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Daddy daughter indulge in sexual deprivation
Now, that their fuck was over, Van's mind returned to Red, the young boy his daughter would be seeing that evening. He was really concerned about her. For this was the first time Loni had dated any boy more than a couple of times, and it was clear that Loni was rapidly falling in love with this red-haired youth. What concerned Van so much was his fatherly instinct that the teenaged boy was simply not right for his daughter.

Van had nothing against Red personally. But he was so young and immature. And if there was one thing Van had learned about his little girl over the years, it was just how important good, skillful sex was to her. And something about Red told Van that this young boy just couldn't cut it in the bedroom… not good enough for Van's highly sexed and sexually experienced daughter, anyway.

"Baby, does Red know that you're no virgin?" Van asked, now, still stroking Loni's tits.

"Yeah, I've told him, Daddy," Loni said, shifting uneasily in her father's embrace. She didn't like his question. It always made her nervous when her father tried to talk to her about Red.

"And he doesn't mind?" Van asked.

"No, not anymore. At first, he was surprised and a little put off, I suppose. But now he says these are modern times, and it's fine with him," Loni said.

"What about his own sexual history? How much fucking experience does he have?" Van asked.

"I don't know. He's never told me," Loni said with a shrug. "Daddy, what's this all about? All these questions…"

"Just bear with me, baby. Does Red know that you I are lovers?" Van asked.

"No! Are you kidding? I couldn't expect him to accept that! He just knows that I've had a lot of sexual experience… that's all," Loni said, an edge to her voice now.

"Okay, baby, I just have one more question for you," Van said, squeezing her tit-flesh.

"What's that?" Loni asked warily.

"Has Red fucked you yet?"

"No, but that's okay," Loni said.

"Why is it okay? You two care a lot about each other, don't you?" Van insisted.

"Yes, we love each other, Daddy!" Loni cried fervently.

"That's what I thought," Van said with a heavy sigh. He had almost said that was what he was afraid of.

"Well, what's the big deal anyway? After all, I've never fucked with any of the other boys I've dated and you never questioned me about that! You're the only lover I've ever had, Daddy, and up until now you haven't seemed to mind that one bit!" Loni cried.

"Honey, honey, try to understand me," Van said, thinking that this might be the most important conversation he ever had with his dear daughter. "Of course, I've never questioned you like this before because you've never been serious about a boy before Red. But my God, if you two love each other, and you've been seeing each other all this time, don't you think it's only normal that you would make love? What's holding you back?"

"Not me!" Loni cried, tears filling her eyes now as she dropped her defenses and looked up at her daddy with a soulful expression. "I want to fuck with Red! I keep asking him about it! Butte keeps putting me off! He said he's old-fashioned and that we should wait until we get married to fuck!"

"Oh, Loni, this is even more of a problem than I'd thought. You two are actually talking marriage?" Van asked with an ominous feeling of doom.

"Yes, Daddy, he's asked me to marry him and I said yes!" Loni said, her face beaming with happiness.

"Oh, Loni, I'm so worried about you. I want you to be happy, but I don't want to see you marry this boy. He can't make you happy, I just know it. And if he won't even fuck you until after you're married… oh, Loni, something is very wrong here," Van said with a frown of concern for his little girl whom he loved more than anything or anyone in the entire world.

"You're just jealous!" Loni cried, angry with her father for trying to spoil her happiness.

"Now, Loni, you have to know that that isn't true," Van said calmly.

Loni looked away from her daddy's penetrating gaze. He was right. She knew he was never jealous. He had always told her that he wanted to see her happily married. She knew deep down that he was only saying these things because he honestly believed Red was all wrong for her. But he's wrong about that, she told herself desperately now, he has to be!

