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My sister was on her back, her knees high and wide giving him a full view of her hairless crotch while she plunged two fingers deep. He was on the laptop monitor, feet wide, pumping his handle. Sonia and her boyfriend kept talking, I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I’m pretty sure they weren’t talking about the weather.
My older sister Sonia was lying on her side with one leg pulled up, her head on a pillow, the blanket covered just her upper body, from the waist down she was uncovered. She wore black lacy panties that hid most of her butt. I stood at her bedroom door and soaked up the vision of my sister’s ass and legs.

I’d been looking at Sonia while she slept for a couple of months and I couldn’t get enough because she fueled my fantasies as I watched her, I would think of fucking my girlfriend Jamie while watching my sister sleep. I always carried a towel with me, so I wouldn’t make a mess on the floor when I whacked it. In nine weeks, I had seen Sonia in nightgowns, pajamas, t-shirts, and panties, and a few times she slept nude.

At first, I just stood in the open door, ready to flee if she stirred, or if one of my parents was moving around. Finally, I got the guts to stand by my sister’s bed, not at the open door. The first time I got close to watch I just stood and stared, I didn’t even get a hard-on. After a few times of sneaking in to spy on my sleeping sister I started taking my night clothes off, I was nude which made it easier to jack my handle. Sometimes I took my smartphone and took pictures of my sleeping sister.

One time I was in Sonia’s room, and mom came out of her room to go to the bathroom. I was glued in place, I couldn’t move. Sonia’s door was open and when mom passed, she glanced in. Mom stopped, grabbed the doorknob, and shut her daughter’s door before going to pee. My heart was tripping a zillion beats a minute and my prick shriveled in fear, but I was in a shadowed corner so she didn’t see me. I waited maybe ten minutes after mom went back to her room to escape back to mine. I didn’t whack anything that night and got so fucking worried about almost getting caught, I stopped going to Sonia’s room. I had smartphone pictures of her so I used them as inspiration after the lights were out.

It was in the middle of July and it had been a long hot day. Sonia had been at a beach party with her friends and came in late, sometime after 11 that night. Dad growled at her but mom only told her that she looked like she could use some sleep, and go to bed. I watched my sister as she went to her room. Our parents didn’t see, but I watched as Sonia bumped against a wall and almost tip over. She put a hand over her mouth and giggled silently; she was either drunk or stoned, I wasn’t sure which, but I knew damn well she was under the influence of something. I was intrigued and wanted to watch, to see how she acted under the influence of something, so a few minutes after she went to her room, I said goodnight and went to my room. I was gonna spy on her again, but how?

My sister and I have rooms on the second floor of the house, both facing the street. There is a small roof section in front so I could open the window and go out to the roof. When we were younger my sister and I would crawl out on the roof and watch the neighborhood, but hadn’t done that in years. A flash of inspiration struck me, I could watch Sonia through her window from the roof. I crawled out to the roof and went to Sonia’s room. I could see all her bedroom and what she was doing.

Why in hell hadn’t I thought of that before!? That question bothered me a little, but I got over it quickly. My sister was sitting on her bed, wobbling a little as she played with her tablet still wearing her summer dress. She was talking to some guy via video chat, I couldn’t see him clearly but that didn’t matter, what did matter was Sonia. She propped up the tablet so she could move around while chatting with the guy then stood away, reached under her skirt, and pulled her panties down. When they were free of her body, she held them toward the camera lens and then dropped them to the floor. With a big smile for him, my sister pinched the hem of her dress in the fingers of both hands then pulled it up slowly while talking to him. She stopped about a micrometer before her crotch was exposed. I could see what he was doing on the screen, his lips were moving, and he was smiling, rubbing the bulge in his pants. The two exchanged words for a few moments then Sonia dropped the skirt then reached behind her to pull the dress zipper down. When it was open, my sister shook her shoulders and the top of the dress slipped down to bare her tits for about two seconds. She laughed lightly then pulled it back up, my cock was beginning to seriously cramp in my tight pants.

My nuts were pinched in my jeans so I scrambled back to my room and changed into a pair of basketball shorts, nice and roomy. Just as I put my head out my window again, I had a second brilliant inspiration, I ducked back in and grabbed my Galaxy smartphone. If my sister was going to put on a show, I was going to get it on record. Back at Sonia’s window I hit the ‘record’ button and was momentarily confused when I saw myself on the screen. I flipped the view from selfie mode and Sonia’s image blossomed onto the screen. She was so involved with showing her boyfriend what he was missing, she had no idea her show had just become an entry for my private video archives. I propped the phone against the glass, then sat back so she wouldn’t see me if she looked out the window.

