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A special Christmas present from O.
It had been a good few weeks since I'd last met up with O. I'd been having so much naughty fun with Darius and, occasionally, involving H, that I was not sure if I had to use the services of O any more. Who am I kidding.

A small recap, O is an incredibly sexy, gay, black male escort in London that I had been meeting after I'd discovered my fascination and obsession with hung, black man and in particular, at first anyway, their huge black cocks. We'd originally met at his plush apartment in central London where he completely seduced me and although I had originally only wanted to suck some beautiful black, juicy cock, I ended up submitting to him totally and taking his full length inside me. We'd shared a very romantic night in a nice hotel that he recommended and he ended up making love to me that night and I was completely hooked on him. Another meeting fulfilled a massive fantasy of mine when we met at a gym he worked at. He gave me his own personal training session which led to us fucking in the gym sauna and again in the communal showers, all after hours of course, although, the way he had me feeling, I probably wouldn't have minded had the gym been open and full of customers, I still would have submitted.

Safe to say, O had had a big impact on my life and in particular, my sex life as my sexual adventures had developed and adapted over the past couple of months leading to me meeting H and her hot, hung, black house mate, Darius. And we had had a lot of fun together. Read my previous chapters to discover the intimate details.

It was approaching Christmas and H had pulled a few extra shifts at work and so I'd once again been left at her place with the instructions, "just make yourself at home". Darius was out for the night so I might actually be safe from any seduction attempts this evening, seduction attempts to which he massively excelled at. I was always on that ledge of submitting and he could always pull me over that ledge and have me fall head over heels in lust for him. Come to think of it, Darius and O had definitely made me question my sexuality over recent months. I don't know if their magnificent black cocks had turned me gay, but I knew I could no longer consider myself straight. Was it bi-sexual? Did it even have a label? O had referred to me as a 'stray' previously which implies, straight-gay. All I know is that it just felt right and I was loving it. It was just sex, right? Absolutely mind blowing sex.

These were thoughts that consumed me when chubbing myself up and edging whilst watching black cock porn and sniffing poppers. How had it taken me so long to notice how attractive black cock is? The power and confidence of these two beautiful black men had led to me submitting completely to them and even having H witness it all, in all its glory, with Darius. And it left me just wanting more.

I'd been chilling at H's place, switching between reading Literotica stories and watching black cock porn whilst relaxing and spreading out on H's bed. I had a whole ritual, dimming the lights, propping myself up, poppers at hand. Safe to say, I was extremely horny on the night, which could go on to explain exactly what happened as the night developed.

Whilst making my way through suggested videos and stories and really edging and taking my time, I received a txt, completely out of the blue, from O.

O: I want you in my bed now!

Oh my god. This took me completely by surprise. I just looked at the txt for several minutes, trying to figure out how to reply or if to reply. O isn't usually the first to initiate a conversation like this. I was horny and have to admit, I'd love to be in his bed too; getting to grips with his magnificent, black cock. Worshiping it, suckling and obeying it, submitting and bending completely for this hunk of a man. I replied,

Me: What would you do to me?

O replied almost immediately.

O: Devour you from head to toe.

Fuck, that image got me going. My horniness sky-rocketed.

Me: Mmmmmm...

I know it's a lame reply but I wanted to see if he'd do some more ground work to really find out what he wanted.

O: I want to see you tonight!

Me: Oh, you do? (With a heart eyes emoji).

I was being flirty and was intrigued to know what he was thinking.

O: I'm calling you.

And with that, O face-timed me. I didn't know what to do. This is the first time he'd ever facetimed me. I did not expect this. I panicked a little, trying to tidy the room up a bit, I didn't know what I was doing actually. I propped myself up, made sure I looked OK in the mirror, and plucked up the courage to answer.

"Oh, urm. Hey." I greeted him.

He appeared on face-time chat, top off, that chiseled chest on full show, looking very sexy and fuckable.

"Hi. So you fancy coming over or what?" O asked in his deep voice, sounding a little demanding. I liked it!

I had butterflies in my stomach. He actually wanted me to go to his? This close to Christmas? I almost felt a little honoured that he would think of me.

"Urmm, it's a bit late, and I'm already in bed". I attempted to play hard to get.