"Honey, I can't stop you from marrying him," Van said softly tilting his daughter's face up with one finger to look into her tear-filled eyes. "If he's what you really want, I wouldn't even want to try to stop you. That would place our relationship in risk, and God knows, I wouldn't want that! I always want you and me to be close, even after you marry and even if that means we can't fuck each other anymore. But please, Loni, don't do anything impulsive. Think over everything I've said to you. And, for God's sake, at least don't get married until you have sex together! You've got to find out if you're sexually compatible! That's a must, Loni, especially for a healthy, sexy little girl like you. But, Jesus, honey, you're so young. And so is he! You're both only in your senior year of high school. Wait awhile, honey, please," the mart said passionately as he gathered his daughter in his arms and rocked her to and fro as if she were still a little baby who needed his protection.

Two months later, against her father's advice, Loni married Red and the two youngsters moved into a small apartment which Red's parents owned.

"Your mom and dad are so nice to let us live here rent-free, Red," Loni said softly, snuggling up to her new husband on their wedding night.

"Yeah… well, they usually wouldn't like the idea of my getting married so young, but they like you a lot! They both said you'll be good for me." Red said, kissing his bride gently on her forehead.

Loni sighed, wishing her father was as accepting of her marriage. Lois, Loni's mother, seemed indifferent about it, but then she had always seemed that way about anything and everything in her life. The mother and daughter had never been close, so Loni didn't care that much about whether her mother approved of the teenager's marriage or not. But her daddy was a different matter. She felt closer to him than to anyone else in the world, and that included her new husband. And Loni only wished he would come around and be happy for her. He had kept her word about not trying to stop her marriage, and he was generously helping the couple out with money, but she could feel his disapproval.

I guess I'll just have to prove him wrong, Loni thought, cuddling up closer to Red. I'll have to show him that Red is the right man for me!

"I'm feeling really horny, Red. Don't you think it's time that we got it on?" Loni asked with a kiss.

"Yeah, baby, I've been waiting a long time to make it with you," Red said, but Loni could hear the nervous tremor in his voice.

Loni smiled, looking forward to long moments of foreplay. She and her daddy always spent a lot of time touching and licking and sucking each other, making each other good and hot before fucking. Except for those times when the young girl was already so horny she couldn't bear to wait. Then she told her daddy to just go ahead and fuck her with no foreplay.

But this was her first time with her new husband, and she was sure that he would want to spend a lot of time getting her ready for their very first fuck.

But Loni was wrong.

With a grunt, Red mounted his wife and, with no preamble he shoved his entire cock up her dry pussy.

"Yeeoowwww! Ohhhh, God, that hurts!" she cried.

"It shouldn't be hurting you! You're no virgin, Loni," Red said, pulling his cock out and shoving it back into the girl's aching pussy again.

"Good God, Red! You're tearing my pussy apart!" she cried.

"Don't talk dirty!" Red groaned as he continued to fuck his bride.

Dirty? Loni thought, feeling like laughing. He should hear the exciting way she and her daddy always talked to each other while they fucked. It was downright obscene!

The young boy groaned and grabbed both of Loni's soft asscheeks in his hands as he continued to fuck her with hard, fast strokes.

Loni gasped with pain and frustration, wishing her husband would slow down and give her a chance to catch up with him. He was fucking her so fast that she knew he would have to come soon, and she wasn't even turned-on yet!

But she loved her new husband, and if she couldn't enjoy their very first fuck, at least she could try to make it good for him. And, with that generous thought in mind, Loni tightened her cuntmuscles around Red's prick.

"Jesus, what'd you do? That felt great!" Red yelled.

Loni looked up at her husband in amazement. She was beginning to suspect that the boy was a virgin. That would certainly

explain his lack of sexual prowess. She felt let down, disappointed. She had always thought of Red as being so sexy, and she knew that he loved her a great deal. So she had been sure that they would have a terrific sex life together. But now, she remembered her father's warning and she sighed, wondering what she had let herself in for in marrying this young, unskilled boy.

"Do that thing again, honey! That thing you did to my cock!" Red demanded.

"Now who's talking dirty?" Loni asked dryly as, once again, she tightened her cuntmuscles around the side of the boy's cock.

His prick was huge and it filled the girl's entire pussyhole. She knew that such a meaty tool could give her unlimited sexual pleasure if he only knew how to use it.

Well, he doesn't know how to use it, Loni thought sadly. So it's up tome. Maybe my own sexual skill and experience can make all the difference. Maybe I can make it good for myself!