Sonia teased the guy by flashing her legs and tits for a few minutes while they talked. She leaned close to the tablet and said something then he opened his jeans and pulled out his cock, it was stiff as a board and as soon as it was free it began to bounce as he flexed it for her. Sonia clapped her hands, smiled hugely then put her fuck finger in her mouth and began to lick and suck on it while he stroked his boner. In moments she fell back to the bed and pulled her skirt high enough to bare her body. He said something then Sonia put her wet finger between her legs then slid it into herself. She started fingering her pussy while he jacked off for her. My prick was hot steel but I was shaking like I was packed in ice while I recorded the action through the window.

Sonia pulled her hand from between her legs and stood, in seconds her dress was a rag on the floor and he stripped too, in seconds the two were naked and resumed their intimate masturbation. My sister was on her back, her knees high and wide giving him a full view of her hairless crotch while she plunged two fingers deep. He was on the laptop monitor, feet wide, pumping his handle. Sonia and her boyfriend kept talking, I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I’m pretty sure they weren’t talking about the weather.

My cock was straining with pent-up forces so I pulled my shorts down and began to stroke while watching my nude sister masturbate for the guy on the screen. It was maybe another four or five minutes before Sonia started squeaking loud enough, I could hear her through the glass, she was climaxing. As her ass bounced on the bed the boyfriend started squirting big blotches of cum on the floor and my balls exploded. The three of us, me, him, and my sister, all got off at the same time. When my body quit cramping, I grabbed my phone and scrambled back to my room. That night I hammered my balls into submission once more while watching the video of my sister finger fucking herself.

The porch roof became my nighttime perch. I spent several more nights sitting outside the glow from the window watching Sonia in her room. My cock set world records for being hard because she liked to walk around her room naked before she went to bed. I sat for hours fantasizing about her big beautiful tits in my hands, her shaved pussy under my mouth. Twice more I was treated to her and her boyfriend doing video sex. I was going to need a lot more memory for my phone if she kept it up.

A couple of months after my first nighttime foray to the roof, Sonia surprised the shit out of me. She started her video chat with her boyfriend then when she had her panties off, she reached under a pillow and pulled out a huge fucking dildo. It was shaped like a real boner, about nine inches long, and as fat and brown as an ass-hurting turd. Sonia laid on her back with her legs wide, her webcam was pointed right at her pussy. She pulled her skirt out of the way, then grabbed a bottle of body oil to slick up her plaything. My sister stroked her plastic boner until it glistened with oil then put the end of it on her slit. She rubbed it up and down while the guy on the screen held his nuts. Slowly Sonia pushed that big brown dildo in, getting used to its size until the plastic nuts pressed against her. Never in all my fantasies was my prick as big as it felt just then. As if I had any doubts before, I knew for certain my big sister was no virgin, not with that fucking thing jammed so far in.

I watched Sonia fuck herself with the dildo until I couldn’t hold off the pressure. Reluctantly I left the window, back to my room to review the video as I jacked off, then because my boner wouldn’t die, I whacked it again. I made a vow that night. I was gonna fuck my sister for real.



“I got something so show you, got a minute?”

“Make it quick, I’m getting ready for a date.”

I was scared as hell, shaking like a weak tree in an earthquake when I set my smartphone on her vanity and started the big dildo fuck video. As soon as it came on the screen I scrambled out of her room, no way was I going to be near when she realized what she was watching. Maybe ten seconds after I fled, Sonia screamed “What the fuck is this! Chad, you little bastard, what is this, where did you get it!? You goddamn fuck, where are you!” My sister stormed into my room and threw my phone at me. I ducked the phone and heard it hit the wall behind me as she screeched, “You better start making up some serious prayers because you are about to die, how did you do that?”

I was standing on the opposite side of my bed, ready to run left or right if she started to come at me, “Where do you think I got it, I took that video when you were screwing yourself for your chatroom boyfriend. That ain’t the only one either.”

She looked at my window and the full realization of what I’d been doing hit her, “You’ve been crawling out on the roof and spying on me? How long Chad, how many fucking years have you been doing that?”

“Only a couple of months.”

She was outraged, shouting, “How many videos have you made; what have you done with them, have any of your friends seen me!?”

“Nobody, I don’t let anybody see them, only me.”

“Don’t lie you little shit,” she snarled ominously.

My sister looked slightly less stressed when I vowed, “I swear Sonia, no lies, I never showed anybody that stuff.” The bright red color of her face faded a little, she took a deep breath and glared at me for a few more moments then turned and left the room. I picked up my phone, the face was cracked but the video was still running.

I didn’t see Sonia until the next day when she charged into my room after school, I could tell she was still pissed, “How many videos do you have, what did you see and record?”

“Nine. That big fuck toy was the last one.”