"Come on. We can have a Christmas drink together. I've even bought you a gift." He panned his camera around and focused on a small gift wrapped box just lay on the edge of his bed. "But, hey. If you don't want it..." He playfully teased.

"Oh, I like surprises," I flirted. "But you didn't have to buy me anything." I felt like a dotting school girl with her first crush.

"I know I didn't, but I wanted to. So you fancy that drink or what? I can send an Uber over."

He was very insistent. After a little resistance, that even sounded unconvincing to me, I agreed and I txt him H's address to send the Uber to.

I ran and jumped in the shower and got cleaned up and ready to head over. I hadn't thought, what would H think when I'm not there in the morning? Fuck it, I'll just send her a txt to say I couldn't sleep so went home. This was too good an opportunity to see O, and he had initiated the meet, so I had to go over to see him, right?

I was feeling a little naughty and frisky, and probably still a little high from the poppers I'd been playing with. I had this delicious feeling that I wanted to be a little more feminine for him tonight. Maybe it was him buying me a gift, or him taking the initiative to invite me over, maybe because it was Christmas, I don't know. I raided H's pantie drawer to seek out a pair that would show off my round, pert ass for him. I slipped on a black, lacy number, hoping that O would approve when he saw them. I knew he liked me in panties from the second time we met, he had actually sent me suggestions on what style panties he would like me to wear for him. I had a split second thought; would H notice them missing? I'd have them back before she noticed, no problem.

The Uber arrived an hour later and took me to his place, a swanky apartment in London, near to the banks of the Thames. I was all of a sudden a little nervous again as O buzzed me in. Maybe it was just the effect he had on me but the familiar feelings of excitedness and nervousness consumed me.

O greeted me at the door looking as handsome and as hot as ever. Standing at 6'3" and 95kgs, he was just perfect in every way. Rugged good looks, charm and charisma in abundance, a lean muscular frame and who can forget the 11 inch beautiful, black cock between his legs. I had to admit, I had missed him. He was dressed in some smart chinos and actually wearing a Christmas jumper for the occasion.

"Well good evening. Merry Christmas. You look good." He greeted and pulled me in for a hug.

He was huge, bigger than I remembered and it had only been a few weeks.

"Hi handsome, I've missed you." I replied, still a little nervous. I kissed him on the cheek and inhaled his intoxicating, sexy scent. That always got me going.

He led us into the living area and poured us two glasses of champagne. I was really pleased that it looked like he'd made a real effort inviting me around to his. The fire was on, there was a nice scent from the candles strategically placed around the room. It felt like quite a special occasion. Dare I say it, it actually felt like a little bit of a date night. I felt a sense of nervousness and a bit of pride that he would invite me on a date and I'd definitely landed the prom King, which made me think, does that make me the prom Queen?

We made small talk about how each other has been, what we had been doing since we last met, that sort of thing. Although, I couldn't tell him everything, I did not know whether he'd be jealous of Darius seducing me and him and I hooking up. I decided not to mention it. I didn't want it jeopordising our date night together.

We clinked our glasses again and O toasted Christmas and our special night together which I thought it was sweet. If he was trying to seduce me then it was working, but it never did take much for me to fall under his spell.

"Soooo, you want to see the gift I bought you?" He asked with a cheeky but confident smile. How could I resist?

"Oh, you didn't have to. Thank you!" I replied as he handed me the small box he had showed me on facetime earlier that evening.

It was a small white box, around envelope size, with a red ribbon tied around it. The gift card said simply, "Merry Xmas, O." He really had made an effort. I was excited. He suggested I opened the gift in the bathroom and directed me there. Ok, I was even more intrigued now.

I closed the door to the bathroom quietly and pulled at the small ribbon to untie the bow on top. I lifted the lid of the box to reveal white paper wrapping and lay on top, my favourite bottle of poppers. Nice, he knew me so well. I opened them to have a quick sniff and enjoyed the feeling of the warm rush wash over me. Wow, horniness just ramped up to 11. They were nice poppers, expensive as well from my experience. I pulled at the white paper wrapping to see what was hidden inside. I revealed a small bit of red silk as I pulled it out. It was silky and a little bit lacy and frilly. They were a sexy, very naughty pair of bottomless panties, mainly red in colour with white, frilly tassels around the waistband and leg openings, especially made for Christmas. I could definitely be O's Mrs Claus. They looked like they sat quite high on the hips, kind of like the bikini bottoms from Baywatch cut. I immediately thought, my ass is going to look great in these.