At that point, the young girl began to lift her little ass up from the bed and hump her pussy up against Red's cock, hoping to turn herself on in a way that he couldn't.

Red panted hard with excitement as his wife began to respond to his unschooled fucking movements. And he groaned continually as he felt her clenching and unclenching her pussymuscles around his bursting cock.

As Loni continued to shove her cunt up to meet her husband's down-thrusting prick, she began to feel herself turning on just a bit. The longer they fucked, and the more that Loni fucked back at the young boy, the hotter her pussy got. Soon it was drooling with her aroused juices, and for the first time, she was really beginning to enjoy fucking with her husband.

Hey, this ain't so bad after all, she thought, with a grin up at the boy she loved so much.

"Fuck meeeee!" she cried, really getting into the mood now.

"Please, darling, I hate to hear such filth coming from your sweet little mouth."

His remark was like a bucket of ice water on Loni's emotions. She turned off at once, again thinking about her father and how he had been right after all when he had warned her that Red would not be able to satisfy her sexually.

She lay there passively for a few moments while Red continued to thrust his cock in and out of her pussy, seemingly unaware that anything was wrong.

But then as Loni felt his big prick moving in and out of her little pussy, she began to turn on again in spite of herself. And again she began to hump her crotch up against Red's, thrilling to the lewdly exciting sensation of his long fat cock fully impaling her, filling every nook and cranny of her cunt with its hard hot fuckmeat.

"Unnhhh, that's good," she sighed, afraid to say any of the other sexy things she was thinking, afraid that her husband would brand them as "dirty".

Red reached out and gripped his wife's tit, one in each hand, squeezing the mounds hard, and making Loni, moan with ecstasy.

Each time he fucked into her, she raised her ass, thrusting her hips forward and swinging them in slow, sensuous circles. Her slippery little cunt sucked at his cock and he threw his head back and groaned loudly, his face flushed a dark red now.

He pistoned his prick faster and harder and deeper into his wife's pussy. Her cunt felt as if it were on fire as it sucked at his prick, milking it for its load of creamy cum.

Loni tossed her ass about in a feverish fucklust. Red grinned, sure that he was giving his bride the best fuck of her life. He held her firm asscheeks again, using them for leverage as he lunged forward as hard as he could. Then he pulled his cock almost all the way put and plunged it into her deeply again. Each time he thrust into her, Loni felt his hard prick rubbing against her cuntwalls, making her tremble with desire in spite of his clumsy style of lovemaking.

She shoved her crotch up hard to meet his prick. She ground her pussy obscenely against the base of his cock, moaning with arousal.

She knew that he would be coming soon, and she only hoped that she would come with him. She longed to come. Her entire body was crying out for the release that only an orgasm could give her. And she was sure that if they could come together during this very first fuck, she would feel much better about her husband and their chance to be happy together. Their coming together would serve as sort of a good amen at the start of their married life together.

"Kiss me, honey, please," she moaned, raising her face.

Red lowered his head and planted a wet, sloppy kiss on his wife's mouth. Then he raised his head and once more lost himself in his hard fucking movements.

"Gee, thanks," Loni said sarcastically, hoping that Red would ask her what was wrong. But he seemed oblivious of her words or their tone. All he seemed aware of was fucking her hard until he came. He was totally self-obsessed, not knowing enough to be concerned about her pleasure or the lack of it.

Sven though Red had never fucked anyone before, he was sure that his new wife was impressed with his technique. He mistakenly thought that the harder and faster a fuck was, the better it was. And he was fucking her hard and fast, that was for sure.

The young boy was feeding so hot now that he knew he would come any second. It would feel so good to shoot his entire load of jism right up his beautiful wife's sexy little pussy. He groaned, thinking about it. Up until now, he had shot his load only into his own hands, or into a handkerchief. Now, at last, he would know the thrill of dumping his spunk into a tight pussy. And he was sure that that was all that Loni needed, too, to feel completely satisfied sexually.