“Show me, I want to see them.” I was still wary about being so close to her with no witnesses in the house but I swiped my phone, Sonia sat on the bed beside me then I started with the first. It struck me odd that as we watched her strip and play for her boyfriend, she became less tense and more relaxed. After the fourth video, maybe a total of 40 minutes, Sonia stood to leave the room, “I have to do something but I want to watch the rest, what are you doing later?”

“Just hanging with Seth.”

“Skip him, after dinner let’s go in my car somewhere, you can show me the rest of those, how much time is there total?”

“Not sure, maybe another two hours.”

“We’ll go to Gator Lake, bring the phone.” The terror I felt while I showed her the first recording welled up in my guts again. I was pretty sure Sonia was planning to kill me somehow and feed my body to the alligators.

Somewhere near 10 that night I was in my sister’s car, we had watched four more videos and were sitting back sharing a bottle of water. We’d been there over an hour and she hadn’t threatened me or started a big fight so I was calming down, she said, “Don’t do that anymore Chad, don’t try to spy on me again.”

I needed to say something to keep her cool, “It’s okay Sonia, I won’t.”

“Well, just to be sure I’m going to keep my curtains closed from now on. Swear to whatever Devil you worship that you haven’t shown those to your buddies or on Snapchat or something?”

“I swear, nobody but me has seen any of those, it’s not like I want my sister to get a rep as a webcam slut or something.”

Sonia asked me to hand her a clutch from the glove compartment. After she got it, she opened it and then pulled out a pot pipe and some weed, “I wanna get stoned, you too?”

I wasn’t a stranger to getting high but had never been offered to smoke up with my sibling before, “Uh, yeah, sure.”

After my sister and I puffed a bowl of weed, Sonia leaned back on her seat, opened the window for fresh air then asked, “Did you get hard watching that shit?”

The question embarrassed me, not only did I get erections watching while I made the videos, I got stiff watching them later. Since I had just viewed some of my sister’s masturbation episodes with her sitting beside me, I had a big damn log in my pants, “Uh, kind of.”

“What the hell do you mean ‘kind of? Most guys I know would rip their pants open looking at something like that. You if aren’t hard, you’re gay, and I know you screw Jamie so you’re not gay. You’re hard right now, aren’t you?”

“You know about Jamie?”

“Hell yeah, she’s isn’t too shy to tell me what you two do.”

Despite my sister’s revelation, I didn’t want to discuss my physical condition, “Come on Sonia, we better go home.”

Sonia transformed right in front of me, she changed from serious and superior to impish and lighthearted, she was grinning as she asked, “Don’t you want to show me the rest of the videos?”

“Ah,” I hesitated, “Maybe some other time?”

“What’s the matter little brother, you have a problem you need to take care of?”

I was beginning to overheat with embarrassment, “No, not really, let’s just go home.”

My sister leaned over the console toward me, put a hand on my upper leg then slid her fingers between my thighs and caressed my balls as she said, “You do, don’t you? Watching me fuck my long fat sex toy turns you on, doesn’t it?” Her hand moved more until she was pressing on my erection, “See, I knew it, I may be your sister, but I have a pussy and that turns you on, this proves it.” She rested her head on my shoulder and started rubbing the outline of my cock under my Levi’s.

When Sonia first touched me, I felt like a little boy caught doing something naughty; ashamed, and in trouble. But, by the second time she stroked my cock, I was seventeen again and stopped resisting her advances. I sat very damn still for maybe three minutes while she gripped, rubbed, and pressed on the bulge in my pants, she never said a word, just watched my lap while she fondled me.

I was going to cum in my pants; I would have a big fucking sticky wet mess for the ride home but that was of no concern just then, my nut pressure built quickly, and my erection began to cramp and gush. I moaned out loud. While my ass was jerking on the seat my sister began to smile, the sparks in her eyes lit up the interior of the car. When I was done convulsing Sonia started the car and drove home, neither of us said a word to the other for the rest of the night.

For the next few days, me and Sonia acted completely normal, by that I mean she growled and snarled at me just because I was alive, and I openly showed disdain for my sister. We were one normal happy family, just like for the seventeen years we had to endure each other. The Saturday after she made me show her the videos, she caught me just leaving the house, “Hey, where you going, how long will you be gone?”

“Me and Quint are going to the skate park, it closes at 11:00 so I’ll be home after that, why?”

“I want you to do something for me later after you come home.”


Sonia smiled then went all cryptic, “I won’t tell you until you get here, but I’m pretty sure you won’t mind.”

That night, after I came home Sonia was waiting for me. She called me outside where we smoked some of her marijuana. I was curious about what she wanted but wasn’t about to turn down a good high. Once the pipe was done, she informed me, “I want you to do more videos when I’m messing around for my boyfriend.”

I was immediately interested but had to ask, “Can’t you prop up your phone and do them yourself?”