I wasted no time in stripping off, I was desperate to try these panties on. I hit the poppers again to pluck up my courage as I was was determined to exit this bathroom wearing nothing but these panties and a seductive smile. O was going to love them.

I put my clothes, including H's panties in a pile in the corner and stepped into the legs, pulling my fresh, brand new panties up and making sure to pull them up high so that they hugged my round ass perfectly, to show off my assets for him. I checked myself in the mirror, examining how my ass looked in them. I only realised once they were on, the small diamonte opening at the back that would make for very easy access for whatever O had in mind. I raised up on my tippy toes to accentuate my leg and ass muscles. Perfect. I had one more hit of the poppers, feeling and enjoying that rush. I tucked the bottle into the waistband, something was telling me I'd need more of them as the night progressed.

I exited the bathroom and padded along the corridor to the living room, surprised to hear two voices coming from the room. I slowed down and peaked around the corner to see O and another black man sat on the couch, both with a glass of champagne in hand, quietly chatting.

O saw me peaking, "Come on in, come in, it's fine. This is Gabe, a friend of mine from the gym."

I pulled a face and sort of said 'no' with my eyes. I couldn't go in just wearing these panties.

O approached me and took me by the hand "It's okay, he's a friend." O led me into the room.

He paraded me onto a small rug in the centre of the room, leaning down to whisper in my ear and tell me how hot I was looking and that the panties fitted just perfect. I was incredibly nervous. He held me by the hand, encouraging me to do a little twirl for them. He aided my turn and also encouraged me in hitting some more poppers. It definitely helped.

O took the poppers from my hand and told me he'd take care of them and he handed me my flute of champagne. He sat down and left me standing.

"What's going on?" I awkwardly whispered to O, in a small state of shock.

"It's fine", O whispered. "Just do your thing, you look amazing, so hot!"

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I murmured, nervously.

"Go ahead, model them for us, baby." O encouraged gently.

Gabe sat at the other end of the sofa and I could feel his eyes watching me. I stood close to O, keeping a gentle hold of his hand. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was so nervous, and incredibly shy. I didn't know what to do or think. I sipped my champagne and giggled nervously.

"There's no need to be bashful here." Gabe said, trying to put me at ease.

"Don't be shy baby, it's okay." O said, squeezing my hand.

He helped me turn around so that I was facing him, with my ass to Gabe. O slid his hand up the inside of my thigh, encouraging me to move. I found myself bending forward slightly, with my hands resting on O's shoulders. O's hands moved around to take a firm grip of my pantie clad ass cheeks. He groped me tenderly, squeezing my cheeks together before pulling them wide apart showing Gabe everything. I began moving my hips seductively, almost craving approval on these naughty, Mrs Claus, bottomless panties I was wearing for them. I was nervous but turned on to feel both these sexy black men's eyes on me, drinking me in. I could sense the hunger and feel the tension and yearning in these dominant men. I swayed my hips seductively and occasionally glanced back over my shoulder at Gabe.

"What about your friend?" I whispered to O.

"Don't worry about Gabe, he's cool." O replied.

"Yeah, don't worry about me, you two do your thing." Gabe interjected.

O gently held the poppers to my nose once more, instructing me to inhale deep. I did. I was so horny but this was not a situation I thought I'd find myself in tonight. O pulled me down to sit in his lap, his hand moving between my legs and he began kissing my neck. I couldn't help but moan and spread my legs wider for him. He was very insistent. His fingers probed down between by legs, under my balls, rubbing my sensitive taint through my silky panties and gradually exploring and teasing further into my ass crack. O pulled me in and we kissed deep, making out on the sofa like high school lovers, my moans escaping into his mouth. I was like putty in his hands. He knew just how to work me.