While Red and Loni had been dating all those months, the young girl had often begged him to fuck her. But he had always turned her down, saying that he was old-fashioned enough to believe that sex belonged in marriage. But that had not been entirely true. The main reason that Red had refused to fuck the beautiful girl in spite of his lust for her was because he was afraid he would not be able to fuck her well enough to satisfy her. And if he could not sexually satisfy her, he was afraid he would lose her. He could not risk that. For, he loved the young girl more than he had ever loved anyone in his entire life. And he wanted her bound to him in marriage before letting her see just how inexperienced he was sexually. But now, as he continued to thrust his cock in and out of her pussy with hard, deep strokes, he told himself that he had been worrying needlessly, that he was fucking Loni just fine.

Loni's cunt poured out rivers of pussyjuice which streamed over the length of her husband's cock. She swung her hips furiously, trying to capture every inch of his prick to the hilt. She was bruising her pussyflesh brutally as she savagely fucked her cunt on Red's prick, straining for the orgasm she needed so desperately. She felt as if she were right on the brink of a powerful orgasm, but she just needed a few more minutes, a little more fucking, to make her come.

"Ohhhhh, it's soooo good," she sighed.

She wriggled her tight cunt on her husband's pumping prick. She wanted to beg him to make her come, but she was afraid that he would scold her for talking "dirty" and, even worse, she was afraid that he would not know how to make her come.

She squirmed her hot cunt on the boy's stroking cock. She was at a peak of a sexual fever now, and her naked ass bounced wantonly in Red's clutching hands.

"This is it, baby! Enjoy!" Red cried suddenly as his hot cum spattered thickly into Loni's cunt.

"Ohhhh, Red!" Loni squealed excitedly, enjoying the feel of his cum gushing into her, and sure that now she would come, too. All she needed were a few more hard cock-thrusts and she would have her own much-needed climax.

But it was not to be. For the instant that Red finished coming, he pulled his wet prick out of Loni's cunt and collapsed on top of her with a satisfied sigh.

"Now… wasn't that the greatest, honey?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure, the greatest," Loni lied and long after her husband lay sleeping next to her, the young girl feverishly finger-fucked her pussy, giving herself the orgasm that Red could not.

Oh, Daddy, I need you so much! she thought to herself, tears filling her eyes as she finally came.

For long months, life went on in this way for Loni. Red seemed to think that fucking should occur only at night, in bed, and Loni was just as glad. For more and more she was coming to dread those unsatisfying sessions when the young boy would simply fuck her hard and fast until he came, leaving her high and dry each time.

The only orgasms Loni had had since she had gotten married were those she had given to herself with her own hand. She was becoming more and more frustrated, and she was alarmed to notice that her unhappiness with their sex life was spilling over into all other areas of their life together as well.

While the young couple had gotten along quite well at first, now Loni had turned shrewish and snappish, and Red had begun to snap right back at her, without realizing what was really bothering his young wife.

These days found Loni as concerned about her marriage itself as she was about her unhappy sex life. For she could feel herself drifting farther and farther away from Red, and it frightened her. She still loved her husband very much, and could not bear the thought of losing him.

Although Loni frequently visited her mother and father, with Red often accompanying her, the young girl always made it a point to wear a mask of false happiness so her parents would not guess just how miserable their daughter really was.

But now and then, as Loni saw her fathers penetrating glances, she had the disquieting idea that he knew. That somehow he could see inside her in a way no one else could, and that he was fully aware of just how right he had been when he had tried to warn Loni against marrying Red.

One day, after an especially frustrating fuck session with Red the night before, Loni lay sprawled nakedly in bed, idly fingering her little pussy to orgasm after orgasm. She was so unhappy these days, and she had thought about divorce more than once. The only pleasure in her life these days came from the orgasms she gave herself, but even those paled when compared to the kind of loving and fucking she needed from a man.

Just as she was about to come again, there was a knock on the front door.

"Shit! Great timing!" Loni said sourly.

And, sure that it was her husband coming back for something he had forgotten as he often did, she didn't bother to throw her robe on. She opened the front door, her naked body fully exposed and kept her eyes downcast, not wanting to see the disapproval she always saw in her husband's eyes whenever she was naked and it was not nighttime and she was not in bed.

