always get me aroused , thank you


2023-04-24 06:16:56
A lovely fantasy that almost seems real. Well written too.


2023-02-19 15:17:40
Damn! This got me rock hard; I'm going straight to chapter 2>


2023-01-11 16:11:52
Thanks for your story


2022-10-23 20:39:23
I love to write incest stories
Please send me your comments

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