He kept me high on the poppers and laid me back on the sofa with one leg straddling his to keep my legs spread wide open. My crotch aimed at Gabe so he could see everything. I held O tight as he continued to work his fingers up and down my ass crack, teasing me and making me want more. I heard Gabe shift on the couch and could feel his eyes burning into me as he witnessed O manhandle me. I looked him in the eyes, my moans escaping quietly, wordlessly imploring him to join in.

He watched us intently, with a hunger in his eyes. He moved across the couch to get closer to the action and I felt his hand on my thigh. He was testing me. This was the decision point. If I encouraged this, one thing would lead to the next and I'd be taking both of these hunky men. I can't lie, it was a huge fantasy of mine, but I hadn't thought this would happen tonight. I didn't even foresee a meet with O at all just a couple of hours ago. Now things were progressing way too fast. Would I be able to handle it? As if O could sense my trepidation, he fed me more poppers and what inhibitions I had left, disappeared in that instant. This was going to happen.

Gabe's hand slid up the inside of my thigh, pulling my other leg towards him, draping it over his thick thigh. His strong hand joining O's in probing between my legs. It was ecstasy, having these two hunky men play with me like this, I was panting in lust, trying to spread my legs even wider to give them access to everything.

I don't know which of them lubed me up but my ass crack was now slick with wetness. O one side and Gabe the other, I kissed O passionately, feeling them both exploring me. I couldn't help but just lay back and pant and moan in pleasure and let them just tease and finger and play with me. Gabe would tease and rub my sensitive nipples, pinching them to hear me gasp and then lowering his lips to them to suck and lick them. I was in heaven. O's fingers roamed around my tight pucker, just tapping his forefinger against me so we could hear how wet I was for them. I felt like I was on heat I was that overwhelmed with all these sensations engulfing me. I had to just submit to these two perfect black men and hand over all of my trust to them.

O kissed me and suggested we take this to the bedroom. He helped me to my feet as I was a bit unsteady when I stood up. I straightened my panties and wiped my mouth, I felt like such a naughty slut and I wanted more. O took me by the hand and led me up the stairs towards his bedroom, guiding me with a strong hand resting on my ass, his longest finger settling between my cheeks.

We kissed long and deep in the bedroom, gradually undressing his top half so I could see that fine specimen of a man. I couldn't wait any longer. I slowly lowered to my knees, never breaking eye contact with him as I slid my hands down his tight torso, and tracing down over his bulge, taking him in and feeling his strength. O slowly unbuttoned his trousers and lowered them. I waited patiently, for his beautiful cock to spring free right in front of my face making me let out a hungry, lustful moan. I slid my hands up his thighs and reached up to take a hold of his impressive cock by the base. I held it to my nose inhaling his musky scent, another deep moan escaping my lips. I held it to my face and ran my nose up the entire length of the shaft, breathing him in. I'd missed that intoxicating scent.

I maintained eye contact with O and kissed the tip of his cock. That bulbous head, velvety and smooth on my lips.

"I've missed this cock. It's so biiiiiig, it's huge." I exclaimed eagerly. "I'm in love with it." I giggled, sheepishly.

I held it up and let the head drop onto my tongue before I accepted it into my mouth. I suckled on his shiny bell end, tasting his cock and thinking why I don't do this more often. I need to. I stroked him into my mouth and sucked his cock with urgent desire. I ran the wet tip across my lips and lightly tapped it against my mouth spreading the saliva and precum. I worked my lips up and down the shaft, sucking him deeper, making me moan. Holding his muscular thighs as he rocked his hips back and forth to help me work his beautiful cock.

Gabe entered the room, unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his stocky torso. He packed a lot more muscle than O but was less lean, although still in incredible shape and looked hot and extremely strong. He stood next to O and loosened his belt on his trousers.

Sensing my hesitation, O encouraged me, "Just keep sucking baby, live out your fantasy."

It had been an ultimate fantasy of mine and it was about to become reality. I knew I was going to get a lot more than I bargained for.

"I can't believe you're making me do this." I said cheekily. Feeling like if I was being made to do it, I wouldn't be classed as such a slut.

"I don't see anything wrong." Gabe pitched in and released a thick, manly dick from his trousers.