"What did you forget this time, bozo?" she asked as she stood there nakedly in the open doorway. "And couldn't you have used your key?"

"Hello, darling," came her father's familiar voice.

"Daddy!" she squealed, shocked to see her father standing there.

In all the months since her marriage, he had visited her only when invited, usually for dinner, and then always with her mother. This was the first time Loni had been alone with her father since her marriage, and her naked body trembled with desire as her eyes swept over his handsome, muscular frame.

"Yes, baby, it's your daddy," Van said, holding his arms open wide.

"Oh, Daddy, I'm so happy to see you!" Loni said, her defenses crumbling as she rushed into his arms.

Father and daughter embraced for long moments, holding onto each other tightly as Loni sobbed, finally venting all of her frustration and unhappiness.

"What is it, baby?" Van asked gently as his daughter's sobs finally stopped.

"Oh, Daddy, I'm so miserable!"

"I figured that much… each time I see you, you seem more unhappy. I swear, I fed like killing Red for making you feel this way," Van spat out angrily…

He waited for his daughter to spring to her husband's defense, and when she didn't, he knew once and for all that he had been right about the young boy.

"It is his fault, isn't it?" he asked, closing the door and leading his little girl into the bedroom.

"Y-yes, it is, Daddy! You were so right about him! I only wish I had listened to you! He's just no damn good in bed!" Loni said, fresh tears springing to her eyes.

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. This is one time when I wanted very much to be wrong. I only wanted you to be happy."

Loni and Van sank down on the edge of the bed and embraced once again.

"I know, Daddy, I know," she sighed. "Just how bad are things between the two of you?" Van asked, tenderly stroking his daughter's face.

"Real bad! We hardly even talk to each other anymore! And when we do, we always end up fighting! It's terrible, Daddy! But no matter how bad things are between us, Red still fucks me every night and when he's finished, I'm not! And then I'm angrier than ever at him and things just get all the worse between us and oh, Daddy, I've even been thinking about getting a divorce!"

"Whew! That bad, huh?" Van said thoughtfully.

For a few minutes, the father and daughter sat there silently, locked in an embrace that Loni had missed during all these long and lonely months. Then Van kissed her lightly on the top of her head and smiled slightly.

"Tell me, honey, if you were being satisfied sexually, do you think you would stop thinking about divorce?" Van asked.

"Well, sure, Daddy, that would make all the difference in the world! After all, sex is really our only problem but it's a big one!" she said with a frown, looking up into her daddy's eyes.

"I know, honey. Well, listen, I've been missing you like crazy since you got married. I've been missing all those hot fucks we used to have…"

"Oh, me, too, Daddy! You have no idea!" Loni cried with a heavy sigh.

"… so I was thinking. Why don't you let me take care of you sexually? Red doesn't have to know about it. That way, you'll be happy again, and maybe you can stay married to your husband, honey. What do you think?" Van asked, his cock already growing hard as he thought about driving it into his little girl's hot, tight cunt.

"Oh, yes, Daddy, that's a super idea!" the teenager squealed, eagerly clapping her hands together.

"It may not take care of your problem, however. I mean, eventually you're going to have to confront your husband about his problem if you want to stay married to him. But, for now, it might be a way to take care of things and it would be so great to fuck you again, baby," Van said huskily.

"Oh, yeah, Daddy, fuck me! I just have to feel your big cock in my pussy again! It would be so great!" Loni cried, her little pussy beginning to throb and drool now ma way it never did in response to Red's clumsy attempts to arouse her.

Van stood up by the side of the bed and, while smiling lovingly down at his little girl, he undressed. He enjoyed the way Loni's widened eyes seemed to caress his naked flesh, finally lingering on his big hard-on.

"Ohhh, Daddy, you're hard already!" she squealed, knowing she didn't have to worry about her daddy screwing her until he came, and leaving her needing an orgasm she would never have.

Van shook his head at his daughter's beauty as she lay back on the bed. Here she was, a young married woman, turning to her father for the sexual pleasure her own husband could not give her. He felt a surge of pride in knowing that he was the only one who could give her what she needed.