“You can move around, take video from different places and angles.”


“Don’t ask, get your smartphone and come to my room.”

My memory was almost full so I downloaded my sister videos to my tablet which gave me 128 gigs of space for the coming night. I wouldn’t use it all, but then maybe she would extend her nude fucking around to more nights. Our parents were already in bed so she and I had the night to ourselves. It was seven minutes after eleven when I heard her knock on the wall between our rooms. It took me less than five seconds to get to her room.

Sonia was standing by the bed with her pipe in her hand, “Let’s do another,” she suggested. After we were properly motivated my sister told me what she wanted, “I’m gonna get naked then I want you to record while you put my dildo in me, but keep your face from the camera, I don’t want him to see you’re my brother. Your hands and arms are okay, but don’t get your face on camera.”

My cock became an erection in seconds, I had to ask, “Why?”

“Cause that motherfucker screwed that crazy bitch Cassie, and I want him to know I can screw around too, but he can’t know who you are.”

I keyed my video record then my sister went into stripper mode. She started a pop song then danced for and flirted with the camera while pulling her clothes off. It took maybe two minutes until she was posing nude. Sonia flopped onto the bed then reached under her pillow to grab a sex toy, it wasn’t the same big brown dildo I’d seen earlier, but a smaller handheld that had a big bulb at the end that narrowed to a battery compartment at the other end. Sonia flipped to her stomach and then turned far enough to say, “Turn it on then use it, fuck me slowly with it.” I twisted the cap/switch and it began to vibrate softly, quietly. I held my smartphone in one hand while Sonia spread her legs. I put the thick end of the toy against the lips of her pussy and the effect was immediate, my sister jerked her ass and sighed a light moan. As I caressed her cunt, my cock was growing like Jack’s bean stock, swelling massive and aching with sexual stress.

After a minute or so of teasing her pussy and clit with the vibrating end of the dildo, I pushed her toy into her cunt and began to fuck her with it. Sonia pushed up on her elbows then got her pot pipe and lit up. While I tickled her with the toy, she puffed a large hit then held the pipe back to me. I had to put the smartphone down so I propped it up against her thigh so it was focused on her crack and the thing in her. I took a hit and blew the smoke across her ass, anybody watching would know I was getting stoned too. The rush to my head was as intense as the rush to my balls and my erection was jammed tight in my pants, “Sonia, I gotta take my pants off, I hurt.”

She pushed up and over until she was lying on her back, the dildo fell to the bed where she picked it up and turned it off. The sight of my stoned, gorgeously naked sister lying on her back with her legs spread caused my cock to grow even more, “Okay, show me what you got,” she giggled.

I got off the bed and pulled my pants and shorts down and off, my cock was bouncing and straining toward the ceiling. Sonia picked up my smartphone and started a digital record of my cock and balls, careful to keep my face from view, “That son-of-a-bitch is gonna regret fucking that skank,” she mumbled as she moved the camera to get a sideways view of my hard-on.

After several moments of viewing my erection, she turned the phone so her face was on the screen, “See that you cock-sucker, I can fuck around too.” She handed me the phone then picked up her dildo and stuffed it in her slit again. I focused on the thing as she plunged it as far as she could then held still, feeling how it vibrated inside her. Sonia flopped her head back on a pillow and rubbed her pussy with her other hand while I caught it all in my phone memory. My nuts had turned to granite.

My sister fucked herself for about three minutes then she started humping on the bed, her pussy gushed a light stream of girl cum as she yelped her pleasure. That was it for me, I couldn’t hold off any longer. Even before she pulled the little fuck toy out, I was between her legs, trying to jam my cock into my sister. She managed to clear her cunt for me then without any form of resistance or objection let me slam my cock into her. Sonia reached for my phone which was still in record mode then held it out to catch the action between her legs as I screwed her.

It took me maybe five minutes before I had to finish. I warned my sister, “I’m gonna cum, I’ll squirt all over your pussy, get it on camera.”

Sonia moved the phone so it was aimed over my ass, at my balls, “No, cum in me, I’m gonna show him my leaking pussy.” Having her permission to fill her cunt with my discharge ended our sexual session. I groaned as the air was forced from my lungs by the convulsions of my climax.

We were lying side by side watching the 17-minute video, Sonia was smiling happily, “This is the last time he will ever see me naked.” I reached between her legs then with two fingers teased her clit and smeared my cum over the lips of her cunt. She shut off my smartphone, rolled to face me, and offered, “Let’s do it again, only without the camera, start with my dildo, but when you fuck me, put the toy in my ass.”

As my cock began to transform into an erection, I pushed my sister’s fake prick into her again.

Trib FanReport 

2022-12-08 13:39:46
Was an OK story....

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