I groaned at the sight of it and reached up with my right hand to stroke him to full hardness. I felt his hand on my head as he stepped in closer, slowly turning my head so that O's cock slipped from my mouth and was quickly replaced with Gabe's. I moved my left hand to O's cock to stroke him, I didn't want to disappoint either of these two hunks. I was desperate to please them both. Gabe's cock was thicker than O's and a darker shade, I had to stretch my lips wider to accommodate him as he took control and nudged his cock head to the back of my throat making me choke a little as more saliva coated Gabe's cock.

I held their big cocks in both hands and stroked them simultaneously. They palmed my head tenderly to direct me to which cock to suck next. I enjoyed taking them in turn into my mouth, ensuring to coat them big black cocks with my saliva to keep them all wet and shiny and slippery. I really wanted to take my time and enjoy it. It felt like my rightful place, on my knees worshiping these alluring black cocks, I was mesmersied by the sheer beauty of them. I loved maintaining eye contact so I could see how much they were enjoying my mouth. I would tighten my lips around them and suck them into my mouth before slowing and just holding my mouth open for them to control the pace and use my mouth how they desired and I loved the feeling of their hips swaying and moving and gently fucking my mouth.

My moans and groans of pleasure and gasps for air proved I was getting more into it. I began to move my hand and mouth in response to their manly groans and grunts. O loved me taking control and working the shaft whilst sucking on the head, and Gabe would like to be more in control and was more forceful when thrusting that thick cock to the back of my throat and always left my mouth coated in saliva. I could tell he wanted to violate my throat. He would make me cough and splutter whilst really testing my gag reflex. I desperately wanted to be able to take him. I felt like I could take it deeper each time he tried and I knew it'd be hard and there would be discomfort but I wanted to take it, I wanted a big dick sliding down my hungry throat.

O must have sensed I wanted to try it and he stood me up and maneuvered me so I was on all fours on the bed facing them. My mouth now at perfect cock level.

"Will you teach me how to deep throat?" I asked coyly.

"Open your mouth so we can take turns on you." O ordered. I liked his dominance and him telling me what to do.

I faced them and opened my mouth wide with my tongue out, never breaking eye contact. I was horny and hungry for it.

O went first, his cock was longer than Gabe's and so would be harder to get it all down my throat. O poured lube onto his cock, reassuring me that it would help. O lined his cock up with my mouth and pushed on to brush past my lips and onto my welcoming tongue. His palm started on the top of my head but as his cock sank deeper, it moved to the back of my head to pull me in further. His thick cock head hit the back of my throat and it made me cough and splutter and my eyes water. I had to come up for air and felt a little disappointed that I couldn't deep throat him but O reassured me that it would just take more practice. That is something I'm keen to follow up.

I took O into my mouth again, his head engorged and so defined. I used my tongue to explore his ridges and was aware of his more desperate thrusts, wanting to get in to me deeper. I opened my mouth wider and pushed further down on his cock. Again, I had to pull away to catch my breath leaving me spluttering and covered in saliva.

Gabe had been slowly stroking his thick cock whilst O and I had been trying our best to get his huge dick further into my throat. Gabe positioned himself in front of me, his cock aimed at my mouth. I knew the routine. I opened wide and he fed me his big cock. He pushed straight to the back of my throat and his hand immediately on the back of my head. I felt his head push against the back of my throat and he still didn't let up. I gagged and panicked, I tried to pull back, using my hands to push off his hips but he was too strong. Gabe held me there, raised up on his tip toes which changed the angle of his cock, O's hand joined Gabe's on my head and with the added pressure, his cock slid down my throat. I coughed and spluttered and tensed up, trying to pull back but now they were both holding me, there was nowhere to go. I felt like he was choking me, filling my windpipe, I could barely breath.

I was held like that for what felt like a lifetime. I felt O's hand ease on my head and I immediately made a move to pull my head off his cock. I almost made it too. Gabe quickly pulled me back and forced my mouth back down his shaft, ramming his cock down my throat until my lips were touching his pelvis. Gabe continued in this vein and let out deep animalistic groans every time his cock bottomed out in my gullet. He moaned and groaned, using my mouth like a pussy for his own pleasure.

I was finally able to get his dick out of my mouth and it left me with tears in my eyes, gasping for breath. I don't know whether I liked it or loathed it, but my throat had just been well and truly violated like never before.