Loni smiled up at her father, spreading her legs for the only cock in the world that could satisfy her now.

"Come on, Daddy, don't make me wait!" she begged as she scooped up her small tits in both hands and held them up to him like some sort of sexual offering.

Van groaned and sank down on the bed next to his little girl, covering one of her tits with his greedily sucking mouth, licking her pink, stiff nip with his tongue, grazing it with the edges of his teeth.

"Ohhhh, yessss, Daddy," Loni moaned, already turning on powerfully.

As he sucked and licked her tits, he rammed two fingers into her hot pussy.

"Ohhh, fingerfuck me, Daddy, that feels soooo good!" the girl yelled, bucking her hips up toward her daddy's fucking fingers.

At the same time, she ran her hands over his bursting cock and balls, thrilling to the enormous size of his cock. It had been so long since this gorgeous prick had been inside her, and she could hardly wait to experience that thrill again.

Van continued to fingerfuck his sexy little girl, feeling her hot juices pouting out over his hand as she stroked his aching prick.

Loni groaned with desire and clasped her father's fingers with her strong cuntmuscles. Then she released her hold, allowing him to slip his fingers from her cunthole. Then he rammed them back into her and she clenched her pussymuscles around them. Over and over, Van fingerfucked Loni while she squeezed and stroked his big, hard cock.

Just seconds later, Loni felt the beginnings of a huge orgasm and she bucked her hips up violently against her daddy's fucking hand.

"Ohhh, Daddy, I'm commmiiinnnggg!" she screamed, throwing her head back in ecstasy as a gigantic climax thundered through her pussy, making her entire body vibrate with pleasure and incestuous passion.

As she came, Loni's hand pumped faster on her father's prick until he pulled it out of her grasp. He didn't want to come until he was deeply buried inside his daughter's pussy.

As Loni writhed and twisted on the bed, still in the throes of her orgasm, her father continued to fingerfuck her furiously while he sucked hard on her tits, moving his head from one to the other and back again, tonguing and licking the hard nips, now flushed from her climax.

"Ohhh, God, Daddy, I'm still commmmmiiiiinnnnnggggg!" she screamed.

As she came, Loni thought how strange it was that her daddy's fingers were able to give her a much more thrilling orgasm than her own hand was able to give her.

Suddenly, Van removed his fingers from her pussy and took his mouth from her tits. Then, he settled his face between her creamy thighs and nuzzled her wet pussy.

"Ohhh, yessss," the teenager wailed as she felt her daddy's hot breath on her puffy cuntlips. "Eat meeeee! Eat my pussy!"

Van moaned and licked the full length of the girl's cuntlips before he spread them wide and stabbed his tongue inside. As the horny teen groaned in passion, still spasming with orgasm, Van reached underneath her and grasped her firm asscheeks, shoving her cunt up toward his hungry mouth.

He expertly found her little clit at once and he sucked it hard as it jerked in orgasm.

"Ohhh, holy shit, Daddy! Eat my pussy!" Loni cried.

Van flicked his tongue hard and fast against his daughter's twitching clit as her fuckjuices poured from her cunt-hole and ran wetly into his mouth. He swallowed them thirstily, loving the taste of her tangy juice.

It had been so long since he had eaten his little girl's pussy. And Van had thought that he might never get a taste of her pussyjuice again. But now here he was with his face buried in her crotch, drinking down every delicious drop of her tangy cunt sauce, and he couldn't have been happier. And what was even better was, the man's knowledge that he was making her happy, as well.

"Ohhhh, God, God, God!" Loni groaned. She squirmed and twisted from side to side, her little tits bouncing around on her chest as she came again and again. She had been afraid that she would never feel her daddy's mouth on her cunt again, and she was thrilled that he was sucking her to orgasm after orgasm.

It felt so damn good. He was such an expert lover. He knew just how to drive her mad with lust for him, and she knew that he would be just as skilled in using his huge cock once he started fucking her.

She raised her legs up high in the air and wrapped them around the back of his neck, holding him there as he sucked her juices out of her pussy as rapidly as she could give them to him.

Loni arched her body sharply and her ass flew up off the bed as her daddy lapped at her pussy, making wet, slurping sounds that filled the room, charging the sexual atmosphere even more intensely.

Finally, the twitching movement of her clit began to subside, and Van knew that her orgasms were ending. He took his juice-soaked mouth from her pussy and looked at her flushed and smiling face. This was the happiest he had seen the girl since she had gotten married.

"Ohhh, fuck me now, Daddy, I'm ready!" she cried, feeling intoxicated with lust and pleasure. If only Red knew how to get her this hot and wet before fucking her…

Without missing a beat, Van grabbed hold of his throbbing cock and guided it to the entrance of his daughter's gorgeous, pulsating pussy.

"Yesssss, Daddy, yesss, fuck me, fuck me good and hard, just the way you always used to! Pleeease hurry, Daddy, I can't wait!" she whimpered, tossing her head from side to side in a frenzy of longing for her father's huge prick.

"Don't worry, baby, I've been so horny for your little cunt… I can't wait to fuck you either! I'll give you just the kind of hard fucking you like the best!" he groaned.

Loni gasped with excitement at her daddy's words. She hadn't heard such dirty talk since she got married, and now she realized just how much she had missed it.

She reached down and put her small, soft hands on her father's broad, strong shoulders to stop him for a minute.

"What is it, baby?" Van asked with a grin. "Let me… Daddy, let me do it… let me put your cock inside my pussy," she said breathlessly.

"You got it, baby, go for it," Van said, thrilled by his little girl's suggestion.

Loni moved her hands down to her daddy's hairy crotch and grasped the root of his big cock.

"Ohhh, baby, do it, put daddy's cock in your pussy," Van said with a moan.

Making little mewling sounds between her parted lips, Loni eagerly slid her father's hard prick between her gaping pussylips, shoving it farther and farther inside her. Van pushed forward gently with his hips, helping his daughter to fully impale her pussy on his long, thick fuckrod.

"There's just a little bit left to go. You do it now, Daddy. I want to feel you fucking it all the way inside me!" she cried, tears of lust springing to her eyes.

Van grinned. He liked his daughter's style. He leaned back as far as possible without dislodging his cock. Then, with one mighty shove, he thrust the entire length of his prick into her to the hilt, not stopping until his prick hairs were grinding against her pussyfur and his balls were against her ass-crack.

"Wheeeee!" Loni screamed loudly as she felt the exquisite, mind blowing pleasure that had been denied her for too long.

Her pussy was completely stuffed with her daddy's hard cockmeat. It pushed hard against the side of her cunt, stretching her pussywalls to the breaking point. Bolts of fiery ecstasy tore through her. At last! she thought excitedly. At long last she had what her marriage had not been able to give her… a skillfully fucking cock filling her pussy.

"You like this?" Van asked with a grin.

"Mmm, yeah, Daddy, you're the best! This is what I've been needing all these months! Fuck me hard now, Daddy!" she sobbed.

Van reared back and let all but the tip of his cock slip out of Loni's cunt. Then he lunged into her again.

"Yesssss!" she screeched as she felt the head of her father's prick bouncing off the back of her cunt.

She sucked in her breath sharply. She wanted this wonderful, satisfying fuck session with her daddy to go on forever, but she needed to come again, too. And she needed to feel her dear daddy's cum filling up her pussy. It had been so long since she had known that joy.

Again, Van pulled his cock almost all the way out of his little girl's pussy and then plunged it into her again. Over and over again, he repeated his cock-thrusting movements. Time and time again, he reamed out her pussy with slow, steady strokes.

Actually, the titan's fucking thrusts were not so different from Red's. But there were other vast differences in their fucking styles. For one thing, unlike Red, Van had seduced his daughter instead of just shoving his cock into her with no foreplay. He had kissed her, petted her, fingerfucked her, and then eaten her out, all before beginning to fuck her. And for, another thing, while he fucked her, he talked to her and kissed her and played with her tits. When Red fucked Loni, he felt as if it were an act he were doing completely alone, and that all he needed from her was her pussy. But it was not that way with her daddy who needed, her kisses and her loving "dirty" words.