"Yeaah my baby can deep throat." O approved.

Gabe pulled me back in for more. I tried to resist but he shoved his slick gleaming member at my mouth. I reluctantly opened my mouth and let him back in. Although I resisted, his domination of me was a massive turn on and I wanted to please him.

Acting on this desire to please both of these beautiful, strong, dominant black men. I started sucking on Gabe's cock passionately. Bobbing up and down and slurping on his thick shaft. He controlled my head once more and started pushing and pulling me, controlling the action. He was getting close to orgasm and I could feel his cock tensing up in my mouth and throat. He inhaled deeply and pulled his cock out so the very tip rested on my tongue. I lapped away at the underside of his bulbous head, teasing that little sweet spot.

"OH FUUU..., UUCKKKK." He bellowed out loud as he released his thick sticky load onto my accepting tongue. He shot it into my mouth making me taste him. He was salty and masculine and I gulped it down, not wanting to waste a drop. I held his cock head in my mouth and suckled the remnants of his orgasm.

I was on fire, with a belly full of Gabe's thick cum. I sat back and licked my lips, catching my breath as Gabe slumped into the chair. O had been propped up against the head board, stroking his mammoth cock as he admired me from behind while Gabe fucked my mouth. I turned to look at him over my shoulder. He smiled at me and beckoned me to him. I bent over for him again to show him my ass and crawled on all fours around the bed, my pantied butt in the air as I made my way between his thick muscular legs until I was an inch away from his cockhead. I would never grow tired of marveling at O's enormous, black cock and now he was stroking it right before me, offering it to me like so many times before and I would accept it willingly as well as anything else he had to offer.

I didn't need any more encouragement, I closed my eyes and capped the monster head with my soft lips and kissed it. The slit leaked a large dollop of precum and I quickly licked up and swallowed the salty treat. O was already lubed up and ready to go. I peppered his entire beautiful, slick shaft with kisses before continuing my journey up his marvelous, sculptured body. I moved up so I was straddling his lap. O did't need a second invitation, he continued to stroke his cock up into my ass crack. I could feel him adjusting my bottomless panties and ensuring they were arranged so they held his shaft in place between my ass cheeks, right were it belonged. He groped at my firm cheeks, pulling them apart and then really squeezing them together around his thick shaft. He used my ass cheeks to wank his delicious cock and it felt divine. I could feel it rubbing all up and down my sensitive crack, spreading precum and lube all over me. The shaft rubbing right up against my taint and pressing against my tight, now extremely hungry pucker.

O took his time kneading my ass, knowing how hot this teasing gets me. The feeling of his big black cock just nestled between my cheeks was the most perfect sensation ever, all slick and lubed up and rubbing everywhere. I leaned in to kiss him and sucked on his tongue whilst he humped his cock up between my ass crack. Feeling the sandpaper head just poking at my pucker, feeling like it would slip inside me and then at the last second it slides back up my ass crack again making us both moan into each others mouths before starting again. It was intense and felt passionate like we had missed one another. Like we had been hungry for each other and all that pent up frustration was evaporating. At that moment I honestly thought I could spend the rest of my life with this man and experience everything he had to offer me in life and in the bedroom.

The weight shifted behind me on the bed and it was like I had forgotten Gabe was there, I had been too consumed by grinding and humping with O's big cock. I could feel Gabe moving in closer behind me and I was panting in anticipation. I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck and it made me shudder as he mashed his cock against my ass. I began slowly moving my ass in unison with these two hunks. O's big, black shaft nestled tightly between my cheeks, held in place by my naughty, bottomless panties while Gabe's insistent, thick cock poked at me and always found a way into my panties and occasionally move O's cock aside to poke and prod at me.

I managed to bend forward a little further which meant my ass cheeks could spread wider allowing easier access. I lost track of who's cock was prodding at me, both were now obscenely hard and were rubbing and probing all over my rear end. I couldn't get enough as we all bucked and moved together. I loved all of the teasing and not knowing when one of them would just take control and fuck me how I deserve.