"Ohhh, yessss, Daddy, you're fucking me sooo good! Keep it up, Daddy! Don't stop fucking me! Fuck my little pussy with that great big cock of yours! Fuck meeeeeee," she wailed, half out of her young mind with lust for her daddy's massive prick and for the expert way he fucked her with it.

She raised her legs in the air again and slammed her crotch up against her daddy's as he drove his prick into her buttery hot cunt, over and over again.

Thrilled beyond belief, Loni grabbed hold of her father's upper arms and shoulders, trying to capture more of his prick as she continued to thrust her pussy upwards, matching him fuck-stroke for fuck-stroke. Father and daughter were fucking together slowly, rhythmically, like a well-oiled fucking machine.

Loni raised her head up and mashed her mouth against her father's, sliding her tongue into his mouth, sucking hard on his tongue, nibbling on its edges.

"Mmmm," he moaned in ecstasy.

She pulled her head free from his and tossed it from side to side, feeling her orgasm building.

"Unnhh, yesss, Daddy, yesss," she chanted over and over as he continued to slam the full length of his turgid prick up her small, tight cunt-hole.

"Ohhh, baby, you're the greatest little lay in the world! Your little pussy is so Goddamned tight! God, I've missed fucking you!" Van yelled, feeling his balls tightening up against the base of his cock.

"Daddy, I've been needing this fuck for so long now! You're the dearest daddy in the whole world. I love you woo much, Daddy!" she cried tearfully and then she gasped, starting to come.

Van felt his daughter's pussy spasming wildly against the sides of his cock and he knew she was coming. He grinned down at her, fucking her even harder now.

"Come, baby, come hard for your daddy! Then I'll reward you with a big load of cream!" he said lewdly.

Her daddy's obscene words intensified the orgasm that was pounding through Loni's loins now.

"Ohhhh, commmiiinnnggg, Daddy, I'm coming hard… just for you!" she gasped, clenching her teeth tightly together as a large gusher of hot cuntjuice poured from her fuckhole, soaking her father's thrusting cock.

"Unnnhhh, yeah, baby, yeah, that's a great one! I can feel your little bunt shaking all over the fucking place! Jeeesus, feeling you coming like this is… making me… commmmmiiiiinnnnnggggg!" Van shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Ooooh, goody, Daddy, shoot your whole load inside me! I have to feel all of your hot cum filling me all up!" Loni squealed, grasping her daddy's asscheeks and trying to pull him even deeper inside her.

Van's prick made loud slurping sounds as he continued to dig into his little girl's cunt which closed itself around his cock like a vise.

Intense spasms of orgasm shook the teenager, making her body thrash violently on the bed as she finally felt a huge, hot spurt of cum splash into her cunt-hole.

"Ohhh, I can feel you coming inside me, Daddy!"

Van grinned down at his daughter, taking as much pleasure in her ecstasy as he did in his own. He continued to come, wad after wad of thick, creamy spunk shooting from his jerking cock and splashing wetly against the girl's cuntwalls, making her moan with sheer unbridled incestuous pleasure.

Just when Loni felt her orgasm subsiding, another one took its place, and still another until the wailing teenager was happily lost in the throes of a long chain of climaxes, all of them blending together.

Van had finished coming, but he could feel his daughter's cunt still orgasming against the sides of his cock and he remained inside her, stroking her tits and kissing her tenderly as she continued to come.

He knew that his little girl had been sexually frustrated for so long that it was as though there were a long series of pent-up orgasms which had just been awaiting release. And now those orgasms were shooting through her, making her body writhe and shudder.

"Ohhh, Daddy, that was soooo good," Loni sighed happily when finally the last of her orgasms pounded through her. She felt her daddy's still-hard prick deep inside her cunt and she moaned with renewed passion. "Can we fuck again, Daddy? Right now?"

Van laughed with delight. What had he ever done to deserve such a beautiful, sexy little girl?

"You got it, baby!" he said eagerly as he began to fuck her again, knowing that he was helping to save his daughter's marriage.

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