O's strong hands spread my ass cheeks and almost offered it up to Gabe. I felt Gabe's finger just curl into the opening of my panties and gently ease them to the side. The tip of his cock eased O's to the side and began to poke at my hole. I could feel the heat and power of it massaging my tight pucker. He steadily added pressure as I tried to relax, I winced and inhaled sharply, as the thick cock head of Gabe's cock gradually, slowly and steadily, began to enter me. The tip popped inside me, and he held it there, letting me get used to his thickness, allowing time for my ass to accommodate that thick shaft and letting me stretch around him.

"Damn, that is tight!" Gabe exclaimed, I think to himself.

I heard a plastic cap open behind me and the wet sensation of cold lube being squirted in Ernest into my ass crack and over his thick shaft. Gabe didn't need to rub it in, I could feel it running down my inner thighs and it felt so naughty.

"Yeah, now we can have some fun." And with that, Gabe started easing that black dick further into me.

I could feel the widest part of Gabe's cock gradually reaching my hole and I let out a whine of pain as he stretched me out. O held me tight and I felt safe in his strong arms. He whispered in my ear for me to relax and enjoy my ultimate fantasy, reassuring me that 'Daddy' was there to look after me. I groaned and accepted Gabe's thick cock.

Gabe continued his slow and steady push and with every inch he pushed into me, he would back out an inch and then push it back in. It felt like he was extremely experienced in handling that thick shaft and knowing just what to do to to ease any pain. I just enjoyed the stretch and implored him to keep going. He entered deeper and deeper into my body and I knew that my ass would soon meet the base of his tool. It felt like he was holding back, gently fucking my plump ass with almost his whole cock in me. He picked up the pace and started grinding into me deep, making me gasp and groan every time he bottomed out. O's own cock was developing a mind of its own and I could feel his tip prodding at my hole whilst Gabe fucked it.

Gabe gave my hungry ass the good, deep fuck that it craves. O's cock was becoming more insistent and poking and prodding at me with more urgency than before, and as Gabe withdrew ever so slowly, O was already there. I was empty for only a split second before O was pushing up into me as I sank down on his big cock. I lent down to kiss his big full lips as I moved my hips to milk him.

Even with O nestled in my tight hole, Gabe still poked his tip at me, he was insatiable. I felt copious amounts of lube being squirted directly onto my ass hole. It was slick back there now and O was gripping my cheeks with his big strong hands and pulling them wide apart. I could feel his fingertips on my pucker and he was gripping it to spread it wider. I began to worry that Gabe wouldn't pull back, instead he was pressing on with vigour, I could feel my ass opening further. The pain was mounting and I tried to pull away.

"Yeah struggle, that's hot." Gabe teased.

"I can't take it. It's too much." I pleaded.

O was whispering in my ear, encouraging me, "deep breaths baby, deep breaths."

My protests went unheard and my gasps and wincing turned into a deep low grunt as Gabe forced and popped his bulbous tip into me along side O. I slumped my head down in defeat and accepted my fate. Gabe pushed on but it felt impossible for him to enter any further, my ass just would not stretch to fit. They both seemed to pick up their own rhythm and as O pulled out ever so slightly, Gabe would give a little thrust to poke the tip of his cock into me further.

My hole was well and truly violated for what felt like an age. They both took it in turns in fucking me and using me however they wanted. My protests had been futile but I had secretly, or maybe not so secretly, loved how they had taken complete advantage of me and fulfilled an ultimate fantasy of mine. Gabe seemed to particularly take pleasure in giving it to me hard and rough, whereas O had been more tender and loving in his fucking technique.

Gabe shot another big load over my ass and up my back before he made his excuses to leave, having had his way with me all night. I felt used, and I kind of liked it. O led him through the apartment and I heard Gabe thanking him for inviting him over. I lay in O's bed recovering, completely drained of energy. I heard the murmurings of Gabe collecting his things and then saying their goodbyes to each other.

When O returned to the bedroom, I made sure I was led on my front with my knee up towards my chest, again, offering myself up to my Black Daddy. I heard him shuffling around and then he turned the lamp off and joined me in bed. I could feel the heat off his body and although I'd been royally fucked all night, I still wanted him.

"Thanks for tonight." He whispered into my ear as he moved in behind me. "You rocked them panties."

I giggled and moved my ass slightly against him.

"Oh you're horny. You want more black cock, huh?" He implied.

I looked back over my shoulder at him, biting my lower lip, my voice was shaky and I was panting in lust, "Make love to me, Othello".

He looked into my eyes and we kissed deeply and passionately. His strong hands snaked to my hips and pulled me back to make me feel his member mashed against my ass.

I let my head drop forwards and O tenderly kissed the back of my neck as I exhaled with a sexy moan. He kissed my neck and let his hands roam all over me. I was in heat again, panting and moaning for him like a desperate, horny slut, gagging for his beautiful cock. I told myself he must be used to this reaction.

Othello lay me on my back and maneuvered himself so that he was knelt between my open legs. He proceeded to slide his big strong hands underneath my butt and lift my hips up off of the bed, bending me at the waist and bringing my ass up to his mouth, forcing my knees towards my face. He was gentle but strong, lifting me like i weighed nothing. He hooked his fingers into my frilly, chritmassy panties and pulled them down my legs so they were hanging from just one ankle. He was in full control of me and I wouldn't have it any other way. I could feel his hot breath against my hole. Othello maintained eye contact with me and just dipped his tongue into my well-used, sensitive hole. Before I could say anything, he flicked his tongue against my little pucker. He made me cry and moan out and I didn't care who could hear.

He pressed his tongue into me whilst his lips brushed against my outer ring, making my own cock twitch and bounce above my face. He begun his gentle, slow tongue fuck, taking care of me and making me feel good. I clawed at and gripped the bed sheets beneath me. I squirmed and squealed under his touch. He told me he had dreamt and masturbated whilst imagining this moment and eating my ass like this. I told him I was all his, however he wanted me.

He ran his middle finger across my balls, along my sensitive taint and teased at my hole for a short time before pressing inside. I felt him twist his finger and adjust the angle. I immediately knew why, when he poked and prodded at my g-spot. He massaged my insides expertly, poking and rubbing at my most sensitive spot. His tongue continued to lap across my hole and along my crack as he fingered me perfectly and pursued my orgasm.

I could feel my orgasm building. I bit my lip as Othello's finger expertly massaged my prostate whilst he ate my ass, sending me over the edge. My legs began to shake uncontrollably, my breathing ragged. He could tell I was so close and he used his free hand to grip my cock and tug at it. I couldn't hold back. Electric sensations rocked through my body. I tensed up, moaning breathlessly, purring and squirming underneath him. I squealed like a girl as I shot my load. It splashed onto my stomach and chest and coated Othello's hand and he slowly stroked every last drop out of me.

He lowered my butt back down onto the bed and moved to lay beside me. I was completely worn out. I was catching my breath and gathering my senses after an incredible, mind-blowing orgasm.

I gazed across at Othello, his semi hard cock catching my eye as it lay across his lower stomach. It looked beautiful in the dim light. It was so perfect it had a crazy effect on me. I didn't want to waste this opportunity. I pulled on all my reserve energy and climbed on top of him to straddle him. I squatted over his cock and lifted it to my dripping hole. I rubbed it against me and stroked it until it was rock hard once again. I aimed my ass at it and sank down onto it once again, my ass muscles not giving the slightest bit of resistance. It just felt so natural now. I could feel it swell further inside me until he filled me completely.

"Fuck you're amazing!" I gasped breathlessly.

"No, you're amazing." He replied. "You love that black cock in you don't you?"

"Fuck yes I do, I love it. I love it" I drew it out with each time I ground down onto his thick length.

I tightened my ass muscles the best I could and tried my very best to squeeze and milk his cock.

He wasn't going to last long after being keeping himself on the brink all night.

I urged him to cum. Begging him to fill my 'phat' white pussy with his thick cream. I slammed down onto his cock and he thrust in unison. A few more last thrusts into me and he climaxed with an animalistic groan, letting me feel his cock pulsating deep in me and filling me up with his cum. His cock began to soften and I climbed off him and collapsed next to him on the bed, completely spent.

I lay my head on Othello's chest, feeling it rise and fall while he caught his breath and hearing his heart beat gradually slowing. I whispered in my half conscious state how he was giving me the best sex of my life and if he wasn't careful, I'd be falling for him. Who was I trying to kid? I'd all ready fell, big time.
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